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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fildelning i ljuset av Bastei Lübbe-målet : - En jämförelse av tyskt och svenskt skydd för upphovsmän / File sharing in the light of the Bastei Lübbe case : - A comparison of German and Swedish protection for authors

Henriksson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Praktiska problem rörande testamenten

Suokko, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dyslexi : Hur kan en god läs- och skrivundervisning bedrivas så att fler elever med dyslexi upptäcks och får strategiska verktyg? / Dyslexia : How can a good reading education be conducted so more students with dyslexia are discovered and get strategic tools?

Olovsson, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrunden till uppkomsten av denna uppsats var på grund av tidigare forskning vilken visade att elever med dyslexi från grundskolan går vidare ut i samhället med otillräckliga strategier och liten motivation för läsning och skrivning. Elever går ut i ett samhälle där ett aktivt deltagande underlättas av goda kunskaper i skrift. Jämförelser för resultatet är gjorda mellan litteratur i ämnet dyslexi och genom intervjuer av en klasslärare och tre specialpedagoger. Undersökningen baserades på lärares erfarenheter av att i skolan möta och arbeta med elever med förmodad eller diagnostiserad dyslexi. Studien besvarar frågeställningar som vilket förhållningssätt elever med dyslexi möts av, vilka läs- och skrivstrategier elever med dyslexi möter och hur lärare upptäcker dyslexi via läsning och skrivning. Resultatet visar starkt på att ett positivt och uppmuntrande förhållningssätt ger framgång. Det rådde viss skillnad mellan vilka läs- och skrivstrategier elever möter beroende på om undervisning sker i klassrum eller hos specialpedagog. En diagnostisering i sig ger inga fördelar i undervisning, men kan beroende på faktorer kopplade till varje enskild individ ge elever en förklaring till sina svårigheter och ett bättre bemötande från omgivningen. Resultatet visar vikten av att upptäcka och förebygga svårigheterna i tid för större förutsättningar till aktivt deltagande i samhället.

How rape myths are used in Swedish child rape court cases in comparison with adults : A critical discourse analysis

Karhu, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
A commonality in rape trials is that the legal system is colored by myths and norms – more specifically ‘rape myths’. These myths includes the perception of ‘men as more sex needing’, ‘rape victim brought the offense on themselves’ and so forth. A new law on sex crimes was introduced in 2005 in Sweden in order to create a stronger protection when it comes to rape and sexual assaults of different kinds – especially the removal of violence in child rape cases. Previous research conclude that rape myths are still routinely used at trial in adult rape and sexual assault cases. Rape myths in court often relates to a specific ‘rational’ behavior as the ‘normal’ or ‘right’ way to act, which relates to a masculinized view of reasoning colored by the patriarchal society. The overall purpose of this paper is to examine how rape myths appear in trials involving children; if children are viewed in the same way as adults according to these myths in rape cases – or differently, and how these myths are manifested. Also, a certain focus is on gender similarities and differences when it comes to rape myths. The paper is based upon 20 Swedish court cases from 2005 to 2017. Five cases within each group of victims: girls, boys, women and men. The thesis uses critical discourse analysis along with feminist studies to analyze these rape myths. This study shows that rape myths also are used in child rape cases, and thus, that children are no exception. Moreover, victimized females are often found in a disadvantaged position within court, as opposed to males. Girls seem to be most disadvantaged due to their position as both young and female. The results further indicates that legislation can be a useful tool to create rape myth busters.

Oklar identitet : en praktisk studie av bristerna i lagföringen av asylsökande / Unclear identity : a practical study of the shortcomings in the prosecution of asylum seekers

Ioannidis, Georgios January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Självbestämmandets gränser : När brukarens självbestämmanderätt krockar med personalens diskrimineringsskydd

Westin, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The inspiration for this essay started with my own experience of an issue within personal assistance. I witnessed a situation where a user expressed a reluctance to receive support from personal assistants with another ethnicity. There is something called “self-determination” which is a statutory right who follows from the legal act named Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS). Personal assistance is one of many supports people with disabilities can be entitled to within the rights of LSS and when it comes to personal assistance especially, the user’s right to self-determination is significant. According to the right of self-determination the user should be given considerable influence when the employer hires the personal assistant. The problematic aspects of this is when the user require someone, or express an aversion of someone, with a certain ethnicity. The self-determination can therefore collide with another strong law which is the discrimination act (Diskrimineringslagen, DL). Since special treatment because of ethnicity is forbidden according to DL, the main question this essay aims to investigate is how to interpret these two legislations when they collide in this type of situation. Different interpretations cause employers to act differently which leads to different opportunities for assistants and users depending on the municipality they live in, therefore it is an important question which needs to be investigated.

Kollektivavtal vid verksamhetsövergång : En studie om hur kollektivavtal tillämpas vid en verksamhetsövergång

Sjösvärd, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
It is common in today’s society that a business transfer occurs. Collective agreements hold a strong position in Swedish labour market which means that the majority of companies around Sweden have collective agreements. I therefore intend to study how collective agreements are applied during a business transfer. My study is mainly focusing on the legal framework in 28§ MBL since it regulates how collective agreements are applied during a transfer. The study is focusing on four different situations when a business transfer occurs. The situations that are treated is following: The transferor has a collective agreement but not the acquirer, the acquirer has collective agreement but not the transferor, both the acquirer and the transferor are bound by the same collective agreements or bound by different ones. The Council directive 2001/23/EG prescribes in article 3 that an automatic transfer of all rights and obligations is made when a business transition occurs. This rule has been implemented through the 6 b § LAS Furthermore, the safeguarding of the employees’ rights when it exists a collective agreement are regulated in 28§ MBL. 28§ 1 st MBL precludes an automatic transfer of the regulations in the transferors collective agreement into the acquirers organisation unless the acquirer is bound by a collective agreement. If the acquirer is bound by a collective agreement, they are still obligated to apply the transferor collective agreement during one year. This is just a couple of examples of how collective agreements are regulated during a business transfer. The applications of collective agreements can be complex depending on the situation. I have compared all of the situations above in an analysis in chapter 4.

Avdrag för ingående moms vid avyttring av andelar i dotterbolag

Ohlsson, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Om äganderättskravet vid farlighetsförverkande : En tillämparuppsats

Widebeck, Nils January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

En inblick i bevisbördan i asylmål / An insight into the burden of proof in asylum cases

Montell, Rasmus January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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