Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialcontext"" "subject:"socialcontexts""
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La traducción de conceptos políticos en la prensa : problemas y estrategias de traducción del español al sueco en el artículo "Adiós clase media, adiós"Haraldsson, Helena January 2013 (has links)
This essay deals with translation issues arising when translating a political newspaper article from Spanish into Swedish. The identified issues are strongly related to cultural differences between the culture of the source text and the culture of the target text. Thus, the aim of the study is to identify and explore how cultural references, political concepts and metaphors are translated in the following newspaper article, “Adiós clase media, adiós”. The study is partly based on a quantitative method, which shows that the four most common translation techniques in the present translation are the following: transposition, direct translation, couplet and established equivalent. However, the qualitative analysis, focusing on the social context and the cognitive processes of the translations, proves that several other strategies are useful when translating political concepts. Furthermore, the study verifies that it is necessary that the translator bears in mind that by using one strategy or another, he or she can influence the way the target text will be perceived by the receptor. Some translations are more faithful to the source text while others are more closely related to the target culture. Likewise, some are strongly influenced by the author or publisher and others by the translator’s own ideological purposes.
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Influences of Food Availability and Social Context on Behavior and Behavioral Plasticityin Xiphophorus helleri HybridsTucker, Fred D. 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Příspěvky ke stavební podobě a vybavení obytných domů raně novověkých vsí a poddanských měst v Čechách / Contributions to the architectonical design and interior fitting of the houses in the early modern villages and liege towns in BohemiaKypta, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The work consists of four chapters dedicated to selected aspects of research in architecture and interior fittings of houses of late medieval and early modern villages and small towns in the 2nd mid-15th in the 16th century. The first chapter deals with the occurrence of late Gothic and Renaissance architectural elements in the estates. It is conceived as a set of model clauses coherent analysis of material and written sources. In the end, there are social groups defined by the acquirers. The second chapter presents a balance of knowledge about the application of late Gothic and Renaissance tiles in the environment of farms and rural parishes. At the forefront are questions about the chronology of this phenomenon, the possibility of reconstruction of heating equipment, the confrontation with the results of research remaining buildings and comparison with a higher social milieu (manor houses). The third chapter presents the results of two-conceived interdisciplinary studies on collective findings of unusual types of tiles in a rural context. The aim of the analysis of written and material sources is an attempt to answer the question whether the tiled stove conveys the social status of the customer. The fourth chapter in the example of mass set of tiles from a small town (Sedlcany) shows the possibilities and...
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Sociala möten i en rumslig miljö för studenter : En studie om hur en fysisk mötesplats kan främja en god social gemenskap på campusStinesen Ekholm, Molly January 2023 (has links)
The study is thesis is the information design program with a spatial design focus. The study investigates which spatial elements can promote social community with other students at a university.The thesis has been using methods such as physical site analysis, semi-structured interviews, workshops and A/B Testing. These methods were applied in the study to investigate what needs the students have regarding social contexts and in what way a spatial meeting place could promote a social community among the students.In combination with collected data and theories, a design proposal has been developed. This is based on what the students at Mälardalen University in Västerås find important regarding social community. The design proposal exemplifies how the design of a physical meeting place on a campus can be designed with the aim of promoting social meetings between students and enabling an area that is not in need of, for example, the student union and its staff. / Studien är ett examensarbete inom programmet informationsdesign med inriktning rumslig gestaltning. Studien undersöker vilka rumsliga element som kan främja social gemenskap med andra studenter på ett universitet. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av metoder såsom fysisk platsanalys, semistrukturerade intervjuer, workshop och A/B Testing. Dessa metoder applicerades i studien för att undersöka vilka behov studenterna har gällande sociala sammanhang och på vilket sätt en rumslig mötesplats skulle kunna främja en gemenskap bland studenterna. I kombination av insamlade data och teorier har ett gestaltningsförslag tagits fram.Detta grundar sig i vad studenterna på Mälardalens universitet i Västerås finner viktigt gällande social gemenskap. Gestaltningsförslaget exemplifierar hur utformningen av en fysisk mötesplats på ett campusområde kan utformas i syfte att främja sociala möten mellan studenter samt möjliggöra en yta som inte drivs av exempelvis studentkåren och dess personal.
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[pt] O propósito central deste estudo, desenvolvido na área de Administração e,
especificamente, no campo dos estudos de carreiras, foi compreender e analisar as
influências da origem social no desenvolvimento da carreira médica, tendo como base os
relatos das experiências vivenciadas por médicas ginecologistas e obstetras com carreiras
consolidadas, atuantes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O método de pesquisa história de vida
foi empregado para obter as narrativas biográficas das médicas com o intuito de alcançar
aspectos subjetivos, culturais, sociais e relacionais de suas vidas e carreiras. As
contribuições da abordagem de Pierre Bourdieu aos estudos de carreira alicerçaram o
referencial teórico. Os achados sobre o campo médico demonstraram sobreposição de
fenômenos sociais que se relacionaram com raça, classe e gênero, além da percepção das
entrevistadas sobre as mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nesse campo. Além disso, os relatos
evidenciaram que, neste grupo de médicas, as diferenças das origens sociais
influenciaram o desenvolvimento de suas carreiras. Os capitais econômico e cultural
foram os principais que delinearam as trajetórias — de vida e de carreira — e
contribuíram em maior nível para aumentar ou diminuir as oportunidades no campo
médico. O capital econômico delimitou as escolhas e os caminhos durante a graduação e
no desenvolvimento da carreira, evidenciado em escolhas motivadas pelo
aperfeiçoamento profissional ou premidas pela necessidade financeira, que resultaram,
por exemplo, no maior ou menor tempo dedicado à educação médica, ou, ainda, na
abertura do consultório próprio na fase inicial ou intermediária da carreira. O capital
cultural herdado e adquirido nas trajetórias de vida, conexo ao capital social, tornou-se,
no contexto do campo médico, capital de carreira, visto que contribuiu para aumentar as
oportunidades que as médicas tiveram em suas carreiras e observado nas diferentes
posições ocupadas que refletiram os volumes desiguais desses capitais. Os achados do
estudo revelaram aspectos do habitus de carreira que podem restringir ou ampliar as
estratégias e investimentos relacionados à carreira, sobressaindo-se a herança do
habitus da carreira médica, recebida de familiares médicos, aliado ao capital cultural dos
pais quando se tornou evidente a importância das relações sociais, das estratégias e das
táticas que seriam mais adequadas para se desenvolver e alcançar uma carreira sólida e
de sucesso na medicina, antes mesmo da entrada no curso. Os capitais de carreira médica
destacados nas trajetórias foram: relações e interações sociais (capital cultural e social);
tempo de educação médica (capital cultural e capital econômico); diplomas de
instituições (capital cultural e simbólico); experiência acadêmica internacional (capital
cultural e econômico). Por fim, destacamos que os contextos das origens sociais das
médicas tornaram os caminhos mais ou menos fluídos, reflexo da influência dos distintos
volumes e estruturas dos capitais que potencializaram ou atenuaram o mérito individual. / [en] The central purpose of this investigation, developed in Management studies,
specifically, within the field of career studies, was to understand and analyze the
influences of social origin on the development of the medical career, based on the reports
of experiences lived by gynecologists and obstetricians with consolidated careers,
working in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The life history research method was used to obtain
the biographical narratives of the doctors in order to reach subjective, cultural, social, and
relational aspects of their lives and careers. The contributions of Pierre Bourdieu s
approach to career studies underpinned the theoretical framework. The findings of the
medical field demonstrated an overlap of social phenomena that were related to race,
class, and gender, in addition to the interviewees perception of the changes that have been
occurring in this field. Furthermore, the reports showed that, in this group of doctors,
differences in social origins influenced the development of their careers. The economic
and cultural capitals were the main ones that outlined the trajectories —life and career—
and contributed most to increase or decrease opportunities in the medical field. Economic
capital delimited choices and paths during graduation and career development, evidenced
in choices motivated by professional improvement or pressured by financial need, which
resulted, for example, in more or less time dedicated to medical education, or even more,
in opening their own practice in the initial or intermediate phase of their career. The
cultural capital inherited and acquired in life trajectories, connected to social capital,
became, in the context of the medical field, career capital, as it contributed to increase the
opportunities that doctors had in their careers and observed in the different positions
occupied that reflected the unequal volumes of these capitals. The study findings revealed
aspects of the career habitus that can restrict or expand career-related strategies and
investments, highlighting the inheritance of the medical career habitus, received from
medical relatives, combined with the cultural capital of the parents when it became
evident the importance of social relationships, strategies, and tactics that would be most
suitable for developing and achieving a solid and successful career in medicine, even
before entering the undergraduate course. The medical career capitals highlighted in the
trajectories were: social relationships and interactions (cultural and social capital);
medical education time (cultural capital and economic capital); diplomas from institutions
(cultural and symbolic capital); international academic experience (cultural and economic
capital). Finally, we highlight that the contexts of the doctors social origins made the
paths more or less fluid, reflecting the influence of the different volumes and structures
of capitals which enhanced or mitigated the individual merit.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender de que maneira os múltiplos contextos sociais impactaram na construção da trajetória profissional de ex-alunos oriundos das camadas populares de uma renomada IES privada do Rio de janeiro, cujo público, também, é composto por jovens das elites socioeconômicas. Para atingir este objetivo buscou-se identificar: i) de que forma os múltiplos contextos sociais, ao longo da trajetória profissional, inibiram ou habilitaram as relações desses jovens com seu meio tanto na constituição de um portifólio de capitais como nas estratégias (não) intencionais individuais e familiares, bem como nas disposições dos indivíduos; e (ii) quanto à persistência de barreiras que contribuem negativamente para a mobilidade social. Deste modo, este estudo contribui para a discussão acerca da mobilidade social nos estudos em Administração, partindo do pensamento de Pierre Bourdieu frente à distinção gerada pelo condicionamento social e dialogando com pensamento de Bernard Lahire, no afastamento do olhar homogeneizante do habitus. A pesquisa realizada foi de natureza qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas em profundidade com ex-alunos bolsistas de graduação de diferentes cursos. A análise dos resultados revelou que existem barreiras socioeconômicas e culturais que impactaram na trajetória profissional dos jovens bolsistas. Não obstante, a partir da influência dos múltiplos contextos nessas trajetórias, identificamos o desenvolvimento de um portifólio de capitais, resultado de vivências que permitiram o movimento de mobilidade social. Em última instância, os jovens pesquisados, apesar de terem enfrentados obstáculos diversos em suas trajetórias de vida e educacional, lograram obter postos trabalho qualificados que os habilitaram a ascender socialmente. / [en] This research aimed to understand how the multiple social contexts impacted the construction of the professional trajectory of alumni from the popular strata of a renowned private university in Rio de Janeiro, whose audience is predominantly composed of young people from socioeconomic elites. In order to achieve this objective, we sought to identify: i) how the multiple social contexts, throughout their professional trajectory, inhibited or enabled the relations of these young people with their environment both in the constitution of a portfolio of capital and in the (un) intentional strategies individual and family members, as well as in the dispositions of these trajectories; and (ii) regarding the persistence of barriers that contribute negatively to social mobility. In this way, this study contributes to the discussion about social mobility in Management studies, starting from the thinking of Pierre Bourdieu in the face of the distinction generated by social conditioning and dialoguing with the thinking of Bernard Lahire, in moving away from the homogenizing look of the habitus. The research carried out was of a qualitative nature, using in-depth interviews with former undergraduate scholarship students from different courses. The analysis of the results revealed that there are socioeconomic and cultural barriers that impacted the professional trajectory of the young scholarship holders. Nevertheless, based on the influence of multiple contexts in these trajectories, we identified the development of a portfolio of capitals, the result of experiences that allowed the movement of social mobility. Ultimately, the young people surveyed, despite having faced different obstacles in their life and educational trajectories, managed to obtain qualified jobs that enabled them to ascend socially.
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Chronic headache : an ecosystemic explorationRawsthorne, Julie Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Chronic headache may be the most frequently reported
somatic symptom, yet it puzzles health experts and poses a
considerable treatment challenge. It was suggested that this
is because conventional views of headache, adhering to a
Newtonian-Cartesian epistemology, focus almost exclusively on
intrapsychic factors ignoring the wider social context in which
the problem is embedded. An overview of the existing body of
knowledge on the most widely researched headache conditions was
presented, and it was argued that a conceptual shift is
required to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the
This study was conducted within an holistic, ecosystemic
epistemology. A qualitative approach employing a case study
method was adopted to provide rich descriptions of the contexts
in which two chronic headache sufferers' symptoms were
embedded. The case study presentations also illustrated the
attempts that were made to intervene into the headache contexts
from a second-order cybernetics stance. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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Deelname, verbintenis en kreatiwiteit as gemanifesteerde veranderlikes van bestuursprestasie / Collaboration, commitment and creativity as manifested variables of management performanceGreeff, Ryno Matthys 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Bestuursmodelle word vandag oor die algemeen as diagnostiese instrumente in
organisasies benut. Die struktuur van hierdie bestuursmodelle word selde
ondersoek om te bepaal of dit met die empiriese realiteit verband hou. Hierdie
studie het ten doel om so 'n model, die bestuursbevoegdheidmodel wat deur
Hall( 1988) ontwikkel was, te evalueer. Hall se model gee antwoorde op vrae oor
die algemene bestuursklimaat van die organisasie. Die installing waar die navorsing
gedoen was, is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse militere installing. Die Ramona-program is
gebruik om te bepaal of daar wei passing is tussen die empiriese realiteit en
bestuursprestasie in die betrokke organisasie waar die studie uitgevoer is. Daar is
gevind dat daar gebrekkige passing tussen die empiriese realiteit en
bestuursprestasie bestaan. Die waarde van die studie le daarin dat die betrokke
organisasie in staat gestel word om alternatiewe modelle te oorweeg wat bes
moontlik meer effektief sou kon wees. / Management models are used today as diagnostic instruments in organisations.
The structure of these management models is seldom investigated for its validity
and reliability. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Competence Process model
developed by Jay Hall(1988). This model provides answers on the general
management climate of the organisation. The research was performed at a South
African military institution. The Ramona-programme was utilised in order to
determine the match between the empirical reality and management performance
in the particular organisation where this study was performed. The finding was that
there is insufficient match between the empirical reality and management
performance. The value of this study is that the specific organisation can now
consider alternative models of management performance that are more effective. / Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Exploring the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility / Erika du PlessisDu Plessis, Erika January 2013 (has links)
The social environment has been recognised as one of the key aspects in determining the quality of life throughout the human lifespan. Human behaviour, thoughts, feelings and attitudes are socially constructed and can only be understood when viewed from the perspective of social interaction. Older individuals, who live in residential facilities experience a diminished quality of life due to factors such as loss of independence, reduced social networks, functional dependence, and contextual changes. Depression, loneliness and social isolation are an integral part of these individuals’ lives.
People develop specific styles of relating, also referred to as interpersonal styles. The systems theory is used to explain the circular processes of the interaction between people. In particular the Self-Interactional Group Theory (SIGT) is proposed as theoretical framework to explore the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility. SIGT views the interaction between people on three levels, namely the intra-personal level, the interpersonal level and the group level, which operate interdependently in the interaction between people. The interpersonal level of analysis consists of the definition of the relationship, relational qualities, motivation to engage with people to address needs and needs satisfaction as well as the circular processes of which the interaction consists of. The interactions between people always take place in an interpersonal context, embedded in broader environments.
A qualitative and exploratory research design was selected to explore the relational qualities in interactions between older individuals living in a residential care facility. This study is based on data collected during a primary research study at a residential care facility for older individuals in 2013. The purpose of study was to explore the quality of life of older individuals residing in a residential care facility in Gauteng, South Africa. The data-gathering process in the primary research study involved the Mmogo-Method, a visual projective data-gathering method, the World Café method and person-centred interviews to gain insight into the participants’ life experiences at the residential care facility. For the purpose of this research, only the person-centred interviews were used for the secondary analysis of the data. Twelve purposely-selected individuals (aged 80 to 95; 3 men and 9 women) from the residential care facility participated voluntarily in the person-centered interviews, which were audio recorded.
The collected data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to two different methods of analyses. First, data were analysed thematically by adopting an inductive approach. The themes identified in this first phase were next subjected to a deductive content analysis. The themes were categorised according to the relational variables in accordance with the Interactional Pattern Analysis (IPA), thereby contributing to the trustworthiness of the findings.
The findings revealed that the interactions between older individuals take place in a broader environment that advocate the active participation of people. Active participation takes place both in and outside the facility and older people reported that this contributed to their quality of life. The relational qualities that could be described as enhancing interpersonal connectivity and satisfying older people’s needs for confirmation were identified as empathy, unconditional acceptance of others, confirmation and interpersonal flexibility. This research, however, highlighted relational qualities that restrained quality of life of older people, namely confusing self-presentation, ineffective expression on needs and withdrawal due to physical immobility. Needs were expressed in a very unspecific, blaming or manipulative manner, and consequently needs were not satisfied, but provoked, instead, feelings of frustration, pain and guilt. This research highlighted the predicament that older people find themselves in. Their decreased physical abilities and limited emotional repertoire to move towards others and the environment also limit their needs satisfaction. The presenting problem of social isolation can be explained by the combination of limited physical mobility and relational qualities that restrain quality of life for older people. This research study thus holds important implications for relationship-focused approaches in residential facilities for older individuals in order to empower and enable them to enhance their quality of life. Specific recommendations include interventions to assist older people to express their needs more effectively and to use opportunities in interaction to confirm them as autonomous functioning older people. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Associations between area-level unemployment, body mass index, and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in an urban areaNaimi, Ashley I. 03 1900 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Il existe peu d’évidences sur l’association entre le taux de chômage dans le milieu résidentiel (CR) et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires parmi les résidents de milieux urbains. De plus, on ne sait pas si ce lien diffère entre les deux sexes. Cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer la direction et la taille de l’association entre le CR et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires, et d’examiner si cette association varie en fonction du sexe. MÉTHODES: Un sous-échantillon de 342 participants de l’Étude sur les habitudes de vie et la santé dans les quartiers montréalais a rapporté ses habitudes de vie et sa situation socio-économique. Des mesures biologiques et anthropométriques ont été recueillies par une infirmière. Le CR a été opérationnalisé en fonction d’une zone-tampon d’un rayon de 250 m centrée sur la résidence de chacun des participants à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). Des équations d’estimation généralisées ont été utilisées afin d’estimer l’association entre le CR et l’Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) et un score cumulatif de Risque Cardio-métabolique (RC) représentant la présence de valeurs élevées de cholestérol total, de triglycérides, de lipoprotéines de haute densité et d’hémoglobine glyquée. RÉSULTATS: Après ajustement pour l’âge, le sexe, le tabagisme, les comportements de santé et le statut socio-économique, le fait de vivre dans un endroit classé dans le 3e ou 4e quartile de CR était associé avec un IMC plus élevé (beta pour Q4 = 2.1 kg/m2, IC 95%: 1.02-3.20; beta pour Q3 = 1.5 kg/m2, IC 95%: 0.55-2.47) et un taux plus élevé de risque cardiovasculaires Risque Relatif [RR pour Q4 = 1.82 (IC 95 %: 1.35-2.44); RR pour Q3 = 1.66 (IC 95%: 1.33-2.06)] par rapport au 1er quartile. L'interaction entre le sexe et le CR révèle une différence absolue d’IMC de 1.99 kg/m2 (IC 95%: 0.00-4.01) et un risque supérieur (RR=1.39; IC 95%: 1.06-1.81) chez les femmes par rapport aux hommes. CONCLUSIONS: Le taux de chômage dans le milieux résidentiel est associé à un plus grand risque de maladies cardiovasculaires, mais cette association est plus prononcée chez les femmes. / INTRODUCTION: Little is known about whether area-level unemployment is independently associated with individual-level Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) in an urban setting. Furthermore, it is unclear whether this relationship differs by sex. This thesis examined the direction and magnitude of the association between area-level unemployment (ALU) and Body Mass Index (BMI) and a marker for CVD risk, and whether this association differs by sex. METHODS: A sample of 342 individuals from the Montreal Neighbourhood Survey of Lifestyle and Health (MNSLH) self-reported behavioural and socioeconomic information. A registered nurse collected biochemical and anthropometric data. ALU was operationalised within a 250 m radius buffer centered on individual residence using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Generalized Estimating Equations were used to determine if body mass index (BMI), and a cumulative score for total cardiometabolic risk (TCR) representing elevated values for total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycosylated hemoglobin, were associated with ALU. RESULTS: After adjustment for age, gender, smoking status, behavioural, and socioeconomic covariates, living in an area in the upper ALU quartiles was associated with an elevated BMI [Q4 beta = 2.1 kg/m2 (95% CI: 1.02-3.20)] and greater TCR [Q4 RR = 1.82 (95 % CI: 1.35-2.44); Q3 RR = 1.66 (95% CI: 1.33-2.06)] relative to the 1st quartile. Sex-by-ALU interaction revealed a 1.99 kg/m2 (95% CI: 0.00-4.01) difference in BMI and 1.39-fold (95% CI: 1.06-1.81) greater TCR Score for women compared to men. CONCLUSIONS: Area-level unemployment is associated with greater CVD risk in men and women but associations are stronger among women.
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