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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technology Policy and Complex Strategic Alliance Networks in the Global Semiconductor Industry: An Analysis of the Effects of Policy Implementation on Cooperative R&D Contract Networks, Industry Recovery, and Firm Performance

Whetsell, Travis Aaron 07 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

晶圓製程設備產業智慧資源規劃之研究 / The Research of Intelligence Resources Planning of Wafer Fabrication Equipment Industry

沈志祥, Shian, Shen Unknown Date (has links)
晶圓製程設備商必須充分利用全球化智慧資源規劃,發展企業策略,才能創造企業競爭力和成長動能。經過多次的景氣循環,晶圓設備產業已經成為少數廠商全球激烈競爭的環境,特別是仍有兩家設備供應商以上的產品線。對於客戶而言,購買設備的主要因素來自於廠商製程能力和成本的優勢。除了少數關鍵製程由一家壟斷外,客戶都可以在每一個新製程世代(Technology node)找到兩家廠商評估設備和技術需求。在贏者全拿的壓力與吸引力下,在每一個新製程世代的銷售週期中,晶圓設備商都必須要充分利用智慧資本化的效益,掌握客戶的技術、量產時程,才能確保銷售空間。在發展策略上,為面對高技術競爭但是低成長的產業環境,晶圓設備商必須要透過併購和整合其核心技術相關新事業才能同時整合既有智慧資源和創造成長。 不管從市場規模和產業鏈來看,台灣的半導體產業已經成為全球最重要的製造據點,也是台灣最重要的產業之一。半導體製造廠龐大的資本支出和相關需求更讓台灣成為各半導體設備商的銷售服務的兵家必爭之地。根據SEMI的最新市場調查,總計台灣2007年的半導體設備市場達到106.5億美元,較2006年大幅成長45.2%,正式超越日本成為全球最大半導體設備投資市場。在產業鏈中,晶圓製程設備除了是晶圓廠最大資本支出外,還是產業技術發展的供應者。很可惜的是,雖然擁有龐大的商機做後盾,台灣卻沒有及時發展這個領域。在轉換成本、專利、和領導晶圓製造商合作開發和人才、資金等高產業門檻下,除了自動化設備較有進展外,台灣在晶圓製程設備產業的自給率普遍低於5%,技術、智財和人才還是掌握在外國的晶圓製程設備廠商。在沒有整合產、官、學、研等資源和適合的智財管理規劃下,在需要高度基礎科學和長遠技術發展的晶圓製程設備產業,我們設備自制化的結果不高,並不令人訝異。晶圓製造業者的議價和技術自主能力因此而受到拘束,所發展的智財也沒有太大價值和效用。 本研究目的希望以智慧資源規劃為研究方法,進行晶圓製程設備產業的實證研究。先就市場特性分析晶圓製程設備產業概況,接著探討廠商如何運用智慧資源規劃的資本化和產業結構化切入市場,最後在實證研究上以分析主要晶圓製程設備廠商的專利能量和最新奈米技術High-k/Metal Metal Gate探討產業的技術發展趨勢與廠商智慧資源規劃的運用和佈署。期望從綜合上述論點,做為台灣是否適合發展晶圓製程設備和又該如何準備智慧資源規劃的參考。 / Global intellectual resource planning (IRP) is cruicial in industrial strategy for wafer fabrication equipment vendors to develop competence and growth momentums. After several business cycles during the past few decades, this industry has become a very competitive market of a few players. For their customers, the key decision factors are the technology capability and cost of the vendors. Except for some critical process equipments dominated by only one vendor, the customers can identify 2 vendors to evaluate their equipment and cost performance. That Winner takes all become the pressure and attraction of the industry. The vendors must fully apply the value of intellectual property and overhaul their customer’s technology and production roadmap to ensure their share in the market. To cope with the market challenges of low growth and highly competitiveness, the vendors must incoporate and integrate other new companies of their core technology to consolidate given intellectual resource and create better achievements. Either from the perspective of market size and industry value chain, Taiwan has played the most important role in semiconductor manufacturing industry worldwide. To extend their market share and keep in the lead, the foundry and DRAM companies have aggressively invested in the production of 300mm fabs. The vast investments and its production demands have made Taiwan the most competitive place in semiconductor equipment markets. According to the SEMI most update, the business volume of Taiwan semiconductor equipments market reached to US$10.65 billion in 2007, with an impressive growth of 45.2% more than 2006. Taiwan has overtaken Japan and become the largest semiconductor equipment markets in the world. In the industry value chain, the wafer fabrication equipments not only accounted for the greatest capital expenditure of fibs but also the foundation for the process technology development. It is a pity that the equipments industry in Taiwan did not flourish as along with the great market here. All the key technologies, people, materials and components are manipulated by foreign vendors. This situation resulted in an un-balanced development in domestic semiconductor industry as well as the bargain power and self-owned technology. The related developed intellectual rights can not show the real value and effect. With the high entry barriers of transfer cost, patents, professionals and investments of wafer fabrication equipments markets, Taiwan vendors take less than 5% in the market share, except for some progress in automation equipments of lower IP, capital and transfer cost barriers. The Taiwan vendors have not demonstrated capability in process technology to penetrate the markets. The wafer fabrication equipment market growth was a result of o the outsource investment from Europe, US and Japan fabs. It turns out that the technology, IP and people are still possessed by foreign vendors. Without the synergy and integration of government, academia and industry and intangible resource planning, it is not surprising that our production localization ratio is relatively low. Thus, the thesis will elaborate the case study in the way of intellectual resource planning. First, the research will analyze the industrial characteristics of wafer fabrication equipment market. In the followings, this research will discuss how vendors can apply IRP to penetrate the market. Finally, this research will analyze the patents of major vendors and High-k/Metal Gate process technology to elaborate the industry technology cycles and new technology development strategy. As a result, the thesis will try to discuss if it is suitable for Taiwan to develop the wafer fabrication equipment market and also serve for reference how to prepare the intellectual resource planning.

中國半導體產業發展模式:2000-2005一個跨國比較的途徑 / The developmental model of China's semiconductor industry: 2000-2005 A cross-national comparative approach

呂爾浩, Lu, Erh Hao Unknown Date (has links)
學界普遍認為中國半導體產業在2000年以降快速崛起主要因素是中國各級政府仿效東亞國家八十年代扶持半導體產業模式。也就是「發展型國家」(Developmental State)角色。如中國中央政府推動半導體策略性產業政策:提供優惠稅賦(「國務院十八號文件」)以及進行大規模研發計畫(「八六三計畫」);地方政府則提供半導體廠商建廠資金和低價建廠成本。然而,實際上,從跨國比較觀點分析在中國政府半導體產業角色,發現我們可以發現中國政府在半導體產業角色與「發展型國家」的理念型有所差異。基於上述討論有兩個主要研究目的: 1.建立國家機關角色類型學,了解中國個案與既有類型異同之處。以此,提出新理論架構:第一個指標:國家機關干預型式,主要指國家是否推動「策略性產業政策」;第二個指標、企業財產權關係: 企業財產權屬於國家或私人。兩個指標和各自有兩個變異,因此形成二乘二的四個國家機關角色類型學。 2.分析形成不同國家機關角色的因素:落後的程度、官僚體系特質和政策網路等因素如何形塑國家機關角色等因素對形成國家角色有何影響。 為進行跨國比較本文選擇了四個國家以及其時空分界點:1985-1990年的美國、1976-1980年的日本、1984-1988年的台灣與2000年以降的中國,進行國家角色干預前後的時空因素比較。 本文研究發現有三:一、一國落後的程度決定了其國家角色類型:。二、國家干預前的「韋伯式官僚」程度,影響了「發展型國家」和「企業家發展型國家」的要素之一「大規模研發計畫」是否完整,但不會決定屬於個案是屬於哪一類型國家。 / Scholars argued that the rapid development of China's semiconductor industry due to strategic industry policy, known as East Asian “Developmental State Model”. China central government provided preferential domestic sale tax (Circular 18) for China-based semiconductor firms and launched national R&D project (863); local government also provides loans and low building cost for semiconductor enterprises. However, as cross-countries comparing role of state in the semiconductor industry, China’s case still is different from ideal type of Developmental State. Based on the discussion above, this dissertation has two main research purposes: 1.Establishing the typology of state: what different China's case with other nations and propose a new theoretical framework. The first indicator is whether State to promote "Strategic Industrial Policy" or not; the second corporate property relations: the second indicator is property rights of enterprises, which is government owned or private. The two indicators have two variations, so the format a typology, three types role of state in two by two matrix. 2.Analyzing the causal factors of role of state: how does extent of economic backwardness, characteristics of bureaucratic system and types policy network influence roles of state. For a cross-nations studies, I selected four variety cases and time dividing points: United States (before and after 1985-1990), Japan(before and after 1976-1980), Taiwan ( before and after 1984-1988), and China (before and fater 2000-2005) to define role of state and its causal factors. This study has three main findings: First, the extent of backwardness of a nations determined its role of state. Second, level of Weberian bureaucracy level affected complete extent of Developmental State" and Entrepreneurial Developmental State" , but would not determined its role of state.

Innovation, research joint ventures, and multiproduct competition

Siebert, Ralph 18 April 2000 (has links)
In dieser Studie analysieren wir die Interaktionen zwischen Multiproduktwettbewerb und drei Aspekten von Innovation: Research Joint Ventures mit asymmetrischen Unternehmen, Neue Produkteinführung, und Innovation mit Multiproduktunternehmen. Wir untersuchen Mechanismen und Effekte, die einen Einfluß auf die Marktstruktur, das Marktverhalten und das Marktergebnis ausüben, indem wir theoretische Modelle analysieren und empirische strukturelle Modelle schätzen. Diese Arbeit gliedert sich wie folgt: Kapitel 2 verdeutlicht die Interaktion von Multiproduktwettbewerb und der Innovationstätigkeit von Unternehmen. Wir präsentieren die gegenwärtigen theoretischen and empirischen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Innovationen. In Kapitel 3 analysieren wir die Effekte zwischen Multiproduktwettbewerb und Anreize von asymmetrischen Unternehmen, Innovationen zu betreiben und Research Joint Ventures zu gründen. In Kapitel 4 und 5 konzentrieren wir uns auf die Interaktion zwischen Multiproduktwettbewerb und neuer Produkteinführung. Wir präsentieren zwei theoretische Modelle über vertikale Produktdifferenzierung und untersuchen die Anreize für die etablierten Unternehmen neue Produkte mit unterschiedlicher Qualität in den Markt einzuführen. Unternehmen können hierbei entscheiden, ob sie die vorigen Produkte weiterhin im Markt anbieten oder aus dem Markt ziehen. In Kapitel 6 untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen Multiproduktwettbewerb und Innovation mit Multiproduktunternehmen. Das Verhalten von Multiproduktunternehmen unterscheidet sich von Einzelproduktunternehmen, da Output- und Produkteinführungsentscheidungen auf zentraler Ebene getroffen werden. Wir analysieren die ,Dynamic Random Access Memory' Industrie (DRAM chips sind Halbleiterchips) mit Berücksichtigung von Multiproduktunternehmen und untersuchen Spillovers, Skalenerträge und Lerneffekte, als auch das Verhalten der Unternehmen im Produktmarkt und die Dynamik über den Produktlebenszyklus. In Kapitel 7 fassen wir die Forschungsergebnisse zusammen und bewerten diese im Kontext der gegenwärtigen Forschung. Darüber hinaus schlagen wir weitere Aspekte für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten auf diesem Gebiet vor. Schließlich beschreiben wir in Kapitel 8 die Datenbanken, die in unseren empirischen Analysen Anwendung finden. email: siebert@medea.wz-berlin.de / In this study we theoretically and empirically analyze the interactions between multiproduct competition and three aspects of innovation: Research Joint Ventures with asymmetric firms, new product introduction, and innovation with multiproduct firms. We investigate the main mechanisms and effects that impact on market structure, behavior and performance by analyzing theoretical and estimating structural models.The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2 provides insights into how multiproduct competition may interact with innovation. We survey current theoretical and empirical results on the literature of innovation. In Chapter 3, we analyze the effect of multiproduct competition on the incentives of asymmetric firms to innovate and to form a Research Joint Venture. In Chapters 4 and 5 we concentrate on the interrelation between multiproduct competition and new product introduction. We present two theoretical models of vertical product differentiation and investigate the incentives for incumbent firms to introduce new products in different quality areas. Firms are allowed to keep or withdraw their original products from the market. In Chapter 6 we will focus on the link between multiproduct competition and innovation with multiproduct firms. Multiproduct firms behave differently in the product market compared to single product firms. Decisions for product innovation or output are taken at a centralized level, so that a multiproduct firm takes the effects on other products into account. We analyze the Dynamic Random Access Memory industry (DRAM chips are semiconductor chips) with respect to multiproduct firms and investigate the Spillover, Economies of Scale, and Learning by Doing effects, as well as firms' behaviour in the product market, and the dynamics over the product life cycle. In Chapter 7 we summarize the results, assess the new research findings in the context of contributions to current research, and provide suggestions for future research. Finally, in Chapter 8 we provide a description of the databases we used in our empirical studies. email: siebert@medea.wz-berlin.de

半導體產業供應鏈網路資源分配模式之研究 / The Model of Resources Allocation in Supply Chain Network for Semiconductor Industry

徐豐祺, Hsu, Feng-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
半導體生產的流程可分成四階段:晶圓生產(fabrication)、測試分類(sorting)、封裝(assembly)與檢驗(testing)。每個階段都有不同的廠商可提供服務。當晶圓生產廠商接獲訂單,其供應鍊管理者會根據產能、需求量、交貨日、技術水準與成本等考慮因素,決定此訂單應由何晶圓廠區生產、由何測試分類廠做分類、由何封裝廠做封裝與最後由何檢驗廠做檢驗。本研究的主要目的為在各種限制條件下,以最小成本為目標,找出完成客戶訂單的最佳廠商組合。可能的限制包括產能限制、交貨日的滿足、各廠區的技術水準及需求量的大小。本問題可視為產品組合、廠商組合與生產排程的綜合問題,過去常用的解決方法為整數與線性規劃的混合應用,但是由於牽涉的因素太多,常常問題的模式中變數與限制式過多導致無法解決。本研究先以資料的收集與模式的建構為主,利用並修改現有的產品結構樹模型使其變成供應鏈網路模式,並加入半導體產業供應鏈相關特性,建立一個以時間軸為機制的混合整數線性模式。並且以時間成本的概念來衡量整個半導體供應鏈的效能。 混合整數線性模式常會面臨許多問題,由於模式的複雜,變數與限制式過多,造成求解的困難。對電腦資源的需求很大,花費的時間也很長。同時對於問題的規模亦造成制限。於是本研究藉著修改Kim (1995) 的 backward list scheduling 演算法概念,建構一個解決問題的啟發式演算法,可快速求得一組近似最佳解之可行解。 由於供應鏈所面對的是隨機環境,因此必須以模擬的方式對上述模型進行檢驗,確認其有效性及適用的範圍。利用系統模擬方法,確定隨機變數與其分配,以建立模擬模型程式。實際進行模擬,以驗證上述供鏈模型之有效性,並瞭解、分析模型之適用性及應用方式。 對於半導體產業供應鏈廠商指派與資源分配之網路管理方面,提供一數量化的思考邏輯。運用數量化的模式表現出不同的半導體產業供應鏈廠商指派與資源分配之網路管理的問題,並提出解決問題的演算機制。

台灣半導體產業的政治經濟分析:國家—產業制度的建立、發展與轉型 / State-Business Institutions for the Development of High-Technology Industry: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan

王文岳, Wang, Wen-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

國際併購策略與整合-以中美矽晶為例 / A Case Study on the International M&A and Integration

黃渝婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今競爭激烈且日益趨向全球化的市場上,企業追求成長的壓力不斷的增加,企業若是無法持續成長,就可能隨時被市場淘汰,而併購是企業追求成長的重要方式之一,企業併購通常被認為可以帶給企業獲利、加速發展、提升市場占有率、實現規模經濟、掌握上下游資源、取得專利技術等諸多好處,但看似美好的背後往往潛藏著許多看不見的危機,嚴重的話更可能帶來併購失敗的災難性後果。而企業合併後馬上面臨許多整合問題,包含人事安排、組織改造、市場整合以及品牌定位等重要項目。跨國的企業併購更需要考量不同的國情文化、法律以及政治問題,併購成功與否的關鍵也更加複雜。 本研究欲探討的是國際併購的動機、併購整合的關鍵成功因素,有鑑於全球半導體產業已趨成熟,競爭也越來越白熱化,特別以半導體產業的國際併購為研究的主題,採用深入訪問,重視研究中的第一手資料,解析個案公司如何從併購初期評估到併購後管理的決策與執行過程,如何以尊重和執行力來重新組織被併公司的制度並保存優良的原有企業文化、增加生產力,讓併購後組織能快速提升運作效率與維持彈性,併購後資源的共享、技術及智財的交流,持續提升研發創新能力、增加員工歸屬感及信賴感都是重要的因素,巧妙融合人性化管理,才是真正戰力升級的關鍵,此個案值得作為國際企業併購決策者對於併購評估與提升經營效率之學習標竿。 / Nowadays, due to the highly competitive and gradually-globalized market, the pressure on enterprises to pursue growth increases continually. If enterprises failed to continue to grow in the market, they would be eliminated through competition. M&A (merger and acquisition), as one of the most important ways to pursue business growth, is generally thought to bring corporate profits, accelerated development, increased market share and achieve economies of scale, master upstream and downstream resources, patented technology and many other benefits. However, there are also many invisible crises that can bring enterprises catastrophic consequences. Once the M&A is decided, the enterprise will immediately face lots of issues, including personnel arrangements, reconstruction of organization, market integration and brand positioning. When it comes to cross-border M&A, the key to the success is much more complex, as the different national cultures, legal and political issues need to be considered by the enterprise at the same time. In this study, the motivation of international M&A, and the critical factors of successful merger integration were explored. In view of the global semiconductor industry has matured and the competition has become increasingly intense, the research topic was focused on the international M&A in the semiconductor industry. By using in-depth interviews as the first-hand research data, the case company’s early acquisition evaluations and post-merger management decisions were resolved in detail. In conclusion, the keys to upgrading a company’s competitiveness are how to reorganize and keep the acquired company's system and original excellent culture through a respectful way, how to quickly improve operational efficiency and increase productivity of the merged corporation without sacrificing organization flexibility, continuing to enhance research and innovation capacity by sharing and exchanging technologies and intellectual property resources, and increasing employees’ sense of belonging and trust via integrating humane management. This case is worth as an important reference to international M&A decision makers for evaluation and enhancing the operational efficiency in the future.

Gestion dynamique des connaissances de maintenance pour des environnements de production de haute technologie à fort mix produit / Dynamic management of maintenance knowledge for high technology production environments with high product mix

Ben Said, Anis 18 May 2016 (has links)
Le progrès constant des technologies électroniques, la courte durée de vie commerciale des produits, et la diversité croissante de la demande client font de l’industrie du semi-conducteur un environnement de production contraint par le changement continu des mix produits et des technologies. Dans un tel environnement, le succès dépend de la capacité à concevoir et à industrialiser de nouveaux produits rapidement tout en gardant un bon niveau de critères de coût, rendement et temps de cycle. Une haute disponibilité des capacités de production est assurée par des politiques de maintenance appropriées en termes de diagnostic, de supervision, de planification et des protocoles opératoires. Au démarrage de cette étude, l’approche AMDEC (analyse des modes de défaillance, leurs effets et de leur criticité) était seule mobilisée pour héberger les connaissances et le savoir-faire des experts. Néanmoins, la nature évolutive du contexte industriel requiert la mise à jour à des fréquences appropriées de ces connaissances pour adapter les procédures opérationnelles aux changements de comportements des équipements et des procédés. Cette thèse entend montrer que la mise à jour des connaissances peut être organisée en mettant en place une méthodologie opérationnelle basée sur les réseaux bayésiens et la méthode AMDEC. Dans cette approche, les connaissances et les savoir-faire existants sont tout d’abord capitalisés en termes des liens de cause à effet à l’aide de la méthode d’AMDEC pour prioriser les actions de maintenance et prévenir leurs conséquences sur l’équipement, le produit et la sécurité des personnels. Ces connaissances et savoir-faire sont ensuite utilisés pour concevoir des procédures opérationnelles standardisées permettant le partage des savoirs et savoir-faire des experts. Les liens causaux stockés dans l’AMDEC sont modélisés dans un réseau bayésien opérationnel (O-BN), afin de permettre l’évaluation d’efficacité des actions de maintenance et, par là même, la pertinence des connaissances existantes capitalisées. Dans un contexte incertain et très variable, l’exécution appropriée des procédures est mesurée à l’aide des indicateurs standards de performance de maintenance (MPM) et la précision des connaissances existantes en évaluant la précision de l’O-BN. Toute dérive de ces critères conduit à l'apprentissage d'un nouveau réseau bayésien non-supervisé (U-BN) pour découvrir de nouvelles relations causales à partir de données historiques. La différence structurelle entre O-BN et U-BN met en évidence de nouvelles connaissances potentielles qui sont validées par les experts afin de modifier l’AMDEC existante ainsi que les procédures de maintenance associées. La méthodologie proposée a été testée dans un des ateliers de production contraint par un haut mix de produits pour démontrer sa capacité à renouveler dynamiquement les connaissances d’experts et d'améliorer l'efficacité des actions de maintenance. Cette expérimentation a conduit à une diminution de 30% des reprises d’opérations de maintenance attestant une meilleure qualité des connaissances modélisées dans les outils fournis par cette thèse. / The constant progress in electronic technology, the short commercial life of products, and the increasing diversity of customer demand are making the semiconductor industry a production environment constrained by the continuous change of product mix and technologies. In such environment, success depends on the ability to develop and industrialize new products in required competitive time while keeping a good level of cost, yield and cycle time criteria. These criteria can be ensured by high and sustainable availability of production capacity which needs appropriate maintenance policies in terms of diagnosis, supervision, planning and operating protocols. At the start of this study, the FMEA approach (analysis of failure modes, effects and criticality) was only mobilized to capitalize the expert’s knowledge for maintenance policies management. However, the evolving nature of the industrial context requires knowledge updating at appropriate frequencies in order to adapt the operational procedures to equipment and processes behavior changes.This thesis aims to show that the knowledge update can be organized by setting up an operational methodology combine both Bayesian networks and FMEA method. In this approach, existing knowledge and know-how skills are initially capitalized in terms of cause to effect links using the FMEA method in order to prioritize maintenance actions and prevent their consequences on the equipment, the product quality and personal safety. This knowledge and expertise are then used to develop unified operating procedures for expert’s knowledge and know-how sharing. The causal links stored in the FMEA are modeled in an operational Bayesian network (BN-O), in order to enable the assessment of maintenance actions effectiveness and, hence, the relevance of existing capitalized knowledge. In an uncertain and highly variable environment, the proper execution of procedures is measured using standards maintenance performance measurement indicators (MPM). Otherwise, the accuracy of existing knowledge can be assessed as a function of the O-BN model accuracy. Any drift of these criteria leads to learning a new unsupervised Bayesian network (U-BN) to discover new causal relations from historical data. The structural difference between O-BN (built using experts judgments) and U-BN (learned from data) highlights potential new knowledge that need to be analyzed and validated by experts to modify the existing FMEA and update associated maintenance procedures.The proposed methodology has been tested in a production workshop constrained by high product mix to demonstrate its ability to dynamically renew expert knowledge and improve the efficiency of maintenance actions. This experiment led to 30% decrease in failure occurrence due to inappropriate maintenance actions. This is certifying a better quality of knowledge modeled in the tools provided by this thesis.

Sestavení a testování zařízení pro výrobu ozonované vody a její aplikace na čištění křemíkových desek / Assemblage and testing of the device for water ozonizing and its application for silicon wafer cleaning

Ředina, Dalibor January 2017 (has links)
Deionised-ozonated water, so-called DIO3 appears to be an ideal alternative for usage in semiconductor industry. The utilisation of DIO3 for removal of photoresist from silicon wafers is faster, cheaper, and more environmental-friendly compared to classical technology based on mixture of sulphuric acid with hydrogen peroxide, so-called SPM. The diploma thesis deals firstly with research into ozone and ozonated water and their possible applications. Next sections describe two prototypes of generators for DIO3, that were assembled in CSVG a.s. Testing of parameters for generators on dissolved-ozone concentration is also a part of this thesis. Moreover, thesis involves tests, that were carrier out in ON Semiconductor in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. These tests compare efficiency of cleaning by classical technology based on SPM and DIO3 approach.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

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