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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Webová služba pro evidenci majetku / Fixed asset tracking web service

Kučera, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to design and develop the web service for fixed asset tracking and stock taking. Both theoretical and practical concepts were examined in order to apply them during significant part of service's life cycle covered in this thesis, from the very first analyses to the first production release. Primary goal of this study was to design the service and get it ready for the basic usage. Secondary goal was to document the process of designing and developing the service. Involved methods, practices and technologies were described. These goals were achieved using analytical methods and executive skills. In addition to development of web service itself, most important contributions of this thesis include supplying an in-depth study of web service design and development structured as a step-by-step tutorial.

Servitization in Electronics Manufacturing Firms : Applying and Evaluating the Integrative Product-Service System (PSS) approach

Kamalakar, Vidya January 2021 (has links)
The digital revolution has led to a drastic transformation of electronics manufacturing industries globally. A growing number of companies are continually investing in digital technologies to remain competitive. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Big data, Robotics, etc. and smart devices have been widely adopted to improve efficiency, connectivity, and productivity of businesses. To cope with increased competition and customer demands, electronics manufacturing companies have broadened their interest in service innovation. However, companies pursuing a servitization strategy often lack an established framework i.e. method and tools to design new services. Besides, research indicates that existing frameworks with the potential to support this development are not contextualized to the electronics manufacturing industry. This design study, therefore, evaluates and proposes how the Integrative PSS approach can be adapted to suit the electronics manufacturing context to support services. The findings suggest that some models used in this approach were found to be unfavorable in the development of services. In such cases, the study contributes by providing suggestions on what models to adapt and how in the integrative PSS approach to support electronic manufacturing companies in their servitization process. The artifact is an exaptation since a known solution is extended to solve a problem in a new context and of the type instantiation.

Civic Food : Designing for Food Citizenship in a Food System Characterized by Mutualistic Resilience

Flynn, Lukas January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explored design’s role in transitioning the Swedish food system to one that is more resilient to the shocks caused by climate change and in the context of the project duration, COVID-19. The project’s central question was: What does food citizenship look like in a resilient food system, and what design process is necessary to facilitate such a solution? The project collaborated with a local food ecosystem startup, Harvest, which has the mission to improve the local food supply chain so everyone can eat deliciously and sustainability. Together with Harvest, the project developed a vision of what the local food ecosystem will look like in a viable world. It proposes that collective action around food is a possible vehicle for systems transition. The resulting design is the proposition of a network that connects urban communities to local food producers while facilitating the support required to expand the production capability and stability of the local food ecosystem. The network is grounded in the design principles synthesized from the research conducted with the creative communities in Sweden that are working towards a resilient food system. The ideas of mutual aid and the permaculture ethics of people care and fair share have been guiding forces as supporting those living in transition is an essential element of food systems transition. From this proposition the project sets to explore what disruptive innovations need to occur in order to reach this vision. By framing the project in this way I aim to not only illuminate what the preferable future looks like and how it will function, but also illustrate how it is possible to reach this future.

Tjänstedesign i den digitala, cirkulära ekonomin : Preliminära designprinciper till en framtida digital plattform för begagnade vitvaror / Service design in the digital, circular economy : Preliminary design principles for a future digital platform for used white goods

Kuch Wesolowski, Robert January 2021 (has links)
I ett försök att minska klimatavtrycken och samtidigt påskynda den digitala industrialiseringen, deklarerade den Europeiska unionen (EU) år 2014 att dess medlemsländer skulle frångå den linjära ekonomin och ersätta den med en cirkulärekonomisk modell. Sedan övergången inträffade, har den nya modellen blivit en så pass stor succé enligt EU själva att transformationen blivit ostoppbar. Dessa framgångar har således bildat ringar på vattnet och idag vill allt fler bolag och entreprenörer finna en väg in i denna moderna ekonomi. Ett av dessa bolag är Tricircular AB, vars vision är att förändra handeln med vitvaror genom att höja vitvarornas värdeskapande livslängd genom effektivare återanvändning. Denna cirkulärekonomiska tjänst är tänkt att företrädesvis ske på en digital plattform där vitvarureparatörer och kunder som efterfrågar vitvaror ska kunna mötas och paras samman utefter behov.På uppdrag av Tricircular AB, har detta arbete tagit fram preliminära designprinciper gällande det framtida designarbete som är tänkt att forma Tricircular AB:s digitala tjänsteplattform. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med potentiella klienter i form av reparatörer och fastighetsägare, har kunskap inhämtats om upplevelser och attityder rörande deras arbetssituation, digitaliseringens påverkan samt arbetsplatsens miljöarbete. Utifrån deras svar har två tematiska analyser gjorts vars underliggande teman har sammanställts och skalats ner till fyra lättförstådda designprinciper formade utefter ett människocentrerat designperspektiv. Resultatet av designprinciperna indikerar att det framtida designarbetet bör arbeta för att forma en tjänst som prioriterar personlig frihet, anpassad effektivisering, tilltro samt transparens. Vidare har designprincipernas allmänna karaktär diskuterats, flexibiliteten i intervjudeltagarnas nuvarande arbetssituation har ifrågasatts och huruvida grönmålning är ett reellt problem som kan lösas genom design. / In an attempt to lower the carbon footprint and simultaneously accelerate the digital industrialization, the European Union (EU) declared in 2014 that its member states would depart from the linear economic model and instead embrace a circular version of economics. Since the transition was initiated, the new model has become such a success according to the EU, that the transformation now must be regarded as unstoppable. The success has caused a ripple effect, making companies and entrepreneurs eager to find their way into this modern economy. One of these companies is Tricircular AB, whose vision is to revamp the white goods commerce by increasing the value-creating lifespan of the appliances through efficient reutilization. This circular economic service will preferably take place on a digital platform on which white goods repairers and customers who requests white goods may gather and be paired up depending on demand.This thesis has on the behalf of Tricircular AB developed the preliminary design principles regarding the future design work which intends to shape Tricircular AB’s digital service platform. By interviewing potential clients in the form of repairers and property managers in a semi-structured interview format, knowledge has been accumulated regarding experiences and attitudes concerning the interviewees work situation, the impact of digitalization and the pro-environmental behaviors at their workplace. Based on the interviewee’s answers, two thematic analyses were performed. The identified sub-themes of the analyses were then compiled and analyzed before four design could be extracted out of the compilation.The resulting design principles indicate that the future design work of the service platform should focus on shaping a service that prioritizes personal freedom, adapted efficiency, trust and transparency. In addition to this the design principles and their trivial nature has been questioned, as well as the flexibility in the interviewees current work situation. Criticism has also been raised regarding the act of green washing and whether it is a real problem which could be solved through design or not.

Redesigning Waiting Areas in Healthcare Facilities: Using Service Design to Enhance the Patient and Visitor Experience

Ahmad, Maria 03 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Asking for a friend : Youths experience with youth health centres in Sweden

Björkqvist, Maja January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the stigmas and taboos surrounding youth health centers in Sweden and how this might be hindering young people to visit the youth health centers. It’s exploring how this can be challenged and how the threshold can be lowered by involving the informal support system and bringing the youth health center to the youth arena which allows for a more informal type of support and guidance. The youth health centers in Sweden have been around since 1970 and are a well known and established form of healthcare, yet the majority of the visitors are young women. How come? I’ve been working from the hypothesis that there is a need for more youth to seek help but that they for various reasons don’t manage to make it all the way there. There are many stigmas surrounding topics that the youth health center is dealing with, such as sex, depression, or domestic violence. This is especially true for young people on the edge between childhood and adulthood. Using a human-centered design approach this project has through the involvement of adolescents, midwives and youth workers among others, been exploring challenges and finding opportunities where interaction design can be used to improve the situation for the youth that do not make it to the youth health centers but that want and would benefit from their services. The final design proposal is an ambassadorship, aimed towards adults already part of the informal support system, that will enable youth to feel more empowered to seek help. It is set up to reach the youth in new ways, in an informal manner to bring the solution to the youth and to create a more comfortable space for them to open up within. Part of this is also a service for youth to effortlessly get in contact with the youth health center and to create personal connections to its personnel through link cards and video presentations. These connections are there to prepare the youth and to lower the bar of contact by building trust and humanize the help-seeking process. To make it clear that they are not trying to contact an institution but a person.

Postcards from sustainable cities of the future

Borin, Ambra, Facoetti, Valentina, Galluzzo, Laura 30 June 2022 (has links)
While we are experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic in the world, we ask ourselves about many aspects of our lives and above all we ask ourselves if some behaviors and habits will remain the same as in the past or will undergo transformations. In this panorama we try to imagine future scenarios for our cities, for a different use of public spaces, more inclusive, which responds to the needs and desires of different urban populations: children, elderly, animals, non-human agents, etc.

Utmaningar och möjligheter med en användarcentrerad utveckling av e-tjänster hos en myndighet

Rytiniemi, Agnes, Tervonen, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Denna fallstudie hade som syfte att undersöka utvecklingen av e-tjänster i en myndighet, med fokus på hur de kan anta ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt. Data har samlats in från myndighetsanställda som är involverade i utvecklingen av e-tjänster, genom en förstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data har sedan analyserats genom tematisk analys. Studien avslöjade att myndigheten står inför flera utmaningar när det gäller att implementera ett användarcentrerad praxis, på grund av begränsad kunskap om varför ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt är viktigt, varierande förutsättningar för att involvera interna och externa användare samt ett inåtvänt myndighetsperspektiv. Resultaten lyfter fram behovet av ett bättre stöd till de anställda inom myndigheten och fler utbildningar i tjänstedesign och användarcentrerad utveckling samt metoder för användarinvolvering. Genom att förbättra den interna kapaciteten och främja en användarcentrerad kultur kan myndigheten bättre anpassa sin e-tjänsteutveckling till användarnas behov och förväntningar.

Service Design to Examine the Ecosystem of Safety Alarms for Elderly in Malmö City / Användarcentrerad tjänsteutveckling för trygghetskedjans ekosystem i Malmö Stad

Haldosén, Markus, SANDGREN, Max January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är ett projekt inom metodiken tjänstedesign som utforskar ekosystemet av aktörer i kedjan av trygghetslarm för äldre i Malmö Kommun. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utforma förslag till tjänstekoncept som uppfyller de behov som användaren av trygghetslarmet upplever. Detta med hänsyn till alla involverade aktörer inom ekosystemet i kedjan av trygghetslarm för äldre. Dessa skulle utformas genom att identifiera de främsta problemområdena, samt relaterade primära behov, som uppstår i relationerna mellan de olika involverade aktörerna i den nuvarande tjänsten. Denna kvalitativa forskningsmetod har främst använts för att, utifrån insikter insamlade genom kundinteraktioner, designa om och utveckla en användarcentrerad tjänst. Parallellt har den tillika använts för att skapa en hållbar och konkurrenskraftig tjänst gentemot tjänsteleverantören. Denna metod utgår från en iterativ process där varje iteration består av fyra steg: kundinteraktioner, kundinsikter, idégenerering och triggermaterial. De kundinteraktioner som genomfördes genererade insikter som analyserades och användes för att generera konceptidéer som iterativt utvecklades under fyra iterationer till två slutkoncept.  Utifrån de identifierade problemområdena, med relaterade primära behov, identifierades två behovsgrupper; Ensamanvändare och Primäranvändare. Med hänsyn till de primära behoven för behovsgruppen Ensamanvändare utformades ett tjänstekoncept som benämndes Äldreguiden. För behovsgruppen Primäranvändare utformades riktlinjer för utveckling av det befintliga systemet som benämndes Design guidelines för Information. Slutsatsen av examensarbetet är att det framtagna förslaget för tjänstekoncept samt de utformade riktlinjerna ses ha potential att tillmötesgå de analyserade primära behov som de två identifierade behovsgrupperna upplevde. / This Master’s degree project is a project in the methodology of Service Design that explores the ecosystem of actors within the chain of security alarms for the elderly in Malmö Municipality. The purpose of this degree project was to draft proposals for service concepts that meet the needs of the security alarm user. This takes into account all involved actors in the ecosystem in the chain of security alarms for the elderly. These proposals would be designed by identifying the main problem areas, as well as related primary needs arising in the relationships between the various involved actors in the current service. This qualitative research method has been used primarily to design and develop a user-centered service based on insights collected through customer interactions. In parallel, it has also been used to create a sustainable and competitive service towards the service provider. This method is based on an iterative process where each iteration consists of four steps: customer interactions, customer insights, idea generation and triggers. The customer interactions conducted generated insights that were analyzed and used to generate concept ideas that were developed iteratively during four iterations into two final concepts. Based on the identified problem areas, with related primary needs, two needs groups were identified; Ensamanvändaren and Primäranvändaren. Considering the primary needs of the need group Ensamanvändaren, a service concept was developed, called Äldreguiden. For the Primäranvändaren need group, guidelines were developed for the development of the existing system, called Design guidelines för Information. The conclusion of the thesis is that the draft proposal for service concepts as well as the guidelines developed are seen as having the potential to meet the primary needs identified for the two analyzed needs groups.

Designing for AI : A collaborative framework to bridge the gap between designers and data scientists, and enabling designers to create human-centered AI products and services / Design för AI : Ett kollaborativt ramverk för att underlätta samarbetet mellan designers och dataingenjörer, samt för att möjliggöra designers skapande av människocentrerade produkter och tjänster med hjälp av AI

Mohapatra, Avantika January 2020 (has links)
Emerging advances in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have had a tremendous impact on various fields around us and society as a whole. As technologies continue to evolve, so will the role of designers when it comes to using AI. It has the potential to be the next tool designers use to create human-centered products and services. To truly understand AI and harness its capabilities, it is crucial to demystify the term and its inner workings. This thesis is explorative research to shed light on collaborative intelligence and how designers can harness the capabilities of AI. It further explores how to integrate the principles of design and AI to create AI-driven products and services. In addition to background research conducted on both design and AI, the importance of both these fields’ intersection was also researched upon. The project followed the Double Diamond design process principles, consisting of four phases: discover, define, develop, and deliver. This process was then used again to design a framework that bridges the gap between AI & design principles. This research aimed to explore how designers could use AI to develop new products and services. The project resulted in a framework that guides designers on how to get acclimated to AI and uses a specific set of principles to design for AI. It contains concepts necessary to understand the different aspects of AI and aims to build a common language amongst all AI practitioners. The framework also serves as a basic outline of a workshop that provides various design methods that AI practitioners can use to ideate AI-driven solutions. / Framsteg inom Artificiell Intelligens (AI) har redan haft enorma effekter på diverse ämnesområden med direkt eller indirekt påverkan på oss människor. I och med att teknologin som utnyttjar AI kommer att utvecklas, kommer även rollen för designers att förändras. AI innehar potentialen att bli nästa verktyg som kan brukas för att skapa människocentrerade produkter och tjänster. För att förstå och nyttja AI och dess förmåga är det kritiskt att avmystifiera termen och dess potential. Detta explorativa arbete syftar till att nysta upp kollaborativ intelligens samt att undersöka hur det kan användas av designers för att nyttja AIs fulla potential. Därtill utforskar arbetet hur AI och designprinciper kan integreras för att skapa AI-baserade produkter och tjänster. Utöver forskningen inom design och AI undersöks även fältens skärningspunkter. Följande arbete använder sig av Double Diamond designprocessen och dess principer: discover, define, develop, and deliver. Denna process kommer att användas för att konstruera ett ramverk som binder samman AI och designprinciper. Arbetet syftar till att utforska hur designers kan använda AI för att skapa nya produkter och tjänster. Resultatet är ett ramverk som kan vägleda designers att acklimatisera sig med AI och dess specifika principer för att kunna applicera AI i sitt arbete. Ramverket innefattar nödvändiga koncept för att förstå olika aspekter av AI och strävar efter att bygga ett gemensamt språk för alla utövare av AI. Ramverket ger dessutom riktlinjer för att strukturera workshops som förser alla möjliga AI användare med designmetoder för att skapa AI baserade lösningar.

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