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Voice assistants and railway passengers : A user-centered exploration of value creation opportunities in a railway service contextBackhans, Gustav, Driving, Douglas January 2020 (has links)
There is a current rising trend of using voice assistants (VAs) to perform tasks in new ways, and various companies are considering introducing them as part of their service propositions. One such company is the railway service provider SJ AB that is interested in understanding how a VA may benefit their passengers. To better understand the utility of a VA in the railway service context, this thesis aims to explore the value creation opportunities that the introduction of such a technology presents. This exploration is done through identifying the potential functionality of such a VA, what value that functionality can create for passengers, and what barriers exist for creating that value. This identification is done through a user-centred research process, during which design probes and experience prototyping were carried out with railway passengers and analysed through qualitative content analysis. The results show that a VA presents fast, convenient, and intuitive access to a wide set of functions but is hindered by its invisible affordances and the user’s preconceptions. It shares several functions with existing channels, presented in a new way, that span the entire course of the train journey. The functionality and the identified functions primarily create utilitarian values, which connects to the passenger’s pragmatic view of the service. Furthermore, the passengers perceived the VA as an agent able to take over responsibilities and tasks from the passenger, resulting in a peace of mind but also a diminished sense of control. Finally, the railway service context affected what functionality is suitable, what values can be created and what barriers need to be considered. Some of the value creation possibilities and barriers are also contemporary and might change with shifting social norms and further technological development.
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Märkbara renar : En digitaliserad och effektiv renmärkningEliasson, Lisa, Silawiang, Hatharat January 2021 (has links)
Idag utförs renmärkningen för att hålla koll på vilka renar som hör till vilken renägare. För att identifiera och särskilja renarna, räknas dem manuellt, alltså genom att personer går in i inhägnaden och prickar av renarna i en bok. Processen för att märka kalvarna kan ta upp mot två dagar beroende på om alla renarna har kommit in i inhägnaden, processen blir då lång och utdragen. Detta kommer vara utgångspunkterna i projektet, att identifiera renarna på ett mer effektivt och hållbart sätt. Detta är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjör Teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, som ska utveckla ett hållbart koncept genom att underlätta för renskötarna och effektivisera identifiering och dokumentering av renar. Genom att förena traditionell renmärkning med modern teknik tas ett hållbart koncept fram, som även minskar påfrestningen på renarna. Att kunna koppla ihop rätt kalv med rätt vaja och samla informationen på ett gemensamt ställe som är enkelt att hantera är ett krav på lösningen. Arbetet har följt IDEO:s trefasprocess för användarcentrerad design. Under faserna inspiration, ideation och implementation har olika metoder använts för att nå slutresultatet. Dessa metoder är exempelvis semistrukturerad intervju, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes och simulering. Dessa metoder utgör en bra grund till arbetet och slutresultatet. Genom att ha återkommande kontakt med användaren har projektet genererat en lösning som är baserad på användarens behov. Resultatet blev en ny digitaliserad arbetsprocess innehållande RFID-chip som möjliggör automatisk hopparning och digital dokumentering. Denna arbetsprocess förenar den traditionella renmärkningen men effektiviserar de aktiviteter som idag tröttar ut renskötarna och renarna. Genom att ha bättre koll på renarna och deras avelsträd, gör att rätt ren i slutändan blir slaktad. Alltså renarna som är äldst eller har sämst förutsättningar. Det kan också bidra till att ekonomin blir stabilare då samma mängder renar slaktas varje år. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv gynnar detta ekonomisk hållbarhet. Social hållbarhet gynnas genom att skapa transparens inom samebyn och möjliggör att fler kan vara delaktiga under processen. Genom att hopparningen sker automatisk behöver inte renen stressas upp av människor som går omkring i hagen. Eftersom renens välbefinnande är en del i naturens ekologi bidrar det till ekologisk hållbarhet. / Today, reindeer marking is performed to keep track of which reindeer belong to which reindeer owner. To identify and distinguish the reindeer, they are counted manually, i.e., by people entering the enclosure and dotting the reindeer in a book. The process for marking the calves can take up to two days depending on whether all the reindeer have entered the enclosure, the process then becomes long and drawn out. This will be the starting points in the project, to identify the reindeer in a more efficient and sustainable way. This work is for a bachelor’s thesis in industrial design engineering at Luleå University of Technology, which will develop a sustainable concept by making it easier for reindeer herders and make the identification and documentation of reindeer more effective. By combining traditional reindeer marking with modern technology, a sustainable solution is developed that also reduces the strain on the reindeer. Being able to connect the right calf with the right sway and gather the information in a common place that is easy to handle is a requirement for the solution. The work has been followed by IDEO's three-phase process for user-centered design. During the phases inspiration, ideation and implementation, different methods have been used to achieve the end result. These methods are, for example, semi-structured interview, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes and simulation. These methods form a good basis for the work and the end result. By having regular contact with the user, the project has generated a solution that is based on the user's needs. The result was a new digitized work process containing RFID chips that enables automatic pairing and digital documentation. This work process unites the traditional reindeer marking but make the activities that today tire out the reindeer herders and reindeer more effective. By having a better look at the reindeer and their breeding trees, the right reindeer will eventually be slaughtered. That is, the reindeer that are the oldest or have the worst conditions. It can also contribute to a more stable economy as the same quantities of reindeer are slaughtered every year. From a sustainability perspective, this benefits economic sustainability. Social sustainability is benefited by creating transparency within the Sami village and enabling more people to be involved during the process. Because the connection takes place automatically, the reindeer do not have to be stressed by people walking around in the enclosure. Since the reindeer's well-being is part of nature's ecology, it contributes to ecological sustainability.
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Evaluating the Efficacy of Engagement Journalism in Local News: An Ethnographic Study of the Dallas Morning NewsWise, Hannah Marie 05 1900 (has links)
The Dallas Morning News is a leader in using engagement journalism to increase and retain digital subscribers. This ethnography examined the efficacy of the engagement journalism work by the News in rebuilding trust and forming relationships with its audience. This research is exceptionally timely as more newsrooms are erecting paywalls to their content and asking their audiences to offer monetary support in exchange for greater access and engagement by journalists. This work is examined through two mass communications theories: functionalism, which says a society can be viewed like an ecosystem as a "system in balance" consisting of complex sets of interrelated activities, each of which supports the others in maintaining the system as a whole; and the dual responsibility model, which says that companies should operate in the best interests of all in the community who depend on them, not only those who benefit financially. Additionally, the work is considered from a human-interaction design standpoint to evaluate whether the News has created affordances that enable the journalists and the readers to communicate, and whether the journalists are effectively practicing service design when publishing news and information for the audience.
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Popularizing implants : Exploring conditions for eliciting user adoption of digital implants through developers, enthusiasts and usersEricsson Duffy, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Digital implants have become a new frontier for body hackers, technology enthusiasts and disruptive innovation developers, who seek to service this technology for themselves and to new users. This thesis has explored conditions for future user adoption of human body augmentation with digital implants. The conditions explored were mainly self-beneficial health optimization through technology, self-quantification or convenience scenarios. Applying Diffusion Of Innovation theory, Value-based Acceptance Model and research through design methods were used. The process consisted of quantitative and qualitative data gathering and analysis, using interviews, surveys and iterative prototyping with evaluation. The results show mixed user attitude towards implant usage, mainly depending on users' need for added benefits, whether the user is a technology enthusiast actively using technology for self-beneficial gain or a casual everyday consumer of technology. Certain conditions could affect adoption of implants into mainstream usage, mainly data privacy, regulation, convenience, self-quantification or health management. In order for implants to succeed as a mainstream technology, there needs to be proper secure infrastructure, easy installation and coordinated services that offer individual benefits of health or convenience, with a high consumer confidence in supported services, installation / removal and devices. Several companies are working on offering such a service, in order to evaluate such a proposition, iterative prototypes were created to evaluate a health management scenario as a streamlined consumer service, using a service design blueprint and a related interactive smartphone application prototype.
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[pt] O presente trabalho relaciona três eixos temáticos, sob a ótica do Design Social: (1) relações intergeracionais; (2) atividades complementares em instituições de ensino superior; e (3) promoção da longevidade com qualidade. Nele, se considera o crescente e acelerado fenômeno do envelhecimento e o fato de que os universitários dos dias de hoje vão atuar profissionalmente para uma população predominantemente idosa. Seu objetivo é contribuir com métodos e estudos que possibilitem a criação de projetos, que possam atender às necessidades e anseios dos maiores de 60 anos, através de atividades complementares intergeracionais nas universidades, tendo em vista a obrigatoriedade dessas atividades complementares nos cursos de graduação –prevista na legislação brasileira (Parecer número 67 do CNE/CES) –bem como a aceitação e valorização do público sênior frente ao ambiente universitário. Para tanto, o percurso metodológico foi orientado pela etapa de exploração do design de serviços, considerando os processos de revisão bibliográfica relacionada aos eixos temáticos, assim como a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários elaborados para identificação dos pontos de interseção entre idosos e jovens universitários. Com os resultados obtidos foram criadas personas, e idealizadas possíveis atividades complementares nos cursos de Design, Psicologia e Comunicação. A pesquisa indicou a pertinência dessas ações, na medida em que aproximam os estudantes de uma questão social latente e de grande valia para seu futuro profissional, auxiliando, ainda, a integração social em prol da troca de conhecimentos e da quebra de preconceitos, resultando, por fim, em novos estudos, possibilidades e caminhos capazes de trazer soluções para algumas das demandas do público sênior. / [en] The present work lists three thematic axes, from the perspective of social design: (1) intergenerational relationships; (2) complementary activities in higher education institutions; and (3) promoting longevity with quality. It considers the growing and accelerated aging phenomenon and the fact that today s university students will work professionally for a predominantly elderly population. Its objective is to contribute with solutions to meet the needs and desires of those over 60 years of age through complementary intergenerational activities at universities, in view of the mandatory nature of these activities in undergraduate courses, provided for in Brazilian legislation (Parecer number 67 of the CNE / CES) and the acceptance and appreciation of the senior public in the university environment. To achieve it, the methodological path was guided by the service design exploration stage and considers as methods the bibliographic review related to the thematic axes, as well as the application of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires designed to identify the points of intersection between elderly and young university students. With the results obtained, complementary activities were devised in the courses of Design, Psychology and Communication. The research proved the relevance of these actions to the extent that it brings students closer to a latent social issue that is of great value to their professional future, also helping social integration in favor of the exchange of knowledge and the breaking of prejudices, resulting, finally, in the increase of self-esteem of those over 60 years.
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[pt] O envelhecimento vem provocando mudanças significativas na vida das pessoas. De acordo com as Nações Unidas, o número de indivíduos com mais de 80 anos, no mundo, deve triplicar até 2050. Devem triplicar, também, os casos de demência. A longevidade é uma conquista, mas traz consigo o risco de que um
maior número pessoas se mostrem incapazes de se cuidar sozinhas. No Brasil, a Constituição estabelece que o amparo ao idoso deve ser executado, preferencialmente, em seus lares. Todavia, cuidar de um idoso com limitações funcionais é complexo e as famílias nem sempre tem condições de fazê-lo. As Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPIs) podem oferecer o apoio que as famílias necessitam no cuidado de seus idosos. Contudo, enfrentam preconceito social e não estão consolidadas como um serviço capaz de ajudar a sociedade a lidar com os desafios do envelhecimento. Esta dissertação fundamenta-se na abordagem do design para a inovação social, de Ezio Manzini, segundo a qual designers devem criar as condições favoráveis para que pessoas sem conhecimento formal em design desenvolvam, de forma colaborativa, soluções adequadas às suas necessidades. A pesquisa teve como objetivo explorar o campo de possibilidades das ILPIs. Para tanto, ferramentas do design de serviços foram utilizadas para conhecer as ILPIs; identificar as principais demandas da família no cuidado do idoso e os principais desafios dos gestores de ILPIs na gestão do serviço. O estudo mostrou a pertinência e a urgência da contribuição do designer especializado no fortalecimento do serviço das ILPIs, via aplicação de métodos e ferramentas colaborativas junto aos diversos stakeholders deste serviço. / [en] Aging has been causing significant changes in people s lives. According to the United Nations, the number of individuals over 80 in the world is expected to triple by 2050. Dementia cases are also expected to triple. Longevity is an achievement, but it brings along a greater number of people in risk of becoming unable to take care of themselves. In Brazil, the Constitution establishes that support for the elderly must be carried out in their homes preferably. However, caring for an elderly person with functional limitations is complex and families are not always able to do so. Long-term care Institutions (LTCIs) can offer the support
that families need to care for their elderly. However, they face social prejudice and are not consolidated as a service capable of helping society to deal with the challenges of aging. This dissertation is based on Ezio Manzini s approach to design for social innovation, according to which designers must create favorable
conditions for people without formal design knowledge to develop, in a collaborative way, solutions appropriate to their needs. The research aimed to explore the field of possibilities of LTCIs. Therefore, tools of service design were used to get to know the LTCIs; to identify the main demands of the family in the care of the elderly and the main challenges of the LTCIs managers in service management. The study showed the relevance and the urgency of the contribution of the designer specialized in strengthening the service of ILPIs, through the application of collaborative methods and tools with the various stakeholders of this service.
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People, Places and Social Innovation - An Analysis of the Impacts by Applied Design ResearchesDe Rosa, Annalinda, Fassi, Davide 30 June 2022 (has links)
The open debate launched through the ‘Design Research Agenda for Sustainability’ within the paradigmatic ‘Changing the Change’ conference held in Turin in 2008, defined design for sustainability as “Everything design can do to facilitate the social learning process towards a sustainable society. That is, to sustain promising social and technological innovations and to re-orient existing drivers of change towards sustainability” (Cipolla & Peruccio, 2008: 42).
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Framtidens trygghetslarm : Ett självständighetsfrämjande produkt-tjänstesystem / The future medical alert system : An independence promoting product service systemBäcknäs, Annie, Laudon, Siri January 2018 (has links)
Genom en användarcentrerad produktutvecklingsprocess har ett framtidskoncept förtrygghetslarm utvecklats. Det framtagna trygghetslarmet ämnar stärka användarenssjälvständighet genom ett preventivt, istället för enbart reaktivt arbete.Det preventiva arbetet inleds genom att larmet introduceras i ett tidigare skede för att med hjälpav sensorer och Artificiell Intelligens förebygga åldersrelaterade sjukdomar. Genom tidigimplementering finns larmet också till hands redan innan olyckan inträffat.Syftet med projektet var att med ett tjänstedesign-perspektiv undersöka vad som skapar trygghetför användaren samt hur det stödjs i en produkt och tjänst. Under arbetet trädde en komplexbehovsbild fram som skiftade, inte bara mellan användare, utan även för den enskildeanvändaren över tid. Därför skapades ett modulbaserat produkt-tjänstesystem som innefattar treproduktvarianter som tillsammans tillgodoser de allra flesta användarnas behov.Ett tjänstebaserat trygghetslarm med möjlighet till uppgraderingar, byten och reparationerinnebär i längden en högre konkurrenskraft och en mer hållbar modell där användarens ochvårdbolagens behov bättre tillgodoses. En tjänst som bygger på en applikationsbaseradplattform kan anpassas för användaren och tillgängliggöra relevant information för att minskadet utanförskap som många användare upplever.Genom en iterativ process av interaktioner, insikter och konceptgenerering bidrogtjänstedesignperspektivet med en behovsbaserad analys. Produkt-tjänstesystemets utformningär baserat på insikter som erhölls under kontextuella intervjuer. Intervjuerna involverade olikaaktörer såsom vårdgivare, teknikbolag och forskare men främst dagens och den kommandegenerationens användare. Syftet var att skapa ett brett underlag som bidrar till en holistisk bildav användarens behov.Vid interaktioner framkom att larmet måste vara mobilt och kunna ange position. Mobilitetbidrar till ett tryggt aktivt liv utanför hemmet. Att hålla sig fysiskt och socialt aktiv menar WorldHealth Organisation, WHO, är grunden för ett självständigt och hälsosamt åldrande som är enförutsättning för att kunna möta utmaningarna med en åldrande befolkning.För att attrahera användare måste associationerna kring trygghetslarmet förskjutas frånhjälplöshet till självständighet, aktivitet och välbefinnande. Genom att tidigt introducera larmetsom ett hälsofrämjande verktyg kan det arbeta preventivt. Med hjälp av AI, rörelse- ochpulssensor kan exempelvis förmaksflimmer upptäckas och behandlas innan det leder till stroke.I kombination med inbyggd fallsensor kan larm skickas automatiskt vid behov. Integreradtelefoni skapar trygghet genom förbättrad kommunikation.Kombinationen av modulär produktutveckling, produkt-tjänstesystem och cirkulär ekonomierbjuder ett mer hållbart produktsystem som leder till starkare konkurrenskraft, bättreindividanpassning och längre hållbarhet. Det vore önskvärt om aktörer inom trygghetslarmuppdaterade sina affärsmodeller för att erbjuda nya ägarmodeller. Vårdbolag skulle ges störremöjlighet att erbjuda den senaste tekniken och skulle inte dras med föråldrad teknik på grundav tidigare gjorda investeringar, vilket skulle innebära en säkrare och tryggare vård. / Through a user-centered product development process, a future concept for medical alertsystems has been developed. The developed medical alert system aims to strengthen the user'sindependence through preventive, rather than reactive work.The preventive work is initiated by the early implementation of the alarm to prevent agerelateddiseases using sensors and Artificial Intelligence. By early implementation, the alarmis also available even before the accident occur.The purpose of the project was to investigate what creates safety for the user and how it issupported in a product and service with a service design perspective. During the work, acomplex image of the users needs emerged that changed, not only between users, but also forthe individual user over time. Therefore, a modular product service system was created thatincludes three product variants that together meet the needs of most users.A service-based medical alert system with the possibility of upgrades, replacements and repairsmeans long-term competitiveness and a more sustainable model that better meet the needs ofthe user and healthcare companies. A service based on an application-based platform can becustomized to the user and make relevant information available to reduce the exclusion thatmany users experience.Through an iterative process of interactions, insights and concept generation, the service designperspective contributed with a needs-based analysis. The design of the product service systemis based on insights obtained during contextual interviews. The interviews involved differentactors such as healthcare providers, technology companies and researchers, but mainly oftoday's and next-generation users. The purpose was to create a broad basis that contributes to aholistic view of the user´s need.Through interactions it was found that the alarm must be mobile and be able to share its position.Mobility contributes to a safe active life outside the home. Keeping physically and sociallyactive is according to the World Health Organization, WHO, the foundation for independentand healthy aging and is a prerequisite for meeting the challenges of an aging population.To attract users, the association to the medical alert system must be shifted from helplessnessto independence, activity and well-being. By introducing the alarm early as a health-promotingtool, it can work preventively. For example, by means of AI, motion and pulse sensors, atrialfibrillation can be detected and treated before it leads to stroke. In combination with the builtinfall sensor, alarms can be sent automatically when needed. Integrated telephony createssecurity through much improved communication.The combination of modular product development, product service systems and circulareconomy offers a more sustainable product system, that leads to greater competitiveness, betterindividualization and longer durability. It would be desirable for actors within medical alertsystems to update their business models to offer new ownership models. The healthcarecompanies would have a greater opportunity to offer the latest technology and would not bebound to outdated technology due to previously made investments, which would mean a saferand more secure elderly care.
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DRAWN TO LIFE: Exploring real-time manipulation of the digitally represented surface in comics on smartphones and tabletsEricsson Duffy, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
This research thesis is an exploration into what possibilities lie beyond the representation of analog material when it transcends into the digital realm. Specifically, how printed comics can be altered in realtime by creator- allowed user interaction, when adapted for presentation within the digital sphere of mobile smartphones and computer tablets. Using legacy computer-game techniques like parallax scrolling with modern digital layer filters, device sensors and applying them in realtime to the comic creators digitally layered content, alternative forms of presentation arise.This is an investigation into the comic creator’s will of allowing possibilities of added depth perception, interactivity and alternative visual narratives in their comic, manga or graphic novels when employing new techniques based on sensor data input from a reader, like accelerometer-, gyroscope- or eye-tracking sensors. Several different techniques are evaluated. The focus is mainly on the context of creators of comics or manga who use digital tools and layer compositions when producing their work. Several aspects of the user-centered experience are also explored.Although mainly an interaction design project, most of the design methods are used from a service design approach, emphasizing co-design techniques like interviews, observations and user tests. The results are digital prototypes and proof-of-concepts featuring technology tests that support final design conclusions.The results will show both enthusiasm and reluctance from test subjects towards the new technologies presented. The professional craft of comic, manga and graphic novel creation has a deeply rooted aesthetic and production cycle in its history of the printed form. It could be difficult to alter its standard, reverence and nostalgia in the eyes of its readers and creators, when pursuing the digital format and narrative possibilities of the future. A video explaining the project’s “Drawn To Life” technology is available online.
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Collapsible Home : Celebrate life again / Hopfällbara HemKalantari, Meisam January 2016 (has links)
There has been significant increase in the occurrence of earthquakes and other disasters around the world recently. With record-breaking storms and natural disasters destroying different parts of the world, many people have to deal with the repercussions of the aftermaths; and homelessness is one of the facts of such incidence. This master thesis is aimed at creating living solution for the victims of earthquakes and other kind of disasters; natural or human-made (war), providing accommodation for homeless people after an earthquake or a housing alternative for refugees. The design of the collapsible home is basically a new concept of emergency hut for accommodating people in emergency after the event of disaster with easy assembling and quick installation feature. Considering the situation of homeless people after catastrophic disasters who need to be accommodated, the design and creation of a quick, accommodating and low-cost emergency hut is advantageous. This project also provides a living service for both refugees and homeless people. It is low cost, modular, and easy to use. More than that it is feasible and it makes it possible to accommodate people for a longer period of time, rather than a very short temporary housing solution such as tents. / Det har skett en signifikant ökning av jordbävningar och andra katastrofer i världen. Med rekordstora stormar och naturkatastrofer som förstör i delar av världen måste många människor nu hantera efterverkningar och återuppbyggande, och hemlöshet är en av de faktorer som uppstår och som påverkar människor mest. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att skapa en boendelösning för offer för jordbävning och andra naturkatastrofer och krig. Det hopfällbara hemmets design är ett koncept för krisboende med enkelt montage och installering. Om man betänker den situation som människor hamnar i som blir hemlösa vid en katastrof, kan en design av en snabb och billig boendelösning som krisboende ge enormt mycket. Projektet kan också vara en boendeservice till flyktingar och människor som är hemlösa av andra anledningar än katastrofer. Det tillverkas för en låg kostnad och är möjlig att använda som modul och enkel att sätta upp. Men viktigare än det är att den ger möjlighet att härbergera människor under en längre tid till skillnad från mer temporära lösningar som exempelvis tält. Det hopfällbara hemmet är gjort av hållbart material, den använder grön energi och lyser upp staden. Den är utrustad med vertikala trädgårdar för att användarna ska kunna odla egna grönsaker och den återvinner vatten från regn. Den innehåller basala hopfällbara möbler och rumsavdelare som ger känsla av hemtrevnad och bekvämlighet.
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