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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explaining Adolescent Offending Variety in Sweden by Parental Country of Birth: A Test of Situational Action Theory

Uddin, Rokon January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to explain adolescent offending variety by their parental country of birth. In doing so, the independent effect size and proportion of variance of two core elements of Situational Action Theory (SAT) – propensity and lifestyle risk – on offending variety are examined by immigrant background and gender. Although previous studies produced plenty of support to key assumption of SAT, no study so far measured offending variety as dependent variable. Analyses are based on self-reported data collected for Malmö Individual and Neighborhood Development Study (MINDS) during 2011-12, when the adolescent attained the age between 16 and 17. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression is run to examine the magnitude of effect and proportion of variance. Strong relation of offending variety separately with propensity and lifestyle risk was identified. Contrary to current scholarship on immigrant crime in Sweden, adolescent with immigrant parents are found at no more risk to engage in self-reported delinquency than the natives. Gender difference remains as a strong predictor of offending variety, especially for the immigrant group. This research reveals similarities in magnitude of effects of criminal propensity and lifestyle risks on offending variety, regardless of adolescents’ parental country of birth. Yet, propensity is a stronger predictor for delinquency variety than the lifestyle risks. This confirms applicability of the core elements of SAT, regardless of adolescents’ parental country of birth.

Situational action theory and intimate partner violence : an exploration of morality as the underlying mechanism in the explanation of violent crime

Barton-Crosby, Jennifer Louise January 2018 (has links)
Despite the criminal nature of intimate partner violence, scholars infrequently apply general theories of crime to understanding its causes (Dixon, Archer, & Graham-Kevan, 2012). Indeed, some scholars reject the notion that the causes of intimate partner violence align with the causes of general crime and violence (Dobash, Dobash, Wilson, & Daly, 1992). A second area of contention is whether male and female violence can be explained within the same theoretical framework (Dutton & Nicholls, 2005). In this thesis I argue that as a type of criminal behaviour, understanding the causes of intimate partner violence from a criminological perspective is a valid and necessary research endeavour. Further, guided by the principles of the theoretical framework of this thesis, I submit that both male and female intimate partner violence can be explained within the same general theory of crime. This thesis applies situational action theory, a general theory of crime that places morality at the centre of its explanatory framework, to the understanding and explanation of intimate partner violence. This thesis concentrates on the roles of personal morality and provocation in intimate partner violence perpetration. Partner conflict is defined as the experience of provocation, while friction sensitivity and low partner cohesion are included as key factors leading to partner conflict. Specifically, this thesis examines whether the strength of personal morality influences whether individuals respond to provocation with violence against a partner. To address the aims of the research, this thesis uses data from the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study, a study designed to test situational action theory. Participants are a representative sample of males and females between 24 and 25 years of age. Path analyses using a multiple-group method revealed that high friction sensitivity and low partner cohesion contributed to increased partner violence perpetration by influencing the level of partner conflict. Morality had a significant moderating effect on the path between partner conflict and partner violence perpetration. Namely, individuals with weak morality, and who frequently engaged in partner conflict, were significantly more likely to perpetrate acts of partner violence than individuals with strong morality who engaged in frequent conflict with a partner. These findings were replicated across males and females. The findings of this research illustrate the importance of morality in the explanation of partner violence, and provide evidence that both male and female partner violence can be explained within the framework of situational action theory.

The interaction between self-control and morality in crime causation among older adults

Hirtenlehner, Helmut, Kunz, Franziska 24 September 2019 (has links)
Situational Action Theory (SAT), a recently developed explanation of criminal conduct, is becoming increasingly studied. Hitherto, however, nearly all tests of the theory and its hypotheses have been based on samples of adolescents or young adults. Studies drawing on the older population have been missing so far. This work addresses the interplay of moral beliefs and the ability to exercise self-control in crime causation among respondents aged 50 years and over. In line with SAT and the results obtained previously for young people, our analyses show that self-control ability affects offending among older adults too, particularly when personal morality is weak.


Engstrand, Amanda, Andersson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker bidragsbrottsligheten i Malmö och dess utveckling. Utifrån en kvantitativ ansats med tvärsnittsdesign syftar studien till att belysa utvecklingen av bidragsbrott samt hitta bidragande faktorer till utvecklingsförloppet. Bidragsbrott är relevant utifrån dess frekvens, konsekvenser för välfärdssystemet och kopplingen till den organiserade brottsligheten. På uppdrag av Malmös avdelning för ekonomiskt bistånd och boende har forskningsfrågorna besvaras med statistik från dem samt Brottsförebyggande rådet. Efter en deskriptiv univariat analys fann denna studie att bidragsbrottsutvecklingen i Malmö inte påvisar en stabil ökande eller minskande trend utan är fluktuerande. Med hjälp av Strainteorin och Situationella handlingsteorin förklarades denna ojämna utveckling utifrån ekonomiska faktorer, extern/intern kontroll samt motivation och frestelser. / This study investigates the social welfare crime development in Malmö. Using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design this study aims to illustrate the development of social welfare crime and also find contributing factors to the development. Social welfare crime is relevant due to its frequency, consequences to the welfare system and connection to organized crime. At the request of Malmö City department of economic aid and housing, the research questions have been answered using data from the department and Brottsförebyggande rådet. After a descriptive univariate analysis, this study found that the social welfare crime development is neither showing a stable rising or decreasing trend but a fluctuation curve. The uneven development was explained using Strain theory and the Situational action theory and was able to identify contributing factors such as economic factors, internal/external control, motivation and temptations.

Stöld på arbetsplatsen. En kvantitativ studie av stöld som begås av anställda utifrån Situationella handlingsteorin

Grundberg, Clara, Ahlström, Fanny January 2015 (has links)
Den aktuella studien undersöker stöld som begås av anställda utifrån en kriminologisk teori som integrerar individuella och kontextuella faktorer – Situationella handlingsteorin. Syftet med studien är att testa huruvida denna teori utgör en lämplig förklaringsmodell för stöld som begås av anställda inom den svenska café- och restaurangbranschen samt detalj- och partihandeln. Studien ämnar även undersöka om individers stöldbenägenhet skiljer sig åt på respektive utanför arbetsplatsen. Studien grundar sig på primärdata inhämtad med hjälp av en webbenkät, distribuerad på det sociala nätverket Facebook. Materialet analyserades statistiskt och de huvudsakliga resultaten visar att individens benägenhet, i form av moral och självkontroll, samt motivation i form av frestelser, kan bekräftas som viktiga prediktorer för stöld som begås av anställda. Med grund i de samlade resultaten dras slutsatsen att Situationella handlingsteorin kan anses vara en lämplig förklaringsmodell för stöld på arbetsplatsen. / The present study examines theft committed by employees from a criminological theory, which integrates individual and contextual factors – Situational Action Theory. The purpose of this study is to test whether this theory is an appropriate model of explanation for theft committed by employees of the Swedish café and restaurant industry as well as retail and wholesale trade. The study also intends to examine whether individuals differ in their propensity to steal in, compared to outside of, their workplace. The study is based on primary data acquired with an online questionnaire, distributed on the social network Facebook. The material was analyzed statistically and the main results showed that individual's propensity, in the form of morality and self-control, and motivation in the form of temptations, can be confirmed as important predictors of theft committed by employees. With the foundation of the overall results the conclusion is that the Situational Action Theory could be considered a suitable model of explanation for theft in the workplace.


Riekwel, Annika January 2023 (has links)
According to Wikstörm’s (2012) Situational Action Theory (SAT), engaging incriminogenic behaviour is influenced by a person’s crime propensity, such as self-control and morality. Moral rules applied to a setting, and their degree ofenforcement, are stated as crucial since individuals are in constant interaction withtheir surroundings. Criminogenic exposure, such as having criminal friends and thetime spent with friends, is according to SAT (ibid.) influential on criminogenicbehaviour. The purpose of this study was, through hypothesis testing, to investigatethe applicability of SAT based on different environmental contexts. Aggressivecriminogenic behaviour was measured through bullying. Offline- andcyberbullying corresponded to aggressive criminogenic behaviour in differentenvironmental contexts. This study found that morality, self-control, andcriminogenic exposure, were significant in relation to offline bullying. Self-controland having criminal friends were significant in relation to cyberbullying. Genderwas used as a confounding variable and showed that girls are more prone tocyberbullying than boys, and that boys were more prone to offline bullying thangirls. Testing SAT applicability by comparing online and offline criminogenicbehaviour is understudied, further research on other online criminogenic behavioursis therefore encouraged, as well as the relationship between gender and anonymityas well as their influence in SAT.

Under vilka omständigheter förekommer försäljning av cannabis? : En fältstudie i Stockholm / In which conditions does dealing of cannabis occur? : A field study in Stockholm

Gliori, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen i Sverige, och dess konsumtion är ständigt växande. De senaste årens massiva ökning av dödsskjutningar tros vara ett resultat av konflikter mellan kriminella nätverk i fråga om just cannabisförsäljning. För att ta itu med dessa problem måste vi först lära oss mer om de platser där hantering av cannabis sker, i synnerhet försäljning. Den här studien ämnar ge en inblick i hur de här platserna ser ut, vad som kännetecknar dem, och varför just dessa blir utvalda för drogrelaterade aktiviteter, med målet att formulera förslag på hur de kan utformas så att försäljningen av cannabis förebyggs. Studien utfördes genom fältarbete och tillämpandet av ett särskilt fältprotokoll där variabler avsedda att beskriva förhållanden i miljön bedömdes. Dataunderlaget kom från polisens register över arresteringar för misstanke om överlåtelse av cannabis under åren 2019–2020. Vad som kan sägas är att en typisk plats låg i ett bostadsområde med flervåningshus, avskild från stora folkmassor och trafik, öppen med god sikt, och med god tillgänglighet. De erhållna resultaten analyserades sedan i relation till kriminologiska teorier, i syfte att skapa en större förståelse om varför brotten inträffar just där. För att kunna förhindra cannabishandeln på dessa platser har lösningsförslag baserade på principer i CPTED-strategin framförts. Dessa gäller bland annat ökad övervakning från byggnader runtomkring samt att ta upp kampen om det sociala rummet genom att skapa en känsla av ökad territorialitet på platserna. Rapporten avslutas med en utvärdering av den nyttjade metoden samt en diskussion om komplexiteten i att lösa problemen enkom genom åtgärder i stadsmiljön, då det finns en rad andra faktorer som spelar in. Det vi samhällsplanerare kan erbjuda är lösningsalternativ som må stävja brottsligheten, men i slutändan är det individer som väljer att begå dessa kriminella handlingar. / Cannabis is the most common illegal drug in Sweden, and its consumption is constantly increasing. The massive rise in fatal shootings in recent years is believed to be a result of conflicts between criminal networks regarding cannabis sales. To address these issues, we must first learn more about the places in which cannabis occurs, particularly dealing. This study aims to provide an insight into what these places look like, what characterizes them, and why these are selected for drug-related activities, with the aim of offering suggestions on how they could be designed to prevent the dealing of cannabis. The study was carried out through fieldwork and the utilization of a special fieldwork protocol in which variables intended to describe conditions in the environment were assessed. The data came from police records of arrests for suspicions of selling cannabis during the years 2019– 2020. What can be said is that a typical place was in a residential area with multi-storey buildings, separated from large crowds and traffic, open with good visibility, and with good accessibility. The results obtained were then analyzed in relation to criminological theories, to create a greater understanding of why the crimes occur right there. In order to prevent the cannabis dealing in these places, proposed solutions have been put forward based on principles in the CPTED strategy. These include increased surveillance from surrounding buildings and taking up the fight about the social space by creating a sense of increased territoriality in the places. The report ends with an evaluation of the method used and a discussion about the complexity of solving the problems solely through measures in the urban environment, as there are a number of other factors that come into play. What we urban planners can offer are alternative solutions that may curb crime, but in the end, it is individuals who decide to commit these criminal acts.

Le processus d'adhésion aux citoyens souverains : une étude exploratoire du phénomène au Québec

Lavigne-Desnoyers, Gabrielle 12 1900 (has links)
Il est difficile de définir le groupe des citoyens souverains car il a été très peu étudié. Selon les sources, il s’agit d’un groupe terroriste, d’un groupe sectaire ou d’un mouvement radical. La Gendarmerie royale du Canada, les tribunaux et certains services fédéraux et provinciaux prennent des mesures pour contrer l’impact des actions criminelles qu’ils commettent. Pour sa part, le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS) n’identifie pas ce groupe comme une entité terroriste. L’objectif de ce mémoire n’est pas de définir le groupe des citoyens souverains, mais plutôt de comprendre le processus d’adhésion à ce groupe au Québec. À l’aide de la théorie de l’action situationnelle, il démontre les étapes de la création d’un filtre moral chez les adhérents au mouvement. Par induction analytique à partir de témoignages de membres du groupe, il présente les conditions nécessaires à l’adhésion aux citoyens souverains. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve la victimisation et l’exposition sélective aux théories du complot. Ce mémoire est la première étude qui sonde le point de vue des adhérents pour permettre de comprendre comment ils en viennent à commettre des gestes illégaux qu’eux considèrent légitimes. / Groups of sovereign citizens are hard to define since they are the subject of very few studies. According to sources, they are terrorist groups or sectarian groups or they are part of a radical movement. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, courts and some federal and provincial departments and agencies are taking measures to offset the impact of criminal actions they commit. As for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), it does not consider these groups as terrorist entities. The purpose of this thesis is not to define these groups per se, but rather to understand the enrolment process for Quebec sovereign citizens. Through situational action theory, it shows the various steps involved in the creation of a moral filter by this movement’s members. By analytic induction based on testimonies of group members, it shows the prerequisites for enrolling in the sovereign citizen movement – such as victimization and selective exposure to conspiracy theories. This thesis is the first study to poll the views of these members in order to understand how they get to commit illegal acts that they consider to be totally legitimate.

Witnessing moral educators breaking (their) moral teachings, morality and self-reported crime : A study on adults in two countries, Sweden and Greece

Avratoglou, Alexandros January 2021 (has links)
The present paper extends previous research in terms of integrating social learning with morality theories, under the framework of moral educators’ and their conflicting moral influences. Specifically, this study aims to investigate the impact of witnessing moral educators breaking (their) moral teachings on individual’s morality and criminal behavior using a sample of two countries, Sweden and Greece, with similar population but entirely different cultural and social characteristics. We focus on three research questions regarding the correlations and (i) the explanatory influence of witnessing this conflict on moral emotions and values by gender and country, (ii) its impact on traditional crime by gender and country and (iii) the impact that witnessing the conflict and morality mutually have on traditional crime in the two countries. Our findings emerge in three key points. First, we found that witnessing moral educators influenced both moral emotions differentially in each country and gender, but only affected Swedish males’ moral values. Secondly, our results showed that witnessing moral educators can explain a moderate to small variance of traditional crime only for males in the two countries. Lastly, we found that witnessing moral educators together with morality can explain a moderate variance of traditional crime in the two countries, while gender is highly important for both countries. Findings are discussed in relation to theory and previous research. Future research is recommended in order to expand the understanding of the cultural and social learning processes that inhibit (im)moral contexts and subsequently affect morality and offending.

En kartläggning av skånska kommuners preventiva arbete avseende våld i nära relation : Styrkor, begränsningar och förbättringsmöjligheter / A mapping of Scanian municipalities work in preventing intimate partner violence : Strenghts, weaknesses and improvement opportunities

Axelsson, Elsa, Blazevic, Jasmin, Djordjevic, Ivana January 2021 (has links)
Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem och ett hot mot kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter. Kommunerna har en central roll i det våldspreventiva arbetet, men i dagsläget finns inget lagstöd för hur detta arbete bör bedrivas. För att öka kommunernas ansvar inom det brottspreventiva arbetet, relaterat till våld i nära relation har regeringen påbörjat en utredning av införandet av ett nytt lagförslag. Detta lagförslag skulle innebära att kommunerna får ett större ansvar i att arbeta mer brottsförebyggande. För att undersöka hur det preventiva arbetet avseende våld i nära relation bedrivs i de skånska kommunerna i dagsläget, har en kartläggning utförts i denna studie. Kartläggningen har gjorts genom en triangulering av kommunernas webbplatser, befintliga dokument och enkäter. Utifrån en tematisk analys av denna data framkommer det att samtliga kommuner bedriver ett våldspreventivt arbete av sekundär och tertiär karaktär. Det finns inom kommunerna insatser inriktade mot både offer och förövare, dock riktas insatserna främst till den utsatta. Insatser som oftast erbjuds till den utsatta är skyddat boende, samtalsstöd och ekonomiskt bistånd. Samtalsstöd är den insats som oftast erbjuds den som utsätter. Utifrån resultatet i denna studie kan det utläsas att kommunerna på grund av resursbrist inte har möjlighet att arbeta med primär prevention i större utsträckning, trots en önskan om detta. En lagförändring kring kommunernas ansvar i det våldspreventiva arbetet hade kunnat innebära ökade resurser och därmed ett större fokus kring primär prevention av våld i nära relation. / Men´s violence against women is a serious societal problem and a threat against the human rights of women. Municipalities play a central part in prevention work, but at the moment there is no law in Sweden that regulates how this work should be practiced. To increase the responsibilities of municipalities in the prevention work of intimate partner violence, the government commenced the introduction of a new bill. The implementation of this bill would lead to a greater responsibility for municipalities in working with crime prevention. To examine how the prevention work related to intimate partner violence is conducted in the municipalities of Scania in the current situation, a mapping was conducted in this study. The mapping was done through a triangulation of the municipalities websites, available documents and a survey. Based on a thematic analysis of this data it appears that every municipality conducts their prevention work against violence in a secondary and tertiary way. In the municipalities there are efforts targeting both the victim and the offender, although most of the efforts are developed for the person exposed of violence. The most commonly offered efforts are protected residence, aid through dialog and financial support. Aid through dialogue is the commonest offered effort to offenders. Based on the results of this study it can be understood that municipalities, because of lack of resources, do not have the ability to work with primary prevention, although there is a desire to do so. The implementation of a new bill regarding the responsibilities of municipalities in prevention work, could increase resources and thereby enable a greater focus in primary prevention against intimate partner violence.

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