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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variação fonológica, redes e práticas sociais numa comunidade bilíngue português-alemão do Brasil meridional

Lara, Claudia Camila January 2013 (has links)
O fenômeno linguístico em questão é a variação das consoantes plosivas bilabiais: o desvozeamento das plosivas vozeadas (trabalho~trapalho) e o vozeamento das plosivas desvozeadas (pudim~budim) em português, na fala de bilíngues português-alemão. A comunidade de fala sob investigação é Glória, localizado na zona rural de Estrela, uma cidade fundada por imigrantes alemães no século XIX, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Vinte e quatro entrevistas sociolinguísticas forneceram dados para a investigação. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente com os programas computacionais do pacote VARBRUL, versão GoldVarb X, a fim de verificar os fatores linguísticos e extralinguísticos que condicionam a realização das plosivas. A frequência total de aplicação de regra é baixa. O controle da variável idade sugere que o processo tende a desaparecer nos próximos anos. O processo é condicionado por informantes velhos, mulheres, bilíngues que realizam práticas sociais quase exclusivamente em Glória. A análise da rede social pessoal dos informantes mostrou que ela é densa e multiplexa. Apesar de sua densidade e multiplexidade, os informantes centrais na rede, idosos, não difundem a regra variável a seus contatos, jovens que trabalham e estudam em áreas urbanas, onde a aplicação da regra variável de plosivas é raro. / The linguistic phenomenon in question is the variation of the bilabial plosive consonants: the devoicing of the voiced plosives (trabalho~trapalho) and the voicing of the voiceless plosives (pudim~budim) in Portuguese, in the speech of Portuguese-German bilinguals. The speech community under investigation is Glória, located in the countryside of Estrela, a city founded by German immigrants in the XIX century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Twenty four sociolinguistic interviews provided data for the investigation. The data were quantitatively analyzed with the computational programs of the VARBRUL package, in their GoldVarb X version, in order to verify the linguistic and extralinguistic factors which constrain the realization of the plosives. The total frequency of rule application is low. The control of variable Age suggests that the process tends to disappear in the years coming. The process is conditioned by old informants, women, bilinguals which perform social practices almost exclusively in Glória. The analysis of the personal social network of the informants showed that it is dense and multiplex. Despite of its density and multiplexity, old informants do not diffuse the variable rule to their contacts in the net, the young informants who work and study in urban areas where the application of the variable rule of plosives is rare.

Comer fora de casa, as práticas e as rotinas alimentares nos contextos da modernidade : uma leitura comparada entre Brasil, Reino Unido e Espanha / Comer fuera del hogar, las prácticas y las rutinas alimentarias en los contextos sociales de la modernidade : una lectura comparada entre Brasil, Reino Unido y España

Schubert, Maycon Noremberg January 2017 (has links)
A presente tese analisa comparativamente o tema 'comer fora de casa' em três países, Brasil, Reino Unido e Espanha, a partir da Teoria das Práticas Sociais e da Sociologia do Comer. O objetivo central desse trabalho é analisar as principais características e as diferenças das práticas sociais em torno do comer, especialmente o comer fora de casa, a partir dos dados e definições conceituais, das rotinas alimentares e dos contextos sociais. No que diz respeito aos dados oficiais de cada país os conceitos operacionais se apresentam de forma distinta, mostrando uma série de limitações para as análises e comparações desse fenômeno social. Ao se averiguar os dados empíricos, percebe-se que do ponto de vista conceitual, a prática do comer fora é então definida como não se configurando somente em uma única situação: quando se come em casa, o próprio menu na companhia do núcleo familiar mais próximo. Todos os outros momentos e situações em que se come há algum grau ou intensidade que corresponde à prática do comer fora. Diante dessa definição é discutida a formação das rotinas alimentares nos três países de forma relacional entre o dentro/fora, o prazer/obrigação e as constâncias/mudanças. Quanto as antinomias dentro/fora e prazer/obrigação, o que se destaca são: o cosmopolitismo britânico, o tradicionalismo espanhol, e uma 'mescla' entre o tradicionalismo e o cosmopolitismo no Brasil. No que corresponde as mudanças, a estrutura teleoafetiva das práticas sociais se mostrou diversa entre os países, sendo que os valores normativos que mais se destacaram em torno do comer foram: o 'poupar', o 'cuidar', o 'prazer', o 'variar' e o 'adaptar', incorrendo em mudanças na prática do comer por bifurcação, coalescência e hibridização. O entendimento compartilhado de que o almoço tem pouca importância para os britânicos e de que os espanhóis acreditam comer bem, por terem uma dieta mediterrânea, são os mais marcantes, refletindo diretamente nas práticas alimentares levadas adiante em cada país. As regras em torno do comer tendem a ser fracamente reguladas, sendo que os dados mostraram que a prática do comer fora apresenta-se cada vez mais informal nos três países, sendo predominantemente realizada em razão da sociabilidade, conveniência e experimentação. Ao se analisar a composição das práticas sociais em torno do comer, notou-se a presença de outras práticas socais ora se relacionando com ao ato de comer de forma co-dependente, ora co-existente. Quando essa relação ocorre de forma co-depende a prática do comer se configura em uma prática 'composta', que é 'ancorada' por outras práticas sociais, porém, quando essa relação for co-existente, a prática do comer se configura apenas como uma prática integrativa. Essa dinâmica foi percebida como situacional, ou seja, variando de acordo com os contextos sociais e as condicionantes presentes em cada país, bem como perante as dimensões analisadas, em relação aos eventos, os processos de incorporação e os menus. Como contribuição para Teoria das Práticas indica-se analisar os 'nexus' que conectam as práticas sociais e os arranjos, moldados pelas condicionantes dos contextos sociais, como a unidade suscetível às mudanças sociais. / This thesis comparatively analyzes the theme “eating out” in three countries: Brazil, the United Kingdom and Spain. This thesis is based on the Theory of Social Practices and on the Sociology of Eating. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the major aspects and differences of social practices around eating, especially eating out (in restaurants and alike), based on conceptual data and definitions, eating routines and social contexts. Regarding the official data of each country, the operational concepts are presented in a distinct way, exposing a series of limitations for both the analysis and comparisons of this social phenomenon. When looking at the empirical data, one can see that from the conceptual point of view, the practice of eating out is not characterized by a single situation: when eating at home, the menu itself in the company of those close to us. On all other situations in which we eat, there is a degree or intensity that correlates to the practice of eating out. Facing this definition, the formation of eating routines in these three countries is discussed in a relational way between inside/outside, pleasure/obligation and constancy/change. As for the antinomies inside/outside and pleasure/obligation, the ones that stand out are: British cosmopolitanism, Spanish traditionalism, and a “blend” between traditionalism and cosmopolitanism in Brazil. Regarding the changes, the teleoaffective structure of social practices was diverse among the countries, and the normative values about eating that stood out the most were: “saving money”, “caring”, “pleasure”, “vary” and “adapt”, incurring in changes in the practice of eating by bifurcation, coalescence and hybridization. The shared understanding that Lunch is of little importance to the British, and that Spaniards believe that they eat well, because they have a Mediterranean diet, much more remarkable, reflecting directly on the eating practices carried out in each country. The rules about eating tend to be poorly regulated, and the data showed that the practice of eating out is becoming increasingly informal in these three countries, being predominantly motivated because of sociability, convenience and experimentation. When analyzing the composition of social practices around eating, the presence of other social practices, related to the act of eating in a co-dependent or co-existent way, were noticed. When this relation occurs in a co-dependent manner, the practice of eating is seen as a “composed” practice, which is “anchored” by other social practices, however, when this relation is co-existent, it is seen as a integrative practice. These dynamics were perceived as situational, that is, varying according to the social contexts and the constraints present in each country, as well as to the dimensions analyzed, in relation to events, the process of incorporation and the menus. As a contribution to the Theory of Practices it is necessary to analyze the “nexus” that connect social practices and arrangements, shaped by the constraints of social contexts, as an unit susceptible to social changes. / La presente tesis analiza comparativamente el tema 'comer fuera de casa' en tres países, Brasil, Reino Unido y España, a partir de la Teoría de las Prácticas Sociales y de la Sociología del Comer. El objetivo central de este trabajo es analizar las principales características y diferencias de las prácticas sociales en torno al comer, especialmente el comer fuera de casa, a partir de datos y definiciones conceptuales, de las rutinas alimenticias y los contextos sociales. En relación con los datos oficiales de cada país, los conceptos operacionales se presentan de forma distinta, mostrando una serie de limitaciones para los análisis y las comparaciones de este fenómeno social. Al examinar los datos empíricos, se observa que, desde el punto de vista conceptual, la práctica de comer afuera no se configura en una única situación: cuando se come en casa el menú propio, en compañía del núcleo familiar más próximo. En los otros momentos y situaciones en que se come, existe algún grado o intensidad que corresponde a la práctica de comer afuera. Frente a esta definición, se discute la formación de las rutinas alimenticias en los tres países de forma relacional entre el adentro/afuera, placer/obligación y constancias/cambios. En cuanto a las antinomias adentro/afuera y placer/obligación, lo que se destaca es el cosmopolitismo británico, el tradicionalismo español, y una 'mezcla' entre el tradicionalismo y el cosmopolitismo en Brasil. En lo que respecta a los cambios, la estructura teleoafectiva de las prácticas sociales se mostró diversa entre los países, y los valores normativos que más se destacaron en torno al comer fueron: el 'ahorrar', 'cuidar', 'placer', 'variar' y 'adaptar', incurriendo en cambios en la práctica del comer por bifurcación, coalescencia e hibridación. El entendimiento compartido de que el almuerzo tiene poca importancia para los británicos y de que los españoles creen que comen bien, por tener una dieta mediterránea, son los más marcados, reflejándose directamente en las prácticas alimenticias llevadas a cabo en cada país. Las reglas en torno al comer tienden a estar poco reguladas, siendo que los datos mostraron que la práctica del comer afuera se presenta cada vez más informal en los tres países, y se realiza predominantemente en razón de la sociabilidad, conveniencia y experimentación. Al analizar la composición de las prácticas sociales en torno al comer, se observó la presencia de otras prácticas sociales que se relacionan con el acto de comer, ya sea de forma co-dependiente o co-existente. Cuando esta relación ocurre de forma co-dependiente, la práctica del comer se configura como una práctica 'compuesta', que es 'anclada' por otras prácticas sociales, mientras que, cuando esta relación es co-existente, la práctica del comer se configura solo como una práctica integrativa. Esta dinámica fue percibida como situacional, es decir, varía de acuerdo con los contextos sociales y los condicionantes presentes en cada país, así como ante las dimensiones analizadas, en relación con los eventos, los procesos de incorporación y los menús. Como contribución a la Teoría de las Prácticas, se sugiere analizar los 'nexus' que conectan las prácticas sociales y las disposiciones, moldeados por los condicionantes de los contextos sociales, como la unidad susceptible a los cambios sociales.

Variação fonológica, redes e práticas sociais numa comunidade bilíngue português-alemão do Brasil meridional

Lara, Claudia Camila January 2013 (has links)
O fenômeno linguístico em questão é a variação das consoantes plosivas bilabiais: o desvozeamento das plosivas vozeadas (trabalho~trapalho) e o vozeamento das plosivas desvozeadas (pudim~budim) em português, na fala de bilíngues português-alemão. A comunidade de fala sob investigação é Glória, localizado na zona rural de Estrela, uma cidade fundada por imigrantes alemães no século XIX, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Vinte e quatro entrevistas sociolinguísticas forneceram dados para a investigação. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente com os programas computacionais do pacote VARBRUL, versão GoldVarb X, a fim de verificar os fatores linguísticos e extralinguísticos que condicionam a realização das plosivas. A frequência total de aplicação de regra é baixa. O controle da variável idade sugere que o processo tende a desaparecer nos próximos anos. O processo é condicionado por informantes velhos, mulheres, bilíngues que realizam práticas sociais quase exclusivamente em Glória. A análise da rede social pessoal dos informantes mostrou que ela é densa e multiplexa. Apesar de sua densidade e multiplexidade, os informantes centrais na rede, idosos, não difundem a regra variável a seus contatos, jovens que trabalham e estudam em áreas urbanas, onde a aplicação da regra variável de plosivas é raro. / The linguistic phenomenon in question is the variation of the bilabial plosive consonants: the devoicing of the voiced plosives (trabalho~trapalho) and the voicing of the voiceless plosives (pudim~budim) in Portuguese, in the speech of Portuguese-German bilinguals. The speech community under investigation is Glória, located in the countryside of Estrela, a city founded by German immigrants in the XIX century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Twenty four sociolinguistic interviews provided data for the investigation. The data were quantitatively analyzed with the computational programs of the VARBRUL package, in their GoldVarb X version, in order to verify the linguistic and extralinguistic factors which constrain the realization of the plosives. The total frequency of rule application is low. The control of variable Age suggests that the process tends to disappear in the years coming. The process is conditioned by old informants, women, bilinguals which perform social practices almost exclusively in Glória. The analysis of the personal social network of the informants showed that it is dense and multiplex. Despite of its density and multiplexity, old informants do not diffuse the variable rule to their contacts in the net, the young informants who work and study in urban areas where the application of the variable rule of plosives is rare.

Práticas sociais e percepção do usuário como parâmetros para projetos de arquitetura no interior da habitação de interesse social: estudo de caso no Condomínio Vivendas Belo Vale, Juiz de Fora – MG

Lopes, Isabela Canônico 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-27T11:39:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 isabelacanonicolopes.pdf: 2464190 bytes, checksum: 328817318f5b0d9652941f0e5f3585c4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-27T15:14:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 isabelacanonicolopes.pdf: 2464190 bytes, checksum: 328817318f5b0d9652941f0e5f3585c4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-27T15:14:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 isabelacanonicolopes.pdf: 2464190 bytes, checksum: 328817318f5b0d9652941f0e5f3585c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / A dissertação aborda a análise do universo arquitetônico-espacial na habitação de interesse social (HIS), mais especificamente, como o usuário utiliza a habitação para a realização das suas práticas sociais cotidianas. Objetiva-se conhecer as práticas sociais presentes, a percepção da qualidade da habitação pelos moradores e os conflitos arquitetônicos encontrados. O foco da dissertação concentra-se na avaliação qualitativa dos espaços internos das habitações de um empreendimento do Programa Minha, Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) – o Condomínio Vivendas Belo Vale, localizado em Juiz de Fora / MG. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram elencadas técnicas diversas, tais como: entrevistas semiestruturadas, walkthrough, levantamento arquitetônico, caracterização dos usuários e sistematização fotográfica dos ambientes internos das habitações. Na investigação in loco, buscou-se, primeiramente, identificar as necessidades das práticas cotidianas dos usuários e observar como o contexto físico é arranjado perante tais práticas. Pretende-se contribuir para a discussão sobre a percepção da qualidade do espaço pelo morador, para que o projeto arquitetônico da HIS considere um arranjo interior compatível com as práticas sociais presentes. A insatisfação dos usuários está ligada a aspectos físicos das habitações e também a aspectos psicológicos. Através de um projeto arquitetônico apropriado é possível gerar soluções espaciais adequadas e contribuir para a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Como conclusão tem-se que o conflito arquitetônico está na inadequação da habitação aos valores socioculturais. / The dissertation deals with the analysis of the architectural and spatial environment in social housing, that is, how you use the room to perform their daily social practices. The objective is to meet the present social practices, the perception of the quality of housing for the residents and the architectural conflicts present. The focus of the dissertation lies in the qualitative assessment of the internal spaces of the dwellings of an enterprise's Programa Minha, Casa Minha Vida – the Condomínio Vivendas Belo Vale, located in Juiz de Fora / Minas Gerais. As methodological procedures were listed various techniques such as: semi-structured interviews, walkthrough, architectural survey, characterization of users and photographic systematization of indoor houses. In fact-finding was sought for the search, first identify the needs of daily practices of users and observe how the physical environment is arranged before such practices. It is intended to contribute to the discussion about the perceived quality of the space by the resident, to the architectural design of social housing consider an interior arrangement compatible with the present social practices. The dissatisfaction of users is on the physical aspects of housing and also the psychological aspects. Through an appropriate architectural design it is possible to generate appropriate spatial solutions and contribute to the quality of life of users. In conclusion it has to be the architectural conflict is the inadequacy of housing to the socio-cultural values.

L’amitié aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en France : normes, réalités et représentations / Friendship in France XVIth-XVIIth : norms, practices and representations

Prevost, Aurelie 28 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse au duo amical entre hommes en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Le corpus, aux sources très diverses, écarte à la fois les femmes, les clercs et les intellectuels. Il s’agit d’étudier la réception des idées philosophiques, le regard porté sur la norme et la pratique de l’amitié. Après avoir retracé l’apport antique, patristique et médiéval, le cadre social est défini, notamment en ce qui concerne la place de la famille. Puis, les dictionnaires offrent un bon aperçu des différentes connotations des termes « amitié » et « ami ». Enfin, le travail s’attache à suivre le cours d’une amitié, de sa genèse à sa mort. L’importance du choix de l’ami et sa vertu transcendent le discours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Les gestes de l’amitié sont recherchés et presque codés. La peur de l’abandon ou de la trahison est très présente. On s’interroge beaucoup sur la possibilité, voire l’obligation, de la transgression des règles sociales. Les contemporains recherchent un équilibre, toujours difficile à obtenir et à garder. Concorde et Charité sont les deux notions non pas tant concurrentes que connexes à l’amitié. L’amitié-duo se vit en effet dans une société où l’amitié est omniprésente. Enfin, la mort ne scelle pas, en théorie, la fin d’une amitié. Le second tome de ce travail présente la méthodologie suivie pour l’élaboration du corpus ainsi que les raisons de la mise à l’écart des femmes. Les sources et la bibliographie sont également présentées dans ce dernier volume. / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the influences of the norm on the representations of friendship and its practice in France during the 16th and the 17th centuries. The corpus draws aside both intellectuals and women to focus on the non-enclosed people. How two individuals are able to make friends with each other in the 16th and 17th centuries within a society itself thought in terms of friendship? This dissertation divides in two volumes. The first one is devoted to the study itself. The philosophical inheritance is presented, along with considerations on bonds linking the friend, the society, the couple and the family during the Modern Times. Questions of linguistics are also raised. The evolution of a friendship between two men is followed step by step from birth to death, as if it were a genuine living organism. Gestures and tokens of friendship are the bases of friendship. The latter is always endangered by the fragile balance between the social demands and the requirements of friendship. In the second volume are presented the methodology used to gather the documentary corpus, as well as our historical sources and bibliography. Reasons why women were excluded from our research work make the core of a specific chapter.

Spatialisation des élites rurales médiévales et modernes dans le Bassin parisien : pour une approche archéogéographique des pratiques sociales de distinction / Spatial analysis of the medieval and modern rural elites in the Paris Basin : for an archaeogeographic approach of social practices of distinction

Cavanna, Emilie 15 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étude le choix du lieu d’implantation des élites rurales médiévales et modernes. Elle s’inscrit d’une part, dans la tendance actuelle de réexamen des estimateurs archéologiques de niveau social et, d’autre part, dans le « tournant spatial » des SHS qui invite à prendre en compte la dimension spatiale des sociétés. L’espace est ici appréhendé comme un produit culturel et social, ce qui amène à analyser le choix du site comme un objet archéologique à part entière, révélateur de pratiques sociales. L’approche archéogéographique conduit à recomposer l’espace des élites à l’aide de critères décrivant toutes les dimensions socio-environnementales de l’interaction élite/espace (milieu, paysage, territoire). L’objectif de cette thèse repose en effet sur l’expérimentation d’une grille d’analyse (critères) et d’une méthodologie fondée sur des variations d’échelles de temps (temps long / court) et d’espace (site / réseau de sites). Deux fenêtres d’étude situées dans le Bassin parisien ont été ouvertes : une dans la vallée de Touques, au coeur du Pays d’Auge (Calvados), avec un corpus de sites (manoirs) datant des XVe-XIXe siècles et une seconde, autour d’un site archéologique fouillé (La « Ferme du Colombier ») daté du début du XVIe siècle, dans la plaine confluente de la Seine et l’Yonne (Seine-et-Marne). Les modélisations révèlent la spatialité des élites rurales – tout particulièrement celles des XVe-XVIe siècles – et permettent finalement de discuter des pratiques de distinction enregistrées dans le choix du site, dans un contexte historique marqué par un profond renouvellement des élites / This PhD seeks to study the choice of location of medieval and modern rural elites. Fully in line with the current trend for reviewing archaeological estimators of social scale ; it also fits into the "spatial turn" of human and social sciences, inviting to take into account the spatial dimension of societies. Space, regarded as a cultural and social production, aims at analyzing the choice of location as a fully fledged archaeological object, revealing social practices.The archaeogeographical approach leads to reconstitute the space of elites with criteria describing all the social and environmental dimensions of interactions between space and elite (environment, landscape, territory). The purpose of the PhD relies on the experimentation of an evaluation grid and a methodology based on variations of time and space scales ( sites and networks of sites).Two observation windows located in the Paris Basin were picked: the first one, in the Touques Valley (Calvados), around a site corpus (manor houses) from the 15th-19th centuries, the second one around an archaeological site from the 16th century (La “Ferme du Colombier”) located in the confluent plain of the Seine and the Yonne rivers. Modelling reveals spatiality of rural elites, particularly those of the 15th-16th centuries, and eventually entitles to discuss the practices of social distinction recorded into the choice of location, in a historical context characterised by deep renewal process of elites

Implementation of Social practices on the Pepper Robot in the Elderly Care Domain : AI Planning with social practices

Mokkapati, Siva January 2021 (has links)
Social practices are acceptable ways of doing things, contextual and materially mediated, shared between actors, and routinized over time. These social practices are interactions and can be used to define rule protocols those drive human-robot interactions. We follow these practices in our day-to-day life in almost all the interactions with other people. Social practices also allow computer scientists to model human computer interactions. Human interactions are very dynamic and so the social practices and they naturally follow some versions. Even though they might deviate from pre-specified patterns they will usually expect to follow the general flow of a social practice and adapt it to a specific circumstances. Now we wanted to take these social practices and apply them in a human-robot-interactions setup by choosing a more applicable scenario for the definition of social practices. In our case a simple scenario in elderly care. More specifically, we want to show how these social practices influence the way AI planning in a Pepper robot in the elderly care setting. Given a specific representation of Social Practices we show how the elements of the Social Practice are used in the planning process. We then show briefly how this plan is executed on the Pepper robot in the scenario. We briefly touch on the hardware aspect of the Pepper robot’s API and the inclusion of external APIs to make it for better results. We design and implement the social practices on Pepper robot and conduct experiments and present the results here.

Au seuil de l'acceptable : pratiques (sociales) entourant le mourir des personnes du grand âge dans deux institutions gériatriques montréalaises

Lessard, Sabrina 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux pratiques sociales entourant le mourir des personnes du grand âge en institution gériatrique dans un contexte où le mourir dans la dignité est légiféré (Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie). Elle examine, plus précisément, la façon dont les pratiques entourant le mourir des personnes du grand âge façonnent les trajectoires de fin de vie. Cette thèse repose sur la théorie de la pratique qui explore la façon dont l’action humaine est construite et transformée par les individus dans un monde social donné. La pratique y est définie comme un ensemble de faires et de dires incorporés et partagés. Elle est un produit de l’histoire et de la culture et peut varier en fonction de l’individu qui la concrétise. Une étude ethnographique (observations directes, entretiens formels et informels auprès de soignantes et de proches endeuillés de personnes du grand âge) a été réalisée dans deux institutions publiques montréalaises : en centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) et en unité de gériatrie hospitalière en 2017 et en 2018. Les résultats de cette thèse montrent un contexte institutionnel difficilement compatible avec les besoins des personnes du grand âge en fin de vie, marqué par la rareté des ressources — temporelles et humaines — et par les difficultés à intégrer l’accompagnement du mourir dans leur mission de soins. Malgré ce contexte tendu, trois pratiques entourant le mourir des personnes du grand âge ont été documentées. D’abord, la préservation d’un état limite par la mise en place de dispositifs visant la sécurité et la santé physique de ces personnes sans qu’une attention particulière soit portée à l’individu comme personne sociale. Si les soignantes tentent au mieux de prendre soin, les contextes organisationnels et structurels ne permettent pas toujours une telle prise en charge. Ensuite, la prise de décision ou la négociation du juste et de l’assez rend compte des enjeux éminemment moraux qui modulent « l’accès » aux soins pour l’ultime étape de la fin de la vie et des négociations qui se jouent entre les soignantes, les proches et les personnes du grand âge. Enfin, la mise en scène du mourir, où il est possible de véritablement saisir le soin tel que prodigué par les soignantes, malgré les manques à gagner et la non-incorporation effective des apports de la nouvelle Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie dans l’organisation de soins destinés aux personnes du grand âge. Parallèlement, les trajectoires de fin de vie sont illustrées. Elles ne sont pas linéaires et sont bien souvent synonymes de multiples transitions où plusieurs acteurs (proches, soignants et institutions) négocient différentes possibilités. Enfin, cette thèse propose une définition opérationnelle du mourir, une théorie de la pratique dans ses dimensions sociale, politique et morale et une analyse de la mise en application de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie et des enjeux d’exclusion qu’elle soulève auprès des personnes du grand âge en institution gériatrique. / This thesis focuses on social practices surrounding how elderly people die in geriatric institutions in a context in which dying with dignity is legislated (Act Respecting End-of-Life Care). More specifically, it examines the way in which practices surrounding how elderly people die shape their end-of-life trajectories. This thesis is based on the practice theory, which explores how human action is constructed and transformed by individuals in a given social world. Practice is defined as a set of embodied and shared doings and sayings. It is a product of history and culture and can vary according to the individual who carries it out. This ethnographic study (direct observations, formal and informal interviews with caregivers, and bereaved family members of elderly people) was conducted in two public institutions in Montreal: a residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD) and a hospital geriatric unit in 2017 and in 2018. The results of this thesis reveal an institutional context that is not compatible with the needs of elderly people facing the end of their lives, a context marked by a lack of resources—both time and human resources—and by difficulties to include support for those who are dying as part of their care mission. Despite this tense context, three practices surrounding how elderly people die have been documented. First, the preservation of a liminal state, through the implementation of devices designed to ensure the safety and physical health of these people without any particular attention being paid to the individual as a social being. While caregivers try to provide the best possible care, organizational and structural contexts restrict it. Second, decision-making at the end of life, or the negotiation of what is “right” and “enough,” takes into account the eminently moral stakes that modulate “access” to care at the final stage of life and the negotiations that take place between caregivers, family members, and the elderly. Third, the staging of dying, in which it is possible to truly grasp care as it is performed by caregivers, despite the shortfalls and the effective non-incorporation of the contributions of the new law concerning end-of-life care in the organization of care for the dying. At the same time, end-of-life trajectories are illustrated. They are not linear and are often synonymous with multiple transitions where several actors (family members, caregivers and institutions) negotiate different possibilities. Finally, this thesis proposes an operational definition of dying, a practice theory in its social, political, and moral dimensions, and an analysis of the implementation of the Act Respecting End-of-Life Care and the issues of exclusion it raises for elderly people in geriatric institutions.

The Walkabout in an Alternative High School: Narrative as a Social Practice for Reflection on and Analysis of Experience

Weyand, Larkin Gene 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The cultural social and political similarity of the Bafokeng, Bakuena and the Bataung lineages amongst the Sotho

Monyakane, Thato Mabolaeng Maryanne 06 1900 (has links)
The central argument that underpins this thesis is that the Bataung, Bafokeng and the Bakuena lineages are found across all the Basotho groups of Basotho (Southern Sotho), Batswana and Bapedi. The thesis concerns itself with the similarity of the Sotho groups, a topic that has seldom received a sustained scholarly attention. Scholars have devoted much attention in discussing Sotho groups of Batswana, Basotho (Southern Sotho) and Bapedi, but their concern has mostly been to describe one group at the time discussing their cultural, social and political dimensions.The thesis aim investigates the oneness of Sotho by discussing the cultural, social and political similarities of the Batswana, Basotho (Southern Sotho) and Bapedi. The thesis drew on a range of semi-structured interviews with academics, senior people with knowledge of Sotho culture and literature to crystallise the information from the narrative analysis of documents, media and secondary literature. The thesis maintains that Basotho (Southern Sotho), Batswana and Bapedi are similar people. Their cultural dimension shows they have similar languages that share the same collection of words (langue) that indicates the same same origin. They also share the name ‘Basotho’ ~ Abeshundu that emanates from their similar way of dressing. The Sotho groups’ social dimension shows that they have similar practices of birth, raising children, lebollo (initiation school) and handling of death. They share similar games, folktales and taboos that reflect the aforementioned four cycles of human experiences in similar narratives across the groups. The thesis finds that Sotho groups have similar way of governance. They come together in the hierarchy of similar clans (e.g. Bafokeng, Bataung and Bakuena), chiefdoms and a group. These subdivisions in a group help with the allocation of resources for each individual and maintaining status quo in governance. The Sotho groups have similar proverbs and idioms to counsel proper leadership. The thesis discusses Sotho groups together as they come from the same origin although they have gone their separate ways. The thesis uses Gellner and Smith theories of ethnicity to explain the similarity of the Sothogroups. Gellner’s view is that one chooses to belong to a particular culture and associates oneself with people who practice this culture. Ethnicity is socially constructed due to experiences and people’s circumstances. Smith complements the description of the Sotho in forming different groups by saying that in these groups, there are memories of shared historical past. There is a continuum of the original culture where the groups have resemblance in their ways of life and symbolical elements, although adapted to their new environments and time. The variations of the groups’s practices are not their differences but they are changes caused by a quest to adapt to the new environment. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

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