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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between involvement in unstructured unsupervised leisure and substance use in a cohort of adolescent male skateboarders

Johns, Judith A. 13 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Smugglingens skiftande landskap : Kartläggning av statistik och analys av faktorer som inverkar på smugglingsbrottsligheten enligt svenska myndigheter

Andersson, Lina, Marvelin, Terese January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få ökad förståelse och kunskap om smugglingsbrottsligheten i Sverige. Vi studerade likheter och skillnader gällande nivå och utveckling av anmälda smugglingsbrott samt varor som smugglades i Stockholms kommun, Göteborgs kommun och Malmö kommun mellan år 2016-2023. Vi studerade även myndighetsdokument för att förstå vilka faktorer som enligt dem inverkade på smugglingsbrottsligheten i Sverige. Studien kombinerade beskrivande statistik över anmälda brott med en tematisk innehållsanalys av myndighetsdokument. Att dra tydliga slutsatser angående anmälda smugglingsbrott var komplext då smuggling är ett brott där anmälningar påverkades av myndigheternas satsningar. Trots detta fann vi likheter och skillnader mellan kommunerna där narkotika och en hög nivå av anmälda brott i Malmö var de mest dominerande dragen. Vår tolkning av de svenska myndigheternas dokument var att de ansåg att kontroller och geografisk plats hade en central betydelse för smugglingsbrottsligheten. / The purpose of the study was to gain increased understanding and knowledge of smuggling crimes in Sweden. We examined the similarities and differences in the level and development of reported smuggling crimes, as well as the types of goods smuggled, in the municipalities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö between 2016 and 2023. We also analyzed government documents to understand which factors, according to them, influenced smuggling crime in Sweden. The study combined descriptive statistics on reported crimes with a thematic content analysis of government documents. Drawing clear conclusions regarding reported smuggling crimes was complex, as smuggling is a crime where reports are influenced by government efforts. Despite this, we found similarities and differences between the municipalities, with drugs and a high level of reported crimes in Malmö being the most dominant features. Our interpretation of the Swedish government documents was that they considered controls and geographical location to be of central importance for smuggling crime.

"Man vet vem man ger sig på" : En kriminologisk fallstudie om upplevd brottsutsatthet i försvarsindustrin under en tid med försämrat säkerhetsläge / "They know who they're targeting" : A criminological case study on perceived exposure tocrime in the defense industry during a time with a deteriorating security situation

Moqvist, Malin, Nordgren, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna fallstudie har varit att, med hänsyn till rådande försämrat säkerhetsläge, granska hur anställda inom försvarsindustrin beskriver företags brottsutsatthet. Vidare har syftet varit att diskutera hur brottsutsattheten kan förklaras utifrån kriminologisk teori. Detta har gjorts med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där anställda inom försvarsindustrin varit intervjudeltagare. Intervjudatan relaterades sedan till rutinaktivitetsteorin samt strainteorin. Av studiens huvudresultat har det framgått att anställda på företag i försvarsindustrin upplevde att företagens brottsutsatthet i huvudsak bestod av verkstadsstölder, cyberbrott, IP-intrång samt otillåten informationsspridning. Denna brottsutsatthet kunde förklaras av rutinaktivitetsteorin i vissa fall, samt i kombination med strain i andra fall. Brottsutsattheten upplevdes ha ökat i samband med att landets säkerhetsläge försämrades samt det huvudsakliga företaget expanderade personellt. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser var att brottsutsattheten i stort upplevdes ha ökat gällande samtliga ovan nämnda brott, men att orsaken till ökningen skiljde sig åt och att endast för cyberbrott upplevdes det föreligga ett samband med säkerhetsläget. / This case study examined how defense industry employees perceive crimes against their companies, in the context of a deteriorating security situation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees, and the data was analyzed in relation to routine activity theory and strain theory. The main findings show that employees perceived the companies' exposure to crime mainly as a result of workshop thefts, cybercrime, IP infringement, and unauthorized dissemination of information. This crime exposure can be explained by routine activity theory in some cases and strain theory in others. The crime exposure increased as the country's security situation deteriorated and the main company expanded its personnel. The most important conclusions of the study were that crime exposure was generally perceived to have increased for all the above-mentioned crimes, but that the reason for the increase differed and that only for cybercrime was there perceived to be a connection with the security situation.

Vad innebär grannsamverkan? : En komparativ analys av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan kopplat till bostadsinbrott på Södermalm / What does Neighborhood watch mean? : A comparative analysis of actions in neighborhood watch linked to burglary within Södermalm

Fucik, Cecilia, Ljungberg, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilken betydelse införandet av grannsamverkan har på antalet bostadsinbrott. Den försökte även besvara vilka typer av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan som används samt likheter och skillnader mellan dessa, kopplat till områden i Södermalms stadsdelsområde. Ett matchat urval skapades varpå data insamlades genom strukturerade intervjuer med ombudsmän för grannsamverkan. I resultatet framställdes hur nivåerna över bostadsinbrott såg ut fem år innan-, samt ett till fem år efter, grannsamverkan implementerats. Materialet analyserades genom komparativ analys, varpå slutsatserna drogs att åtgärder som främst används var skyltning, säkerhetsdörrar, god belysning, god kontakt med boende i området, koll när granne reser bort samt uppmärksamhet på misstänkta i området. Skillnader och likheter mellan använda åtgärder fanns, vilket gör att generella slutsatser kring skillnader och likheter inte går att dra då inga områden är identiska. Gällande införande av grannsamverkan och dess betydelse för bostadsinbrott är resultaten tvetydiga då det skiljer sig hos områdena. / The aim of this study was to examine if the introduction of neighborhood watch affects the number of burglary. The questions asked were; which types of methods of neighborhood watch were used, and what kind of differences there were between selected areas in Södermalm, Stockholm. We created a matched sample of areas and contacted mediators of neighborhood watch in these areas. We conducted a quantitative study using structured interviews and presented data per burglary rates in the areas five years before and one to five years after neighborhood watch was implemented. The results were analyzed by comparative analysis and concluded that common methods of neighborhood watch were e.g. signage, security doors, good contacts between neighbors and attention to suspects in the area. The differences between the methods used means that general conclusions about differences and similarities cannot be concluded. The impact of neighborhood watch differed, and the results were ambiguous.

Opportunities for physical assault in the night-time economy in England and Wales, 1981-2011/12

Garius, Laura L. January 2016 (has links)
Building on a growing body of research linking an opportunity framework to drops in acquisitive crime and most recently, acquisitive violence, the present thesis extends this framework to the downward trajectory of nighttime economy violence in England and Wales, during the phenomenon of the crime drop. Using secondary data analysis of the Crime Survey for England and Wales, the rate of stranger and acquaintance violence within the night-time economy is found to have halved between 1995 and 2011/12; mirroring the dramatic declines experienced by other crime types within England and Wales, and more widely across other westernised countries. Disaggregating this overarching trend by offence and victim characteristics reveals a reduction in alcohol-fuelled, common assaults between young males, occurring in and around the drinking venues of the night-time economy, and during weekends, to be the main driver of the drop. Boden, Fergusson and Horwood (2013) argue that to date there is limited knowledge surrounding the nature of alcohol-related violence. The present research explores the nexus between alcohol and violence through a situational lens. The opportunistic nature of night-time economy violence is identified through offenders' choice of tools (weapons) and selection of targets, as well as the clustering of violence along certain spatial, temporal, and individual, dimensions. The opportunity structure of night-time economy violence is established using multivariate modelling techniques designed to isolate the role of opportunity in assault-victimisation, and resultant severity, from the personal characteristics of the actors involved. Measures of a 'risky lifestyle', characterised by an increase in routine activities that take respondents away from the safety of the home, are found to be the strongest predictors of assault victimisation-risk across every available sweep of the survey. A significant shift in population lifestyle - namely a significant net decline in routine engagement with the drinking venues of the night-time economy, as well as a shift in the gender and age composition of drinking venue patronage - co-varies with the decline in night-time economy violence. However, residual effects of respondents' socio-demographic characteristics on victimisation-risk, after mediating for differences in lifestyle, presents violent victimisation in the night-time economy as a result of a process by which personal traits interact with criminogenic environments. Personal characteristics, however, are weaker in their prediction of offence severity in the night-time economy. Rather, the present research supports a collection of research identifying the context of violence to be the strongest predictor of violent dispute escalation (Brennan, Moore & Shepherd, 2010; Marcus and Reio, 2002).

Ingen rök utan eld - en kartläggning av svenska mordbrännare ur ett geografiskt profileringsperspektiv

Minic, Johanna, Nilsson, Mathilda January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett uppdrag från Christina Innala vid Örebropolisen undersöka huruvida det går att utläsa beteendemönster hos svenska mordbrännare som kan ligga till grund för vidare geografiska analyser. I uppsatsen kommer vi att se närmre på mordbrännare och geografisk profilering utifrån svenska förhållanden. Materialet som ligger till grund för uppsatsen består av domslut gällande mordbränder och dessa analyseras och kategoriseras. De domslut som i materialet har omfattat seriemordbrännare har analyserats utifrån geografisk profilering med hjälp av mjukvaran GeoProfile. Detta för att undersöka hur brottplatser förhåller sig till fasta punkter för svenska seriemordbrännare.Sammanfattningsvis kan man utifrån vårt material identifiera sex stycken kategorier av mordbrännare. Dessa kategorier stämmer överrens med tidigare forskning. Utifrån våra geografiska profileringar kan man dra slutsatsen att seriemordbrännare tenderar att anlägga sina bränder i anslutning till en eller flera fasta punkter. Den svenska mordbrännaren är alltså inte en irrationell individ som slumpmässigt och oberäkneligt anlägger bränder. Bränderna tenderar ofta att uppstå inom en gärningsmans rutinaktivitetsområde, det vill säga att gärningsmannen vanligtvis begår brott i områden som denne känner till. / As an a assignment from Christina Innala at the police in Örebro, this paper aims to investigate whether it is possible to discern behavioral patterns of Swedish arsonists as a point of departure for further spatial analysis. In this paper geographic profiling based on Swedish conditions will be studied. The material that is the basis for the essay consists of judicial decisions regarding arson and these will be analyzed and categorized. The judicial decisions that in the material has included serial arsonists has been analyzed based on geographic profiling using the software GeoProfile. We want to examine wheatear crime scenes are related to anchor-points for Swedish serial arsonists.In summary, based on our material we were able to identify six categories of arsonists. These categories match those of previous research. Based on our geographic profiling it can be concluded that the serial arsonists tend to set their fires in connection with one or more anchor-points. The Swedish arsonist is not an irrational individual that randomly and unpredictably set fires. Fires tend to occur within a criminals routine activity area, in other words the offender usually commits the offense in areas that is known for him/her.

”Penningtvätt följer alltid vill jag hävda, teknisk utveckling” : - En kvalitativ studie om fyra respondenters erfarenheter av penningtvätt i Sverige

Berlemo, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur fyra respondenter beskriver att pengar tvättas i Sverige. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka vilka möjligheter och svårigheter respondenterna upplever i deras arbete mot penningtvätt. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts där fyra respondenter har intervjuats. Respondenterna var vid intervjutillfällena verksamma vid Ekobrottsmyndigheten, Skatteverket samt inom banksektorn. Intervjuerna har analyserats med analysmetoden tematisering. Studiens empiri tolkas med rutinaktivitetsteorin som utgår från att tre element behövs för att ett brott ska vara möjligt att begå. Studiens empiri antyder att penningtvätt i Sverige har påverkats av internetanvändningen och samhällets tekniska utveckling. Användningen av internet och annan teknik i penningtvättsprocessen har bidragit till möjligheten att spåra digitala transaktioner, vilket är viktigt i arbetet mot penningtvätt. Internet och teknikanvändningen har även bidragit till att det är enklare att överföra pengar, inte minst till andra länder, vilket kan försvåra respondenternas arbete mot penningtvätt. Utifrån den teoretiska tolkningen av empirin tvättas pengar då möjligheten finns. Den teoretiska tolkningen antyder även att pengar kan tvättas med hjälp av internet då det saknas kapabla väktare som hörhindrar att brottet begås. / The study aims to investigate how four respondents describe that money is laundered in Sweden. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate what opportunities and difficulties the respondents experience in their work against money laundering. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews has been used where four respondents have been interviewed. During the interviews, the respondents were active at the Swedish Environmental Crime Agency, the Swedish Tax Agency and in the banking sector. The interviews were analyzed with the analysis method thematization. The empirical study is interpreted with the routine activity theory, which assumes that three elements are needed for a crime to be possible to commit. The empirical study suggests that money laundering in Sweden has been affected by internet use and society's technological development. The use of the internet and other technology in the money laundering process has contributed to the ability to track digital transactions, which is important in the work against money laundering. The Internet and the use of technology have also contributed to making it easier to transfer money, not least to other countries, which can make it difficult for respondents to work against money laundering. Based on the theoretical interpretation of the empirical data, money is laundered when the opportunity arises. The theoretical interpretation also suggests that money can be laundered with the help of the internet as there are no capable guards who prevent the crime from being committed.

Under vilka omständigheter förekommer försäljning av cannabis? : En fältstudie i Stockholm / In which conditions does dealing of cannabis occur? : A field study in Stockholm

Gliori, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen i Sverige, och dess konsumtion är ständigt växande. De senaste årens massiva ökning av dödsskjutningar tros vara ett resultat av konflikter mellan kriminella nätverk i fråga om just cannabisförsäljning. För att ta itu med dessa problem måste vi först lära oss mer om de platser där hantering av cannabis sker, i synnerhet försäljning. Den här studien ämnar ge en inblick i hur de här platserna ser ut, vad som kännetecknar dem, och varför just dessa blir utvalda för drogrelaterade aktiviteter, med målet att formulera förslag på hur de kan utformas så att försäljningen av cannabis förebyggs. Studien utfördes genom fältarbete och tillämpandet av ett särskilt fältprotokoll där variabler avsedda att beskriva förhållanden i miljön bedömdes. Dataunderlaget kom från polisens register över arresteringar för misstanke om överlåtelse av cannabis under åren 2019–2020. Vad som kan sägas är att en typisk plats låg i ett bostadsområde med flervåningshus, avskild från stora folkmassor och trafik, öppen med god sikt, och med god tillgänglighet. De erhållna resultaten analyserades sedan i relation till kriminologiska teorier, i syfte att skapa en större förståelse om varför brotten inträffar just där. För att kunna förhindra cannabishandeln på dessa platser har lösningsförslag baserade på principer i CPTED-strategin framförts. Dessa gäller bland annat ökad övervakning från byggnader runtomkring samt att ta upp kampen om det sociala rummet genom att skapa en känsla av ökad territorialitet på platserna. Rapporten avslutas med en utvärdering av den nyttjade metoden samt en diskussion om komplexiteten i att lösa problemen enkom genom åtgärder i stadsmiljön, då det finns en rad andra faktorer som spelar in. Det vi samhällsplanerare kan erbjuda är lösningsalternativ som må stävja brottsligheten, men i slutändan är det individer som väljer att begå dessa kriminella handlingar. / Cannabis is the most common illegal drug in Sweden, and its consumption is constantly increasing. The massive rise in fatal shootings in recent years is believed to be a result of conflicts between criminal networks regarding cannabis sales. To address these issues, we must first learn more about the places in which cannabis occurs, particularly dealing. This study aims to provide an insight into what these places look like, what characterizes them, and why these are selected for drug-related activities, with the aim of offering suggestions on how they could be designed to prevent the dealing of cannabis. The study was carried out through fieldwork and the utilization of a special fieldwork protocol in which variables intended to describe conditions in the environment were assessed. The data came from police records of arrests for suspicions of selling cannabis during the years 2019– 2020. What can be said is that a typical place was in a residential area with multi-storey buildings, separated from large crowds and traffic, open with good visibility, and with good accessibility. The results obtained were then analyzed in relation to criminological theories, to create a greater understanding of why the crimes occur right there. In order to prevent the cannabis dealing in these places, proposed solutions have been put forward based on principles in the CPTED strategy. These include increased surveillance from surrounding buildings and taking up the fight about the social space by creating a sense of increased territoriality in the places. The report ends with an evaluation of the method used and a discussion about the complexity of solving the problems solely through measures in the urban environment, as there are a number of other factors that come into play. What we urban planners can offer are alternative solutions that may curb crime, but in the end, it is individuals who decide to commit these criminal acts.

An analysis of homicides in Recife, Brazil

PEREIRA, Débora Viana e Sousa 01 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-01 / FACEPE / CAPES / In Brazil, since 2000, approximately 50,000 people are murdered every year. In a span of 30 years (1980 – 2010), more than 1 million homicides were registered. In 2012, the homicide rate in Brazil was 29 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. All Brazilian states exceed the threshold of epidemic established by World Health Organization. In this context, the present study has the objective of to investigate homicides in Recife, taking into account temporal, spatial, environmental, and multicriteria analysis. The temporal analysis shows that the difference of homicides between seasons and months is not statistically significant. However, there is a significant increase in homicides during the weekends (42 percent of all homicides) and evenings (62 percent). Moreover, the spatial results show that the spatial patterns are different within the temporal dimensions in many cases. The findings from spatial analysis reveal that homicides are very concentrated in the city of Recife and in a time span of five years (20092013) all the homicides occurred in less than 10 percent of the street segments. In addition, our test showed that the spatial pattern was not stable over the years. However, when we consider the temporal dimensions (as suggested by temporal analysis), the patterns were stable along the years – except for weekdays and night/dawn. Furthermore, through the environmental analysis, we found that inequality, rented houses, and number of residents have a positive relationship with homicide. On the other hand, income, education, public illumination, population density, and street network density have a negative relationship. The findings of these analyses indicate that homicide in Recife can be understood by the perspective of social disorganization theory and routine activity theory. Finally, multicriteria approach was applied to highlight vulnerable areas to homicide in Recife. We considered six variables to evaluate vulnerability and the areas were identified by PROMETHEE II method and local Moran’s I. Other application was made in Boa Viagem neighborhood, so we were able to perform a more detailed analysis. Three different approaches were tested for Boa Viagem and we suggested some actions in order to reduce criminality in long term. / No Brasil, desde 2000, aproximadamente 50,000 foram mortas todos os anos. Em um espaço de 30 anos (1980 – 2000), mais de 1 milhão de homicídios foram registrados. Em 2012, a taxa de homicídio no Brasil era 29 homicídios para cada 100,000 habitantes. Todos os estados brasileiros excedem o limite de epidemia estabelecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de investigar os homicídios em Recife, levando em consideração análises temporal, espacial, ambiental e multicritério. A análise temporal mostra que a diferença de homicídios entre estações do ano e meses não é estatisticamente significativa. Porém, existe um aumento significante de homicídios durante os finais de semana (42 por cento de todos os homicídios) e noites (62 por cento). E ainda, os resultados espaciais mostram que os padrões espaciais são diferentes dento das dimensões temporais em muitos casos. Os achados da análise espacial revelam que homicídios são muito concentrados na cidade do Recife e que em um espaço de tempo de cinco anos (2009-2013) todos os homicídios ocorreram em menos de 10 por cento dos segmentos de rua. E ainda, o teste do padrão dos pontos espaciais mostrou que os padrões espaciais não foram estáveis no decorrer dos anos. Porém, quando se considera das dimensões temporais (como sugerido pela análise temporal), os padrões foram estáveis ao longo dos anos – com exceção de dias de semana e noites/madrugadas. Além disso, através da análise ambiental encontrou-se que desigualdade, casas alugadas e número de residentes têm uma relação positiva com homicídio. Por outro lado, renda, educação, iluminação pública, densidade populacional e densidade da rede de ruas têm uma relação negativa. Os achados dessas análises indicam que os homicídios em Recife podem ser entendidos pela perspectiva da teoria da desorganização social e da teoria das atividades de rotina. Finalmente, abordagem multicritério foi aplicada para destacar áreas vulneráveis aos homicídios em Recife. Considerou-se seis variáveis para avaliar a vulnerabilidade e as áreas foram identificados pelo PROMETHEE II e pelo índice local de Moran. Outra aplicação foi feita no bairro de Boa Viagem e foi possível realizar uma análise mais detalhada. Três diferentes abordagens foram testadas para Boa Viagem e sugeriu-se algumas ações no sentido de reduzir a criminalidade no longo prazo.

Příležitost dělá zloděje: zkoumání praktického využití teorie příležitosti k trestné činnosti / The opportunity makes the thief: exploration of the practical using of the crime opportunity theory

Zahradníčková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The opportunity theory for crime is composed of three partial concepts. The first concept is the routine activity theory that works with a potential offender, a suitable target and a capable guardian. The opportunity for crime occurs in the moment when the offender faces the target while guardians are absent. The second concept, the rational choice perspective, is based on the idea that the offender considers benefit and risk stemming from the crime. The third concept is the crime pattern theory that focuses on the importance of time and space. This master thesis focuses on the usability of the opportunity theory for crime in the context of our current society. Although the opportunity theory for crime is nearly forty years old, this work shows that it is also applicable on cybercrime since some of the "classical" crimes moved from physical space to cyberspace. The potential offender and suitable target exist and behave similarly in cyberspace and in physical space. The difference between the two worlds is notable for the capable guardian, who does not occur randomly in the cyberspace but is embodied in the form of ever-present protection. The opportunity theory also claims that the opportunities are highly specific, they play role in causing all crime, they are influenced by technological...

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