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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réparation devant la Cour pénale internationale : quel droit pour les victimes?

Aké, Tchimou Yannick Kévin 11 1900 (has links)
La Cour pénale internationale a été créée dans un but à la fois de répression et de réparation. Ces deux objectifs continuent de se concrétiser et sont clairement devenus indissociables de toute définition qu’on pourrait donner à la CPI. Cependant, si une égalité apparente pourrait exister entre ces deux objectifs, l’effectivité de la réparation s’est montrée, à bien des égards, dépendante de l’effectivité de la répression. La décision du 1er juillet 2016 rendue dans l’affaire Ruto et Sang a confirmé et renforcer cette dépendance. Malheureusement, les victimes sont celles qui paient le plus de frais de cette réalité. Il devient donc urgent pour la CPI de régler cette situation, ne serait-ce que pour offrir plus d’espoir aux victimes. Le salut pourrait venir d’une remise en cause des principes régissant les procédures devant la Cour. Sans rien inventer, la CPI pourrait grandement s’inspirer de certaines pratiques étatiques. D’abord, il pourrait être envisagé de dissocier et de rendre autonomes les procédures qui visent la condamnation pénale et celles qui visent la réparation, de sorte à rendre l’absence de condamnation pénale inopportune pour la détermination de la responsabilité civile de l’accusé. De plus, il pourrait être envisagé des alternatives lorsqu’il n’y a pas de civilement responsable, de sorte à offrir une reconnaissance juridique aux victimes et à leur donner une ordonnance de réparation. En ce sens, la CPI gagnerait peut-être à aller au-delà de la responsabilité individuelle. Enfin, les États devraient être mis un peu plus à contribution en renforçant leurs obligations respectives à l’égard des victimes. / The International Criminal Court was created for the purpose of both repression and reparation. These two objectives continue to materialize and have clearly become inseparable from any definition of the ICC. However, if an apparent equality could exist between them, the effectiveness of reparation has been shown, in many aspects, to be dependent on the effectiveness of repression. The July 1st, 2016 decision in the Ruto and Sang case confirmed and reinforced this dependence. Unfortunately, the victims are the ones who bear the brunt of this reality. It is therefore becoming urgent for the ICC to resolve this situation to offer more hope to victims. This could come from questioning the principles governing procedures before the Court. Without inventing anything, the ICC could greatly draw inspiration from certain State practices. First, consideration could be given to dissociating and making independent the procedures aimed at criminal conviction and those aimed at reparation, so as to make the absence of criminal conviction inappropriate for the determination of the civil liability of the accused. In addition, it could be considered other alternatives when there is no civil liability, such as offering legal recognition to victims by giving them a reparation order. In this sense, the ICC might benefit from going beyond individual responsibility. Finally, States should be made a little more involved by strengthening their respective obligations towards victims.


ROSE CARVALHO ROCHA ELIAS 19 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Frequentemente enfrenta-se grandes desafios na recuperação de amostras intactas de rejeitos com matrizes mais arenosas para a realização de ensaios laboratoriais. Essas dificuldades muitas vezes limitam a caracterização desses materiais ao uso de amostras reconstituídas, cuja capacidade de reproduzir o comportamento in-situ dos rejeitos está inerentemente ligada à capacidade do método de preparação da amostra de reproduzir a matriz do material. Vários estudos demostraram que o comportamento de rejeitos arenosos sob pequenas e grandes deformações são afetados pelos métodos empregados para preparação das amostras e o presente estudo busca entender de que forma a microestrutura pode interferir em tais variações. Buscando aprofundar nesta temática, a pesquisa objetivou realizar ensaios de caracterização física, química, mineralógica e microestrutural de uma amostra de rejeito de minério de ferro filtrado, predominantemente arenoso, testando três técnicas de reconstituição de amostra: Compactação com soquete (Moist tamping, MT), Pluviação úmida (Water pluviation, WP) e Deposição de lama (Slurry deposition, SD), avaliando a alteração na resposta da microestrutura do material frente às diferentes técnicas de moldagem. Foram realizados ensaios de análise de microtomografia computadorizada de raios X do material preparado com distintos índices de vazios, sendo: 0,70, 0,75 e 0,80. Ao final de cada preparação, as amostras foram submetidas ao congelamento instantâneo com o uso de nitrogênio líquido. De posse dos resultados, observou-se variações significativas entre os métodos de preparação de amostras do estudo, no que tange à disposição das partículas no meio, espaços vazios (porosidade) e influência da saturação do corpo de prova. Os resultados obtidos dos ensaios de microtomografia computadorizada indicaram arranjo desorientado e macroporoso entre as técnicas de reconstituição de amostras, observando-se similaridade microestrutural entre as técnicas MT e WP, tanto por constatação visual quanto por avaliação dos atributos microestruturais. A técnica de MT tende a formar grumos durante o processo de compactação com soquete, formando uma estrutura tida como favo de mel, podendo simular bem o empilhamento de rejeitos compactados. Já a técnica WP, devido ao seu processo de sedimentação natural, também tende a formar espaços vazios devido ao arranjo das partículas, sendo mais susceptível a sofrer segregação. Apesar disso, a técnica WP também pode ser aplicável para depósitos hidráulicos devido ao processo de sedimentação natural sem esforço de compactação. Já a técnica SD produz uma matriz de rejeito específica, influenciada pelo processo de homogeneização. Essa uniformidade das amostras observada na técnica SD pode representar bem depósitos hidráulicos, a depender das condições de lançamento de rejeito. Ademais, a pesquisa buscou avaliar a microestrutura de um rejeito de minério de ferro através da matriz gerada por cada técnica de reconstituição de amostras, identificando os aspectos que podem influenciar no arranjo e distribuição dos grãos no meio e macroporosidade. O congelamento instantâneo pode preservar as características das amostras, porém cada técnica possui suas limitações e individualidades as quais foram abordadas neste trabalho, e devem ser utilizadas com cautela para definição da técnica a ser adotada em função da condição do rejeito in-situ para fins de comparação. / [en] Great challenges are often faced in recovering intact samples from tailings with sandier matrices for carrying out laboratory tests. These difficulties often limit the characterization of these materials to the use of reconstituted samples, whose ability to reproduce the in-situ behavior of the tailings is inherently linked to the ability of the sample preparation method to reproduce the material matrix. Several studies have demonstrated that the behavior of sandy tailings under lows and highs deformations are affected by the methods used to prepare the samples and the present study seeks to understand how the microstructure can interfere with such variations. Seeking to delve deeper into this topic, the research aimed to carry out physical, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural characterization tests of a sample of filtered iron ore waste, predominantly sandy, testing three sample reconstitution techniques: Moist tamping (MT), Water pluviation (WP) and Slurry deposition (SD), evaluating the change in the response of the material s microstructure to different molding techniques. X-ray computed microtomography analysis tests were carried out on the prepared material with different void indices, being: 0.70, 0.75 and 0.80. At the end of each preparation, the samples were subjected to instant freezing using liquid nitrogen. With the results in hand, significant variations were observed between the study sample preparation methods, regarding the arrangement of particles in the medium, empty spaces (porosity) and the influence of the saturation of the specimen. The results obtained from microcomputed tomography tests indicated a disoriented and macroporous arrangement between the sample reconstitution techniques, observing microstructural similarity between the MT and WP techniques, both by visual observation and by evaluation of microstructural attributes. The MT technique tends to form lumps during the socket compaction process, forming a structure known as a honeycomb, which can well simulate the stacking of compacted waste. The WP technique, due to its natural sedimentation process, also tends to form voids due to the arrangement of the particles, being more susceptible to segregation. Despite this, the WP technique can also be applicable for hydraulic deposits due to the natural sedimentation process without compaction effort. The SD technique produces a specific waste matrix, influenced by the homogenization process. This uniformity of the samples observed in the SD technique may well represent hydraulic deposits, depending on the waste disposal conditions. Finally, the research sought to evaluate the microstructure of an iron ore tailings through the matrix generated by each sample reconstitution technique, identifying aspects that can influence the arrangement and distribution of grains in the environment and macroporosity. Instant freezing can preserve the characteristics of the samples; however each technique has its limitations and individualities, which were addressed in this work, and must be used with caution to define the technique to be adopted depending on the condition of the in-situ waste for the purpose of comparison.

Penologiese studie rakende restitusie as 'n bevel aan die slagoffer van misdaad

Van den Berg, Christina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om vanuit 'n Penologiese perspektief 'n teoreties-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee betreffende restitusie aan die slagoffer van misdaad. Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur navorsing tot insig en kennis te kom betref f ende die vraagstuk rondom slagof fervergoeding en meer spesifiek restitusie as slagoffervergoeding. Die proef skrif behels 'n beskrywing van slagoffervergoeding vanaf die vroegste tye wat as die historiese ontwikkeling van slagoffervergoeding gesien kan word tot en met die tydsvlak waarin die strafreg horn nou bevind. Restitusiestelsels van Brittanje, die Verenigde State van Amerika en vyf Europese lande is bespreek. Die Republiek van Suid Afrika beskik nie oor 'n kompensasie of restitusiestelsel om slagoffers te vergoed nie en daarom is slegs die status wat die slagof fer in die strafproses beklee, bespreek. Gedurende die bestudering van die onderskeie lande se restitusiestelsels kon selfs binne die Europese Unie, geen eenstemmige beleid gevind word ten opsigte van die omvang van restitusie aan die misdaadslagoffer nie. In al die lande wat bestudeer is was die doelstellings waarom restitusie ingestel is egter die.slfde naamlik dat die tradisionele strafmetodes waaronder gevangenisstraf en ondertoesigstelling gefaal het in hul pogings om die slagoffer van misdaad te akkommodeer. Navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesien teen die swak posisie wat die slagoffer van misdaad in Suid-Afrika beklee, die instelling van 'n restitusiestelsel 'n dringende noodsaaklikheid geword het. Die stelsel moet funksioneer vanuit die ondertoesigstellingsdepartement met as ondertoesigstellingsbeamptes as inyorderaars van restitusie wat ook as bemiddelaars kan optree. Aanbevelings is ook gedoen vir die implimentering van 'n sentrale slagoffervergoedingsfonds. / This desertion is an attempt to present, from a Penological perspective, a theoretical fundamental exposition regarding restitution to the victim of crime. The purpose of this study was to, through research, gain insight and knowledge with regard to the question of victim compensation and more specific restitution as victim compensation. The dissertation comprises a description of victim compensation from the earliest of times, which can be seen as the historical development of victim compensation, until the time period that criminal law finds itself in today. Restitution systems of Britain, the United States of America and five European countries are discussed. The Republic of South Africa does not possess a Compensation or restitution system to compensate victims and therefore only the status of the victim in the criminal process is discussed. During the study of different countries's restitution systems there could, not even in the European Union, agreement be found with regard to the extent of restitution to the victim of crime. In all of the countries studied, the purposes why restitution were emplaced were the same, namely that the traditional punishment process, where under imprisonment and under supervision, failed in their attempts to accommodate the victim of crime. Research came to the conclusion that, taken against the bad position that the victim of crime in South Africa holds, the emplacement of a restitution system have become a necessity. The system should function from the under supervisory department with the supervisory officials as collectors of restitution and which could also act as mediators. Recommendations are done for the implementation of a central victim compensation fund.· / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penologie)

Bliss i interaktion : - En samtalsanalytisk fallstudie av hur blissanvändare och tolkare tillsammans bygger upp yttranden

Abrahamsson, Lotta, Ljung, Ida-Karin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Réalité et vision. Réalisme magique et poétologie dans l’œuvre lyrique de Peter Huchel / Reality and Vision- magic realism and poetology in the lyric work of Peter Huchel

Jacob, Maryse 31 March 2012 (has links)
La production lyrique de Peter Huchel condense les ambivalences et les tensions d’un moment de l’histoire littéraire allemande où s’opposent l’univers magique hérité du romantisme et le désir de focaliser l’attention à la fois sur les apories d’une forme de lyrisme devenue caduque et sur une poésie en devenir. Elle s’enracine dans le réalisme magique de l’entre-deux-guerres qui prône paradoxalement le retour au concret et la recherche de l’harmonie perdue, rendant ainsi le pouvoir à l’imaginaire et invitant l’artiste à faire oeuvre de magie. L’étude porte sur les tensions entre écriture poétique et réalité extra-littéraire qui font l’objet de la réflexion constante du poète, non dans des écrits théoriques, mais à travers ses poèmes. Après une « première manière de dire », reflétant les distorsions entre une démarche conventionnelle et la conscience des nouveaux enjeux du lyrisme, le poète inverse dans une « seconde manière » le sens des procédés magiques pour faire table rase des codes classiques de la représentation et fonder une nouvelle magie. Univers sensible, corps, logos et mythe sont mis en pièces. Parallèlement, s’esquisse un nouveau projet esthétique qui tend vers le laconisme et s’adresse davantage à l’imagination qu’à la perceprtion, sans pour autant s’enfermer dans l’autoréférentialité. Le nouveau domaine de la poésie est un lieu instable et ouvert où la parole demeure inachevée, mais peut sans cesse être renouvelée. / In the lyric work of Peter Huchel the ambivalences and tensions of a certain moment in German literary history intensify when the contrast between the magic world – a legacy of romanticism- and the desire to focus on the apories of an old-fashioned lyricism on the one hand and on a newly-developing poetry on the other hand becomes obvious. Huchel’s poetry has its roots in the magic realism of the time between the two wars which – paradoxically –advocates the return to the concrete and the quest for a lost harmony giving power to the imaginary and inviting the artist to create a work of magic. The study evolves around the discrepancies between the poetic style and the reality outside literature, a topic the poet keeps reflecting on but not in his essays but in his poems. After a « first way of expression », which mirrors distortions between a conventional approach and the consciousness of a completely new starting point in the poetry, the poet changes in a « second way of expression » the sense of the magic method and leaves behind the classical codes of presentation giving way to a new magic. Physical universe, body, logos and myth are tom apart. At the same time a new esthetic programme becames visible which is directed at laconism and which addresses imagination more than perception without being caught in self-referentiality. This new domain of poetry is an instable but open field where the lyric language remains incomplete though renewable.

La responsabilité internationale de l'Etat pour fait colonial / The international responsibility of of State for colonial fact

Alhmri, Abdalbast 08 July 2013 (has links)
La colonisation peut-elle être considérée comme un acte illicite du point de vue du droit international ? La réponse à cette question est différente selon la temporalité retenue. La colonisation a été par le passé justifiée par des considérations humaines et même humanistes. Puis, le fait colonial, qui avait été longtemps exalté, est devenu illicite,à partir de multiples résolutions dont celle de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies 1514(1960). Parlez des problèmes d’attribution..... La réparation des dommages résultant de la colonisation relève de la compétence des tribunaux internationaux. Cette réparation peut prendre la forme de l'indemnisation, de la restitution, de la satisfaction et de la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité. / Colonization may not be considered an illicit act from the standpoint of international law? The answer to this question is different depending on the temporal restraint. Colonization has been in the past, justified by human considerations and even humanists. Subsequently colonized territories, facing the evolution of international law on the one hand and various recommendations from other people, have acquired a certain autonomy, which has been recognized by international law. Thus, the settlement which had long been exalted became illegal, and many resolutions have been taken in this direction. We can cite for example the resolution of the UN General Assembly 1514 (1960). As compensation for damage resulting from the settlement under the juridiction of international tribunals. Such compensation may take the form of compensation, restitution and satisfaction and the implementation of the responsibility?

Extreme radiation tolerance of Deinococcus deserti : Characterization of the central regulator IrrE

Ludanyi, Monika 27 November 2014 (has links)
Les bactéries du genre Deinococcus sont extrêmement tolérantes à de fortes doses de radiations. Des études antérieures ont montré que IrrE est nécessaire à la radiotolérance et à l'induction des gènes de réparation de l'ADN après exposition des cellules à l'irradiation. Pendant des années il est resté inconnu comment IrrE active l'expression de ces gènes. L'objectif de ma thèse était la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation dépendent de IrrE chez Deinococcus deserti. Pour cela, des approches biochimiques et génétiques ont été utilisées. Les premiers résultats ont fortement suggéré que IrrE agit indirectement sur l'activation de l'expression des gènes. En utilisant des expériences in vitro et in vivo, nous avons montré que IrrE de Deinococcus deserti interagit avec DdrO, un régulateur potentiel qui est codé par un gène radio-induit et qui est, comme IrrE, conservé chez les Deinococcus. De plus, IrrE clive DdrO in vitro mais aussi in vivo lorsque les deux protéines sont co-exprimées chez Escherichia coli. Ce clivage est abolit en présence d'un agent chélateur de métaux, l'EDTA. Chez D. deserti, le clivage de DdrO dépendent de IrrE a été observé mais seulement après exposition à l'irradiation. En parallèle, nous avons montré que la répression du promoteur d'un gène radio-inductible est dépendante de DdrO. Nos résultats montrent donc que IrrE est une métalloprotéase et nous proposons que le répresseur DdrO soit désactivé après clivage par IrrE conduisant à l'induction de différents gènes indispensables pour la réparation de l'ADN et la survie des cellules après exposition de Deinococcus à l'irradiation. / Deinococcus bacteria are famous for their extreme tolerance to high doses of radiation. Earlier studies have shown that IrrE protein is required for radiation tolerance and for induction of DNA repair genes after exposure of cells to radiation. However, for years it has remained unknown how IrrE activates gene expression. The aim of my thesis was to characterize the IrrE-dependent regulation pathway in Deinococcus deserti. For this, biochemical and genetic approaches were used. The first results strongly suggested that IrrE activates gene expression in an indirect manner. Then, using other in vivo and in vitro experiments, IrrE from Deinococcus deserti was found to interact with DdrO, a predicted regulator encoded by a radiation-induced gene that is, like irrE, highly conserved in Deinococcus. Moreover, IrrE was found to cleave DdrO in vitro and also in vivo when the proteins were co-expressed in Escherichia coli. This cleavage was not observed in the presence of the metal chelator EDTA. In D. deserti, IrrE-dependent cleavage of DdrO was observed only after exposure to radiation. Furthermore, DdrO-dependent repression of the promoter of a radiation-induced gene was shown. Our results demonstrate that IrrE is a metalloprotease and we propose that IrrE-mediated cleavage inactivates repressor protein DdrO, leading to transcriptional induction of various genes required for DNA repair and cell survival after exposure of Deinococcus to radiation.

Politiques de réconciliation en Australie et au Canada, orientations politiques, débats et actions

Bolognese, Gaia 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Reparação de danos decorrentes de acidentes do trabalho e doenças ocupacionais: abordagem sistêmica / Reparation of damages due to work related accidents and occupational diseases: a systemic approach.

Pinto Junior, Amaury Rodrigues 10 August 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda o problema da reparação dos danos acidentários e tem como objetivo inicial estabelecer uma coerência sistêmica entre o instituto da responsabilidade civil e a proteção previdenciária. Estudam-se sistemas reparatórios de danos acidentários em outros países, com intuito comparativo e visando fomentar discussões que aperfeiçoem o sistema brasileiro. Na sequência, esmiuça-se o sistema reparatório nacional, com realce em sua natureza binária: de um lado direitos previdenciários e, de outro, a reparação com lastro no instituto da responsabilidade civil. Concluída a abordagem sistêmica, analisam-se os elementos que congregam a responsabilidade civil no âmbito da infortunística. Questionase a possibilidade de cumulações indenizatórias sob o prisma do princípio da reparação integral, pois o estudo dos sistemas estrangeiros e da ordem jurídica interna autoriza concluir pela perfeita comunicabilidade entre as vias reparatórias. Quanto ao nexo causal, após cotejar as principais teorias e conjugá-las para responder coerentemente à necessidade de se estabelecerem critérios mais equânimes na fixação de elos entre fatos e danos, enfoca-se o problema do nexo concausal nas doenças ocupacionais. O nexo de imputação é enfrentado tanto sob o prisma da responsabilidade subjetiva quanto objetiva do empregador e, em relação a essa última, há preocupação em definir seus exatos contornos. Estudam-se, ainda, os fatos que poderão excluir a responsabilidade objetiva. O terceiro Capítulo trata da identificação e reparação dos danos acidentários. Optou-se pela adoção da divisão tradicional entre danos patrimoniais e extrapatrimoniais. Em relação aos danos patrimoniais, defende-se a aplicabilidade do princípio da reparação integral e estudam-se os contornos da exceção prevista no Código Civil. Almeja-se um detalhamento dos danos emergentes que podem surgir de causas acidentárias e faz-se referência à distinção entre lucros cessantes e pensionamento, a respeito do qual se abordam os critérios para fixação do valor e duração, discutindo-se, ainda, o problema ocasionado por alterações fáticas supervenientes. Debate-se a opção de pagamento do pensionamento em parcela única e versa-se, por fim, os danos patrimoniais ocasionados pelo evento morte. No que se refere aos danos extrapatrimoniais, o trabalho realiza abordagem crítica da denominação dano moral. É debatida a conceituação tradicional dos danos extrapatrimoniais e defende-se que sua existência jurídica está vinculada à ofensa aos direitos de personalidade. Discutemse as dificuldades para quantificação do dano extrapatrimonial e, tendo como parâmetro as funções da responsabilidade civil, traçam-se os principais critérios que podem e devem ser utilizados para definir o valor indenizatório. Elabora-se uma proposta concreta de sistematização dos danos extrapatrimoniais, buscando maior objetivação nos critérios de avaliação e redução do arbítrio judicial na fixação dos valores. Aproveita-se a experiência italiana que diferencia dano-evento e dano-prejuízo, associando-a à experiência francesa de especificação e detalhamento de prejuízos que resultam de danos à pessoa para apresentar proposta compatível com o sistema jurídico brasileiro. Estuda-se, em separado, a indenização pela perda de uma chance e, em arremate, abordam-se as parcelas acessórias que podem influenciar na quantificação indenizatória: atualização monetária, juros de mora e honorários advocatícios. / This research approaches the problem of accidental damage reparation and has as its initial objective to establish a systemic coherence between the institute of civil responsibility and the social security protection. Systems of accidental damage reparation are studied in other countries, with a reparative goal and aiming at fomenting discussions to perfect the Brazilian system. Following on, the national reparatory system is mulled down, highlighting its binary nature: on the one side social security rights, on the other side reparation based on the civil responsibility institute. Once the systemic approach is concluded, the elements that gather the civil responsibility in the scope of accidents is analyzed. The possibility of cumulative indemnification under the light of the integral reparation principle is questioned, because the study of foreign systems and of the internal legal order authorizes to conclude in favor of perfect communicability between reparatory ways. As for the causal connection, after collating the main theories and combining them coherently according to the necessity of establishing more equitable criteria in the fixation of links between facts and damage, the problem of concausal connection in occupational diseases is focused. The connection of the imputation is faced both under the prism of subjective and objective responsibility of the employer, and, in relation to the latter, there is preoccupation in defining its exact outlines. Furthermore, the fact that can exclude the objective responsibility are studied. The third chapter covers the identification and reparation of accidental damages. We opted for the traditional division between property and personal damage. In relation to property damages, the applicability of the principle of integral reparation is defended and the outlines of exceptions anticipated in the Civil Code are studied. A breakdown of emerging damages that may arise from accident causes is aimed at, and we reference the distinction between ceasing profits and pensioning, in relation to which the criteria for fixation of value and duration are approached, discussing, moreover, the problem caused by supervening factual alterations. The payment of pensioning in one lump sum is debated and, finally, we discuss the property damage causes by event death. In what concerns the personal damage, the research critically approaches the moral damage denomination. The traditional conceptualization of the personal damage is debated and we defend that its legal existence is linked to the injuries to the personality rights. The difficulties to qualify the personal damage are also discussed and, having the functions of civil responsibility as a parameter, the main criteria that can and must be utilized to define the compensatory value are traced. We elaborate a concrete proposal of systematization of personal damages, aiming at a wider objectification in the criteria of evaluation and reduction of the legal decision in the fixation of values. Benefiting from the Italian experience, which differentiate event-damage and injurydamage, and associating it to the French experience of specification and detailing of injuries that result in damage to the person, we present a compatible proposal with the Brazilian legal system. Furthermore, we study, in separate, the compensation for the loss of opportunity and, to conclude, we approach the accessory installment that may affect the compensatory quantification: monetary update, interest on arrears and legal fees.

L'Afghanistan et le langage de l'égalité : une approche poïétique du contrat social sur une zone de fracture du système-monde / Afghanistan and the language of equality : a social contract in the making on a world-system fault

Archambeaud, Gait 30 May 2013 (has links)
Engagée en Afghanistan depuis plus de dix ans, l'intervention internationale a fondé son argumentaire sur la reconstruction d'institutions à modèle démocratique, selon des concepts généralisés en Occident depuis le 18ème siècle et parmi eux le principe d'égalité. Ce modèle avait présidé aux évolutions socio-politiques voulues par les Emirs tout au long du 20ème siècle, mais abouti au chaos dans trois décennies d'un conflit en cours depuis les années 1970 avec des adversaires toujours renouvelés. Tribalisme et modernité - en tant qu'idéologie, dans leurs manifestations en Afghanistan, mettent en oeuvre la prévalence d'un mode social d'opposition, dont la domination sur une société provoque la parcellisation ou la destruction et répond aux revendications d'égalité par l'honneur des groupes. Leur conséquence est le traditionalisme prégnant dans les communautés, contraintes par le sentiment d'insécurité à l'uniformisation dans l'égale insignifiance de l'individu. Cependant, l'hospitalité et la recherche de réparation sont des normes sociales visant au dépassement du sentiment d'insécurité ; elles sont la réponse afghane à la recherche d'égale dignité au bénéfice de tous. Pour peu que les conditions de sécurité en permettent la primauté comme mode social dominant, l'honneur d'être humain est le composant fondamental d'une société ouverte et évolutive. L'emphase sécuritaire et dogmatique des programmes internationaux tend néanmoins à conforter les réflexes tribalo-traditionalistes, dans un engrenage de violence qui recherche un équilibre des groupes plutôt que l'expression d'initiatives créatives et originales - comme la mise en place de systèmes de solidarité universels qui libèreraient les individus de leurs allégeances aux groupes. Seuls de tels maximins pourraient dépasser les blocages inégalitaires inscrits dans la position géo-stratégique du pays sur une faille du système-monde. / The international intervention in Afghanistan started more than ten years ago. It built on new institutions according to the democratic model, complete with concepts generalized in the Western world since the 18th century, and among them the principle of equality. This model had founded the Amirs’ wished socio-political changes all along the 20th century, but ended in an on-going 30-year chaos with ever-renewed adversaries since the 1970’s. As operated in Afghanistan, tribalism and modernity – meant as an ideology, result in opposition prevaling as a social behaviour, which produces fragmentation or destruction and deals with equality demands through group honor. Consequently, traditionalism prevails in communities constrained by a feeling of insecurity and results in an equalizing insignificance of individuals. However, hospitality and reparation are social precepts meant to overtake the feeling of insecurity; they are the Afghan way for a social praxis enhancing equal dignity as a benefit for all. For as much as security permits its social prevalence, the honor of being human is the basic component for an open and evolutive society. An emphasis on security, as well as dogmatism in international programs are however comforting tribal-traditionalist behaviours, gearing up in violence that can only be checked by group balance rather than enabling original and creative ideas – such as starting a universal social protection system that would free individuals from their group allegiances. Implementing such a maximin only could overcome the inequality walls that are built on the country’s geo-strategic location, a fault in the world-system.

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