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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensionering av solceller med lagringsalternativ

Ahlström, Jonatan, Berntsson, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker alternativ för solcellsanläggningar för fyra flerbostadshus som ägs av Eksta Bostads AB och ligger i Åsa i-, Kungsbacka kommun. Målet med rapporten är att hitta en anläggning som är lämplig för bostäderna och för området. Det som ska undersökas är den ekonomiska aspekten, hur anläggningen påverkar miljön samt hitta lösningar för lagringsalternativ för den överskottsel som produceras. För att komma fram till detta undersöks olika delar av en solcellsanläggning för att kunna välja olika storlekar samt lagringsmöjligheter. Detta dimensioneras genom programmet Polysun för att få en realistisk produktion och egenanvändningsgrad. Sedan görs ekonomiska beräkningar på de olika möjligheterna för att se lönsamheten. Resultatet ger en mängd olika kombinationer som både visar produktionen och egenanvändning, samt investeringskostnaden och vinsten för anläggningarna. Samtidigt undersöks   utsläppen, estetiken och förbättringar för anläggningen. Efter alla aspekter har undersökts och beräknats väljs en anläggning som är mest lämplig för bostäderna. Den anläggning som beräknats vara mest lämplig är en anläggning med 45 solpaneler (19,8 kWp) med ett litium-jonbatteri som har en kapacitet på 20 kWh. Anläggningen har en investeringskostnad på 313 784 SEK och en elproduktion mellan 18 000 – 19 000 kWh per år beroende på hus. Egenanvändningsgraden för anläggningen är mellan 70,9–73,2% beroende på hus. Denna anläggning kan gå ge en vinst på 155 420 kr efter 25 år vid den lägsta beräknade kalkylräntan men kan också ge en förlust på 42 541 kr efter 25 år när den högsta använda kalkylräntan beräknas. / This study analyzes different options for solar panel installations for four apartment buildings owned by Eksta Bostads AB and are located in Åsa, Kungsbacka. The objective of this thesis is to find an installation suitable for the properties and the area, The aspects to be examined is the economic aspect, the environmental impact, and solutions for storage options for surplus excess electricity produced. To achieve this, various components of a solar panel are examined to decide different sizes and storage possibilities. This is dimensioned using a programme called Polysun to obtain realistic production and self-consumption rates. Economic calculations are then made for the different options to assess the profits. The result of this gives a variety of combinations that show both production and self-consumption, as well as the investment cost and profit for the installations. Simultaneously,   emissions, aesthetics and improvements for the installation are investigated. After all aspects have been explored and calculated, an installation is chosen that is most suitable for the properties. The installation deemed most suitable is one with 45 solar panels (19,8 kWp) and a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 20 kWh. The investment cost for the facility is 313 784 SEK, and it produces between 18 000 – 19 000 kWh per year depending on the house. The self-consumption rate for the installation ranges between 70,9% and 73,2% depending in the house. This installation can return a profit of 155 420 SEK after 25 years at the lowest estimated discount rate but can also result in a loss of 42 451 SEK after 25 years at the highest discount rate used.

Solcellsanläggningars kostnadseffektivitet för elkrävande verksamhet : Lönsamhet, miljöavtryck och självförsörjningsgrad för solcellssystem med olika orientering

Jensen, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis was to use the calculation instrument for the solar energy potential map of Landskrona to simulate several PV systems to a sanitation company. The calculation tool is designed to calculate the profitability and environmental benefits of installing solar panels. The calculation tool was adapted in order to compare cost efficiency, environmental benefit and degree of self-sufficiency and self- consumption for the solutions. The PV system was planned to a company, Landskrona Svalöv Renhållning (LSR). Furthermore, four different ways to construct the PV system were investigated; flat against the roof, tilted with respect to the roof, tilted with respect to the roof and oriented (azimuth angle), as well as an installation with a string of tilted PV modules together with PV modules mounted flat against the roof. Variation of the system configurations was achieved by changing the parameters tilt and azimuth angle. The capacity was adjusted so that the annual production would be 83 500 kWh for all the studied systems. The different systems were optimized in two ways; first for the most output per module, and secondly for the greatest self-sufficiency in order to minimize the losses of excess production. PV modules optimally oriented for production per module provides the highest profitability and lowest payback period. The study suggests that photovoltaic systems are a competitive installation for LSR even without subsidies. The degree of self-consumption was 11 %. Simulation results showed that the degree of self-sufficiency could only be increased marginally by simply changing the orientation of solar cells (with power adapted to maintained production level). There was no significant benefit from tilting the solar cells by 90 ° to increase self-sufficiency in the winter. The simulations showed that almost all of the produced electricity was used to LSR 's internal load. This high degree of self-consumption showed very little excess electricity was produced. LSR is connected to the medium voltage power grid via two transformers. The surplus production covered only part of the no-load losses in transformers. Surplus electricity could therefore not be sold, but the high self-consumption rate limited this loss of revenue. The solar electricity from crystalline silicon cells, results in slightly higher greenhouse gas emissions than wind power but much lower than the production mix of electricity available in the market. The self-produced solar electricity contributed to the environment because LSR did not have to buy the contracted wind electricity, which then became available for others. The study's conclusions are that a PV system is likely to be profitable for LSR. Self-sufficiency would be about 11%, and the self-consumption rate of 98%. The environmental benefit consisted of the contribution of renewable energy in the mix of electricity generation on the market. / Huvudsyftet med denna rapport var att simulera olika solcellsanläggningar med ett beräkningsverktyg till en renhållningsverksamhet. Beräkningsverktyget är framtaget till solpotentialkartan över Landskrona för att beräkna lönsamheten och miljönyttan av att installera solceller. Beräkningsverktyget anpassades för att jämföra kostnadseffektiviteten, självförsörjningsgraden, självkonsumtionsgraden och miljönyttan med olika systemlösningar på solcellsanläggningar. Landskrona Svalövs Renhållning (LSR) var den renhållningsverksamhet de simulerade solcellsanläggningarna anpassades till. Först antogs fyra olika sätt att anlägga solcellerna på; platt, uppvinklat från tak, uppvinklat från tak och riktat (azimutvinkeln) samt en systemlösning med en sträng solceller som var uppvinklade tillsammans med en grupp platt anlagda solceller. Sedan utfördes simuleringar genom att ändra parametrarna vinkel och azimutvinkel. Effekten anpassades så att årsproduktionen var 83 500 kWh för alla de studerade systemen. Dessa olika systemlösningar optimerades på två sätt. För det första, till största produktion per modul, för det andra till största självförsörjningsgrad. Den högsta lönsamheten och lägsta återbetalningstiden gav den solcellsanläggning vars moduler var optimalt orienterad för produktion per modul. Studien pekar mot att en solcellsanläggning för LSR är en konkurrenskraftig installation utan statligt stöd. I de simulerade fallen täckte den egenanvända elen den totala elanvändningen till ca 11 %.  Simuleringsresultaten visade att denna självförsörjningsgrad endast gick att höja marginellt genom att ändra på orienteringen (med effekt anpassad så att produktionsnivån bibehölls). Det fanns ingen signifikant nytta av att anlägga solceller i 90° för att öka självförsörjningen under vintern. Simuleringarna visade att nästan all egen elproduktion användes till LSR:s interna last. Denna höga självkonsumtionsgrad visade att mycket lite överskott av el producerades. LSR är anslutna till högspänningsnätet via två transformatorer. Överskottsproduktionen täckte bara en del av tomgångsförlusterna i transformatorerna. Överskottselen kunde därmed inte säljas, men den höga självkonsumtionsgraden begränsade denna förlust av intäkter. Solkraft från solceller av kristallina solceller har något högre växthusgasutsläpp än vindkraftsel men mycket lägre än den produktionsmix av el som finns på marknaden. Egen solelproduktion bidrog till miljönyttan eftersom LSR inte behövde köpa den kontrakterade vindkraften då de använde egen solel och elen från vindkraft blev tillgänglig för andra. Studiens slutsatser är att en solcellsanläggning sannolikt skulle vara lönsam för LSR. Självförsörjningsgraden skulle bli ca 11 % och självkonsumtionsgraden över 98 %. Miljönyttan bestod i tillskott av förnybar el i den mix av elproduktion som fanns på marknaden.

Prátricas alimentares de assentados rurais do Alto Xingu no contexto de mudança no uso da terra / Eating practices of rural settlers in the context of land use change in Upper Xingu

Grigol, Natália Salaro 12 April 2017 (has links)
Estudos demonstram que a inserção de pequenos produtores e assentados rurais na produção voltada às grandes cadeias agroalimentares globais pode levar a mudanças nas estruturas de produção e consumo de alimentos deles próprios. Como consequência, tem-se constatado maior dependência da renda para obtenção de alimentos, o que impacta a segurança alimentar das famílias rurais em seus três princípios estruturantes: acesso, qualidade e reprodução social e da cultura alimentar. Diante disso, este estudo objetivou caracterizar as práticas alimentares de assentados rurais do Alto Xingu, entender os fatores que influenciam a escolha e obtenção dos alimentos e sua relação com o atual contexto de mudança no uso da terra na região. Para isso, partiu-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, utilizando-se a observação participante, entrevistas não estruturadas (Metodologia Geradora de Dados de Posey) e Recordatório 24 horas de consumo alimentar. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que muitas variáveis contribuem para a formação do atual contexto de transformações socioeconômicas: envelhecimento rural e a aposentadoria; o aumento da prestação de serviços fora do lote; a inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho; as dificuldades de obtenção de investimento, tecnologia e conhecimento; a limitação hídrica; o êxodo rural; a valorização das terras; as possibilidades de arrendamento; e a dificuldade em se diversificar a produção agrícola além da pecuária e do plantio de soja. Essas transformações socioeconômicas se materializam na paisagem, pela mudança no uso da terra, e nas práticas alimentares, pela diminuição da produção para autoconsumo. A manutenção da produção para autoconsumo mostrou ser mais vulnerável no caso de hortaliças (sobretudo verduras), seguida pela criação de gado, produção de leite, cultivo de mandioca, criação de suínos, frango e, então, frutas (culturas perenes). Em termos de cultura alimentar, o perfil de alimentos que compõem a dieta ainda é o mesmo, caracterizado pelo trio arroz, feijão e carne de vaca. Por outro lado, o que vem mudando nas práticas alimentares dos assentados é a forma de obtenção dos alimentos. Como consequência, a maior dependência da compra de alimentos pode impactar a segurança alimentar das famílias e influenciar a manutenção do hábito alimentar no longo prazo. Conclui-se que a mudança na forma como se obtém o alimento já é o reflexo - ao mesmo tempo em que também reflete - um novo modo de vida do assentado rural. Assim, as transformações nos modos de vidas dos assentados podem colocar em risco a sua segurança alimentar - ao mesmo tempo em que a insegurança alimentar pode reforçar as transformações no modo de vida local. / Researches show that the inclusion of small farmers and rural settlers in large global agri-food chains can lead to changes in food patterns regarding production and consumption. As a result, studies show that there is greater dependency on the income to obtain food, which impacts food security of rural households regarding food access, food quality and maintenance of social reproduction and food culture. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the eating patterns of Upper Xingu rural settlers, the drivers for food choice and food acquisition and their relation to the land use change in the region. In this regard, an interdisciplinary approach was applied, together with the participant observation, unstructured interviews (Generative Methodology Posey data) and 24-hour dietary recall for food consumption. This research has achieved a number of different results. There are several variables hat compose the current context of socio-economic transformations: rural settlers aging and retirement; non-farm-income generating activities; women inclusion in labor market; the difficulties in accessing investment, technology and knowledge; water limitation; rural exodus; land valuation; the possibility of leasing; and the difficulty to diversify agricultural production besides cattle raising and soybean planting. Those socio-economic transformations are materialized in the landscape, by the land use change, and in the eating practices, by the decrease of food production for self-consumption. The maintenance of food production for self-consumption is more vulnerable for vegetables (especially greens), followed by cattle, milk production, cassava, pork, poultry and fruit (perennial crops). Foods that compose the diet of rural settlers have not changed over years, being characterized by rice, beans and beef. Although, eating practices have changed regarding the forms of getting food. As a result, the greater dependency on buying food can have impact on food security of families and influence the maintenance of future eating habits. Finally, this research concludes that the change in food access is the reflection - while it also reflects - a new way of life among rural settlers. Therefore, changes in the rural settlers\' way of life may endanger food security, at the same time that food insecurity may reinforce the changes in the local way of life.

Utvärdering av solcellsanläggningar i Västerås : Jämförelse av verkligt systemutbyte mot teoretisk simulerad

Sundqvist, Tobias, Rahimi, Elias January 2018 (has links)
Solar cells is one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly ways to produce electricity. Västerås city has invested in a number of solar systems in public buildings as a step to solve the energy issues of the future and contribute to a sustainable environment. The purpose of this project is to compare the real system yield from Västerås city´s solar plants with simulations. Produces the solar plants as expected or not, and if not, what might be the cause. Data were collected about the solar cell installations, by Mälarenergi Elnät and Västerås city. The real system yield was calculated and then the solar plants were simulated in PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System) to obtain the theoretical yield. This project shows that most of Västerås city´s solar plants have a yield that is as expected according to the simulations or higher. However, there are some solar plants with a low or very low yield compared to the simulations. The yield varies considerably during the year. For those plants where the yield has been studied monthly, the real yield is higher in the second half of the year compared with the first half. The self-consumption varies greatly between the different solar plants, but generally it is high. Some solar plants have a very high self-consumption of 100 % and some have a very low of 30-40 %. Some solar plants have a higher yield than expected and it may depends to the fact that the installed power is a few percent higher than what the manufacturer states. The simulations might be unsure, because losses, solar radiation and weather may vary. The solar plants that have a low yield compared to the simulations may have a broken or disconnected component, shading and dirt may also affect. To have as high self-consumption as possible is an economically advantage, as long as the plant is not under-dimensioned because the goal is to produce electricity. There is no clear pattern showing which of the four PVGIS simulations is best matched to reality.

Grid-connected micro-grid operational strategy evaluation : Investigation of how microgrid load configurations, battery energy storage system type and control can support system specification

Mancuso, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Operational performance of grid-connected microgrid with integrated solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity production and battery energy storage (BES) is investigated.  These distributed energy resources (DERs) have the potential to reduce conventionally produced electrical power and contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.  This investigation is based upon the DER’s techno-economic specifications and theoretical performance, consumer load data and electrical utility retail and distribution data.  Available literature provides the basis for DER specification and performance.  Actual consumer load profile data is available for residential and commercial consumer sector customers.  The electrical utility data is obtained from Mälarenergi, AB.  The aim is to investigate how to use simulations to specify a grid connected microgrid with DERs (PV production and a BES system) for two consumer sectors considering a range of objectives.  An open-source, MATLAB-based simulation tool called Opti-CE has successfully been utilized.  This package employs a genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization.  To support attainment of one of the objectives, peak shaving of the consumer load, a battery operational strategy algorithm has been developed for the simulation.  With respect to balancing peak shaving and self-consumption one of the simulations supports specification of a commercial sector application with 117 kWp PV power rating paired with a lithium ion battery with 41.1 kWh capacity.  The simulation of this system predicts the possibility to shave the customer load profile peaks for the month of April by 20%.  The corresponding self-consumption ratio is 88%.  Differences in the relationship between the load profiles and the system performance have been qualitatively noted.  Furthermore, simulation results for lead-acid, lithium-ion and vanadium-redox flow battery systems are compared to reveal that lithium ion delivers the best balance between total annualized cost and peak shaving performance for both residential and commercial applications.

Design and Implementation of a Supervisory Controller for PV and Storage

Persson, Björn January 2018 (has links)
Battery energy storage systems are a key factor for enabling a continuous increase of the fraction of photovoltaics in the Swedish electricity grid. One big challenge is to utilise all potential services of such a storage system. The aim of this study was to improve the supervisory controller for an existing battery storage and photovoltaic solution marketed by the Swedish company Ferroamp AB. This has been done by developing a combined peak reduction and time-of-use bill management algorithm, together with a simulation and evaluation software for optimisation of algorithm parameters. The algorithms and tools were evaluated using an installation made by Ferroamp AB and Vattenfall Eldistribution AB as a case study. Sensitivity analyses has been performed on economic parameters and length of the algorithm training data set. Improvement of economic profit, in this case study, were 300 % compared to the currently used algorithm and 32 % compared to a conventional threshold peak reduction algorithm. Despite this improvement, the battery energy storage system is shown to be non-profitable, with the economic profit only covering 36 % of the investment costs, not taking interest rate into account. Like in many other studies, power storage was found more profitable than energy storage. An increase of the grid power tariff and the grid energy fee of 30 % to 40 % is found to make the system viable. One interesting finding is that by using the proposed optimal algorithm, 55 % of the cycle life of the battery storage is still accessible for other services when considering 10 years of economic depreciation time for the system.

Prátricas alimentares de assentados rurais do Alto Xingu no contexto de mudança no uso da terra / Eating practices of rural settlers in the context of land use change in Upper Xingu

Natália Salaro Grigol 12 April 2017 (has links)
Estudos demonstram que a inserção de pequenos produtores e assentados rurais na produção voltada às grandes cadeias agroalimentares globais pode levar a mudanças nas estruturas de produção e consumo de alimentos deles próprios. Como consequência, tem-se constatado maior dependência da renda para obtenção de alimentos, o que impacta a segurança alimentar das famílias rurais em seus três princípios estruturantes: acesso, qualidade e reprodução social e da cultura alimentar. Diante disso, este estudo objetivou caracterizar as práticas alimentares de assentados rurais do Alto Xingu, entender os fatores que influenciam a escolha e obtenção dos alimentos e sua relação com o atual contexto de mudança no uso da terra na região. Para isso, partiu-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, utilizando-se a observação participante, entrevistas não estruturadas (Metodologia Geradora de Dados de Posey) e Recordatório 24 horas de consumo alimentar. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que muitas variáveis contribuem para a formação do atual contexto de transformações socioeconômicas: envelhecimento rural e a aposentadoria; o aumento da prestação de serviços fora do lote; a inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho; as dificuldades de obtenção de investimento, tecnologia e conhecimento; a limitação hídrica; o êxodo rural; a valorização das terras; as possibilidades de arrendamento; e a dificuldade em se diversificar a produção agrícola além da pecuária e do plantio de soja. Essas transformações socioeconômicas se materializam na paisagem, pela mudança no uso da terra, e nas práticas alimentares, pela diminuição da produção para autoconsumo. A manutenção da produção para autoconsumo mostrou ser mais vulnerável no caso de hortaliças (sobretudo verduras), seguida pela criação de gado, produção de leite, cultivo de mandioca, criação de suínos, frango e, então, frutas (culturas perenes). Em termos de cultura alimentar, o perfil de alimentos que compõem a dieta ainda é o mesmo, caracterizado pelo trio arroz, feijão e carne de vaca. Por outro lado, o que vem mudando nas práticas alimentares dos assentados é a forma de obtenção dos alimentos. Como consequência, a maior dependência da compra de alimentos pode impactar a segurança alimentar das famílias e influenciar a manutenção do hábito alimentar no longo prazo. Conclui-se que a mudança na forma como se obtém o alimento já é o reflexo - ao mesmo tempo em que também reflete - um novo modo de vida do assentado rural. Assim, as transformações nos modos de vidas dos assentados podem colocar em risco a sua segurança alimentar - ao mesmo tempo em que a insegurança alimentar pode reforçar as transformações no modo de vida local. / Researches show that the inclusion of small farmers and rural settlers in large global agri-food chains can lead to changes in food patterns regarding production and consumption. As a result, studies show that there is greater dependency on the income to obtain food, which impacts food security of rural households regarding food access, food quality and maintenance of social reproduction and food culture. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the eating patterns of Upper Xingu rural settlers, the drivers for food choice and food acquisition and their relation to the land use change in the region. In this regard, an interdisciplinary approach was applied, together with the participant observation, unstructured interviews (Generative Methodology Posey data) and 24-hour dietary recall for food consumption. This research has achieved a number of different results. There are several variables hat compose the current context of socio-economic transformations: rural settlers aging and retirement; non-farm-income generating activities; women inclusion in labor market; the difficulties in accessing investment, technology and knowledge; water limitation; rural exodus; land valuation; the possibility of leasing; and the difficulty to diversify agricultural production besides cattle raising and soybean planting. Those socio-economic transformations are materialized in the landscape, by the land use change, and in the eating practices, by the decrease of food production for self-consumption. The maintenance of food production for self-consumption is more vulnerable for vegetables (especially greens), followed by cattle, milk production, cassava, pork, poultry and fruit (perennial crops). Foods that compose the diet of rural settlers have not changed over years, being characterized by rice, beans and beef. Although, eating practices have changed regarding the forms of getting food. As a result, the greater dependency on buying food can have impact on food security of families and influence the maintenance of future eating habits. Finally, this research concludes that the change in food access is the reflection - while it also reflects - a new way of life among rural settlers. Therefore, changes in the rural settlers\' way of life may endanger food security, at the same time that food insecurity may reinforce the changes in the local way of life.

Autoconsumo e segurança alimentar em assentamentos rurais do Pontal do Paranapanema / Self-consumption and the food security in the Pontal of Paranapanema's rural settlements

Dombek, Luiz Antonio 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Mauro Jose Andrade Tereso, Sonia Maria Pereira Pessoa Bergamasco / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T11:15:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dombek_LuizAntonio_M.pdf: 1884167 bytes, checksum: 83031e21ed5c73541c5361f1f781325f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O trabalho apresentado utiliza-se da base e de dados de uma pesquisa maior denominada ¿(In)Segurança Alimentar em Grupos de Agricultores Familiares do Brasil¿, desenvolvida pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM) e Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola (FEAGRI) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), cadastrada pelo número 503527/2003-3, viabilizada pelo edital promovido pelo CTAGRO/MCT/CNPq/MESA 01/2003. Os dados referem-se a três assentamentos rurais de diferentes anos de implantação, criados a partir da luta pela terra, promovida pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) e localizados na região oeste do Estado de São Paulo, conhecido por Pontal do Paranapanema, que tem forte presença deste movimento social. O objetivo principal foi mensurar a (in)segurança alimentar das famílias daqueles assentamentos, bem como a relação desta condição com a presença ou não na produção para seu autoconsumo, aqui entendido como produção de hortas e pomares domésticos bem como a criação de pequenos animais. Para tanto, utilizou-se da metodologia denominada de Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) que possui questionário próprio, com perguntas-chave, que indicam a condição de segurança bem como de insegurança alimentar (esta última subdividida em leve, moderada e grave). Nas 301 famílias entrevistadas encontrou-se as seguintes condições: 41,1% em estado de segurança alimentar, 40,7% em insegurança alimentar leve (IL), 14,1% em insegurança alimentar moderada (IM) e 4,0% em insegurança alimentar grave (IG). Verificou-se ainda que as famílias que utilizaram a estratégia de produzir o seu autoconsumo (tanto de origem vegetal como animal) estão em condições de segurança alimentar melhores que as que não produziram para tal finalidade. Portanto observar como as famílias assentadas relacionam as questões de produção destinadas para o autoconsumo e sua relação com a condição (in)segurança alimentar aparece como indicativo para superação da condição de fome que atinge milhares de famílias, inclusive no meio rural / Abstract: The present work was based in a data set obtained in a larger research project named ¿(In)Segurança Alimentar em Grupos de Agricultores Familiares do Brasil¿ developed in the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM) and Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola (FEAGRI) with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) registered as number 503527/2003-3, and made possible by the Edital CTAGRO/MCT/CNPq/MESA 01/2003. The data refers to three assentamentos rurais established at different times, through the action of the Landless Movement (MST) in Pontal do Paranapanema region, where social movements like that are very strong. The main objective was to measure the food security of the population living in the rural settlements, as much as its relation with self sustainable food production, here understood as production of fruits and vegetables in small areas and raising of small animals. For that the methodology called Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) was used. This method uses questionnaires with key questions that indicate whether there is food security or food insecurity (this last one divided in light, moderate and strong). From the 301 families interviewed, the following situation was envisaged: 41,1% in food security (SA); 40,7% in light food insecurity (IL), 14,1% in moderate food insecurity (IM) and 4,0% in strong food insecurity (IG). It was verified that the families that have self-sustainable production (animal and plant production) are in better food security conditions than those that did not had this production. It was concluded that to observe how the settled families relate the production designated to self consumption and yours relation with the insecurity food condition seems to be an indication to overcome the hunger condition that affect many families even in the rural area / Mestrado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola


Mohamed Ali, Mohamed January 2021 (has links)
This degree project presents a study case in Eskilstuna-Sweden, regarding the effect of the photovoltaic (PV) systems with battery energy storage system (BESS) on a power distribution transformer, and how they could change the transformer lifespan. For that, an extensive literature review has been conducted, and two MATLAB models were used to simulate the system. One model simulates the PV generation profile, with the option of including battery in the system, and the other one simulates the transformer loss of life (LOL) based on the thermal characteristics. Simulations were using hourly time steps over a year with provided load profile based on utility data and typical meteorological year weather data from SMHI and STRÅNG. In this study, three different scenarios have been put into consideration to study the change of LOL. The first scenario applies various levels of PV penetrations without energy storage, while, the other scenarios include energy storage under different operating strategies, self-consumption, and peak shaving. Similarly, different battery capacities have been applied for the purpose of studying the LOL change. Thus, under different PV penetrations and battery capacities, results included the variation of LOL, grid power, battery energy status, and battery power. Moreover, results concluded that the PV system has the maximum impact on LOL variation, as it could decrease it by 33.4 %, and this percentage could increase by applying different battery capacities to the system. Finally, LOL corresponding to the battery under peak shaving strategy varies according to the battery discharge target. As different peak shaving targets were used to control the battery discharge, and hence, study the impact on the transformer and estimate its LOL.

Possibilities with Stirling Engine and High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage in Multi-Energy Carrier System : An analysis of key factors influencing techno-economic perspective of Stirling engine and high-temperature thermal energy storage

Myska, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Small and medium-scale companies are trying to minimise their carbon footprint and improve their cash flow, renewable installations are increasing all over the Europe and are expected to do so in following years. However, their dependency on the weather cause pressure on matching the production with demand. An option how to challenge this problem is by using energy storage. The aim of this project is to determine techno-economic benefits of Stirling engine and high temperature thermal energy storage for installation in energy user system and identify key factors that affect the operation of such system. In order to determine these factors simulations in Matlab were conducted. The Matlab linear programming tool Optisolve using dual-simplex algorithm was used. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to test the energy system behaviour. Economic evaluation was done calculating discounted savings. From the results, it can be seen the significant benefit of SE-HT-TES installation is the increased self-consumption of the electricity from PV installation. While the self-consumption in cases when there was no energy storage implemented was around 67 % and in one case as low as 50 % with the SE-HT-TES the value has increased up to 100 %. Energy cost savings are 4.7 % of the cost for the original data set and go up to 6.2 % when simulation with load shift was executed. Simulations have also shown that energy customer with predictable energy demand pattern can achieve higher savings with the very same system. It was also confirmed that for users whose private renewable production does not match load potential savings are 30 % higher compared to the system where energy load peak is matching the PV production peak. Simulations also shown that the customers located in areas with higher electricity price volatility can benefit from such system greatly.

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