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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing School Community: Changing Inner-City Middle School Culture Through Interiors

Ramey, Rachel A 01 January 2018 (has links)
While the knowledge of disrepair in inner-city schools is fairly common, the impact that school facilities are having on students and faculty is not as widely known. More recently, the closing of inner city schools has greatly increased across the United States; Reduction in public school enrollment from 2006-2013: Detroit -63%, Cleveland -32%, Indianapolis -27%, D.C. -23%, L.A. -23%,etc. (Journey For Justice Alliance,2014). Due to budget cuts, threat of school closings from poor facility conditions, large class size, and pressure to raise test scores, inner city schools struggle to keep teachers (Journey For Justice Alliance,2014). Poor teacher retention along with a lack in care for educational facilities has created a toxic environment for inner-city students. Although there are many reasons that inner-city schools suffer, negativity within school culture seems to be a common denominator within many of these problems. With larger population percentages of minority, economically disadvantaged and disabled students, difficulties arise in communicating student-to-student and teacher-to-student (Bellwether Education Partner, 2016). The question becomes, how does one design a space to provide comfort, safety and communication in order to foster healthy relationships? This research will inform the design of a middle school that focuses on community and communication. The goal will be to design a school where flexibility and team work is made easier through furniture and layout solutions in order to foster growth and respect for students and teachers.

Design för möbler i framtidens förskola – Ett möbelset som främjar lärandet / Design for furniture in the preschools of the future – A furniture-set that promotes learning

Mallari, Joy, Penttilä, Roine January 2019 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram ett koncept på möbelset som passar in i framtidens förskolor, samt att leverera CAD-modeller och tillverkningsunderlag. Detta möbelset skall enligt en kvantitativ definition kunna främja för lärandeförmågan hos användaren, med tanke på funktion, säkerhet, och tillgänglighet. Uppgiften startades med Furneas initiativ att ta sig in på möbelmarknaden i Mellansverige och Stockholmsområdet med en ny produkt som kan möta de behov som kännetecknas av framtidens hållbara förskolor. Arbetet gjordes i fyra olika faser; planering, faktainsamling, genomförande, och analys. I planeringsfasen fastställdes strukturering och metodik av hela arbetet. I faktainsamlingsfasen gjordes litteraturstudier med avseende på pedagogiska inriktningar, miljö, säkerhet, ergonomi, och material. Det gjordes även intervjuer av förskolepedagoger angående nuvarande användning av bord i förskolan, och på företag rörande möbeltillverkning och förskolor. Genomförandefasen använder den insamlade datan för att skapa en funktionsanalys och kravspecifikation på möbelns design, och sedan komma fram med koncept på möbelsetet. I fasen ingår även att konstruera koncepten med CAD och 3D-printing. Analyser användes för att få fram konceptet som bäst möter användarens behov och modifiera konceptet till det slutgiltiga resultatet. För detta används sållningsmatriser, simuleringsprogram för att göra hållfasthetsberäkningar, samt DFMEA, en felorsaksanalys för produktutveckling. Resultatet av detta arbete presenteras med figurer och beskrivningar av möbelsetet. / The aim of this thesis was to develop a concept for a furniture-set that fits in with the preschools of the future, as well as to deliver CAD models and manufacturing documentation. According to a quantitative definition, this furniture should be able to promote the learning ability of the user, regarding function, safety, and accessibility. The task was started at Furnea's initiative to enter the furniture market in central Sweden and the Stockholm area with a new product that can meet the needs that are characterized by future sustainable preschools. The work was done in four different phases; planning, fact collection, implementation, and analysis. During the planning phase, structuring and methodology of the entire work was established. In the fact-finding phase, literature studies were conducted regarding educational orientations, environment, safety, ergonomics, and materials. Interviews of pre-school educators regarding the current use of tables in the preschool, and on companies concerning furniture manufacturing and preschools, were also conducted. The implementation phase uses the collected data to create a functional analysis and requirement specification for the furniture design, and then come up with a concept on the furniture. The phase also includes constructing the concepts with CAD and 3D printing. Analyses were used to bring out the concept that best meets the user's needs and modify the concept to the result. For this purpose, screening matrices, simulation programs for making strength calculations, and DFMEA, an error cause analysis for product development, were used. The result of this work is presented with figures and descriptions of the furniture.

Genusarbete i förskolanspedagogiska lärmiljö inomhus : En studie om genusarbetets betydelse för barns identitetsskapande iförskolepedagogisk kontext

Öhberg, Hannah, Sjöstrand, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Förskolan har ett ansvar att motverka könsmönster som begränsar barnensutveckling, val och lärande. Lärmiljöns och det tillgängliga materialets betydelse förbarns identitetsskapande har vetenskapligt studerats tidigare av andra forskare ochvisar då på att den genusexponering som barn utsätts för i tidig ålder är bidragandetill barns genusrelaterade förväntningar och attityder senare i livet. Studiens syfte ärdärav att undersöka hur tillgängligt material på förskoleavdelningar kan se ut ur ettgenusperspektiv samt hur verksamma förskollärare resonerar kring sittgenuspedagogiska arbete i avsikt att presentera en praxisnära bild av hur förskolansgenuspedagogiska arbete kan återspeglas i den pedagogiska lärmiljön inomhus. Istudien intervjuas fyra verksamma förskollärare i södra Sverige och deras respektiveavdelning inventeras på för barnen tillgängligt lärmaterial. Studien antar enfenomenografisk ansats och resultatet analyseras med hjälp av Hirdmans genusteori. Resultatet som framkom i studien visar på att det finns många olika sätt att utföragenusarbetet på och tre olika strategier har identifierats. Dessa döps till stereotyperinkluderas, stereotyper blandas och stereotyper exkluderas. Resultatet kan leda tillen diskussion kring hur barn kan påverkas av en lärmiljö med eller utan stereotypalekmaterial. Det har även framkommit ur studiens material att ju mindre lärmaterialsom observerats på avdelningen desto tydligare är det genuspedagogiska metodikenoch att genuspedagogiken får ta större utrymme i den planerade undervisningeninom verksamheten. Pedagogiska implikationer som framkommit i studien är vikten avgenusmedvetenhet samt närvarande och stöttande pedagoger men också en medvetetplanerad lärmiljö på förskoleavdelningen för att erbjuda barnen möjligheter attskaffa sig breda genusrelaterade erfarenheter. / Preschools have a responsibility to counteract gender patterns which restrictschildren’s development, choice, and education. The importance of the pedagogicalenvironment and the learning equipment available for shaping the identity ofchildren has been scientifically researched earlier by other researchers and showsthat the genus exposure which children are subject to in early years contributes tochildren’s genus-related expectations, norms and attitudes later in life. The purpose of the study is to examine how available equipment in preschools canbe viewed from a genus perspective, to investigate the current discussion amongst pre-school teachers around their genus-pedagogical work in order to present a closeto reality picture of how genus-pedagogical policy can be mirrored in the interioreducational environment. In this study four preschool-teachers in Southern Sweden are being interviewed andthe educational material available in their respective department is examined. The study takes a phenomenographic approach and the result is analysed with thehelp of Hirdman’s genus theory. The result of the study shows that there is a varietyof ways genus matters are being approached in today’s preschool learningenvironment. Three different genus strategies have been identified; environmentswhere stereotypes are included, a mixed approach to stereotypes and preschoolswhere stereotypes are being excluded.The result leads to a discussion about how children can be influenced in aneducational environment with or without stereotypical play materials. The study also reveals that the less learning material that has been observed in the department,the more influential the genus-pedagogical methodology is, and as a result, thegenus-related pedagogy becomes more prominent in the scheduled curriculum. The pedagogical implications arising from the study is the vital importance of genusconsciousness, the value of access to supporting pedagogues but also a strategicallyplanned educational environment in preschool which offers children possibilities toachieve broad spanning genus-related experiences for life.

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