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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge-Based Lean Six Sigma System for Enhancing Quality Management Performance in Healthcare Environment

Al Khamisi, Yousuf N., Khan, M. Khurshid, Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo 05 April 2018 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents the development of a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) to support the implementation of Lean Six Sigma (L6σ) principles applied to enhance Quality Management (QM) performance within a Healthcare Environment. The process of KBS building has been started by acquiring knowledge from experts in field of L6σ and QM in healthcare. The acquired knowledge has been represented in a rule-based approach for capturing L6σ practices. These rules are produced in IF….THEN way where IF is the premise and THEN is the action. The produced rules have been integrated with Gauging Absence of Pre-requisites (GAP) technique to facilitate benchmarking of best practice in a healthcare environment. A comprehensive review of the structure of the system is given, detailing a typical output of the KBS. Implementation of L6σ principles to enhance QM performance in a Healthcare Environment requires a pre-assessment of the organisation’s competences. The KBS provides an enhanced strategic and operational decision making hierarchy for achieving a performance benchmark. This research presents a novel application of a hybrid KBS with GAP methodology to support the implementation of L6σ principles to enhance QM performance in a healthcare environment.

Modeling and Control of a Six-Switch Single-Phase Inverter

Smith, Christopher Lee 23 August 2005 (has links)
Distributed generation for consumer applications is a relatively new field and it is difficult to satisfy both cost and performance targets. High expectations coupled with extreme cost cutting to compete with traditional technologies make converter design difficult. As power electronics mature more opportunities arise for entry into this lucrative area. An excellent understanding of converter dynamics is crucial in producing a well performing and cost competitive system. The six-switch single-phase inverter proposed in this thesis is a prime candidate for use in single households and small businesses. Its compact size and compatibility with existing electrical standards make its integration easy. However, little work is available on characterizing the system from a controls point of view. In particular balancing the two outputs with an uneven load is a concern. This thesis uses nodal and loop analysis to formulate a mathematical model of the six-switch single-phase inverter. A non-linear time invariant model is constructed for circuit simulation; details found in real circuits are added. A hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) configuration is used for more accurate simulation. In fact, its use makes for an almost seamless transition between simulation and hardware experimentation. A detailed explanation of the HIL system developed is presented. The system is simulated under various load conditions. Uneven loads and lightly loaded conditions are thoroughly examined. Controllers are verified in simulation and then are tested on real hardware using the HIL system. DC bus disturbance rejection and non-linear loads are also investigated. Acceptable inverter performance is demonstrated without expensive current sensors or high sampling frequency. / Master of Science

Identification et modélisation du torseur des actions de coupe en fraisage

Albert, Gaëtan 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les procédés de mise en forme par enlèvement de matière introduisent, lors de la formation du copeau,des phénomènes complexes et rendent difficiles la maîtrise des grandeurs énergétiques. Des mesuresréalisées à l’aide d’un dynamomètre à six composantes permettent de mieux appréhender ces phénomènes.Ce dynamomètre permet de mesurer l’ensemble des actions mécaniques transmises par la liaison mécaniqueentre la matière usinée (copeau et pièce) et l’outil de coupe. Les mesures révèlent alors la présence demoments, à la pointe de l’outil, non évalués par les modèles de coupe classiques. Cependant, les lois decomportement actuelles ne permettent pas d’exprimer complètement ces phénomènes complexes (gradientsde déformations) lors de la formation du copeau. Actuellement, une modélisation analytique ou numérique etrendant compte de ces phénomènes est donc exclue. Des approches expérimentales ont alors été menées entournage et en perçage. Aujourd’hui ces recherches s’étendent au cas du fraisage.Pour ceci, un nouveau dynamomètre à six composantes adapté au fraisage a été conçu, réalisé etétalonné. Une démarche expérimentale a alors été mise en place afin de modéliser le moment de coupeconsommateur de puissance. Ce moment est alors étudié dans une configuration de coupe orthogonale enfraisage. Un modèle expérimental du moment de coupe est alors proposé. Cette modélisation fait intervenir lasection de copeau réelle instantanée et un nouveau critère énergétique : la densité de moment. Une étude surles paramètres cinématiques réels de l’outil montre la nécessité de prendre en compte la section de copeauinstantanée réelle. Celle–ci est alors calculée à partir de la position réelle de l’outil déduite des donnéescinématiques extraites des codeurs de position des axes et de la broche de la machine outil. Les paramètresinfluents sur la densité de moment ont été mis en évidence par un plan d’expériences et une analyse de lavariance. Une modélisation de ce critère similaire aux coefficients spécifiques de coupe a par la suite étédéveloppée.Enfin, le bilan énergétique de l’opération de coupe étudiée est considéré. Une démarche pratiqued’évaluation rapide de la puissance maximale de coupe est présentée en intégrant la modélisation du momentproposée. L’intérêt et l’importance de la prise en compte du moment de coupe sont alors confirmés pourprédire et définir les énergies mises en jeu par le processus de coupe. / In the cutting process, during the chip formation, complex phenomena occur and the control of theenergy parameters is difficult. Information about these phenomena are given with the measurement of the sixcomponents of the mechanical actions. This dynamometer allows to measure the six mechanical actions (3forces and 3 moments) between the chip, the workpiece and the tool during the chip formation. Themeasurement of the moments at the tooth tip is not inclued in the classical cutting model.However, actual behaviour laws cannot express all the phenomena occurred during the chip formation.Thus, analytical or numerical cutting model taking into account these phenomena is not possible. Previousstudies have been performed in turning and drilling and allow to extend these works to milling.A new six components dynamometer suitable to milling have been designed and calibrated. Anexperimental approach is proposed in order to model the cutting moment involved in the cutting energybalance. The study is performed in orthogonal cutting configurations. A model of cutting moment is proposedand depends on the instantaneous undeformed chip section and a new criteria : the moment density. A studyon real kinematic parameters shows that the instantaneous undeformed chip section have to take intoaccount. The instantaneous undeformed chip section is computed with real position of the tool obtained withthe encoders of linear axes and spindle of the CNC Machine. Design of experiments and variance analysis haveshown influent parameters on the moment density. A model of the moment, close to specific pressurecoefficient, has been developed.Finally, the cutting energy balance of the milling operation used is studied. A practical approach includedthe moment model allow an accurately evaluation of the energy balance. In milling operation, the studyconfirms the cutting moment at the tool tip and shows the necessity to take into account moments in theenergy balance.

Processförbättring : Fallstudie av processen för intern orderhantering i ett tjänsteföretaget / Improvement of processes : case studie of the processfor the internal handling from order to delivery of material

Olsson Adolphsson, Yvonne January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis in industrial technology started with a prestudy in January 2019, based on the results from the pre study,the work with the master thesis begun. The purpose with the masterthesis was to map the current process in a service company and toidentify defects in the current process to shoe what the companycan do to improve and avoid defects in the future.The aim of the study was to visualize and give the company anunderstanding of how the work they performed today and how theycould further develop the work to reduce defects that arose inconnection with deliveries of material for further installation ofservice to the company's customers. The lack of processdescription in the current service company forms the base anddesign of this master thesis.The basis for the work is the pre study, which was carried out asa qualitative study where the employees of the company in questionwere interviewed about how they experienced the errors that arosein connection with the delivery of materials. To create a visualpicture of the company's process of the internal handling fromordering service until the service has been installed at thecompany's customers and opportunities for improvement and qualityassurance, the student has used theories such as process theory,Six Sigma, Lean Management and ISO 9001. Based on these theories,the student has analysed the process and arrived at a result. Theresult shows that there is an opportunity for improvement byreducing the number of steps in the process, making use of onlyone order system throughout the process, letting a person beresponsible for the internal handling from ordering to ordering inorder to minimize errors and to introduce quality controls toavoid errors and defects.The conclusions that the student has come up with is that thecompany now has a good foundation to stand in for upcoming work.The company needs to develop and work further with the process ofadding instructions and routines for all different parts of theprocess and that the process needs to be tested, evaluated andapproved by all employees. Future strategies and visions also needto be created by the company's management together with theemployees so that everyone within the company is aware of thefuture and strives for the same goals. / Examensarbetet i industriell teknik inleddes med en förstudie som påbörjade i januari 2019,baserat på resultatet i förstudien påbörjades arbetet med examensarbetet vars syfte var attkartlägga nuvarande process i ett tjänsteföretag och att identifiera eventuella brister i nuvarandeprocess samt att visa på vad som kan förbättras. Målet med studien var att visualisera och ge detaktuella företaget insikt i hur arbetet idag utfördes och hur de skulle kunna vidareutveckla arbetetför att reducera fel som uppstod i samband med leveranser av material för vidare installering avtjänst till företagets kunder. Avsaknaden av processbeskrivning i det aktuella tjänsteföretagetligger till grund för studiens problembeskrivning och utifrån detta har arbetet utformats.Till grund för arbetet ligger förstudien som genomfördes som en kvalitativ undersökning där deanställda på det aktuella företaget blev intervjuade om hur de upplevde de fel som uppstod isamband med leverans av material. För att skapa en visuell bild av företagets process över internhantering från beställning av tjänst tills att tjänsten installerats hos företagets kunder samtmöjligheter till förbättring- och kvalitetssäkring, har studenten använt sig av teorier så såsomprocessteori, Six Sigma, Lean Management och ISO 9001. Utifrån dessa teorier har studentenanalyserat processen och kommit fram till ett resultat. Resultatet visar på att det finns möjlighettill förbättring genom att reducera antalet steg i processen, använda sig att ett ordersystem genomhela processen, låta en person vara ansvarig för den interna hanteringen från beställning tillorderläggning för att minimera fel samt att införa kvalitetskontroller för att undvika att feluppstår.De slutsatser som studenten har kommit fram till är att företaget nu har en god grund att stå påinför kommande arbete. Företaget behöver utveckla och arbeta ytterligare med processen för atttillföra instruktioner och rutiner för alla olika delar i processen samt att processen behöver testas,utvärderas samt godkännas av samtliga medarbete för att fungera. Framtida strategier ochvisioner behöver också skapas av företagets ledning tillsammans med de anställda så att alla inomföretaget är medvetna om framtiden och strävar efter samma mål.

Lean Six Sigma's Impact on Firm Innovation Performance

Strong, Austin Michael 01 June 2018 (has links)
Following Toyota's dramatic rise to prominence within the automotive industry in the late 1980's, firms around the globe have widely sought to adopt Lean Six Sigma (LSS) as a means of reducing costs, improving quality, and gaining an overall competitive advantage. While the operational benefits of LSS are largely undisputed, there are criticisms of the movement with regards to its effect on firm innovation capability. Prior academic studies investigating the relationship between LSS and innovation are largely conceptual in nature, rely heavily on qualitative data, and display a high degree of variability in results. The objective of this work was to empirically confirm whether LSS adoption had a positive, negative, or neutral impact on firm innovation performance.Financial data was collected for 151 publicly traded firms over the period from 1985 to 2018. The year of company-wide adoption of LSS was identified for each sample firm. Firms were paired with industry rivals using Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM), and statistical regressions were performed to show correlations between LSS implementation (as measured by inventory turns) and innovation performance (as measured by Total Factor Productivity, Research Quotient, and Tobin's Quotient). Regression results indicated that LSS implementation had a positive correlation with firm process innovation performance and the overall market perception of firm innovation and value, and a negative-to-neutral correlation with firm product innovation performance. Additional regressions performed at the industry-sector level revealed that the LSS-innovation relationship varies greatly by industry environment and is subject to unique industry effects and management implementation decisions.

Représentations de la famille dans les séries télévisées américaines contemporaines : "Malcom in the Middle" (2000-2006), "Gilmore Girls" (2000-2006), "Six Feet Under" (2001-2005), "Parenthood" (2010-2015) / Representations of family in contemporary american TV shows : "Malcom in the Middle" (2000-2006), "Gilmore Girls" (2000-2006), "Six Feet Under" (2001-2005), "Parenthood" (2010-2015)

Guillot, Juliette 07 September 2018 (has links)
Les séries familiales, qui connaissent un franc succès aux États-Unis depuis les années 1950, ne sont aujourd’hui toujours pas considérées comme un genre fictionnel à part entière. Ce travail de recherche s’attache à en dessiner les contours et à en définir les caractéristiques. Après avoir effectué un historique de la série familiale et de son évolution, il analyse les constantes sociologiques, culturelles et politiques de la famille télévisée contemporaine et la manière dont elle reflète les évolutions de la société américaine, à travers l’étude de quatre séries télévisées de 2000 à 2015 représentatives de sa diversité : Malcolm in the Middle, Gilmore Girls, Six Feet Under et Parenthood. / Family TV shows, hugely successful in the United States since the 1950s, are still not considered today a genre in it’s own right. This research work focuses on shaping its contours and defining its characteristics. After presenting a history of family TV shows and its evolution, it analyzes the sociological, cultural and political constants of the contemporary TV family, and the way it reflects the changes in American society, through the study of four TV shows from 2000 to 2015 representative of its diversity : Malcolm in the Middle, Gilmore Girls, Six Feet Under and Parenthood.

Investerande i hög direktavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden : En empirisk studie av investeringsstrategin Dogs of the Dow applicerad på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan åren 2004–2010 / Investing in high dividend-yield on the Swedish stock market : An empirical study of the investment strategy Dogs of the Dow applied to the Swedish stock market between the years 2004–2010

Wallenius, Christoffer, Shamon, Jimmy January 2011 (has links)
Problemformulering: Går det att uppnå en signifikant återkommande överavkastning samt riskjusterad överavkastning i förhållande till den svenska aktiemarknaden genom systematiskt följande av investeringsstrategin “Dogs of the Dow”? Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka huruvida teorin ”Dogs of the Dow” är applicerbar på den svenska aktiemarknaden i sökandet efter en signifikant återkommande överavkastning i förhållande till marknaden. Med detta hoppas det finnas en positiv differens av den riskjusterade överavkastningen gentemot index. Metod: Studien samlar in primärdata för empirin via SIX Trust, SIX Edge samt från Riksbankens hemsida. Sekundärdata härstammar från vetenskapliga artiklar uthämtade från främst JStor och EBSCO Host. Även studentlitteratur, tidigare studier utgör sekundärdata. Studien tillämpar befintliga teorier för att via modeller studera studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet anses av författarna vara imponerande. Portföljerna sammansatta i enlighet med investeringsstrategin ”Dogs of the Dow” presterar till de skådade faktorerna i genomsnitt över lag bättre än jämförelseindexen SIXRX och SIX30RX. Resultaten kan dock inte fastställas statistiskt men författarna önskar skilja på statistisk och praktisk signifikans då en möjlig kumulativ effekt genererar enorm förmögenhetsutveckling. / Problem: Is it possible to receive a reoccurring significant abnormal return as well as risk adjusted abnormal return against the Swedish stock market through systematic appliance of the investment strategy ”Dogs of the Dow”? Objective: The objective is to study whether the theory ”Dogs of the Dow” is applicable on the Swedish stock market in the search of a significant reoccurring abnormal return against the market. The hopes are to find a positive difference between the risk adjusted abnormal return and index. Method: The study collects the primary empirical data through SIX Trust, SIX Edge as well as from the Swedish central bank. The secondary data is derived from scientific articles, student literature, and previous studies. Models are used to study the objective. Results: The authors find the results to be impressive. The portfolios structured through the investment strategy “Dogs of the Dow” outperform the comparison indices SIXRX and SIX30RX in general on all the observed accounts. The results can although not be stated as statistically significant within any reasonable confidence levels, but the authors would like to emphasize the difference between the terms statistically and practically significant. This since cumulative gains could contribute to a massive gain of wealth which could be practically significant for the long-term investor.

Modeling methodology of converters for HVDC systems and LFAC systems: integration and transmission of renewable energy

Cho, Yongnam 20 September 2013 (has links)
The major achievements of this work are based on two categories: (A) introduction of an advanced simulation technique in both time domain and frequency domain, and (B) realistic and reliable models for converters applicable to analysis of alternative transmission systems. The proposed modeling-methodology using a combination of model quadratization and quadratic integration (QMQI) is demonstrated as a more robust, stable, and accurate method than previous modeling methodologies for power system analyses. The quadratic-integration method is free of artificial numerical-oscillations exhibited by trapezoidal integration (which is the most popularly used method in power system analyses). Artificial numerical oscillations can be the direct reason for switching malfunction of switching systems. However, the quadratic-integration method has a natural characteristic to eliminate fictitious oscillations with great simulation accuracy. Also, model quadratization permits nonlinear equations to be solved without simplification or approximation, leading to realistic models of nonlinearities. Therefore, the QMQI method is suitable for simulations of network systems with nonlinear components and switching subsystems. Realistic and reliable converter models by the application of the QMQI method can be used for advanced designs and optimization studies for alternative transmission systems; they can also be used to perform a comprehensive evaluation of the technical performance and economics of alternative transmission systems. For example, the converters can be used for comprehensive methodology for determining the optimal topology, kV-levels, etc. of alternative transmission systems for wind farms, for given distances of wind farms from major power grid substations. In this case, a comprehensive evaluation may help make more-informed decisions for the type of transmission (HVAC, HVDC, and LFAC) for wind farms.

Modelo de referência para estruturar o programa de qualidade seis sigma: proposta e avaliação. / Modelo de referência para estruturar o programa de qualidade seis sigma: proposta e avaliação.

Santos, Adriana Barbosa 09 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseABS.pdf: 2232752 bytes, checksum: a1757428e1651e0e6c2121d798b0d831 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-09 / With the growth of customer demand level, at last two decades it appeared quality improvement approach focusing customer satisfaction as the way to the organizations improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes. Though this, to get their aim, it was necessary broke some paradigms; to stimulate creativity; to innovate; to intensify the effort to reduce processes variation; and above all to assume customer satisfaction in all operations as a priority. Six Sigma approach has been solidifying as an efficient alternative to organizational growth on the strength of quality levels elevation. But, how can we define Six Sigma? Making a theoretical and conceptual research several definitions founded in literature were rescued and examined with purpose to compose a broader definition which translates better Six Sigma meaning. About structure of Six Sigma Quality Program (PQSS), this thesis became as a link between theory and practice when it aided others theories to Six Sigma context and when it used empirical subsidies to identify and evaluate the essential components to structure the PQSS. The empirical subsidies were obtained from qualitative research (case studies) involving four Brazilian subsidiaries of American multinational companies. After to analyze the empirical evidences, it was possible to formalize a set of arguments to purpose a Reference Model to structure the PQSS. This model is sustained by the followings components: strategic orientation; statistical thinking; performance measurement; Six Sigma methodology; and people graduation and qualification. To evaluate the Reference Model it was developed a quantitative research based in Green belts, Black belts and Master Black belts information. Statistical results showed that each one of these components has a meaningful relevance to compose the minimal structure to the PQSS. As principal conclusions this thesis highlights: (1) the PQSS as an integrator program of strategic and operational objectives; (2) strategic orientation and alignment are fundamental to define Six Sigma projects; (3) the use of performance measures increases the potential of Six Sigma projects; (4) its not clear for many specialists that statistical thinking is a background to PQSS; (5) Six Sigma projects are catalysts of a system which uses these projects to reflect it strategic orientation and customer focus importance to get measurable results; and (6) the Reference Model can be valid and can be utilized to structure or re-structure the PQSS implementation. / Com o aumento do nível de exigências dos clientes, as iniciativas de melhoria da qualidade que surgiram nas últimas duas décadas focaram fortemente a satisfação do cliente como o caminho para as organizações aumentarem a eficiência e a eficácia de seus processos produtivos. Todavia, para trilharem este caminho, foi necessário quebrar paradigmas; estimular a criatividade; inovar; intensificar o esforço em reduzir a variação dos processos; e, sobretudo, priorizar a satisfação dos clientes em todas as operações. O Seis Sigma é uma abordagem que vêm se consolidando como uma forma eficiente de crescimento organizacional, decorrente da elevação dos níveis de qualidade. Mas, afinal, como Seis Sigma é definido? Por meio de uma pesquisa teórico-conceitual, diversas definições encontradas na literatura foram resgatadas e analisadas visando compor uma definição mais ampla, e que traduza melhor a abrangência do Seis Sigma. No tocante ao Programa de Qualidade Seis Sigma (PQSS), esta tese trouxe um enlace de teoria e prática ao incorporar outras teorias ao contexto do Seis Sigma, e ao agregar subsídios empíricos para identificar e avaliar componentes que são essenciais para estruturar o PQSS. Estes subsídios decorreram de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa realizada com quatro subsidiárias brasileiras de empresas multinacionais americanas (estudo de casos). Após análise das evidências empíricas foi possível formalizar um conjunto de argumentos que levaram a proposição de um Modelo de Referência para estruturar o PQSS, o qual é sustentado basicamente pelos seguintes componentes essenciais: orientação estratégica; pensamento estatístico; medição de desempenho; metodologia Seis Sigma; e capacitação/especialização das pessoas. Uma avaliação preliminar do Modelo de Referência é apresentada logo após o modelo ter sido proposto e detalhado. Esta avaliação foi realizada com base em uma pesquisa empírica com abordagem quantitativa que envolveu Green belts, Black belts e Master black belts. Realizada a análise estatística, os resultados obtidos revela ram, entre outros pontos, que cada um dos componentes considerados no Modelo de Referência possui uma relevância significativa para estruturar o PQSS. Como conclusões a tese destaca que: (1) o PQSS é um programa integrador dos objetivos estratégicos e operacionais que facilita o direcionamento e a implementação dos projetos Seis Sigma; (2) a orientação estratégica e o alinhamento são priorizados na definição dos projetos Seis Sigma; (3) o uso de indicadores de desempenho aumenta o potencial dos projetos Seis Sigma; (4) ainda não há uma compreensão de que o pensamento estatístico consiste num pano de fundo para o PQSS; (5) os projetos Seis Sigma são catalisadores de um sistema que reflete, por meio destes, a visão estratégica e a importância do foco no cliente para se conseguir resultados mensuráveis que impactam em uma ou mais dimensões do sistema de medição do desempenho organizacional; e (6) há evidências de que o Modelo de Referência pode ser válido, o que permite que ele seja utilizado para estruturar ou re-estruturar o PQSS.

SLESS 2.0: an evolution of the Scrum and Lean Six Sigma integration approah for mobile applications / SLESS 2.0: uma evoluÃÃo da abordagem de integraÃÃo do Scrum e Lean Six Sigma para aplicaÃÃes mÃveis

Thiago Ferraz Vieira da Cunha 29 August 2014 (has links)
The software development for mobile devices such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets requires knowledge not only of processes but also related to software and hardware technology platforms of these devices. Continuous improvement in the performance of these platforms and the increasing demand for a variety of applications require a high competitiveness and, therefore, high levels of productivity and quality. In this scenario, agile methodologies are used and fit well to frequently changing requirements and to time to market. Among these methodologies, Scrum is one of the most accepted and used, contributing to the improvement of project management, team productivity, product quality and increasing the probability of project success. On the other hand, there is an increasing adoption of quality management methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma in Information Technology and Communication (ICT) organizations due to their proven results in improving processes development and quality of services and products developed. Methodologies such as Scrum and Lean Six Sigma have different goals, however, they can contribute together in the development of software for mobile devices. In literature, there are studies that propose the integration of agile methodologies and software quality, however, they have gaps regarding the possibility of systematic reuse of this integration, as well as in evaluating the use of these integrated methodologies. Thus, this paper proposes an evolution of an existing approach, called SLeSS, that integrates Scrum to Lean Six Sigma and has been used in the software customization for mobile phones. The evolution of this approach is to add software development in addition to customization and improve integration mechanisms initially proposed with a focus on evaluation of the practices and principles of Scrum from the use of techniques of Lean Six Sigma. This new version is applied in seven actual projects that are related to software development and customization for mobile devices and their results are also discussed in this dissertation. / O desenvolvimento de software para dispositivos mÃveis como smartphones, celulares e tablets requer conhecimento dos processos e das tecnologias relacionadas Ãs plataformas de software e de hardware desses dispositivos. A melhoria contÃnua no desempenho dessas plataformas e a demanda crescente por uma variedade de aplicaÃÃes impÃem uma alta competitividade e, por conseguinte, exigem nÃveis elevados de produtividade e de qualidade dos projetos de desenvolvimento. Nesse cenÃrio, as metodologias Ãgeis sÃo utilizadas por se adequarem bem Ãs frequentes mudanÃas de requisitos e Ãs demandas de prazo desse nicho de mercado. Dentre essas metodologias, o Scrum à uma das mais aceitas e utilizadas, contribuindo na melhoria da gestÃo de projetos, na produtividade do time, na qualidade dos produtos e no aumento da probabilidade de sucesso dos projetos. Por outro lado, hà uma crescente adoÃÃo de metodologias de gestÃo da qualidade como o Lean Six Sigma por organizaÃÃes da Ãrea de Tecnologia da InformaÃÃo e ComunicaÃÃo (TIC) devido aos seus resultados comprovados na melhoria dos processos de desenvolvimento e da qualidade dos serviÃos e dos produtos desenvolvidos. Metodologias como o Scrum e o Lean Six Sigma possuem objetivos distintos, entretanto, elas podem contribuir juntas no desenvolvimento de software para dispositivos mÃveis. Na literatura existem trabalhos que propÃem a integraÃÃo de metodologias Ãgeis e de qualidade de software, entretanto, esses trabalhos possuem lacunas no que tange a possibilidade de reuso sistemÃtico das mesmas bem como a avaliaÃÃo do uso dessas metodologias integradas. Este trabalho propÃe entÃo uma evoluÃÃo de uma abordagem jà existente, denominada SLeSS, que integra o Scrum ao Lean Six Sigma e que foi utilizada na customizaÃÃo de software para celulares. Essa evoluÃÃo visa ampliar a abordagem tanto para o desenvolvimento de software alÃm da customizaÃÃo quanto para melhorar os mecanismos de integraÃÃo inicialmente propostos com um foco na avaliaÃÃo das prÃticas e princÃpios do Scrum a partir do uso de tÃcnicas do Lean Six Sigma. Para avaliar a nova versÃo, ela à aplicada em sete projetos reais de desenvolvimento e customizaÃÃo de software para dispositivos mÃveis e seus resultados sÃo tambÃm discutidos nesta dissertaÃÃo.

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