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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

‘’Now, God himself is preaching’’: Perspectives on the Spanish flu from magazines affiliated with the Church of Sweden

Karlsson, Love January 2021 (has links)
This study explores how the Church of Sweden was impacted by the Spanish flu in 1918-1920 and how people affiliated with the church interpreted the pandemic theologically. The material analyzed is trade-magazines for people affiliated with the Church from the relevant years. During the current Corona-pandemic, the activities of religious organizations have been given a lot of media attention as potential risk-events for infections. The religious beliefs of those organizations are scrutinized to explain why they feel safe to gather. After gatherings, possible effects such as large-scale outbreaks are often the focus of negative attention. Historically, however, there seems to be few studies on how religious organizations handled ongoing pandemics and the theological beliefs that motivated their choices. This study tries to look at the people working for the Church of Sweden in 1918-1920: how were they affected by the pandemic, how did they interpret the events theologically and what did they do in response to it.

Mortalitet i nordvästra Skåne. : En kvantitativ undersökning omförsamlingarna Rebbelberga, Torekov,Tåssjö & Ängelholm 1913–1925, 1940–1949 / Mortality in northwestern Scania. : A quantitative survey of the parishes Rebbelberga, Torekov, Tåssjö & Ängelholm 1913–1925, 1940–1949

Viktorsson, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to study mortality in northwestern Scania. Rebbelberga,Torekov, Tåssjö and Ängelholm have been studied during the periods 1913–1925 and 1940–1949. It has had the purpose of studying how mortality has changed, how the causes of deathhave changed and how the parishes relate to the national statistics. A particular focus has beenplaced on the Spanish flu to study whether there was any excess mortality in the years itravaged. It has also been studied whether there were any groups that were common in thedeath statistics. The essay has used a quantitative method and with the help of categorizationsof causes of death and social groups, a result has been produced. The variables gender, ageand occupation have been used to study mortality. The results have shown that the mostcommon causes of death were old age, lung and alveolar inflammation, cancer and heartdefects. During the survey period, the age distribution shows that more survived their firstyears and more reached an older age than before.The Spanish flu did not appreciably affect the mortality in the parishes. The group mostaffected was the lower class. Men died to a higher extent than women. Regarding the Spanishflu, it was mainly people between 15-44 who were affected.

Spanska sjukan– en förödande influensapandemi

Pettersson, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Spanska sjukan var en influensapandemi som spreds 1918–1920. Den orsakadeomkring 25–50 miljoner människors död. Sedan spanska sjukan har det förekommitytterligare tre influensapandemier med betydligt lägre dödlighet. Spanska sjukans betydandeomfattning och dynamik är fortfarande inte helt klarlagd. Kunskap om tidigare pandemier kan öka förståelsen och beredskapen inför kommande pandemier. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att förstå spanska sjukan 1918–1920 och dess omfattning. Metod: En hermeneutisk metod användes i form av texttolkning. Totalt inkluderades 20 textervarav 18 artiklar från PubMed och två bokkapitel. Urvalet av litteratur skedde utifrån relevansoch med mål att få en så bred bild av forskningsområdet som möjligt. Resultat: Utifrån vald litteratur identifierades nio teman som viktiga i förståelsen av spanskasjukan. Dessa var: 1. pandemins ursprung och början, 2. smittspridningens dynamik,3. mortalitet, 4. symtom och dödsorsak, 5. riskfaktor – ålder, 6. riskfaktor – socioekonomi,7. riskfaktor – abnormt klimat, missväxt och svält, 8. patogenen bakom pandemin samt9. samhällets insatser. Influensavirusets genetiska variabilitet och människans interaktion meddjur identifierades som nyckelfaktorer för pandemiers uppkomst. Slutsats: Spanska sjukans förlopp berodde på ett komplext samspel av både medicinska ochicke-medicinska faktorer. Lärdomen av spanska sjukan är att i förebyggande arbete inför ochvid insatser under kommande pandemier bör både medicinska faktorer som immunologi samticke-medicinska faktorer som beteende och demografi beaktas.

Vem drabbas av resursförbannelsen? : - En komparativ analys av Botswana och Demokratiska republiken Kongo / Who suffers from the Resource Curse? : - A comparativ analysis of Botswana and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Koskinen, Wendela, Magnusson, Cecilia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Resursförbannelsen innebär att det finns ett negativt samband mellan mängden naturtillgångar och ekonomisk tillväxt. På grund av detta är det få resursrika länder som nått sin fulla potential. Tidigare forskning har mestadels bestått av ekonometriska modeller som bevisar detta negativa samband mellan naturresurser och ekonomisk tillväxt, vilket motiverat oss till att genomföra en kvalitativ analys.  Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en jämförelse av två likvärdiga länder analysera och förklara varför DR Kongo drabbats av resursförbannelsen medan Botswana undkom den. Uppsatsen syftar vidare till att jämföra utifrån tre ekonomiska teorier: holländska sjukan, rent seeking samt institutionell teori. Metod: För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen används en komparativ metod. Länderna har valts utifrån deras likheter då både Botswana och DR Kongo befinner sig i Sub-Sahara Afrika, har en historia av kolonisering och är rika på mineraler. Metoden är lämplig vid jämförelse av länder. Därför är metoden motiverad att använda när vi jämför hur ett överflöd av naturresurser påverkar Botswanas och DR Kongos ekonomiska utveckling.  Slutsats: De i uppsatsen framkomna bevisen tyder på att DR Kongo har drabbats av resursförbannelsen eftersom vi kan se att holländska sjukan, rent seeking och svaga institutioner förekommer i landet. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till resursförbannelsen. Till skillnad från Botswana som varken har drabbats av holländska sjukan eller rent seeking. Botswana har även haft stabila institutioner under lång tid. Slutsatsen vi drar är att institutioner är den viktigaste faktorn när det kommer till hur ett land kan undvika resursförbannelsen. / Background: The Resource Curse implies that there is a negative relation between the amount of natural resources and economic growth. Because of this few resource rich countries have reached their full potential. Previous research has mostly consisted of econometric models that prove this negative relation, which has pursued us to conduct a qualitative analysis.  Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to compare two equivalent countries to analyze and explain why DR Congo has suffered from the Resource Curse while Botswana escaped it. The thesis further aims to compare based on three economic theories: Dutch disease, rent seeking and institutional theory.  Method: To achieve the purpose a comparative method is used. The countries have been chosen based on their similarities. Both Botswana and DR Congo are located in Sub-Saharan Africa, have a history of colonization and are rich in minerals. This method is appropriate for comparison of countries. Therefore this method is motivated to use when we compare how an abundance of natural resources affect Botswana’s and DR Congo’s economic growth.  Conclusion: The results from the thesis imply that DR Congo has suffered from the Resource Curse since Dutch disease, rent seeking and weak institutions exist in the country. All of these factors contribute to the Resource Curse. In comparison to Botswana who has not suffered from Dutch disease or rent seeking. Botswana has had strong institutions for a long time. Our conclusion is that institutions are the main element when it comes to escaping the Resource Curse.

Befuktning : Installationer, processer och hälsofördelar. / Humidification : Installations, processes and health benefits.

Cavallius, Matilda, Rehnstedt, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Det finns tydliga hälsofördelar med en relativ fuktighet på 40–60% inomhus. Trots detta finns det idag inga direktiv på hur man ska styra den relativa fuktigheten inomhus. Många gånger diskuteras det kring avfuktning men i denna rapport tas befuktning upp ur ett hälsoperspektiv.I denna studie har det undersökts huruvida befuktningssystem skulle kunna användas i större utsträckning till fördel för människors hälsa.I rapporten redogörs för olika befuktningmetoder samt deras termofysiska processer - adiabatisk eller isotermisk. Dessutom undersöks vad som händer med energin i luften och vattenångan vid olika temperaturer samt vad olika relativ fuktighet har för hälsomässiga för- och nackdelar.Resultatet visar på att det finns både etablerade befuktningssystem samt ett behov av befuktning. Däremot är efterfrågan av befuktning inte speciellt stor i bostäder och branschen ställer sig negativ till befuktning i ventilationssystem. / There are clear health benefits of having a relative humidity between 40–60% indoors. Despite this, there are currently no directives on what level the relative humidity should be indoors. Today dehumidification is a common matter but this report is about humidification, from a health perspective.In this study, it has been investigated whether humidification could be used to a greater extent, to the benefit of humans’ health.This report describes various humidification methods and their thermophysical processes - adiabatic and isothermal. It is also explained what happens to the energy in the air and water vapor at different temperatures and how the relative humidity affects our health at different levels.The result shows that there is a need for humidification and that there are several technical solutions available today. However, the demand is low and the industry is not very positive to the idea of humidification in ventilation systems.

"Folk äro också rädda för den smygande sjukdomen [...]" : en studie om spanska sjukans förlopp i Karlskoga kommun år 1918. / "People are also afraid of the insidious disease […]" : A study on the spanish flu in Karlskoga municipality during the yearof 1918.

Westin, Tim January 2020 (has links)
The swedish local history research on the spanish flu is relatively scarce. The research that is available today seems to be largely centered around accounts for morbidity and mortality as a result of the epidemic. This however, has also been an important part of the research, to provide a demographic depiction of the mortality. Another important element in the present study has also been to account for the authorities' actions during the epidemic, something that is largely lacking in research. In light of the prevailing Corona epidemic and the lack of local historical research on the course of the Spanish flu in Sweden, the present study has aimed to examine the course of the epidemic in the undersigned home municipality of Karlskoga, during the epidemic in 1918. With the use of the death and funeral books of the Karlskoga parish, old issues of the newspaper ”Karlskoga Tidning” and the Health Care Board's statistics and protocols, the undersigned has, through this case study, tried to provide a quantitative aswell as a qualitative depiction of the epidemic year. The study evince that at least 43 people died in the municipality, the majority of whom were men under 40 years old. It also turned out that the workers' areas in Bofors were home to 36% of those who died during the epidemic months, no other area in the municipality had such high mortality rate. The study also indicates that the authorities in Karlskoga considered the epidemic to be of great danger. Hence, they seemed to have used the available information channels at the time, as to prevent the spread of infection. In this research it is noteworthy that as of today, a hundred years later, similar approaches are used to limit the spread of infection.

Vem kan tvätta händerna? : Sociala skillnader i dödlighet i Östersunds församling 1915–1922 / Who can wash their hands? : Social differences in mortality in Östersund parish 1915–1922

Bergström, Arvid January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Döden och födelsen i nordöstra Skåne under 1800-talet och 1900-talet : - En kvantitativ undersökning om församlingarna Ivetofta, Ivö, Rinkaby och Vinslöv 1880-1949 / Death and birth in the northeastern part of Skåne : - A quantitive study of the parishes Ivetofta, Ivö, Rinkaby and Vinslöv 1880–1949

Paulsson, Oliver, Berg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the following study is to depict the causes of death that were most common during a time period between 1880–1949 in the small villages Ivetofta, Ivö, Rinkaby and Vinslöv. The results will be presented in different time intervals of 10 years. Furthermore, the surge will analyse the variations over time and explain why causes of death may altern. In addition, it will also highlight specific aspects of the subject such as age, gender, birth, violent death, suicide and the Spanish flue. The results in the different areas will be compared to each other to illuminate similarities and differences. Moreover it will also be compared to national statistics to see if the different villages comply or oppose with the results. In order to improve the study, the conclusion will also be compared and connected to the two theories the demographic transition and The Epidemiologic Transition. They offer an explaination to the outcome and allow us to integrate this study in a greater context.   The results of this survey, show that the most common cause of death was that of age. Furthermore, there was a huge up-swing in heart diseases, brain diseases and cancer in the later time periods. At the beginning, most people that died were very young. This changed however and as time passed, more and more people began to decease at an older age and this complied with national statistics. There was a slight majority of women that passed away although almost all persons that occured in cases of violent death, were men and this category increased with time. Even though a lot of people died, a lot more were born and therefore the small societies had a positive birth ratio. There occured cases of the Spanish flue although it did not influence the vast statistics.

Economic Diversification in The United Arab Emirates : Is the economy leaving its oil dependency?

Zemoi, Jonas, Cardona Cervantes, Gabriel January 2009 (has links)
As the public becomes more concerned with the natural environment, one of the major topics discussed is the oil. Since there is no true source of knowledge how long the oil can continue to be extracted, it is interesting to know how long the world can benefit from such as scarce resource. Instead of idly watching as oil production decreases with time, which pre-measures could be taken in order to minimize a negative impact on an economy? The UAE is a thriving oil rich countries which for the past 30 years have experienced a vast oil wealth. Even though the oil gave wealth to the UAE, they should avoid any future oil dependency since it could negatively affect its now flourishing economy. Therefore, for the UAE to continue growing in the future it is in the best interest for the government to focus on a diversifying strategy that promotes the non-oil economy. By referring to concepts and theories of previous research in this field such as the Solow growth model, Resource curse and Dutch disease the authors find that the UAE had managed to diversify or not. Three sectors in different periods between 1970 and 2007 were measured: The oil sector, the non-oil sector and the government sector. Diversification changes means a decreasing dependency of the oil sector to the non-oil sector while the latter instead depends more on the government sector. Using British Petroleum (2008) and United Nations (2008) as sources, data was collected in order to draw a time-series regression analysis and test empirically for these diversification trends. The results for all periods confirmed that the UAE have indeed diversified and it could thus be observed that it started its successful strategy already in the 1970s. With the right government policy investments and the stability in the union, the UAE prevented from becoming dependent on oil and thereby not crowding out its important non-oil economy. / Med en ökad allmän medvetenhet angående naturmiljön så är oljan bland det mest omtalande temat. Eftersom inget vet exakt hur länge oljan kan utvinnas, är det intressant att veta hur länge världen kan förlita sig på en sådan begränsad resurs. Finns det förebyggande medel för att minska en negativ verkan på ekonomin istället för att passivt bevittna en sjunkande oljeproduktion? Förenta Arabemiraten (FAE) är en framgångsrik union som under de senaste 30 åren har åtnjutit en omfattande oljerikedom. Trots att oljan lade grunden för tillväxten i FAE, så börs unionen undvika sitt oljeberoende eftersom den negativt kan påverka den nuvarande blomstrande ekonomin. Således, för att bibehålla tillväxten i FAE för framtiden, borde det vara i statens största intresse att fokusera på en differentierings-strategi som främjar icke-oljans ekonomi. För att veta om FAE faktiskt har differentierat sig eller inte, används koncept och teorier för tidigare forskning kring områdets som t.ex. Solows tillväxtmodel, Resursförbannelsen och holländska sjukan. Tre sektorer mättes i olika perioder mellan 1970-2007: oljesektorn, icke-sektorn och statssektorn. Icke-olje sektorn förväntas minska oljeberoendet samt öka beroendet av statssektorn vilket resulterar i en differentieringstrend i ekonomin. Genom källor från British Petroleum (2008) och Förenta Nationerna (2008)  har data insamlats för att empiriskt testa en tidsserie regression och se förändringar mellan sektorerna. Under alla perioder i FAE blev en differentieringstrend bekräftad och man kunde därför se att denna framgångsrika strategi redan åtogs i 1970-talet. Med effektiva investeringar i den offentliga sektorn samt en hållbar stabilitet i unionen, undvek FAE ett oljeberoende och därmed främjade icke-olje ekonomin.

Economic Diversification in The United Arab Emirates : Is the economy leaving its oil dependency?

Zemoi, Jonas, Cardona Cervantes, Gabriel January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>As the public becomes more concerned with the natural environment, one of the major topics discussed is the oil. Since there is no true source of knowledge how long the oil can continue to be extracted, it is interesting to know how long the world can benefit from such as scarce resource. Instead of idly watching as oil production decreases with time, which pre-measures could be taken in order to minimize a negative impact on an economy? The UAE is a thriving oil rich countries which for the past 30 years have experienced a vast oil wealth. Even though the oil gave wealth to the UAE, they should avoid any future oil dependency since it could negatively affect its now flourishing economy. Therefore, for the UAE to continue growing in the future it is in the best interest for the government to focus on a diversifying strategy that promotes the non-oil economy. By referring to concepts and theories of previous research in this field such as the Solow growth model, Resource curse and Dutch disease the authors find that the UAE had managed to diversify or not. Three sectors in different periods between 1970 and 2007 were measured: The oil sector, the non-oil sector and the government sector. Diversification changes means a decreasing dependency of the oil sector to the non-oil sector while the latter instead depends more on the government sector. Using British Petroleum (2008) and United Nations (2008) as sources, data was collected in order to draw a time-series regression analysis and test empirically for these diversification trends. The results for all periods confirmed that the UAE have indeed diversified and it could thus be observed that it started its successful strategy already in the 1970s. With the right government policy investments and the stability in the union, the UAE prevented from becoming dependent on oil and thereby not crowding out its important non-oil economy. </strong></p> / <p><strong>Med en ökad allmän medvetenhet angående naturmiljön så är oljan bland det mest omtalande temat. Eftersom inget vet exakt hur länge oljan kan utvinnas, är det intressant att veta hur länge världen kan förlita sig på en sådan begränsad resurs. Finns det förebyggande medel för att minska en negativ verkan på ekonomin istället för att passivt bevittna en sjunkande oljeproduktion? Förenta Arabemiraten (FAE) är en framgångsrik union som under de senaste 30 åren har åtnjutit en omfattande oljerikedom. Trots att oljan lade grunden för tillväxten i FAE, så börs unionen undvika sitt oljeberoende eftersom den negativt kan påverka den nuvarande blomstrande ekonomin. Således, för att bibehålla tillväxten i FAE för framtiden, borde det vara i statens största intresse att fokusera på en differentierings-strategi som främjar icke-oljans ekonomi. För att veta om FAE faktiskt har differentierat sig eller inte, används koncept och teorier för tidigare forskning kring områdets som t.ex. Solows tillväxtmodel, Resursförbannelsen och holländska sjukan. Tre sektorer mättes i olika perioder mellan 1970-2007: oljesektorn, icke-sektorn och statssektorn. Icke-olje sektorn förväntas minska oljeberoendet samt öka beroendet av statssektorn vilket resulterar i en differentieringstrend i ekonomin. Genom källor från British Petroleum (2008) och Förenta Nationerna (2008)  har data insamlats för att empiriskt testa en tidsserie regression och se förändringar mellan sektorerna. Under alla perioder i FAE blev en differentieringstrend bekräftad och man kunde därför se att denna framgångsrika strategi redan åtogs i 1970-talet. Med effektiva investeringar i den offentliga sektorn samt en hållbar stabilitet i unionen, undvek FAE ett oljeberoende och därmed främjade icke-olje ekonomin.</strong><strong></strong></p>

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