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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EYOWF 2011 a mytologické postupy v marketingových strategiích kampaně (sémiotická analýza) / EYOWF 2011 and mytologization of the comercial strategies in a market campaigning (discoursive and semiotic analysis)

Hoffmannová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "EYOWF 2011 and mythologization of the commercial strategies in a market campaign" deals with a semiotic analysis and mythologization of the promotional video for 10th European Youth Olympic Winter Festival 2011. This study is drawn up as semiotic analysis comprised of the theories of symbolic interactionism and mythologization as a secondary narrative. The thesis is based on theories of the meaning construction and the terminology of the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, a French semiotican Ronald Barthes and a triadical concept of the sign by Charles Sanders Peirce. The study works on the construction of a commercial message, market communication and use of the specific sign as a primary structural element. An analyzed sample is an audiovisual commercial - 2 minutes and 52 seconds which contents the elements of the entire communicative campaign. The used method is a semiotic analysis which offers insights via description and interpretation of the particular encoded signs. The main focus is concentrating on the camera take and cuts, graphics, colour, characters and the entire mythologization process.

Consolatio vacui/Radost z prázdna / Consolatio vacui/The Joy of Emptiness

Rohanová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Consolatio vacui (joy, deligt, consolation of void) is a conceptual piece exploring the idea of void and emptiness in contrast to the concept „horror vacui,“ which is wide-spread in the subconsciousness of the west culture. The piece deals with void as a field of possibilities, as a space without which there were no particular things. These questions are examined first in general, then in the field of objects and eventually in the specific field of book, asking the questions of ways and effects of communication, relationship of sign and void, purpose of empty space in the book (and in general). The piece consists of 24 books, 99 mostly empty pages each, which symbolizes the wide field of possible consideration of the issues solved in each book on one or a few pages. The 24th book is a summary of all the ideas with commentary.

Poetika struktur / The Poetics of Structures

Kšicová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
The practical thesis is based on a visual experimental poetry and its sign system. I am working with own sign system which was inspired by organized fence's structures. These structures were depicted by typographical signs which creates a new graphical compositions. Whole work is organized into three separated author's books. Their interconnection is emphasized by putting into a common case. The first book entitled Poetry of structure – Inspiration establishes contact with readers by means of photographs of spaces and fence's structures. The second book entitled Poetry of structure – Manual is an interlink of the work which informs readers both with the fence's structures and with the typographical compositions. Confrontation of the fence's photographs with the typographical compositions developed an advancement of the reality transformation to the abstract structure. The third book entitled Poetry of structure is the integral poetic anthology. The book presents both the blind blocking of typographical compositions themselves and the final experimental poems based on them.

Stereotypy národností a znaky pro národy v českém znakovém jazyce / Stereotypes of Nationalities, and Signes for Nations in the Czech Sign Language

Břinková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The methodology of exploring stereotypes in spoken languages has been described in Jerzy Bartmiński's papers in great detail.Bartmiński works with three types of data (linguistic, textual and empirical ones), which he uses to formulate a cognitive definition describing the stereotype of the explored phenomenon. This work is the first of its kind to attempt to apply this methodology to exploring ethnic stereotypes in the Czech Sign Language. Sign languages are visual-motoric by their nature and lack a written form, which brings certain difficulties when exploring textual data. Therefore, for the purpose of exploring stereotypes in these languages the aforementioned method had to be modified in numerous ways. It is especially the linguistic data which have become important here, along with the empirical ones to a certain extent. It turns out that the sought stereotypes are most frequently contained in the very form of the sign (in the so-called parameters, i.e. hand shape, location, movement etc.) or in modifications of its parameters. This is documented on ten different ethnic stereotypes in the Czech Sign Language.

Mesure des performances de reconstruction des électrons et recherche de Supersymétrie dans les canaux avec deux leptons de même charge dans les donnéesdu détecteur ATLAS / Measurement of electron reconstruction performance and search for Supersymmetry in final states with two same sign leptons in ATLAS detector data.

Maurer, Julien 20 September 2013 (has links)
Les trois premières années de fonctionnement de l'expérience ATLAS au LHC, aux résultats fructueux, ont ouvert l'accès à la physique à l'échelle du TeV. Les travaux effectués dans ce contexte ont porté à la fois sur des aspects de performance (reconstruction des électrons) et d'analyse (recherche de nouvelle physique). La première partie est consacrée aux mesures in-situ des efficacités de reconstruction et d'identification des électrons. La méthodologie employée pour réaliser ces mesures dans les données est présentée en détails ainsi que les méthodes développées pour l'estimation du bruit de fond résiduel. La deuxième partie traite de la recherche de Supersymétrie dans les événements avec deux leptons (électrons ou muons) de charges identiques, accompagnés de jets et éventuellement d'énergie transverse manquante, basée sur l'ensemble des données collectées par ATLAS en 2012 (soit 21 fb-1 à sqrt{s}= 8 TeV). Ces états finaux sont particulièrement appropriés à la recherche de gluinos ou de squarks de troisième génération. Les principaux aspects de l'analyse sont décrits, notamment les méthodes d'estimation des différents bruits de fond. L'absence d'excès dans les régions de signal par rapport aux prédictions du Modèle Standard est interprétée en termes de limites sur les masses des superpartenaires, dans le cadre de modèles aux spectres de masse simplifiés. Ainsi, dans les modes de désintégrations étudiés, l'existence de gluinos de masse inférieure à 1 TeV, ou de sbottoms de masse inférieure à 500 GeV, est exclue. / The first three years of operation of the ATLAS experiment at LHC, with fruitful results, have opened the way to physics at the TeV scale. The work realized in this context included some performance aspects (electron reconstruction) as well as analysis (search for new physics). The first part is devoted to in-situ measurements of electron reconstruction and identification efficiencies. The methodology employed to perform these measurements in data is presented in details, as well as the methods developped for estimating the residual background. The second part deals with a search for Supersymmetry in events with two leptons (electrons or muons) of identical charges, together with jets and in some cases missing transverse energy, based on the whole dataset colledcted by ATLAS in 2012 (namely 21 fb-1 at 8 TeV). These final states are particularly adapted to searches for gluinos or third generation squarks. The main aspects of the analysis are described, in particular the methods used to estimate the various backgrounds. The absence of excess in the signal regions with respect to the Standard Model predictions is interpreted in terms of limits on the masses of superpartners, in the frame of models with simplified mass spectra. Thus, in the studied decay modes, the existence of gluinos with masses below 1 TeV or sbottoms with masses below 500 GeV is excluded.

"Vad gör jag nu då?" : En studie om tillträdesstrategier som språkligt sårbara barn använder sig av. / "So, what am I doing now?" : A Study About Language Impaired Children's Access Rituals in Preschool

Andersson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa studie var syftet dels att undersöka om förskollärare upplever att barn med språkligsårbarhet blir uteslutna ur leken och dels att undersöka vilka tillträdesstrategier barn med språkligsårbarhet använder sig av för att få tillträde till leken. Jag genomförde intervjuer med två förskollärarepå en förskola.Resultatet visar att de inte upplever att språksårbara barn med svenska som modersmål blir uteslutna urden fria leken. De upplever däremot att barn med annat förstaspråk än svenska blir uteslutna i störreutsträckning. De upplever även att dessa barn inte heller söker sig till fri lek i samma utsträckning sombarnen med svenska som modersmål. Resultatet visar även att barn oavsett språklig förmåga användersig av liknande icke-verbala strategier när de söker tillträde till leken. Variationen beror på barnens olikapersonligheter och beroende på sin personlighet väljer man olika sätt att söka tillträde i leken. Barnenanvänder sig av kroppsspråket i form av blickar, kroppskontakt och även TAKK förekommer i vissasituationer när de söker tillträde till lek. Språkstarka barn använder sig av kroppsspråket när de sökertillträde samtidigt som de förlitar sig på sitt verbala språk. / This qualitative study examines preschool teachers’ experience concerning if children with languageimpairment suffer from exclusion from play with other children. The study also examines theirexperience about what kind of access rituals children with language impairment use to gain access inother children’s free play. Interviews were conducted with two preschool teachers.The result shows that according to preschool teachers’ experience, exclusion can depend on the child’snative language. They notice more exclusion among the children with other native language thanSwedish. They also experience that these children don’t search access to play in the same extent aschildren with Swedish as mother tongue. The result shows that children, no matter speech competence,use the same kind of non-verbal access rituals when they search access to play. The variation of ritualsdepends on the child’s personality, not on language competence. Children use their body language inthe shape of eye contact, body contact and also sign language is used in some situations. Children withdeveloped language use the body language when they want access but they also rely on their speechwhen they search for access.

The Optimal trigger speed of vehicle activated signs

Jomaa, Diala January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to elaborate on the optimum trigger speed for Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) and to study the effectiveness of VAS trigger speed on drivers’ behaviour. Vehicle activated signs (VAS) are speed warning signs that are activated by individual vehicle when the driver exceeds a speed threshold. The threshold, which triggers the VAS, is commonly based on a driver speed, and accordingly, is called a trigger speed. At present, the trigger speed activating the VAS is usually set to a constant value and does not consider the fact that an optimal trigger speed might exist. The optimal trigger speed significantly impacts driver behaviour. In order to be able to fulfil the aims of this thesis, systematic vehicle speed data were collected from field experiments that utilized Doppler radar. Further calibration methods for the radar used in the experiment have been developed and evaluated to provide accurate data for the experiment. The calibration method was bidirectional; consisting of data cleaning and data reconstruction. The data cleaning calibration had a superior performance than the calibration based on the reconstructed data. To study the effectiveness of trigger speed on driver behaviour, the collected data were analysed by both descriptive and inferential statistics. Both descriptive and inferential statistics showed that the change in trigger speed had an effect on vehicle mean speed and on vehicle standard deviation of the mean speed. When the trigger speed was set near the speed limit, the standard deviation was high. Therefore, the choice of trigger speed cannot be based solely on the speed limit at the proposed VAS location. The optimal trigger speeds for VAS were not considered in previous studies. As well, the relationship between the trigger value and its consequences under different conditions were not clearly stated. The finding from this thesis is that the optimal trigger speed should be primarily based on lowering the standard deviation rather than lowering the mean speed of vehicles. Furthermore, the optimal trigger speed should be set near the 85th percentile speed, with the goal of lowering the standard deviation.

Modélisation du squelette pour la génération réaliste de postures de la langue des signes française / Skeleton modelling for the realistic generation of french sign language postures

Delorme, Maxime 07 December 2011 (has links)
Les avancées récentes en matière d'animation ont permis le déploiement de personnages virtuels à des fins diverses et variées. Les signeurs virtuels sont des personnages en trois dimension s'exprimant en langue des signes et permettant la diffusion de messages aux personnes sourdes et malentendantes signantes de manière anonyme et modulaire. Cependant, la génération d'animations pour ces personnages dépend de la description lexicale des signes, modèle linguistique dépendant du système de génération. Les signes décrits par ces modèles sont généralement des réalisations parfaites et géométriques menant à des mouvements robotiques et peu naturels de la part du signeur. Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'addition d'informations anatomiques au squelette de contrôle du personnage virtuel de manière à le faire signer de manière plus humaine et réaliste. Ces informations supplémentaires sont regroupées sous l'appellation de "modèle anatomique" et sont divisées en cinq contributions principales : une nouvelle représentation informatique du squelette, une étude anthropométrique sur la main, l'unification de dépendances articulatoires, un nouveau modèle de complexe carpo-métacarpien permettant l'opposition aisée du pouce et enfin un modèle calculant le confort d'une posture. Ces apports sont intégrés à une plateforme de génération au moyen de techniques adaptées aux contraintes imposées par les modèles linguistiques. Les travaux sont conclus par une évaluation du système ainsi qu'une réflexion sur les travaux futurs pouvant être élaborés à partir de cette thèse. / Recent progresses in animation have allowed the use of virtual character to many extents. Virtual signers (or signing avatars) are three-dimension characters expressing themselves in sign language. These characters allow the the broadcasting of audio information to deaf and hearing-impaired signers in an anonymous and modular fashion. However, automatic generation of animation for such characters strongly rely on the lexical description of signs. Signs described through these models are usually perfect and geometric performances leading to robotic and unrealistic movements. These thesis focuses on adding information to the control skeleton of the signer to help him perform signs in a more human and realistic way. Such information are grouped under the name of "anatomic model" and are divided in five main contributions : a new computer-based description of the skeleton, an anthropometric study of the hand, the merging of articulatory dependencies, a new model of the carpo-metacarpal complex allowing an easier opposition of the thumb and finally a model computing posture comfort. These contributions are then implemented in a generation system through linguistic contraints-adapted techniques. The study ends with an evaluation of the system and a the presentation of future prospects.

Atendimento educacional especializado para alunos surdos: concepções e práticas docentes no município de São Paulo / Deaf students specialized educational services: concepts and teaching practices in the city of São Paulo

Moura, Guadalupe Marcondes de 04 October 2016 (has links)
Esta tese descreveu e analisou conhecimentos e práticas de professoras que atuam em Escolas Municipais de Ensino Fundamental (EMEFs) e Fundamental e Médio (EMEFMs) da rede municipal de São Paulo, em Sala de Apoio e Acompanhamento à Inclusão (SAAI) para alunos surdos, sobre o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e assuntos correlatos. Trata-se de pesquisa quali-quantitativa, os dados foram coletados por meio de ficha de identificação, entrevista semiestruturada, registro observacional e pesquisa documental. Para organização das falas das professoras utilizou-se a Análise de Prosa e os resultados também puderam ser quantificados. Aspectos positivos identificados: 83,3% consideram que a formação continuada traz contribuições para o atendimento do aluno surdo; 100% consideram a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) muito importante para a vida escolar; 83,3% referem nível de motivação entre bom e muito bom para o trabalho na SAAI; 83,3% citaram atividades pedagógicas que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Libras e do português; 60% referem que geralmente os coordenadores pedagógicos, diretores e demais funcionários da escola estão envolvidos com a SAAI, 100% referem que geralmente os intérpretes também estão envolvidos. Aspectos negativos: apenas 33,3% das participantes consideram que a formação inicial as preparou para lidar com alunos surdos; 16,7% referem ter nível básico em Libras e 66,6% nível intermediário; episódios de português sinalizado foram observados em 33,3% das SAAIs; 50% das professoras alinham-se à perspectiva do Modelo Social e da filosofia da Comunicação Total para o trabalho na SAAI; 50% concordam em parte com a inclusão de alunos surdos na escola comum e 16,7% acreditam que a mesma prejudica o aluno surdo; apenas 16,7% consideram o AEE eficiente; 100% consideram que os desafios na SAAI são grandes (ansiedade, poucas salas, sobrecarga de trabalho, carga horária insuficiente, problemas linguísticos etc.); 50% fazem referência à práticas que não são pertinentes ao AEE (reforço de conteúdos curriculares, alfabetização de alunos e oralidade), atividades mecanicistas para \"treinar\" Libras também foram citadas; Quanto ao envolvimento da comunidade escolar com a SAAI, 60% das professoras referem que a participação dos professores da sala comum só ocorre às vezes, 80% referiram que a participação das famílias ocorre às vezes ou raramente; Quanto ao desempenho escolar e futuro profissional dos alunos, 60% consideraram que o desempenho está aquém do que se poderia considerar como bom, situando-o entre aceitável e ruim, 60% referem que seus alunos apenas concluirão o ensino médio, 100% não consideram que seus alunos sejam capazes de competir em igualdade com pessoas ouvintes, conseguindo emprego apenas em vagas para deficientes. Os achados apontam para a necessidade de repensar o AEE nas SAAIs para surdos do município de São Paulo. / This thesis described and analyzed teachers concepts and practices in their work in EMEF and EMEFM (Municipal Elementary and Secondary Schools) from the city of São Paulo, in the SAAIs (classroom support and assistance to the inclusion) about deaf students specialized educational attendance (AEE) and correlated themes. It is a qualitative-quantitative research and data was collected by an identification form, a semi-structured interview, observational records and documental research. Teachers speeches were organized by the use of Prose Analysis and data was quantified as well. Positive identified aspects: 83,3% consider that teachers continued qualification brings contribution for deaf students following up: 100% consider Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) very important for deaf pupils academic life; 83,3% refer motivation level as good and very good for SAAIs work: 83,3% quoted pedagogical activities which might enhance Libras and Portuguese development; 60% refer that pedagogic coordinators, headmasters and other school staff are involved with SAAI, 100% refer that interpreters are often involved too. Negative aspects: only 33,3% of the participants consider that initial qualifying prepared them to teach deaf students; 16,7% referred basic level of proficiency in the use of Libras and 66,6% referred an intermediate level; Signed Portuguese episodes were observed in 33,3% of SAAI; 50% of the teachers are aligned with the Disability Social Model and Total Communication Philosophy for SAAIs work; 50% agree with deaf students inclusion in regular schools partly, and 16,7% believe that it harms deaf students; only 16,7 consider AEE efficient; 100% consider that challenges are big in SAAI (as anxiety, low number of classrooms support and assistance to the inclusion, overwork ,insufficient working hours, linguistic problems etc); 50% refer to practices which are not pertinent to AEE context (as curricular contents reinforcement, to learn to read and write and oral training) mechanical activities to train Libras were mentioned; In relation to community school involvement with SAAI, 60% of the teachers refer that regular classrooms teachers participation only occurs sometimes, 80% refer that families participation occurs sometimes or rarely, in relation to students academic and future professional performances 60% consider them below an accepted good level, classifying them between acceptable and bad; 60% refer that their students will finish only the secondary school, 100% consider that their deaf students are unable to compete with hearing students equally in getting jobs. The results show the need to rethink the AEE in the SAAI for deaf students in the city of São Paulo.

Dimensões teórico-metodológicas do cálculo diferencial e integral : perspectivas histórica e de ensino e aprendizagem /

Escher, Marco Antonio. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Rosana Giaretta Sguerra Miskulin / Banca: Maria Teresa Menezes Freitas / Banca: João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer / Banca: Adriana Cesar de Mattos / Banca: Marcos Vieira Teixeira / Resumo: Esta pesquisa descreve um Cenário de Investigação criado por algumas dimensões teórico-metodológicas, as quais apresentam, em duas perspectivas inter-relacionadas, as influências, limites e potencialidades do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no Cálculo Diferencial e Integral: (1) em uma perspectiva histórica, e (2) em uma perspectiva de ensino e de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em investigar as dimensões teórico-metodológicas presentes nas inter-relações do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral e as Tecnologias Informacionais e Comunicacionais (TIC). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida lançando mão de uma metodologia qualitativa, com a qual o pesquisador insere-se no contexto pesquisado e no desenvolvimento da coleta dos dados da pesquisa e, aos poucos, constrói o Cenário de Investigação, tendo, como pano de fundo, o Paradigma Indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg. Desta forma, delineamos uma Coda a qual nos fornece uma síntese conceitual das perspectivas (1) e (2), viabilizando-nos a percorrer um caminho teórico-metodológico em busca dos indícios que influenciam os processos de ensinar e aprender Cálculo no contexto das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Para tanto, delineamos possíveis respostas para a questão investigativa: Quais são as dimensões teórico-metodológicas presentes nas inter-relações do Cálculo Diferencial e as Tecnologias Informacionais e Comunicacionais no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem da matemática? Dimensões como: epistemológicas, da linguagem, formalista, sócio-cultural, metodológica, entre outras, emergem da revisão da literatura relativa ao uso das tecnologias no ensino e aprendizagem do Cálculo, da análise preliminar dos livros selecionados, das Entrevistas efetuadas com professores que lecionaram, ou que ainda... (Resumo completo, clicar aesso eletrônico abaixo). / Abstract: In this work we describe a scenario for research created by some theoretical and methodological dimensions which show influences, limits and potentialities of the use of Information and Communication Technology in Differential and Integral Calculus in two interrelated perspectives: (1) from a historical perspective, and (2) a teaching and learning point of view. The objective of this research is to investigate the theoretical and methodological dimensions present in the inter-relationships of Differential and Integral Calculus and Information and Communication Technology (TIC). Therefore, we are resorting to a qualitative methodology, in which the researcher is within the context of researching and developing data collection and research forms the Investigation Scenario in a step-by-step careful manner, with the backdrop of the Paradigm Sign of Carlo Ginzburg. Thus, we designed a Coda which provides a conceptual synthesis of perspectives (1) and (2), which makes possible a theoretical and methodological journey in search of clues that influence the processes of teaching and learning calculus in the context of Information and Communication Technology. To this end, we propose possible answers to the investigative question: What are the theoretical and methodological dimensions present in the inter-relationships of Calculus from the Information and Communication Technology in the context of teaching and learning of mathematics? Dimensions such as epistemological, linguistic, formalist, socio-cultural, methodological, among others, emerge from the literature review on the use of technology in teaching and learning of calculus and preliminary analysis of selected books, from the Interviews with the teachers who taught or still teach Differential and Integral Calculus and from... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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