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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patienters upplevelser av psykiatrisk vård : Med fokus på tvångsvård

Johansson, Beatrice, Holmdahl, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Att vara inskriven enligt lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård, LPT, innebär att självbestämmandet tas ifrån en. Eftersom den nya lagen skapades för att skydda patienters integritet undersöker detta arbetet patienternas upplevelser av tvångsvård.<strong> Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av tvång med fokus på tvångsvård inom den psykiatriska vårdenheten.<strong> Metod: </strong>En litteraturstudie där sju vetenskapliga artiklar ingick. Systematisk granskning av artiklarna genomfördes.<strong> Resultat: </strong>Resultatet utgörs av tre kategorier: de som uppfattar tvång i störst utsträckning vilket var främst vita, högutbildade och kvinnor. Negativa erfarenheter av tvångsvård vilket inkluderade att ingen lyssnade eller tog en på allvar. Slutligen positiva erfarenheter av tvångsvård vilket bland annat innebar att ha någon att prata med och få viss kontroll över sin vård.<strong> Diskussion: </strong>Självbestämmande och kommunikation är viktiga faktorer som spelar en stor roll när det kommer till upplevelser av tvångsvård.<strong> Slutsats: </strong>Många faktorer spelar in vid upplevelser av tvångsvård och tvång. Både negativa och positiva upplevelser kom fram. Många problem hade kunnat undvikas om personalen hade pratat med patienterna och visat empati. Fler studier i ämnet behövs för att personalen ska kunna förstå patienterna och i slutändan ge en bättre vård.</p> / <p><strong>Background: </strong>To be admitted according to the law of coercive measures in psychiatric care, LPT, one is stripped of one’s self-determination. Since the new law was created to protect patients' integrities, the aim of this study was to determine how patients' experienced coercive measures. <strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim was to describe<strong> </strong>patient´s experience of coercive measures with focus on psychiatric coercive care within a psychiatric care unit.<strong> Method:</strong> A literature review in which seven scientific articles were included. Systematic review of the articles was used.<strong> Results: </strong>Three categories were found: Those who experience coercive measure the most which was mainly white people, women and those with a high education. Negative experience of coercive measures which included not being listened to and taken serious. Finally positive experience which included having someone to talk to and being given some control over one’s own care.<strong> Discussion: </strong>Self determination and communication are key factors when it comes to experiences of coercive measures in psychiatric health care.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>There are many factors that correlated<strong> </strong>with experience of coercive measures and coercion<strong>. </strong>Both negative and positive experiences were mentioned<strong>. </strong>Many problems could have been avoided if only the staff had talked to the patients and showed empathy<em>. </em>More studies are needed to make the staff understand patients and ultimately give them better care.<em> </em></p>

Reaching Resilience: A Multiple Case Study of the Experience of Resilience and Protective Factors in Adult Children of Divorce

Thomas, Denis' A 01 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe the experiences of resilience following parental divorce for university freshmen. Five participants were interviewed using a multiple case study methodology and Richardson’s (2002) resilience model as the theoretical framework. It examined how the three needs of Self-Determination theory (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and the three categories of protective factors (individual, family, and community) contributed to resilience. Data were collected through demographic surveys, divorce artwork, resilience artwork, and interview transcriptions. General themes, typological self-determination need themes, and typological protective factor themes were developed for each individual and across cases. The findings suggested that autonomy needs and individual protective factors were the same, competence needs and most community factors were the same, and relatedness needs and family protective factors, along with the community protective factor of friends, were same. Therefore, this study linked the empirical support of protective factor research to the tenet of self-determination theory that stated that by facilitating the three self-determination needs, optimal positive psychological, developmental and behavioral outcomes occur (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Findings also revealed a) the importance of cognitive coping strategies, b) the benefit of helping others, c) the significance of the relatedness need, and d) the value of multiple types of relationships. Implications for counselors and recommendations for future research on resilience in children of divorce were provided.

The impact pf psychological empowerment and job satisfaction on organizational commitment amongst employees in a multinational organization

Theron, Crystal-Jeanne January 2010 (has links)
<p>The primary objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the impact of psychological empowerment and job satisfaction on organizational commitment amongst employees in a multi-national organization. For the purpose of this study a quantitative, non-probability convenience sampling design was used to assess the three variables. The sample consisted of (N = 120) permanent employees were employed in the following departments namely: Administration, Engineering, Production, Quality and Commercial.</p>

Supporting the voice and choice of students : Promoting self-determination in the classroom: an observational study of teacher motivational behavior

Nurmi, Bo January 2010 (has links)
Motivation is an important factor when trying to understand human behavior and well-being (Ryan &amp; Deci, 2002), especially for teachers since the occupation involves making students perform certain behaviors (Reeve, 2002). Building on the Self-Determination Theory perspective of motivation the aim of this observational study was to describe and analyze the relation between teacher motivational behavior and student behaviors. The study was conducted over a three week period of observing one class in junior high school and their teachers. The results suggest that when teachers make students aware of themselves, their inner resources and support their choice, self-determined forms of motivation is increased. These findings are discussed as well as structured in a theoretical didactical model which describes how different conditions create different psychological responses.

Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan / Motivation : A studie of  teachers and students view of motivation in school

Sundström, Jenny, Wiman, Malin January 2009 (has links)
I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: 1. Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5? 2. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors motivation? 3. Vilken typ av motivation strävar lärare efter att elever ska erhålla och använda sig av? 4. Hur ser lärare på intrinsic (inre) motivation, extrinsic (yttre) motivation samt amotivation? Vi börjar med att redogöra för begreppet motivation och sedan hur läroplanen ser på motivation. Vi lyfter sex olika huvudteorier inom motivation och går sedan in mer grundligt på intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I denna teori finns Self-Determination theory och inom den amotivation. Self-Determination theory används i detta arbete när vi tittar på elevers olika styrningsformer inom motivation De fem olika styrningsformerna är: inre motivation, identifierad styrning, omedveten styrning, yttre styrning och amotivation. I arbetet gör vi elevernas olika styrningar synliga genom figurer. Vi använde oss av metoderna enkät och intervju för att få svar på våra frågeställningar. Undersökningens resultat påvisar bland annat att eleverna i år 4 och år 5 generellt har god intrinsic motivation, men använder sig också av extrinsic motivation. Lärarna som vi intervjuade tyckte att intrinsic motivation är den viktigaste av motivationsformerna, men menar samtidigt att extrinsic motivation är den form som är lättast att motivera eleverna genom.

Att sluta eller inte sluta : En litteraturstudie om tobaksavvänjningsmetoder

Bjellman, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Att sluta eller inte sluta? En litteraturstudie om tobaksavvänjningsmetoder Bjellman, K. Tobaksbruket har en lång historia, och de tobaksrelaterade sjukdomarna kostar samhället miljarder i sjukvårdskostnader och produktionsbortfall varje år. Andelen rökare minskar stadigt i Sverige, idag röker ca 15 procent av befolkningen. Resultaten från olika metoder för tobaksavvänjning är tämligen blygsamma, och ugefär nittio procent av de som slutar röka gör det på egen hand. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och analysera metoder för tobaksavvänjning. Detta gjordes utifrån följande frågeställningar: Hur tar metoderna hänsyn till människors behov av att uppleva självbestämmande, kompetens och tillhörighet? Hur arbetar metoderna med att stärka människors inre motivation? Hur tar metoderna hänsyn till människors hela livssituation? Metoden var en litteraturstudie av vetenskapliga artiklar om olika metoder för tobaksavvänjning, samt olika typer av handlednings- och självhjälpsmaterial för tobaksavvänjare och tobaksanvändare. Slutsatsen är att få metoder tar hänsyn både till människors behov av att uppleva självbestämmande, kompetens och tillhörighet, arbetar för att stärka den inre motivation att sluta röka, samt beaktar hela klientens livssituation. Även de metoder som uppfyller detta ganska väl har problem med många återfall den första tiden efter rökstoppet. Andelen långvarigt rökfria tycks vara ungefär densamma, oavsett vilken metod man använder och hur väl den uppfyller ovanstående. Nyckelord Tobaksavvänjning, Rökavvänjning, Tobacco cessation, Självbestämmandeteorin, Self-determination Theory, Litteraturstudie To quit or not to quit? A literature study of tobacco cessation methods Bjellman, K. The tobacco custom has a long history, and the tobacco related diseases cost the society billions in healthcare costs and production losses. The results from different methods for tobacco cessation are rather modest. The aim with this study was to describe and analyze methods for tobacco cessation. This was done on the basis of the following issues: How takes the methods considerations to people's needs of experiencing self determination, competence and property? How works the methods with starching people's internal motivation? How takes the methods considerations to the people's living environment? The method was a literature study off scientific articles about different methods for tobacco cessation, and different types of guidance's - and self-help materials for tobacco workers and tobacco users. The conclusion is that few methods take considerations both to people's needs of experiencing self determination, competence and property, works in order to starch the internal motivation to stop to smoke, and takes into consideration the client's living environment. Also those methods that meet this quite well have problems with many relapses. The proportion prolonged smoke free clients seems to last approximately the same, irrespective of which method one uses and how well it meets the factors above. Key Words Tobacco cessation, Smoking Cessation, Self-determination Theory, Literature study

VAD ÄR DET SOM GER 80-TALISTER ARBETSMOTIVATION? : ˗ Med fokus på inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer

Bubère, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Det skrivs mycket i media om den nya generationen 80-talisterna som är på väg in på arbetsmarknaden. De skiljer sig från tidigare generationer genom att vilja självförverkliga sig själva samtidigt som de vill ha en hög lön och ett trivsamt arbete. Utifrån Self-Determination teorin som bygger på de tre psykologiska behoven autonomi, kompetens och relaterande är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om det som skrivs i media stämmer med vad som faktiskt motiverar 80-talister till arbete. En enkät genomfördes med 72 undersökningsdeltagare. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant samband mellan yttre motivation och arbetsmotivation. Resultatet motsäger den populistiska litteraturen och även Self-Determination teorin till viss del. Samtidigt visar tidigare forskning på att pengar anses vara en bra motivator för dem som behöver eller värderar det tillräckligt högt, vilket skulle kunna gälla gruppen 80-talister.

Motiv och motivation till motion

Lindström, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
Ohälsan ökar i västvärlden som en följd av bland annat försämrade kostvanor och alltför lite fysisk aktivitet. För att öka aktivitetsgraden hos den vuxna befolkningen i Sverige erbjuds många via arbets¬givaren möjlighet till friskvård på betald arbetstid. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka olika aspekter av motivation och inställ¬ning till motion hos individer som nyttjar respektive inte utnyttjar friskvårdsförmånen. Data samlades in genom semistruktu¬rerade intervjuer med tio personer vilka sedan analyserades enligt teoristyrd tematisk analys. Deltagarna besvarade även ett standardiserat mät¬instrument (Sport Motivation Scale). Undersökningen utgick från Self-Determination Theory som bygger på tanken att beteenden som styrs av inre motivation har större chans att upprätthållas än de som styrs av yttre motivation. Resultatet visade att de som nyttjar frisk¬vårdstimmen i större utsträckning drivs av inre motivation än de som inte nyttjar denna. För att fler anställda skall utnyttja frisk¬vårdsförmånen bör arbetsgivaren satsa på personlig rådgivning samt skapa en organisa¬tions¬kultur där motion är ett naturligt inslag och där den inre motiva¬tionen uppmuntras.

The Effect of Socializing During Exercise on Psychological Need Satisfaction, Motivation to Exercise, and Wellbeing

Boyd, Jennifer Lynn January 2013 (has links)
Previous research has indicated that exercising with other people improves interest and engagement in physical activity (e.g., Christensen, Schmidt, Budtz-Jorgensen, & Avlund, 2006; Estabrooks & Carron, 1999). However, the degree of socializing with other people engaged in by exercisers has not been manipulated in previous studies. In the present study, the amount of socializing during exercise was manipulated in order to evaluate the effect of social connection on motivation to exercise. Two perspectives on the role of socializing in exercising were considered and discussed – Social Facilitation (Zajonc, 1965) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000). In order to test the importance of social contact during exercise, previously inactive women between the ages of 18-30 were randomly assigned to exercise for 12 sessions in one of three conditions. In the “social partner condition”, two participants exercised together and also discussed personal topics. In the “non-social partner condition”, two participants exercised together, but did not discuss personal topics. Lastly, in the “exercise alone condition”, participants exercised alone. In general, it was hypothesized that the social partner condition would lead to the greatest improvements in satisfaction of the psychological need for relatedness, subjective vitality, motivation to exercise, amount of physical activity, fitness level, affect, interest, and effort in exercise. Non-social partners were expected to experience some benefits from exercising with a partner, but not to the same extent as those in the social partner condition. Participants who exercised alone were expected to experience the fewest improvements. The partner relationships were also examined more closely, with the expectation that pairings that were more interpersonally complementary (that is, more similar on affiliation, and reciprocal on dominance) would positively affect outcomes. Further, partners were expected to become more similar in their exercise behaviour and motivation due to their repeated interactions over the course of the study. A one-month follow-up session assessed whether motivation and exercise behaviour observed at the end of the study changed or were sustained over time. The hypotheses were partially supported. Overall, exercise contributed to improved vitality, fitness, and affect, with few differences amongst the conditions. Participants in both partner conditions reported greater relatedness, or social connection, after a month of exercising together, than the exercise alone condition participants. Some interesting motivational patterns emerged at the end of the study and at a one-month follow-up, with some indication that the social partner condition most greatly benefited motivation. Interpersonal complementarity positively impacted competence, relatedness, and fitness, but surprisingly had a negative impact on vitality. Partners did not become more similar to one another over the course of the study, suggesting a lack of mutual influence. The findings are discussed within the context of Self-Determination Theory and Social Facilitation. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature that indicates that the social aspects of physical activity are essential for physical and mental wellbeing. Further research is required to evaluate how social factors can be utilized to promote greater enjoyment of and adherence to physical activity.

A Case Study of Outside Looking In (OLI): A Youth Development through Recreation Program for Aboriginal Peoples

Rovito, Alana 07 November 2012 (has links)
Outside Looking In (OLI) is a youth development through recreation program for Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Through the analysis of semi-structured interviews, fieldnotes, and archival documents, in this thesis I examine OLI staff and Board members’ description of OLI’s creation and implementation processes. This thesis is written in the stand alone format and is comprised of two papers. The first paper shows that OLI staff and Board members describe OLI’s creation and implementation as relatively predetermined. At the same time, however, OLI incorporates collaborative approaches to various aspects of program design. While OLI facilitates collaborative processes that can contribute to Aboriginal self-determination, Eurocentric influences and broader colonial forces make efforts to achieve Aboriginal self-determination challenging. The second paper illustrates that OLI’s approach to Aboriginal youth development through recreation creates a hybrid third space that challenges colonial discourses. Together, this thesis not only describes the creation and implementation processes of a youth development through recreation program for Aboriginal peoples, but also how the tensions associated with Aboriginal self-determination and colonial relations of power can permeate such programs.

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