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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TILLGÄNGLIGHET I KULTURHISTORISKA BYGGNADER : En fallstudie om Hospitalsgatan, Långgatan och Kyrkogatan med fokus på kulturvärdet, säkerhetsrisker och tekniska åtgärder för ramp, hiss och dörr i Strängnäs kommun

Al-Dabbagh, Lara, Noel, Miriam, Matti, Fadi January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This study aims to assess the three cultural historical buildings located in the municipality of Strängnäs, that doesn’t meet the accessibility requirements currently.  Therefore, the aim is to suggest solutions for each three buildings that could be useful to different authorities in the future. The focus is on wheelchair users using the buildings with the help of technical installations such as ramp, elevators, and accessible doors. The study will be based on the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk. Method: The method for this study is based on a literature study, and a case study, alongside with reference objects which will be the inspiration for our results. The literature study is based on fact-gathering from books and the internet which provides the study with information on cultural historical buildings, laws and regulations concerning the private buildings, cultural values, and with various safety risks. While the reference objects inspired our proposals for the measures, the case study was used to gather information in form of an interview, site visits, and communal document analysis. Results: The result of thisstudy provides measures for each of the three studied objects. Changes made to the first building, Hospitalsgatan 15, focuses on the side entrance with a ground slope pointing down towards it. Thereby the following indoor changes presents threshold ramp, and a stairlift. For the secondary building, Långgatan 9 E-F, there was suggestions made such as using an outer ramp with an idle plan. There should also be an indoor loose ramp, and a stairlift. The third building, Kyrkogatan 13, had suggestions by installing an outdoor platform lift with an adjusted idle plan in front of the outer stairs and threshold ramp. In comparison to the first mentioned building, the focus for the last two buildings were on the main entrance. All these measures were considered to reach an accessibility in cultural historical building while also keeping in mind the cultural value of the building and its safety risks. Conclusions: The study concludes that the social-, historical-, and aesthetic aspect as well as the safety risk works a crucial role in shaping the proposed solutions for the three buildings and contributes to the accessibility improvements. By adopting appropriate technical installations and considering the cultural significance of these structures, accessibility in cultural historical buildings can be achieved effectively.

L'exigence de visibilité par l'image dans les sociétés contemporaines : le cas d'un complexe d'habitations sociales à Montréal

Truchon, Karoline 19 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’exigence de visibilité par l’image dans les sociétés contemporaines et sur les manières dont des populations dites marginalisées de ces sociétés vivent cette exigence. Dans un premier temps, elle explique de manière théorique et avec des exemples provenant des États-Unis, de la France et du Québec ce qu’est l’exigence de visibilité par l’image. Dans un deuxième temps, elle analyse une réponse à cette exigence à partir d’un complexe d’habitations sociales à Montréal. Plus précisément, cette réponse à l’exigence de visibilité par l’image a consisté en la mise en place d’une infrastructure de visibilisation développée en partenariat avec des résidents des Habitations Boyce-Viau et des experts travaillant avec eux, incluant les intervenants du Centre des jeunes Boyce-Viau (CJBV), mon principal partenaire de recherche. L’objectif de cette infrastructure de visibilisation était de mettre en circulation d’autres images que celles de misérabilisme et d’assistancialisme fréquemment véhiculées dans les espaces médiatique, politique, social et académique, tout en mettant en valeur les participants de l’infrastructure. L’infrastructure de visibilisation comportait quatre volets. Le premier volet misait sur l’expression des participants par la réalisation de plus de 80 films autobiographiques avec le digital storytelling, une méthode de recherche inédite et originale en anthropologie. Le deuxième volet visait à favoriser la reconnaissance individuelle et collective de ces expressions de « sois » et de « nous » par la tenue de trois éditions du Festival des arts de Boyce-Viau (FABV) dans la cour intérieure des Habitations Boyce-Viau. Le troisième volet souhaitait accentuer et créer des liens entre les résidents des Habitations Boyce-Viau et divers experts influençant leur quotidien et leur perception d’eux-mêmes, dont l’anthropologue. Le quatrième et dernier volet consistait à réaliser et à diffuser des outils de communication ainsi qu’à entreprendre des campagnes de relations médias et de lobbying politique afin d’accroître le potentiel de reconnaissance des participants de cette infrastructure de visibilisation. En résumé, cette thèse développe de manière théorique et empirique une proposition d’épistémologie de l’être ensemble par la visibilisation. Elle montre les liens entre ce qui semble visible et ce qui semble invisible et explique que la visibilité est le résultat de mécanismes de visibilisation. Finalement, cette thèse s’inscrit au sein d’une approche qui se veut à la fois phénoménologique et humaniste par le biais d’une recherche-action critique, réflexive et théorisée au sein de laquelle l’anthropologue est autant partie prenante que donnante.

Les jeunes et les changements climatiques : quels choix de société?

Pigeon, Michel 13 December 2023 (has links)
Ce sont les jeunes qui sont les premiers concernés par le défi environnemental du réchauffement climatique, car ce sont surtout eux qui auront à vivre les changements sociaux que ce phénomène entraînera inévitablement. Nous avons donc choisi, dans le cadre de notre thèse, de mener une enquête auprès de certaines catégories d'entre eux, dans le but de découvrir, considérant en particulier leurs valeurs, quels changements sociaux ayant des effets sur le mode de vie, et plus généralement quelles contraintes sociales, ils sont disposés à accepter, et à quelles conditions. Pour cela, nous nous sommes employés à déterminer les valeurs auxquelles les jeunes sont le plus attachés, à comprendre comment ils conçoivent le problème des changements climatiques et ses effets à long terme sur la société, à bien saisir la vision qu'ils ont de la société du futur, c'est-à-dire quelles sont les caractéristiques de la société dans laquelle ils souhaitent vivre, et à les interroger sur les conditions requises pour que ce souhait se réalise. Cette enquête a été faite au moyen d'entrevues semi-dirigées d'étudiants et d'étudiantes de niveau universitaire et collégial (technique), mais non de niveau secondaire (professionnel), tel que prévu au départ, à cause des mesures mises en place par le gouvernement en mars 2020 pour faire face à la pandémie de Covid-19. Nous avons toutefois tenté de prendre avantage de cette situation en interrogeant de nouveau, six mois après le début de la pandémie, la moitié des répondants afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure la crise de la Covid-19 avait influencé leur vision de la société future idéale. Nous avons interrogé 20 étudiants de l'Université Laval à l'automne 2019, 14 du Cégep Limoilou à l'hiver 2020, et 17 d'entre eux une seconde fois à l'automne 2020. Les résultats de notre enquête montrent que les répondants peuvent être classés selon six types distincts, soit ceux et celles qui souhaitent: I - des changements radicaux (principalement économiques) et une réduction des inégalités; II - des changements radicaux (principalement économiques) et une réduction des inégalités, mais qui n'ont pas confiance aux autres et à l'éducation; III - des changements radicaux (principalement économiques), mais qui n'ont pas confiance aux autres et à l'éducation; IV - des changements modérés (principalement économiques); V - des changements modérés (principalement économiques), mais qui n'ont pas confiance aux autres et à l'éducation; VI - peu de changements et qui font confiance à la technologie pour régler les problèmes. À l'exception de ceux de type VI (dans l'ensemble, malgré certaines réserves concernant les risques pour les humains, nos répondants sont plutôt d'avis que les progrès technologiques sont intéressants, mais qu'ils ne représentent pas la solution ultime aux défis environnementaux), il y a chez nos répondants un rejet assez généralisé de la société de consommation, même si ce rejet ne se reflète que bien partiellement dans leurs pratiques actuelles et correspond plutôt à leur vision de la société future idéale. Cette vision, il faut le souligner, découle clairement de leurs valeurs acquises au cours de leur socialisation dans un environnement caractéristique de la seconde modernité. Ces résultats confirment, comme nous en avions fait l'hypothèse, que beaucoup de jeunes veulent vivre dans une société dont la priorité est le bien-être des citoyens plutôt que la richesse financière personnelle et que la plupart sont prêts à des changements majeurs de leurs habitudes de vie. Toutefois, pour plusieurs, contrairement à ce que de nombreux penseurs affirment, et contrairement aussi à une de nos hypothèses, le lien entre la protection de l'environnement et la réduction des inégalités sociales n'est pas évident. D'un point de vue théorique, nous croyons que les quatre types de réflexivité développés par Archer (la réflexivité communicative, la réflexivité autonome, la méta-réflexivité, et la réflexivité fragmentée) sont applicables aux différentes visions qu'ont nos répondants de la société idéale, mais qu'il est nécessaire d'y introduire un nouveau paramètre, soit la confiance ou la non-confiance. Ceux et celles qui n'ont pas confiance aux autres et à l'éducation souhaitent un contrôle social beaucoup plus élevé dans la société future idéale. Par ailleurs, les résultats des nouvelles entrevues à l'automne 2020 indiquent que les valeurs sont plutôt stables et qu'elles peuvent être associées à des facteurs de changement social. / Young people will the first to be affected by the environmental challenge of global warming, because it is above all they who will have to live the social changes that this phenomenon will inevitably bring about. We have therefore chosen, within the framework of our thesis, to conduct a survey of certain categories of them, with the aim of discovering, particularly considering their values, which social changes having effects on the way of life, and more generally what social constraints they are willing to accept, and under what conditions. To do this, we have endeavored to determine the values to which young people are most attached, to understand how they perceive the problem of climate change and its long-term effects on society, to fully grasp the vision they have of the society of the future, i.e. what are the characteristics of the society in which they wish to live, and to question them on the conditions required for this wish to be realized. This survey was carried out by means of semi-structured interviews of students at the university and technical college level, but not at the professional secondary level as initially planned, because of the measures imposed by the Québec government in March 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we tried to take advantage of this situation by interviewing again, six months after the start of the pandemic, half of the respondents, in order to determine to what extent the Covid-19 crisis had influenced their vision of the ideal future society. We interviewed 20 students from Laval University in the fall of 2019, 14 from Cégep Limoilou in the winter of 2020, and 17 of them a second time in the fall of 2020. The results of our survey show that the respondents can be classified into six distinct types, namely those who wish: I - radical changes (mainly economic) and a reduction in inequalities; II - radical changes (mainly economic) and a reduction in inequalities, but who do not trust others and education; III - radical changes (mainly economic), but who do not trust others and education; IV - moderate changes (mainly economic); V - moderate changes (mainly economic), but who do not trust others and education; VI - few changes and who trust technology to fix the problems. With the exception of those of type VI (overall, despite some reservations about the risks to humans, our respondents tend to believe that technological advances are interesting, but that they do not represent the ultimate solution to the environmental challenges), our respondents generally reject the consumer society, even if this rejection is only partially reflected in their current practices and rather corresponds to their vision of the ideal future society. This vision, it should be emphasized, clearly stems from their values acquired during their socialization in an environment that is characteristic of the second (or late) modernity. These results confirm, as we hypothesized, that many young people want to live in a society whose priority is the well-being of citizens rather than personal financial wealth and that most are ready for major changes in their way of life. However, for many, contrary to what many thinkers assert, and also contrary to one of our hypotheses, the link between environmental protection and the reduction of social inequalities is not obvious. From a theoretical point of view, we believe that the four types of reflexivity developed by Archer (communicative reflexivity, autonomous reflexivity, meta-reflexivity, and fragmented reflexivity) are applicable to the different views our respondents have of the ideal future society, but it is necessary to introduce a new parameter, trust or non-trust. Those who do not trust others and education desire much greater social control in the ideal future society. In addition, the results of the new interviews in the fall of 2020 indicate that values are rather stable and that they may be associated with factors of social change.

Technology challenges faced by rural women in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa: a case study in the Chris Hani Municipality

Chisango, Grasia 06 1900 (has links)
The study sought to explore technology challenges faced by some rural women in Intsika-Yethu and Emalahleni local municipalities, under the Chris Hani District Municipality, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Available literature reveals that some rural women in South Africa and other developing parts of the world face technology challenges. The study is qualitative and focuses on two municipalities. Thirty-two women participated in the study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. Data were presented, analysed and discussed according to the themes derived from the sub-research questions. It emerged from the study that while most women in both municipalities were aware of ICT, they are however facing ICT access challenges in most areas of the municipalities. The findings do not depict the South African government national ICT policy goals which realises the importance of technology in the integration of services for the development of rural areas. Designing intervention programs for secondary school girls and some rural women, as well as monitoring and evaluating ICT programs in rural areas are recommended. / Communication Science / MA ( Communication)

Communication across cultures and its implications: the case of black indigenous Zambians and white western migrants living in Zambia

Silungwe, Wilson January 2014 (has links)
Communication / MA (Communication)

La protection sanitaire du jeune enfant en Belgique 1890-1940 : question sociale, enjeux politiques et dimension sexuée

Marissal, Claudine 20 December 2007 (has links)
À la fin du 19ème siècle s'organise progressivement en Belgique un vaste mouvement de lutte contre la mortalité infantile. Des médecins et des femmes philanthropes créent des oeuvres, les consultations de nourrissons, qui visent à apprendre aux mères à soigner leurs enfants suivant les nouveaux préceptes de l'hygiène. Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, elles connaissent un formidable essor et finissent par couvrir le pays. Après la guerre, le principe de la protection sanitaire du jeune enfant est inscrit dans la loi et un organisme est spécialement créé à cet effet : l'Oeuvre nationale de l'enfance (ONE). L'ONE, qui dépend directement du Gouvernement, contrôle et finance durant l'entre-deux-guerres plus d'un millier d'oeuvres de l'enfance. À la veille de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, près de la moité des enfants âgés de moins d'un an, accompagnés de leur mère, y sont suivis de manière plus ou moins prolongée. Ces oeuvres participent à un vaste mouvement d'éducation maternelle et d'assignation des femmes à la sphère reproductive et domestique, tout en favorisant la médicalisation de la grossesse et de l'accouchement. Cette thèse étudie le mouvement de protection sanitaire du jeune enfant et la médicalisation de la maternité dans une perspective de genre. À travers une analyse des discours de ses promoteurs et des principes d'organisation des oeuvres, elle montre combien les enjeux politiques, sociaux, démographiques et sexués ont durablement influencé l'organisation de la protection infantile et maternelle. Elle apporte de nouvelles réflexions sur la dimension sociale de l'éducation maternelle. Elle met par ailleurs en exergue le rôle essentiel joué par les femmes, aux côtés des médecins, dans la gestion des oeuvres de l'enfance et analyse le statut et les relations de pouvoir qui se sont tissées entre les médecins, les dames patronnesses, les travailleuses sociales et les représentants de l'État. Les investissements sociaux féminins sont analysés sous l'angle de leur autonomie, de leur visibilité et de leur portée émancipatrice. Ce faisant, cette thèse montre de quelle manière les œuvres de l'enfance ont favorisé, de manière assez paradoxale, une transgression des modèles sexués en favorisant un questionnement sur la condition maternelle et l'intervention des femmes dans la sphère publique et politique.

Communication across cultures and its implications: the case of black indigenous Zambians and white western migrants living in Zambia

Silungwe, Wilson January 2014 (has links)
The overarching aim of this study was to explore the similarities and differences in communication and other cultural practices in encounters between black indigenous Zambians and white Western migrants living in Zambia and the implications of these similarities and differences. The research adopted a qualitative research design, and focus group discussions were used as a data collection tool, using a video recorder to capture the discussions. The focus group comprised of 6 black indigenous Zambians and 6 white Westerners. The collected data was then transcribed from the video records and analysed using thematic analysis. The conclusion to this study is that the culture of black indigenous Zambians and that of white Westerners have both similarities and differences as far as communication practices and other practices are concerned. These similarities and differences influence communication encounters between the people of the two cultures either positively or negatively rendering communication either effective or non-effective. / Communication / MA (Communication)

The influence of indigenous knowledge on the local goverment politicians in engaging with HIV/AIDS

Likalimba, Makhaliha Bernard Nkhoma 02 1900 (has links)
This study was influenced by two sociological theories namely: Durkheim’s Structural Functionalism and Relativism. In terms of Durkheim’s Structural Functionalism, I claim that the aspects of social structures, cultural norms and values, which are among its main components, are also among the main components of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS). In line with Relativism, this study argues against Durkheim’s claim that social structures, and cultural norms and values determine human choices and behaviour. It is claimed that in line with my understanding of IKS in this study social structures, cultural norms and values are relative aspects, because they change and differ from context to context even if their carriers are the same, and human choice in different times and places play a vital role in determining decisions. These theories have been applied practically by examining the relationship between Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and good governance. The study asserts that IKS has the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of policies at the local municipality level. Thus, the study has sought to understand the extent to which IKS is incorporated in the policy development and implementation at the local municipality level. This investigation has been undertaken in the thematic context of HIV/AIDS. I investigated the extent to which IKS is incorporated into policy development and implementation related to HIV/AIDS at the local municipality level. The study has argued that the extent to which IKS is appropriated into policy development and implementation relies on the power dynamics between the provincial and national spheres of government on the one hand, and the local municipality leaders and officials on the other. The study has found that local municipality leaders and officials have a strong affinity to the IKS due to their proximity to the local citizens. But, political leaders at the national and provincial spheres of the South African government exert influence on the local municipality leaders and officials to exercise their power with limited response to the IKS needs of the local communities. / Sociology / D. Phil. (Sociology)

The impact of the identification process and the corporate social responsibility process on the effectiveness of multi-racial advertising in South Africa

Johnson, Guillaume Desire January 2008 (has links)
Selecting actors to appear in an advertisement is an important decision which has a crucial impact on the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The same message, delivered by different actors, produces varying outcomes among consumers. This dilemma concerning the choice of actors occurs particularly in multi-racial societies, such as South Africa, where advertisers have to target different sectors of the community. In multi-racial societies, the choice of actors in advertisements goes beyond the usual commercial reasons. Indeed, two dimensions are generally conferred to multi-racial advertising. Firstly, the use of multi-racial representations allows for the targeting of a wider population that also owns a wider purchasing power. Marketers who want to market their brand use, for example, white and black actors so that white and black consumers can identify with the actors and recognize themselves as the target of the advertisement. Secondly, the multi-racial representations of this type of advertising hold a social role that counteracts the segregated depiction of the society. Consumers who are exposed to a multi-racial advertisement might perceive this social dimension and attribute a social responsibility to the advertisement. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the influence of the above dimensions on the effectiveness of a multi-racial advertisement. On the one hand, this study investigates the Identification Process followed by a consumer exposed to a multi-racial advertisement. On the other hand, it examines how consumers attribute a social responsibility to a specific multiracial advertisement and how this attribution, in turn, influences their responses to the advertisement and brand. Finally, the impacts of both of these dimensions on consumer behaviour are compared and the most persuasive dimension is identified. This thesis draws on Attribution Theory and Identification Theory in arguing that there are strong economic imperatives for adopting a multi-racial advertising approach. The thesis develops a conceptual framework and tests empirically hypotheses regarding the key constructs and moderating variables. The empirical results point out that both dimensions symbiotically influence the effectiveness of a multi-racial advertisement. Specifically, the results highlight that the social responsibility attributed by the viewers to the advertisement influences their behaviour more than the Identification Process.

Technology challenges faced by rural women in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa: a case study in the Chris Hani Municipality

Chisango, Grasia 06 1900 (has links)
The study sought to explore technology challenges faced by some rural women in Intsika-Yethu and Emalahleni local municipalities, under the Chris Hani District Municipality, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Available literature reveals that some rural women in South Africa and other developing parts of the world face technology challenges. The study is qualitative and focuses on two municipalities. Thirty-two women participated in the study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. Data were presented, analysed and discussed according to the themes derived from the sub-research questions. It emerged from the study that while most women in both municipalities were aware of ICT, they are however facing ICT access challenges in most areas of the municipalities. The findings do not depict the South African government national ICT policy goals which realises the importance of technology in the integration of services for the development of rural areas. Designing intervention programs for secondary school girls and some rural women, as well as monitoring and evaluating ICT programs in rural areas are recommended. / Communication Science / MA ( Communication)

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