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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polisreformen ur lokalpolisers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om polisreformens innebörd för lokalpoliser

Velander, Ellinor, Rasol, Narin January 2020 (has links)
The aim behind this work was to investigate whether the Police Authority's reorganization in 2015 had any impact on local policing. In order to get an answer to this, 8 local police officers were interviewed in different regions around the country. Due to the current situation with Covid-19, and geographical distances, these semi- structured interviews were conducted over the phone. This was because the interview participants were not willing to meet and also on the recommendation not to travel around Sweden.The results of the interviews showed that the majority of participants were dissatisfied with the reorganization. The implementation of the reorganization led to disappointment and dismissal among police employees, partly due to dissatisfaction with changes that led to the disappearance of important skills. The positive thing, on the other hand, was that communication and flexibility among different police regions had improved.The participants in the interview were the common conclusion that the Police Authority should listen to those who work in the field in order to create as good a authority as possible. / Syftet bakom detta arbete var att undersöka om Polismyndighetens omorganisation år 2015 haft någon påverkan på det lokala polisarbetet. För att få svar på detta intervjuades 8 lokalpoliser i olika regioner runtom i landet. På grund av den rådande situationen med Covid-19, samt geografiska avstånd, genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer på telefon. Detta berodde på att intervjudeltagarna inte var villiga att träffas och även på rekommendationen att inte resa runt i Sverige.Resultatet av intervjuerna visade på att majoriteten av deltagarna var missnöjda med omorganisationen. Genomförandet av omorganisationen ledde till besvikelse och uppsägningar bland de polisanställda, bland annat på grund av missnöje kring förändringar som gjorde att viktig kompetens försvann. Det positiva, å andra sidan, var att kommunikationen och flexibiliteten bland olika polisregioner blivit bättre. Intervjudeltagarnas gemensamma slutsats var att Polismyndigheten bör lyssna på de som arbetar ute på fält för att kunna skapa en sån bra myndighet som möjligt.

Prestationsmätning och daglig styrning på enhetsnivå : En fallstudie om utformning och användning

Bergman, Jessica, Notström, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Prestationsmätning och daglig styrning är två frekvent förekommande styrmedel i verksamheter oavsett bransch. I samband med att styrmedel ifrågasätts blir förändringsprocesser aktuella för företag. En vanligt förekommande förändringsprocess idag är en omorganisering. I denna fallstudie identifieras faktiska insikter om prestationsmätning och daglig styrning i en koncern med olika verksamheter. Syftet är att analysera samt förklara utformning och användning av prestationsmätning och daglig styrning på enhetsnivå i en verksamhet som genomgått en omorganisation. Studien bygger vidare på tidigare studiers slutsatser om målöverensstämmelse med prestationsmätning efter en omorganisation och har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i målstyrning tillsammans med målsättningsteorin. Studiens metod är kvalitativ med inslag av deduktion och induktion. I fallstudien används semistrukturerade intervjuer vid insamling av empiri. Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan utformning samt användning av prestationsmätning och daglig styrning trots att det är olika verksamheter som bedrivs. Sambandet mellan utformning och användning grundar sig i att båda faktorerna är beroende av ett företags målstyrning och hur de bryts ner för respektive verksamhet. Hur en verksamhet utformar och använder prestationsmätning och daglig styrning beror på verksamheten som bedrivs. Följaktligen utformas och används olika kombinationer av finansiella, icke-finansiella, individuella samt kollektiva mål och mått. Studiens slutsatser är att målstyrning är en viktig faktor när ett företag utformar samt använder prestationsmätning och daglig styrning. Omorganisering är en mindre yttre faktor men kan vara bidragande för att identifiera samordningsvinster som inte tidigare existerade. / Performance measurement and daily control are two frequently occurring policy instruments in businesses regardless of industry. In connection with the questioning of instruments, change processes become relevant for the business. Today, a well-known change process is a reorganization. This case study identifies actual insights about performance measurement and daily control in a group with various businesses. The purpose is to analyze and explain the design and use of performance measurement and daily control at unit level in a business that has undergone a reorganization. The study isfurther based on previous studies’ conclusions about goal congruence with performance measurement after reorganization and the theoretical framework used is management by objectives combined with the goal-setting theory.The method of the study is qualitative with elements of deduction and induction. In the case study, semi-structured interviews are used for collecting empirical data. The study shows that there is a connection between design and the use of performance measurement and daily control, even though different businesses are conducted. The connection between design and use is based on the fact that both factors depend on a company's management by objectives and how they are broken down for each business. How a business designs and uses performance measurement and daily control depends on the business being conducted. Consequently, different combinations of financial, non-financial, individual and collective goals and measures are designed and used. The study concludes that management by objectives is an important factor when a company designs and uses performance measurement and daily control. Reorganization is a minor external factor but can help in identifying synergy effects that did not previously exist.

On-Disk Sequence Cache (ODSC): Using Excess Disk Capacity to Increase Performance

Slade, Christopher Ryan 14 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
We present an on-disk sequence cache (ODSC), which improves disk drive performance. An ODSC uses a separate disk partition to store disk data in the order that the operating system requests it. Storing data in this order reduces the amount of seeking that the disk drive must do. As a result, the average disk access time is reduced. Reducing the disk access time improves the performance of the system, especially when booting the operating system, loading applications, and when main memory is limited. Experiments show that our ODSC speeds up application loads by as much as 413%. Our ODSC also reduces the disk access time of the Linux boot by 396%, and speeds up a Linux kernel make by 28%. We also show that an ODSC improves performance when main memory is limited.

Huvudentreprenörens övertagande av underentreprenörers materialansvar : Effekter och förutsättningar / The change of material responsibility from subcontractor to main contractor : Effects and prerequisites

Säfström, Olivia, Söderbaum, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Det finns stora förbättringsmöjligheter inom logistiken i byggbranschen då den idag är väldigt kostsam och innebär många störningar i produktionen. Den logistik som sköts av underentreprenörerna i ett byggprojekt är ofta ej synkroniserad med huvudentreprenörens logistik vilket innebär ytterligare svårigheter. Dålig kommunikationen mellan aktörerna och en relation som karaktäriseras av misstro försvårar en mer integrerad logistik. Denna studie syftar därmed till att undersöka en alternativ lösning där huvudentreprenören övertar underentreprenörens materialansvar. En sådan lösning innebär att huvudentreprenören är ansvarig för all logistik och att underentreprenören utför monteringen. Genom intervjuer med en huvudentreprenör samt flera underentreprenörer och leverantörer har denna studie försökt besvara både hur bygglogistiken och relationen mellan huvudentreprenör och underentreprenör påverkas. I och med ett övertagande av materialansvaret får huvudentreprenören ökad kontroll över logistiken vilket innebär ett större ansvar men även möjligheter att förbättra leveranssäkerheten och att huvudtidplanen följs. Då de hanterar all logistik kan de i högre grad nyttja resurser som t.ex. samlastning via mellanlager och en intern tredjepartlogistiker. Huvudentreprenören kan även ha en tidigare och tydligare kommunikation med leverantören. Underentreprenören får ett minskat ansvar i och med övertagandet och även en minskad kontroll över logistiken vilket leder till att de blir mer beroende av huvudentreprenören. Detta innebär ett ökat samarbete mellan aktörerna och därmed krävs en förbättrad kommunikation. Ett övertagande innebär vidare att huvudentreprenören blir mindre beroende av underentreprenören vilket ökar risken för att underentreprenören ersätts. Den främsta fördelen med ett förändrat materialansvar är enligt studien att byggplatslogistiken förbättras. Svårigheter i övertagandet ligger dels i kulturella normer då det innebär en förändring av underentreprenörens roll i bygglogistiken men även i huvudentreprenörens brist på kunskap om underentreprenörens material. Vidare visar studien att det finns en oro bland aktörerna kring vem som är ansvarig vid problem med materialet och att omorganiseringen kräver en utredningsprocess som avgör om byggnationsfel orsakats av materialfel eller monteringsfel. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det finns en stor potential i att huvudentreprenören övertar underentreprenörens materialansvar men för att en sådan omorganisering ska bli lyckad så bör underentreprenören vara involverad i utformandet. Vidare krävs en tydlig ansvarsfördelning, en förbättrad kommunikation och en förståelse för andra aktörers perspektiv. Lyckas aktörerna med detta kan omorganiseringen innebära en effektivare produktion. / In the area of building logistics there are great possibilities for improvement since it is today very costly and entails many disruptions in the production. The logistics handled by the subcontractors are often not synchronized with the logistics of the main contractor which leads to more difficulties. Bad communication between the actors and a relationship characterized by mistrust hinders more integrated logistics. The purpose of this study is to examine an alternative solution where the material responsibility is changed from the subcontractor to the main contractor. Such a solution entails that the main contractor is responsible for all the logistics and that the subcontractor will perform the assembly. Through interviews with a main contractor and several subcontractors and suppliers this study aims to answer both how the building logistics and the relationship between main contractor and subcontractor will be affected. As an effect of the change of material responsibility the main contractor will get a higher level of control over the logistics which results in a bigger responsibility but also the possibility to improve deliverance certainty and that the main time schedule is followed. As a consequence of them handling all the logistics they can to a greater extent utilize resources such as joint loading via storage facilities or an internal third-party logistics provider. The main contractor can have an earlier and more direct communication with the supplier. The subcontractor will have less responsibility as a result of the change but also a lowered control over the logistics which leads to a stronger dependence on the main contractor. This implies an increased cooperation between the actors and thus a demand for an improved communication. The main contractor will become less dependent on the subcontractor and therefore the risk for the subcontractor to be replaced will increase. The main benefit with the change of material responsibility is according to the study that the on-site logistics will improve. Difficulties with the reorganization are partly in cultural norms as it will change the subcontractor’s role in the construction logistics and partly in the main contractor’s lack of knowledge about the subcontractor’s material. The study also shows that there is a worry among the actors about who is responsible when a material problem occurs and the change demands an investigation process to determine whether a construction error is caused by a material or assembly error.  To conclude; this study shows a big potential in the material responsibility changing from the subcontractor to the main contractor but for such a reorganization to be successful the subcontractor should be included in the process of developing the reorganization. Furthermore, this demand a clear division of responsibilities, an improved communication and an understanding for the other actors’ perspective. If the actors succeed with this change of material responsibility it can lead to a more effective production.

The impact of ischemic injury on behavioral outcomes and cortical interactions in rats

Touvykine, Boris 03 1900 (has links)
L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est une maladie débilitante qui a rendu des centaines de milliers de personnes handicapées. Les lésions du cortex moteur entraînent des déficiences motrices dont certaines sont permanentes. Le rat est le modèle animal le plus populaire dans la recherche sur les AVC. Il est capable de mouvements adroits d'atteinte et de préhension malgré un système moteur cortical beaucoup plus simple qui se compose de deux régions motrices des membres antérieurs, une plus grande région, l’aire caudale de la patte antérieure (CFA), considérée comme un équivalent du M1; et une plus petite, l’aire rostrale de la patte antérieure (RFA), considérée comme prémoteur. Leur contribution exacte à la production de mouvement, et leurs effets modulateurs sur le cortex moteur controlatéral ne sont pas clairs. L'effet des AVC sur les différentes modalités de mouvement et sur la réorganisation ipsi- et contralésionnelle n'a pas non plus été quantifié chez le rat. L'ensemble actuel d'expériences vise à établir l'impact de l'AVC ischémique sur les résultats comportementaux et les interactions corticales chez le rat. Dans le chapitre 1, le contexte scientifique et les connaissances actuelles de l’AVC comme trouble moteur du système nerveux central sont revus. Dans le chapitre 2, une relation entre les accidents vasculaires cérébraux de différentes tailles et les troubles du comportement et la récupération sur différentes modalités comportementales a été établie. Dans le chapitre 3, nous avons caractérisé les différences de retour moteur de deux régions corticales du membre antérieur et quantifié les effets modulateurs du cortex moteur du membre antérieur controlatéral sur ledit retour moteur. Enfin, nous avons quantifié la réorganisation du retour moteur et la modulation controlatérale suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral dans le cortex moteur des membres antérieurs au chapitre 4. Le chapitre 5 conclue la thèse avec une discussion générale et des orientations futures pour la recherche. Les résultats présentés ici établissent un lien clair entre les dommages aux sous-régions corticales et l'altération de domaines moteurs spécifiques. La caractérisation des différences dans les retours moteurs du CFA et du RFA ainsi que leurs interactions interhémisphériques ont confirmé leurs rôles distincts dans le contrôle moteur et établit une base pour des comparaisons avec les primates. Enfin, des preuves nouvelles et surprenantes de réorganisation bilatérale après un AVC ont été définies et caractérisées. / Stroke is a debilitating condition that has left hundreds of thousands of people disabled. Injury to the motor cortex leads to motor impairments, some of which are permanent. The rat is the most popular animal model in stroke research. It is capable of dexterous reach and grasp movements, despite having a much simpler cortical motor system, which consists of two forelimb motor regions; the larger area is the caudal forelimb area (CFA), thought to be an M1 equivalent, and the smaller one is rostral forelimb area (RFA), considered to be premotor. Neither their exact contribution to movement production nor modulatory effects on the contralateral motor cortex are clear. The effect of strokes on different movement modalities and the ipsi- and contralesional reorganization has not been quantified in the rat either. The current set of experiments set out to establish the impact of ischemic stroke on behavioral outcomes and cortical interactions in the rat. Chapter 1 introduces the scientific background and the present understanding of stroke as a motor disorder of the central nervous system. In Chapter 2, a relationship between strokes of various sizes and behavioral impairment and recovery on different behavioral modalities was established. In Chapter 3, we characterized the differences in motor outputs from two cortical forelimb regions and quantified the modulatory effects of the contralateral forelimb motor cortex on said motor outputs. Lastly, we quantified the reorganization of motor outputs and contralateral modulation following a stroke in the forelimb motor cortex in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis with the general discussion and future directions. The results presented here establish a clear link between damage to cortical subregions and impairment to specific motor domains. Characterization of differences in motor outputs of the CFA and RFA as well as their interhemispheric interactions confirmed their distinct roles in motor control and lay the groundwork for comparisons to primates. Lastly, novel and surprising evidence of bilateral reorganization after stroke was defined and characterized.

Navy and Marine Corps Opposition to the Goldwater Nichols Act of 1986

Wills, Steven T. 26 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

COVID-19 - En svensk koncerns mardröm eller möjlighet? : En fallstudie av COVID-19 ́s påverkan på en svensk koncern med fokus på ledarskap

Karmfalk, Tom, Olsson, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Bachelor Thesis Business Administration III, Organization 15 hp, 2FE78E, Linnaeus University of Kalmar, Spring 2021. Authors: Tom Karmfalk & Filippa Olsson Advisor: Olle Duhlin Examinator: Hans Wessblad Title: COVID-19 - A swedish corporate group's nightmare or possibility? ___________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide an insight into the leadership within an industry in a highly crisis-affected industry and contribute to insights into the importance of leadership and the impact on crisis management. With support from the qualitative data collection via semi-structured interviews, the study will show how the pandemic has been handled by leaders in Parks and Resorts in a very vulnerable industry, the hospitality industry. Problem formulation: How have leaders in a swedish corporate group in the hospitality industry acted to handle the consequences followed by COVID-19? Method: A case study that deals with the phenomenon of leadership in the COVID-19 crisis in its various forms. Through an inductive approach. The collection of data has taken the form of a qualitative collection method. Conclusion: This study shows the results of how important it is to have good and safe leadership in a crisis, how leaders handle stress and the value of communication for a corporate group striving for a goal. Also a group's forced reorganization because of COVID-19 and how stakeholders can affect a corporation's result during a crisis. Key words: COVID-19, Organization, Leadership, Corporate group, Crisis, Stress, Reorganization, Stakeholders / Sammanfattning Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi III, Organisation 15 hp, 2FE78E, Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar., VT 2021. Författare: Tom Karmfalk & Filippa Olsson Handledare: Olle Duhlin Examinator: Hans Wessblad Titel: COVID-19 - En svensk koncerns mardröm eller möjlighet. ___________________________________________________________________________ Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att ge en inblick i ledarskap vid en extrem krissituation som COVID-19 och genom den informationen bidra till hur verksamheter ska arbeta med ledarskap och krishantering. Med stöd i den kvalitativa datainsamlingen via semistrukturerade intervjuer, kommer studien visa på hur pandemin hanterats av ledare i Parks and Resorts inom en väldigt utsatt bransch, besöksnäringen. Problemformulering: Hur har ledare i en svensk koncern inom besöksnäringen agerat för att hantera konsekvenserna till följd av COVID-19? Metod: En fallstudie som behandlar fenomenet ledarskap vid krisen COVID-19 i dess olika former. Genom en induktiv ansats. Insamling av data har skett i form av en kvalitativ insamlingsmetod. Slutsats: Den här studien visar resultat på hur viktigt det är med bra och tryggt ledarskap vid en kris, hur ledare hanterar stress och kommunikationens värde för en koncerns strävan efter ett mål. Även en koncerns påtvingade omorganisering av COVID-19 samt hur intressenter kan påverka en verksamhets resultat under en kris. Nyckelord: COVID-19, Organisation, Ledarskap, Koncern, Kris, Stress, Omorganisering, Intressenter

Převzetí společnosti skrze insolvenční řízení (SAZKA, a.s.) / Takeover of through insolvency proceedings (SAZKA, a.s.)

Nedvědová, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with takeovers in the Czech environment according to the Insolvency Act No. 182/2006 Coll., which passed an amendment to the 1. 1. 2008. There are methods of resolving insolvency of the debtor and principles of insolvency proceedings which should be followed during the insolvency process. Work distinguishes friendly and hostile takeover. The theoretical part provides an overview of possible ways of takeover, the reasons that motivate new owners to think about a possible takeover and globally applicable defense strategies. Another theoretical starting point is consideration of the reorganization of the company, which may be conducted by both the debtor and of the creditor(s). The practical part describes the hostile takeover of SAZKA from its history, through description of the key moments of crisis to insolvency proceedings which resulted in the bankruptcy of the debtor. Subsequent hostile takeover was directed by PPF and KKCG, which bought up commitment wagers and therefore became important creditors (controlling the betting and lottery activities) and later winner of the tender for the sale of the entire company. This case is a textbook example of takeover of the company, which had fallen into financial distress. The battle for the largest lottery company in the country was very hard, long and eventually resulted in a very profitable business, which fell into the arms of a single owner.

Managerial reforms within the United States government

Townsend, Jacqueline Michelle 01 January 2005 (has links)
This research project examines Presidential and Congressional attempts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the United States government. It describes prior reform efforts and then focuses on President George W. Bush's management agenda.

Transformational leadership : challenges for leaders at the National Institute for Higher Education in the Northern Cape (South Africa)

Laubscher, Teresa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Background to the study: The Critical Care nursing programme at the Faculty of Health Sciences (Stellenbosch University) is a one-year programme. The practical component consists of practical procedures and case presentations. Students have limited time available in the clinical areas to reach competency in the practical skills. Students tend to use the majority of the clinical teaching time available to reach competency in these practical procedures, rather than discussing the patient and learning the skills to integrate and understand the patient’s condition and treatment, which they can acquire by doing case presentations. The end result of this misuse of clinical contact time is that some of the students, by the end of their programme, still have difficulty to integrate a patient’s diagnosis and treatment regime, although they have managed to complete the expected practical procedures. Summary of the work: A case study design was used. I wanted to investigate whether one could make use of simulation and the Clinical Skills Centre (CSC) to complete the majority of the practical procedures so that more time would be available in the clinical areas for the students to do case presentations. The study focuses on describing how the tutors and students involved experienced the use of simulation, as well as how it impacted on the available teaching time in the clinical areas. Conclusions and recommendations: Some of the most important issues that were highlighted in the study and needs to be mentioned are the following: · The students highly valued supervision by a Critical Care tutor when practising their skills in the CSC. · Students indicated that they valued the opportunity to practise some of the more risky procedures in simulation, because it presents no risk to patients. · Case presentations seem important to be added to the CSC’s practical sessions in order to attempt making the practical simulated scenarios even more realistic. · The teaching at the bedside in the clinical areas used to be done somewhat ad hoc. With the teaching in the CSC now being much more structured, this necessitates the teaching at the bedside to be revisited and to be structured to a certain extent. Summary of the results: The information obtained from the Critical Care tutors and the students indicated that these two groups were largely in agreement that simulation seems to be valuable and can effectively be used in a Critical Care nursing programme.

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