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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är bättre för dem att vara på jobbet för de har ett helvete hemma” : En intervjustudie om hur första linjens chefer inom vård- och omsorg arbetar med våld i nära relationer / It's better for them to be at work because they have hell at home : An interview study on how first-line managers in health and social care work with domestic violence

Gällstedt, Pernilla, Eklund, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer klassas som ett folkhälsoproblem och studier visar att arbetsplatsen kan ha en viktig funktion att hjälpa och stötta våldsutsatta personer (Charlott, Cleroux, Lopez & Scott, 2021; Holmgren & Grünbaum, 2021, s. 45; Strand, 2022, s. 51). Mäns våld mot kvinnor, våld i nära relationer och hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck innebär att våldet utövas av en person som finns i den utsatta personens närhet. Kvinnor är i högre grad utsatta för våld än män. Inom vård- och omsorgsverksamheten är cirka 80 procent av de anställda kvinnor (Strand, 2020, ss. 27-28; Hydén, Överlien, Ericson, Wiman & Grönberg Eskel, 2016, s. 3; SKR, 2016). Att vara utsatt för våld i nära relationer kan ha negativ inverkan på arbetsförmågan (Skoog Waller, 2022). Jämställdhetsmyndigheten (2022) uppmanar arbetsgivare att arbeta aktivt med att identifiera och förebygga våld i nära relationer hos medarbetare. Arbetsplatsen kan agera som en fristad för personer som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer vilket belyser arbetsplatsens viktiga funktion (Katula, 2012). Därav är det intressant att undersöka hur första linjens chefer inom den kommunala vård- och omsorgen arbetar med våld i nära relationer. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur första linjens chefer inom kommunal vård- och omsorg arbetar med våld i nära relationer om medarbetaren är utsatt för våld. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och urvalet bestod av tio första linjens chefer inom kommunal vård- och omsorgsverksamhet från nio olika kommuner i Sverige. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att bearbeta texten. Utifrån studiens syfte att öka kunskapen om hur första linjens chefer arbetar samt vilka faktorer som kan påverkar första linjens chefers arbetssätt om medarbetare är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Detta för att kunna ge stöd åt medarbetare som är utsatta för våld. Då det är arbetssätt som ska studeras förefaller det sig lämpligt att tolka innehållet i intervjuerna med hjälp av begreppen Förstå, Vilja och Kunna från Lundquist (1992, ss. 75-77) implementeringsteori. Dessa tre begrepp är en förutsättning för att införa arbetssätt därför har dessa begrepp använts som tolkningsstöd i analysarbetet. I resultatet visade det sig att ledarskapsstilen har betydelse i mötet med personer som är utsatt eller har varit utsatta för hot och våld i nära relationer. Ytterligare framkom att nio av tio chefer saknar rutiner kring stöd för medarbetare som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Några faktorer som framkom i studien var en rädsla för att fråga om våld i nära relationer, kunskapsbrist samt otillräckliga resurser. En annan faktor som framkom var att samtliga deltagare visar både på vilja och engagemang att lyfta frågeställningar om hot och våld i nära relationer i samtal med medarbetare. Resultatet visar att cheferna upplevde en kunskaps- och resursbrist inom verksamheterna kring frågan om våld i nära relationer. Studiens resultat indikerar att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter och att denna frågan borde vara högre prioriterad inom den kommunala vård- och omsorgen. / Domestic violence is classified as a public health problem, and studies show that the workplace can have an important function in helping and support people exposed to violence (Holmgren & Grünbaum, 2021, p. 45; Strand, 2022, p. 51; Charlott, Cleroux, Lopez & Scott , 2021). Men's violence against women and domestic violence means that the violence is perpetrated by a person who is in the victim's vicinity. Women are more exposed to violence than men. Health care is abusiness where approximately 80 percent of the employees are women (Strand, 2020, pp. 27-28; Hydén, Överlien, Ericson, Wiman & Grönberg Eskel, 2016, pp. 3; SKR, 2016). Being exposed to domestic violence can have a negative impact on the ability to work (Skoog Waller, 2022). Jämställdhetsmyndigheten (2022) calls on employers to work actively to identify and prevent domestic violence among employees. The workplace can act as a haven for people exposed to domestic violence, highlighting the important function of the workplace (Katula, 2012). Hence, it is interesting to examine how first-line managers in municipal health and social care work with domestic violence. The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about how first-line managers in municipal health and care work with domestic violence if the employee is exposed to violence. The study was carried out using a qualitative method, and the sample consisted of ten first-line managers in municipal care and social care operations from nine different municipalities in Sweden. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and a qualitative content analysis was used to process the text. Based on the purpose of the study to increase knowledge about how first-line managers work and which factors can affect the way first-line managers work if employees are exposed to domestic violence. This is to be able to provide support to employees who are exposed to violence. Since it is working methods that are to be studied, it seems appropriate to interpret the content of the interviews using the concepts of Understanding, Willing and Knowing from Lundquist's (1992, pp. 75-77) implementation theory. These three concepts are a prerequisite for introducing working methods since the purpose of the study is to investigate the working methods of first-line managers. These concepts were used as interpretation support in the analysis work. The results showed that the leadership style is important in meeting with people who are exposed or have been exposed to threats and domestic violence. Furthermore, it emerged that nine out of ten managers lack routines regarding support for employees who are exposed to domestic violence. Some factors that appeared in the study were a fear of asking about domestic violence, a lack of knowledge, and insufficient resources. Another factor that appeared was that all participants have both a willingness and commitment to raise questions about threats and domestic violence in conversations with employees. The results show that the managers experienced a lack of knowledge and resources within the operations regarding the issue of domestic violence. The results of the study indicate that there are opportunities for improvement and that this issue should be a higher priority within the municipal health and care system.

”Man vill ju inte ha ihjäl en patient” : Vårdpersonals attityder till basala hygienrutiner vid blodkomponentframställning / “You don't want to kill a patient” : Healthcare personnel's attitudes regarding basic hygiene routines in blood component production

Johansson, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Inom sjukvården ska många lagar och föreskrifter följas, inte minst vad gäller patientnära arbete och hantering av utrustning för att minska risken för vårdrelaterade infektioner. Omkring 60 000 patienter drabbas årligen av vårdrelaterade infektioner i Sverige och av dessa anses mellan 30–50 procent kunna förebyggas. Vårdgivaren spelar en stor roll i att följa föreskrifter och lagar för att ge patienten en god, säker och jämlik vård. Konsekvenserna av att inte följa basala hygienrutiner vid blodkomponentframställning kan bland annat resultera i att patienten som får blodprodukten får en transfusionsreaktion. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera attityder till basala hygienrutiner hos vårdpersonal som arbetar med blodkomponentframställning. Metod: En kvalitativ semi-strukturerad intervjustudie genomfördes. Sex informanter deltog i intervjuerna och fick svara på elva frågor. Informanterna arbetade på en blodcentral och det var frivilligt att deltaga efter att informanterna lämnat muntligt samtycke. Innehållet i intervjuerna analyserades sedan med tematisk innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Fyra teman kunde identifieras ”Attityder och medvetenhet till basala hygienrutiner”, ”Värde kopplat till efterlevnaden av basala hygienrutiner”, ”Vidmakthållande av följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner inom arbetsgruppen” och ”Förutsättningar till korrekt efterlevnad av basala hygienrutiner”. Studiens resultat visade på en positiv attityd till basala hygienrutiner. Slutsats: De teman som togs fram representerade olika aspekter av basala hygienrutiner, den personliga attityden och medvetenheten, vilket värde efterlevnaden av basala hygienrutiner har, vad som bidrar till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner i arbetsgruppen samt förutsättningar som krävs för att kunna utföra basala hygienrutiner på ett korrekt sätt. / Introduction: Within healthcare, there are many laws and regulations that must be followed, not least regarding work close to patients and handling of equipment to reduce the risk of healthcare-related infections. The caregiver plays a major role in following regulations and laws to provide the patient with good, safe and equal care. The consequences of not following basic hygiene routines when producing blood components can result in the patient receiving the blood product having a transfusion reaction. Aim: The aim of the study was to study attitudes towards basic hygiene routines in health care professionals who work with blood component production. Method: A qualitative semi-structured interview study was conducted. Six informants participated in the interviews and answered eleven questions. The informants worked at a blood center and participation was voluntary after the informants gave verbal consent. The content of the interviews was then analyzed using thematic content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: Four themes could be identified "Attitudes and awareness towards basic hygiene routines", "Value linked to compliance with basic hygiene routines", "Enforcement of adherence to basic hygiene routines within the work group" and "Prerequisites for correct compliance with basic hygiene routines". The results showed a positive attitude towards basic hygiene routines. Conclusion: The themes that were developed represent different aspects of basic hygiene routines; the personal attitude and awareness, the value of compliance with basic hygiene routines, what contributes to adherence to basic hygiene routines in the work group and the conditions required to be able to perform basic hygiene routines correctly.

En livboj att omfamna när det stormar : En kvalitativ studie av svenska gymnasielärares upplevelse av organisatoriska rutiner under och efter Covid-19 pandemin

Gustavsson, Julia, Krammer, Camilla January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Organisatoriska rutiner utgör ett fundament för organisationers arbetssätt. För organisationers överlevnad krävs en adekvat anpassningsförmåga när omvärlden förändras, som exempelvis vid en samhällsomvälvande kris. Individer har en avgörande roll i denna omställning. Tidigare forskning redogör för hur individer påverkar organisatoriska rutiner, men det omvända förhållandet lyser med sin frånvaro. Dessutom saknas forskning på hur organisationer återgår till en vardag utan kris och vad som då sker med organisatoriska rutiner. Dessa förhållanden är betydelsefulla att studera, för att utökaorganisationers förståelse för hur de kan bidra med rätt stöd till individer inom organisationer, under och efter en extern kris.  Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka organisatoriska rutiners roll för gymnasielärare i svenska gymnasieskolor under och efter en extern kris. Metod: Studien har genomförts med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi baserad på ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Empirin har insamlats med hjälp av nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer i en små-N-studie. Intervjupersonerna har valts utifrån ett mål- och kriteriestyrt urval. Dataanalysen har utförts genom tematisk analys.  Slutsats: Organisatoriska rutiner spelar en avgörande roll för gymnasielärare i tider av kris. De är en källa till stabilitet internt och möjliggör för organisationsöverskridande samarbete externt. Därutöver utgör organisatoriska rutiner ett verktyg i arbetet att uppnå ett tillfredsställande resultat i tider av kris, samtidigt som de sparar gymnasieläraremerarbete i jämförelse med om de inte existerat. Organisatoriska rutiner spelar även en betydelsefull roll för hur gymnasielärare uppfattar sin yrkesroll, varpå de utgör en drivkraft för fortbildning. Vid återgång till vardag utan kris förblir organisatoriska rutiner intakta, med undantag för justeringar i sekvenser som visat sig fungera bättre i den kontexten.  Nyckelord: Organisatoriska rutiner, Kris, Covid-19 pandemin, Gymnasielärare, Svenska gymnasieskolor, Distansundervisning / Background: Organizational routines constitute a foundation for the way organizations operate. The survival of organizations requires adequate adaptability when the world around them changes, as in the case of a societal crisis. Individuals play a crucial role in this transition. Previous research addresses how individuals influence organizational routines, however, the reverse relationship is lacking. Furthermore, there is a gap in research regarding how organizations recover from crisis and what effect this has on organizational routines. Such relationships are important to study, in order to expand organizations' understanding of how they can provide the appropriate support to individuals within organizations, during and after an external crisis. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of organizational routines for upper secondary school teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools during and after an external crisis. Methodology: The study was conducted using a qualitative research strategy based on a constructionist perspective. The empirical data was collected using nine semi-structured interviews in a small-N study. The interviewees were selected on the basis of a purposive and criterion-driven sampling. Data analysis was carried out through thematic analysis. Conclusion: Organizational routines are essential for upper secondary school teachers in times of crisis. They are a source of stability internally and enable cross-organizational cooperation externally. Organizational routines are a tool for achieving satisfactory results in times of crisis, while saving upper secondary school teachers' workload in comparison to not having them. Organizational routines play an important role regarding how uppersecondary school teachers perceive their professional role, thus providing an incentive for further learning. When returning to everyday life without a crisis, organizational routines remain intact, except for adjustments in sequences that function better in the current context. Keywords: Organizational routines, Crisis, Covid-19 pandemic, Upper secondary school teachers, Swedish upper secondary schools, Distance education

Transformace tiskových zpráv na mediální texty / The transformation of the press releases into the media texts

Vlková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis " The transformation of the press releases into the media texts" deals with criteria according to what journalists make decisions, what press release should be included into the news and what should not. Since the present media studies perceive gatekeeping as a broader process of information control involving all aspects of message encoding, therefore not just a selection but also a compilation, a transmition, a formation and the timing of information transmition from a supplier to a recipient, the diploma thesis also pursues the transformation process of a press release into a media text itself. The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part includes the gatekeeping process analysis, the pseudoevent problems analysis and news production routinization analysis. This chapter summarizes the knowledge to the topic from scholarly literature. The second and the principal part of the diploma thesis is the practical and application part. This part argues a personal and a creative approach to a chosen problem solution. The premediate defined hypothesis are being disproved or approved on the basis of a practical research. The background material for this diploma thesis are the press releases of three private companies (G-PROJECT, s.r.o., The Hlubocko -...

Evolução das franqueadoras de serviços no Brasil: um estudo das variáveis que influenciam a taxa de sobrevivência das empresas sob a ótica da Ecologia Organizacional

Holzmann, Patricia Fabian 03 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricia Fabian Holzmann.pdf: 616808 bytes, checksum: e166252bee6ff56d9a6645cc9d778c3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-03 / This study has analyzed the service franchising enterprises evaluating factors that influence the survival rate of this population under the Organizational Ecology theory. The dynamics of the evolution process of this population was analyzed considering the density dependence model connected to legitimation and competition. Such factors, as well as size, were tested in statistic models (panel, logit and probit) using the data base developed with the information presented in the Guias da Associação Brasileira de Franquias between 1996 and 2007, to evaluate their impact over the population survival rate. Other relevant factors raised in Evolutionary Economics and Service Market Organization were also discussed. / Este estudo analisou as franquias de serviços avaliando os fatores que influenciam na taxa de sobrevivência dessas empresas sob a ótica da Ecologia Organizacional. A dinâmica da evolução da população de franquias de serviços foi avaliada com base na densidade da população e processos de legitimação e competição. Tais fatores, assim como o tamanho, foram testados em modelos estatísticos (modelo econométrico de painel, logit e probit) utilizando base de dados desenvolvida com base nos Guias da Associação Brasileira de Franquias entre o período de 1996 e 2007, para avaliar seu impacto sobre a taxa de sobrevivência da população. Com base nas teorias de Economia Evolucionária e Organização de Mercado em Serviços outros fatores relevantes para a sobrevivência das franquias de serviço também foram discutidos.

Rotinas de busca e competências para inovar: um estudo comparativo entre empresas de serviço e de indústria / Rotinas de busca e competências para inovar: um estudo comparativo entre empresas de serviço e de indústria

Santos, Ana Maria dos 11 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria dos Santos.pdf: 2743078 bytes, checksum: 817b26bfde3207044b1ff2b82df28f0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-11 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The current fierce competition pushes organizations to look for differentials in their activities and with this movement the innovation theme has been more present in the organizational strategies as well as in the academic studies. As numerous as the innovations studies are their perspectives. To mention some examples, there are researches based on different companies sizes; others are focused in specific economic activities; some are more directed to innovation management. However, it is realized that there is still a need of further investigation in order to better understand the innovation phenomenon itself. When approaching specifically the service innovation, some scholars indicate that it is necessary an integrative approach on innovation, which are based on technical characteristics and suppliers and customers competences. The proposal of this work is in this sense, that is, to study how the innovation phenomenon occurs, independently of the economic activities of searched organizations. To do so, the innovation is studied under the routines point of view. In order to accomplish such objective it was performed a research on six services and four products, being that all of them are considered innovative by their respective organizations. The research was based on individual interviews with people that took part of the innovative services and products developments. The semi-structured interviews were choosen as the technique to gather the data. The results analysis was performed using the template technique. It is perceived that one of the major contributions of this thesis is methodological, in the sense that it is established a way to investigate the innovation under the light of search routines. In this sense elements of search routines were identified in individual and theoretical perspectives. Besides this, it was confirmed a hierarchy among the search routines. Other contribution of this study is the verification of the existence of a commom structure, underlying the different innovative services and products investigated. This structure is composed by elements and the customers of the innovative organizations are among such elements. It was verified that the size of such customers is an important factor for the development of the innovative services and products. / A competição acirrada de nossos dias faz com que as organizações busquem por formas de se diferenciar em suas atividades e com isso, o tema inovação está cada vez mais presente nas estratégias organizacionais e nos estudos acadêmicos. Tão numerosos quanto os estudos sobre inovação são os seus recortes. Para mencionar alguns exemplos, há pesquisas baseadas em diferentes portes de empresas; outras são focadas em atividades econômicas específicas; algumas são mais direcionadas à gestão da inovação. No entanto, percebe-se que ainda há necessidade de se investigar para compreender melhor o fenômeno da inovação em si. Há autores que, ao tratar especificamente de inovação em serviços, apontam que é necessária uma abordagem integradora da inovação, baseada nas características técnicas e competências envolvidas, tanto de fornecedores quanto de consumidores. A proposta deste trabalho é neste sentido, ou seja, estudar como o fenômeno da inovação ocorre independentemente das atividades econômicas das organizações pesquisadas. Para isso a inovação é pesquisada sob a ótica das rotinas. Para atingir tal objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre seis serviços e quatro produtos, todos considerados inovadores pelas suas respectivas organizações. A pesquisa foi conduzida mediante entrevistas individuais com pessoas que participaram no desenvolvimento dos serviços e produtos inovadores. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram escolhidas como a técnica de coleta de dados. Para a análise dos resultados obtidos utilizou-se a técnica de template. Considera-se que uma das principais contribuições desta tese seja metodológica no sentido de que nela se estabelece uma forma de investigar o fenômeno da inovação à luz das rotinas de busca. Neste sentido, foram identificados elementos de rotinas de busca sob as perspectivas individual e teórica. Além disso, foi confirmada uma hierarquia entre as rotinas de busca. Outra contribuição deste estudo reside na verificação da existência de uma estrutura comum, subjacente aos diferentes tipos de serviços e produtos inovadores investigados. Dentre os elementos que compõem esta estrutura encontram-se os clientes das organizações inovadoras; verificou-se que o porte de tais clientes é um fator importante para o desenvolvimento de serviços e produtos inovadores.

Vägar till välmående - studenters upplevelser och erfarenheter av att börja studera hemifrån på grund av covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie / Paths to well-being - students experiences of starting to study from home due to covid-19 : A qualitative study

Häger, Janina, Jonsson, Elin, Strandberg, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Idag finns det begränsad kunskap om studenters välmående under en pandemi. Covid-19 har påverkat dagens skolundervisning på så sätt att Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer uppmanat att universitet och högskolor skall övergå till distansstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur universitets/högskolestudenter vidmakthållit sin hälsa efter att ha börjat studera hemifrån på grund av covid-19. En kvalitativ metod tillämpades där sex svenska universitets/högskolestudenter intervjuades individuellt med hjälp av en intervjuguide. En kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys av data resulterade i en huvudkategori: “Vägar till välmående under hemmastudier” samt tre underkategorier: (1) Socialt stöd genom digitala medel, (2) Aktiviteter för kropp och själ och (3) Rutiner skapar en strukturerad vardag. Resultatet visar att deltagarna använt sig av olika vägar för att främja sitt välmående under hemmastudier. Detta genom att hålla kontakten via digitala medel, fysisk aktivitet vilket även gör gott för den psykiska hälsan och att rutiner leder till struktur i ens vardag. Slutsatsen indikerar på att deltagarnas upplevelser, erfarenheteter, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet har gjort att de klarat av att upprätthålla välmående under covid-19. Detta bidrar med ökad kunskap till hälsovägledare och andra professioner som arbetar hälsopromotivt för att främja och vidmakthålla individers hälsa. / Today there is limited research on students well-being during a pandemic. Covid-19 has affected schools in which the Public Health Agency has given recommendations for universities to transfer to distance learning. The aim of this study was to examine how university-students maintain their health after they have started to study from home due to covid-19. The study was conducted using a qualitative method where six Swedish university-students was interviewed using an interview guide. Analysis of the data meant that the results produced a main category “Roads to well-being during distance learning” and three subcategories: (1) Social support through digital means, (2) Activities for mind and body, and (3) Routines makes for everyday structure. Results showed that participants used different paths to promote their well-being by keeping contact through digital means, physical activity which also benefits mental health and routines makes for a structured everyday life. Conclusion indicates that the participants experiences and manageability have served them to maintain well-being during covid-19. This will provide added knowledge to health counselors and other professions who work towards promoting and maintain individual health.

Cognitive, behavioral and familial associations of reading acquisition and academic achievement : a population-based longitudinal study from kindergarten to middle school / Facteurs cognitifs, comportementaux et familiaux associés à l'acquisition de la lecture et à la réussite scolaire : une étude longitudinale de la maternelle au collège dans la population générale

Costa, Hugo Câmara 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les études longitudinales en milieu scolaire débutant en maternelle permettent une analyse des facteurs propres à l'enfant et à son environnement impliqués dans le développement de la lecture et de la réussite scolaire. Cependant, les études visant à analyser l'influence longitudinale de ces facteurs dès l'école maternelle restent exceptionnelles en France. Une étude épidémiologique initiée en 2001 dans la Communauté Urbaine de Creusot Montceau (Saône-et-Loire, France) avait comme objectif l'examen des contributions des facteurs propres à l'enfant et des variables environnementales dans l'acquisition de la lecture et la réussite scolaire dès la maternelle (3-6 ans) jusqu'au milieu de l'école élémentaire (CE2, 8-9 ans). Le travail de thèse présenté a permis le prolongement de la période de recueil de donnés jusqu'à la fin du collège (3ème, 14-15 ans) représentant une période de suivi de 10 ans dans la population générale. L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'identifier les facteurs propres à l'enfant (cognitifs, académiques et comportementaux) et des variables environnementales (facteurs sociodémographiques et caractéristiques familiales) dans le développement de la lecture à la fin de l'école primaire (CM2) et la réussite scolaire à la fin du collège (3ème). Les échantillons comprenaient 829 enfant inscrits en Grande Section de Maternelle pendant l'année scolaire 2001-2001 (Cohorte 1, 90% de l'échantillon initial) suivis jusqu'à la fin du collège (année scolaire 2010-2011) et 812 enfants de Grande Section de Maternelle durant l'année 2003-2004 (Cohorte 3) suivis jusqu'à la fin de l'école élémentaire (Cours Moyen 2, année scolaire 2008-2009). En Grande Section de Maternelle, le recueil de données a compris l'évaluation des compétences cognitives, académiques et comportementales des enfants, ainsi que le recueil des informations concernant le contexte familial. Les mesures de réussite scolaire ont compris les résultats des enfants dans les évaluations nationales réalisées à la fin du collège pour la Cohorte 1, (Diplôme National du Brevet) et les performances des enfants dans une mesure standardisée de lecture de mots à la fin de l'école élémentaire pour la Cohorte 3 (ODEDYS, Jacquier-Roux, Valdois & Zorman, 2002). Les compétences de traitement phonologique, la connaissance de lettres et le comportement attentif étaient les prédicteurs le plus significatifs de la lecture de mots au Cours Moyen 2. Le signalement par les parents d'antécédents familiaux de difficultés de lecture était associé simultanément avec des difficultés de lecture et le comportement inattentif à la fin de l'école élémentaire. En 3ème année du collège, les compétences de langage oral, la connaissance de lettres, la mémoire verbal à court terme, le raisonnement perceptif (facteur non-verbal) et le comportement attentif des enfants en maternelle, ainsi que le niveau d'éducation des parents et le type de famille, ont prédit significativement la mesure de réussite scolaire générale à la fin du collège. En outre, les résultats ont montré l'influence de plusieurs caractéristiques familiales dont la nationalité du père, le mode de garde avant la scolarisation, les rituels d'endormissement et les antécédents familiaux de difficultés de lecture. Ces caractéristiques renvoient à des facteurs qui mettent un enfant en risque d'échec scolaire à la fin du collège. Ce travail contribue à la littérature scientifique existante concernant les facteurs propres à l'enfant et à son environnent familial liés à l'acquisition de la lecture et à la réussite scolaire. Les résultats permettent l'identification des facteurs familiaux mettant un enfant à risque d'échec scolaire. Il ont des importantes implications pour repérer le plus précocement possible les enfants à risque de développer des difficultés de lecture et d'échec scolaire et pour mettre en place des programmes d'intervention adéquats à ses difficultés dès le début des trajectoires académiques de l'enfant. / Longitudinal studies starting during kindergarten provide an appropriate method to investigate the child- and environmental-level factors that account for children's reading and academic achievement later in their educational trajectories. In France, studies designed to follow-up children longitudinally from kindergarten onwards remain scarce. An epidemiological study started in 2001 in the Urban Community of Creusot Montceau (Saône-et-Loire, France) sought initially to identify the factors associated with children's reading acquisition and academic achievement from preschool (3-6 years) to the middle of elementary school (Grade 3, 8-9 years). The PhD project reported here aimed to extend the original design of data collection to the end of middle school (Grade 9, 14-15 years) spanning a 10-year follow-up period in the general population. This work aimed to investigate the specific contributions of child-level factors (cognitive-academic skills, behavior problems) and environment-level factors (sociodemographic and family characteristics) for children's subsequent reading acquisition at the end of elementary school (Grade 5), as well as academic achievement at the end of middle school (Grade 9). The samples of analysis comprised 829 kindergarteners in the 2001-2002 school year (Cohort 1, 90% of the initial sample) followed through the end of middle school (Cohort 1, 2010-2011 school year) and 812 kindergarteners in the 2003-2004 school year (Cohort 3), from which a sub-sample of 154 participants was followed through the end of elementary school (2008-2009 school year). At kindergarten, assessment included measures of children's cognitive-academic and behavioral skills, as well as family background characteristics. Outcome measures were composed of children's results in the national evaluations performed at the end of middle school for Cohort 1 ("Diplôme National du Brevet") and of children's scores in standardized measures of word reading achievement at the end of elementary school for Cohort 3 (ODEDYS, Jacquier-Roux, Valdois & Zorman, 2002). The results indicated that children's phonological processing skills, letter knowledge and attentive behavior were the most robust predictors of word reading achievement at Grade 5. In addition, parental reports of familial antecedents of reading difficulties also contributed to predict word reading at Grade 5 and were specifically associated with both reading difficulties and inattention behavior at this grade level. At Grade 9, children's oral language skills, letter knowledge, short-term verbal memory, perceptual reasoning (non-verbal cognitive ability) and attentive behavior at kindergarten predicted significantly the outcome measure of general academic achievement at Grade 9, together with parental educational level and family structure. Moreover, results indicated the influence of several family characteristics referring to father's nationality, type of early childcare, language-based bedtime routines and familial antecedents of reading difficulties as risk factors for children's subsequent academic underachievement. The present work contributes to the extant literature regarding the child- and family-level factors associated with subsequent reading acquisition and academic achievement from kindergarten to elementary and middle school. Importantly, these results allowed the identification of novel familial risk factors that influence negatively children's subsequent academic trajectories. These findings have important implications regarding the child and family factors that should be targeted during kindergarten in order to prevent children's subsequent reading and academic difficulties and to promote adequate intervention strategies early in children's educational trajectories.

BRUKSANVISNING TILL DRIFT OCH UNDERHÅLL AV EN EMBALLERINGSMASKIN VID SCA / User manual for operation and maintenance of packaging machine at SCA

Kotikawatte, Yoheena January 2021 (has links)
Materialet i rapporten är 10% av det totala materialet som presenterats till SCA, de viktigaste resultaten redovisas i rapporten. Vid SCA:s sågverk Rundvik i Nordmaling finns en automatiserad emballeringsmaskin. Ingen bra anvisning för bruk/drift och underhåll för maskinen finns, vilket har gjort det svårt för personalen att hantera den. Syftet med detta arbete var att kartlägga maskinens delar, funktioner och därefter framta en bruksanvisning. Detta gjordes genom att först kartlägga placeringen av maskinens axlar samt dess funktioner. Därefter intervjuades personalen på hyvleriet för att reda ut svårigheter och problem med maskinen. En problemlösning som löser de mest förekommande felen har framställts. En underhållsplan har tagits fram för att underlätta underhåll av maskinen. En offert på en programuppdatering har skickats till maskinprogrammerare. En offert gällande en säkerhetsanordning till maskinen har skickats till maskintillverkare. Resultatet är en fullt användbar, enkelt läsbar bruksanvisning. Syftet har inte fullföljts helt då operatör inte hunnit testa instruktionerna. / The material in the report is 10% of the total material presented to SCA, the most important results are reported here. At SCA's sawmill Rundvik in Nordmaling, there is an automated packaging machine. There is no good user manual for use/operation and maintenance of the machine, which has made it difficult for the staff to handle it. The purpose of this work has been to map the machine's parts, functions and then produce a user manual. This was done by first mapping the location of the machine's axles and its functions. The staff at the planer were then interviewed to sort out difficulties and problems with the machine. A problem solution that solves the most common errors has been produced. A maintenance plan has been developed to facilitate maintenance of the machine. A quote for a software update has been sent to the machine programmer. A quote regarding a safety device for the machine has been sent to the machine manufacturer. The result is a fully usable, easy-to-read user manual. The purpose has not been fully fulfilled as the operator has not had time to test the instructions.

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