Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rupestres"" "subject:"campestre""
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A linguagem simbólica nas pinturas parietais da Fazenda Mundo Novo - Sergipe / The language in symbolic rupestres paintings of the Mundo Novo farm – SergipeGhiggi, Vani Piaia 11 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The sites of rock art, term conventionally defined and used by a great number of researchers, about this subject, are expressed since the Paleolithic. The developed studies aimed to understand the presence of these archeological sites are not notorious in Sergipe State. In these terms, there was a concern to develop a more detailed research on rock art and the symbolic universe of its producer, since the Canindé de São Francisco is pointing as a place of great archaeological potential and raises discussions about it. When analyzing the figures applying the semiotic method, it was noticed that the sites with rock art inserted into the Mundo Novo Farm can be read as signs that communicate. Each has its own peculiarities and similarities in the types of signs displayed in a color of the symbolic elements shared among individuals living in the area. The semiotic approach to rock art was made possible by the establishment of subdisciplinary fields in Arqueologica, consolidated in the last decade. / Os sítios de arte rupestre, termo convencionalmente definido e utilizado por um grande número de pesquisadores, são manifestados desde o período Paleolítico. Os estudos desenvolvidos que buscam entender a presença desses sítios arqueológicos não são notórios no estado de Sergipe. Nesses termos, houve a preocupação em desenvolver uma pesquisa mais detalhada sobre a arte rupestre e o universo simbólico de seu produtor, visto que o município de Canindé de São Francisco é apontando como local de grande potencial arqueológico e suscita discussões a respeito. Ao analisar as figuras aplicando o método semiótico, percebeu-se que os sítios com arte rupestre inseridos na Fazenda Mundo Novo, podem ser lidos como signos que comunicam. Cada qual possui particularidades e similaridades quanto aos tipos de signos expostos, sendo a cor um dos elementos simbólicos compartilhado entre os indivíduos vivendo na área. A abordagem semiótica para a arte rupestre foi possível devido o estabelecimento dos campos subdisciplinares na Arqueologica, consolidados na última década.
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L'art rupestre du massif de Lovo, République démocratique du CongoHeimlich, Geoffroy 19 June 2014 (has links)
À la différence des arts rupestres du Sahara ou d’Afrique australe, richement documentés, ceux d’Afrique centrale restent encore aujourd’hui largement méconnus. L’art rupestre du Bas-Congo s’étend de Kinshasa à la côte atlantique et du nord de l’Angola au sud du Congo-Brazzaville. Bien que signalé dès le XIXe siècle par James Tuckey, lors de sa reconnaissance du fleuve Congo, il n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une recherche de grande ampleur et son âge reste toujours incertain.<p><p>Peuplé par les Ndibu, un des sous-groupes kongo, le massif de Lovo se trouve au nord du royaume de Kongo. Bien que ce royaume soit l’un des mieux documentés de toute l’Afrique, tant par les sources historiques à partir de 1500 que par les sources ethnographiques et anthropologiques pour les périodes plus récentes, son archéologie reste méconnue. Avec 102 sites (dont 16 grottes ornées), le massif de Lovo contient la plus importante concentration de sites rupestres de toute la région, ce qui représente plus de 5000 images rupestres. Sur environ 400 km2 se dressent des centaines de massifs calcaires au relief ruiniforme, percés de nombreuses grottes et abris sous roche.<p><p>Par mon étude qui tente de croiser les points de vue ethnologique, historique, archéologique et mythologique, j’ai pu montrer que l’art rupestre a bel et bien une part importante dans la culture kongo. Au même titre que les sources historiques ou les traditions orales, il peut apporter aux historiens une documentation de premier plan et contribuer à reconstruire le passé de l’Afrique.<p><p><p>In contrast with the Sahara and Southern Africa, Central Africa is superficially presented and largely overlooked in general publications and compilations regarding rock art research. The rock art of Lower Congo is concentrated in a region that stretches from Kinshasa to the Atlantic coast and from Northern Angola to Southern Congo-Brazzaville. Although already reported in the nineteenth century by James Tuckey during his exploration of the Congo River, it had never been a subject of thorough investigation. As a result, its age has long remained uncertain.<p><p>Presently inhabited by the Ndibu, one of the Kongo subgroups, the Lovo Massif is situated north of the ancient Kongo kingdom. Although Kongo has been, since the end of the fifteenth century, one of the best-documented kingdoms of Africa, both through historical records and through ethnographic and anthropological studies in more recent times, in archaeological terms it remains largely unknown. With 102 sites (including 16 decorated caves), the Lovo Massif has the largest concentration of rock art in the entire region. Hundreds of limestone outcrops with carved surfaces, punctuated by numerous caves and rocky overhangs, rise up over an area of about 400 square kilometers. <p><p>Through the research I have undertaken, it has been possible to determine for the first time direct dates for the rock art of Lower Congo. The study of the previously unknown decorated caves of Tovo and Nkamba, in particular, has allowed me to ascertain the chronology and the interpretation of these rock images.<p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Variação genética e morfológica das espécies de Thoropa Cope, 1865 (Anura : Cycloramphidae) /Sabbag, Ariadne Fares. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Célio Fernando Baptista Haddad / Resumo: Thoropa Cope, 1865 (Anura: Cycloramphidae) é um gênero de rãs endêmicas do domínio Mata Atlântica e de ecótonos associados. Possui atualmente seis espécies (T. miliaris, T. petropolitana, T. taophora, T. lutzi, T. megatympanum e T. saxatilis), divididas em dois grupos morfológicos: grupo petropolitana (T. petropolitana e T. lutzi) e grupo miliaris (T. miliaris, T. taophora, T. megatympanum e T. saxatilis). Todas as espécies se reproduzem e se desenvolvem em rochas molhadas de água doce, encontradas em afloramentos rochosos, cachoeiras e riachos. Um estudo recente sobre a filogenia molecular mostrou que T. miliaris é parafilética a T. taophora, e que T. taophora, T. megatympanum e T. saxatilis são monofiléticas com alto suporte (Sabbag et al. 2018). Esse estudo também encontrou diversos clados dentro de cada uma das espécies, especialmente em T. miliaris. Porém, não foi possível estudarem molecularmente as espécies do grupo petropolitana porque existe apenas uma amostra de DNA disponível para o grupo. No presente trabalho, estudamos aspectos genéticos e morfológicos das seis espécies do gênero a fim de investigar a diversidade molecular previamente encontrada, a parafilia de T. miliaris e as características morfológicas das espécies que coincidam com a diversidade genética conhecida. Encontramos que os clados conhecidos de T. miliaris são linhagens evoluindo separadamente e que os clados conhecidos de T. taophora fazem parte de uma linhagem única. Thoropa miliaris e T. taophor... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Thoropa Cope, 1865 (Anura: Cycloramphidae) is a frog genus endemic to theAtlantic forest domain and associated ecotones. It comprises six species (T. miliaris, T. petropolitana, T. taophora, T. lutzi, T. megatympanum and T. saxatilis), divided in two morphological groups: petropolitana group (T. petropolitana and T. lutzi) and miliaris group (T. miliaris, T. taophora, T. megatympanum and T. saxatilis). All the species reproduce and develop in freshwater wet rocks that can be found in rock outcrops, waterfalls and streams. A recent study on molecular phylogeny has shown that T. miliaris is paraphyletic in respect to T. taophora and that T. taophora, T. megatympanum and T. saxatilis are monophyletic with high support. This study also found many clades inside each of those species, especially within T. miliaris. Nevertheless, it was not possible to study molecular aspects of the petropolitana group because there is only one DNA sample available for the group. In this work, we studied genetic and morphological aspects of all six species of the genus in order to investigate the molecular diversity found previously, the paraphyly found for T. miliaris, and the species morphological characteristics that coincide with the known genetic diversity. We found that the known clades of T. miliaris are separately evolving lineages and that the clades of T. taophora are part of a whole lineage. Thoropa miliaris and T. taophora are reciprocally monophyletic. We also found that the diversifica... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Apports de l'analyse des matières colorantes et colorées dans l'étude intégrée d'un site orné. Application au site de Nawarla Gabarnmang (Terre d'Arnhem, Territoire du Nord - Australie) / Inputs of the analyse of colouring and colored matters to the integrated study of a rock art site. Application in Nawarla Gabarnamang site (Arnhem Lans, North Territory - Australia)Castets, Géraldine 01 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de l’élaboration des peintures rupestres, divers matériaux colorants peuvent être mobilisés et produire des vestiges archéologiques liés aux différentes étapes de la préparation de la matière picturale. À Nawarla Gabarnmang, site majeur d’art rupestre Jawoyn (Terre d’Arnhem, Territoire du Nord – Australie), les fouilles archéologiques ont mis au jour un grand nombre de ce type de vestiges. La séquence archéologique, obtenue par datation au 14C, a révélé la présence de dépôts culturels parmi les plus anciens connus en Australie, avec une occupation du site qui s’étend de ≥48 000 ans cal BP jusqu’au début du XXème siècle. Plafonds et piliers du site présentent plusieurs générations de peintures ; les plafonds du site contiennent à eux seuls près de 1400 entités graphiques. La place de cet art interroge : est-il l’expression des premiers Hommes arrivés sur le continent australien il y a près de 50 000 ans ou le témoin d’occupations plus récentes ? Caractérisé par la superposition de plusieurs générations de peintures qu’on ne peut dater de manière « directe » en raison de la nature minéralogique des composants des peintures, la définition de leur chronologie constitue un fort enjeu de recherche. Menés d’emblée dans une approche intégrée, les premiers travaux ont permis d’étudier la chronologie et la nature des occupations, via les fouilles archéologiques, d’identifier les aménagements réalisés au cours des différentes phases d’occupation et de mettre en avant la richesse et la diversité de son répertoire artistique de même que l’abondance et la variété des vestiges associés à l’art rupestre. Afin d’appréhender au mieux la temporalité et les usages du site de Nawarla Gabarnmang depuis les premières occupations préhistoriques jusqu’aux fréquentations subactuelles, l’analyse des matières colorantes et colorées, retrouvées dans les carrés de fouille réalisés sous les panneaux peints des plafonds ou à l’aplomb des piliers décorés, permet de reconstituer les étapes de la chaîne opératoire ayant produit les matières picturales : de la source d’approvisionnement en matières premières, aux modes de transformation et de préparation (broyage, mélange avec charges et/ou liants, traitement thermique) jusqu’à leur application. La stratégie méthodologique mise en place couvre un large panel de techniques de caractérisation physico-chimique pour répondre aux problématiques soulevées par les différents vestiges associés à l’art rupestre. De l’observation macroscopique aux micro-analyses non invasives couplées à des analyses structurales, en passant par des techniques basées sur le rayonnement synchrotron, l’étude menée sur les matières colorantes et colorées a permis de révéler une diversité et une complexité de phases minérales utilisées dans l’art rupestre de Nawarla Gabarnmang. Croisée avec les données archéologiques, anthropo-géomorphologiques et pariétales, elle permet de proposer un cadre chronologique des différentes générations de peintures en lien avec les phases d’occupation qui ont marqué l’histoire du site. L’analyse des matières colorantes et colorées réalisée au cours de cette thèse constitue un vecteur de connaissances importantes et livre des informations complémentaires aux approches archéologique, géomorphologique et pariétale menées sur le site de Nawarla Gabarnmang. Les informations apportées par l’étude de ces matières permettent de renseigner tant sur les évolutions techniques et comportementales que sur l’implication culturelle de ce site, aussi bien dans ses dimensions spatiales que temporelles. / In the making of rock art, raw colouring material is used, thus providing many artifacts related to different steps of elaboration of pictorial matter. In the case of the important rock art site of Nawarla Gabarnmang in the Jawoyn country (Arnhem Land, North Territory – Australia), excavations have revealed a large number of such artifacts. The archaeological sequence from the floor deposits, radiocarbon-dated from ≥48,000 cal BP to the early twentieth century, has revealed some of the oldest known cultural deposits in Australia. The ceilings of the site contain well over 1400 still-visible paintings in multiple, superimposed layers. Countless additional paintings cover many of the rock pillars’ walls. This art raises questions: is it an expression of the first humans arrived on the Australian continent 50,000 years ago, or the evidence of recent occupation periods? Characterized by a succession of overlaid motifs, which cannot be “directly” dated because of the mineralogical nature of the rock paintings’ components, the determination of the age of the rock paintings represents a major issue. Through an integrated approach to the matter, the first results of the archaeological excavations enabled to study the chronology and the nature of activities, to identify the origins and transformations of the sheltered space through time, to highlight the richness and the diversity of its artistic work, as well as the abundance and the variety of the artifacts. To get a better insight into the temporality and the uses of Nawarla Gabarnmang since the first prehistoric activities until the recent periods, the analysis of the colouring and coloured matters, found in trial excavations under the painted panels on the ceilings or at the bottom of decorated pillars, allow us to rebuild the steps of the “chaîne opératoire” leading to the production of pictorial matter: from the sources of raw materials, the methods of transformation and preparation (grinding, mixing with mineral extenders and/or organic binders, heat treatment), to the application on the rock. To answer the questions raised by different artifacts, the methodological strategy includes a large range of microscopic and spectroscopic approaches. Subjected to macroscopic observations and non-invasive micro-analytical techniques along with structural techniques, as well as techniques using synchrotron radiation, the analysis of the colouring and coloured matters has revealed the variety and the complexity of mineral compounds used in the rock art of Nawarla Gabarnmang. Then, cross-referenced with archaeological, archaeomorphological and rock art studies, the physico-chemical characterization allows to suggest a chronological framework for the different superimposed layers linked to the periods of activities that marked the history of the site. The analysis of colouring and coloured matters undertaken by this thesis represents an important source of knowledge and delivers further informations to the geomorphological, archaeological and rock art studies carried out at the Nawarla Gabarnmang. The results provided by the study of these materials bring information as well on technical and behavioral evolutions, as on the cultural involvement of this site, not only in its spatial but also in its temporal dimensions.
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Croyances et pratiques rituelles albanaises du Kosovo : réflexions sur une écoculture / Beliefs and ritual practices among Kosovo albanians : reflections on an ecocultureKrasniqi, Shemsi 08 February 2013 (has links)
L’idée principale de la thèse est l’écoculture, c'est-à-dire une réflexion plus approfondie sur la relation entre l’homme et la nature. Afin d’expliquer cette idée, nous avons analysé certains éléments caractéristiques de la culture traditionnelle, comme : le châtiment, la malédiction, la bénédiction, le serment, la métamorphose, l’empathie, la révérence, la sacralisation etc. Ces éléments culturels ne concernent pas seulement les mœurs et pratiques morales humaines dans la vie sociale, mais aussi bien les relations entre l’homme et la nature. Dans son sens véridique, en dehors de pensée, des symboles et des valeurs, l’écoculture sous-entend également les comportements, les actions concrètes et les autres routines de la vie quotidienne. L’une des conclusions de cette thèse est que les mouvements écologiques au Kosovo, et tout ceux qui prétendent créer une culture environnementale ou bien une conscience écologiques, afin de changer des comportements et des habitudes par rapport à l’environnement, pourraient prendre pour référence l’écoculture traditionnelle albanaise, parce qu’on y trouve beaucoup d’éléments communs avec des éthiques environnementales contemporaines, comme : écologie profonde, écoféminisme, spiritualisme écologique, dark-green religion / The main idea of the thesis is the eco-culture, that is to say, a deep reflection on the spiritual relationship between human and nature. To explain this idea, I analyze some characteristic elements of the traditional culture, such as punishment, curse, blessing, oath, metamorphosis, empathy, reverence, sacredness, etc. These cultural elements do not concern only the mores and ethical human practices in social life, but also the relationship between human and nature. Nowadays, in everyday life, these values are sometimes expressed openly and concretely, and other times latently and not obviously. In addition to thinking, symbols and values, the eco-culture also manifests itself through behavior, concrete actions, and other routines of daily life. Amongst the conclusions of this thesis is that the environmental movements in Kosovo, aiming at changing the habits related to the environment by means of creating the environmental culture and raising ecological consciousness, must refer to the traditional Albanian eco-culture, since the latter has many common elements with contemporary environmental ethics, such as deep ecology, eco-feminism, ecological spiritualism, dark-green religion, etc.
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Pintura rupestre: definição das fronteiras da subtradição Sobradinho - BA / Rock pictures: the definition of sub-tradition´s borders Sobradinho BALima Filho, Sebastião Lacerda de 08 February 2013 (has links)
Current researches on prehistoric graphic records have received attention on throughout the Brazilian territory. It shows a significant commitment in the Northeast since the 1970s by Franco-Brazilian missions and by other researchers eradicated it. The Archaeological Area of Sobradinho Northwest region of Bahia, boundary between the Middle and Lower Basin San Francisco shows up a rich area for archaeological research due to the large number of sites that have been identified in it. In the current phase of the study is limited in the north, with the border between Bahia and Piaui, with the east boundary of Bahia and Pernambuco and the thalweg Salitre River, to the south, with the coordinated UTMN 8700 and on the west with the UTMS 100. It is part of the polygon of droughts in the Northeast. It lies 70 km south of the National Park Serra da Capivara. In the area in question seeks to identify the boundaries of Subtradição Sobradinho characterized by the dominance of the theme that presents solid lines, diagonally upward and downward when horizontal, or from left to right and vice versa, when vertical. The graphic universe of Subtradição Sobradinho lies predominantly in brackets rocks of the Chapada Diamantina, Formação Tombador. By contiguity and the similarity of the features of this research unit where this subtradição was identified, formulates the hypothesis that their graphic sets belong to the same subtradição. It is believed that his geographic area covers the area between the São Francisco River, to the north, the Tatauí Stream to the east, the Bonsucesso e Pitombeira Stream to the south and Samambaia Stream to the west. / Pesquisas atuais sobre registros gráficos pré-históricos têm recebido relativa atenção em todo o território brasileiro. Nota-se uma expressiva dedicação na região nordestina desde a década de 1970 por missões franco-brasileiras e por outros pesquisadores nela erradicados. A Área Arqueológica de Sobradinho, região Noroeste da Bahia, limítrofe entre o Médio e o Submédio São Francisco, mostra-se propícia para a pesquisa arqueológica em decorrência do grande número de sítios que nela vêm sendo identificados. Na fase atual dos estudos, limita-se, ao norte, com a fronteira da Bahia com o Piauí; a leste com a fronteira da Bahia com Pernambuco e com o talvegue do Rio Salitre; ao sul, com a coordenada UTMN 8700 e, a oeste, com a UTMS 100. Faz parte do polígono das secas da região Nordeste. Situa-se a 70 km ao sul do Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara. Na área em apreço busca-se identificar as fronteiras da Subtradição Sobradinho que se caracteriza pela dominância da temática que apresenta traços contínuos, em diagonal ascendente e descendente, quando horizontais, ou da esquerda para a direita e vice-versa, quando verticais. O universo gráfico da Subtradição Sobradinho encontra-se, predominantemente, em suportes de rochas da Chapada Diamantina, Formação Tombador. Pela contiguidade e pela semelhança das feições da presente pesquisa com a unidade onde essa subtradição foi identificada, formula-se a hipótese de que seus conjuntos gráficos pertençam à mesma subtradição. Acredita-se, que seu espaço geográfico abrange a área compreendida entre o Rio São Francisco, ao norte, o Riacho Tatauí, a leste, o Riacho do Bonsucesso e Riacho da Pitombeira ao Sul e o Riacho da Samambaia a oeste.
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Sítios gráficos e apropriação de espaços: um estudo de caso do complexo rupestre Rio do Peixe, região de Coronel João Sá, nordeste da BahiaLima Filho, Sebastião Lacerda de 27 July 2017 (has links)
This research studies ten archaeological sites, being nine of them of graphic records (eight painting sites and one of engraving) and one of lytic material (fixed bases of pestle and surface fragments), associated with the previous ones and closely connected to Rio do Peixe, whichcrosses the whole unit of study. Due to the intimate connection of the sites with the direct area across the river, it was considered viable to define the site as Archaeological Complex of Rio do Peixe. The sites studied are located in a geomorphological formation of the Inserberg type, characterized and described as a Monadnocks formation, which presents a residual form and varied features such as ridges and slopes,creating a flattening top surface that stands out in the landscape. The study area is located in the rural area of Coronel João Sá City, Northeast of Bahia. It stands out due to its relationship and environmental location: micro and macro scales; in the search for elements that allow to construct and to insert the graphic registers in temporal and spatial scale for the archaeological reality. The choice of this area as a work proposal was conditioned by the total absence of systematic studies on this material and its environmental dynamics. The need to identify cultural elements and their relation with the group(s) fixed in place in past periods has led us to elaborate this study and the propositions derived therefrom. This work consists, above all, of a documentation of traces exposed to a diversity of degrading factors which are subject to gradual and linear disappearance. The research problem is built on the assumption that the choice of places for fixation, graphic practice, reappropriation or use forpassage areas is not something done by chance, quite the contrary, they are detailed choices, inspected areas because they present the possibility of group interaction, and also because they show conditions so that the choices and the culture can be developed or expanded in a constant dynamic with the environment and with the most varied and diverse ecological contexts. This leads us to think about the choice of these landmarks in the landscape. We emphasize as general objective of research to reach data that contribute to the identification of the identity of pre-colonial groups that inhabited the northeast region of Bahia. The hypothesis proposes that the rock paintings of Rio do Peixe Complex, located in the high, middle and low slope, belongs to the Tradition of São Francisco. This is due to the geographic proximity where the characteristic elements have already been defined, because of the type of pigmentation used, the of cognosity pattern or the mental map of clothing, the type of themes found, the emblematic graphics of the tradition, and the type of features and supports chosen for general graphic practice. It is also suggested that the whole region, composed not only of the geomorphological complex mentioned above, may have been used as a zone of passage for different groups and for significant periods of time and that they may be attested by the material evidences, identified in the direct area of the sites and surroundings. Therefore, all intentional cultural variety or not, as well as the natural and landscape elements, gain relevance and base the reflections coming from the analyzes. / La recherche a consisté à étudier dix (10) sites archéologiques, et 09 documents iconographiques (08 [huit] sites de peinture et 01 [un] de l'image) et l’un (01) de matériel lithique (base fixe pylône plusieurs fragments sur la surface ), associéaux site préc´dents et étroitement lié ausite « Rio do Peixe », qui traverse l'ensemble de l'unité d'étude. En raison de la connexion intime des sites avec la zone directe de la rivière, il a été jugé possible de définir le Complexe Archéologique de « Rio do Peixe ». Les sites sont placés dans formation géomorphologique du type Inserberg, caractérisée comme Monadnocks, ayant une forme résiduelle et diverses caractéristiques telles que les crêtes et les pentes dominants aplatis sur le paysage. La zone d'étude est située dans la ville rurale de Coronel João Sá, nord-est de Bahia.Il met l'accent sur leur relation et l'emplacement de l'environnement sur les sites de échelles micro et macro dans la recherche de preuves pour construire et insérer les enregistrements graphiques à l'échelle spatiale et temporelle de la réalité archéologique. Le choix de la région, notamment une proposition de travail a été conditionnée par l'absence totale d'études systématiques sur ce matériel et sa culture de la dynamique de l'environnement. Le bésoin d'identifier les éléments culturels et leur relation à des groupes installés dans le région au passé nous a conduit à développer cette étude et les propositions concernant. Ce travail est surtout une documentation des vestiges archéologiques exposés à une variété de facteurs dégradants lesquels sont soumis à une disparition progressive et linéaire. Le problème de la recherche repose sur l'hypothèse que le choix des sites pour la fixation, la pratique graphique, ré-appropriation ou l'utilisation en tant que zones depassage, n'est pas fait au hasard, para contre, ce sont des choix détaillés, leszones inspectées pour la présentation de la possibilité d'interaction des groupes et les conditions de développement des cultures dans une dynamique constante avec l'environnement et les contextes écologiques les plus divers et variés. Cela nous mène à nous demander la raison du choix de ces points de repère dans le paysage.Nous mettons en évidence l'objectif général de la recherche, les données d'accès qui aident à identifier l'identité des groupes pré-coloniaux qui habitaient le nord-est de Bahia. Le cadre hypothétique propose que les peintures rupestres du Complexe Rio do Peixe situés en haute, moyenne et faible inclinaison, appartiennent à la tradition de San Francisco. Nous nous basons sur ce point en raison de la proximité géographique où les éléments caractéristiques ont déjà été définies par le type de pigment utilisé, le modèle de cognition ou d’une représentation mentale d’elaboration,le type des thèmes trouvés, le graphisme emblématique de la tradition, la caractéristique et les supports sur roche choisis pour l'impression. Onsuggère également que la région est composée non seulement par le complexe géomorphologique ci-dessus pourtant il peut avoir été utilisé comme une zone de passage par différents groupes, pour de longues périodes, ce qui peut être démontrée par des preuves physiques, identifiées dans la zone directe des sites et de l’environnement. A cet égard, toute la diversité culturelle intentionnelle ou non, ainsi que les éléments naturels et les paysages gagnent en importance et sous-tendent les réflexions concernant l'analyse. / A pesquisa em questão estuda 10 (dez) sítios arqueológicos, sendo 09 de registros gráficos (08 [oito] sítios de pintura e 01 [um] de gravura) e 01 (um) de material lítico (bases fixas de pilão mais fragmentos em superfície), associado aos anteriores e intimamente ligado ao Rio do Peixe que corta toda a unidade de estudo. Devido a intima ligação dos sítios com a área direta do rio, considerou-se viável definirmos como Complexo Arqueológico do Rio do Peixe. Os sítios trabalhados estão localizados numa formação geomorfológica do tipo Inserberg, caracterizado e descrito como uma formação do tipo Monadnocks que apresenta uma forma residual e feições variadas tais como cristas e declives dominando uma superfície de aplanamento superior que se destaca na paisagem. A área de estudo localiza-se na zona rural da cidade de Coronel João Sá, Nordeste da Bahia. Enfatiza-se sua relação e localização ambiental em escalas micro e macro sítios, na busca por elementos que permitam construir e inserir os registros gráficos em escala temporal e espacial para a realidade arqueológica. A escolha da área em particular como proposta de trabalho teve condicionada pela total ausência de estudos sistemáticos sobre essa cultura material e sua dinâmica ambiental. A necessidade de identificação de elementos culturais e sua relação com grupo(s) fixado(s) no local em períodos pretéritos, nos levou a elaborar esse estudo e as proposições nele decorrente. Esse trabalho consiste, acima de tudo, numa documentação de vestígios expostos a uma diversidade de fatores degradantes e que estão sujeitos ao desaparecimento gradual e linear. A problemática de pesquisa é construída a partir do pressuposto de que a escolha de locais para fixação, prática gráfica, reapropriação ou utilização como áreas de passagem, não é algo feito ao acaso, muito pelo contrário, são escolhas detalhadas, áreas vistoriadas por apresentarem possibilidade de interação grupal, e por permitirem condições para que as escolhas e a cultura possa ser desenvolvida ou ampliada em uma constante dinâmica com o ambiente e com os mais variados e diversificados contextos ecológicos. Isso nos leva a pensar o porquê da escolha desses marcos na paisagem. Destacamos como objetivo geral de pesquisa, alcançar dados que contribuam na identificação da identidade de grupos pré-coloniais que habitaram a região nordeste da Bahia. O quadro hipotético propõe que as pinturas rupestres do Complexo Rio do Peixe, localizados na alta, média e baixa vertente, pertence à Tradição São Francisco. Fundamenta-se isso, pela proximidade geográfica onde os elementos característicos já foram definidos, pelo tipo de pigmentação utilizada, pelo padrão de cognoscibilidade ou mapa mental de confecção, pelo tipo de temáticas encontradas, pelos grafismos emblemáticos da tradição, e pelo tipo de feição e suportes escolhidos para a prática gráfica em geral. Se sugere ainda que, toda essa região, composta não apenas pelo complexo geomorfológico acima mencionado, pode ter sido utilizada como zona de passagem de diferentes grupos e por expressivos períodos de tempo e que podem ser atestadas pelas evidências materiais, identificadas na área direta dos sítios e entorno. Nesse aspecto, toda a variedade cultural intencional ou não, bem como, os elementos naturais e paisagísticos, ganham relevância e fundamentam as reflexões advindas das análises / Laranjeiras, SE
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Os grafismos geométricos do complexo arqueológico Serra das Paridas, em Lençóis, Bahia: identificação dos padrões gráficosMotta, Rimara 15 August 2018 (has links)
Throughout almost forty years of research on Rock Art in Brazil, many studies have already contributed to the current scenario of well-established regional traditions. However, concerning what is known as geometric elements, initially included in the generic Geometric Tradition, there are still many aspects to be discussed. These nonfigurative elements cover all the reasons that were not assigned into the other existing traditions in the Brazilian Northeast and became a single category of analysis that, by now, does not reach the symbolic complexity imbricated in the aforementioned motifs. Dealing with this panorama, this mastership thesis analyzed the geometric signs starting from the notion of grammar, which understands the rupestrian records as a symbolically constructed social communication. Following an alternative model to traditional theoretical-methodological perspectives, we aimed a typological identification of the signs and their symbolic associations. In order to accomplish this, the research used as corpus the geometric paintings present in the four rock art sites that form the Serra das Paridas Archaeological Complex, located in the city of Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. In this sense, we used the technical detailing based on the identification of the traces, colors, shapes and graphical compositions of the paintings, to investigate the existence of possible graphic repertoires that point out the existence of a symbolic grammar of the signs. / Ao longo de quase quarenta anos de pesquisa com arte rupestre no Brasil, muitos estudos já contribuíram para o cenário atual de tradições regionais bem estabelecidas. No entanto, em relação aos chamados elementos geométricos, encaixados inicialmente na genérica Tradição Geométrica, ainda há muitos aspectos a serem discutidos. Tais elementos, não figurativos, abrangem todos os motivos que não foram incorporados nas outras tradições existentes no Nordeste brasileiro e se transformaram numa única categoria de análise que, por hora, não dá conta da complexidade simbólica imbricada nesses motivos. Diante desse panorama, esta dissertação de mestrado analisou os signos geométricos a partir da noção de gramática, que encara os registros rupestres como uma comunicação social simbolicamente construída. Seguindo um caminho alternativo às perspectivas teórico metodológicas tradicionais, buscou-se a identificação tipológica dos signos e suas associações simbólicas. Para tanto, a pesquisa utilizou como corpus as pinturas geométricas presentes nos quatro sítios rupestres que formam o complexo Arqueológico Serra das Paridas, situado no município de Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. Nesse sentido, empreendeu-se o detalhamento técnico, a partir da identificação dos traços, cores, formas e composições gráficas das pinturas, para investigar a existência de possíveis repertórios gráficos que indiquem a existência de uma gramática simbólica dos signos. / Laranjeiras
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L'art rupestre de la phase des cavaliers au Maroc : les sites de Foum Chenna (Vallée du Draa) et du Jebel Rat (Haut Atlas) : Analyse iconographique, thématique et proposition de chronologie / The Rock Art of the Phase of the Horsemen in Morocco : Foum Chenna (Draa Valley) and Jebel Rat (High Atlas) sites : Iconography, Themes and ChronologyBravin, Alessandra 19 December 2014 (has links)
La première partie présente les caractères généraux de la phase dite « libyco-berbère » dans la littérature. La lecture minutieuse de la bibliographie y est suivie de l'analyse de la notion de « libyco-berbère », d'où il ressort que celle-ci ne permet pas de définir adéquatement la phase en question et qu'il est donc nécessaire de la remplacer par une nouvelle dénomination : la « phase des cavaliers ». Ses traits distinctifs sont passés en revue : introduction du cheval au Maroc, iconographie, style et en replaçant la problématique dans le contexte du Maroc du Ier millénaire av. J.-C. La deuxième partie a pour objet le plateau du Tizi 'n Tirghiyst, examiné sur la base des publications ainsi que de prospections sur le terrain. Cette approche permet de souligner sa complexité et son hétérogénéité, qui inclut la phase des cavaliers et des phases plus anciennes. La méthodologie utilisée comprend l'analyse des éléments iconographiques : le cheval et le harnachement, le cavalier et ses armes, les thèmes. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'examen de Foum Chenna. L'homogénéité du site est flagrante, en dépit de l'existence d'une phase plus ancienne sous-jacente à celle des cavaliers. L'étude minutieuse de ses éléments constitutifs conduit à l'identification de nouveaux thèmes et à la découverte de nouvelles inscriptions libyques.La quatrième partie est une comparaison des deux sites en vue de mettre en évidence analogies et différences et d'identifier les éléments permettant d'avancer une proposition chronologique.Les trois annexes sont respectivement les corpus de gravures de cavaliers du Rat, de Foum Chenna et la totalité des inscriptions libyques de Foum Chenna. / The first part presents the general characters of the phase known as "Libyco-Berber". After a thorough examination of the literature, the very notion of "Libyco-Berber" is analysed and recognized as being inadequate to define the phase and it is proposed a new denomination i.e. the "phase of the horsemen."Its specific characters are analysed from the point of view of the introduction of the horse in North Africa, in terms of iconography and style, all set in the historical context of Morocco's I millennium BC.The second part relates to the plateau of Tizi 'n Tirghiyst, examined on the basis of publications and through an accurate prospecting work. From this approach emerges the complexity and heterogeneity of the rock art of this area that includes not only the phase of the horsemen but also earlier phases. The methodology includes the analysis of the iconographic typical elements: the horse and harness, his weapons and the themes.The third part is devoted to the study of Foum Chenna, in the Draa Valley. It is immediately detected the homogeneity of the site although an older phase is present. The methodology for the analysis is the detailed study of individual elements that led to the identification of new themes and the discovery of new inscriptions in Lybic letters.The fourth part is devoted to the comparison between the two sites, to highlight similarities and differences, to identify elements for a chronology.The three annexes are respectively the corpus of engravings of the horsemen phase of the Rat, of Foum Chenna and the totality of the Libyan inscriptions of this site.
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Efeitos do fogo nas popula??es de Vellozia aff. sincorana, esp?cie ?til e end?mica da Serra do Sincor?, Bahia, BrasilSouza, Jumara Marques 28 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-07-11T23:08:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Disturbances affect plant populations in different ways, and their understanding is extremely important to define management strategies and biodiversity conservation. Such disturbances may be natural, as in the case of fire initiated by lightning, or can be anthropogenic, as the extraction of natural products. In both cases, populations of plants under interference from disturbances may increase or decrease, being necessary to understand its effects on populations in the long run. A key plant for conservation is Vellozia aff. sincorana L.B.Sm. & Ayensu (Velloziaceae), is an important species for the conservation of rupestrian fields of the western portion of the Serra do Sincor?, which is endemic. The largest area of distribution of this species, popularly know as candomba, is within the limits of the Chapada Diamantina National Park (CDNP), Bahia, Brazil, where it has a elevated cover. Candomb? branches are target of extraction in the region, which are destined to ignite wood stoves. In addition to this anthropic disturbance, V. aff. sincorana is also frequently affected by fires, which despite being a natural phenomenon are largely generated by human activity in CDNP. The fire has a marked effect on V. aff. sincorana, as it stimulates their mass flowering and synchronic, with no registration of flowering in this species in the absence of fire. This study evaluated the effects of fire in individuals of V. aff. sincorana in space and stages structure and the population dynamics of this species. In addition, simulations were performed with different frequencies fire, harvest intensities, and the association of fire and harvesting in order to assess the possibilities of using fire as management tool of harvest to this species. For analyzes involving harvest, the two techniques used by candomb? collectors in the region (removal of whole adult plants or branches) were simulated. For this study, individuals of V. aff. sincorana were marked, measured and monitored on 16m? plots over two censuses (2012 and 2013) in six populations, three unaffected by fire since 2008, and three affected by recent fires (2011 or 2012), approximately 40 days before the first census. In total, we monitored 1,617 individuals in 56 plots. The results showed that the recent fire affects individuals of V. aff. sincorana stimulating flowering and increases in canopy area, plant height and number of rosettes. Populations had lower rates of mortality and recruitment, however, in areas without recent fire, both the recruitment by seeds and mortality of juveniles were higher. The distribution of individuals was aggregate in all populations, averaging two individuals per m?. The recent fire caused changes in distribution of individuals in class of life stages. In general, populations tended to have higher concentration of adults. The reproduction stimulus by fire increases fertility and causes growth of recent fire populations, so the recent fire encourages population increase of V. aff. sincorana, while in absence of fire populations tended to decrease. The simulation results showed that populations of V. aff. sincorana tend to decrease with increasing the gap between the fire events. In harvest simulations, the growth of population was negatively affected by the decrease in harvest intervals and no fire. The results showed that the harvesting technique of whole adult is not sustainable and that the maintenance of the populations of V. aff. sincorana depends on the survival of individuals, mostly adults. In general, we find evidence that the conservation of V. aff. sincorana and its management for extractive purposes depend on periodic fire occurrence. / Os dist?rbios afetam as popula??es vegetais de diversos modos, sendo sua compreens?o de extrema import?ncia para defini??o de estrat?gias de manejo e conserva??o da biodiversidade. Tais dist?rbios podem ter origem antr?pica ou n?o, a exemplo do fogo iniciado por raio e da extra??o de produtos naturais. Em ambos os casos, as popula??es de plantas sob interfer?ncia podem crescer ou diminuir demasiadamente, sendo necess?ria a compreen??o dos efeitos em longo prazo dos dist?rbios nas popula??es. Vellozia aff. sincorana L.B.Sm. & Ayensu (Velloziaceae) ? uma esp?cie importante para a conserva??o dos campos rupestres da por??o ocidental da Serra do Sincor?, da qual ? end?mica. A maior ?rea de distribui??o dessa esp?cie, popularmente conhecida como candomb?, encontra-se dentro dos limites do Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina (PNCD), Bahia, Brasil, onde apresenta uma elevada cobertura. Os ramos do candomb? s?o alvo de extrativismo na regi?o, os quais s?o destinados a acender fog?es a lenha. Al?m desse dist?rbio antr?pico, V. aff. sincorana tamb?m ? frequentemente afetada por inc?ndios, que apesar de serem um fen?meno natural, s?o majoritariamente originados pela a??o humana no PNCD. O fogo tem um efeito marcante sobre V. aff. sincorana, j? que estimula sua flora??o em massa e sincr?nica, n?o havendo registros de flora??o da esp?cie na aus?ncia de fogo. O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos do fogo nos indiv?duos de V. aff. sincorana, na estrutura espacial e de est?dios, bem como na din?mica populacional dessa esp?cie. Al?m disso, foram realizadas simula??es com diferentes frequ?ncias de fogo, intensidades de colheita, e da associa??o entre fogo e colheita, a fim de avaliar as possibilidades do uso do fogo como ferramenta do manejo extrativista dessa esp?cie. Para as an?lises envolvendo colheita, foram simuladas as duas t?cnicas utilizadas pelos coletores de candomb? na regi?o (retirada de plantas adultas inteiras ou a de ramos). Para esse estudo, os indiv?duos de V. aff. sincorana foram marcados, medidos e acompanhados em parcelas de 16m? durante dois censos (2012 e 2013) em seis popula??es, tr?s n?o afetadas por fogo desde 2008, e tr?s afetadas por inc?ndios recentes (2011 ou 2012), aproximadamente 40 dias antes do primeiro censo. No total, foram acompanhados 1.617 indiv?duos distribu?dos em 56 parcelas. Os resultados evidenciaram que o fogo recente afeta os indiv?duos de V. aff. sincorana estimulando ? flora??o e aos incrementos em ?rea da copa, altura da planta e produ??o de rosetas. As popula??es apresentaram baixas taxas de mortalidade e recrutamento, por?m, nas ?reas sem fogo recente, tanto o recrutamento via sementes quanto a mortalidade de juvenis foram maiores. A distribui??o dos indiv?duos foi agregada em todas as popula??es, com m?dia de dois indiv?duos/m?. O fogo recente provocou mudan?as na distribui??o dos indiv?duos entre as classes de est?dios de vida. Em geral, as popula??es tenderam ? maior concentra??o de adultos. A reprodu??o estimulada por fogo aumenta a fertilidade e ocasiona crescimento das popula??es rec?m-incendiadas, de modo que o inc?ndio recente favoreceu o aumento populacional de V. aff. sincorana, enquanto na sua aus?ncia as popula??es tenderam ? diminui??o. Os resultados das simula??es evidenciaram que as popula??es de V. aff. sincorana tendem ? diminui??o com o aumento do intervalo entre os eventos de fogo. Nas simula??es de colheita, o crescimento das popula??es foi afetado negativamente pela diminui??o dos intervalos de colheita e aus?ncia de fogo. Os resultados evidenciaram que a t?cnica de colheita de adultos inteiros n?o ? sustent?vel e que a manuten??o das popula??es de V. aff. sincorana depende da sobreviv?ncia dos indiv?duos, principalmente os adultos. De modo geral, encontramos ind?cios de que a conserva??o de V. aff. sincorana e seu manejo para fins extrativistas dependem da ocorr?ncia peri?dica do fogo.
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