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Bedömningsmatriser i svenskämnet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärar- och elevuppfattningar av bedömningsmatriser / Scoring rubrics in the Swedish language : A qualitative interview study regarding teacher’s and student’s perception of scoring rubricsJohansson, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Studien tar avstamp i praktikens frågor. Svensklärare och elever på gymnasieskolan har intervjuats för att skönja uppfattningar och erfarenheter om bedömningsmatrisers tillämpning i undervisningen. Studiens resultat har diskuterats ur ett OTL-perspektiv. Tre lärare deltog i studien och enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med samtliga. Sex elever intervjuades i fokusgrupper uppdelade om tre elever i varje. Resultatet presenteras genom tematisk analys av transkriberade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna och eleverna delar liknande uppfattningar om och av bedömningsmatrisers tillämpning i undervisning. Bedömningsmatriser ansågs ha både för- och nackdelar som är av betydande roll dels för lärarens yrkesutövning, dels för elevens lärande. Bedömningsmatrisens största utmaning sågs av både lärare och elever som för abstrakt för att eleverna ska förstå skillnaden i kvaliteter mellan de olika nivåerna. Den största möjligheten med matrisanvändning uppfattades vara en tydlig kartläggning av elevens kunskaper. / The study is based on practice questions. Swedish teachers and students in upper secondary school have been interviewed to discern perceptions and experiences about the application of scoring rubrics in teaching. The results of the study have been discussed from an OTL perspective. Three teachers participated in the study and individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with all of them. Six students were interviewed in focus groups divided into three students in each group. The result of the study is presented through thematic analysis of transcribed interviews. The results of the study show that teachers and students share similar views about and of the application of scoring rubrics in teaching. Scoring rubrics were considered to have both advantages and disadvantages that are of significant role for both the teacher's professional practice and for the student's learning. The biggest shortcoming of the scoring rubric was seen by both teachers and students as too abstract for the students to understand the difference in qualities between the different levels. The biggest advantage of the rubric was perceived to be a clear mapping of the student's knowledge.
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Elevers uppfattningar kring bedömningsmatriser i svenskaNordman, Cristina January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att undersöka elevers uppfattningar och upplevelser av bedömningsmatriser i svenska. Uppsatsen är ett led i ett skolutvecklingsprojekt om kunskapssyn, bedömning och IUP, Individuell utvecklingsplan, på Fäladsgården, en 6-9-skola, i Lund . Med undersökningen vill jag få fördjupad förståelse för hur eleverna uppfattar och använder matriser och vad de anser sig behöva för att uppfatta lärarresponsen som god. Elva kvalitativa intervjuer med elever i skolår sju och nio genomfördes under december 2008 och januari 2009. Det är dessa elevers uppfattningar som tillsammans med litteratur i ämnet ligger till grund för arbetet.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att elevernas uppfattningar om bedömningsmatrisen i grunden är positiva, men att de efterfrågar kompletterande kommentarer till den. De önskar också mer tid för att bli väl förtrogna med innebörden i matrisen. Uppsatsens slutsatser, som har genererat en teori om aktivitetens betydelse och en arbetsmodell, kan väl peka ut inriktningen på det fortsatta utvecklingsarbetet på skolan även i andra ämnen än svenska och på andra skolor som använder matriser för ökat lärande. / The purpose of this essay is to examine pupils’ perceptions and experiences of scoring rubrics in Swedish. The essay is part of a of school development project focusing on knowledge, assessment and on the Individual Development Plan, at Fäladsgården, a compulsory school, in Lund, Sweden. In the survey, I want to achieve a deeper understanding of how pupils perceive and use scoring rubrics, and what they need to obtain a constructive feedback.Eleven qualitative interviews with pupils in school year seven and nine were carried out in December 2008 and January 2009. These pupils’ views are the basis for the paper.The results of the survey show that the pupils’ perceptions of the scoring rubrics are basically positive, but that they are asking for additional comments on it. They also want more time to familiar with the meaning of the scoring rubrics. The conclusions of this essay, which have generated a theory of the importance of the activity and a working model, may well indicate the continued development of this particular school and other schools, which use scoring rubrics for enhanced learning.
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Standards-based Grading: The Effect of Common Grading Criteria on Academic GrowthHenry, Dawn Therese 17 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Goals and Self-Regulatory Strategies in Asynchronous Argumentative DiscussionsLu, Lin January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Gymnasielärares arbete med elevers självbedömning och kamratbedömning i den svenska skolanGrimm, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe and analyze the ways Swedish high school teachers deal with self- and peer assessment which can be defined as arrangement for learners to consider and specify the level, value, or quality of a product or performance of other equal-status learners (Topping, 2009). Products to be assessed can include writing, oral presentations, portfolios, test performance, or other skilled behaviors. Self and peer assessment can be summative or formative. This study has drawn on data from semi-structured interviews with five teachers. The results cast light on how students help each other plan their learning, identify their strengths and weaknesses, target areas for remedial action, and develop other personal and professional skills. Findings indicate that teachers think that the formative assessment is a successful way of working, that they can see that the students develop on many different levels. Finally, this study gives an illustration of how formative and summative purposes is perceived and understood by teachers and is a contribution to further discussions about (educative) assessment.
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A Study of Middle-School Mathematics Teachers’ Colloquial Evaluations of Digital Mathematics Resources: The Measures Used to Evaluate Digital Mathematics Resource Quality and the Influence of a Formal Evaluation RubricKautz, Jaime N. 22 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Becoming Critical Thinkers: The Impact of Treatments on Student Reflective Practice in the College ClassroomDepinet, Andrea E. 31 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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教師發展標準取向(Standards-based)課程之行動探究──以國民中學課程為例── / A Collaborative Action Research in Standards-based封四維, Sweet Feng January 1993 (has links)
1. 篩選標準是展示優質教學的重要手段,而標準的落實必須是團隊分享而非獨立作業。核心問題與探究學習則是邁向理解學習的關鍵指標。
2. 課程是為解決問題才產生的,科際整合的課程應該是用來解決課程需碎片段的組合,並提供更多的關聯性。有助於學生袪除傳統知識的刻板印象,主動積極擴展學習的視野。
3. 協同行動研究即是一解決問題,探究學習的歷程,它需要熱情、協同、好奇、反省與承諾,它也是增進教師專業知能成長的有力方式。
4. 能力的培養不是速成的,必須採標準與指標性評分活用於教室教學,以規準引導,範例說明,運用實作表現重組學生的知識基模,化為智慧能力,以落實多元質性評量的真意。
5. 課程改革應以期望學習成果或意圖的學習成果做為領域的課程目標,透過單元課程融入情意價值的潛移默化,以展現課程美學。
同時,陳述研究心得與建議,並對後續進階研究作出具體的規劃。簡言之,整體研究均在揭示:如何使學生喜歡上課,享受學習樂趣,擁有契而不捨的探究精神與實作能力,以彰顯教育改革的核心價值。 / This was a school reform study to enhance teachers’ capacity. The purpose of the research was to explore the standards-based curriculum development and build an accessible procedure. The whole process including three periods: (1)Group deliberation period, the researcher and partners learned a great deal about the practical knowledge needed to meet the objective of the study in the workshop. And then widely sifted the literature review materials. (2)Development period, the researcher and teammate made two problem-based interdisciplinary curriculum. And design rubrics to improve the approach of performance based assessment. (3)Implementation period, The field study with collaboration is to investigate the trial outcomes. There are five conclusions resulted from the study, which were as follows: (1)Standards, benchmarks and essential questions are key factors to curriculum quality. (2)The integrated curriculum program is to enhance students’ learning toward enduring understanding, and help them to become independent learners. (3)Teachers’ teamwork and professional conversation is the best policy to solve problems. (4)Professional capacity development is the critical mission of schooling. (5)The goal of curriculum renewal is to empower students to be active learners thus taking responsibility for their own studies.
Above all, Teachers as transformative knowledge workers, think globlly, and act locally, to generate exciting new learning models and real-world performance standards. Meanwhile, the researcher does a follow-up project that support the creation and adoption of interdisciplinary curriculum frameworks to reflect today’s complicated socities.. / 第一章 緒 論……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景、動機與重要性……………………………… 5
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 13
第三節 研究問題………………………………………………… 14
第四節 研究限制………………………………………………… 15
第五節 名詞釋義………………………………………………… 17
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………… 21
第一節 標準的核心理念及其與課程的關係…………………… 23
第二節 深度理解、核心問題與標準的關連性 ……………… 42
第三節 科際整合課程意義與設計原則………………………… 57
第四節 探究學習與批判思考教學……………………………… 71
第五節 指標性評分意涵及其應用 …………………………… 95
第六節 多元智慧的教師知識管理……………………………… 113
第三章 研究方法與實施策略…………………………………… 127
第一節 進入教室場域前的準備工作………………………… 128
第二節 研究者的相關經驗與研究方式……………………… 131
第三節 進入教室場域的研究策略……………………………… 134
第四節 研究資料蒐集與整理分析…………………………… 145
第五節 研究品質多元觀點的建置…………………………… 149
第四章 研究發現與討論分析(一)……………………………… 153
第一節 課程慎思與文獻探究…………………………………… 154
第二節 課程發展與科際整合…………………………………… 166
第三節 課程實踐與行動探究 (一)…………………………… 183
第四節 課程實踐與行動探究(二)…………………………… 201
第五章 研究發現與討論分析(二)……………………………… 211
第一節 知識藝術與建構學習…………………………………… 212
第二節 科際整合與教室評量…………………………………… 219
第三節 心智習性與知識管理…………………………………… 226
第四節 思考教學與閱讀理解…………………………………… 236
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 245
第一節 結論與省思……………………………………………… 246
第二節 分享與建議……………………………………………… 254
參考資料……………………………………………………………………… 237
附 錄
附錄一………………………………………………………………………… 261
附錄二………………………………………………………………………… 271
附錄三………………………………………………………………………… 295
附錄四………………………………………………………………………… 321
附錄五………………………………………………………………………… 337
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Les pratiques évaluatives visant l’efficacité de la rétroaction pour le développement de la production écrite des étudiants du français langue étrangère : le cas de l’Université de Costa RicaChao Chao, Kuok Wa 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation into the interaction between multiple intelligences and the performance of learners’ in open-ended digital learning tasksKafanabo, Eugenia Joseph 16 July 2008 (has links)
In this study, I investigated the interactions between multiple intelligences and performance of learners in open-ended digital learning tasks, and to suggest possible approaches to the teaching and learning process using computers in Tanzania. With the current introduction of computers in the education system in Tanzania, the qualities of instruction and learner participation in learning computer application skills and achievement have not necessarily shown improvement (Nelson, Post,&Bickel, 2003; Tilya, 2003). It is imperative for computer teachers to know the pedagogical strategies that can help them use the current technology effectively. Researchers in instructional design have suggested instructional methods that incorporate methods that encourage the use of learner-centered instruction, incorporating activity oriented methods, and problem solving that are designed around real-world problems (Huba&Freed, 2000). Learners will be able use their knowledge effectively, reveal their uniqueness as learners, and learn computer application skills in a social setting (Gardner, 1983; Wiggins, 1993, 1998; Teele, 2000; Huba&Freed, 2000). The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner (1983) was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The theory postulates that that everybody has at least eight intelligences which reflect different ways of interacting with the world. In an effort to achieve quality learning, learning must be based on multiple approaches with a series of activities which are authentic in nature and have to be completed by the learners. The study was conducted in Tanzania using a qualitative research design. Four secondary schools were selected and 40 learners doing computer studies course participated in the study. Four intelligences from the theory of multiple intelligences were assessed: logic-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, visual-spatial and interpersonal intelligences. Assessment was done using performance assessment procedures. The findings indicated that there are distinctive intelligence profiles apart from the four intelligences that were investigated in this study. Despite the intelligence profiles of the learners, didactical issues that will enhance ICT adoption in the education environment are important. These include the use of authentic tasks, performance assessment to acknowledge learners unique performance abilities across several intelligences and teachers familiarization in the use of performance assessment procedures. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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