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Désir et vulnérabilité. Études sur le problème politique de Hobbes et le façonnement social-historique de la subjectivitéBissonnette, Jean François January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à cerner les raisons historiques, intellectuelles et affectives de l’importance que reçoit le problème de la vulnérabilité individuelle dans la culture politique des sociétés modernes. Il s’agit de tenter de comprendre pourquoi et par le concours de quelles transformations normatives et structurelles nous en sommes venus, comme citoyens, à attendre de l’État qu’il nous protège des affres de l’existence. L’oeuvre philosophique de Thomas Hobbes, fondée sur une anthropologie individualiste où l’homme apparaît mû par deux affects, le désir et la crainte, nous paraît être la première formulation théorique de ce problème de la vulnérabilité, et à ce titre, nous posons qu’elle a été déterminante pour l’institutionnalisation d’une rationalité politique proprement moderne. De manière à saisir quelles ont pu être les conditions de possibilité de la philosophie de Hobbes, de même que son influence sur l’imaginaire politique occidental, il nous faut tenter de comprendre non seulement pourquoi l’affectivité humaine a pu se trouver ainsi posée comme enjeu du gouvernement, mais comment elle est aussi liée, de manière générale, au fonctionnement des institutions sociales, lequel est historiquement contingent. Il en va ainsi d’une interrogation, que nous poursuivrons dans un relevé des principaux concepts à l’aide desquels Sigmund Freud, Norbert Elias, Max Weber et Michel Foucault ont pensé les modalités du façonnement social et historique de la subjectivité, et par le biais de laquelle nous espérons expliquer pourquoi le « type d’homme » sur lequel s’appuie le régime libéral moderne implique le vécu d’une expérience affective marquée par un rapport tendu entre le désir et le sentiment de la vulnérabilité.
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"The Grey Sky Lowers" : The Uncanny in Five of Sylvia Plath's PoemsStenskär, Eva January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates the uncanny (das Unheimliche) in five of Sylvia Plath’s 1962 poems: “Berck-Plage”, “The Arrival of the Bee Box”, “Daddy”, “Fever 103°”, and “Death & Co.”. Furthermore, it looks at how the biographical circumstances in which the poet found herself while writing the poems, may have influenced them. Drawing mainly on Sigmund Freud’s 1919 essay “The Uncanny” and the 2003 The Uncanny by Nicholas Royle, this thesis examines a variety of elements in Plath’s poems including, but not limited to, the beach as a liminal space, aposiopesis as intellectual uncertainty and as an example of l’écriture féminine, thresholds in the form of windows, shoes, and locked boxes, severed limbs as examples of Viktor Shklovsky’s defamiliarization, Latin as a heimlich/unheimlich language, the uncanny effect of darkness, silence, and solitude, the double as a harbinger of death, the wish to both include and exclude the specter and that which is strange, and breathlessness and euphoria as manifestations of madness. Furthermore, it examines hitherto unexplored potential influences on Plath’s poetry, including but not limited to, the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thérèse of Lisieux, Franz Kafka, and Knut Hamsun. Because of the ambiguity of the concept of the uncanny, this thesis incorporates a host of material such as taped interviews conducted by Harriet Rosenstein, Subha Mukherji’s Thinking on Thresholds, Julia Kristeva’s Strangers to Ourselves, and Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx. In conclusion, this thesis argues that the uncanny is an instrumental key to the comprehension of Plath’s late poetry.
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El concepto proyección en el marco de la colaboración entre Freud y JungFodale Vargas, Luis Ernesto 06 February 2017 (has links)
El presente trabajo explora el desarrollo del concepto freudiano “proyección” en el marco de la mutua colaboración entre Sigmund Freud y Carl Jung. La investigación se inscribe en la línea conceptual histórica y de determinantes inconscientes en el desarrollo de conceptos. En ella, se pretende dar cuenta de diferencias teóricas y metodológicas entre Freud y Jung desde sus inicios que puedan ayudar a dar sentido a la colaboración mutua en el desarrollo del concepto proyección. Para este fin, se revisó críticamente la correspondencia entre ambos, así como las obras de cada uno en las que se pueda evidenciar el trabajo con el concepto / The following work explores the development of the freudian concept “projection” in the framework of the mutual collaboration between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. This research is framed in the line of historical-conceptual research and unconscious determinants in the concept’s development. We intend to explain, the theoretical and methodological differences between Freud and Jung from the beginning that make sense on the mutual collaboration in the development of that concept. With this purpose, we reviewed critically the correspondence between both authors, as well as each one’s works referred to the concept
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Voluntad (der Wille) y pulsión (der Trieb): A. Schopenhauer (1788-1860) y S. Freud (1856-1939). Semejanzas y diferenciasOtero Navarro, Francisco de Paula 30 July 2019 (has links)
Se analizan comparativamente el concepto de voluntad (der Wille) de Arthur
Schopenhauer y el concepto de pulsión (der Trieb) de S. Freud. La relación entre
ambos conceptos ha sido poco estudiada. Hay estudios que señalan
parentescos cercanos entre la voluntad y varios conceptos psicoanalíticos
(sexualidad, inconsciente, ello); sin embargo, son escuetos en el tratamiento de
la voluntad. Este trabajo describe vertical y sistemáticamente tanto la voluntad
como la pulsión antes de señalar similitudes y divergencias. El primer capítulo
desarrolla la voluntad (der Wille) poniendo de relieve sus características: su
escisión fundamental consigo misma, su absoluta nihilidad, su primado sobre la
representación (empero la implicación mutua), y, finalmente, la identificación,
para el hombre, del sujeto del conocimiento con el sujeto del querer. El segundo
capítulo estudia la pulsión, concepto metapsicológico caracterizado por su
ingente voracidad y su arraigo somático: la pulsión activa y mantiene en
movimiento la vida psíquica impulsándola hacia la constante búsqueda de
objetos (contingentes) susceptibles de satisfacerla. Finalmente, señalamos
parentescos y distancias referidas al nivel teórico (metafísica y metapsicología),
alcances y limitaciones (el mundo y la vida psíquica). / The present research proposes a comparative analysis between the concept of
“Will” (der Wille) by Arthur Schopenhauer and the concept of “Drive” (der Trieb)
by Sigmund Freud. The relationship between both concepts has been little
studied. There are studies that indicate close relationships between “Will” and
several psychoanalytical concepts (sexuality, unconscious, it), but are limited in
the discussion of the “Will”. Vertical and systematic descriptions of “Will” and
“Drive” are made before pointing out similarities and differences. Each concept is
revised in detail in order to identify the key connections and differences. The first
chapter develops the Will, highlighting its important features: its fundamental
schism with itself, its absolute nihility, its primacy on the representation (however
the mutual implication), and finally, the identification, for man, from the subject of
knowledge to the subject of love. Then the Drive is examined in terms of the
greed and somatic roots: the drive activates and keeps moving toward propelling
the mental life, constantly searching for objects that might satisfy it. Finally,
relationships and distances are pointed in reference to the theoretical level
(metaphysics and metapsychology), scope and limitations (the world and the
psychic life.).
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Fiendish Dreams - Reverse Engineering Modern ArchitectureHeinrich, Linda Kay 07 February 2024 (has links)
Winsor McCay drew delightful drawings about the dreams of a Welsh rarebit fiend, 'rare bits' inspired by an overindulgence in cheese. Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend was a Saturday cartoon that appeared in the New York Evening Telegram from 1904 to 1911, psychic twin to Little Nemo in Slumberland that appeared concurrently in the Sunday Funnies of the New York Herald from 1905-1911. 'Slumberland' was a Neo-classical fantasy that closely resembled the idealized White City of the Chicago World's Fair (1893), that inspired the architecture of Coney Island's Dreamland (1905-1911), which beckoned to McCay as he drew from his house just across Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn. The capricious side of this Architecture emerged in McCay's cartoons.
A self-taught illustrator, McCay began his career in Detroit working in dime museums, worlds of wonder—filled with monsters—dioramas and sideshow performers whose livelihood depended on their ability to amaze an audience. Just this sort of rare and gifted fellow, McCay parlayed his entertaining lampoonery of Slumberland into some of the world's first animations on vaudeville.
As with the Rarebit Fiend, Little Nemo's dreams were brought on by overindulgence, in his case of too many donuts or Huckleberry Pie. But, this was merely a pretense for McCay's fantastical 'dream' mode of thinking, a potentially useful body of knowledge that was simultaneously explored by Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson and Marcel Proust, who linked the mechanisms employed by the unconscious in dreaming to those at play in wit. Architectural drawing—seen through McCay's cartoons and early animations—has a kind of 'gastronomical' alchemy that inadvertently became a treatise on the architectural imagination.
Fiend and Little Nemo affected the psychic mood of early modern Architecture—its 'childhood' in the milieu of White Cities—that was both added to and commented on by Winsor McCay's pen. His cartoons portray the hidden 'flavors' of the buildings springing up a century ago. This 'other'—surreal—aspect of the White Cities, seasoned with whirling iron Ferris wheels and Flip-Flop rides, newly invented elevators and electric lights—and even fun house mirrors that made buildings suddenly seem very tall—were the ingredients that caused the fiend and Nemo to wake up, which ultimately became the culinary school of modern Architecture. McCay's 'fiendish' depictions show us that the right blend of humor and awe is a recipe for happiness. / Doctor of Philosophy / Winsor McCay made cartoons of the 'nightmares' of a Rarebit Fiend with a witty, unflinching eye for detail. Those illustrations became a psychic twin to the architectural fantasies of a little boy in the 'funnies' section of the New York newspapers from 1905-1911. Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend and Little Nemo in Slumberland continue to entertain and edify us, while inadvertently acting as a guide to how the imagination works. McCay's celebrity as a cartoonist also led him to become one of the world's first animators, amazing vaudeville audiences with depictions of Little Nemo that were suddenly larger than life, illuminated, and mobile.
Dreams were rediscovered in the early twentieth century as useful bodies of knowledge for understanding the self, seen through the writings of Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson and Marcel Proust, who linked the mechanisms employed by the unconscious 'dreamer' to those at play in wit. That thinking was surrounded by the atmosphere in McCay's comedic sequential images, which in turn inspired the iconic dreamlike silent movies of Buster Keaton. A look at the birth of these art forms a hundred years ago provides insight into the psychic mood of early modern Architecture, but also to the imagining of today's world (both material and virtual) using the digital tools that are just being invented. Although McCay's cartoons are fiendish, they sustain the balance between dreaming and humor that is essential to imagining a happy modern life.
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La grammaire de soi ; l’enquête psychanalytique, un mode d’organisation des interactions propre aux sociétés démocratiques contemporainesLamarche, Jean-Baptiste 12 1900 (has links)
Une multitude de gens, au XXe siècle, se sont servis de la psychanalyse pour se rendre compte de leurs faits et gestes. En s’appuyant ainsi sur la psychanalyse, ils démontraient la profondeur de la confiance qu’ils lui accordaient. Cette diffusion ample et profonde, qui a laissé une empreinte très marquée sur la culture contemporaine, demeure largement inexpliquée.
Ce phénomène étonnant devient intelligible dès lors qu’on aborde la psychanalyse comme une grammaire de l’intériorité, qui a guidé des interactions en les médiatisant par des symboles et des significations communes (normes, valeurs, etc.) propres aux sociétés démocratiques contemporaines (celles qui se conçoivent comme émanant d’un accord entre individus). Cette pratique sociale, l’enquête psychanalytique, peut être analysée en situant dans leurs contextes d’interactions les discours dans lesquels des désirs refoulés étaient imputés à différentes conduites. L’œuvre de Freud offre un échantillon de tels discours. La description de la forme et du sens que ces imputations de désirs refoulés conféraient à différentes interactions en cours nous permet d’identifier les traits caractéristiques de l’enquête psychanalytique.
Freud montre que le refoulement naît d’un conflit entre une volonté présociale refoulée et une volonté socialisée, refoulante, née des exigences inculquées par l’autorité parentale. Pour identifier un désir refoulé, il faut donc simultanément identifier une relation refoulante. L’enquête psychanalytique amène à passer en revue les différentes relations interpersonnelles et intrapersonnelles dans lesquelles est impliqué l’auteur du refoulement. Cet exercice permet de départager les relations qui contraignent la volonté intérieure présociale à des exigences sociales de celles qui, en sens inverse, émanent de cette volonté intérieure. Comme les premières suscitent le refoulement et les symptômes indésirables qu’il entraîne, la guérison du refoulement exige que le porteur du refoulement prenne ses distances des exigences sociales héritées, de manière à parvenir à reconnaître sa volonté présociale.
En soupesant ainsi la contrainte exercée sur les volontés présociales par les relations particulières, l’enquête psychanalytique jaugeait ces dernières à partir d’une exigence propre aux sociétés démocratiques contemporaines : celle de fonder les relations sociales sur les volontés non contraintes des partenaires. L’enquête psychanalytique participait ainsi d’un imaginaire social moderne qui donnait, à des relations variées, la forme d’un contrat. Les contemporains qui recouraient à cette enquête manifestaient un souci de respecter cette exigence et ils suscitaient une réaction critique envers les relations qui contraignaient la volonté.
En somme, l’enquête psychanalytique offrait aux contemporains une manière d’ordonner les relations qui était adaptée à une société accordant une autorité prééminente aux exigences « contractuelles ». Voilà qui explique en grande partie l’ampleur et la profondeur de la diffusion de la psychanalyse au XXe siècle. / In the twentieth century, a multitude of people used psychoanalysis to explain their actions and gestures to one another. Their reliance on psychoanalysis, is an indication of how deeply they trusted its theories. This wide and profound diffusion, which has left a very strong impression on contemporary culture, remains however largely unexplained.
This puzzling phenomenon becomes intelligible, from the moment one treats psychoanalysis as a grammar of interiority, which guides interactions by mediating them with symbols and common meanings (norms, values, etc.) specific to contemporary democratic societies (those that conceive themselves as emerging from an agreement between individuals). This social practice, the psychoanalytic inquiry, can be analyzed by situating in their contexts of interactions the speeches in which repressed desires were imputed to various conducts. Freud’s work provides a sample of such speeches. The description of the form and meaning that these imputations of repressed desires conferred to different ongoing interactions allows us to identify the specific features of the psychoanalytic inquiry.
Freud shows that the repression arises from a conflict between a repressed presocial will and a socialized will, which enforces repression, born from requirements inculcated by the parental authority. Hence, to identify a repressed desire, one must simultaneously identify a repressing relationship. The psychoanalytic inquiry leads to review the different interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships in which the author of the repression is involved. This exercise leads to set apart the relationships that constrain the inner presocial will to social requirements, from those that rather emanate from this inner will. Since the former creates the repression and the unwanted symptoms it causes, the healing of the repression requires that its carrier distances oneself from inherited social requirements, in order to recognize one’s her inner will.
By weighing the coercion on presocial wills exercised by specific relations, the psychoanalytic inquiry gauged these relations from a standard specific to contemporary democratic societies: the requirement to ground social relations on the unconstrained wills of the partners. The psychoanalytic inquiry was part of a modern social imaginary that shaped the form of a contract to various relationships. The people who used this inquiry showed that they were concerned about this requirement and they prompted a critical reaction to the relationships that constrained their will.
In sum, the psychoanalytic inquiry provided the contemporary world with a way of organizing relationships that was adapted to a society that gave a preeminent authority to “contractual” requirements. That largely explains the breadth and depth of the diffusion of psychoanalysis in the twentieth century.
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Reflexões acerca da psicanálise e da literatura no estudo do indivíduo com base na teoria crítica / Reflections on the psychoanalysis and literature in the study of individual based on Critical TheoryFreitas, Nivaldo Alexandre de 18 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo expor a dificuldade que o psicólogo encontra para realizar um estudo sobre o indivíduo se não recorrer a outras esferas do saber além da ciência, como a arte, e mais especificamente, a literatura. Procura-se evidenciar que a ciência psicológica não abarca a descrição de muitos aspectos presentes na formação do indivíduo, mesmo a psicanálise freudiana, teoria considerada neste trabalho. Já a literatura pode fornecer tanto uma perspectiva histórica da cultura, como elementos que a própria razão não é capaz de apresentar. Nesse sentido, a literatura pode ser também crítica da ciência, pois tem condições de mostrar por que o inconsciente, por exemplo, se torna objeto de estudo científico somente a partir de um momento do capitalismo, quando as inúmeras mediações do capital estreitam o sentido da vida humana. A literatura permite entender como era o homem em outras épocas e, assim, ela fornece a medida das mudanças ocorridas no indivíduo, como sua perda de autonomia e dificuldade de formação. O exame dessas questões se baseia nas reflexões dos teóricos que compõem a Teoria Crítica da Escola de Frankfurt, notadamente Theodor W. Adorno e Walter Benjamin, filósofos que se utilizaram largamente da psicanálise freudiana em seus ensaios. Alguns aspectos do romance de Franz Kafka, O processo, são analisados nesta pesquisa. A leitura dessa obra de Kafka, concomitante à leitura de alguns textos de Freud, permite entender como era o indivíduo da época desses autores, bem como fornece subsídios de sua constituição. A pesquisa está dividida em três partes. Na primeira são expostos princípios teóricos para descrever a relação entre indivíduo e cultura e para entender como o trabalho do artista expõe sua realidade. No segundo momento, por meio de reflexões sobre O processo, busca-se mostrar como o romance é capaz de expor as dificuldades de existência do indivíduo. E por fim, a terceira parte procura discutir alguns limites da psicanálise freudiana e algumas relações dessa teoria com os achados da literatura. Este estudo não pretende propor a rejeição da ciência, mas sim contribuir para a reflexão sobre seus limites e, portanto, para a ampliação dos mesmos / The present research strives to discuss the difficulty to conduct a study of the individual without considering other areas of knowledge beyond science, such as art, and more specifically, literature. It tries to show that psychological science can not to understand many aspects which are present in the formation of the individual, including the Freudian psychoanalysis, theory considered in this work. Literature can provide both historical perspective as well as elements of the culture, which reason itself is not capable. In this regard, literature can also be cr itical of science because it is able to show why the unconscious, for example, becomes an object of scientific study only from a specific point of capitalism while the numerous mediations of the capital narrow the meaning of human life. Moreover literature allows us to understand how human being was in another period, and thus it provides a dimension of changes of the individual, such as loss of autonomy and difficulty of formation. The study of these issues is based on the theory of some thinkers who compound the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School, especially Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin, philosophers who approached Freudian psychoanalysis in their essays. Some aspects of the novel by Franz Kafka, The Trial, are analyzed in this research. The reading of the work of Kafka together with some texts of Freud helps to understand how the individual of that period was, as well as, provides elements of their formation. The research is divided in three parts. First of all, theoretical principles are exposed to describe the relationship between the individual and culture and to understand how the work of the artist exposes his reality. Secondly, by thinking about The Trial, it seeks to show how modern novel is able to expose the difficulties of the individual existence. Finally, it discusses some limits of Freudian psychoanalysis and its relation to literature findings. This study does not intend to propose rejection of science, but rather contribute to the thinking and therefore broadening of its limits
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Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativityLevisky, Flavia Blay 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?
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Reflexões acerca da psicanálise e da literatura no estudo do indivíduo com base na teoria crítica / Reflections on the psychoanalysis and literature in the study of individual based on Critical TheoryNivaldo Alexandre de Freitas 18 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo expor a dificuldade que o psicólogo encontra para realizar um estudo sobre o indivíduo se não recorrer a outras esferas do saber além da ciência, como a arte, e mais especificamente, a literatura. Procura-se evidenciar que a ciência psicológica não abarca a descrição de muitos aspectos presentes na formação do indivíduo, mesmo a psicanálise freudiana, teoria considerada neste trabalho. Já a literatura pode fornecer tanto uma perspectiva histórica da cultura, como elementos que a própria razão não é capaz de apresentar. Nesse sentido, a literatura pode ser também crítica da ciência, pois tem condições de mostrar por que o inconsciente, por exemplo, se torna objeto de estudo científico somente a partir de um momento do capitalismo, quando as inúmeras mediações do capital estreitam o sentido da vida humana. A literatura permite entender como era o homem em outras épocas e, assim, ela fornece a medida das mudanças ocorridas no indivíduo, como sua perda de autonomia e dificuldade de formação. O exame dessas questões se baseia nas reflexões dos teóricos que compõem a Teoria Crítica da Escola de Frankfurt, notadamente Theodor W. Adorno e Walter Benjamin, filósofos que se utilizaram largamente da psicanálise freudiana em seus ensaios. Alguns aspectos do romance de Franz Kafka, O processo, são analisados nesta pesquisa. A leitura dessa obra de Kafka, concomitante à leitura de alguns textos de Freud, permite entender como era o indivíduo da época desses autores, bem como fornece subsídios de sua constituição. A pesquisa está dividida em três partes. Na primeira são expostos princípios teóricos para descrever a relação entre indivíduo e cultura e para entender como o trabalho do artista expõe sua realidade. No segundo momento, por meio de reflexões sobre O processo, busca-se mostrar como o romance é capaz de expor as dificuldades de existência do indivíduo. E por fim, a terceira parte procura discutir alguns limites da psicanálise freudiana e algumas relações dessa teoria com os achados da literatura. Este estudo não pretende propor a rejeição da ciência, mas sim contribuir para a reflexão sobre seus limites e, portanto, para a ampliação dos mesmos / The present research strives to discuss the difficulty to conduct a study of the individual without considering other areas of knowledge beyond science, such as art, and more specifically, literature. It tries to show that psychological science can not to understand many aspects which are present in the formation of the individual, including the Freudian psychoanalysis, theory considered in this work. Literature can provide both historical perspective as well as elements of the culture, which reason itself is not capable. In this regard, literature can also be cr itical of science because it is able to show why the unconscious, for example, becomes an object of scientific study only from a specific point of capitalism while the numerous mediations of the capital narrow the meaning of human life. Moreover literature allows us to understand how human being was in another period, and thus it provides a dimension of changes of the individual, such as loss of autonomy and difficulty of formation. The study of these issues is based on the theory of some thinkers who compound the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School, especially Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin, philosophers who approached Freudian psychoanalysis in their essays. Some aspects of the novel by Franz Kafka, The Trial, are analyzed in this research. The reading of the work of Kafka together with some texts of Freud helps to understand how the individual of that period was, as well as, provides elements of their formation. The research is divided in three parts. First of all, theoretical principles are exposed to describe the relationship between the individual and culture and to understand how the work of the artist exposes his reality. Secondly, by thinking about The Trial, it seeks to show how modern novel is able to expose the difficulties of the individual existence. Finally, it discusses some limits of Freudian psychoanalysis and its relation to literature findings. This study does not intend to propose rejection of science, but rather contribute to the thinking and therefore broadening of its limits
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Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativityFlavia Blay Levisky 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?
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