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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Commercialisation de Microfinance : comment les Institutions de Microfinance (IMFs) peut attirer les investisseurs ? / Commercialization of Microfinance : How Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) can attract investors?

Amin Azmat, Najma 23 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche examine le lien entre la Responsabilité Sociale d’Enterprise (RSE) des Institutions de Microfinance (IMFs) et les investisseurs étrangers (F.Is) dans le contexte où la micro finance commercialisée a un double objectif (DBL). Le cadre théorique et conceptuel de cette étude comprend la théorie de l'agence, la théorie des parties prenantes, la théorie de la dépendance aux ressources et le concept d'Investissement Socialement Responsable (ISR). L'étude empirique est basée sur un processus en deux étapes, une première étude qualitative exploratoire réalisée à travers des entretiens semi-directif avec 9 gestionnaires de fonds (ISR) afin de bien comprendre le sujet et d'enrichir les théories et les concepts. La deuxième étape consiste en une analyse quantitative à l'aide des modèles des moindres carrés ordinaires (OLS) et de la régression logistique en utilisant les données de 615 IMF pour l'année 2012 pour vérifier le lien entre les F.Is et la RSE et si la performance financière joue un rôle de médiateur ou de modérateur. Pour la première fois en microfinance, une définition globale / multi dimensionnelle de la RSE est utilisée et des indicateurs calculés sur la base de cela. Les résultats montrent que la RSE est un facteur clé dans les décisions d'investissement de F.Is et il montre un effet de médiation de la performance financière sur la relation entre la RSE et F.Is. Afin d'assurer l'accès aux services financiers au bas de la pyramide, les IMFs ont besoin d'avoir accès aux investisseurs étrangers. Comme la RSE est prise en compte par les investisseurs dans leur décision d'investissement, les IMF doivent donc se concentrer sur la gestion et la présentation des activités pertinentes de RSE afin d'attirer et de satisfaire ces investisseurs. / This research examines the link between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and foreign investors (F.Is) in the context that commercialized Microfinance has double-bottom-line. The theoretical and conceptual framework for this study includes the agency theory, stakeholder’s theory, resource dependence theory and the concept of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). The empirical study is based on a two-step process, an initial exploratory qualitative study carried out through semi-structured interviews with 9 fund managers (SRI) in order to understand well the topic and enrich the theories and concepts. The second step is a quantitative analysis through ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression models using data of 615 MFIs for the year 2012 to verify the link between F.I and CSR and if financial performance plays a mediator or moderator role. For the first time in microfinance, a comprehensive/multi-dimensional definition of CSR is used and indicators calculated based on that. The results show that CSR is a key factor in investment decisions of F.Is and it shows a mediation effect of financial performance on the relationship between CSR and F.Is. In order to provide access to financial services at the bottom of the pyramid, MFIs need access to foreign investors. As CSR is taken into account by investors in their investment decision, therefore, MFIs need to focus on managing and reporting relevant CSR activities in order to attract and satisfy these investors.

Obraz duševních onemocnění v tištěných médiích ve třech středoevropských zemích / The picture of mental illness in the print media in three central European countries

Nawková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Media are considered to be the public's primary source of information regarding mental illness. Evidence suggests that media representations of people with psychiatric disorders are frequently negative and contribute to their stigmatization. On the other hand, media can play an important role in reducing this stigmatisation by providing adequate information about this topic and engaging in antistigma campaigns. Up to now there was no standardised measurement of the stigma of mental illness in print media using clearly operationalized definitions. The objectives of this project were twofold; to develop a standardised and objective instrument to measure stigma of mental illness in print media; and to conduct an analysis of the current coverage on mental health/illness issues in Czech, Croatian, and Slovak print media. The development of the Picture of Mental Illness in Newspapers (PICMIN) instrument was based on the principles of content analysis, a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from text to the kontext in their use. The instrument consists of eleven descriptive and five analytical categories. The most interesting findings based on the analysis of media representations of mental illness were; a similarly high level of stigmatizing articles across countries, clearly...

Disciplinary Liability of legal entities, entities without personality and administrators / Responsabilidad sancionadora de personas jurídicas, entes sin personalidad y administradores

Rebollo Puig, Manuel 12 April 2018 (has links)
The disciplinary liability of legal entities, which the regulation normally accepts, is not an exception to the principles of existing guilty and of personalizing the sanction: it is a liability for action and fault of the legal entity. In particular, it analyzes the liability of legal entities by the actions of their administrators. And, also, it studies the cases in which the Law provides certain complements or qualifications to that liability. Above all, the cases in which the disciplinary liability of the administrators is evident. It also addresses the liability of entities without personality and it highlights the advantages and difficulties that their application entails. / La responsabilidad sancionadora de las personas jurídicas, que acepta con normalidad el ordenamiento, no es una excepción a los principios de culpabilidad y de personalidad de las sanciones: se trata de una responsabilidad por acción y culpa propias de la persona jurídica. En especial, se analiza la responsabilidad de las personas jurídicas por la actuación de sus administradores. Y, asimismo, se estudian los supuestos en que el Derecho prevé ciertos complementos o matizaciones a esa responsabilidad. Sobre todo, los casos en los que se consagra laresponsabilidad sancionadora de los propios administradores. Se aborda también la responsabilidad de entes sin personalidad y se ponen de relieve las ventajas y dificultades que su aplicación entraña.

EducaÃÃo ambiental e sua relaÃÃo com as atitudes, valores e comportamentos dos indivÃduos de uma instituiÃÃo pÃblica federal de ensino / Environmental Education and its Relation with Attitudes , Values and Behaviors Environmentally Responsible Individuals of a Public Institution Federal Teaching

Adriano Monteiro da Silva 31 March 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Entende-se a EducaÃÃo Ambiental como os processos por meio dos quais os homens e a sociedade edificam valores sociais, conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e competÃncias voltadas para a conservaÃÃo do meio ambiente. à a partir da inserÃÃo da EducaÃÃo Ambiental no processo educativo que a construÃÃo de valores, atitudes, habilidades e competÃncias sÃo construÃdas para que o indivÃduo possa atuar de forma proativa na proteÃÃo do meio ambiente. Valores e atitudes, nesse sentido, sÃo os construtos psicolÃgicos apontados pela literatura como preditores de comportamentos. Baseado nisto, esta pesquisa visa responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: qual a relaÃÃo existente entre a percepÃÃo da EducaÃÃo Ambiental e os valores, as atitudes e os comportamentos ambientalmente responsÃveis dos indivÃduos de uma InstituiÃÃo PÃblica Federal de Ensino (IPFE)? Nesse sentido, este trabalho consiste em examinar as relaÃÃes existentes entre aqueles construtos psicolÃgicos e a EducaÃÃo Ambiental de alunos e servidores de uma IPFE, por meio de um questionÃrio eletrÃnico aplicado aos alunos e servidores da InstituiÃÃo. A anÃlise dos dados foi realizada atravÃs de estatÃstica descritiva, anÃlise fatorial exploratÃria e confirmatÃria, da tÃcnica de modelagem de equaÃÃes estruturais, testes t para amostras independentes, anÃlises de variÃncia e Ãrvores de regressÃo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma correlaÃÃo significativa entre a percepÃÃo da EducaÃÃo Ambiental e a maioria das dimensÃes dos construtos dos valores, atitudes e comportamentos ambientalmente responsÃveis. Os mesmos resultados ainda mostram coerÃncia entre as anÃlises fatoriais, apresentando encaixe entre a literatura e o que se pretende discutir. Esses resultados contribuem para entender o comportamento dito como ambientalmente responsÃvel dos indivÃduos de uma InstituiÃÃo PÃblica Federal de Ensino, frente à percepÃÃo que tÃm da EducaÃÃo Ambiental. Nesta pesquisa, foram encontradas, ainda, relaÃÃes significativas entre os valores, atitudes e comportamentos. A partir dos resultados apresentados nesta pesquisa, pode-se traÃar estratÃgias para o ensino, pesquisa, extensÃo, capacitaÃÃo e conscientizaÃÃo dos futuros tÃcnicos, bacharÃis e tecnÃlogos e demais envolvidos acerca da problemÃtica ambiental. Assim, este estudo contribui com a instituiÃÃo pesquisada no sentido de que, a partir dele, podem ser traÃadas metas e estratÃgias para a capacitaÃÃo em educaÃÃo e gestÃo ambiental, valorizando temas que abordem a gestÃo de resÃduos, licitaÃÃes sustentÃveis, qualidade de vida no trabalho, sensibilizaÃÃo dos alunos, capacitaÃÃo dos servidores e uso racional dos recursos. O estudo contribui para identificar quais sÃo os valores, as atitudes e os comportamentos ambientalmente responsÃveis em um ambiente organizacional de ensino, servindo como ponto de partida para elaboraÃÃo de instrumentos que permitam a compreensÃo desses construtos no Ãmbito de outras instituiÃÃes. Dentre os fatores que influenciam o comportamento ecolÃgico dos indivÃduos, a variÃvel mais importante como preditora de um comportamento ecolÃgico geral à o gÃnero

Sistema de suporte à decisão clínica para intervenções farmacêuticas na prática da automedicação / A clinical decision support system for pharmacist intervention on the practice of responsible self medication

Rocha, Chiara Erminia da 16 May 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: desenvolver sistema de suporte à decisão clínica dos farmacêuticos no manejo de sintomas menores (SM) com medicamentos isentos de prescrição (MIPs). Métodos: Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática, entre janeiro 1980 a agosto de 2010, nas bases de dados Medline/Pubmed, Scopus, Lilacs e Embase. Posteriormente, uma amostra de conveniência de farmacêuticos comunitários (FC) participou de uma entrevista semiestruturada realizada nas farmácias comunitárias de duas grandes redes em Aracaju, no período de Junho a Agosto de 2012. Em seguida, a metodologia do paciente simulado (PS) foi aplicada a mesma amostra de FC com dois casos de SM (1 - mulher adulta com sinusite; 2 - mulher grávida com tosse seca e dor nas costelas). As simulações foram avaliadas de acordo com o instrumento desenvolvido pela Farmacopéia dos Estados Unidos (USP) chamado "Medication Counseling Behavior Guidelines" e validado para o português. No período de fevereiro de 2012 a janeiro de 2014, foi desenvolvido um software para auxiliar o farmacêutico no processo de manejo de SM do trato respiratório com MIPs. Para tanto, 7 farmacêuticos clínicos, juntamente com engenheiros de produção, determinaram o conteúdo dos algoritmos. Resultados: Apenas nove artigos preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos na revisão sistemática. Foi observado que quatro estudos relataram adesão do paciente a orientação do farmacêutico. Participaram da entrevista 40 FC e destes, 62,9% não cursaram na graduação disciplina sobre o manejo de SM. As respostas dos FC sobre sua atitude frente a automedicação, revelou que a depender do tempo da queixa eles indicam um tratamento ou encaminham o paciente ao médico. Foram realizadas 80 simulações que apresentaram um tempo total de atendimento farmacêutico de 91,31 segundos (DP ±68,63). A análise das simulações revelou que 83,3% e 72,5% dos FC recomendaram a visita ao médico para o PS1 e para o PS2, respectivamente. Foi observado que 45% e 17% dos FC revisaram a solicitação do paciente antes da orientação. No processo de desenvolvimento do software, os farmacêuticos especialistas apontaram que os algoritmos deveriam explorar as características dos SM (início, frequência, duração), os tratamentos farmacológicos e não- farmacológicos apropriados e os parâmetros de encaminhamento do paciente ao médico. A versão final do software proporciona a determinação de diagnóstico condizente com o conjunto de sinais e sintomas do paciente, retornando ao farmacêutico uma pequena lista das possíveis enfermidades. Conclusão: O software poderá melhorar as condições de trabalho dos farmacêuticos comunitários, adicionando-lhes maior evidência cientifica no manejo de SM com MIPs.

Estudo da dinâmica populacional canina e felina e avaliação de ações para o equilíbrio dessas populações em área da cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil / Canine and feline population dynamic studies and evaluation of actions to these populations control in the São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Rita de Cássia Maria Garcia 06 November 2009 (has links)
Procurou-se avaliar o comportamento da população humana do bairro Vargem Grande, município de São Paulo, SP, no período de 2005 a 2008, em relação à guarda de cães e gatos com ênfase aos aspectos sanitários e de bem estar. Paralelamente, buscou-se avaliar a dinâmica dessas populações animais e o impacto do controle reprodutivo e ações de saúde. Verificou-se que há uma alta renovação das populações canina e felina, conseqüência de elevadas taxas de mortalidade e natalidade, e que as ações de esterilização contaram com média adesão quando eram gratuitas, sendo que essa adesão diminuiu quando o processo passou a ter preços simbólicos. Houve uma diminuição das taxas de natalidade após a instituição das ações de esterilização, entretanto, há necessidade de acompanhamento das ações por um período mais extenso. / The aim of this study is to evaluate the behavior of the citizens living in the district of Vargem Grande, in São Paulo, SP, from 2005 to 2008, concerning the care of dogs and cats in its health and welfare aspects. It also aims at evaluating the dynamics of these animal populations and the impact of reproductive control measures and health actions. There is a high level of turnover rate in the canine and feline populations due to very high levels of mortality and birth rates. The population greeted free actions of spay and neuter with mild enthusiasm, but the participation decreased after introduction of a symbolic spay and neuter fee. There was a positive impact on the reduction of the birth rate in the population after the introduction of spay and neuter actions. Therefore, there is the need of following those actions for a longer period of time.

Fundos de pensão e práticas de responsabilidade socioempresarial: o caso Previ

Camargo, Renato Villalba 07 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renato Camargo (rvcamargo1965@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-26T15:30:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Renato_Villalba_Camargo_Final_biblioteca_digital.pdf: 903027 bytes, checksum: 1be2c4b888e11b046aca2ee7e1e1b64e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2012-09-04T16:34:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Renato_Villalba_Camargo_Final_biblioteca_digital.pdf: 903027 bytes, checksum: 1be2c4b888e11b046aca2ee7e1e1b64e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-09-04T18:10:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Renato_Villalba_Camargo_Final_biblioteca_digital.pdf: 903027 bytes, checksum: 1be2c4b888e11b046aca2ee7e1e1b64e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-04T18:11:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Renato_Villalba_Camargo_Final_biblioteca_digital.pdf: 903027 bytes, checksum: 1be2c4b888e11b046aca2ee7e1e1b64e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-07 / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal investigar por que os fundos de pensão têm propensão a buscar que as empresas nas quais mantém investimentos persigam práticas de responsabilidade socioempresarial. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi realizado estudo de caso no maior fundo de pensão da América Latina - PREVI, e que ocupa a primeira posição dentre os fundos de pensão brasileiros em volume financeiro de ativos e tem participação relevante na estrutura de propriedade em 38 empresas. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas foi possível capturar o posicionamento adotado pelos gestores do fundo de pensão com relação às estratégias de responsabilidade socioempresarial nas empresas investidas. Em função da necessidade de melhor compreender a cadeia de valor das organizações, esta dissertação tratou da teoria dos stakeholders, importante na definição estratégica e filosófica das empresas, e da teoria da agência, pois alguns conflitos são identificados na relação entre acionistas majoritários (PREVI) e minoritários. O estudo permitiu identificar que os gestores, não obstante apresentarem discurso voltado para o atendimento dos stakeholders das empresas investidas, têm como foco principal mitigar os riscos ambientais e sociais, em função dos impactos econômicos que estes problemas podem representar para as organizações nas quais investem. Apesar do objetivo instrumental que tem movido o fundo de pensão, suas ações têm levado a um crescimento na adoção de práticas responsáveis pelos participantes do mercado. Foi possível concluir que os gestores do fundo de pensão objeto do estudo de caso ao adotarem princípios de investimentos responsáveis atendem de forma eficaz também a seu dever fiduciário. / This dissertation aims at investigating why pension funds have a tendency to seek that which holds investments in companies pursuing corporate social responsibility practices. To achieve the proposed objectives was conducted case study in the largest pension fund in Latin America - PREVI, which ranks first among the Brazilian pension funds in financial volume of assets and has a significant place in the structure of ownership in 38 companies. Through semi-structured interviews was possible to capture the position taken by the managers of pension fund in relation to corporate social responsibility strategies in the investee companies. Because of the need to better understand the value chain of organizations, this paper dealt with the theory of stakeholders, important for strategic and philosophical definition of enterprises, and the agency theory, as some conflicts are identified in the relationship between controlling shareholders (PREVI) and minority. The study allowed to identify that the managers, in spite of showing speech directed to the attention of stakeholders of invested companies, focuses primarily on mitigating the environmental and social risk, depending on the economic impacts that this problems may pose for organizations in which they invest. Despite the instrumental goal that has moved the fund, its actions have led to an increase in the adoption of responsible practices by market participants. It was possible to conclude that the managers of the pension fund case study object, by adopting the principles of responsible investment, effectively meet their fiduciary duty also.

Investissement socialement responsable : impacts sur la performance et le risque des portefeuilles / Socially responsible investment : Impact on the portfolios performance and risk

Yerbanga, Raissa 30 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l’impact de l’investissement socialement responsable sur le risque et la performance des portefeuilles. Elle s’articule autour de quatre études, dont trois études empiriques. La première étude propose un état des lieux et une analyse critique des risques RSE des portefeuilles. Elle indique que les risques RSE évalués de diverses manières selon les acteurs existent toujours au sein des portefeuilles et évoluent en fonction du contexte institutionnel. Leur niveau peut être plus au moins élevé selon les pratiques RSE des entreprises dans lesquelles les capitaux sont placés. La deuxième étude porte sur l’analyse comparative du risque financier des fonds ISR et des fonds conventionnels. Sur un échantillon de fonds commercialisés en France sur la période 2002-2012, nos résultats montrent que les fonds ISR peuvent avoir un niveau de diversification plus élevé que les fonds conventionnels appariés, quelles que soient les conditions de marché. Il s’agit des fonds ISR investis dans la zone euro et à l’international. Cependant, les fonds ISR investis dans la zone euro, en Europe et en France ont un risque systématique plus important que celui de leurs homologues classiques contrairement aux fonds ISR investis à l’international. La troisième étude analyse le risque financier des portefeuilles construits selon le niveau de performance ESG des entreprises sur la période2002-2014. Ces portefeuilles portent sur des entreprises de la zone euro, mais aussi sur des entreprises américaines. Nos analyses montrent que les portefeuilles américains qui sur-performent globalement ou individuellement sur les trois critères ESG ont un risque financier plus faible que ceux qui sous-performent sur ces dimensions. Pour les mêmes types de portefeuilles, la zone euro affiche un risque spécifique plus faible. Les résultats sur le risque systématique sont influencés par les effets relatifs au secteur d’activité pour les portefeuilles américains et par ceux relatifs au pays pour les portefeuilles de la zone euro. La quatrième étude examine la persistance de la performance financière des fonds ISR et des fonds conventionnels. Elle indique à travers les tests non-paramétriques qu’il n’existe pas de persistance de la performance pour les fonds ISR et les fonds conventionnels. / This thesis examines the impact of socially responsible investment on the risk and performance of portfolios. It is based on four studies, including three empirical studies.The first study proposes an inventory and a critical analysis of the portfolios' CSR risks. It indicates that CSR risks assessed in different ways by the actors still exist within the portfolios and evolve with the institutional context. Their level may be low or high depending on the CSR practices of the companies in which the resources are invested. The second study deals with the comparative analysis of the financial risk of SRI funds and conventional funds. On a sample of funds distributed in France over the period 2002-2012, our results show that SRI funds may have a higher level of diversification than matched conventional matched regardless of market conditions. These are SRI funds invested in the Eurozone and globally. However, regardless of market conditions, SRI funds invested in the Eurozone, Europe and France have a greater systematic risk than their traditional counterparts, contrary to SRI global funds. The third study analyzes the financial risk of portfolios built according to companies’ level of ESG performance over the period 2002-2014. These portfolios cover the Eurozone and the U.S. firms. Our analysis shows that the U.S. portfolios which over-perform on the aggregate ESG criteria or individually on the three ESG criteria have a lower financial risk than those that underperform on these dimensions. For the same types of portfolios, the Eurozone exhibit a lower specific risk. The results on the systematic risk are influenced by the industry-specific effects for the U.S. portfolios and the country-specific effects for the Eurozone portfolios. The fourth study examines the financial performance persistence of SRI and conventional funds. It shows through non-parametric tests that there is no performance persistence for both SRI and conventional funds.

Strategic Sustainable Investing : Recognizing Value in Transitional Leadership

Blandford, Nicholas, Nash, Timothy, Winter, André January 2008 (has links)
Institutional Investors own a large share of publicly traded companies, controlling a significant amount of the economy‟s working capital. These investors currently use little or no sustainability-related information to make their decisions, reinforcing a loop of increasingly unsustainable growth. This paper puts forward a new investment strategy that recognizes true movement towards sustainability and its link with bottom line benefits for investors: Strategic Sustainable Investing (SSI). To achieve this desired future, Institutional Investors must be able to recognize corporations that are strategically leading the transition towards sustainability. An Analysis Tool was developed to help address this need by identifying sectoral Emerging Sustainability Issues (ESI) using a consensus-based scientific definition of sustainability. Once ESIs are identified, companies‟ strategies regarding each issue are assessed. This Tool was scrutinized by a panel of experts in the financial and sustainable development industries, and was tested on three companies within the Unconventional Oil & Gas Sector in Canada. Results confirmed the usefulness of a tool that can recognize which companies are leading the sustainable development agenda, and identified the need for future research on the financial materiality of sustainability-oriented actions.

A citizen's stake in sovereign wealth funds

Cummine, Angela January 2013 (has links)
Over the past five years, Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have become a prominent phenomenon in contemporary capitalism. Described as government investment vehicles that invest state wealth in financial markets, the majority of the world's 60-plus funds have been established since the year 2000. Despite extensive treatments of SWFs' geopolitical and international significance, ethical and domestic level analyses are sparse. In response, this thesis interrogates three key normative questions raised by the funds for the domestic citizen-state relationship: (1) How (and by whom) should sovereign funds be managed? (2) How should sovereign wealth be invested? (3) How should the earnings of sovereign fund investment be distributed? In answering these questions, this thesis aims to dispel ambiguity over the ownership status of sovereign funds, evident in popular and academic discourse and within communities that establish these entities. For this task, it draws on recently revived fiduciary theory of the citizen-state relationship to argue that the rightful owner of these funds is the citizenry - not states or governments who enjoy physical and legal possession of SWFs. It goes on to examine the implications of this fiduciary state conception of SWF ownership, asking how citizen-owners should enjoy control over and benefit from the distinct constituent parts of their SWF property: the institution of the fund, the underlying sovereign wealth and the financial returns earned on the investment of its assets. The model of citizen ownership defended demands substantially increased popular control over SWF management and the investment of sovereign wealth, as well as direct benefit rights for citizen-owners to fund income through individualised distribution of investment returns. Examination of existing practice among SWFs demonstrates that this normative ideal is far, although not impossibly distant from current institutional practice.

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