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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engagemang – konsten att skapa attraktivitet iarbetslivet : En kvalitativ studie om hur en kommun kan arbeta för attminska personalomsättning bland socialsekreterare

Klang, Victoria, Aufrecht, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to find out how a commune can work with commitment as a part of the attractive work in order to reduce staff turnover among social workers. Furthermore, the essay refers to contribute the theoretical knowledge in the field. In order to achieve this purpose ten semistructured interviews were conducted, of which eight were with socialworkers and two with unit managers of the social workers in the commune studied. The result showed that the definition of engagement also includes the feeling of caring and wanting to do more than you’re expected to. The result also showed that the social workers engagement are affected of work features, the organization, the leadership and the team of colleagues. Another result show that theese contents can not be statically prioritized, but instead should be put in relation to to the group and the individual's current needs. Based on what was identified as the current needs of the social workers, a result was also a number of development proposals for how the commune and unit managers for social security workers can work to create engagement. / Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att ta reda på hur en kommun kan arbeta med engagemang som en del av det attraktiva arbetet för att minska personalomsättning bland socialsekreterare. Vidare avser uppsatsen bidra med teoretisk kunskap inom området. För att uppnå syftet har tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts, varav åtta var med socialsekreterare och två med enhetschefer för socialsekreterare i den studerade kommunen. Resultatet visade att definitionen av begreppet engagemang också inkluderar en känsla av att bry sig och vilja göra mer än man förväntas. Resultatet visade också att socialsekreterarnas engagemang påverkas av arbetets egenskaper, organisationen, ledarskapet och arbetsgruppen. Ytterligare en slutsats är att ovanstående faktorer och dess innefattande aspekter inte kan statiskt prioriteras utan bör stå i relation till gruppen och individernas nuvarande behov. Utifrån vad som identifierades vara socialsekreterarnas nuvarande behov blev ett resultat även ett antal utvecklingsförslag för hur kommunen och enhetschefer för socialsekreterare kan arbeta för att skapa engagemang.

Assistants de Service Social et travail en réseau / Social workers and network

Tourte, Thierry 04 June 2014 (has links)
La réforme du Diplôme d’Etat d’Assistant de Service Social (DEASS) de juin 2004 notifie le travail en réseau dans les référentiels d’activités, de compétences, de formation et de certification. Cette évolution reconnaît le travail en réseau comme étant pleinement associé à la profession et lui confère le double statut de démarche à mettre en place dans l’exercice professionnel et de contenu de formation à intégrer.Le travail en réseau devient de fait reconnu en tant que compétence professionnelle et l’étendue sémantique du terme « réseau » autant que ses déclinaisons protéiformes interrogent les perceptions des Assistants de Service Social quant à sa définition, son opportunité, ses conditions de mise en oeuvre dans l’exercice des missions et le positionnement des différents professionnels concernés.L’étude des représentations sociales d’Assistants de Service Social en poste dans des secteurs d’intervention différents est au coeur de notre travail de recherche. La thèse vise à déterminer le schéma représentationnel de ces professionnels sur le travail en réseau pour préciser le rapport qu’ils entretiennent avec cette démarche de coopération et préciser l’impact de sa reconnaissance référentielle sur l’identité professionnelle. / The 2004 reform of the national diploma (DEASS) insists on the necessity of a joined work in many ways from skills to reference activities, training and graduating. Such an evolution acknowledges the fact that social work is a multi-faced job with at least two essential aspects: the setting of a process for the profession and the training of social workers.Therefore, working within a network becomes a professional skill. The many definitions of the word “network” calls in many ways into question the social workers’ perception of working within a network job: defining its role, its appropriateness, and the way they perceive the other actors.This dissertation aims at focusing on the social representations of social workers concerning the link between network and the specificity of their job and then insist on the impact of the 2004 reform on the professional identity.

” … Nu orkar man köra på!” : Socialsekreterares reflektioner kring arbetstidsförkortning inom socialtjänsten / “ ... Now you have the strength to go on!” : Social worker's reflections on worktime reduction in social services

Kanth, Elin, Wicksell, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Arbetstidsförkortning har på senare år provats inom socialtjänsten i ett flertal kommuner i syfte att motverka hög personalomsättning och stress. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare reflekterar kring betydelsen av arbetstidsförkortning för deras upplevelse av arbetsmiljö och kvaliteten i klientarbetet. En fokusgruppsintervju genomfördes med fyra socialsekreterare. Av intervjun framgick att socialsekreterarna upplevde att arbetstidsförkortningen innebar att förutsättningarna för återhämtning ökade samtidigt som man mer sällan upplevde konflikter mellan familjeliv och arbetsliv. Socialsekreterarna beskrev också att de upplevde sig mer fysiskt och psykiskt närvarande samt att de hade mer ork för arbetet samtidigt som detta utfördes mer effektivt och flexibelt. Vidare upplevdes arbetsplatsen som tryggare eftersom personalomsättningen minskade. De nackdelar som beskrevs var att motsättningarna mellan enheterna inom socialtjänsten ökade samt att tillgängligheten för klienterna blev sämre. Avslutningsvis diskuteras frågan om arbetet som socialsekreterare i socialtjänsten är ett yrke där arbetstidsförkortning krävs för att personalen ska orka med en arbetsdag. / Working time reduction has in recent years been tested within the social services to counteract high staff turnover and stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate social workers’ reflections on the importance of working time reduction for their experience of the working environment and the client work. A focus group-interview was conducted with four social workers. The social workers expressed that the conditions for recovery increased, while at the same time experiencing less conflict between family and working life. The social workers also described that they felt more physically and mentally present, with more energy for their work. Furthermore, the workplace was perceived as safer as staff turnover decreased. The disadvantages described were that the contradictions between the units within the social services increased and that the accessibility for the clients decreased. Whether social workers is a profession where working hour’s reduction is required is discussed.

A Study of School Social Worker Involvement with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in Georgia Public Schools

Woods, Kimberlee 20 May 2019 (has links)
This study explored the level of involvement of school social workers in the 504-Plan process as it relates to the administrative culture of school administrators, collaboration with school personnel, training on the 504-Plan process, and finally knowledge of Section 504. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder affects over six-million children in the world today that may benefit from the use of a 504-Plan. A total of 147 school social workers participated in this study. A self-administered survey was used, and data analysis was conducted on two levels: descriptive which employed frequency and percent distributions of respondents and analytical procedures. The Kruskal-Wallis H test utilized for this study which indicated a statistically significant relationship which rejected the null hypotheses of all four research questions. A second test was then performed, Mann Whitney U test, to determine where the significance of the hypotheses lied. Findings revealed that overall there is a low level of involvement of school social workers in the 504-Plan process of 64.8%. Twenty-nine and a third percent reported a moderate level of involvement. There was a low to moderate level of administrative culture, moderate level of collaboration, training and knowledge among the school social workers.

A experi?ncia de profissionais de um CREAS em rela??o ao atendimento a mulheres em situa??o de viol?ncia / The experience of professionals from a CREAS in regard to providing care to women in situation of violence

Incerpe, Patr?cia Regina Bueno 30 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-12-18T17:10:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Patr?cia Regina Bueno Incerpe.pdf: 1758272 bytes, checksum: e1835f6ff4a996612eaa2dc13d365869 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-18T17:10:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patr?cia Regina Bueno Incerpe.pdf: 1758272 bytes, checksum: e1835f6ff4a996612eaa2dc13d365869 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-30 / This research aimed to understand the experience of professionals who care for women who are victims of violence at a Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS). CREAS is a public unity created based on the guidelines of the National Policy of Social Assistance (PNAS) and covers Special Social Protection (PSE) of Medium Complexity, offering care to families and individuals who find themselves in situations of personal or social risk through the threats or violation of rights, including women in situations of violence. This was a qualitative research of phenomenological nature based on the principles formulated by the German philosopher Edmund Husserl. The researcher carried out individual dialogic encounters with six participants including female psychologists and social workers. Each encounter started with a guiding question related to the research?s theme to enable the participants to speak freely about their experiences. After each encounter, the researcher constructed a comprehensive narrative from her impressions of the participant?s experience. After this stage, a synthesis narrative was elaborated containing the meaningful elements of the experience as a whole in order to get closer to the essential structure of the phenomenon. The constituting elements of the experience were as follow: (1) the participants realized that some professionals at the network of women care reproduce prejudiced attitudes, contributing to the victimization of patients; (2) the participants do not see themselves as protagonists in the institution?s decisionmaking, which leads to feelings of frustration and powerlessness; (3) the participants develop attitudes of empathy and identify personally with the stories of these women in situation of violence and (4) during their meetings with these women, participants feel lonely due to the fact that the care network proves itself ineffective in real life ? still, they value the work they do. In summary, there is a great need for interdisciplinary studies that aim to understand the experience of professionals, patients, and perpetrators of violence in the daily routine of the several institutions that compose the network of assistance to women in situation of violence so to make it possible to overcome the problems pointed out in this research and improve public policies. / Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender a experi?ncia de profissionais que atendem mulheres em situa??o de viol?ncia em um Centro de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social (CREAS). O CREAS ? uma unidade p?blica gerada a partir das diretrizes da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social (PNAS) e abrange a Prote??o Social Especial (PSE) de M?dia Complexidade, oferecendo atendimento a fam?lias e indiv?duos que se encontram em situa??o de risco pessoal ou social por amea?a ou viola??o de direitos, incluindo mulheres em situa??o de viol?ncia. Consistiu-se em uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza fenomenol?gica embasada nos princ?pios formulados pelo fil?sofo alem?o Edmund Husserl. A pesquisadora realizou encontros dial?gicos individuais com seis participantes que inclu?ram psic?logas e assistentes sociais, todas mulheres. Os encontros foram iniciados com uma quest?o norteadora relacionada ao tema da pesquisa de forma a possibilitar ?s participantes discorrer livremente sobre suas pr?prias experi?ncias. Ap?s cada encontro, a pesquisadora construiu uma narrativa compreensiva a partir das suas impress?es sobre a experi?ncia da participante. Conclu?da esta etapa, foi elaborada uma narrativa s?ntese contendo os elementos significativos da experi?ncia como um todo, a fim de se aproximar da estrutura essencial do fen?meno. Os elementos constituintes da experi?ncia em pauta foram os seguintes: (1) as participantes percebem que alguns profissionais da rede de aten??o ? mulher reproduzem atitudes preconceituosas que contribuem para a vitimiza??o das usu?rias; (2) as participantes n?o se percebem como protagonistas nas tomadas de decis?o por parte da institui??o e, em decorr?ncia, sentem-se frustradas e impotentes; (3) as participantes desenvolvem atitudes de empatia e identificam-se pessoalmente com as hist?rias vividas pelas mulheres em situa??o de viol?ncia e (4) nos atendimentos ?s mulheres, as participantes sentem-se solit?rias em fun??o da rede de atendimento n?o se mostrar efetiva na pr?tica; apesar disto valorizam o trabalho que desenvolvem. Concluindo, ressalta-se a import?ncia de estudos interdisciplinares que busquem compreender a experi?ncia de profissionais, usu?rias e autores de viol?ncia, no cotidiano das diversas institui??es que comp?em a rede de assist?ncia ? mulher em situa??o de viol?ncia de forma a possibilitar a supera??o dos problemas apontados nesta pesquisa e o aperfei?oamento das pol?ticas p?blicas.

O público e o privado no Sistema Local de Assistência Social do município de Varginha

DAMIÃO, Valéria Aparecida Naves 08 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se dedica ao estudo da Assistência Social como política pública, buscando responder o que caracteriza a atuação da rede privada do SUAS e como sua coexistência com a rede pública potencializa ou limita o desenvolvimento, em âmbito municipal, da Assistência Social como política pública. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é discutir, a partir da análise do contexto institucional do município de Varginha, MG, como a coexistência entre rede socioassistencial pública e rede socioassistencial privada promove ou desarticula, em âmbito municipal, o desenvolvimento da Assistência Social como política pública. Já seus objetivos específicos buscam caracterizar os sistemas locais de Assistência Social, detalhando sua forma e sua institucionalização em Varginha; analisar, sob a ótica dos assistentes sociais trabalhadores do SUAS em Varginha, o planejamento e a execução da política de Assistência Social no município; discutir como a coexistência entre rede socioassistencial pública e rede socioassistencial privada caracteriza ou descaracteriza o desenvolvimento, em âmbito municipal, da Assistência Social como política pública. A metodologia adotada combina estratégias do estudo de caso e da pesquisa documental, valendo-se também da pesquisa bibliográfica como aporte teórico e da análise de conteúdo categorial temática para análise de interpretação dos dados coletados. Os resultados encontrados informam que Varginha é um município com Sistema Local de Assistência Social estruturado, a partir da existência de Conselho, Plano e Fundo de Assistência Social e de equipamentos públicos e serviços em conformidade com o Sistema Único de Assistência Social, mas que utiliza a parceria de ONG’s de Assistência Social, a partir das vias administrativa e de execução dos serviços, que não trazem contribuição direta para sua execução enquanto política pública. / This research is dedicated to the study of social assistance as a public policy, seeking to respond what characterizes the performance of the private network of the SUAS and how their coexistence with the public network enhances or limits the development at the municipal level, of the Social Assistance as public policy. The aim of this paper is to discuss, from the analysis of the institutional context of the city of Varginha, MG, such as the coexistence of public and private assistance network promotes social assistance network or dismantles, at the municipal level, the development of social assistance as a public policy. Has its specific objetives seek to characterize the local systems of public policy, detailing its shape and its institutionalization in the Social Assistance sector; analyze, from the perspective of social workers SUAS in Varginha, the planning and implementation of the Social Assistance Policy in the City; discuss how the coexistence of public and private assistance network favors or mischaracterizes the development, at the municipal level, the Social Assistance as public policy. The methodology combines strategies of the case study and documental research, also drawing upon the bibliographic research as the theoretical and thematic analysis of categorical content analysis to interpret the data collected. The results report that Varginha is a city with Local System Structured Social Assistance, from the existence of the Council, Plan and Social Assistance Fund and public facilities and services in accordance with the Unified Social Assistance System, but uses the partnership with ONG´s for Social Assistance, from routes and implementing administrative services, which bring no direct contribution to its implementation as a public policy.

Serviço Social em dois tempos: a experiência como destinatário do trabalho do assistente social e sua ressignificação quando profissional da área / Social Work in two stages: the experience as a recipient for the social worker’s activity and as meaning for the professional accomplishment

Lima, Neusa Cavalcante 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-05-14T12:53:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Neusa Cavalcante Lima.pdf: 2325157 bytes, checksum: 9f9c7f339921ee0549806ce4890bbcdb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T12:53:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Neusa Cavalcante Lima.pdf: 2325157 bytes, checksum: 9f9c7f339921ee0549806ce4890bbcdb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation contributes to the production of knowledge to Social Work. It addresses the social meaning extracted from the narrative of social workers who, before the academic formation, lived the experience of having been attended in a program or a project, in which their profession was inserted. Specific objectives were determined: to analyze the Social Work practice by the meaning attributed to the experiences lived as users or recipients of the professional activity; to identify in the narratives how their profession is expressed and what mediations were mobilized by the professionals in the work accomplished and how the meaning of lived experience guides the professional activity and returns to the construction of new meanings for the profession. The framework adopted for this work found support in historical materialism, in the history philosophy, concept proposed by Walter Benjamin and in the experience approaching by Edward P. Thompson. The research revealed the thomposian approach, present in the theoretical fundaments in Social Work from the end of the 1980s, and that gained visibility after the publication of "Subaltern classes and social assistance" by Yazbek in 1993. The oral history methodology was adopted and found support in Alessandro Portelli, Yara Aun Khoury and in Maria Lúcia Martinelli’s professional activity concerning Social work. The methodological option was based on oral history and, according to the density of the narratives, revealed similarities with the history of life. In the interviews, the emerged categories of analysis were domestic violence against women and the institutional reception, linked to the specific contexts of care in Social Work. In the analysis of the narratives, the professional culture emerged as part of their world experience and as new possibilities of sociability / Esta tese insere-se no campo da produção do conhecimento sobre o Serviço Social. Aborda seu significado social, a partir da narrativa de assistentes sociais que, antes da formação acadêmica, viveram a experiência de terem sido atendidas em programa, ou projeto, no qual a profissão encontrava-se inserida. Como objetivos específicos, foram determinados: Analisar o Serviço Social pelo significado atribuído às experiências vividas como usuárias ou destinatárias da atividade profissional; Identificar a forma em que a profissão se expressa nas narrativas das participantes; Identificar nas narrativas quais foram as mediações mobilizadas pelas profissionais no processo de realização do trabalho; e Conhecer como o significado da experiência vivida orienta o exercício profissional e retorna para a construção de novos significados para a profissão. A tese teve por referencial o materialismo histórico, pela filosofia da história de Walter Benjamin e pela categoria experiência na abordagem de Edward P. Thompson. A metodologia da história oral foi adotada conforme é trabalhada por Alessandro Portelli e Yara Aun Khoury, e na leitura para o Serviço Social realizada por Maria Lúcia Martinelli. Foi possível conhecer as experiências das participantes, por meio das narrativas, entendidas como expressão de muitos sujeitos, o que movimenta a apreensão da história das histórias. Ainda que a opção metodológica tenha sido a história oral temática, pela densidade do processo de entrevista, houve interface com a história de vida. No processo de escuta, emergiram como categorias de análise a violência doméstica contra a mulher e o acolhimento institucional, vinculadas aos contextos específicos de atendimento no Serviço Social. Na análise das narrativas, a categoria cultura profissional emergiu como conteúdo e possibilidade de produção de nova sociabilidade

”Kanske att man inte tänker prostitution på en gång” : Socialsekreterares förståelse av ensamkommande pojkars utsatthet för prostitution / : ”Maybe prostitution isn’t the first thing that comes to mind”: Social workers’ understanding of unaccompanied boys’ exploitation through prostitution

Herkules, Paula, Younes, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
Unaccompanied boys are at high risk to be exploited through prostitution which the social services are responsible to identify and give support. This study aimed to investigate how social workers in Dalarna understand and handle the issue of unaccompanied boys vulnerability and exploitation through prostitution. The result of the study was analyzed with intersectionality as theoretical frame of interpretation. This essay is based on a qualitative approach and was conducted by semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the respondents had limited experience of unaccompanied exploited through prostitution. A certain deflection of responsibility of the detection to any potential exploited is further noticed and also a stigmatizing perception of prostitution. The result further showed that the perception of intersectional power relations has an impact on the understanding of unaccompanied boys and their vulnerability to be exploited through prostitution. / Ensamkommande pojkar är en högriskgrupp för att utsättas för prostitution vilka socialtjänsten ansvarar för att identifiera och stödja. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare i Dalarna förstår och hanterar frågor om ensamkommande pojkars sårbarhet och utsatthet för prostitution. Resultatet analyserades med intersektionalitet som teoretisk tolkningsram. Uppsatsen utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och baserades på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har begränsad erfarenhet av att möta ensamkommande pojkar utsatta för prostitution. Även en viss ansvarsförskjutning för uppmärksammandet av en eventuell utsatthet framkom samt stigmatiserande uppfattningar om prostitution. Resultatet visade även att uppfattningen om maktordningar påverkar socialsekreterares förståelse av ensamkommande pojkar och deras sårbarhet för att utsättas för prostitution.

Trajetória do serviço social escolar de Limeira: construção de uma educação para além do capital

Bull, Thalita Giovanna 17 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:15:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thalita Giovanna Bull.pdf: 7594362 bytes, checksum: bf79da3f588afa7afd540461e7c32ae9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This essay seeks to show the working process of social workers in the sector of School Social Work, including the historical path by which these professionals achieved the Municipal Department of Education and have started to build an experience that has gained recognition and visibility. Based in an interview with the coordinator of the department, which followed this process from the beginning, we reconstruct this path by identifying the way in which the determinations have affected it. Through the application of a questionnaire we draw a profile on the main personal and professional characteristics of social workers in the team. We have presented the tasks of social workers in this sector as well as the major projects conducted during the 13 years in which this experience has been built. Based on the theoretical framework supported by authors from the Marxist tradition field, particularly in the specific context of Social Work, as well as professional experience in the industry built School of Social Work, this researcher considers education an important field of disputes on hegemony, where social workers can and should contribute to build a working class culture, which allows a break with the forms of domination and exploitation present in the capitalist society, to build an "education beyond the capital". (MÉSZÁROS, 2005) / Esta dissertação busca evidenciar o processo de trabalho dos assistentes sociais do setor de Serviço Social Escolar, compreendendo a trajetória histórica pela qual esses profissionais chegaram à Secretaria Municipal da Educação e ali passaram a construir uma experiência que vem conquistando reconhecimento e visibilidade. A partir da realização de entrevista com a coordenadora do setor, que acompanhou esse processo desde o início, buscamos reconstruir tal trajetória, identificando a forma pela qual as determinações conjunturais nele repercutiram. Por meio da aplicação de um questionário, buscamos traçar um perfil acerca das principais características pessoais e profissionais dos assistentes sociais que compõem a equipe. São apresentadas as atribuições dos assistentes sociais do setor, bem como os principais projetos realizados durante os 13 anos em que essa experiência vem sendo construída. Com base no referencial teórico sustentado por autores do campo da tradição marxista e, particularmente, no âmbito específico do Serviço Social, bem como na experiência profissional construída no setor de Serviço Social Escolar, esta pesquisadora considera a educação um importante campo de disputas em torno da hegemonia, onde os assistentes sociais podem e devem contribuir com a construção de uma cultura própria da classe trabalhadora, que possibilite a ruptura com as formas de dominação e exploração presentes na sociedade capitalista, no sentido de construção de uma educação para além do capital . (MÉSZÁROS, 2005)

Natureza do serviço social em Angola: gênese, formação, concepções e prática profissional dos assistentes sociais nos serviços de saúde das forças armadas angolanas

Monteiro, Amor António 05 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-25T11:56:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Amor António Monteiro.pdf: 2190325 bytes, checksum: 04576b213ba474a4884ead4e2fc2a96f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T11:56:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Amor António Monteiro.pdf: 2190325 bytes, checksum: 04576b213ba474a4884ead4e2fc2a96f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aims to discuss the nature of social work in Angola in general and particularly in the Angolan Armed Forces Health Services. Based on Marx's theoretical framework and the authors linked to it, we assume that to grasp the nature of social work in Angola requires identifying in what is temporary, phenomenal, immediate, occurs in everyday life, that is, in its genesis, in the training process of its agents and in their concepts and professional practice, what is conserved in the continuity of the historical process. The field research shows that the nature of social work in Angola is marked by being a profession, that is, a specialized work in the context of socio-technical labour division permeated by the characteristics of the professionals, for their views on the profession, the nature of everyday work practice, the socio-historical context that demanded its creation, re-creation and gives meaning to it, by the demands and interests of the institutions that hire a social worker, and also by the demands and interests of the individuals to whom the service of social workers is delivered / O presente trabalho objetiva discutir a natureza do Serviço Social em Angola em geral e de modo particular nos Serviços de Saúde das Forças Armadas Angolanas. Baseado no referencial teórico marxiano e nos autores a ele vinculado, partimos do princípio de que apreender a natureza do Serviço Social em Angola requer identificar no fugaz, no fenomênico, no imediato, no cotidiano, isto é, na sua gênese, no processo de formação dos seus agentes bem como nas concepções e na prática profissional destes, aquilo que se conserva na continuidade do processo histórico. A pesquisa de campo realizada com uma amostra de assistentes sociais formados no período colonial e demonstra que a natureza do Serviço Social em Angola é marcada por ser uma profissão, isto é, um trabalho especializado no contexto da divisão sócio técnica do trabalho permeado pelas características dos sujeitos profissionais, por suas concepções sobre a profissão, pela natureza da prática profissional cotidiana, pela conjuntura sócio histórica que demandou sua criação, recriação e lhe dá significado, pelas demandas e interesses das instituições que assalariam o Assistente Social, quanto pelas demandas e interesses dos sujeitos a quem o trabalho dos Assistentes Sociais se dirige

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