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The Aesthetics of Dissent and Engagement: Art Out in the Real WorldGazala, Mona 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Consumer sustainability perspectives on fashionKarlsson, Vendla January 2023 (has links)
Fast fashion is an industry that is closely linked to the cause of climate change, and it is the second largest industry to contribute to pollution. In Sweden, one of the largest groups to consume fast fashion is young consumers, i.e., Generation Z. The same generation is also the information generation, meaning that they are the ones to solve the climate crisis. Social practice theory (SPT) is used to understand the reason behind different practices in society. But is lacking in research on fast fashion. This study, therefore, aims to understand the reasons, values, and practices through the lenses of SPT for why young consumers (Generation Z) in Sweden consume fast fashion despite knowing its effects on the environment. To understand the phenomenon, data has been collected on young consumers in Sweden (age 17-21) in two different cities. The analysis and data show that price is a big factor, the availability of secondhand stores also affects the possibility to choose another option. Climate change is something that was less important for most of the respondents and can be understood as a dying trend. It can be understood that Generation Z is not a homogenous group in Sweden. The findings also suggest that the SPT model should ideally be implemented with a study on external factors to describe possible reasons for understanding a practice as well to enable other practices which can be more sustainable
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Re-commerce to ensure circularity through social mediaArman, Saleh January 2021 (has links)
Responsible consumption (SDG 12) practice is crucial to turn waste into zero and extending the usability of products through reusing from the consumer end helps to less dependent on virgin materials. People exchange second hand products which are fully functioned but not used anymore which is called re-commerce. Financial gain is not the issue but to utilize the usability of the product is significant in this aspect. This aspect is vital toestablish the cradle-to-cradle system of ensuring circular economy philosophy. Re-commerce conducts in both physical and online marketplaces. Due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, where physical marketplaces have limited capacity to accommodate clients, the online Customer to Customer (C2C) marketplaces have no such boundary to limit users. Facebook is considered the most popular re-commerce platform in today’s world dueto their large number of users. The study selected Facebook as the unit of analysis to assess the re-commercepractice of Facebook users of Bangladesh to ensure circular economy. For doing the review of existing literatures, the study conducted bibliometric analysis of published research documents in social media and circular economy which were indexed at Scopus database. After conducting literature review, the study considered Social Practice Theory as the required conceptual framework. The study conveniently selected 26 Bangladeshi individuals who were familiar with re-commerce practice on Facebook and formed four focus groups based on product categories (electronics, furniture, jewelry and women’s attire) they dealt with. The study conducted focus group interview through Facebook Messenger and Zoom. The study conducted thematic analysis using NVIVO12 and developed a re-commerce practice on Facebook using the theoretical frameworkof Social Practice Theory. The study concluded that, re-commerce practice is vital to ensure the circular economy from the consumer end to encourage responsible consumption of making the future world sustainable.
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Towards a sustainable mobility paradigm? An assessment of three policy measuresJohansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Transportation and mobility are important components in the organisation and structure of people´s daily activities, but the transport sector has considerable environmental impacts, e.g. greenhouse gas emissions and land use. Governance of the sector is difficult, as there is an ongoing a shift in governance structures away from hierarchical towards more collaborative governance. Given these challenges, it may be necessary to shift the focus from mobility to accessibility and to adopt a new paradigm in transport planning. This thesis critically investigates what a paradigm shift might mean for the Swedish national and municipal transport, housing and parking planning context and examines what a Social Practice Theory framework could contribute in analysing such a paradigm shift. This is done by investigating three different policies that are arguably in line with a shift in planning paradigms. All three policy measures open up decision making to different stakeholders or even citizens, reflecting a shift in governance, and all highlight the need to shift the focus from physical infrastructure to accessibility, through collaboration with a range of stakeholders. However, in each case, current conditions and practices render a transition more difficult. The Swedish Transport Administration (STA) states the importance of reducing the need to travel and of using existing infrastructure more efficiently, and stipulates that these types of measures should be considered before new infrastructure investments. However, the STA has a limited mandate to finance these measures, resulting in ambiguous signals and frustration among regional STA officials. This thesis shows that making the STA’s mandate more function-oriented would facilitate a transition in line with the sustainable mobility paradigm. Another policy measure discussed in the thesis is a shift from minimum parking requirements, where developers are required to build a minimum number of parking spaces, to flexible parking requirements, where the number of parking spaces provided depends on the local context and where other mobility services may replace the need for physical parking spaces. In this thesis, people who have bought apartments in developments with flexible parking requirements were surveyed in order to understand their practices and how they perceive and plan to use the mobility services provided. The feasibility of using a new parking management tool, Parking Benefit Districts, in a European context (Stockholm, Sweden) was assessed. In a Parking Benefit Districts system, parking charges are implemented, increased or extended to curb parking, with the revenues being returned to the area where the charges are imposed and with citizens, or other stakeholders, participating in decisions on how to use the revenues. The underlying intention is to increase acceptance of parking charges, as on-street parking charges may be deemed necessary by planners, but are unpopular among citizens and other stakeholders. This thesis shows that there are no legal barriers to implementing a Parking Benefit District programme in Sweden, but there are some limitations on how revenues can be used. Moreover, Sweden does not have this planning tradition and the programme may not be perceived as legitimate. Another important issue is equity and participation, e.g. it is important to consider who to include and how to include them. Overall, the policy measures studied involve a shift away from an infrastructure-centred to a people-centred approach. However, other planning practices and institutions may push in different directions. This thesis shows that a Social Practice Theory framework can be useful as a lens through which researchers and policymakers view possible changes needed to achieve a sustainable mobility paradigm. / Transport och mobilitet är viktiga komponenter i organiseringen och strukturen av människors dagliga aktiviteter. Transportsektorn ger emellertid upphov till stor miljöpåverkan, exempelvis växthusgasutsläpp och markanvändning. Governance av sektorn är komplicerad och det har skett ett skifte från en hierarkisk styrning mot en större delaktighet och samarbete mellan olika aktörer. Givet dessa utmaningar kan det finnas behov av att flytta fokus från att palnera för rörlighet till tillgänglighet samt att ändra planeringsparadigmer. Syftet med avhandlingen är dels att kritiskt undersöka vad ett paradigmskifte skulle kunna innebära i det svenska nationella och kommunala transport-, bostads- och parkeringsplaneringssammanhanget, dels att undersöka hur ett Social Practice Theory ramverk skulle kunna bidra till förståelsen av ett sådant paradigmskifte. För att göra detta har avhandlingen undersökt tre policys som är i linje med ett paradigmskifte. Alla policys som diskuteras i avhandlingen öppnar upp beslutsfattande för olika aktörer eller medborgare. Vidare lyfter alla diskuterade strategier fram behovet av att flytta fokus från fysisk infrastruktur till tillgänglighet och att samarbete mellan olika intressenter är nödvändigt. I varje fall finns dock förhållanden och praktiker som försvårar omställningen. Trafikverket framhåller exempelvis vikten av att minska behovet av att resa och av att använda befintlig infrastruktur mer effektivt, och de menar att dessa åtgärder bör övervägas innan nya infrastrukturinvesteringar. Samtidigt har Trafikverket begränsat mandat att finansiera dessa åtgärder, vilket ger upphov till tvetydiga signaler och frustration bland regionala planerare på Trafikverket. Papper I argumenterar för att ett mer funktionsorienterat mandat skulle kunna underlätta en ett paradigmskifte i linje med en ’sustainable mobility paradigm’. I paper II diskuteras en förändring från miniminorm för parkeringsplatser vid bostäder, där byggherrarna måste bygga minst ett visst antal parkeringsplatser, till flexibla parkeringstal, där antal parkeringsplatser som ska byggas beror på den lokala kontexten och där andra mobilitetstjänster kan ersätta behovet av parkeringsplatser. I detta paper studeras personer som har köpt lägenheter i flerbostadshus med flexibla parkeringstal. Målet är att förstå dessa människors praktiker och hur de använder och uppfattar de mobilitetstjänster som tillhandahålls. I papper III diskuteras möjligheten att använda ett nytt parkeringsverktyg, Parking Benefit Districts, i en europeisk kontext. Parkering Benefit Districts är ett koncept där parkeringsavgifter på gatan införs, höjs eller utökas. Intäkterna från parkeringsavgifterna återförs därefter till det område där de togs ut, och medborgare, eller andra intressenter i området, deltar sedan i beslutet om hur intäkterna ska användas. Syftet med denna åtgärd har traditionellt varit att öka acceptansen för parkeringsavgifter, eftersom parkeringsavgifter på gatan kan anses vara fördelaktiga av planerare, men impopulära bland medborgare och andra intressenter. Paper III nämner i analysen att det inte finns några legala hinder för att genomföra ett Parking Benefit District program i Sverige, men det finns vissa begränsningar för hur intäkterna kan användas. Planerare i Stockholms stad hävdar dock att Sverige inte har den här planeringstraditionen och påpekar att ett sådant åtgärd kanske inte uppfattas som legitim. En annan viktig fråga att diskutera är jämlikhet och deltagande. Det finns en risk att vissa grupper i samhället inte deltar i samma utsträckning och det är därför viktigt att överväga vem som ska involveras samt hur det ska ske. I slutet diskuteras resultaten i relation till forskningsfrågorna. Alla de studerade policys skiftar fokus från fysisk infrastruktur till människors behov. Samtidigt finns det andra planerings praktiker och institutioner som drar samhällsutvecklingen i motsatt riktning. I avhandlingen diskuteras även hur ett Social Practice ramverk kan hjälpa både forskare och beslutsfattare att se de förändringar som behövs för att nå en ’sustainable mobility paradigm’. / <p>QC 20181228</p>
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Co-Constructing Critical Literacy in the Middle School ClassroomPietrandrea, Laura M. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Det känns som att barnen kan mer än vad vi kan ibland : Förskollärares uppfattningar om bildskapande som estetisk lärprocess och digitala verktyg i Lpfö18Hasselgren, Melanie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focus on the change in goal within the revised curriculum where digital techniques are included and the preschool teachers’ perception of pedagogical work with aesthetic learning processes. The study has a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data. The analysis points out differences and similarities in the preschool teacher’s perceptions of image creation. The result of the study show that the preschool teachers’ perceptions show similarities and differences in children´s free image creation and the controlled image creation initiated by the adults. The preschool teacher’s perceptions of the controlled image creation show that it is often used as an aesthetic learning process to learn another subject or to process an experience while the perceptions of free image creation are that it happens more often spontaneously. It is used in the different theme areas of the preschool, because they perceive themselves lacking in knowledge and/-or interest. The preschool teacher’s perceptions of digital tools in relation to the preschool’s revised curriculum are that it is seen as a complement to analogue tools, but that the environment believes that the digital will replace analogue tools. The preschool teachers perceive that they lack knowledge about digital tools and that makes it difficult to implement it in teaching so that it will become a natural part of the teaching. The conclusion is that the preschool teachers are perceived to have a basic knowledge in the field of image creation and the digital tools. In order for the image creation and the preschool’s revised curriculum to be implemented, preschool teachers need more knowledge. Through knowledge is interest born and with more interest and knowledge, more aesthetic learning processes are created. / Med utgångspunkt i hur förskollärare uppfattar hur förskolans reviderade läroplan med digitala tekniker och förändrad målbeskrivning så är syftet för studien att fördjupa förståelsen kring hur förskollärare uppfattar det pedagogiska arbetet med estetiska lärprocesser med fokus på bildskapande. Undersökningen genomfördes med en fenomenografisk metodansats och halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen genomfördes för att synliggöra skillnader och likheter i förskollärarnas uppfattningar om bildskapandet. Resultatet visar att förskollärarnas uppfattningar om det fria bildskapandet är barninitierat och sker spontant. Detta ses som det” riktiga” bildskapandet och barnen skapar tillsammans med kompisar. Förskollärarnas uppfattningar om det styrda bildskapandet visar att det ofta används som estetisk lärprocess till att lära ett annat ämne eller för att bearbeta en upplevelse. Det används inom förskolans olika temaområden, detta för att de uppfattar sig själva sakna kunskap och/- eller intresse. Förskollärarnas uppfattningar om digitala verktyg i relation till förskolans reviderade läroplan är att det ses som ett komplement till analoga verktyg, men att omgivningen tror att det digitala ska ersätta analoga verktyg. Förskollärarna uppfattar att de saknar kunskaper kring digitala verktyg och det gör det svårt att implementera det i undervisningen så att det ska bli en naturlig del i undervisningen. Slutsatsen är att förskollärarna uppfattas ha en grundkunskap inom bildskapandet samt de digitala verktygen. För att bildskapandet och förskolans reviderade läroplan ska kunna genomföras så behöver förskollärarna få mer kunskap. Genom kunskap föds intresse och med mer intresse och kunskap skapas fler estetiska lärprocesser.
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A mediação e o "pensar alto em grupo": caminhos para o desenvolvimento da leitura críticaSilva, Maria das Graças Bouças da 11 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-06-11 / This research intends to investigate, by means of an action-research of ethnographic
character, the language teaching and learning process of critical reading and the role of
mediation for this process, in an eight grade group. Theoretically, this research is based on a)
the vygotskian approach, according to which in the learning process the other person
(receiver) and the language itself have important roles as mediators of language teaching and
learning process; b) the perspective of reading as a social practice and c) the metaphor. The
date a to be analysed were collected by using two media: 1) verbal protocols in group or
think-aloud in group (Zanotto, 1997) and; 2) reflexive diaries, made during some meetings
along the year of 2006, in a public school of Itaquaquecetuba, in São Paulo. The data that
were analysed inquired: the teacher s or partner s contribution for critical reading
development; the possible contributions of the metaphor for construction of the meaning of
the text and, at last, the contributions of the verbal protocols or think-aloud in group in
teaching and learning development. The results revealed that the mediation of the teacher or
of a classmate made the critical reading become easier. It was also shown that the metaphor
had the role of a mediator in the building of senses of the text and the verbal protocol, as a
teaching tool, contributed for the change in pupils attitude towards reading some printed
matter. Regarding the development of ability of critical reading, which was one of the aims
of this research, it is possible to say that the pupils are just beginning in the process of
becoming critical readers, and this may be the result of many years of school activities and
also out of school. Besides that it is necessary that the teacher uses those educational
practices, as well as other ones, in order to make possible many exchanges between teacher
and pupil to happen, so that in reading events active cooperation may always happen / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar, por meio de pesquisa-ação de cunho
etnográfico, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da leitura crítica e o papel da mediação para
esse processo, numa sala de oitava série do Ensino Fundamental. Embasam teoricamente este
estudo: a) o quadro vygotskyano que discute a aprendizagem na qual o outro e a linguagem
têm papel importante como mediadores do processo ensino-aprendizagem; b) a perspectiva da
leitura como uma prática social e c) a metáfora. Os dados que compõem o corpus desta
pesquisa foram coletados por meio do protocolo verbal em grupo ou pensar alto em grupo
(Zanotto, 1997) e dos diários reflexivos, durante alguns encontros realizados ao longo do ano
letivo de 2006, na rede pública estadual do município de Itaquaquecetuba em São Paulo. A
análise de dados investigou a) a contribuição da mediação do professor ou do companheiro de
classe para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de leitura crítica; b) as possíveis contribuições
da metáfora para a construção de sentido de um texto e, por fim, c) as contribuições do
protocolo verbal ou pensar alto em grupo, como instrumento pedagógico, para o
desenvolvimento do aluno como leitor crítico. Os resultados revelaram que a mediação do
professor ou do companheiro de classe facilitou a leitura crítica do material de leitura.
Também se verificou que a metáfora funcionou como um instrumento de mediação para a
construção de sentidos do texto e o protocolo verbal, como uma ferramenta pedagógica,
contribuiu para a mudança de postura dos alunos em relação à leitura de um material
impresso. Quanto ao desenvolvimento da capacidade da leitura crítica, um dos objetivos desta
pesquisa, é possível dizer que os alunos estão iniciando um processo de formação de leitores
críticos, visto que essa formação se dá num trabalho contínuo por vários anos na vida escolar
e fora dela. Além disso, faz-se necessário que o professor utilize essas e outras práticas
pedagógicas que possibilitem trocas entre professor e aluno e que promovam, em eventos de
leitura, a cooperação ativa dos interlocutores
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Leitura de textos em língua inglesa: construindo uma prática dialógica de leituraQuartezan, Vagner 11 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-11 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This thesis aimed at developing the critical-reflective standpoint of the teacher with a
view to improving the teaching-learning of English, especially in terms of reading. The
investigation presented here is based on the concepts of reading as social practice
(Bloome, 1983), on the socio-cultural-historical perspective of teaching-learning
(Vygotsky 1984/2000), on theories of reading processes and their relationship with the
concept of literacy (Kleiman, 1995), and on the practice of thinking aloud in group
(Zanotto, 1995/1998). The methodology employed for this research is embedded in the
qualitative approach of action-research (Kincheloe, 1993), and data generation (Mason,
1996) took place by audio-recording the group think-aloud experiences. In order to
analyze the data, the categories used were those of mediation by the teacher (Vygotsky,
1984/2000), as well as orchestrating and re-voicing (O Connor & Michaels, 1996).
Results obtained from the data analysis reveal that the teacher plays the role of mediator
and facilitator in the reading activity, supporting students so that they can become more
autonomous. The research has also showed that students make use of both cognitive and
metacognitive strategies, which are adapted to the individual learning styles / Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma postura crítico-reflexiva do
professor, visando à melhoria do ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa,
especificamente no que diz respeito à leitura. O presente estudo apóia-se nos conceitos
da leitura como prática social (Bloome, 1983), na visão sócio-histótico-cultural
(Vygotsky 1984/2000), no processo da leitura e as relações entre letramento e leitura
(Kleiman, 1995) e na prática do Pensar Alto em Grupo (Zanotto, 1995/1998). A
metodologia utilizada para esta pesquisa insere-se na abordagem qualitativa da
pesquisa-ação (Kincheloe, 1993) e a geração dos dados (Mason, 1996) ocorreu por meio
de audiogravação das vivências do Pensar Alto em Grupo. Para a análise e interpretação
dos dados foram usadas as categorias de mediação do professor (Vygotsky, 1984/2000)
e de orquestração e revozeamento (O Connor & Michaels, 1996). Os resultados obtidos
com base na análise dos dados revelaram que o professor desempenha um papel de
mediador e facilitador da atividade de leitura, dando suporte aos alunos para que eles
tornem-se mais autônomos. A pesquisa também apontou que os alunos fazem uso de
estratégias tanto cognitivas como metacognitivas, que se adaptam ao modo individual
de aprender
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A oralidade no ensino de língua portuguesa: um estudo da fala como prática discursivaMorales, Vanessa Paternostro 16 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-10-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation mastership made on PostGraduation Studies of Pontifícia
Universidade Católica de São Paulo, is a study of the organization and function of the
orality as a language modality and also a study of the pedagogical aplication
Tradicionaly, the school has priviledged the writing as a study and teaching
object. In these last years, however the development of linguistic investigation lines
has given a bigger orality recognition, detaching its place as communicative
interaction. Thus, the teaching instruction of the orality is more and more recognized
and dispensable.
The general objective of the study is to cooperate with the increasement of the
linguistical development, proposing and discussing ways of pedagical approach in
orality, as a social and discoursive practical. The specifcs objectives are: 1)
identification of the structural and oral modality characteristics; 2) to show the
relevance of the dialogical relation between orality and readind; 3) to reiterate the
importance of the situacional, argumentation for a communicative interaction; 4) to
make possible the observation of the linguistical variants, understanding and
respecting theirs forming and using; 5) to present a proposal of orality teaching,
beginning in a process of rewriting and from the characteristics of the investigation,
looking at student communicative competence development.
Two views give support to this research: The Conversation Analysis and the
Interactional Sociolinguistic. The first one based the study of organization and the
construction of the oral speech as a practice essentialy in context, the second one
supported the understanding of the language complexity and theirs modalities as
phenomenons interactives and dynamics / Esta dissertação de mestrado, realizada no Programa de Estudos Pós-
Graduados da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, faz um estudo da
organização e funcionamento da oralidade como modalidade de língua e da
importância de sua aplicação pedagógica.
Tradicionalmente, a escola tem privilegiado a escrita como objeto de estudo e
de ensino. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, o desenvolvimento de linhas de
investigação lingüística tem possibilitado maior reconhecimento da oralidade,
destacando seu papel como forma de interação comunicativa. Assim, a introdução do
ensino da oralidade tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida como necessária.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral contribuir para uma perspectiva de
formação lingüística mais ampla, propondo e discutindo caminhos para a abordagem
pedagógica da oralidade como prática social e discursiva. Os objetivos específicos
são: 1) identificar as características estruturais e funcionais da modalidade oral; 2)
mostrar a relevância da relação dialógica entre oralidade e escrita; 3) reiterar a
importância da contextualização situacional para a interação comunicativa; 4)
possibilitar a observação das variantes lingüísticas, compreendendo e respeitando
sua formação e uso; 5) apresentar uma proposta para o ensino da oralidade, a partir
do processo de retextualização e dos dados obtidos nesta investigação, visando ao
desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa do aluno.
Duas teorias dão sustentação a esta pesquisa: a Análise da Conversação e a
Sociolingüística Interacional. A primeira fundamentou o estudo da organização e
construção do discurso oral, como pratica essencialmente contextualizada; a
segunda subsidiou o entendimento da complexidade da língua e de suas
modalidades como fenômenos interativos e dinâmicos
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Variação na concordância nominal, prática social e identidade entre jovens e adultos do Centro do Trabalhador (Porto Alegre – RS)Mangabeira, Andréa Burgos de Azevedo January 2016 (has links)
Com base no conceito de identidades de participação em comunidades de prática (LAVE e WENGER, 1991; WENGER, 1998) e dos pressupostos teóricometodológicos da terceira onda nos estudos de variação, foi realizada nesta tese uma análise que conjugou métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de pesquisa para compreender como o uso variável da concordância nominal de número se relaciona com as identidades locais de Jovens e Adultos no Centro do Trabalhador em Porto Alegre. A pesquisa relatada nesta tese teve como objetivo aprofundar em dois sentidos os resultados encontrados na pesquisa de mestrado apresentada em Mangabeira (2012). Nesse trabalho, as categorias sociais de Jovens e Adultos (baseadas, mas não determinadas pela idade dos participantes) emergiram como modos de afiliação a comunidades de prática locais no Centro do Trabalhador (escola municipal de Educação de Jovens e Adultos em Porto Alegre - RS), por meio da análise de dados de cunho etnográfico; além disso, as frequências brutas de aplicação da concordância nominal na fala dos participantes apontaram para uma possível correlação dessas categorias locais com a concordância como recurso simbólico, e com identidades de gênero. Partindo dessas categorias (tomadas aqui como comunidades de práticas escolares), esta pesquisa analisou entrevistas com 16 participantes, para compreender melhor como os participantes da pesquisa constituem suas identidades discursivas (BAMBERG, DE FINA e SCHIFFRIN, 2011) em narrativas ocasionadas por entrevistas sociolinguísticas, especialmente em relação a suas identidades de gênero, associadas às categorias locais de Jovens e Adultos. Além disso, foi feita uma análise multivariada (atomística e não-atomística) da fala desses participantes, utilizando-se os softwares GOLDVARB e RBRUL, com vistas a estabelecer correlações estatísticas entre os resultados qualitativos da pesquisa e o uso variável da concordância nominal, bem como compreender melhor os contextos linguísticos que favorecem ou desfavorecem a aplicação da marca de plural. O resultado da análise qualitativa do conteúdo das narrativas mostrou que as identidades de gênero dos participantes são relevantes para a construção de suas identidades de Jovens e Adultos. Esse resultado também se confirmou do ponto de vista linguístico, uma vez que o uso variável da concordância nominal correlaciona-se estatisticamente, neste lugar, com essas categorias e com categorias de gênero: a aplicação da marca de plural é favorecida por mulheres e Adultos no Centro do Trabalhador. Os resultados mostraram também que, em relação aos contextos linguísticos, a aplicação da marca é favorecida pela saliência fônica, pela presença de marcas precedentes e pelas posições pré-nucleares do sintagma nominal, como apontaram estudos anteriores sobre essa variável no português brasileiro, como Scherre (1988). Por fim, a análise global dos resultados mostrou que o uso variável da concordância nominal é uma prática social (ECKERT, 2000a) no Centro do Trabalhador. / Based on the concept of participation identities in communities of practice (LAVE and WENGER, 1991; WENGER, 1998) and the theoretical and methodological postulates of the third wave in variation studies, an analysis was undertaken on this thesis, which conjugated quantitative and qualitative methods of research to understand how the variable use of number nominal agreement in the noun phrase correlates to the local identities of young and adults at Centro do Trabalhador in Porto Alegre. The research reported on this thesis aimed at deepening the results found on the master's research presented in Mangabeira (2012) in two directions. In this work, the social categories of young and adults (based on, but not determined by the age of the participants) have emerged as modes of affiliation to local communities of practice at Centro do Trabalhador (public school for young and adults, in Porto Alegre – RS), through ethnographic data analysis; furthermore, the high frequencies of application of nominal agreement in the participants' speech have pointed to a possible correlation of those local categories with nominal agreement as a symbolic resource, and to gender identities. Grounded on those categories (considered here as school communities of practice), this research has analyzed interviews with 16 participants, to better understand how the research participants constitute their discursive identities (BAMBERG, DE FINA and SCHIFFRIN, 2011) in narratives occasioned by sociolinguistic interviews, especially in relation to their gender identities, related to the local categories of young and adults. Besides, a multivariate analysis (atomistic and non-atomistic) of these participants’ speech has been performed, using the software GOLDVARB and RBRUL, in order to establish statistical correlations between the qualitative results of the research and the variable use of nominal agreement, as well as to better understand the linguistic contexts that favor or disfavor the application of the plural mark. The outcome of the quantitative analysis of the narratives has evidenced that the participants’ gender identities are relevant for the construction of their identities as young and adults. That result has also been confirmed from a linguistic point of view, once the variable use of nominal agreement correlates statistically, at Centro do Trabalhador, with those categories and gender categories: the application of the plural mark is favored by women and adults at Centro do Trabalhador. The results have also shown that, regarding the linguistic contexts, the application of the plural mark is favored by phonic salience, by the presence of precedent marks and by the prenuclear positions of the noun phrase, as previous studies had pointed out about this variable in Brazilian Portuguese, like Scherre (1988). The global analysis has also shown that the variable use of nominal agreement is a social practice (ECKERT, 2000a) at Centro do Trabalhador.
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