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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos padalinių vadovų žmogiškųjų valdymo sugebėjimų vertinimas / Assessment of managerial human skills of managers in health care institution

Rančytė, Renata 08 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Management of Public Health ASSESSMENT OF MANAGERIAL HUMAN SKILLS OF MANAGERS IN HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION Renata Rančytė Supervisor Danutė Dučinskienė, Department of Social Medicine. Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. - Kaunas, 2005.-P.62 Management emphasizes managerial human skills as essential leadership skills. Aim of study. To assess human skills of the managers in health care institutions. Objectives. · Assess human skills of health care managers in institution and importance of it. · Compare managerial human skills among different types of managers Methods. 35 questions anonymous questionnaire have been used. All managers in organization have been surveyed. Statistic data analysis has been made, using SPSS 10 program. Results. Almost half of health care managers (43,5 proc.) indicated that main leading skills are human skills. Majority of managers (65,5 proc.) point that they are talking with employees about enjoyments. Managers are think that they are polite (91,8 proc.), and pleasant (75,5 proc.). Most of the managers (85,0 proc.) explain that they know every employee in their department. Strategist (59,2 proc.), leader (61,2 proc.), disturbance handler (57,8 proc.) roles are main for the managers. Majority of nurses - nurse administrators (88,6 proc.) reacted to every complaint it was very rare among clinic managers (50,0 proc.). The role of the strategist mostly picked up clinic managers (79,8 proc.), leader role picked up... [to full text]

Policijos pareigūnų bendrųjų profesinių gebėjimų lavinimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of general professional competence building for police officers

Vaičiulis, Arūnas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Žmogui pasirinkusiam policininko profesiją visuomenė kelia labai aukštus reikalavimus. Jis bet kokioje situacijoje turi elgtis ir veikti kompetentingai, pavojaus akivaizdoje neprarasti savitvardos ir nepaisant kilusios grėsmės savo ar kito asmens gyvybei ar sveikatai, stoti į kovą su nusikaltėliu. Policininkas negali pasirinkti priešininko (-ų), kaip negali vengti ir atsakomybės bei kovos su nusikaltėliu. Augalotas ar mažas, fiziškai stipresnis ar silpnas, jaunesnis ar vyresnis, vyras ar moteris, vienas nusikaltėlis ar visa gauja – jis privalo atlikti pareigą, apginti skriaudžiamą žmogų, apsiginti pats. Policijos darbuotojams daug dažniau nei kitų profesijų atstovams tenka susidurti su linkusiais nusikalsti visuomenės sluoksniais, neretai jie patys patiria smurtą. Pastarųjų dienų kriminogeninė padėtis Lietuvoje, kuomet nusikaltimai tampa vis įžūlesni, o teisės pažeidėjai ir nusikaltėliai vis labiau linkę į smurtą ir agresiją, liudija būtinybę atsakingai ugdyti policininkų profesinę kompetenciją, nuolat tobulinti pareigūnų profesinį - specialų fizinį, kovinį bei taktinį pasirengimą, formuoti techniškai teisingus ir veiksmingus įgūdžius. Tik tvirti ir stabilūs bendrieji profesiniai gebėjimai ir įgūdžiai gali padėti policijos pareigūnui apsaugoti save patį, kitą asmenį ar patikėtą turtą, todėl Lietuvos policijos pareigūnų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas turi būti nuolatinis ir nesibaigiantis procesas. Tik išsilavinę ir profesionalūs pareigūnai savo tarnybinėje veikloje gebės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For the person, who has chosen a policeman craftsociety enhance very high requirements. He might act adequate in any situation, do not loose self-control at the dangerous situation, and desite the danger to his or other person‘s health or life stand forfight withthe offender. When officer has to use force for to protect other people, himself or societies legitimate interests andproperty, he experiences a huge stress and fear. A police officer meets the lowest societies ordersmore often than people with different professions, and frequenly they are involved in acts of violence. Recent criminologycal situation in Lithuania, when crimes become more insolen, and law offenders and criminals are moresubjected to violence and aggression, proclaimsthe necessity to responcibly cultivate policemen‘s professional competence, to improve officers professional – special physical,combatant and tactical readiness all the time, to form technicaly correct and efficient skills. Policeman can not choose enemy, same as he can not avoid responsibility or fight with a criminal. Tall or short, physicaly strong or weak, old or young, man or woman, one criminal or whole gang – he mus do his duty, to protect put-upon person and to protect himself. Only strong and stable professional skills can help a policeman to protect himself, other person or property. Policemen motivation to develop profellional skills and attitude to available.

Kūno kultūros specialybės studentų socialinių įgūdžių kaita / Change of social skills of physical culture speciality students

Lenkauskaitė, Vita 03 August 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas: Pastaruoju metu rengiant pedagogus svarbią vietą užima socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas, nes nūdienos situacija kelia naujus reikalavimus būsimajam mokytojui. Ugdymo kryptis orientuojama ne į ugdytoją, o į ugdytinį. Be to, ugdomasis darbas perorganizuojamas orientuojantis į humanistinę psichologiją, kaip labiausiai atitinkančią laikmečio poreikius. Vienas iš būsimojo pedagogo elgesio efektyvumo kriterijų yra socialiniai įgūdžiai. Ugdymo realybėje dažnai susiduriama su per žema bendravimo kultūra ir konfliktais. Ugdytojui reikia didesnės socialinės kompetencijos, atsakomybės ne vien už ugdytinio žinias, bet ir už jo brandą. Nuo sporto pedagogo esminių bei situacinių socialinių įgūdžių, nuo jo parengtumo atlikti socialinius vaidmenis, priklauso jo gebėjimas profesionaliai dirbti, bendrauti ir bendradarbiauti. Tyrimo objektas: Kūno kultūros specialybės studentų situacinių, esminių socialinių įgūdžių, bei parengtumo atlikti socialinius vaidmenis, kaita. Tyrimo tikslas: Išsiaiškinti kūno kultūros specialybės studentų situacinių, esminių socialinių įgūdžių, bei parengtumo atlikti socialinius vaidmenis kaitą. Tyrimo metodologija. Tyrimas atliktas remiantis šiomis teorijomis: socialinio išmokimo teorija bei humanistinio ugdymo nuostatomis. Tyrimo metodai: teorinė analizė ir apibendrinimas; anketinė apklausa; statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas: Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2011 m. Šiaulių universitete. Jame dalyvavo 142 dieninio studijų skyriaus, Kūno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the research: Recently, development of social skills takes an important place in preparation of pedagogues, because today's situation poses new requirements for future teachers. The direction of education is oriented not towards an educator, but towards a learner. In addition, the educational work is being reorganized orienting towards humanistic psychology as the one of the most suitable to the needs of the times. One of the prospective teacher's conduct efficiency criteria is social skills. In educational reality, one often faces with too low communicational culture and conflicts. The educator needs greater social competence, responsibility not only for knowledge of a learner, but also for his/her maturity. The ability of the sports teacher to work professionally, communicate and collaborate depend on his/her fundamental and situational social skills and his/her readiness to perform social roles. The subject of the research: Change of situational, fundamental social skills and readiness to perform social roles of the physical culture speciality students. The aim of the research: To ascertain the change of situational, fundamental social skills and readiness to perform social roles of the physical culture speciality students. Methodology of the research: The research was done on the grounds of the following theories: social learning theory and provisions of humanistic education. Methods of the research: Theoretical analysis and generalization, questionnaire... [to full text]

Darbuotojų tarpkultūrinių derybinių įgūdžių gerinimas AB "Audimas" pavyzdžiu / Workers cross-cultural negotiation skills improvement according byon the JSC Audimas example

Marciulevičienė, Laimutė 07 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti tarpkultūrines derybas teoriniu aspektu, suvokti, kokia sėkmingų derybų esmė ir kaip derėtis su skirtingų kultūrų atstovais, atlikti tyrimą ir pateikti siūlymus. Darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje dalyje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra tarpkultūrinių derybų sampratos aspektais. Analizuojama, kokią įtaką tarptautiniam verslui turi įvairių kultūrų skirtumai. Antroje darbo dalyje pristatoma tiriamos įmonės, AB „Audimas“ charakteristika, pateikiami tyrimo, kuriuo buvo siekiama įvertinti darbuotojų kompetenciją tarpkultūrinėse derybose, duomenys, jų analizė ir vertinimas. Trečioje dalyje pateikiama AB „Audimas“ darbuotojų tarpkultūrinių derybinių įgūdžių tobulinimo programa . Programą sudaro keturių krypčių modeliai. / The aim of this paper is to analyze the theoretical aspects of intercultural negotiations, to understand what the essence of successful negotiations are and how to negotiate with different cultures, to investigate and make proposals This paper consists of three different parts. The first part reviews the scientific literature on the concept of cross-cultural negotiation aspects. It analyzes the impact of international business varieties in different cultures. The second part presents the companies JSC Audimas characteristic, studies which was designed to assess staff competence in intercultural negotiations, data analysis and evaluation. The third section presents JSC Audimas employees intercultural negotiation skills development program. The program consists of a four-way models.

Ikimokyklinės įstaigos auklėtojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikiai / Needs of improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education

Mickevičienė, Nijolė 20 June 2006 (has links)
Today's the public experiences the period which differs intensive aspiration to the knowledge, accompanied by various technologies, political, social and cultural changes in a society. Therefore, later more than to decade after the begun fundamental reform of education, in the field of development of our country there were many changes. Today all of more attention is given to establishments of preschool education, professional experience of their personnel, the pedagogical competence, to improvement of professional skill, its needs and development. Being guided by increase of requirements of a society to an education system, recently especially emphasized improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education, for work of the master has been made a choice of a theme with the purpose to reveal the attitude of tutors of establishments of preschool education to needs of improvement of professional skill and to the improvement of professional skill. The basic purpose of this work - to discuss and investigate features of activity and needs of improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education.To carry out this purpose has been helped theoretical revealing and the practical analysis of a problem. There was an object in view to find out the attitude of tutors of establishments of preschool education to needs of improvement of professional skill and an opportunity of their development. Having executed both... [to full text]

The political economy of skills formation: explaining differences in Central and Eastern Europe / Gebėjimų formavimo politinė ekonomija: skirtumų Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalyse aiškinimas

Martinaitis, Žilvinas 02 November 2010 (has links)
The dissertation seeks to explain, why different skills formation systems have emerged in Central and Eastern Europe over the past 20 years. More specifically, it investigates, why the labor force acquires general skills in the Baltic States, Poland and Hungary, while specific skills are of utmost importance in the Czech and Slovak Republics and Slovenia? The dissertation argues that these differences can be explained by the labor market, economic and political institutions. Strong employers’ associations, high employment security, generous unemployment benefits, proportional electoral system and government stability are necessary for emergence of specific skills formation systems, while absence of these institutions is sufficient for the emergence of general skills formation systems. The dissertation employs fuzzy set techniques and robust regression to test the hypotheses empirically. / Disertacijoje siekiama paaiškinti, kodėl Vidurio Rytų Europos šalyse išsivystė skirtingos gebėjimų formavimo sistemos, t.y. kodėl Baltijos šalyse ir mažesniu mastu Lenkijoje bei Vengrijoje per pastaruosius 20 metų iškilo bendrųjų gebėjimų formavimo sistemos, o Čekijoje, Slovėnijoje ir Slovakijoje – specifinių gebėjimų formavimo sistemos? Darbe teigiama, kad tai nulėmė skirtingos darbo rinkos, ekonominės ir politinės institucijos. Stiprios darbdavių asociacijos, aukštas darbo vietos apsaugos lygis, dosnios išmokos bedarbiams, proporcinė rinkimų sistema ir Vyriausybių stabilumas yra būtinos sąlygos specifinių gebėjimų formavimo sistemoms atsirasti. Jei vienos ar kelių iš įvardintų institucijų nėra, tuomet atsiranda pakankamos sąlygos bendrųjų gebėjimų formavimo sistemos atsiradimui. Hipotezės tikrinamos remiantis neapibrėžtųjų aibių ir apibrėžtos regresijos (angl. robust regression) metodais.

For Therapeutic Recreation Professionals in Canada, What are the Skills and Knowledge Required for Competent Practice?

Goncalves, Tanea 10 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and skills required for competent therapeutic recreation practice in Canada. Research participants were 244 members of therapeutic recreation professional associations in Canada. Results from this study indicated that significant differences in competency areas exist between certified and non-certified therapeutic recreation practitioners, between practitioners with a degree and diploma, between practitioners in varying demographic regions in Canada and between practitioners with varying years practicing in the profession of Therapeutic Recreation. Implications for therapeutic recreation practice and future research are presented for discussion.

A macroeconomic study of the costs, consequences and policy implications of sectorial labour reallocation

Tapp, Stephen S. 14 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis uses a macroeconomic approach to study labour adjustments following sector-specific shocks. I develop a general model, investigate its dynamic adjustment process and apply it to study the Canadian economy in 2002–2006. This episode is an interesting case study because it features a significant labour reallocation to the resource sector and away from manufacturing, precipitated by an increase in global commodity prices and an associated exchange rate appreciation. The results establish that impediments to the adjustment process are economically significant in the aggregate for this episode, imposing costs of up to three percent of output during the transition. These findings augment several studies that suggest individual workers can face large and persistent earnings losses during job turnover. However, unlike previous research, I use the search and matching approach — which incorporates explicit labour market frictions — to uncover the sources of these costs for the macroeconomy. The findings emphasize that job loss itself is not particularly important quantitatively, but rather the non-transferability of skills during job turnover is a key concern. Finally, I investigate how labour market policy impacts the economy’s response to sector-specific shocks by analyzing a counterfactual policy change in unemployment benefits and improved skill acquisition through faster learning and training subsidies. The results reveal interesting policy trade-offs. First, I find that increasing unemployment benefits prolongs the economy’s adjustment, reduces employment, output and welfare and increases unemployment incidence and duration. However, because this policy impacts high-productivity and low-productivity sectors differently, it shifts the composition of the remaining jobs towards high-productivity sectors, thereby raising aggregate productivity and also reduces wage inequality. Second, I find that faster skill acquisition has the potential to deliver large economic gains in the long-run, but requires up-front investment costs which entail reduced economic performance in the short-run. / Thesis (Ph.D, Economics) -- Queen's University, 2008-08-05 23:44:39.827

Efficacy of CBT-based social skills intervention for school-aged boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Koning, Cynthia Unknown Date
No description available.

An Examination of the Effectiveness of a Community Implementation of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) for Teenagers with Autism

Archuk, Ashley L Unknown Date
No description available.

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