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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске / Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske / Prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years in the territory of Republic of Srpska

Domuz Sanela 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод: Астма као хронично оболење представља велики здравствени, социјални и економски проблем широм света Ово оболење једно је од најчешћих хроничних оболења код деце и најчешћи узрок повећаног броја хоспитализација код деце млађе од 15 година. Резултати досадашњих студија говоре у прилог пораста преваленције астме и алергијских болести код деце у последњих десетак година. Епидемиолошка испитивања су значајна за разумевање природе астме, као и откривања могућих фактора за тренд пораста учесталости астме код деце. Разлика у географској дистрибуцији учесталости симптома астме унутар исте земље сугерише да фактори средине, више него можда генетски фактори, утичу на дистрибуцију преваленције симптома астме. У литератури се као најзначајнији фактори средине истичу загађење животне средине и климатски фактора. Доступне студије показују да постоји узрочна повезаност између повећане изложености загађењу животне средине и акутних респираторних симптома. Процењено је да је у Европи током 2000. године дошло до губитка 3,6 милиона година живота услед повећања концентрације респирабилних честица. И новије препоруке Светске здравствене организације одлучно предлажу смањење изложености деце загађујућим материјама. Резултати доступних студија сугеришу да ефекти загрејавања и топлотних таласа, као и ниских темепратура, утичу на морбидитет и учесталост хоспитализација деце са астмом. Циљеви истраживања били су одредити преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске, затим одредити утицај загађујућих материја животне средине и климатских фактора на преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске. Материјал и методе: Истраживање је проведено у облику студије пресека и обухватало је 3000 деце узраста од 6 до 15 година из 13 основних школа на територији Републике Српске. Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година одређивала се путем упитника Интернационалне студије за астму и алергије код деце (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Овај упитник дизајниран је за потребе мултицентричне студије о преваленцији астме, алергијског ринитиса и екцема код деце. Мерење квалитета ваздуха обухватало је следеће параметре: сумпoр диoксид SO2 (&mu;g/m3), угљен мoнoксид CO (mg/m3), азот диоксид NO2 (&mu;g/m3), oзoн O3 (&mu;g/m3) и респирабилне честице PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Континуирана мерења компоненти загађености ваздуха вршила су се на метеоролошком опсерваторију гдје су се континуирано мерили имисионе концентрације стационарним еколошким лабораторијем. Мерења климатских фактора на станицама Републичког хидрометеоролошког завода Републике Српске вршила су се према стандардима Светске метеоролошке организације (WMO). Мерења су се вршила у оквиру метеорoлошког круга који се налази на отвореном простору да би се избегао вештачки утицај околине и у одређеним терминима у зависности од ранга станице. Подаци су анализирани уз помоћ статистичког софтвера IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Резултати: Визинг у последњих 12 месеци имало је 7,9% деце укључене у студију. Дијагнозу астме икада имало је постављено 3,5% испитаника. Статистички значајну учесталост недијагностиковане астме имала су деца са блажим симптомима астме у последњих 12 месеци. Сув кашаљ ноћу био регистрован је код 14,8% испитаника. Код дечака је била значајно виша преваленција визинга у последњих 12 месеци и сувог кашља него код девојчица. Код превремено рођене деце статистички значајно је виша преваленција свих симптома астме. Регистрована је и значајна релација између пушења међу укућанима и појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Код испитаника чији укућани су пушачи била је виша преваленција овог симптома (9,6%) у односу на децу чији укућани не пуше (6,7%). Пушење мајки у трудноћи статистички значајно је утицало на преваленцију свих симптома астме код деце. Концентрација азот оксида и PM10 је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци, док је повезаност са преваленцијом дијагнозе астме код деце на маргини статистичке значајности. Концентрација сумпор диоксида и озона је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга у последњих 12 месеци. Преваленција астме у планинској регији је 7,3%, у умерено-континенталној регији је 8,0% и медитеранској регији 8,4%. Просечна годишња температура даје статистички значајан допринос предвиђању појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци међу децом која су икада имали визинг у току живота. Са порастом просечне годишње температуре за 1 степен вероватноћа појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци је 1,98 пута већа међу децом која су икада имала визинг. Пораст максималне просечне дневне температуре статистички значајно утиче на појаву визинга у току живота и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци. Постоји статистички значајна повезаност између минималне просечне дневне температуре и појаве визинга толико тешког да дете није у могућности изговорити неколико речи између два удаха. Закључак: Мушки пол, рођење пре термина, изложеност дуванском диму и пушење мајке током трудноће представљају статистички значајане ризике за развој астме код детета. Дечаци, деца млађег узраста, превремено рођена деца и деца храњена млечним формулама у првих 6 месеци живота имају статистичи значајан ризик за развој сувог кашља. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце имају следеће мерене загађујуће материје: SO2, O3, азот оксиди и PM10. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце има пораст просечне годишње температуре и више вредности максималне просечне дневне температуре.</p> / <p>Uvod: Astma kao hronično obolenje predstavlja veliki zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski problem širom sveta Ovo obolenje jedno je od najčešćih hroničnih obolenja kod dece i najčešći uzrok povećanog broja hospitalizacija kod dece mlađe od 15 godina. Rezultati dosadašnjih studija govore u prilog porasta prevalencije astme i alergijskih bolesti kod dece u poslednjih desetak godina. Epidemiološka ispitivanja su značajna za razumevanje prirode astme, kao i otkrivanja mogućih faktora za trend porasta učestalosti astme kod dece. Razlika u geografskoj distribuciji učestalosti simptoma astme unutar iste zemlje sugeriše da faktori sredine, više nego možda genetski faktori, utiču na distribuciju prevalencije simptoma astme. U literaturi se kao najznačajniji faktori sredine ističu zagađenje životne sredine i klimatski faktora. Dostupne studije pokazuju da postoji uzročna povezanost između povećane izloženosti zagađenju životne sredine i akutnih respiratornih simptoma. Procenjeno je da je u Evropi tokom 2000. godine došlo do gubitka 3,6 miliona godina života usled povećanja koncentracije respirabilnih čestica. I novije preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije odlučno predlažu smanjenje izloženosti dece zagađujućim materijama. Rezultati dostupnih studija sugerišu da efekti zagrejavanja i toplotnih talasa, kao i niskih temepratura, utiču na morbiditet i učestalost hospitalizacija dece sa astmom. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su odrediti prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske, zatim odrediti uticaj zagađujućih materija životne sredine i klimatskih faktora na prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije preseka i obuhvatalo je 3000 dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina iz 13 osnovnih škola na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina određivala se putem upitnika Internacionalne studije za astmu i alergije kod dece (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood &ndash; ISAAC). Ovaj upitnik dizajniran je za potrebe multicentrične studije o prevalenciji astme, alergijskog rinitisa i ekcema kod dece. Merenje kvaliteta vazduha obuhvatalo je sledeće parametre: sumpor dioksid SO2 (&mu;g/m3), ugljen monoksid CO (mg/m3), azot dioksid NO2 (&mu;g/m3), ozon O3 (&mu;g/m3) i respirabilne čestice PM10 (&mu;g/m3). Kontinuirana merenja komponenti zagađenosti vazduha vršila su se na meteorološkom opservatoriju gdje su se kontinuirano merili imisione koncentracije stacionarnim ekološkim laboratorijem. Merenja klimatskih faktora na stanicama Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Republike Srpske vršila su se prema standardima Svetske meteorološke organizacije (WMO). Merenja su se vršila u okviru meteorološkog kruga koji se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru da bi se izbegao veštački uticaj okoline i u određenim terminima u zavisnosti od ranga stanice. Podaci su analizirani uz pomoć statističkog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Rezultati: Vizing u poslednjih 12 meseci imalo je 7,9% dece uključene u studiju. Dijagnozu astme ikada imalo je postavljeno 3,5% ispitanika. Statistički značajnu učestalost nedijagnostikovane astme imala su deca sa blažim simptomima astme u poslednjih 12 meseci. Suv kašalj noću bio registrovan je kod 14,8% ispitanika. Kod dečaka je bila značajno viša prevalencija vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci i suvog kašlja nego kod devojčica. Kod prevremeno rođene dece statistički značajno je viša prevalencija svih simptoma astme. Registrovana je i značajna relacija između pušenja među ukućanima i pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci (&chi;2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Kod ispitanika čiji ukućani su pušači bila je viša prevalencija ovog simptoma (9,6%) u odnosu na decu čiji ukućani ne puše (6,7%). Pušenje majki u trudnoći statistički značajno je uticalo na prevalenciju svih simptoma astme kod dece. Koncentracija azot oksida i PM10 je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci, dok je povezanost sa prevalencijom dijagnoze astme kod dece na margini statističke značajnosti. Koncentracija sumpor dioksida i ozona je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci. Prevalencija astme u planinskoj regiji je 7,3%, u umereno-kontinentalnoj regiji je 8,0% i mediteranskoj regiji 8,4%. Prosečna godišnja temperatura daje statistički značajan doprinos predviđanju pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci među decom koja su ikada imali vizing u toku života. Sa porastom prosečne godišnje temperature za 1 stepen verovatnoća pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci je 1,98 puta veća među decom koja su ikada imala vizing. Porast maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature statistički značajno utiče na pojavu vizinga u toku života i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost između minimalne prosečne dnevne temperature i pojave vizinga toliko teškog da dete nije u mogućnosti izgovoriti nekoliko reči između dva udaha. Zaključak: Muški pol, rođenje pre termina, izloženost duvanskom dimu i pušenje majke tokom trudnoće predstavljaju statistički značajane rizike za razvoj astme kod deteta. Dečaci, deca mlađeg uzrasta, prevremeno rođena deca i deca hranjena mlečnim formulama u prvih 6 meseci života imaju statističi značajan rizik za razvoj suvog kašlja. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece imaju sledeće merene zagađujuće materije: SO2, O3, azot oksidi i PM10. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece ima porast prosečne godišnje temperature i više vrednosti maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature.</p> / <p>Introduction: Asthma аs a chronic diseases is a major health, social and economic problem worldwide. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and the most common cause of an increased number of hospitalizations in children under the age of 15 years. The results of previous studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in children in the last ten years. Epidemiological studies are important for understanding the nature of asthma, as well as for discovering of possible factors for the increasing trend of the prevalence of asthma in children. The difference in the geographical distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms within the same country suggests that environmental factors, rather than genetic factors may influence the distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms. Air pollution and climatic factors highlight as the most important environmental factors in the literature. Available studies indicate that there is a causal link between increased exposure to air pollution and acute respiratory symptoms. It is estimated that was a loss of 3.6 million years of life due to increased concentrations of respirable particles in Europe during 2000. year. Also, the recent recommendations of the World Health Organization strongly suggest reducing children&#39;s exposure to air pollutants. The results of the available studies suggest that the effects of warming and heat waves, as well as low temperatures, influence on the incidence of morbidity and hospitalization in children with asthma. The aims of this research were to determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska, to determine the impact of air pollutants and climatic factors on the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the form of cross-sectional study and included 3,000 children aged 6 to 15 years from 13 primary schools in Republic of Srpska. The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years is determined through a questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC). This questionnaire has been designed for the needs of a multi-center study of the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in children. Measuring air quality included the following parameters: sulfur dioxide SO2 (mg/m3), carbon monoxide CO (mg/m3), nitrogen dioxide NO2 (mg/m3), ozone O3 (g/m3) and respirable particles PM10 (mg/m3). Air quality monitoring is performed using the meteorological observatory, where we continuously measured the emission concentration by a stationary ecological laboratory. Measurements of climate factors in stations of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska were done according to the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Measurements were made in certain periods depending on the station rank in the space of the meteorological circle which was located in the open space in order to avoid artificially influence the environment. Data were analyzed using statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was 7.9%, while the prevalence of diagnosed asthma ever was 3.5%. Children with symptoms of mild asthma in the past 12 months had statistically significant prevalence of undiagnosed asthma. A dry cough at night was registered in 14.8% of participants. Boys have significantly higher prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months and a dry cough than girls. Premature infants have significantly higher prevalence of all asthma symptoms. It was registered significant relationship between smoking among family members and the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months (&chi;2 (1, N = 1956) = 5.13, p = 0.02). Prevalence of these symptoms was higher for participants who lived with smokers (9.6%) compared to children whose family members do not smoke (6.7%). Maternal smoking during pregnancy significantly influenced the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children. The concentration of nitrogen oxides and PM10 was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing and dry cough in the past 12 months. The concentration of sulfur dioxide and ozone was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months. The prevalence of asthma in the highland climate regions was 7.3%, in the continental regions was 8.0% and 8.4% in the mediterranean regions. The average annual temperature gives a statistically significant contribution to predicting the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months among children who have ever had wheezing during their lifetime. The likelihood of wheezing in the past 12 months was 1.98 times higher for each degree of average annual temperature rise among children who ever had wheezing. The increase of average daily maximum temperature significantly affects the occurrence of wheezing ever and dry cough in the past 12 months. There is a statistically significant correlation between the average daily minimum temperature and the occurrence of severe wheezing that the child is not able to say a few words between breaths. Conclusion: Male gender, preterm birth, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and maternal smoking during pregnancy are a statistically significant risk for the development of asthma in children. Boys, younger children, premature babies and children formulas fed during first 6 months of life have a statistically significant risk for the development of a dry cough. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children showed following air pollutants: SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides and PM10. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children has rise of the average annual temperature and higher value of the maximum average daily temperature.</p>

Multidimenzionalni pristup u proceni stanja oralnog zdravlja odraslog stanovništva Srbije / A multidimensional approach to oral health assessment of adult population in Serbia

Čanković Dušan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Oralno zdravlje predstavlja stanje zdravlja svih anatomskih i funkcionalnih delova usne duplje, jedan je od osnovnih elemenata blagostanja i važan pokazatelj kvaliteta života stanovni&scaron;tva. Podaci Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) ukazuju da je 15-20% svetskog stanovni&scaron;tva srednje životne dobi (starosti od 35 do 44 godine) pod rizikom od gubitka zuba, a oko 30% stanovni&scaron;tva starosti od 65 do 74 godine nema svoje zube. Oboljenja usta i zuba su jedan od vodećih javno zdravstvenih problema 21. veka u svetu i nalaze se na 4. mestu po visini tro&scaron;kova. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi stanje oralnog zdravlja odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije starosne dobi 20 i vi&scaron;e godina i evaluiraju činioci koji na njega utiču. Istraživanje predstavlja deo nacionalne studije &ldquo;Istraživanje zdravlja stanovnika Srbije&rdquo; za 2013. godinu Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, koja je sprovedena u vidu studije preseka na reprezentativnom uzorku od 13690 ispitanika (53,8% žene i 46,2% mu&scaron;karci). U istraživanju su kori&scaron;ćene tri vrste upitnika koji su dizajnirani u skladu sa upitnikom Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja. Svaki ispitanik stariji za jednu godinu ima 8% veću &scaron;ansu da svoje oralno zdravlje oceni kao lo&scaron;e (OR=1.08; 95% IP=(1.07-1.09); p=0,000). Ispitanici sa blagim depresivnim simptomima i depresivnim poremećajima imaju 2,04 odnosno 3,48 puta veću &scaron;ansu da svoje oralno zdravlje ocene kao lo&scaron;e u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu depresivni (OR=2.04; 95% IP=(1.28-3.26); p=0,003) (OR=3.48; 95% IP=(1.14-10.59); p=0,028). Žene imaju 30% veću &scaron;ansu da pripadnu povoljnoj kategoriji poseta stomatologu u odnosu na mu&scaron;karce (OR=0.70; 95% IP=(0.63-0.78); p=0,000). Ispitanici sa nižim i srednjim obrazovanjem imaju 5,70 odnosno 2,45 puta veću &scaron;ansu da svoje zube operu povremeno u odnosu na visoko obrazovane (OR=5.70; 95% IP=(4.35-7.48); p=0,000) (OR=2.45; 95% IP=(1.91-3.13); p=0,000). Ispitanici najsiroma&scaron;nijeg sloja imaju 4,88, siroma&scaron;nog sloja 3,73, srednjeg sloja 2,52 i bogatog sloja 2,01 put veću &scaron;ansu da izgube 10 i vi&scaron;e zuba u odnosu na najbogatiji sloj (OR=4.88; 95% IP=(2.95-8.08); p=0,000) (OR=3.73; 95% IP=(2.42-5.75); p=0,000) (OR=2.52; 95% IP=(1.69-3.76); p=0.000) (OR=2.01; 95% IP=(1.38-2.91); p=0,000). Biv&scaron;i pu&scaron;ači i pu&scaron;ači imaju 1,43 odnosno 2,80 puta veću &scaron;ansu da izgube 10 i vi&scaron;e zuba u odnosu na nepu&scaron;ače (OR=1.43; 95% IP=(1.00-2.03); p=0,046) (OR=2.80; 95% IP=(2.08-3.76); p=0,000). Najučestaliji prediktori oralnog zdravlja su žene, starije stanovni&scaron;tvo, niže obrazovanje, nezaposleno i neaktivno stanovni&scaron;tvo, najsiroma&scaron;niji i pu&scaron;ači.</p> / <p>Oral health represents health status of all anatomic and functional parts of oral cavity, it is one of the basic elements of well-being and important quality of life indicator. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 15-20% of world population aged 35-44 have risk of tooth loss, and about 30% population aged 65-74 does not have own teeth. Oral and dental diseases are one of the leading public health problems in 21st century and on the 4th place of the health care expenditure. The main aim of this research was to assess oral health of adult population in Serbia aged 20 years and older and to evaluate related factors. The research represents a part of &ldquo;National Health Survey in Serbia 2013&rdquo; implemented by The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, which was conducted as a cross-sectional study on the representative sample of adult population in Serbia. The study included 13690 examinees (53.8% females and 46.2% males). Three types of questionnaires which were designed according to the European Health Interview Survey were used. Every examinee older for one year had 8% greater odds to assess their oral health as bed (OR=1.08; 95% CI=(1.07-1.09); p=0.000). Respondents with mild depressive symptoms and depressive disorders had 2.04 and 3.48 times greater odds to assess their oral health as bed compared to one who were not depressed (OR=2.04; 95% CI=(1.28-3.26); p=0.003) (OR=3.48; 95% CI=(1.14-10.59); p=0.028). Females had 30% more odds to be in the category of affordable dental visit compared to men (OR=0.70; 95% CI=(0.63-0.78); p=0.000). Respondents with lower and middle level of education had 5.70 and 2.45 greater odds to brush their teeth occasionally compared to higher educated (OR=5.70; 95% CI=(4.35-7.48); p=0.000) (OR=2.45; 95% CI=(1.91-3.13); p=0.000). Respondents who belonged to the poorest class had 4.88, poorer 3.73, middle 2.52 and richer class 2.01 greater odds to lose 10 and more teeth compared to the richest (OR=4.88; 95% CI=(2.95-8.08); p=0.000) (OR=3.73; 95% CI=(2.42-5.75); p=0.000) (OR=2.52; 95% CI=(1.69-3.76); p=0.000) (OR=2.01; 95% CI=(1.38-2.91); p=0.000). Former smokers and smokers had 1.43 and 2.80 times greater odds to lose 10 and more teeth compared with non smokers (OR=1.43; 95% CI=(1.00-2.03); p=0.046) (OR=2.80; 95% CI=(2.08-3.76); p=0.000). The most frequent predictors of oral health are: women, elderly people, those with low educational attainment, unemployed, inactive and respondents who assessed their financial situation as poor and smokers.</p>

Organisation of Asthma in Primary Care, Quality of Life and Sex-related Aspects in Asthma Outcomes

Lisspers, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Objectives: To investigate the organisation of asthma care in primary care and evaluate outcomes for patients attending primary care centres with and without asthma clinics. Other objectives were to study the association between quality of life and asthma control in patients in primary care and to analyse sex differences regarding asthma outcomes related to menopausal status. Material and methods: Cross-sectional surveys and a patient record study. Results: Of all the primary health care centres, 77% had a spirometer and 53% an asthma clinic. At centres with asthma clinics 77% of the patients reported sufficient knowledge of asthma as compared with 65% at centres without asthma clinics (p&lt;0.001). With more time allocated for the nurse, 44% of patients achieved asthma control as compared with 27% at asthma clinics with less time (p&lt;0.003). Patients using short-acting beta-2 agonists more than twice in the last week had clinically significant lower MiniAQLQ scores (5.17 versus 5.91). This finding also held for night awakenings during the previous week (4.42 versus 5.86), courses of oral corticosteroids (5.26 versus 5.64) and reported emergency consultations during the last six months (4.85 versus 5.71). Premenopausal women had significantly lower total MiniAQLQ scores than men in the same age group (5.44 versus 5.89, p&lt;0.001), while no difference was found between postmenopausal women and men of similar ages. The adjusted odds for premenopausal women for asthma exacerbations was 2.0 (95%CI 1.22-3.43) as compared with men in the same age group. No differences were found when comparing postmenopausal women with men of similar ages. Conclusions: Half the primary health care centres had an asthma clinic and the majority had access to a spirometer. Patients at primary health care centres with asthma clinics reported better knowledge of their disease, and asthma control is more often achieved if the nurse is allocated more time. Achieving asthma control is associated with better quality of life in patients in primary care. Premenopausal women had lower quality of life and less often asthma control then men of the same ages, while no corresponding difference was found between postmenopausal women and men of similar ages.

Facteurs environnementaux associés à un asthme mal maîtrisé chez les enfants montréalais

Değer, Leylâ 11 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Plusieurs expositions résidentielles ont été associées à la prévalence de l’asthme. Toutefois, peu d’études populationnelles ont examiné la relation entre ces facteurs et un asthme mal maîtrisé chez l’enfant. Objectif : Évaluer les facteurs environnementaux résidentiels associés à un asthme mal maîtrisé chez les enfants montréalais âgés de 6 mois à 12 ans. Méthodes : Les données sont tirées d’une enquête transversale menée en 2006 sur la santé respiratoire d’enfants montréalais âgés de 6 mois à 12 ans (n=7980). La maîtrise de l’asthme a été évaluée chez les enfants avec un asthme actif au cours de l’année précédent l’enquête (n=980) selon des critères recommandés par les lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’asthme. Les rapports de prévalence (RP) et les intervalles de confiance (IC) à 95 % caractérisant l’association entre les facteurs environnementaux, incluant la présence d’allergènes, d’irritants, d’humidité et de moisissures, et le risque d’un asthme mal maîtrisé ont été estimés à l’aide de modèles de régression log-binomiale. Les sujets avec une maîtrise acceptable de l’asthme ont été comparés à ceux dont la maladie était mal maîtrisée. Résultats : Des 980 enfants avec un asthme actif au cours de l’année précédant l’enquête, 36 % ont rencontré au moins un des critères des lignes directrices canadiennes suggérant un asthme mal maîtrisé. Les caractéristiques de la population associées à un asthme mal maîtrisé sont : un plus jeune âge, des antécédents d’atopie parentale, une faible scolarisation de la mère, une mère d’origine étrangère et le statut de locataire. Après ajustement pour l’âge de l’enfant, l’atopie parentale et l’exposition à la fumée de tabac au domicile, une intensité de trafic élevée à proximité du domicile (RP, 1,35; IC 95 %, 1,00-1,81) et la localisation au sous-sol de la chambre de l’enfant ou de sa résidence (RP 1,30; IC 95 %, 1,01-1,66) étaient associées à un risque accru d’asthme mal maîtrisé. Conclusions : Une maîtrise sous-optimale de l’asthme semble être associée à l’exposition au trafic routier et à des conditions d’humidité excessive et probablement de moisissures. Cette dernière exposition étant plus fréquente, elle a probablement un plus grand impact en matière de santé publique. / Background: Home environmental exposures may impede asthma control in children. However, few population-based studies have investigated this relationship. Objective: Identify environmental home exposures associated with poor asthma control among asthmatic children less than 12 years of age in Montreal. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study used data from a respiratory health survey of Montreal children aged 6 months to 12 years conducted in 2006 (n=7,980). Asthma control was assessed among those with active asthma in the year prior to the survey (n=980) using an adaptation of the Canadian asthma consensus report clinical parameters. Using log-binomial regression models, prevalence ratios (PR) with 95 % confidence intervals (CI) were estimated to explore the relationship between inadequate control of asthma and environmental home exposures, including allergens, irritants, mold and dampness indicators. Subjects with acceptable asthma control were compared with those with inadequate disease control. Results: Of 980 children with active asthma in the year prior to the survey, 36 % met at least one of the five criteria outlined in the Canadian asthma guidelines as to poor control of their disease. The population’s characteristics found to be related with a lack of asthma control were: younger age, a history of parental atopy, low maternal education level, foreign-born mothers and tenant occupancy. After adjustments for the child’s age, parental atopy and tobacco smoke exposure at home, children living along high-traffic density streets (PR, 1.35; 95 % CI, 1.00-1.81) and those with their bedroom or residence in the basement (PR, 1.30; 95 % CI, 1.01-1.66) were found to be at increased risk of poor asthma control. Conclusions: Suboptimal asthma control appears to be mostly associated with traffic, along with mold and moisture conditions, the latter being a more frequent exposure and therefore having a greater public health impact.

Intellektuellt kapital : En jämförelse av årsredovisningar mellan svenska företag / Intellectual capital : Comparison of annual reports by Swedish companies

Holm, Olof, Haglund, Alexander, Sukhin, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Paraplybegreppet intellectual capital (IC) innefattar alla former av tillgångar som saknar fysisk substans och som utgör skillnaden mellan ett företags redovisade värde och deras marknadsvärde. Två noterade företag med identiska tillgångar på balansräkningen kan alltså värderas till helt olika priser. Anledningen är att det finns mer abstrakta former av tillgångar som är svåra att kvantifiera och redovisa. I en årsredovisning finns det utrymme för företag att delge information som de anser viktig. Syftet med studien är att redogöra hur svenska företag inom olika branscher rapporterar och kommunicerar förekomsten av IC genom årsredovisningar. Studien baseras på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Utifrån resultatet gör vi en ansats att identifiera eventuella mönster inom branscherna och diskuterar om dessa mönster kan förklaras av branschernas olika egenskaper. Den teoretiska modell som används i denna studie utvecklades av James Guthrie. Med hjälp av Guthries kodschema och definitioner för IC identifierar vi skillnader mellan fyra olika branscher inom Sverige. Dessa branscher är läkemedel, IT-konsult, bank samt fastighetsbranschen. IC delas in i tre huvudkategorier, internal capital, external capital och human capital, vilka i sin tur består av ett antal underkategorier. Kategorierna används som begrepp för att representera de tillgångar i verksamheten som inte kan fångas av den traditionella redovisningen. Insamlingen av data gör vi genom en tvärsnittsstudie bestående av ett teoretiskt urval, där vi analyserar fyra företag inom respektive bransch med högst P/B-tal. Resultatet av vår studie leder till slutsatsen att det finns skillnader mellan branscher vid rapporteringen av IC, genom fördelningen mellan olika underkategorier och framförallt i omfattningen av rapporteringen - skillnader som inte alltid är självklara eller uppenbara. Dessa skillnader framträder inte om fokus ligger på antal och fördelningen av de olika kategorier av IC, utan uppkommer vid en djupare nyanserad analys av hur företagen kommunicerar sitt IC. Därför har vi i vår studie presenterat materialet med citat från de olika företagens årsredovisningar, för att belysa hur IC uttrycks samt för att få med dess kontext. Resultatet visar på att svenska företag inom läkemedelsbranschen kommunicerar mest om internal capital och att bank-, It-konsult- samt fastighetsbranschen kommunicerar mest om external capital. Läkemedelsbranschen rapporterar relativt mycket om IC, jämfört med de resterande branscherna. Det största företaget inom respektive bransch är också det som rapporterade mest IC. / The generic term intellectual capital (IC) contains all forms of assets that lacks the aspect of a physical substance and makes the difference between a company’s book value and market value. Two stock-listed companies with identical assets on the balance sheet can thus be valued at notably different share-price. The reason for this is the presence of more abstract forms of assets that are more difficult to quantify and account for. An annual report contains given space for companies to communicate information that they consider important and relevant. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Swedish companies in different sectors report and communicate the occurrence of intellectual capital by analyzing annual reports. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis. Based on the result, we have made an effort to identify any patterns within the sectors and discuss whether these patterns can be explained by the different characteristics of the sectors. The theoretical model used in this study is developed by James Guthrie. With help of Guthrie’s code scheme and definitions for intellectual capital, we examine differences between four different sectors in Sweden. These sectors are pharmaceuticals, IT consultants, banks and the real estate sector. IC is divided into three main categories, which in turn consist of a number of subcategories. The categories are used as a concept to represent the assets in the business that cannot be seized by the traditional accounting. We have collected the data through a cross-sectional study consisting of a theoretical sample, where we analyze four companies within each sector with the highest price to book value. The results from our research lead us to the conclusion differences exists in between the different sectors when it comes to their reporting of intellectual capital, differences regarding the distribution between different subcategories and particularly in the magnitude of the reports. Differences that sometimes do not come across as obvious or self-evident. These differences will not show if one only focuses on how many numbers there are and allocation of the different categories of IC, but arises from a deeper nuanced analysis of how companies communicate their IC. Therefore, in our study, we have presented the material with quotes from the various companies’ deductions, in order to illustrate how IC is expressed and to capture its context. The result shows that Swedish companies in the pharmaceutical sector communicate mostly about internal capital and that the banking, IT consultancy and real estate sector communicates mostly about external capital. The pharmaceutical sector reports relatively much about IC, compared to the remaining sectors. The largest company in each sector is also the one that reported the most IC.

Association between Frequency of Consumption of Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts and Pulses and BMI: Analyses of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC).

Wall, Clare R, Stewart, Alistair W, Hancox, Robert J, Murphy, Rinki, Braithwaite, Irene, Beasley, Richard, Mitchell, Edwin A 07 March 2018 (has links)
Diets which emphasize intakes of plant-based foods are recommended to reduce disease risk and for promoting healthy weight. The aim of this study was to examine the association between fruit, vegetables, pulses and nut intake and body mass index (BMI) across countries in adolescents (13-14 years) and children (6-7 years). Data from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood; 77,243 children's parents and 201,871 adolescents was used to examine the association between dietary intake (Food Frequency Questionnaire) and BMI using general linear models, adjusting for country gross national index. Adolescents who consumed fruit, vegetables, pulses and nuts three or more times a week had a lower BMI than the never or occasional group; eating nuts three or more times a week, was associated with a BMI value of 0.274 kg/m² lower than the never group (p < 0.001). Compared to children who never or occasionally reported eating vegetables, those reporting that they ate vegetables three or more times per week had a lower BMI of -0.079 kg/m². In this large global study, an inverse association was observed between BMI and the reported increasing intake of vegetables in 6-7 years old and fruit, vegetables, pulses and nuts in adolescents. This study supports current dietary recommendations which emphasize the consumption of vegetables, nut and pulses, although the effect sizes were small. / Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Cure Kids New Zealand through a grant to E.A. Mitchell and I. Braithwaite. Cure Kids New Zealand had no role or influence in design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. / Revisión por pares

Body mass index and vigorous physical activity in children and adolescents: an international cross-sectional study.

Braithwaite, Irene E, Stewart, Alistair W, Hancox, Robert J, Murphy, Rinki, Wall, Clare R, Beasley, Richard, Mitchell, Edwin A 01 August 2017 (has links)
Aim: To examine the relationship between reported vigorous physical activity (VPA) and body mass index (BMI) in children (6–7 years) and adolescents (13–14 years). Methods: In the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase Three, 75 895 children's parents and 199 502 adolescents answered questions relating to VPA, height and weight. The association between VPA and BMI was analysed using general linear models, adjusting for country gross national index. Results: Compared to children who undertook no VPA, those in the infrequent group (once or twice per week) and those in the frequent group (three or more times per week) had mean (95% CI) BMI values 0.07 kg/m 2 (0.03–0.11) and 0.09 kg/m 2 (0.03–0.15) greater, respectively (p = 0.001). Compared to adolescents reporting no VPA, those in the infrequent group had a BMI 0.19 kg/m 2 (0.15–0.23) greater while those in the frequent group had a BMI 0.01 kg/m 2 (−0.03–0.05) greater (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Reported VPA is not associated with lower BMI among children and adolescents. Investigation of VPA and BMI may be best undertaken in conjunction with other variables in the energy expenditure equation. A focus on VPA alone may be an inefficient way to manage BMI. / Revisión por pares

Psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida do médico: um estudo transversal em Botucatu-SP / Psychodynamics and physician quality of life: a cross-sectional study in Botucatu-SP

Silva, Benedito Carlos Miranda da 24 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Psicodinâmica é o estudo da interação das forças psíquicas que subsidiam o funcionamento mental. A dinâmica mental interfere na qualidade de vida de um indivíduo, na medida em que modifica a percepção que ele tem da própria existência. O papel da psicodinâmica sobre a qualidade de vida ainda é pouco estudado. OBJETIVOS: Estudar, de forma transversal, a relação entre psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida na população de médicos de Botucatu, para testar a hipótese de que quanto melhor a psicodinâmica do médico melhor a sua qualidade de vida. MÉTODOS: Foram enviados questionários, com carta-resposta, para 602 médicos (população referenciada). As variáveis independentes (Psicodinâmica) foram obtidas por meio de duas escalas: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), que avalia e classifica os mecanismos de defesa do ego em maduros, neuróticos e imaturos; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), que avalia e classifica as relações objetais (alienação, egocentrismo, vinculação insegura e incapacidade social) em normais e patológicas. As variáveis dependentes (qualidade de vida) foram avaliadas pelo World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Abreviado), que fornece escores para os quatro domínios: físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. As variáveis moderadoras foram obtidas por meio de um questionário sóciodemográfico. A análise estatística foi feita por meio dos seguintes testes: Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Coeficiente de Spearman e modelos de regressão linear com resposta Gamma. Foram utilizados os softwares SPSS versão 17, R versão 2.11.0 e Graph Pad versão 5.0. RESULTADOS: Foram respondidos 198 (33%) questionários válidos. Os seguintes resultados foram obtidos: a média (± desvio padrão) de idade foi de 47,6 (± 11,12) anos e o sexo masculino foi de 53,5%. A presença de perfil patológico nas relações objetais do tipo alienação, egocentrismo e vinculação insegura reduziu os escores dos domínios psicológico (p < 0,001) e relações sociais (p < 0,001), da qualidade de vida. A presença do fator imaturo das defesas do ego reduziu os escores dos domínios físico (p < 0,0001) e meio ambiente (p < 0,0001), da qualidade de vida. DISCUSSÃO: Defesas imaturas do ego dificultam a adaptação do indivíduo à vida profissional e conjugal, enquanto que a presença do perfil patológico das relações objetais leva à dificuldade em manter relacionamentos estáveis e à tendência a manipular as pessoas, apresentando-se socialmente inapto. Ou seja, médicos com esse perfil (de defesas e de relações objetais) devem enfrentar dificuldades para conviver com outras pessoas, inclusive com pacientes. Sua qualidade de vida é pior do que a de médicos com defesas maduras do ego e perfil normal de relações objetais. CONCLUSÕES: A psicodinâmica e a qualidade de vida do médico estão significativamente relacionadas. Os escores da qualidade de vida caem à medida que aumentam os escores das defesas imaturas do ego. Médicos com perfil patológico nas relações objetais apresentam menores escores de qualidade de vida, em relação àqueles com perfil normal / INTRODUCTION: Psychodynamics is the study of the psychological forces that underlie mental action. Ego defense mechanisms and object relations are psychodynamic aspects that affect quality of life as they alter people\'s perceptions of their own life. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of ego defense mechanisms and object relations on quality of life in a population of physicians, and thus test our hypothesis that mature ego defenses and normal object relations are associated with better physician quality of life. METHODS: In this cross- sectional study, questionnaires and pre-stamped return envelopes were sent to the population of physicians (602 individuals) living in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo. Psychodynamics was evaluated using the following instruments: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), which assesses and classifies ego defense mechanisms as mature, neurotic, or immature; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), which assesses and classifies object relations (alienation, egocentricity, insecure attachment, and social incompetence) as either normal or pathological. Quality of life was assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) that was developed in the context of four domains of quality of life: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. Demographic data were obtained via a specific questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using the tests of Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Spearman\'s coefficient, and Gamma linear regression models with SPSS v. 17, R v. 2.11.0 and Graph Pad v. 5.0 software. RESULTS: A total of 198 questionnaires (33%) with valid responses were obtained. Among respondents, mean age was 47.6 ± 11 years, and the rate of males was 53.5%. High BORRTI scores (pathology) on the alienation, egocentricity and insecure attachment subscales were associated with reduced WHOQOL-BREF scores for the psychological health (p < 0,001) and social relationships (p < 0,001) domains. Immature ego defense mechanisms were associated with lower WHOQOL-BREF scores for the physical health (p < 0,0001) and environment (p < 0,0001) domains. DISCUSSION: Immature ego defenses impair adjustment to professional and marital life, while pathological object relations lead to difficulty in sustaining stable relationships and tendency to manipulate others, hence social ineptitude. Physicians with immature defenses and pathological object relations are, therefore, likely to find it hard to relate with other people, including patients. Their quality of life is worse in comparison with that of physicians with mature ego defenses and normal object relations. In the study population, both immature ego defenses and pathological object relations were associated with lower quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Among physicians, quality of life is influenced by its psychodynamics, herein assessed through ego defense mechanisms and object relations

O fator de von Willebrand, ligação com fator VIII e estudo da atividade da ADAMTS-13 em pacientes com síndrome antifosfolípide primária / Study of von Willebrand factor activity, binding with factor VIII and ADAMTS-13 activity in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome

Vita, Natalia Mastantuono Nascimento de 09 December 2014 (has links)
A Síndrome Antifosfolípide (SAF) é uma doença autoimune na qual há presença de anticorpos antifosfolípides [anticoagulante lúpico (AL), anticardiolipina (ACL), anti-beta2glicoproteína I (a-beta2GPI)]. É caracterizada por eventos trombóticos e/ou perdas gestacionais de repetição. Existe um ambiente pró-coagulante na SAF, pois os antifosfolípides (AFL) são capazes de induzir disfunção endotelial aumentando a expressão de moléculas de adesão como o fator de von Willebrand (FVW). Entre os inúmeros elementos envolvidos neste processo, o FVW e a relação com: sua principal enzima proteolítica, a ADAMTS-13, e com o FVIII são relativamente menos conhecidos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1-verificar alterações no endotélio de pacientes com SAF primária (SAFP), através do marcador de lesão endotelial, o FVW, da ADAMTS-13 e do FVIII, avaliando a concentração antigênica, a atividade e a correlação entre estas proteínas; 2- Verificar se alguma destas variáveis é capaz de diferenciar os tipos de eventos trombóticos ocorridos nestes pacientes e se a presença dos AFL influenciam estas proteínas. O estudo, do tipo transversal, envolveu 39 pacientes com SAF primária, com idade mediana de 43 anos, em tratamento no ambulatório de Reumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas, e 39 controles sadios doadores da Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo, pareados por sexo e idade com os pacientes. Os títulos de ACL e a-beta2GPI, as determinações antigênicas e de atividade das proteínas FVW, ADAMTS-13, FVIII e PF4 foram realizados por ELISA, e a atividade do FVIII foi determinada pelo método cromogênico. A análise das subunidades do FVW foi realizada por Western immunoblotting. AL foi detectado utilizando ensaios de coagulação de acordo com as recomendações da Sociedade Internacional de Trombose e Hemostasia. Os resultados foram apresentados em: 1- pacientes SAFP e controles, e 2- pacientes SAFP agrupados em relação ao tipo de evento e ao tipo de AFL presente. Os pacientes apresentaram aumento da concentração antigênica do FVW (74±6 x 69±11 UI/dL; p=0,016), ADAMTS-13 (1,3±0,34 x 0,82±0,12 Ug/mL; p < 0,0001), FVIII (106±19 x 91±15 UI/dL; p=0,0003),da ligação FVW:FVIII (144±17 x 134±20%; p=0,082) e da atividade do FVIII (117±38 x 98±30%; p=0,0021) comparado aos controles. O PF4 apresentou-se diminuído nos pacientes em relação aos controles (96±12 x 101±8 UI/mL; p=0,014). Os pacientes com trombose arterial apresentaram correlação positiva e significante entre a atividade e o antígeno do FVW (r=0,468; p=0,028) e da ADAMTS-13 (r =0,635; p=0,001); os pacientes com trombose venosa apresentaram esta correlação positiva e significante na ADAMTS-13 (r=0,635; p=0,001). Quando os pacientes foram analisados pelo tipo de antifosfolípide, não se observou diferenças nas variáveis estudadas. Os pacientes com SAFP parecem apresentar disfunção endotelial. No entanto, aparentemente existe um mecanismo de equilíbrio para evitar a formação de um novo trombo. O papel do FVW e a sua relação com a ADAMTS-13, em diferentes doenças, ainda é relativamente pouco conhecido, mas está sendo apontado como importante na patogênese de estados pró-trombóticos como os presentes em pacientes com SAF / Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease, characterized by vascular thrombosis and /or pregnancy morbidity, in association with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) (lupus anticoagulant (LA), anticardiolipin (ACL), anti-beta2glicoprotein I (a-beta2GPI). Antiphospholipid (APL) seems to induce endothelial dysfunction by increasing the expression of adhesion molecules such as von Willebrand factor (VWF). This results in a prothrombotic state in APS. Among the several elements involved in this process, some are relatively less known, such as VWF and its relationship with ADAMTS-13, its main proteolytic enzyme. The aim of this study was to evaluate endothelial dysfunctions in patients with primary APS (PAPS), by examining correlation among the soluble endothelial marker, VWF, the enzyme ADAMTS-13, and FVIII protein. The relationship of these proteins and the presence of arterial and/or venous thrombosis, and presence of APL was also evaluated. This cross-sectional study involved 39 PAPS patients, with a median age of 43 years, who have been treated in the Outpatient Clinics, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, and 39 healthy subjects blood donors from the Fundação Pró-Sangue Hemocentro de São Paulo, matched for sex and age with patients. Levels of APL (ACL and a-beta2GPI), concentration and activities of VWF, ADAMTS-13, FVIII and PF4 proteins were measured with ELISA. LA was detected with coagulation assays according to updated guidelines from the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, and FVIII activity was measured by chromogenic method. Analysis of VWF subunits was performed by Western immunoblotting. The results were evaluated according to:1- PAPS patients and controls, and2- PAPS patients grouped in relation to type of event and the type of APL. Patients showed higher VWF antigen concentration (74±6 x 69±11 IU/dL, p=0.016), ADAMTS-13 (1.3±0.34 x 0.82±0.12 Ug/mL, p < 0.0001), FVIII (106±19 x 91 ± 15 IU/dL, p=0.0003), VWF binding to FVIII (144±17 x 134 ± 20%, p=0.082) and activity of FVIII (117±38 x 98±30%, p=0.0021) than controls. The PF4 was decreased in patients compared to controls (96±12 vs. 101±8 IU/mL, p=0.014). VWF antigen and activity correlated well (Pearson´s r =0.468; p=0.028) as well as ADAMTS-13(Pearson´s r=0.635; p=0.001) in patients with arterial thrombosis. However, in patients with venous thrombosis only ADAMTS-13 had a good correlation (Pearson´s r =0.492; p=0.045). When patients were analyzed by the type of aPL, no differences in the studied variables were observed. Patients with PAPS seem to present endothelial dysfunction. However, apparently there is an attempt to balance mechanism to prevent a new thrombus formation. The role of VWF and its relation with ADAMTS-13 in different diseases is still relatively unknown. However it has been considered as important in the pathogenesis of prothrombotic states such as those present in patients with APS

"Obesidade e fatores associados numa amostra de mulheres em área de exclusão social, na cidade de São Paulo: correlação com índices antropométricos" / Obesity and associated risk factors among very low income women living in São Paulo, Southern Brazil

Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho 16 March 2005 (has links)
Introdução: há vários relatos na literatura que referem o aumento progressivo da obesidade em mulheres de nível sócio-econômico baixo das áreas urbanas. Os fatores que podem estar relacionados à transição nutricional nesse estrato da sociedade ainda são muito controversos. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a freqüência de obesidade, e fatores associados em mulheres numa área de exclusão social da cidade de São Paulo. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal, entre o período de junho de 2002 a abril de 2004, em 116 mulheres moradoras de favelas na periferia e região metropolitana de São Paulo. O desfecho antropométrico primário foi o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). As mulheres foram categorizadas em três estratos de índice de massa corpórea [IMC] (= 25.0 kg/m2; 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2; and = 30.0 kg/m2). Os grupos foram comparados entre si, quanto às características referentes às variáveis de provável exclusão social, hábitos de vida e clínico laboratoriais (medidas antropométricas e fatores de risco cardiovasculares). O modelo logístico usado analisou as variáveis independentes associadas ao sobrepeso e obesidade. Resultados: a freqüência de obesidade nessa amostra (28.4%), foi maior que a observada em outros estudos brasileiros. Após o ajuste multivariado, comparadas às mulheres magras (IMC < 25 kg/m2), as que possuíam história de três ou mais partos foram mais sobrepeso (Razão de chance [RC], 3.4; 95% Intervalo de confiança [95% IC], 1.2-9.6) e obesas (razão de chance [RC], 5,3; 95% Intervalo de confiança [95% IC], 1,6-17,5). Mulheres brancas comparadas com o grupo de referência (magras e negras) foram mais obesas. (RC, 9.9; 95% IC, 1.5-64.6). Comparadas às magras, mulheres obesas apresentaram maiores níveis de dislipidemia por HDL-colesterol baixo (RC, 10; IC 95%, 2.5-50) e hipertrigliceridemia (RC, 8.4; IC95%, 1.5-48). Nessas mulheres de baixo nível sócio-econômico, paridade e raça foram os mais importantes fatores associados à obesidade. Mulheres com cor da pele branca foram claramente mais obesas que as de cor negra e parda. / To evaluate the prevalence and associated risk factors for obesity in low-income women living in a metropolitan area of the city of São Paulo. Methods: Cross-sectional study (116 women) living in slums. Women were categorized in three body-mass index strata [BMI] (=25.0 kg/m 2 ; 25 to 29.9 kg/m2; and = 30.0 kg/m2). Groups were compared regarding variables of social inequalities and clinical assessment: anthropometric measurements and cardiovascular risk factors. A logistic model was used to analyze the independent variables associated with overweight and obesity. Results: Frequency of obesity of 28.4% was higher than in other Brazilian samples. After multivariate adjustment, compared to lean, women with three or more childbearing were more overweight (Odds Ratio [OR], 3.4; 95% Confidence Interval [95% CI], 1.2-9.6) and obese (Odds Ratio [OR], 5,3; 95% Confidence Interval [95% CI], 1,6-17,5). White women compared to reference group (lean and African American women) were also more obese. (OR, 9.9; 95% CI, 1.5-64.6). Compared to lean, obese women had lower HDL-cholesterol levels (OR, 10; 95% CI, 2.5-50) and hypertriglyceridemia (OR, 8.4; 95% CI, 1.5-48). In these low-income women, parity and race were the most important factors associated to obesity. White women were clearly more obese than mullato and African American women.

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