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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biogödningsmedel från sjögräs och tång : Ekonomiska förutsättningar att ersätta handelsgödsel / Biofertilizer from seaweed : Economic conditions to replace commercial fertilizers

Rudaya, Lisaveta, Skantz, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
Världsbefolkningens tillväxt sätter stort tryck på livsmedelsproduktionen. För att bemöta den ökande efterfrågan på mat förbrukas stora mängder handelsgödsel i syftet att stimulera tillväxten hos grödor och öka jordbruksmarkens bördighet. Överkonsumtion av gödsel inom jordbruket har bidragit till växtnäringsläckage och eutrofieringen av Östersjön. En konsekvens av övergödning är ökad tillväxt av sjögräs och tång. Särskilt stora mängder av ilandflutet sjögräs och tång (även kallat släke) ansamlas på Gotlands stränder. Dessa makroalger är rika på mineraler och näringsämnen, som dessutom är viktiga för växternas ämnesomsättning och tillväxt. Genom att samla in och använda släke som gödsel kan näringen som algerna tagit upp återföras till marken och därmed återvinnas. För att öka intresset för släke som biogödsel är det därför viktigt att alternativet är ekonomiskt lönsamt och konkurrenskraftigt på gödselmarknaden.  Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka förutsättningar biogödningsmedel från släke har att bli ett ekonomiskt hållbart alternativ till handelsgödsel. Med en litteraturstudie som utgångspunkt är målet att skapa en modell för att jämföra priset på släkegödsel och handelsgödsel. Resultatet visade att handelsgödsel, för tillfället, betraktas som en mer attraktiv marknadsvara än släkegödsel. Trots vissa begränsningar bedöms släkegödsel ha potential att konkurrera med handelsgödsel och förhoppningsvis stärka sin position på gödselmarknaden i framtiden. Exempelvis genom att blanda in släke med konstgödsel för att minska näringstillförseln till havet och återvinna näringen som redan finns i jordbrukskretsloppet. / Rapid world population growth has caused excessive pressure on the food industry. To meet the increasing demand for food a substantial amount of commercial fertilizer is used to stimulate the growth of crops and boost the fertility of agricultural lands. Overconsumption of fertilizers has contributed to nutrient leakage and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Consequently, the phenomenon has led to increased growth of seaweed and seagrass, particularly in the coastal areas of Gotland where it accumulates after being washed up from the sea (also called beach-wrack). These macroalgae are rich in minerals and nutrients, which are important for the plants' metabolism and growth. By collecting and using beach-wrack as a biofertilizer, the nutrient uptake by algae can therefore be returned to the soil and thus recycled. To enable the use of biofertilizers from beach-wrack within agricultural practices, it needs to be economically profitable and competitive on the market of commercial fertilizers.  This study aims to investigate the preconditions for biofertilizers from beach-wrack to become an economically sustainable alternative to commercial fertilizers. With a literature study as a basis, the goal is to create a model for comparing the price of beach-wrack fertilizer and commercial fertilizers. The result showed that commercial fertilizers are considered to be more attractive on the fertilizer market than beach-wrack fertilizer. Despite the limitations of algae-biofertilizer, beach-wrack could have the potential to compete with commercial fertilizer alternatives in the future and hopefully strengthen its position on the fertilizer market. For instance, by mixing the beach-wrack with mineral fertilizers, thus reducing the supply of nutrients to the sea, and recycling the nutrients that are already present in the agricultural cycle.

Exploring the sustainability potential of an algae-based wood adhesive : Comparative and explorative environmental life cycle assessment of algae- vs. formaldehyde- based adhesives for particleboard production

Rasche, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Adhesives used for wood composites such as particleboard are conventionally of petrochemical nature with formaldehyde as a base substance and represent a pain point in the industry due their toxic emissions. Consequently, adhesives are subject to an agenda to develop more benign, low-impact alternatives. On the one hand, the issue has been addressed by means of optimisation of composition and amounts, and on the other hand, development of biobased adhesives from different renewable feedstock has been taking place over the past decades. Yet, these bio-adhesives remain a niche segment as renewability or lower toxicity alone is widely not enough despite increasingly strict regulations on formaldehyde emissions. Emphasis on a more comprehensive set of beneficial properties of ‘green’ adhesives is needed for successful adoption in the market. In this context, this study investigates the holistic sustainability potential of a yet untapped bio- adhesive feedstock: macroalgae. Current research on an algae-based adhesive from cultivated biomass in Sweden suggests suitable adhesive properties for particleboard manufacture. Complementing these promising findings on material properties, this study assesses sustainability of using an algae-based adhesive in a particleboard production system as opposed to conventional formaldehyde-based resins. A comparative cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of different scenarios was conducted, with the specific aim to explore changes in toxicity, climate change impacts and eutrophication due to the known benefits of cultivated macroalgae in these areas. A considerably better performance for algae-based adhesives was found across impact categories (CML baseline method) compared to formaldehyde-based scenarios, as well as a similar pattern with respect to cumulative energy demand. Particularly under a low-impact preservation method for the algal biomass, relative impacts were substantially lower without exception. Furthermore, a potential for carbon sequestration and replacing of fossil with biogenic carbon flows was identified, as well as bioremediation of location eutrophication through nutrient uptake of the biomass during cultivation. Despite the early stage and the need for further research, the results point to a promising potential for macroalgae as a feedstock for biobased wood adhesives which go beyond renewability. / Lim som vanligtvis används för träkomponenter som exempelvis spånskivor är konventionellt från petrokemiska källor med formaldehyd som basämne, och anses vara en utmaning för branschen på grund av dess giftiga utsläpp. Därav är det av intresse för branschen att utveckla bättre alternativ med mindre miljöpåverkan. Utvecklingen har dels skett genom optimering av sammansättning och proportioner, men under det senaste decennierna har även utveckling av biobaserade lim från olika förnyelsebara råvaror tagit fart. Dessa biobaserade lim är dock fortfarande ett nischat område, att enbart arbeta med förnybara råvaror som ger lägre toxicitet verkar inte vara tillräckligt, trots allt striktare bestämmelser om formaldehydutsläpp. Därför krävs det tydliga bevis av miljövinsterna med lim av förnyelsebara råvaror för att denna metod ska bli mer framgångsrik på marknaden. I detta sammanhang undersöker denna uppsats, genom ett holistiskt perspektiv, potentialen med lim gjort på det ännu outnyttjade förnyelsebara materialet makroalger. Aktuell forskning på algbaserat lim från odlad biomassa i Sverige har uppvisat lämpliga limegenskaper för användning inom spånskivetillverkning. Som ett komplement för dessa potentiella fördelaktiga egenskaper, bedömer denna uppsats miljönyttan med användandet av ett algbaserat lim i produktionssystem av spånskivor, i relation till det konventionella formaldehydbaserade limmet. Därmed görs en jämförande livscykelanalys från vaggan till grinden av olika scenarier, med syftet att undersöka förändringar i toxicitet, klimatpåverkan och övergödning, i och med att dessa tre påverkanskategorier redan har visat på kända miljöfördelar. Resultatet visade att det algbaserade limmet hade betydligt bättre miljöprestanda i alla påverkanskategorier undersökt med metoden CML baseline i jämförelse med det formaldehydbaserade limmet, vilket även visades för kategorin kumulativt energibehov. När en konserveringsmetod används för att processa algbiomassan, är skillnaden i miljöpåverkan av dom två limmen lägre inom alla påverkanskategorier. Slutligen identifierades potential för kolbindning och utbyte av biogena och fossila kolflöden, även bioremediering av lokal övergödning genom att biomassan upptog näringsämnen under odling. Trots det tidiga stadiet och behovet av fortsatt forskning så visar dessa resultat en fortsatt potential för makroalger som ett råmaterial för biobaserade trälim som tar förbybarhet ett steg längre.

Carbon Accounting and SeaweedOffsets : An overview of some current carbon accounting methodologiesand the emerging sector of seaweed carbon offsets

Rudberg, Alice January 2023 (has links)
As the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) have increased and received moreattention, the need for climate mitigation solutions has become more urgent. Today, several methodologies for carbon accounting exists, as well as the possibility to offset emissions by buying carbon offsets. All these methodologies directly or indirectly spring from LCA but have developed to metrics considering only climate and with a dissatisfying sustainability performance in other aspects. Four carbon accounting methodologies (VCS, Gold Standard, GHG Protocol, XPRIZE Carbon Removal) have been examined and compared, showing differences in the approach to quantification and to more holistic sustainability aspects. They have also been analysed in comparison to the QU.A.L.ITY framework proposed by the European Commission, which aims to ensure the quality of carbon removals and prevent greenwashing. The results showed a lack of coherence between the carbon offset standards as well as a low coherence with the criteria in the proposed framework and lack of holistic sustainability perspectives. Algae are photosynthesizing organisms fixating CO2 in the same process as terrestrial plants. They are fast growing and does not require land or much maintenance, which is why seaweed aquaculture has been suggested as a method for carbon removals. This have given birth to a plethora of start-ups aiming to sell carbon offsets from systems based on macroalgae, here called “seaweed offsets”. Nine companies/projects were identified and examined. The results showed that most of the companies used systems involving cultivation, while one company use wild seaweed. The two largest techniques for sequestration of the carbon fixated in the biomass were 1) sinking the seaweed into the deep sea and 2) making biochar from the biomass. However, there are not yet any standards covering this type of carbon offset methodologies and these offsets are thus not certified and the results also show that the efficiency of these activities is highly unreliable. Large uncertainties remain regarding the net carbon removal, sequestration, and potential ecological impacts. These uncertainties and knowledge gaps also cause the suggested methods for seaweed offsetting to clash with the QU.A.L.ITY framework. / I takt med att de antropogena utsläppen av växthusgaser har ökat och fått mer uppmärksamhet har behovet av lösningar för att begränsa klimatförändringarna blivit mer brådskande. Idag finns flera metoder för koldioxidredovisning och -beräkning, liksom möjligheten att klimatkompensera genom att köpa klimatkompensation. Alla dessa metoder här rör direkt ellerindirekt från LCA men har utvecklats till mått som endast tar hänsyn till klimat, och med en otillfredsställande hållbarhetsprestanda i andra aspekter. Fyra metoder förkoldioxidredovisning (VCS, Gold Standard, GHG Protocol, XPRIZE Carbon Removal) har undersökts och jämförts, vilket visar skillnader i tillvägagångssättet för kvantifiering och förmer holistiska hållbarhetsaspekter. De har också analyserats i jämförelse med ”QU.A.L.ITY”-ramverket som föreslagits av Europeiska kommissionen, vilket syftar till att säkerställa kvaliteten på lösningar som skall ta bort CO2 ur atmosfären och förhindra greenwashing. Resultaten visar på bristande samstämmighet mellan klimatkompensationsstandarderna samt låg överensstämmelse med kriterierna i det föreslagna ramverket och brist på holistiskahållbarhetsperspektiv. Alger är fotosyntetiserande organismer som fixerar CO2 i samma process som markväxter. De växer snabbt och kräver inte mark eller mycket underhåll, vilket är varför algodling har föreslagits som en metod för att minska halten CO2 i atmosfären. Detta har gett upphov till en uppsjö av nystartade företag som syftar till att sälja koldioxidkompensation från system baserade på makroalger, här kallade "tångkompensationer" (seaweed offsets). Nio företag/projekt identifierades och granskades. Resultaten visar att de flesta av företagen använder system som involverar odling, medan ett företag använder vild tång. De två största teknikerna för att binda kolet fixerat i biomassan var 1) sänka tången i djuphavet och 2) göra biokol av biomassan. Det finns dock ännu inga standarder som täcker denna typ av klimatkompenseringsmetoder och dessa kompensationer är därför inte certifierade. Resultaten visar också att effektiviteten i dessa system är mycket otillförlitlig. Storaosäkerheter kvarstår när det gäller netto upptag av CO2, lagring och potentiella ekologiska effekter. Dessa osäkerheter och kunskapsluckor gör också att de föreslagna metoderna för tångkompensation kolliderar med QU.A.L.ITY-ramverket.

Invasive Marine Algae as a Soil Amendment for Island Farmers: Agronomic and Ethnographic Assessment of Implications for Nutrient Management

Reppun, Frederick A.W.L. 30 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Supply Chain Risk Management Study of the Indonesian Seaweed Industry

Mulyati, Heti 07 July 2015 (has links)
Die Supply Chain von Algen in Indonesien, insbesondere Karrageen und Agarprodukte, ist mit Störungen innerhalb der Unternehmen und in externen Netzwerken konfrontiert wie z. B. Quantität, Qualität, Preis und Infrastruktur. Sobald eine Störung in einem Teil der Supply Chain auftritt, kann diese die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette beeinflussen. Um eine nachhaltige Algenindustrie sicher zu stellen, bedarf es einer langzeitigen Planung. Hierbei kann das Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) helfen. SCRM umfasst vier kritische Stufen: Identifikation der Algen-Supply Chains, Identifikation und Kategorisierung der Risiken, Einschätzen der Risiken und Vermeidung der Risiken. Um die Algen-Supply Chains zu identifizieren, wurden Feldforschung, Tiefeninterviews und Literaturrecherchen durchgeführt. Die Feldstudie wurde in den Provinzen Süd-Sulawesi, West-Java, Ost-Java, Banten und West-Nusa Tenggara durchgeführt. Anschließend wurden die Algen-Supply Chains mit der Software Umberto NXT Universal 7.0 modelliert, um ein besseres Verständnis von den Material- und Energieflüssen zwischen den Hauptakteuren zu erhalten. Um die Risiken zu identifizieren und zu kategorisieren wurden Literaturrecherchen durchgeführt und die Delphi Methode angewandt, um potentielle Quellen der Risiken, ihre Gründe und ihre Effekte zu analysieren. Zur Einschätzung der Risiken wurde ein semi-quantitativer Ansatz gewählt, welcher auf Face-to-face Interviews zurückgreift. Dementsprechend wurde eine Risikokarte erstellt, welche die Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Effekte von ungünstigen Ereignissen widerspiegelt. Basierend auf den vorherigen Ergebnissen wurde die Intensität der Risiken in die folgenden fünf Kategorien unterteilt: vernachlässigbare, geringe, kritische, sehr kritische und katastrophale Risiken. Drei alternative Strategien zur Vermeidung der Risiken werden vorgeschlagen: der Bau einer kleinen Algen-Fabrik, große Algen-Herstellung und industrielle Algen-Cluster, welche direkt am Algenanbau angegliedert sein müssen. Um die Strategien zu bewerten wurde die Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) angewandt, welche der multikriteriellen Entscheidungsanalyse zuzurechnen ist. Die Vermeidungsstrategien berücksichtigen  Nachhaltigkeitskriterien (Ökologie, Wirtschaft, Soziales) und Risikokriterien. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Algen-Supply Chains mit vertikaler Kooperation, aus Algen-Lieferanten (Farmer, lokale Händler, Großhändler und Exporteure) und Algen-Herstellern (Carrageen- und Agarunternehmen) bestehen. Die meisten Algen-Farmer sind unabhängige Farmer, die die Möglichkeit haben die Algen entweder an lokale Händler oder andere je nach Präferenz verkaufen können. Lokale Händler spielen eine entscheidende Rolle hinsichtlich der finanziellen Unterstützung der Farmer, der technischen Informationen und des Marktzugangs. Indonesische Carrageen- und Agarhersteller weisen ein kontinuierliches Marktwachstum auf, insbesondere als Familienunternehmen. Die Risiken der Algen-Supply Chain werden in zwei Hauptkategorien unterteilt: interne und externe Risiken. Interne Risiken werden weiterhin in zwei Gruppen untergliedert: interne Unternehmensrisiken, welche aus Prozess- und Steuerungsrisiken bestehen, sowie externe Unternehmensrisiken, die Supply- und Nachfragerisiken umfassen. Externe Supply Chain Risiken, die aus externen Netzwerkketten resultieren, sind Risiken hinsichtlich regulatorischer Fragen, der Finanzierung, Infrastruktur als auch soziale und umweltbezogene Risiken. Als kritischstes Risiko für die Carrageen-Supply Chain wurde die mangelnde Qualität von E.cottonii rohgetrockneten Algen identifiziert. Weitere kritische Risiken der Agar-Supply Chain sind Quantitätsunsicherheiten, die Knappheit von Gracilaria roh getrockneten Algen sowie negative Umweltauswirkungen des Abwassers. Aus  der Fallstudie zu halb-raffinierten Karrageen resultierte das Clustern von Algen-Verarbeitungsbetrieben als ist die beste Risikovermeidungsstrategie sowohl für große als auch kleine Unternehmen. Nichtsdestotrotz kann sich das Clustern negativ auf die lokale Umwelt auswirken.

Kadmium som begränsande faktor för användande av tång som biogassubstrat - en laborativ undersökning : / Cadmium as a limiting factor for using algae in biogas production - a laboratory study :

Jogbratt, Arvid January 2011 (has links)
Sveriges miljömål ”Begränsad klimatpåverkan” beskriver ambitionen att fram till år 2020 ska ha minskat utsläppen av växthusgaser med 40 % gentemot år 1990. Ett sätt för Sverige att lyckas med de uppsatta målen är att utveckla biogasproduktionen. Potentialen för biogasproduktion bedöms vara mycket stor och forskning för att ta fram nya substrat att använda inom biogasframställningen pågår. Ett möjligt substrat är alger, dock har tidigare forskning påvisat höga kadmiumhalter i alger vilket kan innebära problem för spridning av rötresten.      Syftet med denna rapport var att  genom laborativ och litterär undersökning bedöma algers potential som biogassubstrat och gödningsmedel.    Resultaten påvisade höga kadmiumkoncentrationer hos alger vilket försvårar en spridning av kadmium till åkermark. De framtagna gränsvärdena för kadmiuminnehåll hos gödningsmedel överskrids för samtliga prover. Det ringa gödningsvärdet hos rötresten grundas i det låga fosforinnehållet hos algerna. Gaspotentialen för rötning av alger med organiskt avfall visade sig vara mycket god, vilket kan motivera en utveckling av effektiva, billiga, reningsmetoder för kadmium. För Halmstad kommun beräknades energiproduktionen av alger att vara av betydelse om ytterligare utveckling av uppsamling och skörd utreds.    Metoder för kadmiumavskiljning har studerats och i Japan har en effektiv reningsmetod som baseras på urlakning följt av adsorption med naturliga koaguleringsmedel framställda från fruktavfall tagits fram. Andra metoder som möjliggör rötning av alger är att kombinera biogasframställning med produktion av energiskog. Odlingarna kan gödslas med den kadmiumrika rötresten, varefter den skördade energiskogen förbränns och renas från kadmium på förbränningsanläggning.

Energy input, carbon intensity, and cost for ethanol produced from brown seaweed

Philippsen, Aaron 15 January 2013 (has links)
Brown macroalgae or brown seaweed is a promising source of ethanol that may avoid the challenges of arable land use, water use, lignin content, and the food vs. fuel debate associated with first generation and cellulosic ethanol sources; however, this promise is challenged by seaweed’s high water content, high ash content, and natural composition fluctuations. Notably, lifecycle studies of seaweed ethanol are lacking in the literature. To address this gap, a well-to-wheel model of ethanol production from farmed brown seaweed was constructed and applied to the case of Saccharina latissima farming in British Columbia (BC), Canada, to determine energy return on energy invested (EROI), carbon intensity (CI), and near shore seaweed farming production potential for seaweed ethanol and to examine the production cost of seaweed ethanol. Seaweed farming and ethanol production were modeled based on current BC farming methods and the dry grind corn ethanol production process; animal feed was included as an ethanol co-product, and co-product credits were considered. A seaweed ethanol yield calculation tool that accounts for seaweed composition was proposed, and a sensitivity study was done to examine case study data assumptions. In the case study, seaweed ethanol had lower CI than sugarcane, wheat, and corn ethanol at 10.1 gCO2e/MJ, and it had an EROI comparable to corn ethanol at 1.78. Seaweed ethanol was potentially profitable due to significant revenue from animal feed sales; however, the market for seaweed animal feed was limited by the feed’s high sodium content. Near shore seaweed farming could meet the current demand for ethanol in BC, but world near shore ethanol potential is likely an order of magnitude lower than world ethanol production and two orders of magnitude lower than world gasoline production. Composition variation and a limited harvest season make solar thermal or geothermal seaweed drying and storage necessary for ethanol production in BC. Varying seaweed composition, solar thermal drying performance, co-product credits, the type of animal feed produced, transport distances, and seaweed farming performance in the sensitivity study gave an EROI of over 200 and a CI of -42 gCO2e/MJ in the best case and an EROI of 0.64 and CI of 33 gCO2e/MJ in the worst case. Co-product credits and the type of animal feed produced had the most significant effect overall, and the worst cases of seaweed composition and solar thermal seaweed drying system performance resulted in EROI of 0.64 and 1.0 respectively. Brown seaweed is concluded to be a potentially profitable source of ethanol with climate benefits that surpass current ethanol sources; however, additional research into seaweed animal feed value, co-product credits, large scale seaweed conversion, and the feasibility of solar thermal or geothermal seaweed drying is required to confirm this conclusion. / Graduate

Aspects of nitrogen metabolism in the green alga Ulva: developing an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading

Barr, Neill G. January 2007 (has links)
The following research has focused on the utility of Ulva as an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading. Evaluation was made in three ways: 1) Observation of large-scale geographic variation in nitrogen status in natural populations around New Zealand in summer and winter, 2) Laboratory-based experimental assessment of the biochemical responses of N-indices in Ulva to nitrogen enrichment, and 3) Culturing standardized test-Ulva under low nutrient conditions which could be deployed into a variety of field situations. Seawater inorganic nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate) concentrations and nitrogen (N)-indices (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen) in natural Ulva populations from 32 sites around New Zealand were compared. Sites were divided into 6 environmental categories: sheltered rural, exposed rural, rock pools, sheltered urban, exposed urban, and nitrogen-enriched urban sites. Seawater nutrient concentrations were highly variable between all sites in summer and winter. However, in the summer enriched urban sites had the highest mean total inorganic nitrogen concentrations and Ulva with the highest mean levels of all N-indices compared with any other environmental category. In the winter, Ulva contained more nitrogen (reflected in all N-indices) compared with Ulva in the summer, particularly in populations growing in colder southern seawater on more exposed coasts. The increase in Ulva N-status was not explained by increased seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations. With univariate and multivariate statistical approaches it was shown that there was a significant effect of seawater temperature and site exposure on N-status in Ulva. Compared with other N-indices, stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) from Ulva growing in enriched urban sites had the widest range (4.77 ± 0.04 ‰ to 15.16 ± 0.03 ‰) of values compared with all other categories in both summer and winter. Conversely, Ulva from exposed rural sites had the lowest range of δ15N values compared with any other category (6.7 ± 0.1 to 8.8 ± 0.1 ‰) and showed no seasonal change in mean values (7.8 ‰ and 7.6 ‰ for summer and winter, respectively). In addition, δ15N values in Ulva were the only N-index that showed a significant difference between urban and rural categories. To test the relationship between inorganic nitrogen concentration in seawater and the responses of biochemical nitrogen indices in Ulva pertusa, several experiments were conducted in an outdoor, flow-through culture apparatus, in summer and winter. In this apparatus effects of ammonium concentration, nitrogen source (nitrate and ammonium), light and seawater motion were investigated. Of the same three N-indices examined in natural Ulva populations (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen), increases in free amino acids, particularly asparagine, provided the strongest indicator of increases in nitrogen availability. In addition, while tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll also increased with seawater nitrogen concentration, it was apparent that these indices were also strongly influenced by light, and probably season. Rates of ammonium assimilation provided no overall measure of the availability of nitrogen in seawater and were clearly affected by season. Similarly, growth rates in Ulva only showed a response to nitrogen addition in summer months. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) in Ulva provided a clear distinction between natural and synthetic nitrogen sources, but more importantly, showed only minor fractionation (ranging from 1.3 ‰ to -1.9 ‰) of 15N supplied from synthetic nitrate and ammonium under both light-saturating and light-limiting conditions. To further develop Ulva as a standardized test-organism it was cultured in low-nutrient (non-polluted) seawater to deplete internal storage pools of nitrogen. Each month the resulting test-Ulva was then placed in surface-moored growth enclosures at a range of coastal sites around Auckland and then monitored for one year. In winter there were increases in seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations and concomitant increases in free amino acid content. However, tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll content in test-Ulva showed similar increases (possibly saturating) across all sites suggesting that seasonal increases in these N-indices were also due to other seasonal factors (e.g., surface irradiance and / or seawater temperature). On the other hand, the total free amino acid pool showed strong differences between a low-nitrogen reference site and the other study sites all year round. It was probable that test-Ulva was integrating differences in tidally-averaged nitrogen loading that were not reliably detected in instantaneous seawater samples. In addition to N-indices in test-Ulva, levels of tissue heavy metals and stable isotopes of nitrogen showed strong differences with higher values of both typically found in urban environments compared with values found in non-polluted reference sites. It is concluded that several abiotic and biotic factors affect nitrogen status in Ulva, but the average nitrogen concentration in seawater, and the physical factors of temperature, light and water motion, appear to be the overarching determinants. It is further suggested that in combination with Ulva tissue δ15N values, tissue nitrogen and the free amino acid pool, as quantitative biochemical measures of nitrogen availability, are likely to provide useful information on both the amount and composition of nitrogen entering coastal environments. / Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. Auckland Regional Council.

Aspects of nitrogen metabolism in the green alga Ulva: developing an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading

Barr, Neill G. January 2007 (has links)
The following research has focused on the utility of Ulva as an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading. Evaluation was made in three ways: 1) Observation of large-scale geographic variation in nitrogen status in natural populations around New Zealand in summer and winter, 2) Laboratory-based experimental assessment of the biochemical responses of N-indices in Ulva to nitrogen enrichment, and 3) Culturing standardized test-Ulva under low nutrient conditions which could be deployed into a variety of field situations. Seawater inorganic nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate) concentrations and nitrogen (N)-indices (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen) in natural Ulva populations from 32 sites around New Zealand were compared. Sites were divided into 6 environmental categories: sheltered rural, exposed rural, rock pools, sheltered urban, exposed urban, and nitrogen-enriched urban sites. Seawater nutrient concentrations were highly variable between all sites in summer and winter. However, in the summer enriched urban sites had the highest mean total inorganic nitrogen concentrations and Ulva with the highest mean levels of all N-indices compared with any other environmental category. In the winter, Ulva contained more nitrogen (reflected in all N-indices) compared with Ulva in the summer, particularly in populations growing in colder southern seawater on more exposed coasts. The increase in Ulva N-status was not explained by increased seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations. With univariate and multivariate statistical approaches it was shown that there was a significant effect of seawater temperature and site exposure on N-status in Ulva. Compared with other N-indices, stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) from Ulva growing in enriched urban sites had the widest range (4.77 ± 0.04 ‰ to 15.16 ± 0.03 ‰) of values compared with all other categories in both summer and winter. Conversely, Ulva from exposed rural sites had the lowest range of δ15N values compared with any other category (6.7 ± 0.1 to 8.8 ± 0.1 ‰) and showed no seasonal change in mean values (7.8 ‰ and 7.6 ‰ for summer and winter, respectively). In addition, δ15N values in Ulva were the only N-index that showed a significant difference between urban and rural categories. To test the relationship between inorganic nitrogen concentration in seawater and the responses of biochemical nitrogen indices in Ulva pertusa, several experiments were conducted in an outdoor, flow-through culture apparatus, in summer and winter. In this apparatus effects of ammonium concentration, nitrogen source (nitrate and ammonium), light and seawater motion were investigated. Of the same three N-indices examined in natural Ulva populations (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen), increases in free amino acids, particularly asparagine, provided the strongest indicator of increases in nitrogen availability. In addition, while tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll also increased with seawater nitrogen concentration, it was apparent that these indices were also strongly influenced by light, and probably season. Rates of ammonium assimilation provided no overall measure of the availability of nitrogen in seawater and were clearly affected by season. Similarly, growth rates in Ulva only showed a response to nitrogen addition in summer months. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) in Ulva provided a clear distinction between natural and synthetic nitrogen sources, but more importantly, showed only minor fractionation (ranging from 1.3 ‰ to -1.9 ‰) of 15N supplied from synthetic nitrate and ammonium under both light-saturating and light-limiting conditions. To further develop Ulva as a standardized test-organism it was cultured in low-nutrient (non-polluted) seawater to deplete internal storage pools of nitrogen. Each month the resulting test-Ulva was then placed in surface-moored growth enclosures at a range of coastal sites around Auckland and then monitored for one year. In winter there were increases in seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations and concomitant increases in free amino acid content. However, tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll content in test-Ulva showed similar increases (possibly saturating) across all sites suggesting that seasonal increases in these N-indices were also due to other seasonal factors (e.g., surface irradiance and / or seawater temperature). On the other hand, the total free amino acid pool showed strong differences between a low-nitrogen reference site and the other study sites all year round. It was probable that test-Ulva was integrating differences in tidally-averaged nitrogen loading that were not reliably detected in instantaneous seawater samples. In addition to N-indices in test-Ulva, levels of tissue heavy metals and stable isotopes of nitrogen showed strong differences with higher values of both typically found in urban environments compared with values found in non-polluted reference sites. It is concluded that several abiotic and biotic factors affect nitrogen status in Ulva, but the average nitrogen concentration in seawater, and the physical factors of temperature, light and water motion, appear to be the overarching determinants. It is further suggested that in combination with Ulva tissue δ15N values, tissue nitrogen and the free amino acid pool, as quantitative biochemical measures of nitrogen availability, are likely to provide useful information on both the amount and composition of nitrogen entering coastal environments. / Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. Auckland Regional Council.

Aspects of nitrogen metabolism in the green alga Ulva: developing an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading

Barr, Neill G. January 2007 (has links)
The following research has focused on the utility of Ulva as an indicator of seawater nitrogen loading. Evaluation was made in three ways: 1) Observation of large-scale geographic variation in nitrogen status in natural populations around New Zealand in summer and winter, 2) Laboratory-based experimental assessment of the biochemical responses of N-indices in Ulva to nitrogen enrichment, and 3) Culturing standardized test-Ulva under low nutrient conditions which could be deployed into a variety of field situations. Seawater inorganic nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate) concentrations and nitrogen (N)-indices (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen) in natural Ulva populations from 32 sites around New Zealand were compared. Sites were divided into 6 environmental categories: sheltered rural, exposed rural, rock pools, sheltered urban, exposed urban, and nitrogen-enriched urban sites. Seawater nutrient concentrations were highly variable between all sites in summer and winter. However, in the summer enriched urban sites had the highest mean total inorganic nitrogen concentrations and Ulva with the highest mean levels of all N-indices compared with any other environmental category. In the winter, Ulva contained more nitrogen (reflected in all N-indices) compared with Ulva in the summer, particularly in populations growing in colder southern seawater on more exposed coasts. The increase in Ulva N-status was not explained by increased seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations. With univariate and multivariate statistical approaches it was shown that there was a significant effect of seawater temperature and site exposure on N-status in Ulva. Compared with other N-indices, stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) from Ulva growing in enriched urban sites had the widest range (4.77 ± 0.04 ‰ to 15.16 ± 0.03 ‰) of values compared with all other categories in both summer and winter. Conversely, Ulva from exposed rural sites had the lowest range of δ15N values compared with any other category (6.7 ± 0.1 to 8.8 ± 0.1 ‰) and showed no seasonal change in mean values (7.8 ‰ and 7.6 ‰ for summer and winter, respectively). In addition, δ15N values in Ulva were the only N-index that showed a significant difference between urban and rural categories. To test the relationship between inorganic nitrogen concentration in seawater and the responses of biochemical nitrogen indices in Ulva pertusa, several experiments were conducted in an outdoor, flow-through culture apparatus, in summer and winter. In this apparatus effects of ammonium concentration, nitrogen source (nitrate and ammonium), light and seawater motion were investigated. Of the same three N-indices examined in natural Ulva populations (free amino acids, chlorophyll and total tissue nitrogen), increases in free amino acids, particularly asparagine, provided the strongest indicator of increases in nitrogen availability. In addition, while tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll also increased with seawater nitrogen concentration, it was apparent that these indices were also strongly influenced by light, and probably season. Rates of ammonium assimilation provided no overall measure of the availability of nitrogen in seawater and were clearly affected by season. Similarly, growth rates in Ulva only showed a response to nitrogen addition in summer months. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) in Ulva provided a clear distinction between natural and synthetic nitrogen sources, but more importantly, showed only minor fractionation (ranging from 1.3 ‰ to -1.9 ‰) of 15N supplied from synthetic nitrate and ammonium under both light-saturating and light-limiting conditions. To further develop Ulva as a standardized test-organism it was cultured in low-nutrient (non-polluted) seawater to deplete internal storage pools of nitrogen. Each month the resulting test-Ulva was then placed in surface-moored growth enclosures at a range of coastal sites around Auckland and then monitored for one year. In winter there were increases in seawater inorganic nitrogen concentrations and concomitant increases in free amino acid content. However, tissue nitrogen and chlorophyll content in test-Ulva showed similar increases (possibly saturating) across all sites suggesting that seasonal increases in these N-indices were also due to other seasonal factors (e.g., surface irradiance and / or seawater temperature). On the other hand, the total free amino acid pool showed strong differences between a low-nitrogen reference site and the other study sites all year round. It was probable that test-Ulva was integrating differences in tidally-averaged nitrogen loading that were not reliably detected in instantaneous seawater samples. In addition to N-indices in test-Ulva, levels of tissue heavy metals and stable isotopes of nitrogen showed strong differences with higher values of both typically found in urban environments compared with values found in non-polluted reference sites. It is concluded that several abiotic and biotic factors affect nitrogen status in Ulva, but the average nitrogen concentration in seawater, and the physical factors of temperature, light and water motion, appear to be the overarching determinants. It is further suggested that in combination with Ulva tissue δ15N values, tissue nitrogen and the free amino acid pool, as quantitative biochemical measures of nitrogen availability, are likely to provide useful information on both the amount and composition of nitrogen entering coastal environments. / Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. Auckland Regional Council.

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