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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crise do Estado social e o papel do juiz na efetivação de direitos trabalhistas / Crisis of the social state and the judges paper in the effectiveness of the labor rights

Maria Cecília Máximo Teodoro Ferreira 13 August 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa partiu da constatação de que as transformações pelas quais passa o mundo geram conseqüências em todos os ramos do conhecimento. O estudo foca as mudanças econômicas, filosóficas, sociais e políticas e seus efeitos na prestação da tutela jurisdicional, notadamente no que se refere aos direitos trabalhistas. Assim, inicia demonstrando os contornos do Estado liberal de direito, passa pelo Estado social e chega à crise desse Estado de bem-estar social. A principal apreensão feita em cada capítulo se refere ao modo como o juiz desempenhou suas funções na efetivação dos direitos trabalhistas, para compreender seu papel no Estado da atualidade. A partir da década de 1970 inicia-se a referida crise do modelo de Estado social. Isso ocorre em razão da intensificação do liberalismo, agora neoliberalismo, pela reestruturação produtiva pela qual os países passam, pela globalização e pela formação de uma sociedade de massas. Além disso, tem início um franco processo de tentativa de desregulamentação e flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas, bem como de diminuição da importância do Estado. Por tais razões, buscamos defender a importância de o magistrado conhecer a realidade em que atua, a fim de entendê-la e inserir-se no contexto de vida dos jurisdicionados. Dessa forma, cremos que será possível maior amplitude de efetivação dos direitos trabalhistas. Os instrumentos utilizados pelo juiz são encontrados dentro do próprio ordenamento jurídico e são justificados pela adequada e profunda fundamentação das decisões. De fato, buscamos mostrar que o juiz pode utilizar-se de mecanismos simples disponibilizados pelo próprio sistema jurídico, ou advindos da criatividade jurídica, para realizar sua função social. Interpretar e aplicar o direito de forma vinculada ao contexto histórico no qual se inserem as partes da demanda. Com esta finalidade é que a tese caminha por essa evolução da filosofia, da sociedade, da política, da economia, da ciência do direito e da própria aplicação do direito ao caso concreto. Enfim, pretende-se demonstrar que a qualidade da prestação jurisdicional e o nível de efetivação dos direitos trabalhistas em tempos de crise do Estado estão intimamente ligados à qualificação ética, intelectual e humana dos juízes, que devem adotar uma posição ativa no desempenho de suas funções. Ativo, porém, no sentido de o juiz estar preparado para extrair do ordenamento jurídico o que é juridicamente válido para fundamentar suas decisões e efetivar os direitos trabalhistas. / This survey came out of the realization that the changes the world undergoes affect all areas of knowledge. The paper concentrates on economical, philosophical, social and political changes and their effects in the temporary relief, specifically in relation to the labor laws. Thus, it starts displaying the outline of the liberal rule of law; it goes through the social State and gets to the crisis of this social welfare State. The major concern in each section regards the way the justice performed his functions in bringing about the labor rights, as a means of understanding his role in the State today. As of the 1970s, the aforementioned crisis of the social State model is formed. This is due to the enhancement of liberalism, currently referred to as neo-liberalism, to the productive restructuring that has affected most countries, to the globalization and the formation of a mass society. Aside from that, one can perceive the birth of a clear process that aims at experiencing deregulation and flexibility of labor laws and the loss of importance of the State. Therefore, we aim at defending how important it is for the Justice to be familiar with the reality on which his work is grounded, so he can understand it and include it in the context of the partys life. Therefore, we believe that it will be possible to reach broader effectiveness of the labor rights. The legal tools used by justices will be found within the legal system itself and find grounds on the appropriate and profound basis of decisions. In fact, we aim at showing that the justice can make use of simple mechanisms that are available within the legal system itself, or of those derived from the legal creativity, to accomplish his social role. To interpret and use the right linked with the historical context containing parts of the demand. Aiming at this purpose, the thesis moves through this evolution of the philosophy, society, politics, economics, legal science and of the own application of the Law to the concrete case. At last, we intend to show that the quality of the legal service and the level of effectiveness of the labor rights during State crisis are closely connected to the ethical, intellectual and human qualification of the justices who should chose to adopt an active position on the development of their functions. We say active, however, in the sense that the justice should be prepared to extract from the legal disposition, which is legally enforceable to ground his decisions and to effect the labor laws.

Back to the USSR : En studie av Rysslands demokratiska urholkning

Haag, Pontus January 2008 (has links)
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine what actually makes Russia an incomplete democracy, despite of all the formal democratic institutions and legal democratic rights. The research method used for this essay has been qualitative case study, which strives to answer two research questions: Which democratic principles are not respected in Russia? How does the executive power control the political arena? The theoretical framework used for this study consists of a model based on Dahls Polyarchy theory and the Rule of Law concept. The conclusions points out that very little have formally changed in Russia regarding democratic rights and the constitution. The democratic decline is due to political manoeuvres and undue political influence. There is no proper division of power and the executive powers are not controlled by a system of checks and balances. All democratic principles studied within the analytical framework are manipulated and formal rights are no longer respected by authorities and the executive power.

Les mutations de la démocratie directe en France depuis 1945 / Changes in french direct democracy since 1945

Roche, Jean-Baptiste 08 December 2017 (has links)
Loin de correspondre parfaitement à l’idéal de la démocratie directe, qui suppose l’absence même de toute forme de représentation politique, le référendum constitue, sous des formes très diverses et donc à des degrés très différents, l’institution susceptible de correspondre au mieux à cet idéal en ce qu’il permet « l’expression directe de la souveraineté nationale », c'est-à-dire la volonté souveraine du peuple. Dans cette mesure, la pratique référendaire devrait logiquement se développer dans tous les États modernes qui se targuent d’être des démocraties. C’est effectivement la tendance générale observée dans le monde, mais pas en France. Paradoxalement, la Ve République connaît la tendance inverse : le recours au référendum est devenu très rare au niveau national et demeure marginal au niveau local. Comprendre la désuétude actuelle du référendum implique dans un premier temps de rechercher comment il a été conçu et pratiqué par le général de Gaulle, d’abord en 1945, puis à partir de 1958, ainsi que l’évolution du rôle et de la popularité de l’autorité – le Président de la République – qui en détient l’initiative. De nombreuses réformes ont été proposées pour impulser une nouvelle pratique référendaire au niveau national et local. Cependant, aucune de celles qui ont abouti n’y est parvenue jusqu’à présent, faute d’une réflexion préalable suffisante sur les fonctions que le référendum peut assurer désormais. En effet, dans leur grande majorité, les représentants considèrent le référendum comme un « remède » à la « crise de la démocratie représentative » sans avoir véritablement identifié ses causes, ni défini exactement le rôle du référendum dans ce contexte. En outre, un élément nouveau doit nécessairement être pris en compte : l’essor de la justice constitutionnelle. Le contrôle juridictionnel des référendums est ainsi l’une des questions les plus délicates que pose le renouveau éventuel de sa pratique. En définitive, cette étude entend déterminer quelles sont les perspectives d’avenir du référendum et quelles fonctions celui-ci peut encore assurer en France. Carré de Malberg préconisait en 1931 d’introduire le référendum d'initiative populaire, tant au niveau législatif qu’au niveau constitutionnel, afin d’éviter que la souveraineté populaire ne dévie en souveraineté parlementaire. Plus récemment, il a également été proposé que l'initiative populaire soit limitée à un référendum consultatif. Cette procédure constituerait alors une forme de contre-pouvoir populaire permettant d’influer sur l’action des représentants en-dehors des seules échéances électorales. Une telle procédure a été introduite en 2015 au Pays-Bas et a permis aux électeurs d’émettre, l’année suivante, un avis défavorable sur l’accord d’association entre l’Ukraine et l’Union européenne. / This Thesis deals with referendum and explains why it has become very scarce in France. The study begins with the analysis of the use made by Charles De Gaulle, in 1945, then between 1958 and 1969. During this second period, the referendum had two main purposes : it was the way to increase the power of the President, and also the best process to legitimate this power by the popular responsibility of the President (by the « question of trust »). The current distrust of the citizens towards their governants explains why the other Presidents after 1969 used very cautiously the referendum, because of the increasing risk to incur the « boomerang effect ». Many reforms tried to solve the « crisis of the representative democracy» by new possibilities of referendum, but this phenomenon is actually very hard to describe and it can't be known if referendum is the solution or an additional risk towards the stability of institutions. The current role of the constitutional judge must also be taken into account. Thus, the judicial review of referendum is one of the most delicate questions raised by the possible renewal of its use. At the end of this study, the question that remains is how can the referendum serve democracy and French institutions. In 1931, Carré de Malberg wished to introduce the popular initiative referendum (or « popular veto »), but we can also imagine the referendum as an institution of the « French checks and balances », as the way for citizens to express their wishes even if their governants disagree. For instance, this kind of procedure already exists in Netherlands since 2015, and by using it, citizens disapproved the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in 2016.

Samtalets betydelse för utredningsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om Migrationsverkets arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn / The importance of the dialogues for the investigation procedure : A qualitative study about the Swedish Migration Agency’s work in regard to unaccompanied children

Vikman, Johan, Mattsson, Carl-Johan January 2017 (has links)
Migrationsverket har det övergripande ansvaret över samtliga som söker asyl och att ta beslut kring vem som får uppehållstillstånd och inte. Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka utredningsprocessen för ensamkommande flyktingbarn ur Migrationsverkets personals perspektiv samt hur de tillämpar ett barnperspektiv i deras arbete och säkerställer ett rättssäkert arbetssätt. Som metod för detta har författarna valt att genomföra fem kvalitativa intervjuer med handläggare och beslutsfattare på Migrationsverket. Studien grundar sig främst på två teoretiska begrepp, barnperspektiv samt rättssäkerhet, för att kunna fördjupa sig i hur Migrationsverket arbetar. Studiens slutsats visar att den som söker asyl har till uppgift att göra sin identitet sannolik och en viktig del är det utredningssamtal som genomförs och som ligger till grund för utredningen. Studien visar även att Migrationsverkets personal har ett enhetligt arbetssätt kring rättssäkerhet och samtliga beslut som de tar är grundade i lagtexter. Arbetet med barnperspektivet handlar enligt Migrationsverkets personal att ha ett individanpassat arbetssätt genom att ta hänsyn till sökandes ålder, bakgrund och mognad. / The Swedish Migration Agency carry out the decision of who is going to get a residence permit. This study has the purpose to examine how the Migration Agency investigation procedure is, furthermore how they take in account for a child's perspective and legal certainty. Method for this has been qualitative interviews with administration officers and decision makers at the Migration Agency. This study lays its ground mainly on two constructs: Childs perspective and legal certainty for the purpose to immerse in the Migration Agency work. This study concludes that the one who seeks asylum has to make its identity probable and an important part of this is the interview of the unaccompanied child by case workers at the Migration Agency. This study also concludes that the case workers at the Migration Agency have a mutual view of the rule of law and that all actions are grounded in words of the act. To work with a child perspective is according to the Migration Agency to use an individual approach to all unaccompanied children and this is made by considering the applicant age, gender, background and maturity.

Pojem vlády zákona v Čínské lidové republice / Concept of the Rule of Law in the People's Republic of China

Sakmárová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis is to analyse the term of "rule of law" and its Chinese variations (fazhi 法治 , fazhi 法制 , yifazhiguo 依法治国 ) since establishment of the People's Republic of China until present, with the emphasis on contemporary understanding of the concept, affected by political environment. The concept of the rule of law is presented throughout analysis of collected works of influential political leaders, namely Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping, reflected in official documents crucial to the legal system, such as the Constitution. Each historical period represents a different stance on the conception of rule of law and position of legal system, which results in analysis of current situation with a prospective future attitude to this issue. Keywords: rule of law, constitutional rule, Communist Party of China, China

Local perceptions of the fast track land reform programme (FTLRP) in Umguza resettlement scheme in Zimbabwe

Zulu, Nqobile January 2009 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae (Land and Agrarian Studies) - MPhil(LAS) / Fast track land reform in Zimbabwe has caused a raging debate drawing a lot of attention to the re-distribution programme. The invasion of commercial farms had a bearing on agricultural production, food security, security of tenure, rule of law and respect for property rights. This thesis examines the implications of such a frayed land reform resulting in strained donor and government relations. The crux of the argument is that land reform is harmful and damaging when the rule of law is flouted, directly impacting on social and power relations at grassroots level. These strained relations result from a lack of commitment by government, external donors and white commercial farmers to correct land injustices from the colonial period and ineffective agencies of restraint. This thesis will test these perceptions and views basing on the experiences of the grassroots people. It will also attempt to test whether the land question in Zimbabwe has finally been resolved or there are still aspects to it that need attention, since land reform is often viewed in moral and political terms. Was poverty alleviation prioritized in fast track land reform by giving land to the landless poor; to help redress population imbalances or meant to reward those who struggled for liberation? The thesis attempts to answer the question of ‘equity’ or restructuring of access over production and ownership of land. It then questions the equity trump card as touted by the government. Did the government commit another injustice while trying to redress past injustices by overlooking the rightful claimants in favour of entrenching state power? This thesis contributes to the raging debate on fast track land reform in Zimbabwe, using the case study of UMguza resettlement scheme.

The significance of judicial independence in human rights protection: A critical analysis of the constitutional reforms in Zimbabwe

Chiduza, Lovemore January 2013 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The primary basis of this construction is that one of the roles of the judiciary is that of enhancing and protecting human rights. This is an important function which is best implemented through judicial independence. Across Africa and most notably in Zimbabwe, political interference has been noted as a factor that limits judicial independence. The judiciary‘s lack of independence has made it impossible for it to protect human rights in Zimbabwe. This signifies that a new approach to judicial protection of human rights in the country is required. Constitutional reform could be the appropriate legal tool to achieve this objective. Zimbabwe has undertaken constitutional reforms which may help in addressing the human rights situation in the country. These reforms have captured legal principles which will ensure an improvement in the human rights situation. Key to the reforms, has been the independence of the judiciary. The Constitution guarantees the independence of the judiciary. Despite such guarantees there are a number of challenges with regards to this independence. The aim of this research is to show what measures need to be taken for the judiciary to adequately protect human rights and to establish other measures that can be taken to address the human rights issues in Zimbabwe

La procéduralisation des droits substantiels par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme : Réflexion sur le contrôle juridictionnel du respect des droits garantis par la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / The “procéduralisation” of substantial rights by the European Court of Human Rights : Considerations about the juridictional control for enforcement of the rights guaranteed by the European Convention of Human Rights

Le Bonniec, Nina 24 November 2015 (has links)
La procéduralisation des droits substantiels est un phénomène désormais incontournable du système conventionnel qui ne cesse de se développer et de s’étendre. Néologisme d’origine doctrinale, cette notion semble pourtant difficilement saisissable. La procéduralisation des droits substantiels appelle en ce sens différentes interrogations liées tant à sa définition qu’à sesimplications pour le mécanisme conventionnel. Que désigne cette notion complexe et hétérogène ? Comment le juge a-t-il réussi à la mettre en place alors que ce procédé était initialement totalement absent du texte de la Convention ? À quoi est-elle destinée ? L’hypothèse retenue est que la procéduralisation des droits substantiels est une technique juridique spécifique au sein du mécanisme conventionnel, qui permet au juge d’atteindre une meilleure effectivité des droits. Toutefois, loin d’être limitée à ce seul cadre, la procéduralisation s’avère inscrite au contraire dans une dimension beaucoup plus vaste touchant à des aspects institutionnels en étant au service de la réalisation d’un projet politique particulier. / The “procéduralisation” - or procedural processing - of substantial rights has become an unavoidable phenomenon in the conventional system and it keeps growing and spreading. Originally a doctrinal concept, this neologism seems somehow hard to grasp. The “procéduralisation” of substantial rights raises many questions about both its definition and implications for the conventional process. What is this complex and heterogeneous notion refering to ? How did the judge succeed to establish it, whereas this process was initially totally ignored by the European Convention ? What is it intended for ? We argue that the “procéduralisation” of substantial rights is a specific legal technique in the European case law, which enables the judge to achieve a better effectiveness for the rights. Nevertheless, the “procéduralisation” is not bounded inside this framework, but has proven on the contrary to fit into a much wider dimension related to institutional questions, being dedicated to the fulfilment of a specific political project.

The rule of law in English speaking African countries : the case of Nigeria and South Africa

Abioye, Funmilola Tolulope 05 October 2011 (has links)
Over time, news about Africa has not been encouraging, whether in relation to poverty; incessant and sporadic conflicts; ineffective leadership; or in relation to the failure of the continent to develop in spite of the vast natural resources with which it is endowed. The failure of good governance in Africa epitomises the plight of the continent, and is the result of many factors including; diverse ethnic divisions across the continent, imposition of foreign systems through colonialisation, to name a few. This thesis also identifies an important factor which is the challenge to the rule of law on the continent. For the rule of law to be established in a society, the law first has to be an integral part of the society, and has to be legitimate, and internalised by the society. For laws and the law-making processes to be legitimate, there needs to be the consent and participation of the people which the law seeks to bind. This is lacking in most African countries where laws are often vestiges of the colonial era, and where the post-colonial law-making mechanisms have not induced confidence. These situations have led to a deficit in the legitimacy of the law in Africa, and the inability of such laws to structure and govern the people; because the people have more often than not been excluded from the law-making process, nor given their consent to be bound by the laws. The resultant effect of these realities is that the laws generally lack legitimacy and are adhered to only when sanctions are attached. This thesis investigates the Constitution as the foundational law in two former British colonies in Africa, namely Nigeria and South Africa and in particular, the way in which it is made; the resultant legitimacy, and the effects on the peoples’ response and interaction with the law. This is in order to draw a nexus between the lack of legitimacy of laws in Africa (as evidenced in the constitution making processes), and the challenges faced by the rule of law on the continent, using the cases of Nigeria and South Africa. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Public Law / unrestricted

A critical analysis of South Africa's general anti avoidance provisions in income tax legislation

Haffejee, Yaasir January 2009 (has links)
This treatise was undertaken to critically analyse the new general anti avoidance rules (new GAAR) as set out in sections 80A to 80L of the Income Tax Act1. A discussion on the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance was performed in the first chapter. The goals of this treatise were then set out. An analysis of the requirements for the application of the new GAAR was performed in the second chapter. The courts have historically reviewed the circumstances surrounding an arrangement when determining whether tax avoidance has occurred. The new GAAR requires the individual steps of an arrangement to be reviewed in isolation. Secondly, the courts have historically held that the purpose test, when determining the taxpayer‘s purpose, was subjective. The wording of the new GAAR indicates that this test is now objective. Thirdly, the courts have historically viewed the abnormality of an arrangement based of the surrounding circumstances. The wording of the new GAAR requires an objective view of the arrangement. An analysis of the secondary provisions contained in sections 80I, 80B and 80J of the new GAAR was performed in the third chapter. With regards to section 80B, it was submitted that the Commissioner should issue an Interpretation Note detailing all the methods ―he deems appropriate.

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