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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LI, CHIEN-CHENG 21 July 2003 (has links)

The Effects of Career Anchor,Personal Characteristics,Job Satisfaction,Turnover Intention of the Managing Staff in the Service Industry.

Li, Ya-ping 02 February 2004 (has links)
The Effects of Career Anchor, Personal Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention of the Managing Staff in the Service Industry. Abstract According to not only the frequent communication between Mainland China and Taiwan, but also the advanced development of international enterprise, the structure of industries in Taiwan has been put into changes. The traditional industries are moving out due to the increasing cost, so that which business can stay in Taiwan ? That will be the service industry and the R&D department. The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation among Career Anchor, Personal Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention of the managing staff in the service industry. Based on 171 questionnaires collecting from more than 50 service companies in Taiwan, this research finds several important results. Findings¡G ¡]1¡^ Biographical Characteristics will have the significant influence in Career Anchor, Personal Characteristics, Job Satisfaction ,and Turnover Intention. ¡]2¡^ Job Satisfaction has the significant influence in Turnover Intention. ¡]3¡^ Different Career Anchor has found the positive relationships with Turnover Intention . ¡]4¡^ Different Career Anchor has found the positive relationships with Job Satisfaction ¡]5¡^ Employees with different Biographical Characteristics and Job Satisfaction have found the positive relationships with Turnover Intention . ¡]6¡^ Employees with different Biographical Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Personal Characteristics have found the positive relationships with Turnover Intention. ¡]7¡^ Employees with different Biographical Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, Career Anchor and Personal Characteristics have found the positive relationships with Turnover Intention. According to the results of this research, the suggestions to service industry: (1) Choose the right people in the right position based on their Career Anchor and Personal Characteristics. (2) Emphasize on the dimensions of employees¡¦ Job Satisfaction. (3) Stress the importance of the environment in service industry

Psychosocial predictors of marital satisfaction in British and Ghanaian cultural settings

Adonu, Joseph Kordzo January 2005 (has links)
This thesis seeks to shed light on the cultural construction of marriage and the relative psychosocial predictors of marital satisfaction across British and Ghanaian settings. The main argument is that, Britain and Ghana stand apart in socio-cultural standing: Britain is a developed Western European country whereas Ghana is a developing West African Country. Consequently local realities and social constructions would differ across these two settings and engender different constructions and experience of marriage. The project examined the relative contributions of self-construal, self-disclosure, material support, relationship beliefs, marriage role expectation and demographic variables to marital satisfaction among British and Ghanaian married couples. These objectives were pursued through the implementation of quantitative (n=400) and qualitative (n=117) paradigms in studies of couples from London and Accra. Various multivariate analytic strategies were employed to test hypotheses about differential constructions of marriage and the predictors of marital satisfaction across the two contexts. As hypothesized, responses of British couples suggested constructions of marriage that resonate with individualist patterns (e.g., less emphasis on "traditional" marital roles), and responses of Ghanaian couples suggested constructions of marriage that resonate with collectivist patterns (e.g., relative emphasis on instrumental support). Additional analyses revealed the hypothesized role of cultural grounding indicators in mediating the relationship between predictors and marital satisfaction. Specifically, interdependent self-construal mediated the relationship between material support and satisfaction, but independent self-construal mediated the relationship between self-disclosure and marital satisfaction. Qualitative analyses of the interview data aid in the interpretation of these results. The expected and counterintuitive findings that emerged are discussed against the backdrop of individualism-collectivism descriptions of prevalent cultural patterns that implicitly and explicitly shape and determine personal relationship behaviour. Implications of the findings as well as recommendations for future studies of marriage across cultural settings are offered.

Self-esteem moderates the effect of wage trends on employment tenure

Schroeder, Daniel Gene 06 April 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Self-care of the home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia

Železnik, D. (Danica) 21 November 2007 (has links)
Abstract This study is focused on the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia. The study has two phases. The purpose of the first phase is to describe the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia and factors connected to self-care. The purpose of the second phase is to describe the experiences of the elderly people's ability to manage at home. The aim of this study was to produce new knowledge about the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia and the factors connected with it. The knowledge will be used to develop elderly care and support eldery people who live at home. The knowledge can be also used to educate nurses to care for the elderly people. The study was both quantitative and qualitative. In the quantitative study the sample consisted of 302 home-dwelling elderly people who were clients in domiciliary care. The selection criteria was: aged 75 years or over and the ability to communicate, no hearing problems, no severe mental problem/cognitive disability and gave full consent for their participation. The whole instrument consists of 91 items. A instrument covers background data, types of self-care, self-care orientation, life satisfaction, self-esteem and functional ability. In the qualitative study, 20 interviews were carried out and a qualitative analysis obtained. Data collection methods included open-ended questions concerning the following topics: background data, types of self-care, self-care orientation, life satisfaction, self-esteem and functional ability. Based on factor analyses, four factors were found which described the self-care. All other factors describe elderly people's perceptions concerning either the past or the future. The elderly people who are able to manage their daily activities/routines have a good functional capacity, good family relations, live qualitatively, accept the future healthily and clearly and are satisfied with their life because they can take care of themselves, but their self-esteem is not so high. Those elderly people who do not take care of themselves are abandoned; they are not satisfied with their way of life and have low-esteem. The results are going to be the basis for planning care and nursing care for all caregivers, especially community nurses. On the basis of this result the model of nursing and social care for home - dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia could be planned. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa selvitetään Sloveniassa asuvien ikääntyneiden itsestä huolenpitoa. Tutkimus on kaksivaiheinen. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli kuvata slovenialaisten ikääntyneiden itsestä huolenpitoa ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Toisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ikääntyneiden kokemuksia itsestä huolenpidosta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa slovenialaisten ikääntyneiden kotona asuvien itsestä huolenpidosta. Tietoa voidaan käyttää tuettaessa ikääntyneitä asumaan kotona. Lisäksi sitä voidaan käyttää hoitotyöntekijöiden koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä määrällistä että laadullista lähestymistapaa. Määrällisen tutkimuksen otos oli 302 kotona asuvaa slovenialaista ikääntynyttä. Kriteerinä oli vähintään 75 vuoden ikä ja kommunikaatiokyky. Kyselylomake sisälsi 91 väittämää. Siinä oli taustatietokysymyksiä, itsestä huolenpitoon, itsestä huolenpitoon orientoitumiseen, elämään tyytyväisyyteen, itsearvostukseen ja toimintakykyyn liittyviä kysymyksiä. Laadulliseen tutkimukseen osallistui 20 henkilöä. He olivat antaneet suostumuksena haastatteluun tutkimukseen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa. Haastattelut sisälsivät avoimia kysymyksiä koskien itsestä huolenpitoa. Tulosten mukaan neljä faktoria kuvasi itsestä huolenpitoa muut faktorit kuvasivat ikääntyneiden suhdetta menneisyyteen ja tulevaisuuteen. Niillä ikääntyneillä, jotka hallitsivat päivittäiset toiminnot oli hyvä toimintakyky, hyvät perheenjäsenten väliset suhteet, he olivat elämään tyytyväisiä ja hyväksyivät tulevaisuuden. Heidän itsetuntonsa ei ollut hyvä. Ne ikääntyneet, jotka eivät pitäneet huolta itsestään olivat omapäisesti itsestä huolehtimiseen suhtautuvia. He eivät olleet elämään tyytyväisiä ja heillä oli matala itsetunto. Tutkimus tuloksia tullaan hyödyntämään kehitettäessä ikääntyneiden kotihoitoa. Tulosten perusteella tullaan kehittämään malli miten ikääntyneiden kotona asumista voidaan tukea.

已婚職業婦女的生活壓力與休閒型態, 婚姻滿意, 生理健康, 心理健康及工作滿意五者的關係

戴智慧, DAI, ZHI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是探討北區職業婦女的生活壓力和其婚姻滿意、生、心理健康狀況、工作 滿意及休閒型態的關係。全一冊,共四章十二節。本研究中的生活壓力是指職業婦女 在工作與家庭的雙重壓力下所可能的壓力來源,主要包括三方面:(一)角色間的衝突 (二)負荷過重(三)工作和家庭間的彼此干擾。研究的目的有三:(一)探討職業婦女的 生活壓力和其婚姻滿意、生、心理健康狀兄、工作滿意及休閒型態間的關係;(二)探 討人格特質焦慮性和社會支援與職業婦女生活壓力間的關係;(三)探討不同人口統計 變項和職業婦女生活壓力的關係。研究的受試者主要是北市和基隆市各公民營機構和 學校的結婚且至少育有一子的職業婦女。測量方法是以問卷施測的方式。最後以SPSS 的迴歸分析、變異數分析來處理資料。 研究結果發現:(一)職業婦女的生活壓力和其婚姻滿意、生、心理健康狀況有關,但 和休閒型態及工作滿意無關;(二)焦慮性和社會支援與壓力的大小有關係;(三)不同 人口統計變項的受試者,其對壓力大小的覺知不同。

服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯研究-以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例 / Research of relationships among service design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation-As seen in the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo

黃俊傑, Huang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討服務設計、展覽體驗、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與推薦意願之關聯,以2010年台北國際花卉博覽會為例。主要研究目的是想了解花博園區的服務設計內容,是否會使前往花博的顧客有不同的體驗經驗,間接增加體驗價值,進一步使滿意度增加,進而願意推薦親朋好友前往參觀?也想了解是否因為顧客個人因素的不同,導致不同的體驗價值與顧客滿意度? 本研究有效紙本問卷有136份,有效網路問卷有461份,全部問卷共597份。利用典型相關與迴歸分析,發現良好的服務設計將會帶給花博顧客正向的展覽體驗;良好的展覽體驗提高體驗價值;較高的體驗價值使顧客對此次花博擁有較高的滿意度進而使推薦意願提高。接著透過MANOVA、ANOVA、多重比較與T檢定,發現參觀花博的時間不同,對於體驗價值與顧客滿意度有所差異;而第一次參觀花博月份的不同,使滿意度有所差異;累計參觀花博次數不同,對於體驗價值與滿意度也會有所差異。 / In this study serive design, exhibition experience, experiential value, customer satisfication and recommendation are used to investigate the 2010 Taipei Flora Expo. The main purpose is to understand how the host organization service design used in the Flora Expo, caused tourists to have different experiences, increased experiential values, satisfication and recommendation. The study will also investigate whether different personal factors will cause different experiential values and satisfication. There are 136 subjects from paper questionnaire and 461 subjects from on-line questionnaire. Total subjects are 597. Using Canonical Correlation, Regression, MANOVA, ANOVA, Post Hoc and T test the resulting data is as follows: 1. Service design had a positive correlation to experiential marketing. 2. Experiential marketing had a positive correlation to experiential value. 3. Experiential value had a positive correlation to satisfaction. 4. Satisfaction had a positive correlation to recommendation. 5. Different visiting days (weekday, weekend, both) had different experiential value and satisfication 6. During the month (11-12, 1-2, 3-4) of people visting for the first time had different level of satisfication. 7. The amout of times (1, 2, above 3 times) visiting the expo had different experiential values and satisfication.

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