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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verdammt zum Leben in der ‚Rama-Frühstücksfamilie’

Günther, Jana 18 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die in der Reihe theorie.org erschienene Streitschrift Kritik des Familismus. Theorie und soziale Realität eines ideologischen Gemäldes von Gisela Notz diskutiert kritisch die Entwicklung des bundesdeutschen Familienbilds. Dabei entlarvt die Autorin dieses als ein ideologisch aufgeladenes und individuelle Freiheitsrechte einschränkendes Konstrukt, das äußerst persistent Geschlechter- und Arbeitsverhältnisse prägt.

The Formative that Never Ended: The Long History of Stability in Human Occupations in the Central Amazon / El Formativo que nunca terminó: la larga historia de estabilidad en las ocupaciones humanas de la Amazonía central

Neves, Eduardo Góes 10 April 2018 (has links)
The beginnings of human occupation of the Amazon go back to the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Already at 8500 BP there are signs of human occupation in different settings, both riverine and hinterland, throughout the whole basin. The beginnings of ceramic production may be early as well, with dates possibly from the eighth millennium BP and certainly from the sixth millennium BP. Paradoxically, however, with the exception of localized areas, the archaeological record of the middle Holocene across the Amazon is characterized by large hiatuses with few if any signs of human occupation. Hence, although there are signs of continuous human occupation and population aggregation starting at 4500 BP at places such as the Upper Madeira, the Upano basin and the mouth of the Amazon, these seem to be isolated phenomena since no corresponding developments are seen at the same time elsewhere in the Amazon. It is rather later, from around the anno domini on, that a widespread and visible pattern of population growth, site aggregation and noticeable anthropic landscape changes become visible. These changes are matched, in the archaeological record, by the sudden appearance of large sites with deep stratified ceramic deposits associated with anthropic dark soils, raised fields and causeways, large villages surrounded by moats and connected by road networks and of artificial residential and funerary mounds associated with elaborated pottery, quasi-urban settlement systems, polished stone statuettes, long-range trade networks, and the construction of circular megalithic structures. Do theses hiatuses mean that the Amazon basin was scarcely occupied during the mid-Holocene? Is there a taphonomic bias towards the destruction or poor visibility of sites dating from this interval? Can these apparent hiatuses be correlated with events of climatic change? Current data from pollen records, carbon isotopes in stable organic matter, and fluvial geomorphology show that the mid-Holocene in the Amazon could have been drier than the present. If this is true, it is likely that many of the archaeological sites from this time are either destroyed, under water or under tons of alluvial sediment. Conversely, it is also possible that dryness and changes in water level and forest cover may have had a direct impact in human occupation, explaining the changes observed in the archaeological record. / Los inicios de la ocupación de la Amazonía se remontan a la transición entre el Pleistoceno y el Holoceno. Ya hacia 8500 a.p. existen indicios de ella en diversos asentamientos, tanto ribereños como del interior, a lo largo de toda la cuenca. Los comienzos de la producción cerámica también pueden ser tempranos, con fechas, posiblemente, del octavo milenio a.p. y, con certeza, del sexto milenio a.p. Sin embargo, de manera paradójica, con la excepción de algunas áreas, el registro arqueológico del Holoceno Medio a lo largo de la Amazonía se caracteriza por grandes lagunas con pocas evidencias, o ninguna, de presencia del hombre. Por lo tanto, si bien hay señales de ocupación humana continua y la congregación de gente se inicia hacia 4500 a.p. en lugares como el alto Madeira, la cuenca del Upano y la desembocadura del Amazonas, estas parecen constituir fenómenos aislados, ya que no se observan desarrollos correspondientes en otras partes de la Amazonía al mismo tiempo. Más bien, es aún más tarde, desde alrededor de los inicios de nuestra era en adelante, que se hicieron visibles un crecimiento notable y generalizado de la población, la aglutinación de sitios y transformaciones evidentes en el paisaje antrópico. Estas corresponden, en el registro arqueológico, a la aparición súbita de conjuntos de mayores dimensiones, con profundos depósitos estratificados de cerámica asociados con tierras antrópicas de color oscuro, campos de cultivo y caminos elevados, grandes aldeas rodeadas por fosos y conectadas por redes de caminos, montículos artificiales residenciales y mortuorios asociados con cerámica elaborada, sistemas de asentamientos casi urbanos, estatuaria de piedra pulida, redes de comercio de largo alcance y la construcción de estructuras megalíticas circulares. ¿Significan estos vacíos que la cuenca del Amazonas estaba apenas habitada durante el Holoceno Medio? ¿Existe una predisposición hacia la destrucción o pobre visibilidad de los sitios de este intervalo temporal? ¿Se les puede correlacionar con eventos de cambios climáticos? Los datos actuales obtenidos de registros y estudios de polen, análisis de isótopos de carbón en materiales orgánicos estables y estudios de geomorfología fluvial muestran que el Holoceno Medio en la Amazonía pudo haber sido más seco que en el presente. Si esto es verídico, es probable que los yacimientos arqueológicos de esta etapa estén destruidos, bajo el agua o bajo toneladas de sedimento aluvial. De manera inversa, también es posible que las alteraciones en el nivel del agua y la cubierta boscosa puedan haber tenido un impacto directo en los grupos humanos en cuestión, lo que explicaría los cambios visibles en el registro arqueológico.

Indiferença e humilhação: efeitos do narcisismo contemporâneo nas relações de desigualdade social / Indifference and humilation: effects of contemporary narcissism on inequality relations

Santos, Anielly Cris de Oliveira 25 August 2018 (has links)
Through theoretical research, the present work sought to analyze the subjective effects of the culture of narcissism in the relations of social inequality. From the Freudian concept of narcissism, it seeks to contribute with the expansion to comprehension of contemporary culture in dialogue with other knowledge areas. In particular, it focuses on the social humiliation while experience psychic suffering from failures at the relational and social field. From Joel Birman psychoanalytic thinking, the narcissism effects in contemporaneity are also discussed. The exacerbated emphasis on individuality and private relationships are manifested by indifference and denial of otherness. In addition, it is considered that the weakening of social ties in the narcissism culture occurs particularly intensely in the context of inequality and social hierarchies. In the hierarchy of social classes, economic power and access to consumer goods are references for the positioning of subjects, reiterating inequalities that foster invisibility, exclusion and humiliation, which is materialized in shared spaces. The discussion point out that social humiliation articulates with the economy of narcissism in two axes, in reference to the two subjective positions involved. On the one hand, the exaltation exacerbated of ' I ' generates the ground for the humiliation of the other one that is perceived as inferior, at the time that his devaluation strengthens narcissism by affirming and maintaining the superiority of oneself. Still, the narcissist investment of the humiliated subject is altered when he is struck by a blow that degrades him, representing a threat to his psychic integrity. The study seeks to contribute with contemporary psychoanalytic thinking as a theoretical device in the interface between psychoanalysis and society, with repercussions for clinical practice. Intends, furthermore, to collaborate with the comprehension of these situations through its visibility and denaturalization in the social field, in which are also posed the possibilities of solutions and transformation. / Através de pesquisa teórica, o presente trabalho buscou analisar efeitos subjetivos da cultura do narcisismo nas relações de desigualdade social. Partindo do conceito freudiano de narcisismo, busca contribuir com sua expansão para a compreensão da cultura contemporânea, em diálogo com outras áreas do conhecimento. Em particular, focaliza a humilhação social enquanto experiência de sofrimento psíquico resultante de falhas no campo relacional e social. A partir do pensamento psicanalítico de Joel Birman, são discutidos os efeitos do narcisismo na cultura contemporânea. Verifica-se uma ênfase exacerbada na individualidade e nas soluções privadas que se manifesta pela indiferença e negação da alteridade. Além disso, considera-se que o enfraquecimento dos laços sociais na cultura do narcisismo se dá de maneira particularmente acentuada no contexto de desigualdade e hierarquias sociais. Na hierarquia de classes sociais, o poder econômico e o acesso aos bens de consumo são referências para o posicionamento dos sujeitos, reiterando as desigualdades e estabelecendo modos de sociabilidade que fomentam a invisibilidade, a exclusão e a humilhação, as quais se materializam nos espaços compartilhados. Fragmentos de observações e depoimentos de sujeitos que se posicionam na condição de humilhado, registrados pelo psicólogo social José Gonçalves Moura Filho, foram utilizados para reiterar o profundo sofrimento vivenciado na realidade social brasileira. A discussão aponta que a humilhação social se articula com a economia do narcisismo em dois eixos, em referência às duas posições subjetivas envolvidas. Por um lado, a exaltação exacerbada do eu gera o terreno propício para a humilhação do outro percebido como inferior, ao tempo em que o seu rebaixamento fortalece o narcisismo pela afirmação e manutenção da superioridade de si. Por outro lado, o investimento narcísico do sujeito humilhado é alterado ao ser atingido por um golpe que o degrada, representando uma ameaça à sua integridade psíquica. O estudo busca contribuir com o pensamento psicanalítico contemporâneo como dispositivo teórico na interface entre psicanálise e sociedade, com repercussões para a prática clínica. Pretende, ainda, colaborar com a compreensão dessas situações através da sua visibilização e desnaturalização no campo social, no qual se colocam também as possibilidades de soluções e transformação.

Verdammt zum Leben in der ‚Rama-Frühstücksfamilie’

Günther, Jana 18 December 2017 (has links)
Die in der Reihe theorie.org erschienene Streitschrift Kritik des Familismus. Theorie und soziale Realität eines ideologischen Gemäldes von Gisela Notz diskutiert kritisch die Entwicklung des bundesdeutschen Familienbilds. Dabei entlarvt die Autorin dieses als ein ideologisch aufgeladenes und individuelle Freiheitsrechte einschränkendes Konstrukt, das äußerst persistent Geschlechter- und Arbeitsverhältnisse prägt.

Josiah Ober, The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece

Lundgreen, Christoph 15 July 2020 (has links)
Demokratie, verstanden als politische wie ökonomische Teilhabe größerer Teile der Bevölkerung und eine Kultur von geregelter Konkurrenz, Innovation und Austausch haben zu einem für die Vormoderne ganz außergewöhnlich hohen Wirtschaftswachstum und damit mittelbar zur bekannten kulturellen Blüte der griechischen Welt geführt. Nicht weniger als dies ist die These des beeindruckenden Buches, das weit über die Alte Geschichte hinaus Interesse wecken und für Debatten sorgen wird – eben gerade, weil nicht die (bekannten) Errungenschaften der Griechen im Mittelpunkt stehen, sondern deren institutionelle Bedingungen. Das lädt zu Anschlussfragen auch in anderen Epochen und sogar für die Gegenwart ein.

Regional Inequality of Education in Ghana

Adumpo, Emile Akangoa 03 December 2020 (has links)
Bildung ist ein Instrument, das zur Bekämpfung von Armut, Ungleichheit und sozialer Ausgrenzung in jeder Gesellschaft eingesetzt werden kann. Für eine nachhaltige und ganzheitliche nationale Entwicklung ist daher eine gerechte Verteilung der Bildungsressourcen unter den Menschen erforderlich. Dies ist jedoch nicht immer ohne Weiteres zu erreichen, insbesondere in Afrika, wo der Kolonialismus in vielen Ländern teilweise zu einer ungleichen Entwicklung unter den Menschen geführt hat. Schon bald nach der Eingliederung der Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (heute Ghana) in die Kolonialherrschaft vernachlässigte die Bildungspolitik der Kolonialisten den nördlichen Teil des Landes. Obwohl es einige Studien zum Kolonialismus in Afrika im Allgemeinen gibt, wurde nur wenig darüber berichtet, welche Rolle er bei der Schaffung eines ungleichen Bildungswesens spielte. Auch die Auswirkungen von aktiven Förderungsmaßnahmen, die zur Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen dem Nord-Süd-Gefälle in Ghana eingeführt wurden. Die wichtigsten Fragen, die diese Studie daher zu beantworten versucht, sind die Folgenden: Was waren die kolonialen Begegnungen mit dem Norden Ghanas, die die Unterentwicklung des Bildungswesens in der Region bewirkten? Wie überbrücken die aktiven Förderungsmaßnahmen bzw. die positive Diskriminierung die Kluft zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden des Landes? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurde in der Studie ein methodengemischter Ansatz verwendet, bei dem Tiefeninterviews, Q-Methoden, Dokumentenanalyse und Beobachtung als Datenerhebungsmethoden Einsatz fanden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Kolonialisten eine bewusste Strategie verfolgten, den Norden zu einer Reserve ungelernter Arbeitskräfte zu machen, was erklärt, warum sie dort anfangs nur wenige Schulen bauten. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen darüber hinaus, dass die positive Diskriminierung die Nord-Süd-Lücke nicht wie erwartet schließt. So kommt man zu dem Schluss, dass die Ausbeutung weitesgehend für die Unterentwicklung des Bildungswesens in Nordghana verantwortlich ist. / Education is a tool that can be used to fight poverty, inequality, and social exclusion in every given society. Thus, for a sustainable and holistic national development, there is the need for an equitable distribution of educational resources among the people. This is however hardly achievable, especially in Africa where colonialism has partly brought about unequal development among the people in many countries. Soon after the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (now Ghana) was incorporated under colonial rule, the educational policy of the colonialists did not favour the northern part of the country. Even though, there have been some studies on the colonialism of Africa in general, little has been done regarding the role it played in (re)producing unequal development of education in Africa. Likewise, the impact of an affirmative action instituted to bridge the gap between the north-south divide in Ghana has not been evaluated. The main questions this study thus seek to answer are: What were the colonial encounters with the north that brought about the underdevelopment of education in the area? How is the affirmative action bridging the gap between the north and the south? To answer the research questions, the study used a mixed-methods approach where in-depth interviews, Q methods, document analysis and observation were adapted as data collection methods. It was revealed that the colonialists adopted a deliberate strategy of making the north an unskilled labour reserve, thus accounting for why they did not build many schools there in the beginning. The findings of the study also show that the effect of the affirmative action has not been able to appreciably contribute to closing the north-south gap as expected. It is concluded that exploitation largely accounted for the underdevelopment of education in northern Ghana.


21 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação discute o movimento de ocupação das escolas no Brasil durante os anos de 2015 e 2016 a partir da reflexão de que esse foi um tipo de mobilização em que os jovens das classes populares se apresentaram de forma inédita na cena pública, em um fenômeno que revela sinais contraditórios. De um lado, as ocupações constituem uma demonstração de apreço inédito dos jovens em relação à escola pública, percebida como decisiva para suas vidas; de outro, o fenômeno não deixa de explicitar uma nova forma de desigualdade entre os jovens de classes populares, em um processo que se sobrepõe à desigualdade já existente decorrente do dualismo entre a rede pública e a rede privada. Por mobilizar questões ligadas ao campo da educação e ao projeto de escolarização da juventude brasileira, a ocupação das escolas aparece como resultado de um processo de mudança social que, analisado pela chave da sociologia da educação, revela uma nova forma de ação coletiva e uma interlocução entre instituição, sujeitos e direitos. De modo a contextualizar como se chegou a esse processo de mudança social, considerou-se necessária a problematização da promessa de um projeto de escola republicana, que somente a partir de 1988 se materializa na afirmação da escola pública como central à construção da democracia no país; em seguida, apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica que busca salientar como a escola enquanto instituição produz desigualdades internas que redefinem as desigualdades externas à ela, atravessando com isso os projetos de futuro da juventude popular. Com base nessa revisão bibliográfica, que mobiliza um debate sobre as narrativas de jovens de classes populares e sobre a insuficiência de políticas públicas direcionadas à juventude, pode-se avançar em uma reflexão sobre o quanto ainda falta para que a universalização do acesso à escola se dê de fato, e sobre o quanto isso impacta de maneira negativa na trajetória de jovens no Brasil. Por fim, caracteriza-se o movimento de ocupação das escolas em seus diferentes aspectos, e de como ele interpela as bases de autoridade da instituição escolar tal como ela está posta no Brasil. Nesse contexto, as narrativas de jovens, apresentadas em tal revisão bibliográfica nos fornece melhor compreensão da visão que eles têm sobre a escola, sobre seus efeitos, ou mesmo sobre a falta dessa instituição em suas vidas. É nesse sentido que o debate sobre a ocupação das escolas importa para o estudo das Ciências Sociais, pois o fato de haver uma parcela da população juvenil engajada dentro das escolas, reivindicando direitos e mostrando a sua capacidade reflexiva acerca de questões que vão além dos muros da escola, como vimos em 2015/16, é sem dúvida um fenômeno de primeira grandeza para a sociologia da educação, para a sociologia da juventude e para os estudos sobre as novas formas de desigualdade social. / [en] The dissertation discusses the movement of occupation of Brazilian schools during the years of 2015 and 2016 based on the reflection that this was a form of mobilization in which the young of grassroots classes came forward in an unprecedented way in the public scene, upon a phenomenon which reveals contradictory signs. On one hand, the occupations constitute a demonstration of their unprecedented appreciation towards public school, perceived as decisive for their lives; on the other hand, the phenomenon still expresses a new form of social inequality among the young of grassroots classes, in a process that overlaps the inequality already in place as a result of the duality between public and private systems. Because it mobilizes issues connected to the field of education and the project of schooling Brazilian youth, the occupation of schools arises as a result of a process of social change that, considered in the key of sociology of education, reveals a new form of collective action and a dialogue between institution, subjects and rights. In order to contextualize how we have reached this process of social change, it seems necessary to question the promise of a republican school project, which is materialized only since 1988 in the affirmation of the public school as central to the construction of a democracy in the country; thereafter, a bibliographic review is presented in the pursuit of emphasizing how the school as an institution produces internal inequalities that redefine external inequalities to itself, crossing projects of future of grassroots youth. On the basis of this bibliographical review, which mobilizes a debate on narratives of grassroots-classes youngs and on the insufficiency of public policies directed to the youth, we can proceed to a reflection on how much it still lacks for the universalization of access to school actually happens, and on how much that impacts the paths of youngs in Brazil on a negative way. Ultimately, we describe the movement of occupation of schools in its different traits, and how it heckles basis of authority of the educational institution as it is presented in Brazil. In this context, the narratives of the youngs, presented in this bibliographical review, provide us a better comprehension of their vision towards the school, towards its effects, or even on the lack of the institution in their lives. It is in this sense that the debate about the occupation of schools matters to the study of Social Sciences, because the fact of having a fraction of the juvenile population engaged inside the schools, claiming rights and showing their reflective capacity on the questions which cut across the walls of the school, as seen in 2015/2016, is undoubtedly a phenomenon of first rate to sociology of education, to sociology of the youth, and to the studies of new means of social inequality.

Mechanismy řízení financí v českých rodinách: typy a determinanty / Allocation systems in Czech households: types and determinants

Dushina, Anastasiia January 2019 (has links)
Many social, political and economic changes that affected intra-family relationships between men and women have occupied over the past century. It could be assumed that these changes also affected the distribution of power between women and men within a family, in particular - financial power. Whereas previously a man was the sole breadwinner of a family and the only manager of the household budget, now when women have new opportunities in the labor market it is logical to assume that women should also be included into the process of money management. The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanisms of financial management in Czech families and find the determinants that affect the choice of allocation systems. The study that was based on quantitative methods surveyed 560 men and women. Statistical analysis showed that the most common type of allocation systems is a financial pool (joint or partial), which indicates that there is a transformation of the distribution of financial power in families. However, traditional gender stereotypes are still evident in the management of family finances. The study also revealed that the main factors that affect the choice of a family allocation system are the level of household income, gender, length of cohabitation of spouses, woman's education and...

Analýza systému sociální pomoci v ČR / Analysis of the social assistance system in Czech Republic

Rezlerová, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation analyses the system of social assistance in the Czech Republic in the period between 1990 and today. The topic focuses on the social benefit system of help for socially weak citizens. The dissertation is anchored on the concept of inequality and poverty, theory of social segregation, the homophily principle and the principle of solidarity. The main objective is to evaluate the current social benefit system and formulate suggestions for eliminating its weaknesses and limitations. For obtaining the empiric information mainly qualitative methods were used, analysis of documents and half- structured interviews with both clients and experts of the social need system. The analysed variables are provided social benefits, their structure, amount, the importance of social work and institution of the system. Since 1990 the number of the social benefits as well as the amount paid have diminished. In the system the social work was professionalised, and that not only in case of the institutions responsible for realisation of payment of the social benefits, but also in case of non-profit organizations. Despite the fact the system is capable of and does react to the changes in society, the clients remain in its care on a long-term basis. The solution of their unfavourable social situation requires...

Sociální nerovnost jako hrozba - Sekuritizace s odkazem ke Šluknovským událostem / Social Inequality as a threat - Securitization with reference to Šluknovsko events

Dederová, Nelly January 2015 (has links)
Social inequality as a threat - Securitization with reference to Šluknovsko events Bc. Nelly Dederová Master's thesis Social inequality as a threat - Securitization with reference to Šluknovsko events deals with construction of so called "problem" of Šluknov region in connection to Šluknovsko events (two physical clashes in towns Nový Bor and Rumburk which happened in August 2011 and following series of protests, demonstrations and rallies which were lingering in Šluknov region towns until 2012), using theory of securitization made by Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde, who are representatives of Copenhagen school of security studies. The fact that participants of political and security discourse were referring to Šluknovsko events using securitization language (marking specific referent object as endangered, proposing exceptional measures and demanding their legitimized adoption) represents author's underlying premise.

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