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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating Value in Multi-Actor Environments : Understanding the value propositions of digital service ecosystems

Sarafin, Gregory A January 2020 (has links)
This paper explores the value propositions that exist within ecosystems comprised of organizational and individual actors. The concept of value in general and how value is cocreated in multi-actor networks is explored by using service-dominant logic. The ecosystem is further framed by the intrinsic traits of digital technology as portrayed in The Layered Architecture of Digital Technology. Together, both of these framing conventions create what the paper refers to as a digital service ecosystem. In order to understand the important characteristics of a digital service ecosystem this paper analyzes a case study involving several actors participating in an ecosystem project in northern Sweden. This paper identifies six overarching themes that serve as the basis for three value propositions. A model is introduced as a way to simplify the understanding of each value proposition and how they interact with one another.

Ecosystem Goal Alignment and Institutional Change : Increasing Resilience and Competitiveness in Värmland

Kjellberg, Eric, Oldenmark, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Economy professor Kjell Nordström argued at the Nordic Business forum Sweden, that regions such as Värmland would turn into wastelands in the aftermath of digitalization and urbanization. Digitalization has rapidly changed service provision effecting the provider-user interaction and service options available. To stay competitive, a sustainability report on the region recommends local actors to find common goals to enhance the value-proposition providing advantages not offered by larger elsewhere controlled or e-commerce actors. Previous studies regarding value co-creation conclude that due to macro level influences such as digitalization, a systemic approach is vital. Hence, this thesis uses a service ecosystem, approach addressing the problem and research inquiries regarding relationship market influence in and among various levels and relationship construction for mutual member goals capturing value. The aim of this thesis is to explore how actors can increase their resilience towards macro level influences. The empirical data was gathered through conducting a qualitative exploratory case study using non-probability sampling to map the service ecosystem around a resilient actor. The data collection comprised of field observation, a brief document analysis and seven semi-structured interviews. Five interviews with different actors supported by two interviews with key customers. The data was processed and thematically analyzed through coding and grouping. Findings was then compared to the theoretical framework and discussed in relation to the background and problem. The study concluded that actors were unable of making an impact individually and essentially need goal alignment for institutional change. However, depending on actor size, type, level of digitalization, and market aim, the importance varies. Actors primarily targeting a regional market were considered dependent on goal alignment and institutional change for resilience. By accomplishing collective goals ecosystem members indirectly achieve individual goals increasing competitiveness, enhancing the business climate. Through institutional change members counteract and restructure the ecosystem adjusting to macro level changes affecting the meso and micro interaction creating resilience.

Företagsledarens roll vid riskhantering i en tjänstefierad organisation. / The company manager’s risk management role in a service-based organization.

Eskilstorp, Johanna, Widman, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Background and problem More and more companies are now developing from only delivering a single product to now also deliver services. These transformations into servitization bring both risks and benefits to companies making the transition. The benefits of servitization is a well-defined area in the academic literature. A few identified authors describe a gap in the literature around risk management of servitization, with special emphasis on how the role of leaders is important for servitization risk management. The study is based on the problematization of how leaders handle and act when incurring the risk that may arise in the implementation of service logic. Aim The purpose of this study is to investigate how business leaders within finance, strategy, and organizational development manage the risks associated with servitization in manufacturing companies. Method and Theory The theoretical framework is based on the current academic literature on risk management and leadership. The theory is based on two essential areas, risk management strategies and leadership styles. Where it provides a basic understanding of the subject and focuses on six main strategies and three essential leadership styles to manage the risks that may arise with servitization. Our conclusions have been reached by performing a qualitative study. The data collection was conducted through nine semi-structured interviews from seven different manufacturing companies. The data has been analyzed through thematic analysis which forms the basis for the study's conclusions. Findings The findings show that the risks that are identified in the study are categorized into five types, business risk, quality and competence, short-term customer relationship, brand, and culture. The result also shows that the most commonly used leadership style is participatory and relationship-based leadership style. The main risk management strategy was focused on the risks facing the sales team at the company and managing the customer relationship. The conclusion, therefore, justifies that participation- and relationship-oriented leadership is the most prevalent leadership, where all types of risk management strategies are represented. Educational- and integrative risk management strategies are most prevalent in all three leadership styles and are used to manage the greatest risk. / Bakgrund och problemdiskussion Att övergå från att vara ett produktbaserat företag till att även erhålla tjänster har en alltmer framträdande roll i samhället. Fördelarna med tjänstefiering finns representerade i litteraturen och är ett väl omskrivet område. Vissa av litteraturens författare skriver att de finner en saknad vid riskhantering av tjänstefiering, med särskild vikt för hur ledarnas roll är betydandeför tjänstefieringens riskhantering. Studien grundas i problematiseringen kring hur ledarna hanterar och agerar vid de risker som kan att uppstå vid en implementering av tjänstelogik. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur företagsledare med uppgifter inom ekonomi, strategi eller organisationsutveckling hanterar risk vid tjänstefiering i tillverkande företag. Metod och teori Det teoretiska ramverket utformas efter en övergripande bild av riskhantering och ledarskap. Teorin utgår ifrån två väsentliga aspekter, riskhanteringsstrategier och ledarskapsstilar. Där en grundläggande förståelse inom ämnet delges, vilken inriktar sig på sex huvudsakliga strategier och tre väsentliga ledarskapsstilar för att hantera riskerna som kan uppstå vid en tjänstefiering. Studien genomförs med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Datainsamlingen harutförts genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer i sju tillverkande företag. Datamaterialet haranalyserats genom tematisk analys vilket vidare ligger till grund för studiens slutsatser. Resultat Studiens resultat visar på att de risker som identifierats kan kategoriseras till fem typer, affärsrisk, kvalité och kompetens, kortsiktig kundrelation, varumärke och kultur. Resultatet påvisar även att den ledarstil som används mest är deltagande- och relationsbaserad ledarstil. Den främsta riskhanteringsstrategin framgick till att vara inriktad på de risker som säljteamet på företaget står inför samt hur kundrelationer hanteras. Slutsatsen motiveras därför till attdeltagande- och relationsorienterat ledarskap är det mest förekommande ledarskapet, där allatyper av riskhanteringsstrategier är representerade. Utbildande- och integreranderiskhanteringsstrategier är mest förekommande i alla tre ledarskapsstilar och används för att hantera de största riskerna.

Styrning av hemtjänsten inom Karlstads kommun : En studie ur ett tjänstelogiskt perspektiv / Management control of home care in the Karlstad municipality : A case study from a service-dominant logic perspective

Utterheim, Nicklas, Marjanovic, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
Styrsätt från privata sektorn såsom NPM har implementerats i den offentliga sektorn med syfte att förändra arbetssätten som styr aktörerna i de offentliga organisationerna. Arbetssätten har dock i många fall lett till ett detaljstyrt arbete för medarbetarna i offentliga organisationer, vilket hämmat aktörernas möjlighet att skapa värde för medborgarna. Ett större handlingsutrymme av styrningen för aktörerna skulle däremot kunna visa sig vara fördelaktigt för värdeskapandet. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur verksamhetsstyrningen inom hemtjänsten påverkar värdet som skapas och inte skapas mellan diverse aktörer. Studien implementerar ett tjänstelogiskt perspektiv vid undersökandet av brister eller möjligheter i värdeskapandet mellan aktörerna. En fallstudie har valts med utgångspunkt i en hemtjänstenhet i Karlstads kommun. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 12 deltagare i hemtjänsten i Karlstads kommun. Varav 5 var personal, 5 var kunder, en enhetschef och en gruppledare.  Resultaten visar på hur styrningen i hemtjänsten består av en detaljstyrning med fokus på tid och med lite handlingsutrymme för personalen. Tidsstyrningen skapar stress för personalen som också behöver balansera kundernas varierande behov med styrningen. Tack vare en bra samverkan i enheten lyckas dem utföra arbetsuppgifterna som de ska. Dock lämnar styrningen en hel del att önska för alla aktörer. Styrningen i hemtjänsten visar på att personalen inte ges rätt förutsättningar för fortsatt värdeskapande. Det ges lite möjlighet till att beakta diverse kundbehov som kan anses vara av värde.  Det handlingsutrymme som erbjuds personalen innebär däremot att de trots allt kan finna diverse vägar runt styrningen för att hantera denna, även om det inte alltid fungerar. Tjänstelogiken belyser hur brister i styrningen påverkar värdeskapandet mellan aktörerna, oftast på grund av tidsbrist. Logiken visar också på hur möjligheterna till att skapa värde sker när personalen kan använda sina resurser till fullo. Tjänstelogiken kan således ha en funktion att fungera som ett diagnostiskt verktyg av styrningen i offentliga organisationer. Däremot kan mer data och större tillgång till organisationen vara till hjälp för framtida studier. / Management concepts, such as NPM, has been implemented from the private sector to the public sector with the purpose to change the way the various people in the public sector are being governed. This way to work has in many situations led to the staff in the public sector to being micromanaged, which has led to complications in their possibilities to create value for the citizens. A bigger room by the governance for the staff to take their own action could show to be more beneficial for the value creation.  The purpose with this study is to examine how the governance of home care is affecting the value creation between different actors in the organization. This study implements Service-dominant logic as a perspective to examine the deficiencies and the possibilities in the value creation between the different actors.  We chose to do a case study based on the home care in Karlstad county. Semi-structured interviews were performed together with 12 participants from the homecare in Karlstad county. These consisted of 5 staff, 5 clients, 1 manager and 1 group leader.  The results show how the governance of home care consists of micromanagement, with the focus on managing time and offering little room for staff to take their own action. The management of time causes stress for the staff, who also must balance the various needs of the clients with a micromanaged governance. However, thanks to a good cooperation in the home car unit they manage to do this to a certain extent. Although, the governance of the organization leaves something wanting for all the involved actors.  The governance of home care show that the staff hasn’t been given the right basis for a continuous value creation. It leaves to little room for the staff to take the client’s needs into consideration. Although, the staff are offered some latitude in their work. Meaning they can find their ways around the governance to work with it, even if that doesn’t always work. Service-dominant logic emphasizes how the deficiencies in the management are affecting the value creation between the actors, mostly due to a lack of time. The logic also shows how the possibilities to create value happens when the staff can fully use their resources. Therefore, service-dominant logic could have a function as a tool for management in the public sector. However, more data and a bigger access to the organization itself could be helpful in further studies.

All Aboard the AI Express : An Exploratory Study on AI Implementation for Enhanced Digital Servitization from an S-D Logic Perspective

Johansson, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Background: To remain competitive in Industry 4.0, B2B suppliers must develop new and increasingly advanced digital services by incorporating AI. However, although being of interest to practitioners, academic research on successful AI implementation in B2B functional domains is lacking. Consequently, academics have stressed the importance of developing comprehensive frameworks within B2B marketing to accelerate the creation of strategic roadmaps for AI implementation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how AI can be utilized to enhance digital servitization, according to the perspectives of one supplier and several of its customers. The aim is to provide a framework that can assist practitioners in implementing value-adding AI services. Method: To fulfill the exploratory purpose of this study, a qualitative single-case research design was applied. The empirical data was collected through twelve in-depth semi-structured interviews.  Utilizing an inductive approach, the data has been analyzed and interpreted through a thematic analysis. Conclusion: Incorporating a complete S-D logic mindset by implementing the AI solution based on all five axioms was found to enhance digital servitization. A model displaying various servitization activities connected to these axioms arose, emphasizing their collective impact. Additionally, suppliers may enhance digital servitization through the implementation of AI by engaging in three transformational mechanisms, namely customization, automation, and agile co-development.

Bridging the gap – identifying spaces where value can be co-created on the path to a good quality, local healthcare

Müller, Malin January 2022 (has links)
“Good quality, local healthcare – A primary care reform (SOU 2018:39) was used as a contextual frame in this study with the aim of identifying spaces where patients, next of kin and healthcare personnel, through the use of design, can be supported in developing more collaborative ways of working in the two northernmost regions in Sweden. Qualitative methods such as semi structured interviews and workshops were conducted together with multimorbid patients, their next of kin and healthcare personnel. The data was analyzed using grounded theory. A key insight pointed towards a gap between care providers. The findings in relation to the reform suggested further exploration and so, through the use of design, lo- fi prototypes have been developed to support collaboration within certain spaces identified in the qualitative data. The prototypes are made to act as scaffoldings for conversations in multistakeholder settings.

Sociala medier - ett verktyg förrelationsmarknadsföring : En studie om hur företag skapar värde via digitala plattformar

Dalloz, Lina, Wallin, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
Ett skifte har skett inom marknadsföring där fokus har skiftat från transaktioner till värdeskapande. Framväxten av digitala plattformar och sociala medier har inneburit att företag gått från traditionell marknadsföring till digital marknadsföring. Sociala medier innebär visserligen svårigheter men också möjligheter för företag att integrera med kunder och engagera dem i ett gemensamt värdeskapande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om företag har implementerat ett värdeskapande fokus i deras marknadsföringsstrategier och använder sig av digitala plattformar för att skapa relationer med sina kunder. En frågeställning formulerades kring hur företag använder digitala plattformar för att skapa relationer genom gemensamt värdeskapande och engagemang. Den teoretiska referensramen består av teorier kring digital marknadsföring, relationer, lojalitet, service dominant logic, value co-creation samt engagemang. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio företag genomfördes och resultatet visar att majoriteten av företagen implementerat ett värdeskapande tänk och ser digitala plattformar som ett värdefullt verktyg för att skapa relationer med kunder.

Smart Service Innovation: Organization, Design, and Assessment

Anke, Jürgen 27 January 2023 (has links)
Background: The emergence of technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and wireless communication drives the digital transformation of the entire society. Organizations can exploit these potentials by offering new data-driven services with innovative value propositions, such as carsharing, remote equipment maintenance, and energy management services. These services result from value co-creation enabled by smart service systems, which are configurations of people, processes, and digital technologies. However, developing such systems was found to be challenging in practice. This is mainly due to the difficulties of managing complexity and uncertainty in the innovation process, as contributions of various actors from multiple disciplines must be coordinated. Previous research in service innovation and service systems engineering (SSE) has not shed sufficient light on the specifics of smart services, while research on smart service systems lacks empirical grounding. Purpose: This thesis aims to advance the understanding of the systematic development of smart services in multi-actor settings by investigating how smart service innovation (SSI) is conducted in practice, particularly regarding the participating actors, roles they assume, and methods they apply for designing smart service systems. Furthermore, the existing set of methods is extended by new methods for the design-integrated assessment of smart services and service business models. Approach: Empirical and design science methods were combined to address the research questions. To explore how SSI is conducted in practice, 25 interviews with experts from 13 organizations were conducted in two rounds. Building on service-dominant logic (SDL) as a theoretical foundation and a multi-level framework for SSI, the involvement of actors, their activities, employed means, and experienced challenges were collected. Additionally, a case study was used to evaluate the suitability of the Lifecycle Modelling Language to describe smart service systems. Design science methods were applied to determine a useful combination of service design methods and to build meta-models and tools for assessing smart services. They were evaluated using experiments and the talk aloud method. Results: On the macro-level, service ecosystems consist of various actors that conduct service innovation through the reconfiguration of resources. Collaboration of these actors is facilitated on the meso-level within a project. The structure and dynamics of project configurations can be described through a set of roles, innovation patterns, and ecosystem states. Four main activities have been identified, which actors perform to reduce uncertainty in the project. To guide their work, actors apply a variety of means from different disciplines to develop and document work products. The approach of design-integrated business model assessment is enabled through a meta-model that links qualitative aspects of service architectures and business models with quantitative assessment information. The evaluation of two tool prototypes showed the feasibility and benefit of this approach. Originality / Value: The results reported in this thesis advance the understanding of smart service innovation. They contribute to evidence-based knowledge on service systems engineering and its embedding in service ecosystems. Specifically, the consideration of actors, roles, activities, and methods can enhance existing reference process models. Furthermore, the support of activities in such processes through suitable methods can stimulate discussions on how methods from different disciplines can be applied and combined for developing the various aspects of smart service systems. The underlying results help practitioners to better organize and conduct SSI projects. As potential roles in a service ecosystem depend on organizational capabilities, the presented results can support the analysis of ex¬ternal dependencies and develop strategies for building up internal competencies.:Abstract iii Content Overview iv List of Abbreviations viii List of Tables x List of Figures xii PART A - SYNOPSIS 1 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Motivation 2 1.2 Research Objectives and Research Questions 4 1.3 Thesis Structure 6 2 Research Background 7 2.1 Smart Service Systems 7 2.2 Service-Dominant Logic 8 2.3 Service Innovation in Ecosystems 11 2.4 Systematic Development of Smart Service Systems 13 3 Research Approach 21 3.1 Research Strategy 21 3.2 Applied Research Methods 22 4 Summary of Findings 26 4.1 Overview of Research Results 26 4.2 Organizational Setup of Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 27 4.3 Conducting Smart Service Innovation Projects 32 4.4 Approaches for the Design-integrated Assessment of Smart Services 39 5 Discussion 44 5.1 Contributions 44 5.2 Limitations 46 5.3 Managerial Implications 47 5.4 Directions for Future Research 48 6 Conclusion 54 References 55 PART B - PUBLICATIONS 68 7 It Takes More than Two to Tango: Identifying Roles and Patterns in Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 69 7.1 Introduction 69 7.2 Research Background 72 7.3 Methodology 76 7.4 Results 79 7.5 Discussion 90 7.6 Conclusions and Outlook 96 7.7 References 97 8 Iterative Uncertainty Reduction in Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 100 8.1 Introduction 100 8.2 Research Background 103 8.3 Research Approach 109 8.4 Findings 113 8.5 Discussion 127 8.6 Conclusions and Outlook 131 8.7 References 133 9 How to Tame the Tiger – Exploring the Means, Ends, and Challenges in Smart Service Systems Engineering 139 9.1 Introduction 139 9.2 Research Background 140 9.3 Methodology 143 9.4 Results 145 9.5 Discussion and Conclusions 151 9.6 References 153 10 Combining Methods for the Design of Digital Services in Practice: Experiences from a Predictive Costing Service 156 10.1 Introduction 156 10.2 Conceptual Foundation 157 10.3 Preparing the Action Design Research Project 158 10.4 Application and Evaluation of Methods 160 10.5 Discussion and Formalization of Learning 167 10.6 Conclusion 169 10.7 References 170 11 Modelling of a Smart Service for Consumables Replenishment: A Life Cycle Perspective 171 11.1 Introduction 171 11.2 Life Cycles of Smart Services 173 11.3 Case Study 178 11.4 Discussion of the Modelling Approach 185 11.5 Conclusion and Outlook 187 11.6 References 188 12 Design-integrated Financial Assessment of Smart Services 192 12.1 Introduction 192 12.2 Problem Analysis 195 12.3 Meta-Model Design 200 12.4 Application of the Meta-Model in a Tool Prototype 204 12.5 Evaluation 206 12.6 Discussion 208 12.7 Conclusions 209 12.8 References 211 13 Towards a Cost-Benefit-Analysis of Data-Driven Business Models 215 13.1 Introduction 215 13.2 Conceptual Foundation 216 13.3 Methodology 218 13.4 Case Analysis 220 13.5 A Cost-Benefit-Analysis Model for DDBM 222 13.6 Conclusion and Outlook 225 13.7 References 226 14 Enabling Design-integrated Assessment of Service Business Models Through Factor Refinement 228 14.1 Introduction 228 14.2 Related Work 229 14.3 Research Goal and Method 230 14.4 Solution Design 231 14.5 Demonstration 234 14.6 Discussion 235 14.7 Conclusion 236 14.8 References 237

Samverkan mellan akademin och näringslivet i Eskilstuna kommun

Nabhan, Maria Mirei, Harthey, William Hamilton January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar på att undersöka förutsättningarna för hur näringslivet i Eskilstuna kommun och akademin Mälardalens Universitet (MDU) kan samverka hållbart, genom ett tjänstelogiskt perspektiv. Studiens uppdragsgivare är Näringslivsavdelningen i Eskilstuna Kommun. Syftet med denna studie är att underlätta arbetet för näringslivsavdelningen för en hållbar samverkan mellan näringslivet i Eskilstuna kommun och akademin. Innovationsbidraget kommer då vara en modell som beskriver visuellt det studien resulterat i. Studiens tillvägagångssätt är en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med fallstudie som forskningsdesign. Det som har genomförts i denna studie är semistrukturerade intervjuer med olika respondenter och aktörer från akademin, kommunen och näringslivet i Eskilstuna. Genom en iterativ process har studiens skribenter jämfört relevanta teorier med data som genereras, vilket gör detta till an studie med abduktiv ansats. Metoden för att analysera studiens data användes det så kallade tematisk analys. Detta för att kunna analysera data med hjälp av teman som identifieras som koder och kategorier. I samband med studien har studien resulterat i identifieringen av problematiken i dagens samverkan, samt presenterat ett antal aspekter för att kunna möjliggöra en hållbar samverkan i Eskilstuna Kommun. Kopplat till aspekterna dessutom tagit fram en modell för att hjälpa näringslivsavdelningen att implementera ett samverkansforum som kopplar akademin till näringslivet i Eskilstuna Kommun, Sveriges yngsta universitetsstad. / This bachelor´s thesis aims to examine the requirements on how to get businesses in Eskilstuna and the academical institute, Mälardalens University (MDU), to allow university-industry collaboration, through a service-dominant perspective. The study's project client is the business-development department in Eskilstuna Municipality. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the work of the business-development department for sustainable collaborations between businesses in Eskilstuna and the academical institute MDU. The innovation contribution will then be a model that describes visually what the study concluded in. The study's approach is a qualitative research method with a case study as the research design. What has been carried out in this study are semi-structured interviews with various respondents from the academical institute, the municipality, and businesses in Eskilstuna. Through an iterative process, the authors of the study have compared relevant theories with the data that is generated, making this a study with an abductive approach. The method for analyzing the study's data was the so-called thematic analysis. This is to be able to analyze the data using themes that are identified as codes and categories. In connection with the study, the study has resulted in the identification of the problems in today's collaboration, as well as presenting several aspects to enable a sustainable university-industry collaboration in Eskilstuna Municipality. Connected to the aspects, the study developed a model to help the business-development department to implement a collaboration space that connects the academy and the businesses with each other in Eskilstuna Municipality, Sweden's youngest university town.

Losing their war : Using Service-Dominant Logic To Assess The Market Position Of Traditional Swedish Banks

Kuzhelko, Kirill January 2021 (has links)
Being influenced by advanced technology solutions, modern business is undergoing significant transformations. This is also true about the financial services sector, where innovative solutions are being actively used and new fintech companies are emerging. Against this background, the market share of large traditional banks reduces steadily. These trends are also observed in Sweden, which has one of the highest levels of digitalization of banking services in Europe. The described trends may indicate that Swedish traditional banks are unable to compete with fintech companies and adapt to the new business environment. Consequently, the purpose of the research is to assess the current and potential positions of large traditional Swedish banks in the financial services market. In particular, when considering the situation through the prism of service-dominant logic, it is necessary to understand the place that large traditional banks occupy in the overall process of value creation with the participation of the consumer. In this regard, the following questions have been examined within the research: RQ1. How can the largest traditional banks in Sweden preserve their market positions in the overall value creation process? RQ2. What services offered by the traditional banks are the most exposed to customer outflow? To answer the questions posed, the exploratory research has been carried out, which is based on a case study and an in-depth study of a specific example, namely the development of Swedbank in a changing market context. The research data has been mostly derived from the interview, although, to reduce its bias and subjectivity, the secondary data, providing an idea of market trends, has been also analyzed. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the main advantages of fintech companies are high specialization, seamless processes, and reduced government control. Against this background, traditional banks are losing market share, but in the future, the situation should stabilize. The reason is that traditional banks have the scale, infrastructure, and operant resources to deliver comprehensive financial services that require a customized approach and cannot be automated. In addition, large traditional banks could potentially act as a platform for the technological development of the entire industry. These circumstances determine the specific advantages and the development of incumbent banks in Sweden, although the involvement of consumers in the co-creation process through social media and mobile applications is still the problem.

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