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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the Fe/GaAs(110) Interface

Iffländer, Tim 30 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A critical analysis of the financial and social obligations imposed on sectional owners in sectional title schemes, as well as their enforcement

Booysen, Juann 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the years sectional ownership satisfied the psychological need of many South Africans to acquire home-ownership and it is currently estimated that there are more than 780 000 sectional title units throughout South Africa. The concept of sectional ownership consists of three elements, namely individual ownership of a section (residential or commercial); joint ownership of the common parts of the sectional title scheme and membership of the body corporate which governs the sectional title community. Sectional ownership is therefore a unique statutory institution with its own characteristics. An imperative of every sectional title scheme is to strive for financial stability, happiness and harmony in an intensified, diverse community where the objects of ownership, the individual units, are physically interdependent. The Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, as amended, therefore imposes numerous financial and social obligations on sectional owners. These obligations require each owner to give up a certain degree of freedom that he might otherwise enjoy in separate, privately owned property. Ultimately the success of a sectional title scheme will depend upon the necessary co-operation and support of its members for compliance with these obligations. Since non-compliance can destroy the financial stability and social harmony in a sectional title scheme, effective procedures for the enforcement of these financial and social obligations are essential. Accordingly, effective sanctions are a sine qua non for a financially viable and socially successful sectional title scheme. This thesis provides a critical analysis of the various financial and social obligations that are imposed on sectional owners, as well as the measures available for their enforcement. It will become evident that the sanctions in the South African sectional title legislation for non-compliance with these obligations are conspicuously few and far between. It is generally accepted that the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 does not have sharp enough „teeth‟ to deal effectively with the non-compliance of these obligations. Consequently, the thesis will also focus on sanctions that are used in foreign jurisdictions to enforce sectional owners‟ financial and social obligations, with the aim to identify sanctions that may be adopted in the South African context to render the enforcement of these obligations more efficient and effective. In conclusion it will be recommended that the only manner in which financial stability and social harmony can be restored in a troubled sectional title scheme is to introduce legislation which allows the body corporate as a last resort to exclude a persistent offender who makes it impossible for the other sectional owners to share the sectional owners‟ community with him or her temporarily from this community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die verloop van tyd sedert die eerste deeltitelwetgewing in 1971 in Suid Afrika ingevoer is, het deeleiendom die droom van menige Suid-Afrikaners verwesenlik om eiendomsreg van „n eie woning te verkry. Huidige statistieke dui daarop dat daar meer as 780 000 deeltiteleenhede in Suid Afrika is. Drie elemente word in die begrip „deeleiendom‟ saamgevat, naamlik individuele eiendomsreg van „n deel (residensiëel of kommersiëel), mede-eindomsreg van die gemeenskaplike gedeeltes van „n skema en lidmaatskap van „n regspersoon. Deeleiendom is dus „n unieke statutêre instelling met sy eie ongewone karaktertrekke. Die belangrikste doelwit van elke deeltitelskema is om finansiële stabiliteit, geluk en harmonie in „n geϊntensifeerde, diverse gemeenskap waar individuele eiendomseenhede, fisies interafhanklik is, te bewerkstellig. Die Wet op Deeltitels 95 van 1986, soos gewysig, onderwerp deeleienaars daarom aan verskeie finansiële en sosiale verpligtinge wat meebring dat elke deeleienaar „n sekere mate van vryheid moet prys gee wat hy andersins sou geniet het as hy eienaar was van „n huis op „n private erf. Die uiteindelike sukses van „n deeltitelskema is grotendeels afhanklik van die samewerking en ondersteuning van sy lede wat betref die nakoming van hierdie verpligtinge. Omdat nie-nakoming die finansiële stabiliteit en sosiale harmonie kan versteur word doeltreffende maatreëls vereis vir die afdwinging van hierdie finansiële en sosiale verpligtinge. „n Deeltitelskema kan slegs met sukses bestuur word indien op doeltreffende sanksies gesteun kan word. Hierdie tesis fokus op „n kritiese analise van die verskeie finansiële en sosiale verpligtinge waaraan deeleienaars onderhewig is, en die maatreëls wat aangewend kan word om hierdie verpligtinge af te dwing. Daar sal aangetoon word dat die sanksies in die Suid-Afrikaanse deeltitelwetgewing vir die nie-nakoming van hierdie verpligtinge gans te min, en boonop uiters ondoeltreffend is. Daarom word algemeen aanvaar dat die „tande‟ van die Wet op Deeltitels 95 van 1986 nie skerp genoeg is om die nie-nakoming van hierdie verpligtinge doeltreffend te straf nie. Gevolglik sal die tesis ook fokus op sanksies wat in buitelandse regstelsels aangewend word om die finansiële en sosiale verpligtinge van deeleienaars af te dwing. Die oogmerk hiermee is om buitelandse sanksies te identifiseer wat met vrug in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks aangewend kan word ten einde die nie-nakoming van hierdie verpligtinge doeltreffend hok te slaan. Ter afsluiting sal voorgestel word dat finansiële stabiliteit en sosiale harmonie in „n erg ontwrigte deeltitelskema slegs herstel kan word indien wetgewing aangeneem word wat die regspersoon toelaat om „n deeleienaar wat ondanks waarskuwings dit vir mede-deeleienaars onmoontlik maak om saam met hom of haar in dieselfde deeleiendomsgemeenskap te leef tydelik van die skema te verwyder.

Diet and Cardiometabolic Disease : Dietary trends and the impact of diet on diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Krachler, Benno January 2007 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in most industrialised countries and in developing countries the trend in cardiovascular-related deaths is increasing. World-wide, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an emerging cause of disability and premature death. Both these conditions are closely associated with the consumption of energy-dense foods and food products that are poor in nutrients, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle. Pharmacological and surgical interventions can improve the outcome and delay the progression of the disease, but in terms of population-level prevention there is no substitute for the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. SETTING The underlying studies were conducted in Västerbotten (the VIP study), and in Norrbotten and Västerbotten combined (the MONICA Project). Norrbotten andVästerbotten are the two northernmost counties in Sweden. Since the mid-1980sthe prevalence of cardiovascular disease has decreased and diabetes rates haveremained stable in this region, despite of an unbroken trend of increasing body weight. OBJECTIVE The aim of this thesis is to describe changes in reported dietary habits, estimatetheir relative importance as risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and finally to identify lifestyle components as potential targets for intervention. RESULTS The first paper describes changes in self-reported food consumption between 1986 and 1999. During this period, the population in question switched from products with high saturated fatty acid content (e.g. milk containing 3% fat, butter) to foods containing less saturated fat (e.g. milk containing 1.5% fat, vegetable oil, low-fat margarine); pasta and rice were consumed more often, and potatoes were consumed less. Convenience foods (e.g. hamburgers, snacks, sweets) became more popular, whilst traditional dishes (e.g. potato dumplings, black pudding, blöta) decreased in popularity. Fruit and vegetable intake remained low. In paper two we study the effects of these changes in food intake on the risk of developing T2DM using body fat distribution as an early indicator. Increased consumption of convenience foods was associated with unfavourable changes (smaller hip circumference and larger waist circumference), whereas the increased consumption of vegetable oil and pasta was associated with low-risk fat distribution. In the third paper we report studies on the association between fat consumption and T2DM. We used the pattern of fatty acids in the membranes of red blood cells as a marker of fat intake. In addition to confirming earlier findings (markers of the intake of saturated fat are associated with increased risk of T2DM and markers of unsaturated fat are associated with reduced T2DM risk), we also identified associations between two markers of milk-derived saturated fat intake and enterolactone, a biomarker of dietary fibre intake, and the risk of developing myocardial infarction. Our results indicate that moderately high levels of enterolactone intake in men are associated with lower risk of experiencing myocardial infarction. Manuscript 5 ranks education level, physical activity, smoking status, and self-reported intake of dietary fibre and fatty acids according to their effects on body fat distribution. Increased levels of physical activity, a higher education level and a reduced intake of saturated fat from meat were ranked as the most strongly associated factors in both men and women. Increased intake of dietary fibre from grains in women, and increased intake of dietary fibre from fruits and vegetables in men, was also inversely associated with average waist circumference. CONCLUSION Both questionnaire-based and biological markers of the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease have been identified. Based on available population level measurements, reduced consumption of convenience foods, increased consumption of whole-grain products, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil and pasta as well as increased physical activity are potential goals for interventions in northern Sweden.

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The differential geometry of the fibres of an almost contract metric submersion

Tshikunguila, Tshikuna-Matamba 10 1900 (has links)
Almost contact metric submersions constitute a class of Riemannian submersions whose total space is an almost contact metric manifold. Regarding the base space, two types are studied. Submersions of type I are those whose base space is an almost contact metric manifold while, when the base space is an almost Hermitian manifold, then the submersion is said to be of type II. After recalling the known notions and fundamental properties to be used in the sequel, relationships between the structure of the fibres with that of the total space are established. When the fibres are almost Hermitian manifolds, which occur in the case of a type I submersions, we determine the classes of submersions whose fibres are Kählerian, almost Kählerian, nearly Kählerian, quasi Kählerian, locally conformal (almost) Kählerian, Gi-manifolds and so on. This can be viewed as a classification of submersions of type I based upon the structure of the fibres. Concerning the fibres of a type II submersions, which are almost contact metric manifolds, we discuss how they inherit the structure of the total space. Considering the curvature property on the total space, we determine its corresponding on the fibres in the case of a type I submersions. For instance, the cosymplectic curvature property on the total space corresponds to the Kähler identity on the fibres. Similar results are obtained for Sasakian and Kenmotsu curvature properties. After producing the classes of submersions with minimal, superminimal or umbilical fibres, their impacts on the total or the base space are established. The minimality of the fibres facilitates the transference of the structure from the total to the base space. Similarly, the superminimality of the fibres facilitates the transference of the structure from the base to the total space. Also, it is shown to be a way to study the integrability of the horizontal distribution. Totally contact umbilicity of the fibres leads to the asymptotic directions on the total space. Submersions of contact CR-submanifolds of quasi-K-cosymplectic and quasi-Kenmotsu manifolds are studied. Certain distributions of the under consideration submersions induce the CR-product on the total space. / Mathematical Sciences / D. Phil. (Mathematics)

A uniform condominium statute for China based on a comparative study of the South African Sectional Titles Act and American Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act

Chen, Lei 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Private Law))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The objective of this study is to examine the significance of introducing and strengthening apartment ownership in China. The research aims to explore and scrutinize various apartment ownership options from selected jurisdictions in order to provide a framework for similar legislation in China. Hence, the research seeks to provide a legislative framework for a uniform condominium statute by closely examining the South African Sectional Titles Act and the American Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act. This comparative study will help to establish a uniform condominium statute suitable to the Chinese national character and compatible with the pace of the country’s economic development. The thesis is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter explains the research topic, theoretical basis of the thesis, and research methodology. Moreover, in this chapter the historical background and status quo of Chinese condominium institution are also illustrated. Following this introduction, Chapter Two explores the theoretical structure of condominium ownership. It depicts the legislative innovation arising from its sui generis features and explains the objects of condominium ownership on the basis of its unique definition. In Chapter Three, a wide spectrum of provisions is identified pertaining to the creation of condominium in China with reference to South African and American acts. Specifically, it observes the requirements for land intended for subdivision and the buildings that comprise a condominium project. It is highlighted that a condominium’s constitutive document is unregulated in China. Moreover, the characteristic Chinese land registration procedure is also presented. Chapter Four demonstrates the significance of the participation quota and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different participation quota calculating methods. Chapter Five emphasizes that inherent in the condominium living is the interdependence of interests among unit owners. Consequently, this chapter focuses on condominium owners’ use and enjoyment of their apartments and the common property. Chapter Six elaborates on condominium management. This chapter examines the management body, the general meeting, the executive council and the managing agent. It concludes that having a well-structured management body is essential since a condominium community cannot function efficiently without a management association to represent all of the owners and to handle day-to-day operations. The last chapter concludes that China needs to enact a uniform condominium to protect private interests within the condominium context.

Die toepaslikheid van deeltitelheffings in Suid-Afrika / Mathys Christiaan Smit

Smit, Mathys Christiaan January 2011 (has links)
According to the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, levies are assigned according to the size of a unit, in other words a unit’s participation quota. These levies are used to finance a complex’s insurance, common property electricity and water, lift maintenance, audit fees, management agent fees, salaries and wages, security, swimming pool expenses and general building maintenance. According to the Traditional Costing System, indirect costs are allocated based on a single cost actual expenses over a year are dissected. A regression and correlation analysis was done on the relationship between costs, participation quota and levies. The contribution of the study is that it empirically determines the behaviour of cost items in order to allocate indirect costs more accurately. Consequently, this will result in improved reasonability and will eliminate the cross-subsidisation of units. The objectives were reached as follows: The first objective was reached when it was proved through empirical studies that the Sectional Title is not fair when it states that the allocation of levies must be according to floor space. The second objective was reached when both participation quota and units per complex were identified as cost drivers for each cost item. The third objective was reached by allocating the levy on a 50 percent base according to units and a 50 percent base according to the total area. This could be refined by each complex according to the unique need of the complex. driver. However, various indirect costs are not necessarily subject to this single cost driver. In practice, it has been proven that high volume products are proportionally taxed with indirect costs when compared to low volume products. In many complexes, owners with larger units are of the opinion that their larger units are subsidising those owners with smaller units. In contrast to the traditional costing system, activity-based costing recognises that indirect costs can also be assigned by use of multiple cost drivers. Since these multiple cost drivers – which affect the way costs are assigned – can be identified, indirect costs are assigned more accurately. This study investigates the current method of cost allocation, whereby costs are assigned via participation quota, and makes suggestions on how these costs can be assigned on a more accurate and fair basis in practice. The goal of this study is to challenge the reasonability of the Sectional Titles Act. The objectives of the dissertation are firstly, to determine the cost behaviour of various cost items and whether the participation quota is a fair cost driver for determining the levies that are to be paid; secondly, it investigates alternative cost drivers that will be more applicable to certain cost items; thirdly, to suggest a cost formula to replace the current cost method, that being the allocation of indirect costs via participation quota. Empirical methods have been used in the research. The empirical research was performed using data obtained from ANGOR Property Specialists (Pty) Ltd’s database. A sample of 113 complexes was extracted from the database of which the / Thesis (M.Com. (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Matens klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll : En kvantitativ studie om skillnader i matvanor mellan olika kosthållningar och kön bland högskolestudenter

Hakopian, Ani January 2017 (has links)
Svenskarnas matkonsumtion är inte hållbar utifrån ett klimatperspektiv. För en mer hållbar konsumtion krävs en minskning av animaliska livsmedel. Tidigare studier visar att det är möjligt att äta klimatsmart och fortfarande nå upp till näringsrekommendationerna. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll studenters matvanor har och skillnader mellan olika kosthållningar och kön. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvantitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av 21 högskolestudenter, elva män och tio kvinnor med en fördelning på sju deltagare inom varje kosthållning. Metoden som använts är retrospektiva 24-timmarsintervjuer för att få en bild av en grupps matvanor. Resultatet visar att lunch är den måltidsform med högst klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll. Lunch har närmare tre gånger så hög klimatpåverkan jämfört med frukost. Allätare har högst klimatpåverkan och proteinintag, medan veganer har högre kolhydrats- och energiintag samt lägst klimatpåverkan. Vegetarianer och veganer har högst intag av vitamin C. Mäns måltider bidrar med högst klimatpåverkan och de har högst intag av protein, energi och kolhydrater, medan kvinnor har ett högre intag av vitamin C. Det teoretiska perspektivet som användes för att diskutera resultatet är social-ekologiska modellen. / The food consumption of Swedish people is not sustainable from a climate perspective. For more sustainable consumption it requires a reduction of meat and dairy products. Previous studies show that it is possible to eat climate smart but still reach nutrition recommendations. The aim of this study is to investigate the students´ eating habits, nutritional content, impact on the climate, and study if there are differences between diets and between men and women. The study is based on quantitative approach with a cross sectional study through semi-structured interviews. The used method is retrospective 24-hour recall interviews to get at picture of the groups eating habits. The participants comprised of 21 students from Mälardalen University, eleven men and ten women with a distribution of seven participants in each diet. The result shows that lunch is the meal with the highest climate impact and nutritional content and that lunch has almost three times higher climate impact compared to breakfast. Individuals who eat both meat and dairy have the highest climate impact and protein intake, while vegans have the lowest climate impact and highest carbohydrate and energy intake. Vegetarians and vegans have the highest intake of vitamin C. Mens´ meals have the highest climate impact and nutritional content of protein, energy and carbohydrate, while women have a higher intake of vitamin C. The social ecological model is the theoretical perspective used to discuss the result.

Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске / Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske / Prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years in the territory of Republic of Srpska

Domuz Sanela 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод: Астма као хронично оболење представља велики здравствени, социјални и економски проблем широм света Ово оболење једно је од најчешћих хроничних оболења код деце и најчешћи узрок повећаног броја хоспитализација код деце млађе од 15 година. Резултати досадашњих студија говоре у прилог пораста преваленције астме и алергијских болести код деце у последњих десетак година. Епидемиолошка испитивања су значајна за разумевање природе астме, као и откривања могућих фактора за тренд пораста учесталости астме код деце. Разлика у географској дистрибуцији учесталости симптома астме унутар исте земље сугерише да фактори средине, више него можда генетски фактори, утичу на дистрибуцију преваленције симптома астме. У литератури се као најзначајнији фактори средине истичу загађење животне средине и климатски фактора. Доступне студије показују да постоји узрочна повезаност између повећане изложености загађењу животне средине и акутних респираторних симптома. Процењено је да је у Европи током 2000. године дошло до губитка 3,6 милиона година живота услед повећања концентрације респирабилних честица. И новије препоруке Светске здравствене организације одлучно предлажу смањење изложености деце загађујућим материјама. Резултати доступних студија сугеришу да ефекти загрејавања и топлотних таласа, као и ниских темепратура, утичу на морбидитет и учесталост хоспитализација деце са астмом. Циљеви истраживања били су одредити преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске, затим одредити утицај загађујућих материја животне средине и климатских фактора на преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске. Материјал и методе: Истраживање је проведено у облику студије пресека и обухватало је 3000 деце узраста од 6 до 15 година из 13 основних школа на територији Републике Српске. Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година одређивала се путем упитника Интернационалне студије за астму и алергије код деце (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Овај упитник дизајниран је за потребе мултицентричне студије о преваленцији астме, алергијског ринитиса и екцема код деце. Мерење квалитета ваздуха обухватало је следеће параметре: сумпoр диoксид SO2 (&mu;g/m3), угљен мoнoксид CO (mg/m3), азот диоксид NO2 (&mu;g/m3), oзoн O3 (&mu;g/m3) и респирабилне честице PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Континуирана мерења компоненти загађености ваздуха вршила су се на метеоролошком опсерваторију гдје су се континуирано мерили имисионе концентрације стационарним еколошким лабораторијем. Мерења климатских фактора на станицама Републичког хидрометеоролошког завода Републике Српске вршила су се према стандардима Светске метеоролошке организације (WMO). Мерења су се вршила у оквиру метеорoлошког круга који се налази на отвореном простору да би се избегао вештачки утицај околине и у одређеним терминима у зависности од ранга станице. Подаци су анализирани уз помоћ статистичког софтвера IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Резултати: Визинг у последњих 12 месеци имало је 7,9% деце укључене у студију. Дијагнозу астме икада имало је постављено 3,5% испитаника. Статистички значајну учесталост недијагностиковане астме имала су деца са блажим симптомима астме у последњих 12 месеци. Сув кашаљ ноћу био регистрован је код 14,8% испитаника. Код дечака је била значајно виша преваленција визинга у последњих 12 месеци и сувог кашља него код девојчица. Код превремено рођене деце статистички значајно је виша преваленција свих симптома астме. Регистрована је и значајна релација између пушења међу укућанима и појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Код испитаника чији укућани су пушачи била је виша преваленција овог симптома (9,6%) у односу на децу чији укућани не пуше (6,7%). Пушење мајки у трудноћи статистички значајно је утицало на преваленцију свих симптома астме код деце. Концентрација азот оксида и PM10 је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци, док је повезаност са преваленцијом дијагнозе астме код деце на маргини статистичке значајности. Концентрација сумпор диоксида и озона је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга у последњих 12 месеци. Преваленција астме у планинској регији је 7,3%, у умерено-континенталној регији је 8,0% и медитеранској регији 8,4%. Просечна годишња температура даје статистички значајан допринос предвиђању појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци међу децом која су икада имали визинг у току живота. Са порастом просечне годишње температуре за 1 степен вероватноћа појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци је 1,98 пута већа међу децом која су икада имала визинг. Пораст максималне просечне дневне температуре статистички значајно утиче на појаву визинга у току живота и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци. Постоји статистички значајна повезаност између минималне просечне дневне температуре и појаве визинга толико тешког да дете није у могућности изговорити неколико речи између два удаха. Закључак: Мушки пол, рођење пре термина, изложеност дуванском диму и пушење мајке током трудноће представљају статистички значајане ризике за развој астме код детета. Дечаци, деца млађег узраста, превремено рођена деца и деца храњена млечним формулама у првих 6 месеци живота имају статистичи значајан ризик за развој сувог кашља. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце имају следеће мерене загађујуће материје: SO2, O3, азот оксиди и PM10. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце има пораст просечне годишње температуре и више вредности максималне просечне дневне температуре.</p> / <p>Uvod: Astma kao hronično obolenje predstavlja veliki zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski problem širom sveta Ovo obolenje jedno je od najčešćih hroničnih obolenja kod dece i najčešći uzrok povećanog broja hospitalizacija kod dece mlađe od 15 godina. Rezultati dosadašnjih studija govore u prilog porasta prevalencije astme i alergijskih bolesti kod dece u poslednjih desetak godina. Epidemiološka ispitivanja su značajna za razumevanje prirode astme, kao i otkrivanja mogućih faktora za trend porasta učestalosti astme kod dece. Razlika u geografskoj distribuciji učestalosti simptoma astme unutar iste zemlje sugeriše da faktori sredine, više nego možda genetski faktori, utiču na distribuciju prevalencije simptoma astme. U literaturi se kao najznačajniji faktori sredine ističu zagađenje životne sredine i klimatski faktora. Dostupne studije pokazuju da postoji uzročna povezanost između povećane izloženosti zagađenju životne sredine i akutnih respiratornih simptoma. Procenjeno je da je u Evropi tokom 2000. godine došlo do gubitka 3,6 miliona godina života usled povećanja koncentracije respirabilnih čestica. I novije preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije odlučno predlažu smanjenje izloženosti dece zagađujućim materijama. Rezultati dostupnih studija sugerišu da efekti zagrejavanja i toplotnih talasa, kao i niskih temepratura, utiču na morbiditet i učestalost hospitalizacija dece sa astmom. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su odrediti prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske, zatim odrediti uticaj zagađujućih materija životne sredine i klimatskih faktora na prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije preseka i obuhvatalo je 3000 dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina iz 13 osnovnih škola na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina određivala se putem upitnika Internacionalne studije za astmu i alergije kod dece (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Ovaj upitnik dizajniran je za potrebe multicentrične studije o prevalenciji astme, alergijskog rinitisa i ekcema kod dece. Merenje kvaliteta vazduha obuhvatalo je sledeće parametre: sumpor dioksid SO2 (&mu;g/m3), ugljen monoksid CO (mg/m3), azot dioksid NO2 (&mu;g/m3), ozon O3 (&mu;g/m3) i respirabilne čestice PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Kontinuirana merenja komponenti zagađenosti vazduha vršila su se na meteorološkom opservatoriju gdje su se kontinuirano merili imisione koncentracije stacionarnim ekološkim laboratorijem. Merenja klimatskih faktora na stanicama Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Republike Srpske vršila su se prema standardima Svetske meteorološke organizacije (WMO). Merenja su se vršila u okviru meteorološkog kruga koji se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru da bi se izbegao veštački uticaj okoline i u određenim terminima u zavisnosti od ranga stanice. Podaci su analizirani uz pomoć statističkog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Rezultati: Vizing u poslednjih 12 meseci imalo je 7,9% dece uključene u studiju. Dijagnozu astme ikada imalo je postavljeno 3,5% ispitanika. Statistički značajnu učestalost nedijagnostikovane astme imala su deca sa blažim simptomima astme u poslednjih 12 meseci. Suv kašalj noću bio registrovan je kod 14,8% ispitanika. Kod dečaka je bila značajno viša prevalencija vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci i suvog kašlja nego kod devojčica. Kod prevremeno rođene dece statistički značajno je viša prevalencija svih simptoma astme. Registrovana je i značajna relacija između pušenja među ukućanima i pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Kod ispitanika čiji ukućani su pušači bila je viša prevalencija ovog simptoma (9,6%) u odnosu na decu čiji ukućani ne puše (6,7%). Pušenje majki u trudnoći statistički značajno je uticalo na prevalenciju svih simptoma astme kod dece. Koncentracija azot oksida i PM10 je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci, dok je povezanost sa prevalencijom dijagnoze astme kod dece na margini statističke značajnosti. Koncentracija sumpor dioksida i ozona je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci. Prevalencija astme u planinskoj regiji je 7,3%, u umereno-kontinentalnoj regiji je 8,0% i mediteranskoj regiji 8,4%. Prosečna godišnja temperatura daje statistički značajan doprinos predviđanju pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci među decom koja su ikada imali vizing u toku života. Sa porastom prosečne godišnje temperature za 1 stepen verovatnoća pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci je 1,98 puta veća među decom koja su ikada imala vizing. Porast maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature statistički značajno utiče na pojavu vizinga u toku života i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost između minimalne prosečne dnevne temperature i pojave vizinga toliko teškog da dete nije u mogućnosti izgovoriti nekoliko reči između dva udaha. Zaključak: Muški pol, rođenje pre termina, izloženost duvanskom dimu i pušenje majke tokom trudnoće predstavljaju statistički značajane rizike za razvoj astme kod deteta. Dečaci, deca mlađeg uzrasta, prevremeno rođena deca i deca hranjena mlečnim formulama u prvih 6 meseci života imaju statističi značajan rizik za razvoj suvog kašlja. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece imaju sledeće merene zagađujuće materije: SO2, O3, azot oksidi i PM10. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece ima porast prosečne godišnje temperature i više vrednosti maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature.</p> / <p>Introduction: Asthma аs a chronic diseases is a major health, social and economic problem worldwide. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and the most common cause of an increased number of hospitalizations in children under the age of 15 years. The results of previous studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in children in the last ten years. Epidemiological studies are important for understanding the nature of asthma, as well as for discovering of possible factors for the increasing trend of the prevalence of asthma in children. The difference in the geographical distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms within the same country suggests that environmental factors, rather than genetic factors may influence the distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms. Air pollution and climatic factors highlight as the most important environmental factors in the literature. Available studies indicate that there is a causal link between increased exposure to air pollution and acute respiratory symptoms. It is estimated that was a loss of 3.6 million years of life due to increased concentrations of respirable particles in Europe during 2000. year. Also, the recent recommendations of the World Health Organization strongly suggest reducing children&#39;s exposure to air pollutants. The results of the available studies suggest that the effects of warming and heat waves, as well as low temperatures, influence on the incidence of morbidity and hospitalization in children with asthma. The aims of this research were to determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska, to determine the impact of air pollutants and climatic factors on the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the form of cross-sectional study and included 3,000 children aged 6 to 15 years from 13 primary schools in Republic of Srpska. The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years is determined through a questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC). This questionnaire has been designed for the needs of a multi-center study of the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in children. Measuring air quality included the following parameters: sulfur dioxide SO2 (mg/m3), carbon monoxide CO (mg/m3), nitrogen dioxide NO2 (mg/m3), ozone O3 (g/m3) and respirable particles PM10 (mg/m3). Air quality monitoring is performed using the meteorological observatory, where we continuously measured the emission concentration by a stationary ecological laboratory. Measurements of climate factors in stations of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska were done according to the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Measurements were made in certain periods depending on the station rank in the space of the meteorological circle which was located in the open space in order to avoid artificially influence the environment. Data were analyzed using statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was 7.9%, while the prevalence of diagnosed asthma ever was 3.5%. Children with symptoms of mild asthma in the past 12 months had statistically significant prevalence of undiagnosed asthma. A dry cough at night was registered in 14.8% of participants. Boys have significantly higher prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months and a dry cough than girls. Premature infants have significantly higher prevalence of all asthma symptoms. It was registered significant relationship between smoking among family members and the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months (&chi;2 (1, N = 1956) = 5.13, p = 0.02). Prevalence of these symptoms was higher for participants who lived with smokers (9.6%) compared to children whose family members do not smoke (6.7%). Maternal smoking during pregnancy significantly influenced the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children. The concentration of nitrogen oxides and PM10 was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing and dry cough in the past 12 months. The concentration of sulfur dioxide and ozone was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months. The prevalence of asthma in the highland climate regions was 7.3%, in the continental regions was 8.0% and 8.4% in the mediterranean regions. The average annual temperature gives a statistically significant contribution to predicting the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months among children who have ever had wheezing during their lifetime. The likelihood of wheezing in the past 12 months was 1.98 times higher for each degree of average annual temperature rise among children who ever had wheezing. The increase of average daily maximum temperature significantly affects the occurrence of wheezing ever and dry cough in the past 12 months. There is a statistically significant correlation between the average daily minimum temperature and the occurrence of severe wheezing that the child is not able to say a few words between breaths. Conclusion: Male gender, preterm birth, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and maternal smoking during pregnancy are a statistically significant risk for the development of asthma in children. Boys, younger children, premature babies and children formulas fed during first 6 months of life have a statistically significant risk for the development of a dry cough. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children showed following air pollutants: SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides and PM10. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children has rise of the average annual temperature and higher value of the maximum average daily temperature.</p>

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