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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fragilidade ambiental e vulnerabilidade social para análise integrada do espaço geográfico: bacia hidrográfica no Jardim Ângela (São Paulo-SP) / Environmental fragility and social vulnerability for integrated analysis of geographic space: watershed in Jardim Angêla (São Paulo-SP)

Rogério Caron Gayoso 24 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho é um estudo de Geomorfologia aplicada com o objetivo de analisar, de forma integrada, um ambiente urbanizado, em uma sub-bacia do manancial da Guarapiranga, na cidade de São Paulo. O enfoque é o diagnóstico da Fragilidade Ambiental e sua correlação com o Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS Fundação SEADE). Para isso, foi elaborado um mapeamento geomorfológico, em escala de detalhe - como suporte para o entendimento da dinâmica dos processos morfológicos - e o mapa de uso e cobertura da superfície da Terra, que expressa as concretudes das ações antrópicas e a conjuntura de flora presente na área, para obtenção de informações sobre a proteção da superfície contra intemperismos. Em seguida foi feita uma intersecção entre estes dois mapas e foi elaborado o mapa de Fragilidade Ambiental. Em um segundo momento, foi feito um mapa com a espacialização SEADE do Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social, para representar os dados socioeconômicos especializados conforme setores censitários. Por fim, foi elaborada uma correlação entre os mapas de Vulnerabilidade Social e Fragilidade Ambiental. Com isso, foi possível demonstrar que as áreas de vulnerabilidades mais altas foram assentadas em terrenos de fragilidade forte e muito forte e que as áreas precisam de cuidados específicos para a devida ocupação. / The present work is a study of Applied Geomorphology, with the aim of analyze, in an integrated manner, an urban environment in a sub-basin of the water reservoir of Guarapiranga, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The focus is the diagnosis of Environmental Fragility and its correlation with Paulista Social Vulnerability Index (IPVS Foundation SEADE). For this, a geomorphological mapping was developed in detail scale - as support for understanding the dynamics of morphological processes - and the land cover mapping, which expresses the materiality of human activities and the vegetation distribution in the landscape, this mapping provides informations about how much the cover protects the ground surface against climate effects. Then was made an intersection between these two maps and the map of Environmental Fragility was prepared. In a second step, a map showing the spatial distribution of the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index (SEADE), was made to represent the specialized socioeconomic data. Finally, a correlation was drawn between the maps of Social Vulnerability and Environmental Fragility. Thus, it was possible to demonstrate that the areas of highest vulnerability were settled in the strong and very strong and fragile land areas that need special care to occupation.

Precariedade habitacional dispersa. Contribuição ao reconhecimento de uma realidade oculta em Montevidéu / Scattered housing precariousness. Contribution to the recognition of a hidden reality in Montevideo

Recalde Rostán, Sharon 22 September 2016 (has links)
A problemática habitacional é um dos assuntos que desafiam os Estados. Apesar de em muitos casos haver verdadeiro compromisso e esforços frente à questão, os objetivos que se perseguem com as Políticas Habitacionais parecem fugidios e distantes. Conhecer e diagnosticar com a maior exatidão o problema é essencial para encontrar os meios mais realistas para conseguir êxito. A tese busca contribuir ao conhecimento da precariedade habitacional, ampliando o conceito tradicionalmente utilizado e evidenciando algumas manifestações que permanecem em certa medida subvalorizadas na hora de priorizar as ações. Indo além do mais evidente para categorizar e caracterizar diferentes tipos de precariedade habitacional presentes em Montevidéu, busca-se reconhecer e localizar aquelas situações menos visíveis e menos atendidas pelas Políticas Públicas, aqui qualificadas como \"precariedade habitacional dispersa\". Essas são objeto de análise, o que permite finalmente, dar alguma pista de como conseguir maior eficiência na identificação dos casos, bem como maior eficácia no desenho e implementação de programas habitacionais que efetivamente se apliquem às diferentes situações. / The housing problem is one of the issues that challenge the States. Although in many cases there is a real commitment and effort to deal with this issue, the objectives pursued with the Housing Policies seem elusive and distant. To know and diagnose with greater accuracy the problem is essential to find the most realistic means to achieve success. The thesis aims are to contribute to the knowledge of housing precariousness, expanding the concept traditionally used and showing some manifestations that remain sub valued when actions are prioritized. This thesis goes beyond the most obvious, categorizing and characterizing different types of housing precariousness, to recognize and locate those situations less visible and less served by Public Policy, here called \"scattered housing precariousness\". These are the objects of analysis, allowing finally giving some clue of how to achieve greater efficiency in the identification of cases and improve the efficiency in the design and implementation of housing programs that effectively apply to different situations.

Oficinas de comunicação nos centros da juventude de Santos: uma experiência à luz de Anton Makarenko / -

Mouta, Andressa Carreira Luzirão 19 September 2014 (has links)
Em Santos, São Paulo, Brasil, vivem 3.623 jovens de 14 a 18 anos em aglomerados subnormais, segundo o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE/Censo 2010. A Secretaria de Assistência Social do Município desenvolve políticas públicas pautadas na emancipação desse público, como forma de garantir sua proteção e seus direitos básicos. Entre elas estão os Centros da Juventude, que por meio de oficinas envolvendo cultura, comunicação e cidadania, visam promover espaços de reflexão, expressão e formação, fazendo do adolescente sujeito na criação de alternativas libertadoras. Nesse contexto, essa pesquisa vem contribuindo com o poder público por meio de práticas na interface Comunicação-Educação desenvolvidas nos Centros da Juventude de duas áreas denominadas Zona Noroeste e Zona Leste. Os sujeitos do estudo são jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social, que cotidianamente contracenam com fenômenos como violência, criminalidade, tráfico de drogas e pobreza. O trabalho in loco é apoiado na fundamentação teórica dos campos da Comunicação e da Educação, em suas interfaces, tendo a perspectiva pedagógica do ucraniano Anton Makarenko (1888-1939) como principal referência, além de contribuições da Psicologia Social Comunitária. A proposta utiliza como mediação os recursos das tecnologias digitais e da Comunicação, sobretudo do Jornalismo, para o exercício da cidadania, o desenvolvimento de potencialidades e da capacidade de expressão de meninos e meninas nascidos no berço da cibercultura, mas que carecem de uma legítima inclusão digital. No processo, a pesquisa observou enunciados de caráter negativo em relação à vida e averiguou se as práticas de campo modificam essas expressões em ações positivas, de trabalho colaborativo, de solidariedade, de responsabilidade social, amizade e alegria, na busca de uma perspectiva de mudança social / In Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, there is 3,623 young people with 14-18 years living in subnormal agglomerates, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) - 2010 Census. The Department of Social Services of the City develops public policies guided to the emancipation of this public, in order to ensure their protection and their basic rights. One of these is the Youth Centers, which through workshops involving culture, communication and citizenship, aimed at promoting opportunities for reflection, expression and training, making the adolescent a subject in creating liberating alternatives. In this context, this research has contributed to the government through practical Education-Communication interface developed in Youth Centers in two areas called North West Zone and East Zone. The study subjects are young people in situations of social vulnerability, which routinely living with phenomena such as violence, crime, drug trafficking and poverty. The work-site is supported in theoretical foundations of the fields of Communication and Education, in their interfaces, and the pedagogical perspective of Ukrainian Anton Makarenko (1888-1939) as the main reference, as well as contributions of Community Social Psychology. The proposal uses as mediation the resources digital technologies and communication, especially of Journalism, for the exercise of citizenship, developing of the potential and the capacity for expression of boys and girls that were born in the cradle of cyber culture, but lack a legitimate inclusion digital. In the process, the research observed set of negative character in relation to the life and examined whether the field practices modifies these expressions into positive actions, collaborative work, solidarity, social responsibility, friendship and joy, in the pursuit of a perspective of change social.

Depressão materna, recursos, adversidades do ambiente familiar e o comportamento de escolares, avaliado por mães e professoras / Maternal depression, resources and adversity in the family environment, and schoolchildrens behavior assessed by mothers and teachers.

Martineli, Ana Karina Braguim 02 June 2017 (has links)
A depressão materna é reconhecida como uma adversidade que incide sobre o ambiente familiar, mostrando-se associada a problemas comportamentais em escolares. Verifica-se a demanda por estudos que abordem condições de risco e proteção do ambiente familiar e que avaliem as crianças por múltiplos informantes. Objetivou-se: (a) comparar e correlacionar os recursos e eventos estressores do ambiente familiar de crianças que convivem com a depressão materna e que apresentam problemas de comportamento, com os apresentados por crianças que convivem com mães sem depressão e que não apresentam problemas comportamentais; e (b) comparar e correlacionar os comportamentos das crianças, segundo a avaliação das suas mães e professoras. Adotou-se um delineamento transversal e avaliou-se uma amostra de conveniência composta por 85 díades mães-crianças, distribuídas em: G1 = 26 mães com indicadores de depressão e crianças com problemas comportamentais; G2 = 29 mães sem indicadores de depressão e crianças com problemas comportamentais e G3 = 30 mães sem indicadores de depressão e crianças sem problemas comportamentais. Foram incluídas crianças de ambos os sexos, de sete a 10 anos. Procedeu-se à avaliação primeiramente com as mães, seguida das crianças e professoras. Foram aplicados com as mães, em sessão única, face a face, os instrumentos: Questionário Geral, Questionário sobre a Saúde do Paciente, Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar, Escala de Eventos Adversos, Escala de Adversidade Crônica e Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ). As crianças foram avaliadas quanto ao nível intelectual pelo teste Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven Escala Especial. As professoras responderam ao SDQ - professores, precedido de informações sobre o desempenho escolar das crianças. Os dados obtidos foram codificados de acordo com as proposições técnicas e procedeu-se a análise dos mesmos por procedimentos estatísticos, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5% (p0,05). Quando das comparações entre os grupos verificou-se com diferenças significativas, que: as famílias que convivem com a depressão materna apresentaram mais indicadores de adversidades crônicas; e as crianças com problemas comportamentais, menos recursos e mais adversidades crônicas. As mães identificaram, com significância estatística, mais problemas de comportamento das crianças em relação às professoras; e ainda verificou-se associações entre a depressão materna e os problemas de comportamento dos escolares, na avaliação de mães (r = 0,490) e professoras (r = 0,294) e dos problemas comportamentais com o baixo desempenho escolar. Constatou-se que: (a) as crianças que convivem com a depressão materna apresentaram indicadores de múltiplas condições de risco em seu ambiente familiar, o que pode estar favorecendo os problemas comportamentais, os quais também se associaram a menos recursos; e (b) as mães e professoras divergiram quando das avaliações dos problemas de comportamento das crianças, evidenciando a utilização de diferentes parâmetros de avaliação nos contextos familiar e escolar. Considera-se que tais dados podem instrumentar programas de prevenção no contexto escolar e de intervenção no contexto familiar, com possíveis benefícios para o comportamento das crianças. / Maternal depression is known to be an adversity that affects the family environment and is associated with behavioral problems among schoolchildren. There is a need for studies addressing risk and protective conditions of the family environment assessing children through multiple informants. The objectives were (a) to compare and correlate resources and stressors in the family environment of children who live with maternal depression and present behavioral problems with the resources and the stressors of children whose mothers do not present depression and who do not present behavioral problems; and (b) to compare and correlate the behaviors of children from the perspective of their mothers and teachers. A cross-sectional design was used to assess a convenience sample composed of 85 mother-child pairs distributed between: G1 = 26 mothers with indicators of depression and children with behavioral problems; G2 = 29 mothers without indicators of depression and children with behavioral problems; and G3 = 30 mothers without indicators of depression and children without behavioral problems. Children aged from seven to 10 years old, of both sexes, were included. Assessment was initiated with the mothers, followed by the children and teachers. The following instruments were applied face-to-face to the mothers in a single session: General Questionnaire, Patient Health Questionnaire, Family Environment Resource Inventory, Adverse Events Scale, Chronic Adversity Scale, and The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The childrens intellectual level was assessed using Ravens Progressive Matrices Special Scale. The teachers responded to the SDQ teachers, preceded by information on the childrens school performance. Data were coded according to technical propositions and statistically analyzed adopting a significance level of 5% (p0.05). Comparisons among groups showed the following significant differences: the families facing maternal depression presented more indicators of chronic adversities; and the children with behavioral problems presented fewer resources and more chronic adversities. The mothers identified more behavioral problems in children than teachers. The mothers (r = 0.490) and teachers (r = 0.294) assessments showed associations between maternal depression and childrens behavioral problems and between behavioral problems and poor school performance. We verified that: (a) children living with maternal depression presented multiple risk indicators in their family environment, which may have favored behavioral problems, which were also associated with having fewer resources; and (b) mothers and teachers diverged in regard to their assessments concerning the childrens behavioral problems, showing that different parameters were used in the family and school contexts. These data may support the development of preventive programs in the school context and also interventions for the family context, which may benefit childrens behaviors.

HPV Vaccination, Sociodemographic Variables, and Physician Recommendation in Select U.S. Areas

Jungbauer, Rebecca Marie 01 January 2017 (has links)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus, and is causally related to several cancers. HPV vaccination rates are far below HealthyPeople 2020 targets and vary across geographic, socioeconomic, and demographic populations. The purpose of this research was to test the relationships among socioeconomic and demographic variables, HPV vaccination, social vulnerability, and physician recommendation within select local areas in the United States. Fundamental cause theory and behavioral economics informed this quantitative secondary analysis of National Immunization Survey-Teen and Social Vulnerability Index data (n = 43,271). Statistical analyses included chi-square and binomial logistic regression. Teens whose mothers had less than a college degree were more likely to initiate the HPV vaccine series (p < .01), while teens living in Hidalgo County and Houston were less likely to initiate the series (p < .001). Younger teens (p < .001), males (p < .001) and teens whose mothers had some college (p < .01) were less likely to complete the series, while older teens (p < .001) and teens living in Philadelphia and Houston (p < .01) were more likely to complete the series. Fewer teens in Bexar County received a physician recommendation (p < .01); there was no difference between vaccine initiation and select local area. These findings highlight the need to consider local sociodemographic influences on underlying disparities in health and physician behavior. Informed interventions may produce positive social change by reducing variance in health care quality, tailoring public health efforts to local needs, and moving persons experiencing disparities in health outcomes toward a healthy future.

Modeling Hurricane Evacuation Vulnerability: A Case Study of Pinellas County, Florida

Miller, Raymond A, Jr. 28 October 2005 (has links)
Determining where people are most likely to suffer losses and have difficulty in evacuating from a hurricane is important to developing a hurricane response strategy. This thesis proposes a methodology for modeling and assessing evacuation vulnerability to a specific hurricane and applies this method to study Pinellas County, Florida. The vulnerability of Pinellas County to evacuation problems and the degree of loss that may be suffered from a hurricane is quantified in the Hurricane Evacuation Vulnerability Index. This index is the sum of three indices that represent social, transportation, and geophysical aspects of hazards research. Social vulnerability is assessed with an existing social vulnerability model that uses census data to locate areas where people will have difficulty evacuating based on demographic variables. Areas where people are vulnerable to traffic problems due to the condition of the evacuation routes are identified with a model developed using GIS. The degree of damage these areas may suffer from a specific hurricane is modeled using a tightly coupled GIS program, HAZUS-MH. These loss estimates are used to identify areas where evacuation may be necessary. The Hurricane Evacuation Vulnerability Index is mapped to show the areas that are most vulnerable to evacuation problems and may suffer losses to the built environment and subsequent human displacement. The Hurricane Evacuation Vulnerability Index is a valuable tool for emergency planning. The results are useful in allocating and directing resources to facilitate the evacuation of vulnerable areas. Emergency management officials can prepare evacuation plans based on the modeled results. Traffic management strategies can be implemented to reduce traffic congestion along evacuation routes. Transportation resources, such as buses, can be directed to areas where people do not have the resources to evacuate.

Assessing the Environmental Justice Implications of Flood Hazards in Miami, Florida

Montgomery, Marilyn Christina 09 July 2014 (has links)
While environmental justice (EJ) research in the U.S. has traditionally focused on inequities in the distribution of technological hazards, the disproportionate impacts of Hurricane Katrina on racial minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged households have prompted researchers to investigate the EJ implications of natural hazards such as flooding. Recent EJ research has also emphasized the need to examine social inequities in access to environmental amenities. Unlike technological hazards such as air pollution and toxic waste sites, areas exposed to natural hazards such as hurricanes and floods have indivisible amenities associated with them. Coastal property owners are exposed to flood hazards, but also enjoy water views and unhampered access to oceans and the unique recreational opportunities that beaches offer. Conversely, dense urban development and associated impervious surfaces increase likelihood of floods in inland areas which may lack the amenities of proximity to open water. This dissertation contributes to the emerging literature on EJ and social vulnerability to natural hazards by analyzing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequities in the distribution of flood risk exposure in the Miami Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), Florida--one of the most hurricane-prone areas in the world and one of the most ethnically diverse MSAs in the U.S. The case study evaluates the EJ implications of residential exposure to coastal flood risk, inland flood risk, and no flood risk, in conjunction with coastal water related amenities, using geographic information science (GIS)-based techniques and logistic regression modeling to estimate flood risk exposure. Geospatial data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are utilized to delineate coastal and inland 100-year flood hazard zones. Socio-demographic variables previously utilized in EJ research are obtained from tract level data published in the 2010 census and 2007-2011 American Community Survey five-year estimates. Principal components analysis is employed to condense several socio-demographic attributes into two neighborhood deprivation indices that represent economic insecurity and instability, respectively. Indivisible coastal water related amenities are represented by control variables of percent seasonal homes and proximity to public beach access sites. Results indicate that racial/ethnic minorities and those with greater social vulnerability based on the neighborhood deprivation indices are more likely to reside in inland flood zones and areas outside 100-year flood zones, while residents in coastal flood zones are disproportionately non-Hispanic White. Moreover, residents exposed to coastal flood risk tend to live in areas with ample coastal water related amenities, while racial/ethnic minorities and individuals with higher neighborhood deprivation who are exposed to inland flood risk or no flood risk reside in areas without coastal water related amenities. This dissertation elucidates the importance of EJ research on privilege and access to environmental amenities in conjunction with environmental hazards because areas exposed to natural hazards are likely to offer indivisible benefits. Estimating people and places exposed to hazards for EJ research becomes difficult when the boundaries of census areal units containing socio-demographic data do not match the boundaries of hazard exposure areas. This challenge is addressed with an application of dasymetric spatial interpolation using GIS-based techniques to disaggregate census tracts to inhabited parcels. Several spatial interpolation methods are assessed for relative accuracy in estimating population densities for the Miami MSA, and the output units from the most accurate method are employed in EJ regression analyses. The dasymetric mapping efforts utilized herein contribute to research on the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) and its effects on statistical analyses. Since the dasymetric mapping technique used for EJ analyses disaggregates census tracts to the inhabited parcel level, the results of the associated analyses for flood hazards exposure and access to coastal water related amenities should be more reliable than those based on tracts. The enhanced accuracy associated with inhabited parcels is a result of using a more precise geospatial depiction of residential populations, which leads to a more accurate portrayal of disproportionate exposure to flood hazards. Consequently, this dissertation contributes methodologically to GIS-based techniques of dasymetric spatial interpolation and empirically to EJ analysis of flood hazards with indivisible coastal water related amenities.

A comparative study of single family and multifamily housing recovery following 1992 Hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade County, Florida

Lu, Jing-Chein 15 May 2009 (has links)
Anecdotal evidence in disaster studies suggests that multifamily housing takes longer to recover than single family homes, but almost no studies have provided quantitative evidence to clarify this “multifamily home lag” phenomenon. This research examines the recovery of single family, duplex, and apartment complex housing in south Miami-Dade County, Florida, after 1992 Hurricane Andrew to determine if there is indeed a "multifamily home lag." This research also provides a better understanding of the factors influencing the recovery trajectories of these three housing types. The findings of this research indicate that duplexes and apartment buildings have slower recovery trajectories than single family dwellings. In addition, rental housing, housing that sustained higher levels of damage, and single family dwellings and duplexes located in predominately non-Hispanic Black neighborhoods show significantly slower recovery trajectories. The analyses specific to apartment buildings also finds that apartment buildings with fewer than 10 units have significantly slower recovery trend than apartment buildings with more than 50 units.

Hurricane Forecasting, Warning and Response Systems: A Lake Wales Public Perception Study

Raulerson, April E. 05 April 2007 (has links)
This research investigates the public perception of hurricane forecasting and warning systems with a view to improving response activities. The hazard literature shows that the effectiveness of such systems is contingent upon on the smooth operation of all components of the system and that warning recipients fully understand the implications of the warning message by taking appropriate action. It is argued that public perception of warning systems will vary depending on various socio-demographic factors, such as age, gender, level of education, socioeconomic status and area, factors that will ultimately influence overall effectiveness. To test this, a questionnaire survey was undertaken of local residents in Lake Wales, Florida, a town that was severely impacted by three hurricanes in the 2004 season. Results indicate that some demographic factors appear to influence an individual's willingness and ability to respond. Overall, level of education and income seem to have a larger affect on response than age or gender. The two sampling areas in Lake Wales elicited more significant differences than do the other variables but, the area variable takes into account all of the other factors of age, gender, level of education, and socioeconomic status. In fact, what is argued here is that area actually acts as a surrogate variable for the others. Therefore, it is not where one is located that makes a difference but the composition of the people in the location itself.

Integrationens betydelse : En kvalitativ studie om bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering hos socialtjänsten

Johansson, Rosalie, Ljungkrantz, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att analysera socialsekreterares erfarenheter av bakomliggande orsaker till att barn i familjer med utländsk bakgrund blir aktuella för utredning enligt Socialtjänstlagen (SFS 2001:453). Studien behandlar skillnader mellan familjer med utländsk bakgrund och familjer med svensk bakgrund vad gäller bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering hos socialtjänsten. Studien är kvalitativ och grundar sig på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Till grund för analysen har Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori använts vilken har kompletterats med begrepp som behandlar migrationsprocess, socialisationsprocess och kultur. Resultatet visar att det inte finns någon större skillnad gällande bakomliggande orsaker för aktualisering beroende på härkomst. Det framkommer att social utsatthet är vanligt förekommande hos de familjer som aktualiseras och då främst i form av ekonomisk utsatthet, boendesituation och arbete. Det som skiljer familjer med utländsk bakgrund från familjer med svensk bakgrund är att de invandrande familjerna har bristande integreringsmöjligheter. Samhällsorientering för de nyanlända ses i denna studie som en tänkbar faktor i bristande integreringsmöjligheter. För att få mer kunskap av informationens betydelse för integreringen i det nya landet ges förslag att vidare forskning bör behandla de nyanländas egen uppfattning kring samhällsorienteringen och dess innehåll. / The purpose of this study has been to analyse social workers experiences of underlying factors to why children in families with an immigrant origin becomes subject for the social services. The study involves differences between families with an immigrant background and families with Swedish background in terms of underlying factors to why they become subjects for the social services. The study is qualitative and based on five semi-structured interviews. The analysis is based on Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory and has been supplemented by concepts that involve migration process, socialization and culture. The survey reveals that there is no significant difference, in the underlying factors for the cause to become the subject of social services, due to origin. It appears that social deprivation is common among the families that become subject for the social services, mainly in form of economic vulnerability, living situation and work. What distinguishes families with an immigrant background from families with Swedish background is their lack of integration possibilities. Civics for the newly arrived families is seen in this survey as a possible factor in the lack of integration possibilities. To gain more knowledge of the role of information for inclusion in the new country, suggestions for further research are to address the newly arrived families own perception of the civics and its contents.

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