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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les nanotechnologies dans l'enseignement secondaire : une recherche sur la compréhension des controverses "nanos" par des lycéens / Nanotechnologies in secondary education : A study of highschool students' understanding of the controversies raised by nanotechnologies

Hingant, Bénédicte 31 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse en éducation aux sciences s'intéresse d'une part à la manière dont des lycéens peuvent comprendre les controverses soulevées par les nanotechnologies et d'autre part à la façon dont ils prennent de la distance face aux discours portés par différents acteurs sur ces développements technoscientifiques. Une analyse des controverses menée en utilisant des méthodologies de sociologie des sciences nous a d'abord permis de mettre en évidence que ce ne sont pas seulement les productions issues des nanotechnologies qui sont questionnées dans les débats sur les nanotechnologies en France. La manière dont ces programmes technoscientifiques existent et sont mis en œuvre dans nos sociétés démocratiques est également interrogée voire remise en cause. Cette analyse épistémologique et sociologique de la controverse a orienté l'élaboration d'une séquence pédagogique, suivant l'approche des recherches “ design-based ”. Les activités qui la compose ont été construites au travers d'un travail mené au lycée avec quatre classes de première S (élèves âgés de 15-17 ans). Elles s'articulent autour d'un jeu de rôle, d'une recherche documentaire et d'une séance de synthèse aboutissant à un document résumant le positionnement de la classe sur les nanotechnologies. L'analyse des productions orales et écrites des élèves a été effectuée d'une part, en utilisant le modèle de scolarisation des controverses socioscientifiques d'Albe (2007) afin de caractériser la compréhension collective que les élèves avaient de la controverse. Nous nous sommes ainsi intéressés aux savoirs qu'ils mobilisaient dans leurs interventions et leurs écrits. D'autre part, nous avons caractérisé leur prise de distance par rapport aux discours qu'ils rencontraient, notamment en identifiant les éventuelles argumentations fallacieuses dans leurs prises de paroles. Nous nous sommes pour cela appuyés sur la théorie pragma-dialectique de l'argumentation de van Eemeren et Grootendorst (1996, 2004). Ces analyses ont montré que les élèves s'étaient emparés d'une diversité d'aspects de la controverse. Ils se sont montrés capables de comprendre des documents directement issus de l'espace social et de questionner certains discours portés sur les nanotechnologies, en particulier les discours qu'ils percevaient comme des discours d'acceptabilité. Au moment de formuler leur avis, les lycéens ont eu cependant tendance à reproduire un discours vague et consensuel stipulant que le développement des nanotechnologies est bénéfique mais qu'il existe des “risques à prendre compte”, et qu'il faut informer le public. / The purpose of this manuscript is to characterize the ways highschool students can grasp nanotechnologies controversies and to identify how they critically consider different discourses held by different actors about these technoscientific developments. As a first step, we completed an analysis of the controversies raised in France by nanotechnologies. It showed that in addition to questions about the products of nanotechnologies and their effects, the ways nanotechnologies' programs are developped and currently exist in our societies constitute a bone of contention. We used this epistemological and sociological analysis of the controversies as a touchstone to progressively design a set of school activities. To elaborate them, we also resorted to a design-based research approach and implemented them with four groups of about 30 15-17 years old students. The final pedagogical sequence consisted of a role play, a webquest and a last activity were students completed a text summarizing their collective stance on nanotechnologies developments. The analysis of students' oral and written productions that we have carried out, is twofold. In order to characterize their collective understanding of the controversies raised by nanotechnology, we analyzed the contents of students' interventions by using Albe's (2007) model on schooling socioscientific controversies. Moreover, attention was paid on how students' critically consider discourses on nanotechnology, in particular by identifying fallacies in their argumentation. This was performed following a pragma-dialectical approach of argumentation (van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 1996, 2004). These analyses showed students grasped many aspects of the controversy. They proved able to understand some documents directly emanating from the social space. They also critically discussed some discourses held on nanotechnologies, in particular the ones they regarded as acceptability discourses. However, when expressing their opinions, students tended to reproduce a common and vague stance asserting that nanotechnologies developments is to breed benefits but also entails some “ risks that have to be taken into account ” and that the public has to be informed about them.

Argumentos, conhecimentos e valores em respostas a questões sociocientíficas - um caso no ensino fundamental / Arguments, knowledge and values in answers to socioscientific issues - a case in the Elementary School

Érica Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Dell Asem 09 December 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analiso em que medida estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola particular do município de São Paulo se apropriam dos conceitos científicos veiculados por um filme infanto-juvenil (Os Sem Floresta, 2006) na construção de seus discursos argumentativos e se, também, utilizam padrões morais e valores em seus textos por se tratar de uma questão sociocientífica. As questões sociocientíficas são aquelas que envolvem tomadas de decisões relacionando aspectos científicos, culturais, sociais e políticos, além de questões morais e éticas. Essas questões não apresentam uma solução única, definitiva e satisfatória do ponto de vista moral. O problema de desmatar uma área de floresta para a construção de um condomínio suscita diferentes olhares e opiniões sendo considerada a questão sociocientífica norteadora deste trabalho. Essa questão foi desenvolvida a partir do tema central do filme infanto-juvenil apresentado aos alunos. Os critérios de escolha do filme foram: sua linguagem dinâmica condizente com a faixa etária, sua ampla divulgação e aceitação pelo público e sua temática relacionada às questões ambientais, políticas, econômicas, sociais, éticas e culturais, contemplando os currículos com ênfase Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade-Ambiente - CTSA. Inicialmente é feita uma discussão sobre a análise do discurso do filme para perceber as mensagens que estão por dentro de seu discurso, com o objetivo de alicerçar a análise dos textos dos alunos. Os textos produzidos sobre a questão do desmatamento foram transcritos e analisados segundo o padrão de argumento Toulmin (2006). A partir deste referencial de análise, foram identificados valores empregados pelos alunos, como: respeito ao meio ambiente, valor à vida, ao coletivo, à cultura, à moradia e aos recursos financeiros. Os valores usados nas respostas estavam presentes no filme trabalhado, o que mostra que o filme apresenta grande influência na construção das respostas dos alunos. O respeito ao meio ambiente foi o valor que apareceu com maior frequência, mostrando uma estreita ligação das respostas com as mensagens do filme. Os alunos responderam à questão utilizando raciocínios baseados em princípios, consequências, emoção ou intuição. Os padrões morais foram categorizados segundo o padrão moral racionalista proposto por Sadler & Zeidler (2004). A maioria das respostas apresentou consequências (Raciocínio Moral Consequencialista) para o ato de desmatar, mesma abordagem do filme. Os conceitos científicos também apareceram de forma significativa nas respostas, principalmente os conceitos que são trabalhados no filme, como: desmatamento, extinção das espécies, recursos necessários para a sobrevivência das espécies, animais como pragas naturais, cadeia alimentar, hibernação e plantio de árvores. A garantia (W), segundo o padrão de Toulmin (2006), foi o elemento do argumento que mais apresentou conceitos trabalhados no filme, mostrando que os alunos utilizam como justificativa as informações do próprio filme. A preponderância dos padrões morais, valores e conceitos científicos presentes no filme na construção das respostas dos alunos mostra o quanto as mensagens presentes nesse recurso são significativas aos alunos e passam a fazer parte de seus repertórios. / In this work, I analyze to what extent a group of students from the fifth year of the Elementary School from a private school of São Paulo appropriate the scientific concepts disclosed by a juvenile movie (Over the Hedge, 2006) to construct their argumentative discourses, and whether they also use moral patterns and values in their writings, when dealing with a socioscientific issue. The socioscientific issues involve the decision taking process related not only to scientific, cultural, social, and political aspects, but also to morals and ethics aspects. These issues do not have one unique satisfactory and definitive solution from the moral perspective. The problem of deforesting for the construction of condominium homes raises different point of views and opinions, and in this research, the socioscientific issue was considered the most important of them, and this issue was developed from the main theme of the juvenile movie seen by the students. The criteria for choosing the movie were: its dynamic language consistent with the student\'s age range, its broad dissemination and acceptance by the general public, and its thematic related to environmental, political, economy, social, ethical, and cultural issues, all of them contemplating the curriculum with Scientific-Technology-Society-Environment - STS - emphasis. Initially a discussion about the movie\'s discourse analysis is done, in order to realize the messages inside its discourse, with the goal to support the analysis of the students\' writings. The writings about the deforesting issue were transcribed and analyzed according to the Toulmin argument pattern (2006). From this referential analysis, values used by the students, such as respect for the environment and value for life, collective, culture, housing, and financial resources were identified. The values used in the answers were in the movie, showing that it made a huge influence on the construction of the student\'s answers. The respect for the environment was the value that most appeared in the answers, showing a close connection between these and the movie\'s messages. Students solved the questions using reasoning based on principles, consequences, emotion or intuition. The moral patterns were categorized according to the rationalist moral pattern proposed by Sadler & Zeidler (2004). Most answers had consequences (Consequentalist Reasoning) to the deforesting act, the same approach of the movie. The scientific concepts also appeared significantly, mainly the concepts presented during the movie, such as: deforesting, species extinction, necessary resources to species survival, animals as natural pest, food chain, hibernation, and planting trees. The warranty (W), according to Toulmin pattern (2006), was the argument element with most concepts presented in the movie, showing that the students used the movie\'s information as justification to their answers. The strong presence in the student\'s answers of moral patterns, values and scientific concepts from the movie shows not only how the messages in this kind of resource are significant to the students, but also that these messages become part of their repertories.

Atividades sociocientíficas em sala de aula de física: as argumentações dos estudantes / Socioscientific activities in the classroom of pfysics: the students\' argumentations

Sidnei Pércia da Penha 13 December 2012 (has links)
Uma importante questão colocada na área de Ensino de Ciências é identificar se o ensino de ciências pode, de algum modo contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade das decisão dos estudantes sobre questões sociocientíficas. Esta pesquisa investigou o modo como os estudantes atuam em uma atividade de debate simulado em uma sala de aula de Física: Como participam destas atividades? Qual o tipo, o modo e o grau da Sensibilidade Moral de seu Raciocínio Informal? Qual a qualidade de sua argumentação? Para responder a estas questões, além de uma revisão sistemática da literatura da área relacionada às questões sociocientíficas, desenvolvemos uma Ferramenta Analítica para avaliar a qualidade da argumentação dos estudantes, que se fundamenta na avaliação da qualidade dos argumentos e da qualidade das oposições entre eles. Os dados dessa pesquisa são as transcrições de duas atividades de debate simulado sobre a instalação da TV digital brasileira, nas quais grupos de estudantes atuaram defendendo interesses específicos. Os resultados desse estudo indicaram que a organização da atividade em grupos facilitou o fluxo da argumentação e criou o efeito de atenuar a grande diversidade de suas contribuições. Mostraram também que, nestas atividades, os estudantes utilizaram o padrão Racionalista de Raciocínio Informal e que o modo como orientaram seu Raciocínio Informal e a Sensibilidade Moral de suas considerações estavam fortemente relacionadas ao contexto de cada atividade. A utilização de nossa Ferramenta Analítica nos permitiu identificar que, durante sua argumentação, os estudantes elaboraram premissas que são aceitáveis e relevantes, mas grande parte não é suficiente para suportar o peso de suas afirmações, e que contextos mais sociais possuem maior propensão para promoção de episódios de melhor nível de qualidade da argumentação. Recomendações para a área são elaboradas em nossas considerações finais. / An important question science teaching area is related to identifying if science teaching can contribute to improve the quality of students\' decision about socioscientific issues. This research investigated how students act in a simulated debate activity in a physics class: How students take part in these activities? What are the patterns, the way and the Moral Sensitivity degree of their Informal Reasoning? And how is their argumentation quality? To answer all of these questions, besides a systematic literature review in the area of socioscientific issues, we also developed an analytical tool to assess the students\' argumentation quality, which is based on the evaluation of the arguments quality and quality of opositions between the arguments. Data this study are transcripts of two simulated debate activities about installing the Brazilian digital TV, in which groups of students worked defending specific interests. The results of this study indicated that the the activities organized in groups facilitated the flow of the argumentation and created the effect of reducing the great diversity of their contributions. They also showed that in these activities the students used the Rationalist Informal Reasoning Patterns. In addition, the results showed that not only the Reasoning Mode but also the Moral Sensitivity were strongly related to the context of each activity. Through the use of our analytical tool we were able to identify that during their argumentation students formulate assumptions that are acceptable and relevant, but most of them are not sufficient to support the weight of their claims. Our analysis also indicated that social contexts have more possibility to promote episodes of high quality of argumentation level. Recommendations for the area, are presented in our final considerations.

Argumentation socioscientifique : rôle des connaissances scientifiques et techniques? / Socioscientific Argumentation : The Role of Scientific and Technical Knowledge?

Rached, Elie 03 July 2015 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a un double objectif : d’un côté, l’élaboration d’une séquence d’apprentissage-enseignement d’une question socioscientifique, dédiée à l’argumentation et intégrée à un curriculum traditionnel français ; et d’un autre côté, l’examen de l’argumentation et de la mobilisation de connaissances (par exemple, conceptuelles scientifiques et techniques) et de l’interrelation éventuelle entre elles, lors du choix, en classe, d’un système de chauffage pour une habitation dans le cadre de débats sur le(s) changement(s) climatique(s) par des lycéens en Première scientifique. La conception de l’environnement (ou l’écologie) d’enseignement-apprentissage contextualisé et des moyens pour soutenir cet environnement se base sur deux cadres de référence : l’ « Experimental Design-based Research », un cadre général de conduite de recherche en éducation des sciences et le « Modèle d’une Écologie d’une controverse socioscientifique » un modèle spécifique à l’éducation des controverses socioscientifiques et par les controverses socioscientifiques. L’analyse de l’argumentation et de la mobilisation de connaissances (soient conceptuelles scientifiques et techniques) est organisée tout autour de l’étude de la structure (soient mobilisation de réfutations et d’arguments élaborés (mobilisation de qualification(s) avec au moins cinq bases)) et du contenu (soient des domaines d’abstraction, les thèmes, les sources et la validité) de l’argument, le produit de l’argumentation. Les résultats indiquent la mobilisation par les élèves d’arguments de qualité (de réfutations et d’arguments élaborés).et de contenus et de domaines d’abstractions élevés, mais tous les deux restent rares. Les élèves mobilisent aussi des contenus conceptuels scientifiques et techniques tout au long de la séquence. Cependant, ces contenus qu’ils soient de thèmes scientifiques , techniques ou autres, peuvent être de domaines d’abstraction faible, moyen ou élevé, et provenant des documents distribués, du curriculum prescrit ou d’autres sources. Un lien est établi entre la mobilisation de réfutations (rencontrées seulement lors des discussions des élèves en groupe et lors du débat de toute la classe) et la mobilisation de contenus valides avec une explication partielle ou convenable. Toutefois, aucun lien n’est établi entre les arguments élaborés (intégrant de(s) qualification(s) avec au moins cinq bases) mobilisés lors de la présentation des groupes et lors du pré-test et du post-test, et les contenus qu’ils soient de thèmes scientifiques, techniques ou autres ; erronés comme valides ; de domaines d’abstraction faible, moyen ou élevé ; et issus des documents distribués, du curriculum prescrit ou d’autres sources. Une discussion des résultats obtenus est réalisée. En plus, une analyse rétrospective de nos résultats obtenus à la lumière de nos cadres de références et de nos buts de recherche nous mène, entre autres, à proposer des ajustements de la séquence d’enseignement-apprentissage élaborée et de la méthodologie adoptée. / The work presented in this thesis has two objectives: on the one hand, the development of a teaching-learning sequence of a socio-scientific issue, dedicated to argumentation and integrated to a traditional French Curriculum; and on the other, the examination of the argumentation and knowledge use (e.g. conceptual scientific knowledge and technical knowledge) and the possible link between them, when high school students in grade 11scientific curriculum (16-17 years old) choose, in the classroom, a heating system for a residence, in the context of debates on climate change. The design of a contextualized teaching-learning environment (or ecology) and means to support this environment is based on two frameworks: the « Experimental Design-based Research », a general framework for conducting research in Science education and the “Modèle d’une écologie d’une controverse socioscientifique » a specific model for the education of socio-scientific controversies. The analysis of argumentation and knowledge use (e.g. conceptual scientific knowledge and technical) is organized around the study of the structure (e.g. mobilization of rebuttals or elaborated arguments (qualifiers mobilization (s) with at least five bases)) and content (e.g. abstraction areas, themes, sources and validity) of the argument, the artifact constructed. The results indicate mobilization by students of quality arguments (rebuttals and elaborated arguments) and content of high abstraction areas, but both remain rare. Students also mobilize conceptual scientific contents and technical one throughout the sequence. However, these contents whether scientific topics, technical or mother, may be of low, medium or high abstraction areas; and drawn from handouts, prescribed curriculum or other sources. A link is established between the mobilization of rebuttals (only encountered during students ‘group discussions and during all class debate) and the mobilization of valid content with at least partial explanation. However, no link is established between the elaborated arguments mobilized during groups presentation and during the pre-test and post-test, and the content, whether scientific, technical or other; wrong or valid; with areas of low abstraction, medium or high; and drawn from handouts, prescribed curriculum or from other sources. A discussion of results is done. In addition, , a retrospective analysis of our results in light of our frames of reference, and of our research objectives, leads us among other things, to propose adjustments to the elaborated methodology and teaching-learning sequence.

Guilty until proven? : Nanomaterial i konsumentprodukter som sociovetenskapligt dilemma.

Karlsson, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Nano materials can today be found in a wide range of consumer products and the number of new products on the market is expected to inrease. In the shadow of hope for nano materilas potential in various applications, low awareness of its health and environmental risks is hiding. Furthermore, the knowledge about people´s risk perception of nano materials is limited. Parallel to the situation described above, the scholls meet the challenge of incrasing the scientific literacy. To achieve this goal, skills in argumentation in science studies has been emphasized and the concept of socio-scientific issues has been emerged. Using focus groups as a method, this study aimed first, to explore young engineering student´s risk perception of nano materials, and secont to analyze the extent to which they apply scientific konwledge to argue about nano materials. The material from the focus group interviews was analyzed with respect to both content and interaction. To analyze the content, a thematic classification of the material was made. The interactive and communicative forms were highlighted by an analysis of arguments according to the SEE-SEP-model. Seven themes were indentified from the focus group material. It was also assumed that 55 percent of the participants´arguments were based on values, 25 percent on konwledge and 20 percent on personal experiences. Despite the absence of specific knowledge, the young engineering students have the ability to conduct a complex argumentation about nano materials where they involve the paradox; new opportunities, inresolved risks. Their risk perception is not primarily based on knowledge but on emotional expressions such as fascination, hope, resignation and fear. / Nanomaterial återfinns idag i ett brett spektrum av konsumentprodukter och antalet nya produkter förväntas öka på marknaden. I skuggan av förhoppningar om nanomaterialens potential i allehanda tillämpningar döljer sig bristfälliga kunskaper om dess hälso- och miljörisker. Vidare är kunskapen om människors riskpercetion an nanometrial begränsad. Parallellt med den ovan beskrivna situationen står skolan inför utmaningen att öka den naturvetenskapliga allmänbildningen. För att uppnå målet har kompetens inom argumentation i de naturorienterande ämnene betonats och begreppet sociovetenskapliga dilemman vuxit fram. Med fokusgrupper dom metod har studien syftat dels till att undersöka unga teknikstuderandes riskperceetpion av nanomaterial, dels till att analysera i vilken utsträckning de tillämpar vetenskapliga kunskaper för att argumentera om nanomaterial. Materialet från fokusgruppsintervjuerna analyserades med avseende på både innehåll och interaktion. För att analysera innehållet gjordes en tematisk indelning av materialet. De interaktiva och kommunikativa formerna belystes genom en argumentationsanalys enligt SEE-SEP-modellen. Sju teman identifierades ur fokusgruppmaterialet. Vidare utgick 55 % av deltagarnas argument från värderingar. därefter kom kunskap med 25 % och sist personliga erfarenheter med 20 %. Trots avsaknad av specifik kunskap, har unga teknikstuderande förmågan att föra en komplex argumentation om nanomaterial där de berör pradoxen; nya möjligheter, outredda risker. Deras riskperception baseras inte främst på kunskaper utan på emotionella uttryck så som fascination, hopp,uppgivenhet och rädsla.

Vivacité de la question du déclin des abeilles sauvages : étude de la médiation par l'exposition et analyse des contributions d'acteurs lors de sa conception. Le cas du projet européen UrbanBees / How sensitive is the issue of the disappearance of wild bees ? : a study of mediation using an exhibition, and an analysis of the actors' contributions during its conception. The case of the European project UrbanBees

Moreau, Angélique 19 June 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie la mise en exposition de la thématique du déclin des abeilles sauvages au sein du volet médiation du projet de recherche UrbanBees. Ce projet étudie l'hypothèse de l'espace urbain comme zone refuge pour les abeilles sauvages. Il a la particularité d'être adossé à une vaste opération de médiation qui associe des acteurs d'horizons variés (chercheurs, militants associatifs, médiateurs culturels) positionnés différemment sur la thématique concernée. Le déclin des abeilles sauvages constitue à l'heure actuelle ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler une question scientifique socialement vive (QSSV). Elle repose sur quatre dimensions étroitement liées : l'existence même du déclin, ses conséquences et causes potentielles, ainsi que les solutions pour y remédier. Notre étude vise à caractériser la nature de la prise en charge de cette QSSV dans l'exposition et les formes de médiation auxquelles ont recours les acteurs engagés dans sa conception. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la vivacité de la QSSV n'apparait que très ponctuellement et d'une façon relativement consensuelle, orientée par les finalités du projet. En revanche, l'étude de la conception de cette exposition révèle des oppositions marquées, en particulier entre les deux acteurs scientifiques. Les différends sont cependant résolus par les médiateurs qui recentrent le propos sur les points d'accord (les solutions portées par le projet) et le concept fédérateur de Nature en ville. Cela nous conduit à définir les spécificités du média exposition dans le traitement des QSSV par rapport à des dispositifs de médiation visant la participation des publics et à interroger les modes de production qui leurs sont associés / This research studies an exhibition and its conception about the decline of wild bees in the mediation component of the research project UrbanBees. This project explores the hypothesis of urban space as a refuge area for wild bees. It has the particularity of being support on a large operation of mediation that combines actors from diverse backgrounds (researchers, activists, cultural mediators) positioned differently on the subject concerned. The decline of wild bees is currently called a socioscientific controversy (SSC). It is based on 4 interrelated dimensions : the actual existence of decline, its potential causes and consequences, and solutions to overcome the decline. Our study aims to characterize how the SSC is supported in the exhibition and what forms of mediation are used by actors during its conception. The results show that the uncertain character of SSC appears only very occasionally and relatively consensual manner, guided by the goals of the project. Contrariwise, the study of its conception reveals disagreements, especially between two scientists. However, they are resolved by mediators : they refocus on the points of agreement (solutions brought by the project) and the unifying concepts of Nature in the City. This leads us to define the specificities of media exhibition in the treatment of SSC compared to communication actions aimed at the participation of public and examine in parallel conception processes

Att ta ställning : Gymnasieelevers argumentation och beslutsfattande om sociovetenskapliga dilemman

Eriksson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore students’ argumentation and decision-making relating to authentic socioscientific issues (SSI). The ability to make informed decisions about socio scientific issues has been recognized to be an important element in science education to achieve the goal of scientific literacy. However, deliberation on SSIs deals with the fact-value intertwinement and has proven to be a tricky affair, both for students and teachers. In paper I, the focus is on upper secondary students’ use of different reasons in arguing about the existence of wolfs in Sweden. To investigate the students’ ability to find supporting reasons from different subject areas in their informal argumentation, the SEE-SEP model was used as an analytical framework. The results showed that the value aspect dominates students’ informal argumentation on the SSI of wolves in Sweden. In paper II a six-step SSI instructional model is presented, designed to develop students’ ability to argue about complex multi-disciplinary issues. This six-step SSI instructional model aims to create a forum that encourages students to interact with one-another and discuss their arguments dynamically. In paper III students’ argumentation and decision-making upon an authentic SSI relating to environmental toxins in fish from the Baltic Sea, was studied. The students’ argumentation and decision making processes were followed closely and data were collected during multiple stages of the SSI-instructional model. The analysis focused on students’ skills of evaluation and the relationships between the values, knowledge and experiences that they used in their argumentation. The results showed that even though all of the students had access to the same information and agreed on the factual aspects of the issue, they came to different decisions, depending on their background values, knowledge and experiences (i.e. their intellectual baggage). Implications for teaching and research are discussed. / Förmågan att fatta välgrundade beslut i sociovetenskapliga dilemman (SSI) har lyfts fram som ett viktigt inslag i naturvetenskaplig undervisning för att förbereda eleverna på ett liv som medborgare i ett samhälle där kontroversiella frågor med naturvetenskaplig koppling förekommer i allt högre grad. Att hantera SSI-frågor i undervisningen och handskas med sammanflätningen av vetenskapliga fakta, värderingar och etiska perspektiv innebär dock stora utmaningar för både elever och lärare. Fokus i denna avhandling är inriktat mot att ytterligare synliggöra de ingående komponenterna och processerna som sker i arbetet med SSI-frågor, och därmed belysa viktiga aspekter som bör iakttas vid implementering av SSI-frågor i undervisningen. Genom studie I detekteras olika argument baserade på kunskaper, värderingar respektive erfarenheter kopplat till olika ämnesområden, och i studie II förs resonemang att det s.k. intellektuella baggaget, bestående av personliga värderingar, kunskaper och erfarenheter, styr viktning och värdering av olika argument och därmed vilket beslut som slutligen tas. En given slutsats är att SSI-baserad undervisning i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet alltid måste bygga på en tolerans för en sammanflätning av vetenskapliga fakta, värderingar och etiska perspektiv.

Desenvolvimento e análise de material didático on-line para o ensino de conteúdos de química orgânica: controle biorracional de insetos pragas

Silva, Thiago Eliel Mendonça da 23 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:37:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5637.pdf: 2177705 bytes, checksum: afd5655abe776078291da7fc58cc7aeb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-23 / This research has focused on exploring the possibilities and limitations of a WebQuest as an educational tool implemented to cover different topics of Organic Chemistry related to plague insects and their biological control in crop management, Controle Bioracional de Insetos Praga (CBIP), a research program linked to the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) at UFSCar. This case study dealt with the controversial socioscientific issue that represented the control of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) which caused damage on local corn crops, and was performed by a high school class in the Junqueira Educational Center, located in Morro Agudo, SP. The relationships among science, technology and society (STS) and central dimensions to make decisions regarding the addressed problem, as well as the learning possibilities offered by the WebQuest could be understood in a broader context. In order to evaluate the student s performance, their whole textual production towards the resolution of the problem was considered (questionnaires, reports, power point presentations etc.), exposing the alternatives found for this particular plague control in corn crops (mechanical, biological and chemical methods), pretending for that matter to be a fictitious company responsable for the optimization of its corn production. It was possible to verify that the students previously divided into three groups managed this particular task successfully which required analytical and scientific judgement. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar as potencialidades e limitações do desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma WebQuest como material didático on-line, que aborda conteúdos de Química Orgânica relacionados ao Controle Biorracional de Insetos Pragas (CBIP), um programa de pesquisa vinculado ao Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT) do DQ-UFSCar. Por meio do estudo de um caso sociocientífico controverso acerca do controle de lagarta-do-cartucho do milho (Spodoptera frugiperda) por alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Médio do Centro Educacional Junqueira, situado na cidade de Morro Agudo, estado de São Paulo, as interrelações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS) e as demais dimensões centrais para a tomada de posição, bem como as possibilidades de aprendizagem promovidas pela WebQuest proposta puderam ser compreendidos para além do contexto investigado. Para a avaliação da proposta didática foi considerada toda a produção textual dos estudantes para a resolução do problema (questionários; relatórios; apresentação em power point), que compreendia as alternativas encontradas para o controle de S. frugiperda em culturas de milho (métodos mecânicos, biológicos e químicos), com vistas à meta de produção de milho almejada por uma empresa fictícia. Por meio da análise de conteúdo do corpus da pesquisa foi possível verificar que os estudantes, divididos em 3 grupos, buscaram resolver a tarefa que era de natureza analítica, científica e de julgamento.

Aspectos formativos da experiência com questões sociocientíficas no ensino de ciências sob uma perspectiva crítica

Lopes, Nataly Carvalho [UNESP] 07 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-05-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:52:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lopes_nc_me_bauru.pdf: 1260195 bytes, checksum: b39180f70335c6ff96ea97c5c7feaadd (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Qual o potencial formativo dos debates sobre questões sociocientíficas no ensino de ciências segundo uma perspectiva crítica da sociedade? Como podemos discutir a formação dos sujeitos envolvidos em discussões nas quais interagem ciência, tecnologia, sociedade e ambiente? Para lançar luz a estas perguntas e a outras que surgiram no decorrer deste trabalho, acompanhamos uma turma de alunos do segundo ano do ensino médio, junto à professora de física desta turma, com a finalidade de mapear e analisar os aspectos da formação científica destes sujeitos a qual, a partir das teorias de Theodor Adorno, pudemos interpretar e discutir segundo ponto de vista da semiformação. Com este objetivo, instauramos na sala de aula um ambiente de discussões sobre a produção e a distribuição de energia elétrica e suas relações com o desenvolvimento humano, em uma perspectiva que articulou ciência, tecnologia, sociedade e ambiente (CTSA). Assim, foi possível elaborar e concretizar na escola um minicurso sob o título Energia e Desenvolvimento Humano, a partir do qual, pudemos preparar uma situação formativa no ensino de ciências, que objetivou a discursividade, a leitura crítica e os debates na sala de aula. Procedemos esta investigação com entrevistas semiestruturadas com os alunos e a professora, a fim de interpretar seus discursos sobre o assunto abordado. Estas entrevistas foram analisadas de acordo com análise de discurso segundo os pressupostos de Pêcheux e que são difundidos no Brasil por Eni P. Orlandi. A escolha deste aporte teórico para as discussões e anállises nos possibilitou compreender e discutir os elementos destes discursos que nos levam a repensar os processos formativos no ensino de ciências. Por fim, apontamos tanto as limitações deste tipo de abordagem, bem como o potencial formativo a ser... / What is the formative potential of discussions on socioscientific issues in science education according to a critical perspective of society? How can we discuss the person's formation involved in discussions which interact with science, technology, society and environment? To launch light on these questions and others that arose in the course of this work, we have accompanied a group of students the second year of high school, next to physics teacher of this class, with the aim of mappingand analyzing aspects of scientific education of these subjects which, from Theodor Adorno's theories, we could interpret and discuss second view point of semi-formation. With this aim, we introduced in the classroom and environment for discussions about the production and distribution of electric energy and its relationship to human development in perspective which articulated science, technology, society and environment (STSE). Thus, was possible to develop and to concretize a short course in school under the title Energy and Human Development, from which we could prepare a formative situation in science education, which aimed to discourse, critical reading and discussions in the classroom. We proceed this research with semi-structured interviews with students and the teacher in order to interpret their discourse on the theme. These interviews were analyzed through to theory of discourse analysis according to the assumptions and are Pêcheux distributed in Brazil by Eni P. Orlandi. The choice of this theoretical reference for discussions and analysis enabled us to understand and discuss the elements of these discourses that led us to rethink the formative processes in science teaching. Finally, we point out the limitations this approach and the formative potential to be glimpsed from the discussions initiated in class and to discuss the involvement and the possible influences of students in decisions controversies involving science, technology and society

Analyses de pratiques d’enseignement de savoirs de la physique stabilisés (l’énergie) et controversés (le changement climatique) / Analysis of teaching practices in physics on a stabilized content (energy) and a socioscientific issue (global warming)

Hervé, Nicolas 22 October 2012 (has links)
L’importance que prend aujourd’hui l’expertise scientifique et technique dans la prise de décisions politiques questionne à la fois la figure du scientifique et celle du citoyen. Comment apprendre à participer à la prise de décisions politiques en mobilisant des expertises scientifiques ? Dans ce cadre, l’enseignement des sciences et des techniques est critiqué car il s’occupe davantage de la « science faite » (les faits scientifiques) que de la science « en action » (une activité sociale de construction de faits). Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans les courants de recherche SSI (Socioscientific Issues) et QSV (Questions socialement vives) dont l’ambition est d’éduquer le citoyen à « négocier » avec le développement contemporain des technosciences. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier quelques conditions d’intégration de la science en action dans les pratiques effectives d’enseignement, en s’intéressant à la manière dont deux enseignants de Physique enseignent l’énergie, qui est un savoir stabilisé, et le changement climatique, qui est controversé. Cette analyse se structure autour de la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique (TACD), qui est complétée par l’analyse communicationnelle et des jeux de langage, qui permet de décrire l’action des enseignants en classe. Cette thèse propose par conséquent une description de séances d’enseignement sur des savoirs au statut contrasté et compare les épistémologies pratiques des enseignants (intrication de théories plus ou moins implicites sur l’enseignement / apprentissage, sur les savoirs et sur la science, sur l’éducation) conçues comme des déterminants de l’action conjointe. L’intérêt de ce travail consiste à documenter les pratiques effectives d’enseignants de la Physique sur des thèmes peu abordés. Ce travail propose en outre d’intégrer une dimension éducative à l’épistémologie pratique et de caractériser les savoirs enseignés à l’aide d’une description des jeux de langage. / The importance that takes the scientific and technical expertise in policy decisions questions both the figure of the scientific and the citizen. How can we learn to participate in the political decision-making by mobilizing scientific expertise ? In this context the teachnig of science and technology is criticized because it deals more wit "science made" (scientific facts) than science in "action" (a social construction of facts). The aim of this work is to investigate some conditions for integrating science "in action" in the actual practice of teaching, focusing on how two physics teachers teach energy, which is a stabilized content knowledege and climate change, which is a sociocontroversial issue.This analysis is structured around the Joint Action Theory in Didactic (JATD), supplemented by a communicative approach and an analysis of the 'language games".

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