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Uppfattningar av riskbeteenden ur ett genusperspektiv inom fordonsmekaniker och -reparatörbranschen : En fenomenografisk studie med 10 första linjen-chefer / Conceptions of risk behaviour from a gender perspektive in the automotive mechanics and repair industry : A phenomenographic interview study with 10 first line managersLarenhjelm, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Problemformulering: Kunskap om ledarskapets inverkan på riskbeteende och genusföreställningar som framträder i det riskförebyggande arbetet är begränsad och flera studier föreslår att forskningen ska utökas. Genom att undersöka första linjen-chefers uppfattningar av riskbeteenden för att se vilka föreställningar om kvinnor och män som framträder kan en ökad förståelse nås för hur chefer själva upplever att de påverkar, upprätthåller eller förändrar riskbeteenden i arbetsmiljön i förhållande till genus och maskulinitetsnormer. Studien kan ge viktiga implikationer för chefer att arbeta med ur ett genusmedvetet perspektiv för att främja en trygg säkerhetskultur inom mansdominerade branscher. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka och beskriva, ur ett genusperspektiv, första linjen-chefers uppfattningar av riskbeteenden inom yrket fordonsmekaniker och -reparatörer. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio första linjen-chefer inom fordonsmekaniker och -reparatörbranschen. Datainsamlingen analyserades med en fenomenografisk analys. Huvudresultat: Analysen resulterade i sex beskrivningskategorier som gemensamt beskriver första linjen-chefernas uppfattningar av riskbeteenden inom branschen ur ett genusperspektiv. Chefernas uppfattning var att informella ledare, jargong och kvinnors riskbeteende påverkar riskbeteende och därmed säkerhetskultur i branschen. Chefernas uppfattning var också att de påverkar riskbeteenden och säkerhetskultur genom att vara förebilder och ledare samt genom att använda informella ledare som hjälp. Slutsats: Det framgår av resultatet att cheferna beskriver en situation där riskbeteenden påverkas av informella ledares riskbeteenden och där kvinnor och mäns riskbeteenden beskrivs bero på det biologiska könet. Arbetsmiljöarbete med ett genusperspektiv kan bidra med kunskap om att genus är socialt konstruerat och att män och kvinnor inte beter oss olika för att vi har biologiskt olika kön, utan på grund av socialt konstruerade förväntningar på hur vi bör bete oss. Resultatet går i linje med studiens teoretiska ramverk, att kvinnor och mäns riskbeteende beskrivs som olika på grund av det biologiska könet vilket kan påverka riskbeteende. / Aim: The aim was to investigate and describe, from a gender perspective, first-line managers' conceptions of risk behavior in the profession of automotive mechanics and repairers. Method: A semi-structured interview study was conducted on ten first-line managers. The data collection was analyzed with a phenomenographic analysis. Main results: The analysis resulted in six description categories: The managers' conceptions were that informal leaders, jargon and women's risk behaviour affect risk behaviour and thus safety culture. Managers also believed that they influence risk behaviors and safety culture by being role models and leaders, and by using informal leaders for help. Conclusion: Managers describe a situation where risk behaviours in the industry are mostly affected by the risk behaviours of informal leaders and where women and men's risk behaviours are described as due to the biological sex. Promoting occupational health from a gender perspective in male dominated industries can contribute with knowledge that risk behaviour is affected by socially constructed expectations of how we should behave.
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RISKBETEENDE PÅ BYGGARBETSPLATSER : VERKLIGHET OCH MÖJLIGHETEkwurtzel, Sebastian, Svensson, Fabian January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Patienters upplevelse av skadereduktion vid sprututbytet : Mer än bara ett sprututbytesprogramHaddad, Johannes, Lilliengren, Ella January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarigt drogbruk leder till negativa fysiologiska och psykologiska konsekvenser. Samsjuklighet, stigmatisering och abstinens är några anledningar till att patientgruppen fortsätter sitt drogbruk. Droginjicering är en av orsakerna till att blodsmittor sprids i samhället. Sprututbytesprogrammet är riktat till personer med intravenöst drogberoende och erbjuder remittering, sprututbyte, samtalskontakt och antidotpreparat. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av skadereduktion och påverkan påriskbeteende genom deltagande på sprututbytesprogrammet. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie utgjordes av tio kvalitativa originalartiklar som analyserades tematiskt. Resultat: Tre huvudteman och sex subteman identifierades. Minskat riskbeteende med subtema egenvårdsförmåga och hjälp från flera håll. Ökad relationsbyggnad med subtema hälsofrämjande verksamhet och vårdmötet. Begränsade resurser med subtema fortsatt stigmatisering och när drogberoendet tar överhand. Slutsats: Sprututbytesprogrammet ökarkunskapen om riskbeteende, egenvårdsförmågan och hälsofrämjande livsstilsförändringar. Behandling, utbildning och en känsla av trygghet är viktiga komponenter för konsekvent deltagande på Sprututbytesprogrammet. Verksamheten ökar självkänslan hos patientgruppen till skillnad från annan hälso- och sjukvård och bidrar till att minska sociala klyftor mellan patientgruppen och övriga samhället. Fortsatt stigmatisering och strukturella hinder gör patientgruppen skör vilket belyser behovet av vidare forskning och utbildning för att kunna möta deras vårdbehov. / Background: Addictive disorders lead to negative physiological and psychological consequences. Comorbidity, stigmatization and abstinence are reasons for continued drug use. Intravenous drug use contributes to the spread of blood-borne diseases. The needle-exchange program targets intravenous drug users and offers referrals, needle-exchange, counselling and naloxone. Aim: The purpose was to describe patients' experience of harm reduction and the impact on risk behavior through participation in the syringe exchange program. Method: A literature study based on ten original qualitative articles that were thematically analysed. Result: Three main themes and six sub-themes were identified. Positive life-style change with sub-themes self-care ability and help from different directions. Relationship building with sub-themes health-promotion operations and care meeting. Limited resources with sub-themes continued stigmatization and when drug addiction takes over. Conclusion: Needle-exchange increase patients’ knowledge of risk behaviour, self-care, and positive life-style changes. Treatment, education, and safety are components for continued participation. The program increases self-esteem, and helps reduce the social divide between people with drug addiction and the rest of society. Our research revealed that there are obstacles to consider. Continued stigma and structural barriers make the patients fragile, which highlights the need for continued research and education to be able to meet their care needs.
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Ärren vi bär i själen : Behandlande arbete med unga med ett sexuellt riskbeteende / Scars carried in our souls : Treatment of young people with sexually risky behaviourAxelsson Cramer, Daniella January 2024 (has links)
Any form of self harm can be triggering and hard for most people to be confronted with. Sexually risky behaviour and sex as self-injury among young people is no exception. This study aims to explore and analyse how social workers in the field of psychiatric care for young people in Sweden work with this group. For this study four interviews were conducted and analysed with systems theory. To further deepen the studies result, a variation of literature has been included. The result of the study showed how dedicated social workers worked in interprofessional teams as well as with the youths families, in ordr to provide the youth with care suitable for their needs. The results from both the interviews as well as the literature reviewshow that although there is currently a need for more structured and evidence-based guidelines and work methods, it is a field where forward-looking research and great development are constantly present.
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Frihet, rädsla och skuld : om unga kvinnors bild av sexuella övergreppSandberg, Anna January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine young women’s perception and fear of sexual assault. An additional aim was to analyze the women’s view on guilt and responsibility in rape related questions. Two focus group interviews were executed with undergraduate women aged 22-32 years. The questions focused on the women’s understanding of rape and their fear of sexual assault. Questions about responsibility for rape and risky behaviour were also asked. The main results showed that the women are more likely to fear violent stranger rape outdoors than acquaintance rape indoors. They also use constrained behaviour at some level to avoid riskfull situations and to lower their fear of rape. The women were aware of the fact that most rapes occur indoors and are executed by someone known to the victim. Despite this knowledge they did not feel that acquaintance rape was a threat to them. A strong sense of ambivalence among the women was also found. They felt that the reality is different from the ideal world. In reality women have to consider risk factors and take responsibility for a sexual assault at some level. In the ideal world women would not have to constrain their behaviour and the responsibility for a rape would rest on the male perpetrator. The results were discussed from a feminist perspective and the main conclusion was that rape prevention should question the patriarchal ideology and attempt to affect men’s attitudes instead of encouraging women to constrain their behaviours and live their lives in fear.
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Oron bakom skärmen : En kvantitativ studie om kort- och/eller kreditbedrägeri / Unease behind the Screen : A Quantitative Study about Card and/or Credit FraudKALABA, VIKTORIA, JAVANI, SANDRA, LAKSJÖ, PETRA January 2022 (has links)
Följande kriminologiska studie redogör för individers utsatthet och deras riskbeteende kring oron för kort- och/eller kreditbedrägerier. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att undersöka människors oro att bli utsatta för kort- och/eller kreditbedrägeri på internet, tidigare utsatthet för bedrägeri och riskbeteenden över internet. Material till studien har samlats in med hjälp av en digital enkät som varit tillgänglig i olika Facebook-grupper och för individer i författarnas närhet. Totalt har enkäten genererat 308 självrapporterade svar. Med hjälp av det statistiska dataprogrammet SPSS har studien kunnat genomföra statistiska metoder. Resultatet visar att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan oro och den egna tidigare utsattheten samt utsattheten i närmaste krets. Sambanden är signifikanta i såväl den bivariata som den multipla analysen, även om den är starkast i den förstnämnda. Avseende sambandet mellan oro och riskbeteende föreligger en positiv riktning som i den multipla analysen inte kunde säkerställas statistiskt. Trots detta ger sambandet en indikation på hur riktningen ser ut. Samtliga samband har även försvagats i den multipla analysen, vilket kan bero på effekten av de oberoende variablerna samt att det kan finnas andra faktorer som förklarar sambanden. Studiens resultat kan vidare förstås utifrån teorin om risksamhället, rutinaktivitetsteorin och tidigare forskning. Trots att studien har en del begränsningar har den bidragit med kunskaper inom det kriminologiska fältet genom att ge en bättre uppfattning om oron kring brottstyperna kort- och/eller kreditbedrägeri samt faktorer som påverkar oron. Avslutningsvis har studien endast skrapat på ytan, vilket ger stöd åt att det finns behov att ytterligare studera ämnet. / The following criminological study describes individuals’ vulnerability and their risk behavior when it comes to card and/or credit fraud. The purpose of the study has been to investigate people's anxiety about being exposed to card and/or credit fraud on the internet, previous exposure to fraud and risky behavior over the internet. The data for the study has been collected through a digital survey which was shared in various Facebook-groups and distributed through individuals close to the authors. In total, the survey generated 308 self-reported responses. With the help of the statistical analysis software SPSS, the study has been able to implement statistical methods. The results show that there is a positive connection between anxiety and one's own previous exposure to fraud, as well as if persons in the immediate circle have been exposed. The correlation is significant in both the bivariate and the multiple analysis. Regarding the correlation between anxiety and risky behavior, there’s a positive direction that couldn’t be ensured in the multiple analysis. Despite this, the connection gives an indication of what the direction looks like. The relations are less strong in the multiple analysis, which may be due to the effect of the independent variables and that there may be other relevant factors. The results of the study can also be understood on the basis of the theory of the risk society, the routine activity theory and previous research. Although the study has some limitations, it contributes to the research in the criminological field as it provides a better understanding of individuals' concern related to card and/or credit fraud and factors affecting the perceived concern. In conclusion, the study has merely scratched the surface, and provides support for continued studies on the subject.
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Sprutbyte vid Intravenöst Narkotikamissbruk : En longitudinell studie av deltagarna i sprutbytesprogrammet i MalmöStenström, Nils January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the users visiting the syringe exchange clinic in Malmö with respect to what characterises the group, how they utilize the services of the clinic and how their patterns of participation relate to risk behaviour, physical and mental health and social development. The heterogeneity of the group has been captured by the use of Stimsons dimensions “integration in majority society” and “involvement in sub-culture”, yielding four different groups of syringe exchangers: “stables”, “loners”, “two-worlders” and “junkies”. The study rests on two sources of data: a register from the clinic including all syringe exchangers that have visited the clinic between 1989 and 2003, altogether 3660 individuals, and an interview of visitors at the clinic during 1995, including 496 persons. The results show that syringe exchangers, compared to other persons with severe addiction in Malmö, to a larger extent use amphetamine as their drug-of-choice, are older and inject more irregularly. The population visiting the clinic is heterogeneous with respect to integration in society and involvement in sub-cultures. The group classified as junkies do, as expected, display the highest inclination to share syringes and needles with other and hence have the most advanced risk behaviours. As to utilization of the programme, the results show that the longer the syringe exchangers stay in the programme, the more frequent they visit it. Also with respect to utilization-patterns, we find substantial variations within the studied group. Five categories are discernible: drop-in visitors with only one or two visits, sporadic visitors who in spite of contacts over a number of years never really establish a regular contact, intermittent visitors who have had contact over several years but display a very irregular visiting pattern, regular visitors who relatively fast establish a consistent contact with visits between uniform time intervals and frequent visitors who tend to stay longer than others and visit the clinic more often. Another aspect of utilization is to what extent the distribution of needles and syringes cover the needs of the visitors. With a strict definition of need, only a minority manages to cover their needs, but if we accept a more extensive individual re-use, around 90 percent of the average need is covered. Data also reveals that a very high proportion of the users on at least one occasion have visited the programme without syringe exchange taking place or any complementary service delivered. Basically these visits seem to be of a more social nature, reinforcing the contacts between the staff and the visitors. Data do not give any clear support for the basic assumption that syringe exchange reduce the incidence of HIV or hepatitis. Recent sharing of utensils or low coverage of syringe need through the programme do not predict a higher infection risk. Instead we find that the social contacts with the staff (without syringe exchange) function as a predictor of lower incidence. This indicates that the mechanisms may be more complex than just related to the provision of clean needles and syringes. The result shows that integration increase over time while sub-cultural involvement decreases. However, the patterns for different groups are very diverse and we find no evidence that more frequent contacts as such are related to increased integration. There is however, some evidence that social visits are positively related to increased integration. No support could be found for the assumption that the programme increases the number of severe addicts.
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”Har du sex som du mår bra av?” : En narrativ analys om barnmorskors erfarenhet av att identifiera sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet hos ungdomar genom bedömningsverktyget SEXIT / ”Do you have sex that makes you feel good?” : A narrative analysis of midwives' experience of identifying sexual ill health and exposure to violence in young people, through the assessment tool SEXITWennberg, Anna, Nordström, Hlin January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet är vanligt bland ungdomar och kan få allvarliga hälso-och beteendemässiga konsekvenser för unga kvinnor och män. Ungdomsmottagningarnas centrala mål är att främja sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorskors roll innebär bland annat att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuellt riskbeteende och våldsutsatthet. Motiv: Utmaningen i barnmorskors dialog med ungdomar är att få dem att dela med sig av negativa erfarenheter vilket sällan sker spontant. Därav utvecklades bedömningsverktyget SEXIT för att underlätta kommunikationen mellan barnmorskor och ungdomar. Studier i norra Sverige saknas angående barnmorskors upplevelse av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att narrativt undersöka hur barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagning upptäcker och bemöter risk- eller våldsutsatta ungdomar innan, under och efter implementering av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med sex barnmorskor. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Riessman’s sätt att bilda en narrativ metaberättelse där intervjuerna kodades och tematiserades. Genusperspektiv användes som inspiration. Resultat: Analysprocessen resulterade i fem narrativa teman som presenterades i en bestämd tidsordning. Första temat, Förtroendeingivande barnmorskor med ambition att fånga upp våldsutsatthet där frågor om våld tappas bort, handlade om hur de fångade upp våld och risktagande innan SEXIT. Tema två, SEXIT en ögonöppnare i teorin men svårare att implementera i praktiken, avser hur barnmorskorna upplevde kursen, resterande tre teman, SEXIT - innebär både motstånd och möjligheter, Tiden - en grundläggande förutsättning för att upptäcka våldsutsatthet och risktagande bland ungdomar, att rutinmässigt utfråga unga kan avslöja sexuell ohälsa, innehöll narrativ som handlade om motstånd, möjligheter, utmaningar som kunde bidra till att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuell ohälsa. Konklusion: Innan SEXIT intog barnmorskorna delvis en undvikande roll gällande riskbeteenden och erfarenhet av våld. Efter SEXIT intog barnmorskorna en mer aktiv roll med direkta frågor baserat på det ifyllda SEXIT-underlaget. SEXIT kan vara ett användbart verktyg, men narrativen tyder på ett visst motstånd mot användning vid dropp-in. / Abstract Background: Sexual risk taking and violence are common among adolescents and can have serious health and behavioral consequences for them. The youth clinics' central goal is to promote sexual and reproductive health. The role of midwives includes, among other things, detecting adolescence with sexual risk behavior and exposure to violence. Motive: The challenge in midwives' dialogue with adolescence to make them share negative experiences, which rarely happens spontaneously. From this, the SEXIT assessment tool was developed to facilitate communication between midwives and adolescents. Studies in northern Sweden are lacking regarding experience of the assessment tool SEXIT. Aim: The aim was to narratively investigate how midwives at youth clinics discover and meet with at-risk or violent adolescence before, during and after implementation of the SEXIT assessment tool. Methods: A qualitative interview study was conducted with six midwives. The interviews were analysed according to Riessman's method of forming a narrative meta-narrative where the interviews were coded and thematized. Gender perspective was used as inspiration. Result: The analysis identified five narrative themes presented chronologically. The first theme, "Confidence-inspiring Midwives," focused on midwives detecting violence issues before SEXIT. Theme two, "SEXIT: Theory verses Practice," explored the challenges of implementing SEXIT in real-life situations. The remaining three themes, "SEXIT: Resisting and Embracing," "Time: Essential for Detecting Violence among Adolescence," and "Routine Questioning Reveals Sexual Health Issues in Adolescence," discussed narratives on resistance, opportunities, and challenges in uncovering sexual health concerns in adolescents. Conclusion: Before SEXIT, the midwives partly assumed an avoidant role regarding risk behaviours and experience of violence. After SEXIT, the midwives took a more active role with direct questions based on the SEXIT assessment tool. It can be a useful tool, but the narrative signifies resistance to use SEXIT during drop-in.
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