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Κλάδοι επιρροής στην ελληνική βιομηχανία : μια ανάλυση διασυνδέσεων στο πλαίσιο πινάκων εισροών-εκροώνΒογιαντζή, Μαρίνα 05 May 2009 (has links)
Στη παρούσα εργασία περιλαμβάνονται 4 ενότητες. Στην πρώτη ενότητα εισάγεται το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο του προβλήματος που εξετάζεται, η περιγραφή του πίνακα εισροών-εκροών κατά Leontief, η μεθοδολογία της μήτρας των τεχνολογικών συντελεστών και της αντίστροφης μήτρας του Leontif. Στην δεύτερη ενότητα γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στους κλάδους κλειδιά και στους δείκτες οριζόντιων και κάθετων διασυνδέσεων. Επίσης παρουσιάζονται οι δείκτες chenery-watanabe, rasmussen, cuello et al (a) και cuello et al (b) και επιχειρείται μία αξιολόγηση-κριτική τους. Στην τρίτη ενότητα εξηγείται η διαδικασία συλλογής των δεδομένων και η συγκρότηση του πίνακα εισροών-εκροών(OECD). Επίσης παρουσιάζεται η ανάλυση των δεδομένων για τους δείκτες chenery-watanabe, rasmussen, cuello et al (a) και cuello et al (b) καθώς και η μεταξύ τους σύγκριση ως προς τους κλάδους κλειδιά. Τέλος, στην τέταρτη ενότητα παρουσιάζονται και αξιολογούνται τα συμπεράσματα της εργασίας.
Οι δείκτες είναι ο λόγος του μέσου πολλαπλασιαστή της γραμμής (οριζόντιες διασυνδέσεις)-στήλης (κάθετες διασυνδέσεις) προς τον μέσο πολλαπλασιαστή του πίνακα.
Ως κλάδοι-κλειδιά ορίζονται αυτοί όπου οι δείκτες των οριζόντιων και κάθετων διασυνδέων έχουν τιμές πάνω από την μονάδα.
Ως κλάδοι κλειδιά με βάση την ανάλυση δεδομένων των μη σταθμισμένων δεικτών ορίζονται οι κλάδοι 7, 8, 9, 13, 18 και οι κλάδοι 11 (chenery-watanabe) και 15(rasmussen) ενώ με βάση την ανάλυση σταθμισμένων δεικτών είναι οι κλάδοι 1, 4, 5, 9, 30, 31, 32, 39, 44, 46 και 45 (cuello et al (a))και 13, 38 (cuello et al (b)).Στην συνέχεια γίνεται μία σύγκριση στα αποτελέσματα μεταξυ των σταθμισμένων και μη σταθμισμένων δεικτών στους κλάδους κλειδια με βάση ομοιότητες και διαφορές στις οριζόντιες και κάθετες διασυνδέσεις τους και εξάγονται συμπεράσματα. / The present paper includes 4 parts.The first part includes the theoritical background of the problem to be examined, the description of the input-output table by Leontief, the methodology of the technical coefficients matrix and the inverse Leontief matrix. In the second part is presented an introduction to the Key sectors and into the indices of forward and backward linkages. Moreover the Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen, Cuello et al (a) and Cuello et al (b) are presented and their evaluation and assessment is attempted. In the third part the procedure of the data collection is explained as well as the creation of the imput-output matrix (OECD). The analysis of the data coming from the indices chenery-watanabe, rasmussen, cuello et al (a) and cuello et al (b)is illustrated as well as their among comparison concerning the Key sectors. Finally in the fourth part the conclusions of the project are presented. The indices are a ratio of the average multiplier of the row(forward linkages)-colums (backward linkages) divided to the average multiplier of the table. The Key sectors are those whose indices which refer to the forward and backward linkages have result over the unit. As key sectors according to chenery-watanabe and rasmussen are the sectors 7, 8, 9, 13, 18 and the sector 11 (chenery-watanabe) and 15 (rasmussen)while according to the cuello at al (a) and cuello et al (b) are the sectors 1, 4, 5, 9, 30, 31, 32, 39, 44, 46 and 45 (cuello et al (a) and 13, 38 (cuello et al (b)). A comparison concerning the results among the indices, specially for key sectors is attempted, according to simmilarities and differances of the forward and backward linkages.
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Communication in Employee Volunteering Programmes : Cross-sector dialogue - A strategic or idealistic approach?Olovsson, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Recent years have brought the private and non-profit sectors closer together in terms of cross-sectional collaborations. As businesses have become more involved in communities, initiatives such as employee volunteering (EV)—where employees are encouraged to volunteer by their employers—are becoming more popular and are receiving more scholarly attention. However, the question still remains as to whether the main reasons behind cooperation are related to strategy: does interaction and communication in EV mirror a more ideal- or strategic approach? As EV programmes (EVPs) bring together actors with different world-views and perspectives, much can be learned from studying their interaction. The present study examined the nature of communication in EV and whether this communication reflects a strategic (based on self-interest) or ideal (corresponding to Habermas’s ideal speech situation and stakeholder dialogue) approach. In addition, the study looked at factors that, according to participants, facilitate improved communication and understanding in EV. The findings indicate that communication in EVPs largely reflected the strategic approach. However, the ideal approach is still apparent in some situations and can successfully be used given the right conditions--for example, in situations of long-term collaboration with increased experience when participants invest time, resources and motivation in building relationships. Time and honesty was also important factors. However, a range of barriers made collaboration more difficult. Pursuit of strategic short-term solutions and shortage of resources and time may hinder important dialogue and understanding.
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Konkursprognostisering : En tillämpning av tre internationella modellerMalm, Hanna, Rodriguez, Edith January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år går många företag i konkurs och detta innebär stora kostnader på kort sikt. Kreditgivare, ägare, investerare, borgenärer, företagsledning, anställda samt samhället är de som i störst utsträckning drabbas av detta. För att kunna bedöma ett företags ekonomiska hälsa är det därför en viktig del att kunna prognostisera risken för en konkurs. Till hjälp har vi olika konkursmodeller som har utvecklats sedan början av 1960-talet och fram till idag. Syfte: Att undersöka tre internationella konkursmodeller för att se om dessa kan tillämpas på svenska företag samt jämföra träffsäkerheten från vår studie med konkursmodellernas originalstudier. Metod: Undersökningen är baserad på en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats. Urvalet grundas på företag som gick i konkurs år 2014. Till detta kommer också en kontrollgrupp bestående av lika stor andel friska företag att undersökas. Det slumpmässiga urvalet kom att bestå av 30 konkursföretag samt 30 friska företag från tillverknings- och industribranschen. Teori: I denna studie undersöks tre konkursmodeller; Altman, Fulmer och Springate. Dessa modeller och tidigare forskning presenteras utförligare i teoriavsnittet. Dessutom beskrivs under teoriavsnittet några nyckeltal som är relevanta vid konkursprediktion. Resultat och slutsats: Modellerna är inte tillämpbara på svenska företag då resultaten från vår studie inte visar tillräcklig träffsäkerhet och är därför måste betecknas som otillförlitliga. / Background: Each year many companies go bankrupt and it is associated with significant costs in the short term. Creditors, owners, investors, management, employees and society are those that gets most affected by the bankruptcy. To be able to estimate a company’s financial health it is important to be able to predict the risk of a bankruptcy. To help, we have different bankruptcy prediction models that have been developed through time, since the 1960s until today, year 2015. Purpose: To examine three international bankruptcy prediction models to see if they are applicable to Swedish business and also compare the accuracy from our study with each bankruptcy prediction models original study. Method: The study was based on a quantitative research strategy and also a deductive research approach. The selection was based on companies that went bankrupt in year 2014. Added to this is a control group consisting of healthy companies that will also be examined. Finally, the random sample consisted of 30 bankrupt companies and 30 healthy companies that belong to the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Theory: In this study three bankruptcy prediction models are examined; Altman, Fulmer and Springate. These models and also previous research in bankruptcy prediction are further described in the theory section. In addition some financial ratios that are relevant in bankruptcy prediction are also described. Result and conclusion: The models are not applicable in the Swedish companies. The results of this study have not showed sufficient accuracy and they can therefore be regarded as unreliable.
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社會行銷在公部門的應用與限制: 以不燒紙錢宣導政策為例楊智家 Unknown Date (has links)
「社會行銷」概念與技術於1971年由學者Kotler & Zaltman提出,為首次行銷概念技術擴大應用至非營利部門在社會公益上的研究。行銷學者Kotler認為,社會行銷可擴大應用至社會各領域的公益推廣,包含公部門。由是,本研究基於擴大化應用的精神,以我國環保機關推動之「不燒紙錢宣導政策」為個案,探究行銷概念擴大化後,公部門在行銷理論基礎上,即交換理論在公私部門差異上導致社會行銷分析公部門個案時產生哪些差異?以及社會行銷擴大應用至公部門,在理論基礎上有哪些問題?同時以社會行銷概念及技術對個案進行分析。
(二)「不燒紙錢宣導政策」的推動,雖滿足公共利益的需求,但執行過程中直接法源不明確、推動組織鬆散、忽略利害關係人權益為實務需加強之處。 / The very concept of “Social Marketing”, first introduced by Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, is used to apply marketing techniques to the area of nonprofit organizations to promote public interest. In Kotler’s mind, marketing techniques can be applied to both public and private sectors. However, whether this application adequate is needed to be answered. In this thesis, author uses a case named “campaigning the policy against burning golden papers in worship” implemented by the R.O.C government as an example to examine the adequacy of the “Exchange Theory” behind the concept of social marketing to understand marketing cases in the public sector. In order to find the conceptual problems through case study, author first adopts the eight stages of social marketing to describe the case throughout. Then, author design several interview problems to ask various actors who related to the case. Finally, author combines theoretical arguments, case details, and qualitative data from in-depth interview to analyze the adequacy of applying exchange theory in public sector through social marketing.
Several findings are presented as follows. First, many differences were found in all the eight stage of social marketing. These differences illustrate many possible inadequacies of applying marketing techniques, supported by exchange theory, to public sector. Second, based on the above differences founded, the intention of broadening the concept of marketing to non-profit organizations should take them into considerations. Especially, the strategic marketing scheme, such as 4Ps, should be reevaluated according to the findings. Thirdly, practically speaking, there are supporting factors to make a marketing campaign successful in public sector: ambiguities in regulation, lack of solid implementation organization, and the missing of stakeholders opinion collection and interest-protection activities in the process.
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Interdicting an adversary's economy viewed as a trade sanction inoperability input-output modelLeSeane, Cameron R. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / Reissued 30 May 2017 with Second Reader’s non-NPS affiliation added to title page. / The United States has made use of economic sanctions to achieve political goals by limiting the relationship between trade, travel, and finance. However, economists are uncertain if the use of economic sanctions is effective and achieves the desired results. Applying the notion of demand-based inoperability, we present two nonlinear models to identify the optimal placement of sanctions and assess the sanctions' cascading effects to all sectors of an adversary's economy. For purposes of demonstration and validation, we pose a hypothetical scenario in which the U.S. considers trade sanctions on Canada. Specifically, our analysis proposes the Trade Sanction Inoperability Input-Output Model (TS-IIM). We devised this model to permit ranking of sectors by the order in which the greatest production loss occurs. Given the strong dependence of Canada on the United States, is it reasonable to expect that a sanction could result in economic repercussions? In response to this question, we also present the Inter-Country Inoperability Input-Output Model (IC-IIM), which extends the TS-IIM by considering the reduction in trade in value added (TiVA) the U.S. economy will experience. Our results from the TS-IIM and IC-IIM lead us to conclude that the proper design of a sanction considers not only the impact to an adversary's economy, but also sanction's associated repercussions at home. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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Les enjeux de sécurité dans l'Arctique contemporain Le cas du Canada et de la NorvègePerreault, François 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’analyser la nature et l’ampleur des enjeux de sécurité dans l’Arctique contemporain en utilisant les outils offerts par la théorie de la sécurisation de l’École de Copenhague. Cinq secteurs de sécurité – militaire, politique, identitaire, environnemental et économique – et quatre variables – la géographie, l’identité, l’histoire et la politique – sont utilisées pour examiner les perceptions de sécurité, les sécurisations et les comportements stratégiques du Canada et de la Norvège.
La 1re hypothèse avancée dans ce mémoire est la suivante : depuis 2005, au Canada et en Norvège, nous sommes en train d’assister à une sécurisation progressive des enjeux non militaires dans l’Arctique - politiques, identitaires, environnementaux et économiques - et les effets entre ces secteurs de sécurité ont d’importantes conséquences sur le secteur militaire, notamment au niveau de la multiplication de projets étatiques pour la plupart essentiellement militaires, ainsi qu’au niveau d’un déclenchement d’une sécurisation de leur intégrité territoriale ou du moins un accroissement de l’insécurité à son égard. La 2e hypothèse avancée est la suivante : les nouvelles perceptions de sécurité et les comportements stratégiques des États de la région engendrent de l’insécurité à l’intérieur des sociétés ainsi qu’une dégradation de la confiance entre les acteurs étatiques. Cela a pour effet d’augmenter la division politique dans l’Arctique et de ralentir toute construction régionale.
Nous concluons, sur la base de nos études de cas, qu’au Canada, la souveraineté, la nordicité et l’intégrité territoriale sont perçues comme étant menacées. De plus, les sécurisations dans l’Arctique semblent faire partie d’un renouvellement stratégique global en matière de politique étrangère et de défense. En Norvège, la Russie est considérée comme l’acteur principal du High North et à partir de 2008, la relation russo-norvégienne a subi une sécurisation. Contrairement au Canada, la Norvège préfère le statu quo stratégique dans l’Arctique en privilégiant les trois éléments traditionnels de sa politique de défense et de sécurité - la dissuasion par l’OTAN, la gestion de la Russie par l’assurance, et l’amélioration des relations est-ouest. / This thesis aims to analyse the nature and the scale of the security issues in the contemporary Arctic by utilising the tools offered by the securitization theory of the Copenhagen School. Five security sectors – military, political, identity, environmental and political – and four variables – geography, identity, history and politics – are used to examine the perceptions, the securitizations and the strategic behaviour of Canada and Norway.
The first hypothesis put forward in our paper is as follows: since 2005, in Canada and in Norway, we are witnessing in the Arctic progressive securitizations of non military issues – political, identity, environmental and economical – and the cross-sectoral effects have important consequences on the military sector, such as, an increase in state projects that have mostly military components, as well as on the securitization of their territorial integrity or at least on the insecurity towards it. Our second hypothesis is as follows: the new security perceptions and the strategic behaviour of the regional States increases the insecurities within their societies and have negative effects on confidence between state actors. This increases the political divisions and slows down any regional construction.
We conclude that in Canada, their sovereignty, their nordicity and their territorial integrity are perceived to be threatened. These securitizations also seem to be part of a radical global strategic change in matters pertaining to their foreign and defence policies. In Norway, Russia is perceived to be the main actor in the High North and since 2008, their bilateral relation has become securitized. As opposed to Canada, Norway seems to prefer the status quo in matters pertaining to their foreign and defence policies. The three traditional elements of their defence and security policy are applied – deterrence through NATO, but reassurance of the Russians and efforts to enhance East-West relations.
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Espaces intérieurs, temporalité et sociabilités dans la littérature mémorialiste de Buenos Aires (1880-1910)Sanchez, Santiago Javier 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de notre projet est d’étudier l’interrelation entre espaces intérieurs, temporalité et sociabilités dans la littérature dite « mémorialiste » de Buenos Aires de la période 1880-1910. Notre recherche privilégie l’analyse des textes d’inspiration mémorialiste parus à Buenos Aires entre 1881 et 1904: Buenos Aires, desde setenta años atrás (José A. Wilde); La Gran Aldea (Lucio V. López); Las beldades de mi tiempo (Santiago Calzadilla); Memorias de un viejo (Víctor Gálvez) et Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla). Plus spécifiquement, nous essayons de définir notre concept de « dimension intérieure », à partir de l’intersection entre espace et temps perceptible chez les auteurs mémorialistes dès le commencement de leurs récits évocateurs. Parallèlement, nous cherchons à prouver que ce concept s’exprime comme la progression graduelle, à partir de la pensée des auteurs (c’est-à-dire, le premier espace intérieur, le plus intime), jusqu’à la conquête des espaces plus vastes, comme la maison de l’enfance, le quartier, la ville, la Nation. En même temps, nous explorons la relation problématique entre mémoire et espace intime, d’un côté, et les complexes relations entre mémoire et histoire nationale, de l’autre côté. Parallèlement, nous analysons la transition historique de la période coloniale à la période moderne -ce qui José Luis Romero appelle les ères « créole » et « alluviale »- depuis la perspective des sociabilités de la « haute société » et des « secteurs populaires ». Pour ce faire, nous analysons, en premier lieu, les espaces domestiques des grandes maisons coloniales de la « haute société » de Buenos Aires, dans Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla), avant de nous consacrer à d’autres sites qui nous permettent d’identifier les variables sociabilités historiques: « tertulias », magasins, « pulperías », cafés et clubs. / The main purpose of this project is to study the interaction between interior spaces, time and sociabilities in the ‘memorialistic’ literature of Buenos Aires between 1880 and 1910. Our perspective will privilege the analysis of ‘memorialistic’ texts published in Buenos Aires between 1881 and 1904: Buenos Aires, desde setenta años atrás (José A. Wilde); La Gran Aldea (Lucio V. López); Las beldades de mi tiempo (Santiago Calzadilla); Memorias de un viejo (Víctor Gálvez) and Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla). More specifically, we define the concept of ‘interior dimension’ that results from the intersections of the spatial and temporal dimensions emerging in these authors’ stories. We attempt to demonstrate that this concept covers multiple spaces, following a gradual progression that moves from the authors’ subjective recollections (conceived as the first, most intimate, interior space), to the conquest of greater spaces: the childhood home, the neighborhood, the town, the Nation. We also explore memory’s intricate relation to intimate space, on the one hand, and the complex relations between memory and national history, on the other. We analyse the historical transition from the colonial to the modern period -what José Luis Romero calls the ‘criolla’ and ‘alluvial’ eras- from the perspective of shifting sociabilities within both ‘high society’ and the ‘popular sectors’. In order to do this, we first analyze the domestic spaces of the big colonial houses of the ‘high society’ of Buenos Aires, in Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla), before turning to other sites that allow us to see the city’s changing historical sociabilities: ‘tertulias’, shops,
‘pulperías’, cafés and clubs. / El objetivo general de nuestro proyecto es estudiar la interrelación entre espacios interiores, temporalidad y sociabilidades en la llamada literatura “memorialista” de Buenos Aires del período 1880-1910. Nuestra perspectiva privilegia el análisis de los textos de inspiración memorialista aparecidos en Buenos Aires entre 1881 y1904: Buenos Aires, desde setenta años atrás (José A. Wilde); La Gran Aldea (Lucio V. López); Las beldades de mi tiempo (Santiago Calzadilla); Memorias de un viejo (Víctor Gálvez) y Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla). Más específicamente, procuramos definir nuestro concepto de “dimensión interior”, a partir de la intersección entre espacio y tiempo perceptible en los autores memorialistas desde el comienzo mismo de sus relatos evocadores. Al mismo tiempo, intentamos probar que este concepto se expresa como la progresión gradual, a partir del pensamiento de los autores (es decir, del primer espacio interior, el más íntimo), hasta la conquista de espacios más vastos, como la casa de la infancia, el barrio, la ciudad, la Nación. También exploramos la intrincada relación entre memoria y espacio íntimo, por un lado, y las complejas relaciones entre memoria e historia nacional, por el otro. Paralelamente, analizamos la transición histórica del período colonial al período moderno -lo que José Luis Romero llama las eras “criolla” y “aluvial”- desde la perspectiva de las cambiantes sociabilidades de la “alta sociedad” y de los “sectores populares”. Para ello, analizamos en primer término los espacios domésticos de las casonas coloniales de la “alta sociedad” de Buenos Aires, en Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla), antes de volcarnos a otros sitios que nos permitan identificar las cambiantes sociabilidades históricas: tertulias, comercios, pulperías, cafés y clubes.
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Diskriminace na trhu práce, genderové mzdové rozdíly / Discrimination in the labour market, gender wage differencesSeidlová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the position of women in the labour market, focusing on gender wage differences. It describes the problem of discrimination against women and the different valuation of women's and men's work. In the theoretical part, the thesis focuses on the basic terminology and overview of Czech and European legal regulations, which should ensure an equal access for women and men. Essential part of this work is to analyze the wage gap by using Gender Pay Gap index and the factors, that affects this gap. Wage differences are analyzed at the level of national economy and also at the level of individual proffesional groups. A separate chapter is devoted to analyzing the macroeconomic factors that are considered the most important causes of differences in women's and men's income. The thesis presents statistical data, which explains the different position of women in the labour market and also provides evidence of wage discrimination against women. Results of the analysis are set into the Czech and European context.
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Consumo energético nos setores industriais brasileiros: uma avaliação de desempenho e estratégias para a redução da emissão de CO2 / Energy consumption in the industrial sectors in Brazil: an evaluation of performance and strategies to reduce CO2 emissionsCamioto, Flávia de Castro 04 October 2013 (has links)
Em um período de mudanças climáticas e restrições a emissões cada vez maiores, é importante focar o desenvolvimento das nações na direção de uma economia de baixo carbono. O elevado consumo de combustíveis fósseis gera danos que atingem escalas globais, regionais e locais e põem em risco o suprimento de longo prazo no planeta. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o desempenho dos principais setores industriais brasileiros considerando seus respectivos consumos energéticos e contribuições para aspectos sociais e econômicos do país. Além disso, busca-se mensurar os benefícios ambientais, no que diz respeito à emissão de CO2, resultante da alteração de energéticos nos setores industriais de menor desempenho e discutir políticas públicas que visam estimular a utilização de fontes de energia mais limpas. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizada a análise e quantificação da potencial contribuição ambiental que a alteração da matriz energética dos setores com menor desempenho em relação à sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável, pode fornecer. Para determinar o desempenho dos setores foi utilizada a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA). Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que o setor metalúrgico e o setor de não metálicos são os que possuem o menor desempenho, considerando as variáveis selecionadas. Já para medir as emissões de CO2 dos principais combustíveis utilizados nos setores de menor desempenho foi utilizado o método Top-Down proposto pelo IPCC. A análise indicou que, apesar do carvão vegetal ser o segundo emissor de CO2, ele pode contribuir para a redução do aquecimento global, desde que seja proveniente de mata de reflorestamento destinada para a atividade industrial. Por fim, foi realizada uma breve discussão sobre as políticas públicas voltadas a este energético. / In a period of climate change and of an increasingly restriction of emissions, it is pivotal to focus on a development by countries towards an economy revolved on low carbon dioxide levels. The high consumption of fossil fuels results in damages on a global, regional and local level threatening long-term supply in our planet. This work has as its objective to analyze the performance of the main Brazilian industrial sectors considering their energy consumption and contributions to social and economic aspects of the country. In addition, will be measure the environmental benefits, in terms of CO2 emissions, resulting from fuel substitution in the industrial sectors of lower performance and discuss public policies aimed at stimulating the use of cleaner energy sources. So as to achieve this objective, an analysis and measurement assertion of the potential environmental contribution that a change of the energy matrix, of the sectors with lower performance as regards to its contribution to sustainable development of the country, may provide was performed. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to determine the efficiency of the sectors. The results of this study indicated that the metallurgical and nonmetallic sectors are the ones that have the lowest performance industrial in terms of sustainable. For the measurement of CO2 emissions for each major fuel used in the sectors with lower performance, the Top-Down method proposed by the IPCC was used. This analysis indicated that, although charcoal is the second fuel in sectors that emit more CO2, it can contribute to the reduction of global warming since it comes from forest reforestation destined for the activity industrial. Finally, a brief discussion about public policies on this fuel was held.
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Entry and Exit in Swedish Industrial SectorsNyström, Kristina January 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists of five individual essays and an introductory chapter. The essays are all in the field of industrial dynamics and more specifically focus on firm entry and exit in Swedish industrial sectors. The essays mainly contribute to the empirical literature on entry and exit. In four of the five essays, panel data methods are used in the empirical investigation. The first essay presents the patterns of entry and exit in industrial sectors in Sweden and studies the importance of different determinants of entry and exit rates in industries. The second essay focuses on the relationship between entry and exit. The third essay has a regional perspective, focusing on regional determinants of entry and exit. It also investigates the importance of the differences in industry structure for differences in entry and exit rates across regions. The fourth chapter uses the theory of product life cycle to investigate how knowledge intensity differs in entering and exiting firms in different stages of the product life cycle. The fifth and last essay focuses on the importance of firm demography, in terms of firm size and age, for the decision to perform process R&D, product R&D or combine process with product R&D.
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