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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immigrant background and orthodontic treatment need : Quantitative and qualitative studies in Swedish adolescents

Josefsson, Eva January 2010 (has links)
During the last three decades there has been an increased influx of refugees and immigrants into Scandinavia. The overall aim of this thesis was primarily to improve our knowledge of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need, both normative and self-perceived, in adolescents of varying geographic origin. A further aim was to determine whether any differences with respect to perception of general appearance and psychosocial well-being were related to geographic origin. Papers I and II concerned self perceived and normative orthodontic treatment need. About 500 12-13 year-old subjects, stratified into different groups: A-Sweden, B-Eastern/Southeastern Europe, C-Asia and D-other countries, answered a questionnaire and underwent clinical examination by the author. In paper III the association between the two variables in papers I and II was investigated. Paper IV was a follow up study, at 18-19 years of age, of the relationship between geographic origin and prevalence of malocclusion, self-perceived treatment need, temporomandibular symptoms and psychosocial wellbeing. In Paper V a qualitative study of 19-20 year old subjects was conducted, to identify the strategies they had adopted to handle the issue of persisting poor dental aesthetics. The main findings were that at 12-13 years of age, immigrant subjects had a lower perceived orthodontic treatment need than subjects of Swedish background. Girls of Swedish background had the highest self perceived treatment need, whilst girls of non-Swedish background were most concerned that fixed appliance therapy would be painful. In a few of the clinical variables measured at 12-13 years of age, the Swedish group exhibited the greatest space deficiency and irregularity in both the maxillary and mandibular anterior segments and greater overjet, compared to the Eastern/Southeastern European and Asian groups. The clinical implications were negligible. The orthodontic treatment need according to “Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need - Dental HealthComponent” (IOTN-DHC) grades 4 and 5, ranged from 30 to 40 percent, without any inter-group differences. There were strong associations between subjects perceiving a need for orthodontic treatment and 6IOTN-DHC grades 4 and 5, anterior crossbite and avoiding smiling because they were self-conscious about their teeth. At the age of 18-19 years, the frequency of malocclusion was similar in all groups. Subjects of Asian origin had a higher self-perceived orthodontic treatment need than their Swedish counterparts and a higher frequency of headache than those of Eastern/Southeastern European origin. Psychological wellbeing was reduced in nearly one quarter of the sample, more frequently in girls than boys. No association was found between self-perceived orthodontic treatment need and psychological wellbeing. The theory “Being under the pressure of social norms” was generated in Paper V, and it can be applied to improve our understanding of young adults who have adjusted to living with poor dental aesthetics and also aid to identify those who are not as well-adjusted and would probably benefit from treatment. Undisclosed dental fear is an important barrier to acceptance of orthodontic treatment in early adolescence. Despite demographic changes due to immigration, no major change in the prevalence of malocclusion and normative orthodontic treatment need has been disclosed. This does not apply to adolescents and adults who immigrated at an older age.

Att integrera i det svenska samhället : En undersökning om kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund och deras syn på introduktion och andra faktorer som påverkar inträdet i det svenska arbetslivet och samhället

Lissollas, Anette January 2008 (has links)
The integration policy in Sweden shall encourage individuals to support themselves and take part in society. It shall alsocontribute to equal rights and opportunities for women as well as for men. In Borlänge this has resulted in a program ofintroduction for new arrivals from other countries. However, at the unit responsible for economic support, they havediscovered that women with immigrant background more often than men seem to have trouble starting or became to anending of the program, which then especially leads women to a long-term dependence for economic support. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate what factors affect immigrant women’s participation in theintroduction, and what significance this participation has for their possibilities to become economically self-supporting,and integrated into Swedish society. Previous research shows that some of the obstacles for the integration of immigrant women can be that they give birthto many children, are unskilled or have a low degree of education and that they tend to be living under patriarchalgender patterns. Another problem seem to be that some women are not even known as members of the municipalities.All of these problems are as well what was shown in my own study. I have used theoretical perspectives from Bourdieu, Elias & Scotson, Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi in my analysis.Bourdieu have interesting thoughts about capital, habitus and field, which can help us to understand how individuals arebeing shaped and are given different opportunities to act in a special way or direction. Elias & Scotson describesthrough their study around established and outsiders how the process of integration can take place and what effects thatcan be shown for the opportunities to succeed in that part. Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi then give us different waysto look at the patriarchy and family structures around the world. The result of this study shows that the willingness to integrate and be able to take care of your own support for living isan important part for the women for succeeding. For the other women, that don’t succeed, it turns out to be just like theprevious research has been shown. Gender patterns, many children and a low or no education skill all seems to be partof the issue. It is also suggested that the generosity of the Swedish welfare system might hinder rather than help someimmigrant women to become integrated into Swedish society.

Integrationens betydelse : En kvalitativ studie om bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering hos socialtjänsten

Johansson, Rosalie, Ljungkrantz, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att analysera socialsekreterares erfarenheter av bakomliggande orsaker till att barn i familjer med utländsk bakgrund blir aktuella för utredning enligt Socialtjänstlagen (SFS 2001:453). Studien behandlar skillnader mellan familjer med utländsk bakgrund och familjer med svensk bakgrund vad gäller bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering hos socialtjänsten. Studien är kvalitativ och grundar sig på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Till grund för analysen har Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori använts vilken har kompletterats med begrepp som behandlar migrationsprocess, socialisationsprocess och kultur. Resultatet visar att det inte finns någon större skillnad gällande bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering beroende på härkomst. Det framkommer att social utsatthet är vanligt förekommande hos de familjer som aktualiseras och då främst i form av ekonomisk utsatthet, boendesituation och arbete. Det som skiljer familjer med utländsk bakgrund från familjer med svensk bakgrund är att de invandrande familjerna har bristande integreringsmöjligheter. Samhällsorientering för de nyanlända ses i denna studie som en tänkbar faktor i bristande integreringsmöjligheter. För att få mer kunskap av informationens betydelse för integreringen i det nya landet ges förslag att vidare forskning bör behandla de nyanländas egen uppfattning kring samhällsorienteringen och dess innehåll. / The purpose of this study has been to analyse social workers experiences of underlying factors to why children in families with an immigrant origin becomes subject for the social services. The study involves differences between families with an immigrant background and families with Swedish background in terms of underlying factors to why they become subjects for the social services. The study is qualitative and based on five semi-structured interviews. The analysis is based on Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory and has been supplemented by concepts that involve migration process, socialization and culture. The survey reveals that there is no significant difference, in the underlying factors for the cause to become the subject of social services, due to origin. It appears that social deprivation is common among the families that become subject for the social services, mainly in form of economic vulnerability, living situation and work. What distinguishes families with an immigrant background from families with Swedish background is their lack of integration possibilities. Civics for the newly arrived families is seen in this survey as a possible factor in the lack of integration possibilities. To gain more knowledge of the role of information for inclusion in the new country, suggestions for further research are to address the newly arrived families own perception of the civics and its contents.

Det sociala arvet : Kvantitativa analyser av intragenerationell (föräldrar till barn) överföring av utbildningsstatus och föräldra bakgrund

Mrong, Sufola January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to find relations between parents background and education ina wider sense and their children's success in school. The study also includes genusdifferentiations, the family profile and residential areas influence on children's ability anddetermination to study.</p><p>The study confirmed earlier research that children's success in school is to some extentdependant on their parents education. At the same time it was shown that in most casesthe children reached higher level of education than their parents – also when they werepoorly educated or had emigrated from a country with big cultural differences. It was alsoevident that children with at least one Swedish parent (and presumably Swedish as theirmother tongue) reached higher educational levels than other children.</p><p>Children from single parent families often stopped their school carrier after the 9-yearcompulsory class while children of dual parent families more often continued to university.In general, girls were more affluent in school than the boys. The study also reveled anoticeable difference in educational attainment between the different neighbourhoods inMalmö; children from residential areas with well educated parents also reached a highereducational level. Finally, the study conclude that the single most influential factor onchildren's schooling is their parents education.</p>

Det sociala arvet : Kvantitativa analyser av intragenerationell (föräldrar till barn) överföring av utbildningsstatus och föräldra bakgrund

Mrong, Sufola January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find relations between parents background and education ina wider sense and their children's success in school. The study also includes genusdifferentiations, the family profile and residential areas influence on children's ability anddetermination to study. The study confirmed earlier research that children's success in school is to some extentdependant on their parents education. At the same time it was shown that in most casesthe children reached higher level of education than their parents – also when they werepoorly educated or had emigrated from a country with big cultural differences. It was alsoevident that children with at least one Swedish parent (and presumably Swedish as theirmother tongue) reached higher educational levels than other children. Children from single parent families often stopped their school carrier after the 9-yearcompulsory class while children of dual parent families more often continued to university.In general, girls were more affluent in school than the boys. The study also reveled anoticeable difference in educational attainment between the different neighbourhoods inMalmö; children from residential areas with well educated parents also reached a highereducational level. Finally, the study conclude that the single most influential factor onchildren's schooling is their parents education.

En kvalitativ studie om vad chefens utländska bakgrund har för betydelse i arbetet som första linjens chef inom äldreomsorgen

Hassan, Ikram January 2013 (has links)
Med bakgrund till den tidigare forskningen som pekar på en ojämlik arbetsförutsättning och en stark underrepresentation av människor med utländsk bakgrund som intagit chefspositioner har intresset till denna studie väckts. Det är ett viktigt område att studera med tanke på den stora andelen människor som invandrar eller invandrat till Sverige och som ska ta del av det nya landet och samhället.   Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka personliga erfarenheter från första linjens chefer som arbetar inom kommunal äldreomsorgen och hur de upplever att deras utländska bakgrund kan ha betydelse i rollen som chef.   I föreliggande studie har antidiskriminering och intersektionalitet använts som teoretiska ramverk för denna uppsats. Antidiskriminerande arbete hjälper oss att förstå innebörden av diskriminering, inkludering och exkludering medan intersektionalitet hjälper oss att förstå sambanden i hur olika maktordningar samverkar i ett samhälle. Genom att kombinera dessa teorier får vi en bredare förståelse för uppsatsens frågeställning.   För att komma närmare syftet i studien har kvalitativ metod använts och det hermeneutiska perspektivet varit en utgångspunkt, där intervjuer varit förutsättningen för denna studie. Sex chefer med utländsk bakgrund har intervjuats.   Resultaten från studien visar att den utländska bakgrunden som chef har betydelse i vissa fall. Detta tar sig i uttryck i olika situationer som uppstår i relation till vårdtagarna, organisationen och i rollen som chef. Respondenterna lyfter fram faktorer som kommunens storlek, vilken nationalitet man har, kön samt vilket yrke man arbetar inom. Faktorer som dessa kan påverka och det är därför viktigt att väga in dessa faktorer i frågan; vad den utländska bakgrunden kan ha för betydelse i rollen som chef. / With the background of the previous research that points to an unequal working condition and a strong under-representation of people with a foreign background who has taken managerial positions, has the interest of this study been raised up. This is an important area to study, given the large proportion of people immigrating or immigrated to Sweden to take part in the new country and its society.   The purpose of the study has been to examine the personal experiences of first-line managers working in municipal elderly care and how they perceive whether their foreign background can have significance in the role of manager.   In the present study, anti-discrimination and intersectionality has been used as the theoretical framework for this paper. Anti-discriminatory work helps us to understand the meaning of discrimination, inclusion and exclusion while intersectionality helps us to understand the relationships of how various power structures interact in a society. By combining these theories, we gain a broader understanding of the research question.   In order to get closer to the purpose of the study, qualitative method has been used and the hermeneutic perspective been a starting point, where interviews have been the premise of this study. Six managers with a foreign background have been interviewed.   The study shows that the foreign background as a manager is important in some cases. This takes form based on different situations that arise in relation to care recipients, the organization and the role as manager. Respondents highlight factors such as municipality size, what nationality one have, gender, and what profession one is working. Factors such as these can affect and it is therefore important to take these factors into consideration in the question; what the foreign background can have for significance in the role as manager.

The 'Other' Doctor : Boundary work within the Swedish medical profession

Salmonsson, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds who work in Sweden. Based on 15 qualitative interviews with medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds, this thesis explores the medical doctors’ feeling of professional belonging and boundary work. This thesis focuses mainly on the doctors’ experiences of being part of the Swedish medical profession while, at the same time, being regarded as ‘different’ from their Swedish medical counterparts. It starts off with the idea that medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds may have, or could be regarded as having, contradictory social positions. By virtue of being part of the Swedish medical profession, they belong to one of the most privileged groups in Swedish society. However, due to their immigrant background these doctors do not necessarily occupy a privileged position either within their profession or in society in general. This thesis shows that doctors with immigrant backgrounds feel that they are not perceived as full-fledged doctors, which seem related to how they are somewhat ‘othered'. The results show that these doctors cope with being seen as different from doctor with non-immigrant backgrounds, by using the notion of ‘migranthood’ as a resource in negotiations in everyday work life but they also do what they can to overcome the boundaries of ‘Swedishness’. Belonging should therefore be seen as having a formal and an informal side, as getting a Swedish license does not automatically mean that you feel belonging to, in this case, the Swedish medical profession. This seems to put doctors with immigrant backgrounds in a somewhat outsider within position, which seems having to do with boundaries between who is included in the ‘us’ and in the ‘them’. Lastly, these findings indicate that sociologists need to expand the understanding of professional groups to also include boundary work within these groups. In order to do so, this thesis argues that sociological theory on professional groups could be combined with sociological theory about social positions as that is one way to understand the outsider-within position that these doctors (and presumably other skilled migrants) have to cope with.

The 'Other' Doctor : Boundary work within the Swedish medical profession

Salmonsson, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds who work in Sweden. Based on 15 qualitative interviews with medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds, this thesis explores the medical doctors’ feeling of professional belonging and boundary work. This thesis focuses mainly on the doctors’ experiences of being part of the Swedish medical profession while, at the same time, being regarded as ‘different’ from their Swedish medical counterparts. It starts off with the idea that medical doctors with immigrant backgrounds may have, or could be regarded as having, contradictory social positions. By virtue of being part of the Swedish medical profession, they belong to one of the most privileged groups in Swedish society. However, due to their immigrant background these doctors do not necessarily occupy a privileged position either within their profession or in society in general. This thesis shows that doctors with immigrant backgrounds feel that they are not perceived as full-fledged doctors, which seem related to how they are somewhat ‘othered'. The results show that these doctors cope with being seen as different from doctor with non-immigrant backgrounds, by using the notion of ‘migranthood’ as a resource in negotiations in everyday work life but they also do what they can to overcome the boundaries of ‘Swedishness’. Belonging should therefore be seen as having a formal and an informal side, as getting a Swedish license does not automatically mean that you feel belonging to, in this case, the Swedish medical profession. This seems to put doctors with immigrant backgrounds in a somewhat outsider within position, which seems having to do with boundaries between who is included in the ‘us’ and in the ‘them’. Lastly, these findings indicate that sociologists need to expand the understanding of professional groups to also include boundary work within these groups. In order to do so, this thesis argues that sociological theory on professional groups could be combined with sociological theory about social positions as that is one way to understand the outsider-within position that these doctors (and presumably other skilled migrants) have to cope with.

Explaining Adolescent Offending Variety in Sweden by Parental Country of Birth: A Test of Situational Action Theory

Uddin, Rokon January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to explain adolescent offending variety by their parental country of birth. In doing so, the independent effect size and proportion of variance of two core elements of Situational Action Theory (SAT) – propensity and lifestyle risk – on offending variety are examined by immigrant background and gender. Although previous studies produced plenty of support to key assumption of SAT, no study so far measured offending variety as dependent variable. Analyses are based on self-reported data collected for Malmö Individual and Neighborhood Development Study (MINDS) during 2011-12, when the adolescent attained the age between 16 and 17. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression is run to examine the magnitude of effect and proportion of variance. Strong relation of offending variety separately with propensity and lifestyle risk was identified. Contrary to current scholarship on immigrant crime in Sweden, adolescent with immigrant parents are found at no more risk to engage in self-reported delinquency than the natives. Gender difference remains as a strong predictor of offending variety, especially for the immigrant group. This research reveals similarities in magnitude of effects of criminal propensity and lifestyle risks on offending variety, regardless of adolescents’ parental country of birth. Yet, propensity is a stronger predictor for delinquency variety than the lifestyle risks. This confirms applicability of the core elements of SAT, regardless of adolescents’ parental country of birth.

"Men när jag vill ha en medhandläggare då är det knäpptyst." : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av rasism och utanförskap inom socialtjänsten / "But when I want a co-case worker then it is quiet." : A qualitative study on social workers experiences of racism and exclusion within social services

Mudaeva, Amina, Naeem, Abida January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The aim of our study is to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of racismand exclusion that social workers with a foreign background may experience withinsocial services in Swedish municipalities. The focus will also be on the preventiveactions and solutions which social workers wish to be implemented in order totackle racism and exclusion. Our purpose is to contribute with deeper understandinginto how and which changes are desired for a safer and more welcoming workplace.Our questions for this study are the following: What experiences of racism andexclusion do social workers with a foreign background have in the social services?andWhat measures and solutions do social workers with a foreign background want toprevent the occurrence of racism and exclusion in their workplaces?To fulfill the purpose of our study, we used Goffman's theory of stigma, shame andthe concept of exclusion. We also used previous scientific research, both nationaland international. We interviewed eight social workers with foreign backgroundswithin the social services in Swedish municipalities. The eight interviews werequalitative semi-structured interviews which were later analyzed using qualitativecontent analysis.The results of this qualitative study were surprising as racism and exclusion seemsto be common problems in most of the workplaces. Racism and exclusion have hadnegative health effects for the social workers interviewed. There was a desire formore active and continuous work against racism and exclusion among theparticipants.

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