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Influence of social media advertising on consumer behavior : A quantitative study in Germany and SwedenMarschall, Jascha January 2022 (has links)
Social media sites and platforms have been on the rise for the last decade. Especially sincethe start of the still on-going Covid-19 pandemic it reached an all time high. Over half of theworld’s population is using social media. Everyone knows Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,TikTok, Snapchat, and many more. This fact has not gone unnoticed by companies as theyincreasingly integrate social media into their portfolio. Social media advertising is nowadayseverywhere. There is not a single site without any ads. Regardless the research about it is stillvery scarce. This master thesis will investigate the influence of social media advertising on consumerbehavior. More detailed it will focus on how consumers react to advertisements. For thispurpose, a quantitative survey has been conducted. The base for this survey is a developedconceptual framework based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model and the Value-Belief-Norm theory model. Further factors of the survey include different values and beliefs onwhich the analysis is depending. The main value playing a role in this study is sociallyresponsible consumption behavior. This value tackles how much consumers care about theenvironment and the human society. Simply spoken, how sustainable and how social do theybehave. Furthermore, three beliefs have been chosen in tandem with this value: Self -confidence, impulsiveness, and interpersonal/group influence. All are believed to have animpact on how consumers are perceiving advertisements they see on social media. Eachconnection between the value, the beliefs, and the reaction to advertisements will be tested.Believed connections are between the sustainability value of the consumers and the threebeliefs as well as towards the video. Further, it is believed that the beliefs will have an effecton the reaction to advertisements from consumers. My study will indicate how companies cantake advantage of advertisements to gain more followers on social media and sell moreproducts. The outcome of this study will present a clear picture of the role of sustainable andsocially responsible behavior towards ads on social media as well as the impact of beliefs.
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Multi-crop solutions for sustainable agriculture : A Minor Field Study in Ratchaburi, Thailand / Multi-crop lösningar för hållbara jordbruk : En fallstudie i Ratchaburi, ThailandSigge, David, Borgström, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Agriculture is facing many challenges, such as decreased biodiversity, soil erosion, water scarcity, and social inequality, because of industrial farming and its focus on high yields at the expense of sustainability. This also includes Thailand and the province of Ratchaburi. There are, however, some farmers that have pursued sustainable agriculture in the region. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate how these sustainable farming practices can contribute to increased prosperity, self-sufficiency, and an improved environment in Ratchaburi. Specifically, the study examines the strengths and weaknesses of sustainable agriculture in the region, as well as the opportunities and threats they face. Qualitative interviews were completed with farmers from three sustainable farms in the region. The results were analyzed with the help of PESTLE to describe the macro-factors that influence the agricultural environment .Thereafter a SWOT analysis was performed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each farm as well as relate these to the opportunities and threats identified in the PESTLE analysis. The study found that the key strengths were multi-crop cultivation, product development, self-sufficiency and broad knowledge combined with collaboration. Several weaknesses arose from small-scale operations, which also made it challenging to make use of the opportunity of niche markets. A major challenge is the relatively low demand for sustainable products. Future studies could further examine how organic certifications can impact the demand for sustainable products, as well as how small sustainable farms can effectively reach niche markets. / Jordbruk står inför många utmaningar, så som minskad biologisk mångfald, erodering, vattenbrist och social ojämlikhet, till följd av det industriella jordbruket och dess fokus på stora skördar på bekostnad av hållbarhet. Detta innefattar även Thailand och provinsen Ratchaburi. Däremot finns det en del bönder som trotsat de konventionella metoderna och bedriver hållbara jordbruk, främst genom diversifierade grödor och skapandet av naturliga ekosystem. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka hur dessa hållbara jordbruk kan bidra till ökat välstånd, självförsörjning och förbättrad miljö i Ratchaburi. Mer specifikt undersöker studien vilka styrkor och svagheter hållbara jordbruk i regionen har, samt vilka möjligheter och hot de ställs inför. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa intervjuer med bönder från tre hållbara jordbruk i regionen för att sedan skapa en gemensam PESTEL-analys för gårdarna samt en SWOT analys för respektive gård. PESTEL-analysen beskriver och analyserar vilka makro-faktorer som påverkar deras omgivning, medan SWOT analysen lyfter fram styrkorna och svagheterna för gårdarna och analyserar deras möjligheter och hot, dels utifrån deras svar, dels utifrån PESTEL-analysen. Studien fann att de viktigaste styrkorna var bred kunskap, självförsörjning, samverkan, produktframtagning och en mångfald av grödor och produkter. De övergripande svagheterna var dålig tillgång till marknader samt småskalighet. Möjligheterna var att nå nya marknader, i samband med en ökad medvetenhet och efterfrågan på hållbara produkter, samt utnyttjande av subventioner och ökad användning av e-handel. De främsta hoten var konkurrens med andra jordbruk och stora industrier, kapital- och teknologiska begränsningar. Framtida studier kan vidare undersöka hur ekologiska certifieringar kan påverka efterfrågan på hållbara produkter, samt hur hållbara jordbruk kan nå till nischade marknader för deras produkter på bästa sätt.
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[pt] O turismo como uma atividade econômica e um fenômeno social, que tem
um enorme potencial como ferramenta para proteção do meio ambiente,
assim como, para erradicação da pobreza. Tem-se hoje uma atividade
turística promissora, com um turista mais cauteloso em suas escolhas,
usufruindo de um turismo mais saudável e responsável. Neste contexto,
pensando o meio de hospedagem como um equipamento turístico, que tem
de estar alinhado a esse novo turismo responsável, os empreendimentos
hoteleiros devem estar dispostos a adotar práticas, que objetivem a
melhoria do seu desempenho diante das questões ambientais sociais e
econômicas. Nesta perspectiva, a Produção mais Limpa (P+L), vem como
uma ferramenta que aplicada a empresas dos mais variados segmentos,
através de uma estratégia econômica e socioambiental, mostrando-se
como uma alternativa viável e interessante para os gestores, que
vislumbram a melhoria dos seus processos produtivos. Assim, este trabalho
tem por objetivo o estudo de viabilidade de implantação da Produção mais
Limpa em um pequeno meio de hospedagem localizado na praia de Vilatur
em Saquarema- RJ, visando trazer benefícios importantes ao
empreendimento no que se refere aos aspectos ambientais, econômicos e
sociais, assim como, utilizar esse estudo como um piloto para que a
proposta possa ser multiplicada para adesão em outros meios de
hospedagem do município. / [en] Tourism as an economic activity and a social phenomenon, which has a big
potencial as a tool for protecting the environment, as well as, for eradicating
poverty. Today, there is a promising tourist activity, with tourists who are
more cautions in their choices, enjoying healthier and responsible tourism.
In this context, considering the accommodation as a tourist equipment,
which must be aligned with this new responsible tourism, hotel enterprises
must be willing to adopt practices that aim to improve their performance in
the face of environmental, social and economic issues. In this perspective,
Cleaner Production (CP) comes as a tool that can be applied to companies
in the most varied segments, through an economic and socio-environmental
strategy, proving to be a viable and interesting alternative for managers,
who envision the improvement of its production processes. Thus, this work
aims to study the feasibility of implementing Cleaner Production in a small
accommodation located on Vilatur beach in Saquarema – RJ, aiming to
bring important benefits to the enterprise in terms of environmental,
economic and social aspects, as well as using this study as a pilot so that
the proposal can be multiplied for adherence to other small hotels in the city.
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[pt] Riscos e oportunidades ESG possuem cada vez mais destaque perante a
sociedade civil, chefes de estado, organizações intergovernamentais e no mundo de
investimentos corporativo. Como consequência, os modelos de negócios incluem
cada vez mais uma abordagem estratégica que levam em consideração as suas
externalidades geradas em aspectos ambientais e sociais, com a real preocupação
de realizar uma transição para um modelo de negócio sustentável. Esse estudo tem
como objetivo utilizar o modelo Value-Driver Adjustment Approach desenvolvido
por Willem Schramade (2016), que desenvolveu um questionário como ferramenta
para integrar sustentabilidade em análises de investimento, por meio de aspectos
qualitativos e quantitativos ESG. Esse processo é proposto através da compreensão
sobre como aspectos ESG afetam o modelo de negócios, posição competitiva,
estratégia e impulsionadores de valor. Nesse trabalho, o modelo Value-Driver
Adjustment Approach foi aplicado à empresa Raízen, líder no segmento de
biocombustíveis. Como resultado, a Raízen se mostrou capacitada para realizar uma
transição para um modelo de negócio sustentável sob uma perspectiva financeira,
ambiental e social, e, possivelmente, ser exemplo para outras empresas do mesmo
setor, já que possui condições financeiras, tecnologia, capital humano, além de ser
uma líder no segmento de biocombustíveis. Com a introdução de riscos e
oportunidades ESG na avaliação financeira foi observado crescimento de vendas,
melhora de margens e melhor ROIC. / [en] ESG Risks are increasingly prominent among civil society, heads of state,
intergovernmental organizations, and the world of corporate investments.
Therefore, business models increasingly include a strategic approach that takes into
account the externalities generated in environmental and social aspects, with the
real concern of carrying out a transition to a sustainable business model. This study
aims to use the Value Driver Adjustment Approach model developed by Willie
Schramade (2016), who developed a questionnaire as a tool to integrate
sustainability into investment analysis, through qualitative and quantitative ESG
aspects. This process is proposed through understanding how ESG aspects affect
the business model, competitive position, strategy, and value drivers. In this work,
the Value-Driver Adjustment Approach Model was applied to the company Raízen,
a leader in the biofuel segment. As a result, Raízen showed to be capable of making
a transition to a sustainable business model from a financial, environmental and
social perspective, and possibly being an example for other companies in the same
sector, as it has financial conditions, technology, human capital, in addition being
a leader in the biofuels segment. With the introduction of ESG risks and
opportunities in the valuation, it was observed sales growth, better margins and
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The Cost of Feeling GoodField, Casey M 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Cost of Feeling Good attempts to quantify the optimum portfolio returns of Socially Responsible Investment Funds and Dual-Purpose Portfolios. In order to meet the demands of investors who want to create a social impact and generate financial returns, investors can choose two methods. For the purpose of this study, the social returns were quantified and the financial returns were quantified using net present value. In every scenario, the socially responsible investment decision generated higher financial returns. Because of the immediate loss to an investor after choosing the DPP strategy, financially, the SRI fund appears to be the better approach for a financially driver investor. In terms of social returns, the DPP has a more clear impact on society. Measured as the charitable contribution given on an $1,000 investment, the socially responsible fund contributes far less to society on a per investor basis. Therefore, if an investor is interested in generating higher social returns and wants to be selective in terms of their charitable donation, they should choose the DPP model. In terms of tax brackets, investors in higher tax brackets have to generate higher financial returns on socially responsible investments in order to match the returns of a DPP. This is also true with investors who invest less in charity. Therefore, the investors that are in the highest tax bracket and contribute little to charity will need to generate far higher SRI returns according to the constructed theory. This finding is important to the growing millennial trend in sustainable investing.
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Responsible Investing in Exchange-Traded Funds : An empirical analysis of information obstacles faced by retail investors / Ansvarsfull investering i börshandlade fonder : En empirisk analys av informationshinder för privatinvesterareReich, Anna Lisa, Sass, Christian January 2021 (has links)
In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, the European Union has devised a sustainable finance strategy that relies on the engagement of both institutional and private investors in responsible investing to deliver on those goals. Several studies have found high interest in responsible investing among retail investors, but a relatively low engagement therein. Research up to this point on the responsible investing experience of retails investors has not established a clear cause for the gap between interest and engagement and has particularly neglected the increasingly popular investment type of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This thesis therefore aims to shed light on the obstacles that prevent retail investors from investing in responsible ETFs. The research is organized by a five-stage framework for the responsible ETF investing process that identifies potential obstacles in the first three process stages problem recognition, information search, and evaluation of alternatives. An empirical analysis was performed by means of an online survey of European retail ETF investors and non-ETF investors (n = 101). The results indicate that the majority of retail investors experience a gap between their interest and engagement in responsible ETF investing. The most difficult stage of the responsible ETF investing process appears to be the evaluation of alternatives. Incomparability of information on responsible ETFs and a lack of labels and standardization present obstacles that impair investors’ ability to evaluate different options for responsible ETFs. The incomparability of information can be ascribed to the divergence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings. The survey further found a high support among ETF investors for the planned standardizations and regulations by the EU and increased willingness to invest in responsible ETFs if these measures are implemented. These findings emphasize the role of regulations in facilitating responsible investing and pave the way for more comprehensive studies on the information needs and obstacles of European retail ETF investors. / Inom ramen för målen för hållbar utveckling och Parisavtalet har Europeiska unionen utformat en hållbar finansstrategi som bygger på att både institutionella och privata investerare engagerar sig i ansvarsfulla investeringar för att uppnå dessa mål. Flera studier har visat stort intresse för att göra ansvarsfulla investeringar bland privatinvesterare, men ett relativt lågt engagemang däri. Forskning som är aktuell om privatinvesterare erfarenheter har inte visat någon tydlig orsak till klyftan mellan intresse och engagemang och har särskilt försummat den alltmer populära investeringstypen av börshandlade fonder (ETF). Avhandlingen syftar därför till att belysa de hinder som hindrar privatinvesterare från att investera i ansvarsfulla ETF:er. Forskningen är organiserad av ett femstegsramverk för den ansvarsfulla ETF-investeringsprocessen som identifierar potentiella hinder i de tre första processtegen för problemigenkänning, informationssökning och utvärdering av alternativ. En empirisk analys utfördes med hjälp av en online-undersökning av europeiska ETF-investerare och icke-ETFinvesterare (n = 101). Resultaten visar att majoriteten av privatinvesterare upplever ett gap mellan deras intresse och engagemang för ansvarsfull ETF-investering. Det svåraste steget i den ansvariga ETF-investeringsprocessen verkar vara utvärderingen av alternativ. Ojämförbarheten mellan information om ansvarsfulla ETF:er och brist på klassificering och standardisering utgör betydande hinder som försämrar investerarnas förmåga att utvärdera olika alternativ för ansvariga ETF:er. Informationens ojämförbarhet kan tillskrivas skillnaderna mellan miljömässiga, sociala och styresmässiga (ESG) betyg. Undersökningen fann vidare ett stort stöd bland ETF-investerare för EU:s planerade standardiseringar och regler och ökad vilja att investera i ansvarsfulla ETF om dessa åtgärder genomförs. Dessa resultat betonar regelverkets roll för att underlätta ansvarsfulla investeringar och banar väg för mer omfattande studier om informationsbehov och hinder för europeiska ETF-privatinvesterare.
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Co-développement d’un protocole de recherche avec des patients-partenaires atteints de la maladie de Parkinson et des proches aidantsEl Mokhtar, Ons 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La littérature sur l’innovation responsable en santé et en recherche participative encourage l’implication des utilisateurs finaux des technologies dès leur conception, mais manque de documentation sur les méthodes pour les impliquer efficacement. À l’occasion du développement de technologies intra-auriculaires (TIA) intégrant l’intelligence artificielle pour la détection et le monitorage de la maladie de Parkinson (MP), une approche participative, a été adoptée par l’équipe de recherche dans le but de co-créer un protocole de pilotage des TIA. Ce mémoire vise à documenter cette pratique collaborative et à en explorer les retombées ainsi qu’à étudier la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité du protocole de recherche co-développé.
Méthodologie : Trois personnes avec la maladie de Parkinson (PMP), une proche aidante (PA) et une orthophoniste ont été recrutées pour le co-développement du protocole de recherche. Le processus collaboratif consiste à réaliser trois cafés scientifiques (CS) pour l’augmentation de la littératie en technosanté, suivis d’une table ronde (TR) de co-construction du protocole. Avant et après chaque CS, les participants remplissaient un questionnaire sur leur niveau de connaissances du sujet abordé. Après la TR, les participants ont rempli un questionnaire sur l’utilité perçue des CS et ont participé à une entrevue semi-dirigée portant sur leur expérience. Finalement, 3 PMP et une PA ont été recrutés pour expérimenter les TIA. À la fin de l’expérience, ils ont rempli un questionnaire sur l’acceptabilité des technologies portables et ont participé à une entrevue post-expérience pour étudier l’acceptabilité et l’utilisabilité des TIA. L’entrevue post-expérience a servi aussi pour étudier l’acceptabilité du protocole codéveloppé. Une analyse quantitative des questionnaires et une analyse qualitative déductive et inductive des verbatims issus des rencontres ont été menées.
Résultats : La pratique collaborative déployée a permis une implication réelle des usagers malgré quelques critiques concernant la longueur du processus. L’acceptabilité et la faisabilité du protocole ont été confirmées après son expérimentation réelle.
Conclusion : La pratique collaborative était une opportunité d’amélioration de la recherche malgré la présence des enjeux liés à la précocité de son adoption. / Introduction: Literature on responsible innovation in health and participative research encourages involving end-users in technology development from its inception but lacks documented methods for their engagement in early stages. In the context of developing intra-auricular technologies (IAT), integrating promising artificial intelligence for detecting and monitoring Parkinson's Disease (PD), a participative approach based on increasing health technology literacy was adopted. This approach involved PD patients (PDP), caregivers (CG), and clinicians to co-create the IAT pilot protocol. This study aims to document this collaborative practice and explore its outcomes.
Methodology: Three PDP, one CG, and a speech therapist were recruited for the protocol's co-development. The collaborative process included three scientific cafes (SC) for increasing health technology literacy, followed by a Co-Construction Roundtable (CR) for the protocol. Before and after each SC, participants completed a knowledge level questionnaire. Following the CR, participants answered a survey on the perceived utility of the SC and participated in a semi-structured interview discussing their experiences. Finally, three PDP and a CG were recruited to pilot the IAT. At the experience's end, they completed a Smart Wearables Acceptance Model (SWAM) questionnaire and engaged in a post-experience interview to study the IAT's acceptance and usability. The post-experience interview also investigated the acceptability of the co-developed protocol. Quantitative analysis of surveys and deductive and inductive qualitative analysis of meeting transcripts were conducted.
Results: While the SC enriched participants' knowledge and established a climate of trust promoting their active participation, they were not without criticism. Protocol acceptability was confirmed after real-world experimentation despite some challenges related to IAT acceptability and usability. Technological challenges led us to question the early inclusion of end-users in technological prototyping studies.
Conclusion: Collaborative practice presented an opportunity for research improvement despite the challenges related to its early adoption.
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[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta o Template de Metacomunicação Estendido,
uma ferramenta, denominada Template Estendido de Metacomunicação, baseada em um conjunto de perguntas-guia derivadas da teoria da Engenharia
Semiótica. Relatamos os resultados de um estudo para avaliar seus impactos
no processo de design de sistemas de aprendizagem de máquina. Ao solicitar que designers e desenvolvedores respondam um conjunto de perguntas, a
ferramenta busca auxiliá-los a organizar mentalmente suas interpretações da
solução de design, ao mesmo tempo que revisitam as pressuposições por trás
dela. Descrevemos, então, um estudo de design especulativo e analisamos seus
resultados, identificando temas emergentes que nos ajudam a entender como a
ferramenta proposta pode ser utilizada. Dentre os aspectos identificados mais
relevantes estão a prática reflexiva do design, a atenção ao uso de linguagem, a
atribuição de responsabilidade às pessoas envolvidas, o uso do arcabouço ético
de apoio fornecido, os princípios da bioética, e as possíveis formas de se usar
o template estendido. / [en] This dissertation presents the Extended Metacommunication Template,
a tool based on a set of guiding questions derived from the theory of Semiotic
Engineering. We report the results of a study we conducted to evaluate the
tool s impacts on the design process of machine learning systems. By having
designers and developers answer a set of questions, the tool aims to help
them reflect on their interpretations of the design solution, while allowing
them to revisit the presuppositions behind it. We then describe a speculative
design study and analyze its results, identifying emergent themes that help us
understand how the proposed tool may be used. Among the relevant themes
identified are: the reflective practice of design, the designer s focus on their use
of language, the process of attributing responsibility to the people involved,
the use of the ethical framework provided to them, the bioethical principles,
and the ways in which the extension of the template may be used.
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Attityd-beteendegap hos svenska resenärer: : Strategier för puffar och ansvarsfull turism inom inhemska resorIlehag, Benjamin, Sidén, Elin, Nygren, Teresa January 2024 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är det svårt att undvika den negativa påverkan som resande har på miljön.Fossila bränslen dominerar fortfarande det globala energisystemet, och turistindustrins bidragtill klimatförändringarna är betydande. Trots detta finns det möjligheter för resenärer attminska sin miljöpåverkan genom att reducera sina egna utsläpp. Tidigare studier har visat atten positiv attityd gentemot miljö och hållbarhet inte alltid leder till ansvarsfullt beteendebland konsumenter, särskilt under semesterresor, vilket skapar ett attityd-beteendegap.Genom att använda puffar kan man förändra beslutsfattarens miljö, informera om olikaalternativ och främja mer hållbara val, vilket hjälper konsumenter att fatta mer ansvarsfullabeslut. Denna studie tillämpade teorier om attityd-beteendegap och puffar för att undersökaom ett sådant gap förekommer hos svenskar som reser inom Sverige, och vilka puffar somkan användas för att främja ansvarsfull turism. En kombination av kvantitativa ochkvalitativa metoder användes för att initialt undersöka attityder och beteenden genom enenkätundersökning, som sedan kompletterades med djupgående insikter från kvalitativaintervjuer. Resultatet visade på ett attityd-beteendegap bland svenska resenärer därmajoriteten hade en positiv inställning till hållbarhet och agerade ansvarsfullt i sin vardag,men att samma attityd och beteende inte applicerades på deras beslut av resa. Studienidentifierade att svenska resenärer främst efterfrågar självgynnande puffar för att kunna göramer ansvarsfulla val under sina resor. Dessa puffar kan inkludera ekonomiskt fördelaktigaerbjudanden, lättillgänglig information och fler hållbara alternativ som inte kompromissarmed resenärens bekvämlighet, smidighet eller tidsmässiga fördelar. / In today's society, it's hard to ignore the negative impact travel has on the environment. Fossilfuels currently dominate the global energy system, and the tourism industry's contribution toclimate change is significant. However, travelers have opportunities to reduce their ownenvironmental impact by lowering their emissions. Studies have shown that even whenpeople have positive attitudes towards the environment and sustainability, this doesn't alwayslead to responsible behavior, especially during vacations. This disconnect is known as theattitude-behavior gap. Using nudges can help change the decision-making environment,informing people about different options and promoting more sustainable choices. This studyexplored whether an attitude-behavior gap exists among Swedes traveling within Sweden andwhich nudges that could encourage more responsible tourism. A mix of quantitative surveysand qualitative interviews was used to examine attitudes and behaviors in detail. The findingsrevealed that while most Swedish travelers have a positive attitude towards sustainability andmake responsible choices at home, they often abandon these behaviors when traveling. It wasfound that Swedish travelers are most responsive to nudges that benefit them personally, suchas cost-saving offers, more accessible information, and sustainable options that do notcompromise their comfort, convenience, or time.
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ESTIMATING MODEL FAIRNESS USING DATA CHARACTERISTICSKevin Varghese Chittilapilly (20234277) 17 November 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The pursuit of fairness in machine learning (ML) systems is a critical challenge in today’s world that relies heavily on AI systems. However, computing and mitigating the bias necessitates substantial computational resources and time when evaluating across entire datasets. This research introduces an innovative approach to estimate fairness in ML systems by leveraging data characteristics and constructing a metafeatures dataframe. Using our methodology enables the prediction of fairness with significantly reduced computational cost and expedited analysis times. Furthermore, our approach is scalable to different distributions and requires minimal training to deal with out of sample data. This approach not only enhances the efficiency of fairness assessments in ML systems but also provides a scalable framework for future fairness evaluation methodologies. Our findings suggest that using data characteristics to estimate fairness is not only feasible but also effective, offering a promising avenue for developing more equitable ML systems with reduced resource consumption.</p>
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