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Från att konsumera medier till att konsumera varor : En studie om hur Instagram-användare upplever och förhåller sig till konsumtion på applikationenStålbalk Brodin, Linnea, Malkhasian, Rita January 2020 (has links)
In a short period of time, the internet has become more of an essential asset for people to perform their daily tasks. With the consumption of products and services reaching an all-time high, impulse buying has become a growing issue. Instagram is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms and recently launched new shopping functions. While earlier studies show entertainment- and social motives for usage of Instagram, market drivers show that Instagram plays a central role in today’s online shopping. The purpose of this study is to investigate if Instagram can influence its users to increase impulse buying and if so, how that is done. This study has been implemented with triangulation by using a quantitative and a qualitative method approach. Based on a survey as well as an interview survey within this study, data has been analyzed based on behavioral theory, social influence theory, motives for usage of social media and theories of impulse buying. The results of this study show that there is a new or increased need to buy products and services on Instagram and that there are impulse purchases as a result of Instagram. Instagram users are shown to be affected by the social influence and the marketing on Instagram. / Internet har på kort tid blivit en viktig tillgång för människor att kunna utföra uppgifter i sina vardagliga liv. Människor konsumerar allt mer i en växande internetmarknad, där impulsköp sker i allt större omfattning. Instagram är ett av världens mest populära sociala medier och har på senare tid lanserat nya shopping-funktioner i Sverige. Samtidigt som tidigare studier skildrar underhållning och sociala motiv för användningen av Instagram, talar marknadsförare idag om Instagram som ett centrum för e-handel. Detta ger skilda meningar om vad Instagram ska användas till. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Instagram kan driva fram ett impulsköpbeteende hos användare och i sådana fall hur. Denna studie har genomförts genom en triangulering, med både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metodansats. Utifrån enkät- samt intervjuundersökningen har datan analyserats med utgångspunkt i studiens teoretiska ramverk kring beteende, socialt inflytande och motiv för användning av applikationen. Resultatet i denna studie visar att det uppstår ett nytt- eller förstärkt behov av att köpa produkter och tjänster på Instagram samt att det förekommer impulsköp till följd av användning av applikationen. Instagram-användare visar sig påverkas av socialt inflytande och marknadsföring på Instagram.
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Brick and Mortar 2.0: The Future of Brick-and-Mortar Fashion RetailThompson, Ashlynn E. 26 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The effects of Ikea and external shopping centers on regional trade and retail growth : A comparative analysis of Ikea’s establishment in Kalmar and KarlstadAlhasweh, Mohamed Abdulwahab, Farid, Babrak January 2010 (has links)
This paper examines the effects of Ikea store establishment in Kalmar and Karlstad on the trade and retail inside the two cities, and as well on the trade and retail in the close neighboring municipalities and in further peripheral municipalities in both regions. After the establishment of Ikea store, Kalmar and Karlstad have experienced significant growth in trade and retail. The question, however, is how big this growth is in both cities? And how different locations on different distances from Ikea have been affected? What impact there was on different segments of the retail? How different business branches have been affected? How large the catchment area for the emerging new large-scale retail locations is? These questions, in addition to few others, are investigated in this paper. The thesis starts with an introduction chapter containing a background of the topic, problem description, the investigated questions, the purpose, and the outline of the paper. The next chapter includes the frame of reference which consists of literature review and theoretical framework about the external shopping centers and their impact on retail and regional trade development. It includes also information gathered from previous studies technical reports and other available sources about the subject. The third chapter includes description for the methods used to collect the primary and secondary data needed for the purpose of this study. Then the empirical framework which demonstrates the results of the conducted research followed by analysis and concluded in discussion and conclusion. Mixed methods are used as research strategy in this thesis, and the method to conduct the research is based on telephone interviews for the primary (qualitative) data, and documents and desk research for the secondary (quantitative) data. The gathered data is analyzed and designed in a way that allows the usage of comparative analysis technique to present the findings and draw conclusions. The results showed that new established Ikea retail store outside the city boundaries results with many effects on the city center and on the neighboring municipalities as well. The city center seems not to be affected negatively, but on the contrary positive effects were witnessed in both regions, these positive effects are linked to the increase inflow of customers from the external retail area which is known as spillover effect. III On the other hand, the neighboring towns and municipalities are more negatively affected especially with the trade of con-convenience goods as the consumers in these towns and municipalities start to go to the area of Ikea and the large external retail center to do their purchasing, the substitution effect is then said to be occurred. Moreover, the further far municipalities do not seem to be significantly affected by the establishment of Ikea. These effects whether positive or negative could be monitored by looking to few trade parameters such as the turnover, the sales index, and the consumers’ expenditure, these parameters can be very useful to measure the developments and changes in the trade and retail in a given place.
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The Unique Nostalgic Shopper : Nostalgia proneness and desire for uniqueness as determinants of shopping behavior among MillennialsBetti, Matteo, Dad, Iram Jahan January 2016 (has links)
Millennials, or Generation Y, represent one of today’s most prominent age cohorts: with their increasingly stronger purchasing power and importance in the global economic landscape, it is no wonder that marketers are striving to find new ways to appeal to the taste of this peculiar generation of consumers. Among the various modern research fields in business, one in particular is offering incredibly interesting insights to both scholars and professional marketers: the concept of nostalgia proneness in consumer behavior. While several studies examine the dynamics of this phenomenon, none of them so far examined the impact of nostalgia proneness in shopping behavior, especially examining the dynamics on a sample of Generation Y consumers. This study was conducted in order to explore the dynamics of nostalgia proneness, linking the constructs to both desire for uniqueness and shopping behavior, using the framework provided by the Consumer Styles Inventory (Sproles & Sproles, 1990). After a theoretical review on the matter, several hypotheses and a conceptual model were developed to serve as the core framework of the quantitative analysis. The data, obtained from a convenience sample of 222 respondents, were subsequently examined using several statistical techniques (ANOVA, correlation and factor analysis), with the intent to test the hypotheses and shed light on the research questions. The outcome was then presented and interpreted using both the theoretical background and other complementary relevant literature. The results showed a positive relationship between nostalgia proneness and desire for uniqueness, with both variables being further connected to several shopping traits of the Generation Y consumer. The cluster and factor analysis eventually showed patterns that could be interpreted using the theory of hedonic and utilitarian shopping motivations.
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Transport system and retail activities: shopping centres in Hong KongTsang, Sau-kam, Karmen., 曾秀琴. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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Legeshopping - indikator for legemiddelmisbruk? : En registerstudie / Doctor-shopping – an indicator of prescription drug abuse? : A register study.Winther, Rolf B January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Misbruk av vanedannende legemidler er et viktig folkehelseproblem. Enkelte pasienter går fra lege til lege og driver såkalt legeshopping for å skaffe seg mest mulig av denne typen legemidler. Dette er et problem i forhold til å kunne begrense legemiddelmisbruket i befolkningen. Fastlegeordningen, som ble innført i Norge i 2001, er blant annet ment å skulle begrense mulighetene til legeshopping. Det er ikke tidligere gjort studier som kan kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i en befolkning, verken i Norge eller andre land. FORMÅL: Kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i befolkningen i Norge, og forsøke å klarlegge i hvilken grad bruk av flere leger kan skyldes shopping etter legemidler eller andre årsaker. MATERIALE OG METODE: Studere data fra det norske Reseptregisteret (NorPD) for kalenderåret 2004, som blant annet viser antallet leger benyttet, mengde utlevert av det aktuelle legemiddelet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider for alle brukere av de vanedannende legemidlene diazepam, karisoprodol og kodein kombinasjoner sammenlignet med alle brukere av de ikke-vanedannende legemidlene esomeprazol, metformin og salbutamol. RESULTATER: De aller fleste pasienter bruker kun en eller to leger for å få utlevert samme legemiddel i løpet av ett kalenderår. Andelen som bruker tre eller flere leger er imidlertid mer enn dobbelt så høy for de vanedannende legemidlene som for de ikke-vanedannende, og for de som bruker fem eller flere leger, er andelen nesten ti ganger større. Med økende antall leger som er benyttet, er dessuten økningen i både utlevert mengde av legemidlet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider langt mer uttalt for de vanedannende legemidlene enn for de ikke-vanedannende. KONKLUSJON: Det foregår etter innføringen av fastlegeordningen fortsatt en begrenset, men klar legeshopping blant pasienter som ønsker å få tak i mest mulig av vanedannende legemidler. Dette forhold må tas alvorlig av både de forskrivende legene og helsemyndighetene. / BACKGROUND: Abuse of prescription drugs is an important public health issue. Some patients go from one physician to another in so-called doctor-shopping (or physician-shopping) with the intention to have as much as possible of addictive drugs prescribed. This is a problem when trying to restrict prescription drug abuse in the population. The Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme which was introduced in Norway in 2001 had among other things the intention to counteract doctor-shopping. So far there are no studies in Norway or other countries that have presented estimates of the proportions of patients that practice doctor-shopping. AIM: To explore the extent of doctor-shopping in the population in Norway and try to unveil if the use of several doctors is primarily a prescription drug shopping or if it has other reasons. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) for the year of 2004 was studied. The register includes information on the number of doctors used by individual patients and the amount of drug dispensed. There is also information about concomitant use of opioids and benzodiazepines. Users of the addictive drugs diazepam, carisoprodol and codeine combinations were compared to users of the non-addictive drugs esomeprazole, metformin and salbutamol. RESULTS: Most patients use only one or two doctors for prescription of the same drug over a period of one year. However the proportion of patients who uses three or more doctors for the addictive drugs is more than twice the comparable proportion of patients using the non-addictive drugs. For those who uses five or more doctors the proportion is nearly ten times larger. The amount of dispensed drug increases considerably more by increasing number of doctors used for users of the addictive drugs than for the users of the non-addictive drugs, as do the amount of concomitantly dispensed opioids and benzodiazepines. CONCLUSION: Also after the introduction of the Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme in Norway doctor-shopping is still going on to a limited but significant extent by patients who appear to have the intention to get as much as possible of addictive drugs. This is a public health issue that has to be taken seriously by both prescribing doctors and health authorities. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-60-3</p>
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E-handel av livsmedel : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur e-service quality påverkar kundens köpbeteende / E-commerce of groceryGränström, Danielle, Atterström, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: E-commerce has shown a large increase in the last years and constitutes a great portion of the market. This has led to a digital shift and more people choose to e-shop. This has affected the retail business, since there are new, more comfortable ways to buy your groceries. Furthermore, the food e-commerce differentiates from the general e-commence, since customers feel comfortable being able to smell, touch and see the groceries they are buying. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to achieve a higher and deeper knowledge of how the e-service quality affects the customers purchasing behavior in a digital food commence. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify notable factors within e-service quality which affects the customers purchasing behavior. Method: This is a qualitative study which has had an abductive approach. It is a combination between an inductive and a deductive attempt. The empirical material has been collected through six semi-structured interviews with Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Malhotra (2002) e-service quality dimensions for basis. Thereafter the empirical results were analyzed with the different steps of the buying process. Conclusion: Through this study, we noticed no significant difference between the interviewees which probably is a result of a high "internet habit". Thanks to the study, we were able to conclude that there are a number of distinct factors within the e-service quality dimensions that affects the customers purchasing behavior. Seeing that this is a subject going through constant development in contemporary with the digital evolution we find it useful to study, because the old barriers are replaced with new ones. / Bakgrund: E-handel växer drastiskt och utgör idag en större del av marknaden. Detta har lett till ett digitalt skifte och fler väljer att e-handla. Det har sin påverkan på dagligvaruhandeln eftersom det finns nya och bekväma sätt att e-handla mat på. Vidare skiljer sig e-handel av livsmedel från den generella e-handeln, vilket kan förklaras genom att livsmedel blir problematiskt att uppfatta i onlinemiljö eftersom beröring, syn och lukt ofta krävs. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en ökad och djupare förståelse hur e-service quality påverkar kundernas köpbeteende inom digital mathandel. Vidare är syftet att identifiera märkbara faktorer inom e-service quality som påverkar kundens köpbeteende. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ studie som har haft ett abduktivt angreppsätt, vilket är en kombination av en induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Malhotra (2002) e-service quality dimensioner som grund. Därefter analyserades det empiriska resultatet med köpprocessens olika steg. Slutsats: Genom studien kan vi se att det inte fanns några markanta skillnader bland de intervjuade personerna vilket vi tror kan bero på hög internetvana. Tack vare studien så kan vise att det finns ett flertal tydliga faktorer inom e-service quality dimensionerna som påverkar kundens köpprocess. Eftersom detta är ett ämne som ständigt uppdateras i samtid med den digitaliserade utvecklingen så är det nyttigt att studera just för att de gamla barriärerna ersätts av nya.
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Hur beter du dig egentligen? : En studie om kopplingen mellan hemsidebeteende och efterföljande köp i fysisk butikAndersson, Sonny, Wiljander, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Dagens teknologi tillåter inte att göra kopplingar i konsumentdata mellan hemsida och den fysiska butiken. Det innebär att företag går miste om värdefull kunskap om sina kunders beteende och effekten av deras marknadsföringsåtgärder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilket hemsidebeteende som föregår köp i fysisk butik och hur beteendet skiljer sig jämfört med köp online. Uppsatsen syftar även till att undersöka hur hemsidebeteendet påverkar fysiska butikers konsumenters köpstorlek samt hur konsumenters köpsituation påverkar hemsidebeteendet. Studien gjordes i samarbete med ett möbel- och heminredningsföretag, och datainsamling skedde genom en enkätundersökning i butik, Google Analytics samt observationsstudie i samband med enkätundersökningen. Resultaten visar påtagliga skillnader i hemsidebeteende beroende på köpkanal och att konsumenter spenderar mer i fysisk butik om hemsidan besökts inför köp. Studien visar även att det är mer troligt att otåliga och engagerade konsumenter besöker hemsidan inför köp jämfört med konsumenter som värderar shoppingupplevelsen i sig.
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Importance des facteurs d'accès dans l'expérience d'immersion et de présence dans un nouvel environnement commercial en ligne / Factors in the immersion and presence experience in a new online business environmentBettaieb, Ghada 02 October 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant à l’intersection des champs du marketing expérientiel et des théories des systèmes d’information et d’interaction homme-machine, ce travail de recherche doctorale étudie les spécificités de l’expérience de shopping dans un environnement commercial en 3D enrichi de dispositifs de réalité virtuelle. Particulièrement, il étudie les facteurs d’accès à l’expérience d’immersion et de présence dans cet environnement et ses conséquences sur les intentions comportementales. La revue de la littérature et la phase qualitative triangulée ont permis de mettre en évidence l’importance de trois facteurs clés d’accès à l’expérience et à son enrichissement ainsi que le rôle central du processus immersion – présence. Une expérimentation mise en oeuvre dans un « véritable » environnement commercial en 3D nous a permis d’étudier de manière concomitante les effets des différents facteurs à savoir : la navigabilité du site web (par le biais d’une manipulation liée à la présence/l’absence d’un map interactif), la richesse sensorielle de l’environnementcommercial (par le biais de la manipulation des couleurs et de la musique diffusée) et la sociabilité (par le biais de la manipulation de la présence/l’absence d’un vendeur virtuel) sur l’immersion sensorielle et la présence. Les conséquences sur les intentions comportementales ont également été investiguées. Les contributions théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales sont nombreuses. / As part of the intersection of the fields of experiential marketing and the theories of information systems and human-computer interaction, this doctoral research work investigates the specificities of the shopping experience in a 3D commercial environment enriched with virtual reality devices. In particular, it studies the factors of access to the immersion and presence experience in thisenvironment and its consequences on behavioral intentions. The review of the literature and the triangulated qualitative phase made it possible to highlight the importance of three key factors of access to the experience and its enrichment as well as the central role of the immersion - presence process. An experiment implemented in a "real" commercial environment in 3D allowed us to studyconcomitantly the effects of the various factors namely: the navigability of the website (through a manipulation related to the presence / l lack of an interactive map), the sensory wealth of the commercial environment (through the manipulation of colors and diffused music) and sociability (through the manipulation of the presence / absence of 'a virtual seller) on sensory immersion and presence. The consequences on behavioral intentions have also been investigated. Theoretical,methodological and managerial contributions are numerous.
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Parâmetros para a interpretação do contrato de shopping center no direito brasileiro : atipicidade e coligação contratualMallmann, Frederico Baptista January 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo a respeito da interpretação do contrato de cessão remunerada de espaço para instalação de loja em shopping center, denominado como “contrato de shopping center”, visando à estipulação de parâmetros hermenêuticos que auxiliem na busca do seu conteúdo. Para isso, procede-se, em primeiro lugar, à devida caracterização deste contrato, em seus aspectos econômico-negociais e jurídicos, que são decisivos para o desenvolvimento do estudo quanto à sua interpretação. Em especial, manifesta relevância o estudo da sua qualificação jurídica, que parte das duas principais discussões percebidas na doutrina e na jurisprudência nesse tocante, a respeito da tipicidade ou atipicidade do contrato e da presença de coligação contratual nesta relação negocial. Expostas as características de cada categoria, compreende-se que o contrato de shopping center é um contrato atípico misto, que apresenta coligação com outros, para a consecução da finalidade socioeconômica do empreendimento. Tal qualificação tem repercussões na interpretação deste contrato, uma vez que atrai a consideração de fatores específicos no processo hermenêutico, em conjunto com a aplicação das normas legais sobre a interpretação dos contratos (arts. 112, 113 e 423 do Código Civil). Assim sendo, com base na doutrina e na análise de precedentes jurisprudenciais, especialmente sobre o contrato de shopping center, estabelece-se que o intérprete desse contrato deve observar a incidência das referidas normas legais sob a perspectiva de tal qualificação contratual, que atrai os seguintes parâmetros interpretativos: pela sua atipicidade mista, a preeminência das disposições contratuais estipuladas pelas partes em face dos modelos legais típicos, considerando a relevância dos usos e costumes na definição desse sentido, mediante o tipo socialmente formado, e a possibilidade de aplicação de tais modelos legais típicos, se não contrariar o significado próprio do contrato; pela presença de coligação contratual, a “ampliação” do material interpretativo, impondo a consideração dos demais contratos vinculados na interpretação do contrato coligado, e a maior relevância da função socioeconômica supracontratual exercida pelos contratos em conjunto para a definição do conteúdo do contrato na coligação. / This dissertation presents a study on the construction of the contract for the lease of premises for retail stores in shopping centers - named “shopping center contract” - in order to establish hermeneutic parameters that assist in the definition of its content. For that we will first characterize such contract according to its economic, trading and legal aspects, which are decisive for the development of the study concerning its construction. In special, the study of its legal qualification reveals importance in that matter: this qualification is grounded on two major debates perceived in the jurisprudence and in the case law in this subject - the characterization of the contract as “typical” or “atypical” and the presence of linked contracts in this business relationship. Once the features of each of these categories are exposed, we can understand the “shopping center contract” as a “mixed atypical contract”, which is linked to other contracts for the achievement of the socioeconomic purposes of the enterprise. Such legal qualification has bearing in the construction of the shopping center contract, as it draws the consideration of specific elements in the hermeneutical process, along with the application of statutory rules for the construction of contracts (articles 112, 113 and 423 of the Brazilian Civil Code). Therefore, based on the jurisprudence and on the analysis of case law, specially surrounding the “shopping center contract” in Brazil, we can establish that the legal interpreter of this contract must abide by the application of the aforementioned statutory rules under the perspective of such legal qualification, which by its turn casts construction parameters into consideration. These are: due to its nature as a mixed atypical contract, the preeminence of the contractual terms agreed upon by the parties vis-à-vis the typical statutory legal standards, considering also the importance of the customary practices in the definition of its content, through the socially formed contractual type, in addition to the possibility of the application of such typical statutory legal standards when they are not conflicting with the contract’s own meaning; and, due to the presence of linked contracts, the “enlargement” of the subject matter to be construed, which imposes the consideration of the remaining linked contracts in the interpretation of the contract at hand, and the superior relevance of the socioeconomic function of the union of all linked contracts for the definition of a contract’s content within its group.
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