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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevers perspektiv på den fysiska lärmiljöns utforming för ökad inkludering : En fallstudie av tillgänglig lärmiljö på en högstadieskola / Students perspective on the design of the physical learning environment for increased inclusion : A case study of available learning environment at a high school

Malmström, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research what needs students feel that they have, linked to the physical learning environment in the classroom, and how this affects their conditions for learning. These needs can then hopefully give an indication of how the physical learning environment can be designed and adapted to increase its accessibility and thus reduce the need for exclusionary measures. The theories of the study concern thoughts about inclusion and theories about how the physical learning environment can be changed based on students' needs. The theoretical framework is based on a socio-cultural perspective, the ecological system theory and from the special educational perspective. Both a quantitative and a qualitative approach have been used in the form of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with students in one high school. The interview questions were worked out on the basis of the results of the survey. A comparison of the results from the respective survey method has been made and analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework. The pupils experienced a need to reduce both auditory and visual distractions. A high proportion of students felt that the order and study area in the classrooms were not so good. The furniture's adaptation to the students physical conditions deteriorated with the students’ ages. Posters and other information on the walls seemed distracting to some students, while the majority were not disturbed by it or even gave a positive effect. The availability of tactile aids facilitated the conditions for concentrating for certain students. The development of the school's learning environments can, on the basis of the study, be beneficial to all school students and not isolated to students in difficulty to increase the scope of inclusion with all its advantages. Hopefully, the study can provide indications of what needs in the physical learning environment that can be found in students.

A avaliação da aprendizagem no contexto da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na escola pública / Evaluation of learning and the inclusion of students with special educational needs in a regular public school

Castro, Adriano Monteiro de 19 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve como foco analisar os procedimentos de avaliação adotados por professoras dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo com alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em suas turmas. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram na realização de entrevistas com as professoras seguida da análise de conteúdo. O tratamento dos dados apontou, de uma maneira geral, que os consensos e conflitos existentes quanto à avaliação dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais retomam, em grande parte, os fatores intervenientes que dificultam a implementação de uma avaliação formativa para a sala como um todo. Esses fatores parecem originar-se de concepções de ensino e aprendizagem mais tradicionais, que permanecem na escola, sobre as quais as professoras sentem-se pressionadas a construir práticas pedagógicas supostamente adequadas a um paradigma vigente de atenção à diversidade. As evidências encontradas pelo estudo permitiram alguns direcionamentos para a formação continuada, demandando atenção prioritária da escola na organização de espaços e tempos para o compartilhamento de experiências e planejamento colaborativo dos procedimentos de avaliação. / This qualitative research aims to analyze the evaluation procedures adopted by teachers who have students with special educational needs included in regular classrooms in one elementary public school in São Paulo. The methodological procedures were based on interviews with the teachers, and followed by the content analysis. In a general way, the data treatment showed that the existing consensuses and conflicts about the evaluation of the students with special educational needs actually correspond to the intervening factors that make difficult the implementation of a formative evaluation in the classroom as a whole. These factors seem to originate from traditional conceptions of education and learning, that remain in the school, over which the teachers feel compelled to construct pedagogical practices that supposedly responds to the diversity attention paradigm. The evidences found in this study support the statement of some possibilities for the continuous teacher training. Thus, the most important point should be to allow a better set of time and space in the school in order to share experiences and collaborative planning of evaluation procedures among the teachers.

Problemas de comportamento de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, saúde e práticas educativas do cuidador / Not informed by the author

Geraldo, Deisy Emerich 16 November 2017 (has links)
As politicas de apoio a criancas com Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento precisam que seus cuidadores sejam responsaveis por prover o ensino especial necessario para o manejo dos problemas de comportamento e evitar que sejam objeto de rejeicao social em funcao de seus deficits comportamentais. Essa carga de trabalho pode acarretar impacto a saude mental e qualidade de vida dos cuidadores e justifica a importancia de estudos voltados para o mapeamento de tais dificuldades, afim de sustentar propostas de prevencao e intervencao destinadas a este publico. Este estudo, de corte transversal, teve como objetivo identificar associacoes entre os problemas de comportamento de criancas com Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento e a saude mental e qualidade de seus cuidadores, alem de descrever as praticas parentais educativas utilizadas. A amostra foi composta por 91 diades cuidadorescriancas. Todas as criancas (idade entre 3 e 18 anos) estavam matriculadas em escolas da rede publica do municipio de Barueri-SP como aluno com necessidade educacional especial e apresentavam laudo diagnostico de Deficiencia Intelectual (DI) idiopatica, Transtorno do Espectro Autista ou Sindrome de Down comorbido com DI. Para a avaliacao comportamental infantil foi empregada a Escala de Comportamentos Aberrantes, o Inventario de Problemas de Comportamento e o Inventario dos Comportamentos de Criancas e Adolescentes. Para a avaliacao dos cuidadores, aplicou-se o Inventario de Autoavaliacao para Adultos de 18 a 59 anos, o Instrumento abreviado de avaliacao de qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-Bref) e o World-Safe CORE para as praticas parentais. As analises demonstram nao haver diferenca na saude mental do cuidador em funcao do diagnostico de seu filho. A avaliacao comportamental dos cuidadores evidenciou que suas dificuldades internalizantes foram as areas mais impactadas pelos problemas de comportamento infantis. Entre 3,4% e 20% da variancia dos indicadores de saude mental dos cuidadores foi significativamente explicada pelas queixas externalizantes da crianca, especialmente hiperatividade e agressividade, e as dificuldades internalizantes infantis, principalmente o retraimento. As dificuldades comportamentais infantis nao foram preditores da qualidade de vida total dos cuidadores. Ja a frequencia de comportamento agressivo da crianca foi preditor do Dominio Psicologico do WHOQOLBref. Quanto as praticas parentais, muitos reportaram utilizar metodos coercitivos para tentar controlar o comportamento de seus filhos. As queixas internalizantes dos cuidadores, especialmente Ansiedade/ Depressao e Queixas Somaticas, devem ser alvo de atencao das iniciativas em saude. Assim propostas de intervencao para melhoria da saude mental poderiam ser destinadas a todos os cuidadores independente do diagnostico clinico de seus filhos, dado que muitos reportaram o uso de estrategias coercitivas e que seus problemas de comportamento sao similares / Policies to support children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders need their caregivers to be responsible for providing the special education in order to manage behavioral problems and avoid social rejection due to their child behavioral difficulties. This caregiver\'s workload can impact one\'s mental health and quality of life therefore supporting the importance of studies aimed to investigate this impact in order to support prevention and intervention programs for this specific public. This crosssectional study aimed to identify associations between the behavioral problems of children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the mental health and quality of life of their caregivers, as well as to describe their parental practices. The sample consisted of 91 caregiver and child. All children (Aged between 3 and 18 years) were enrolled in public schools in the city of Barueri-SP as students with special educational needs and diagnostic reports of Idiopathic Intellectual Disability (ID), Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down Syndrome comorbid with ID. For the child\'s behavioral assessment, the following questionnaires were used: Aberrant Behavior Checklist, Behavior Problems Inventory and Child Behavior Checklist. For the caregiver\'s evaluation were used the Adult Self-Report, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instruments (WHOQOL-Bref) and the World-Safe CORE for parental practices. The analysis shows that there is no difference in the caregiver\'s mental health due to their child\'s diagnosis. The caregiver\'s behavioral evaluation demonstrated that their internalizing difficulties are the most impacted area due to their children\'s behavioral problems. Between 3.4% and 20% of the variance on the caregiver\'s assessment were significantly predicted by child\'s externalizing complaints, mainly hyperactivity and aggressiveness, and the child\'s internalizing difficulties, especially social withdrawal. Caregiver\'s overall quality of life were not predicted by child\'s behavioral difficulties, whereas the frequency of child\'s aggressive behavior predicts 4% of variance on the Psychological Domain of WHOQOL-Bref. Regarding parental practices, many caregivers reported the use of coercive methods to try to control their children\'s behavior. Caregiver\'s internalizing problems, especially Anxiety/ Depression and Somatic Complaints, should be addressed by health initiatives. Thus, interventions for improving mental health could be targeted to all caregivers regardless their child\'s clinical diagnosis, given that many of them have reported using coercive measures and the similarity of their behavioral problems

Workplace learning for Learning Support Assistants in a special school

Martin, Trudi January 2017 (has links)
This research explored the factors that influence whether Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), who support the learning of pupils with very complex learning needs, are equipped with the necessary skills to help these students learn. A significant feature in the delivery of educational support to pupils with low incidence needs is that it is LSAs who provide the majority of educational instruction and, furthermore, these paraeducators work with only limited supervision from class teachers. It therefore follows that if high quality educational assistance is to be available to pupils, then those undertaking the majority of this support need to have appropriate pedagogical knowledge. I explored this complex subject by undertaking a workplace ethnography at a single special school over the course of an academic year. In my ethnography, I used a number of data collection methods, including semi-structured interviews with teachers, LSAs and therapists, as well as participant and non-participant observations. The limited literature on the topic of LSA learning concludes that they are not being provided with the learning opportunities they need for the demanding work they do. However, because of the scarcity of information in the literature pertaining to the development of this important group of the educational workforce, I needed to look to the literature on organisational learning more broadly to inform my work and relate it to my own area of interest. The lack of priority given to non-formal learning was a key theme across these texts, with opportunities for participative learning emerging as an important feature. However, this aspect alone could not explain the reasons why these paraeducators did not have access to learning provision appropriate to their needs and so I looked to other theories of workplace learning. The conceptual and analytical approach of the Working as Learning Framework (WALF) (Felstead, et al., 2009), with its incorporation of the concepts of systems of production, discretion, and learning environments and territories, offered me the opportunity to scrutinise the situation regarding the learning and development of LSAs from a wide perspective. Through my adoption of the WALF I have identified the influences that shaped the workplace learning environment of the LSAs at the special school. In doing so, I have added to the limited research on this important and yet inadequately understood group. Although my study focused on one special school this research can inform how the abilities of paraeducators in different educational settings can be developed, because of my adoption of the theoretical standpoint of the WALF. Furthermore, by applying the WALF, my thesis has utilised workplace learning theory to make an important intellectual contribution to the discussion about how high quality educational provision can be delivered. My thesis is also apposite, because the number of children with more complex learning difficulties is increasing and these individuals require specialist paraeducators to be appropriately equipped to meet their needs, whether they are being educated in special or mainstream schools.

Escolarização inclusiva de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais : um estudo de caso de um município paulista /

Carvalho, Lia Raquel Pereira de Souza de. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Sadao Omote / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Maria de Lourdes Morales Horiguela / Banca: Enicéia Gonçalvez Mendes / Banca: Olga Maria Piazantin Rolin Rodrigues / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo geral avaliar como a política de educação inclusiva instituída pelo Governo do Estado, na Res. SE nº 95/00 se manifesta em um sistema educacional, através da comparação de como era antes e como foi o período posterior à implantação desta política. E ainda, descrever o desempenho acadêmico e o espaço social ocupado por alunos que freqüentavam classes do ensino comum concomitante às salas de recurso, a atitude social dos professores em relação à inclusão e a percepção desses profissionais sobre seus alunos nos aspectos acadêmicos e interpessoais. A metodologia utilizada foi o Estudo de Caso sobre um sistema educacional do ensino fundamental ciclo I. Tivemos como objeto de estudo as escolas públicas estaduais do ciclo I do Ensino Fundamental de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2005. Os dados foram coletados, por meio de entrevista, questionários sobre a posição social dos alunos, provas do Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo - SARESP-, Escala Lickert de Atitudes Sociais em relação à Inclusão - ELASI e ficha avaliativa do professor sobre o desempenho acadêmico e as relações interpessoais de seus alunos. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente. Os resultados apontam para o aumento tanto do número de alunos encaminhados para a escola especial quanto para o número de alunos com atendimento concomitante em sala de ensino comum e sala de recurso que dobram nos cinco anos posteriores à Res. SE/SP nº 95/00. Quanto ao desempenho dos alunos no SARESP encontramos diferença significante no desempenho em Leitura e Escrita entre alunos com e sem NEE, em todas as séries de todas as escolas pesquisadas, exceto nos resultados da Redação, quando analisadas as 3ªs e 4ªs séries juntas. Um terço dos alunos pesquisados (27%) apresentaram baixa...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:The general goal of this study is aimed at evaluating how the policy of inclusive education established by the State Government through resolution SE No 95/00 manifests itself in an educational system, by comparison, as it was before and how it was during the period after the implementation of this policy. And also, describe the academic performance and social space occupied by students who attended common classrooms and special educational needs classrooms, the teacher's social attitudes regarding the inclusion and the perception of these professionals on their students in academic and interpersonal aspects. The methodology used was the case study. WE had as object of study the 1st cycle of the elementary public schools in the countryside of São Paulo state, in 2005.The data was gathered through interviews, questionnaires on the social position of pupils, tests of "SARESP" an evaluation system that evaluates the students academic performance of São Paulo state, Lickert scale of Social Attitudes regarding the inclusion -ELASI and the reports of the teachers about the academic performance of their students and interpersonal relationship of the students. The data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show an increase both in the number of students sent to special schools as to the number of students with concomitant care in the common classrooms and special needs classrooms that double in the 5 years subsequent to Resolution. SE / SP No 95/00 .The results from SARESP's students point to significant difference in the performance of Reading and Writing skills among students with and without SEN, in all grades of all schools surveyed, except in the results of Writing, when analyzed the 3rd and 4 th grade together. One third of students surveyed (27%) presented low acceptance of their peers. Comparing the beginning and the end of the academic year of 2005,...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Doutor

Vnímání inkluzivního vzdělávání učiteli základní školy / Primary or lower secondary school teachers' perception of inclusive education

MALÁ, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of inclusion and perception of inclusive education by teachers at primary schools. The aim is to explore opinions, attitudes of teachers, their experience and experience in relation to inclusive education, which has been implemented in the Czech Republic since 1st September 2016. The theoretical part describes the history and current concept of inclusive education on the basis of school documents, so far elaborated expert studies and other specialised literature. The theoretical part also introduces pupils with special educational needs. There is also a chapter devoted to school assistants. The practical part introduces the description and evaluation of the research. The research is carried out by means of a qualitative survey approach, namely using the method of semi-structured interviews with teachers from the 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools. Subsequently, the content analysis of the data is used and the interviews are transcribed and analysed so that they can be evaluated and the results processed. Results are compared in steps. n the discussion there will be a comparison of my acquired knowledge and knowledge of Czech experts and also the influence of teachers having a special pedagogy degree working with pupils who have special educational needs. Finally, there is an interview with a teacher who works in a special school as a representative of a different view of inclusive education.

"Jag skulle behöva kunna mer än vad jag gör" - : några pedagogers tankar och erfarenheter kring IKT i klassrumsundervisningen

Almberg, Nina, Hellström, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka några pedagogers tankar och erfarenheter kring IKT (informations- och kommunikationsteknik) i klassrumsundervisningen. Vi ville ta reda på pedagogernas syfte med IKT-arbetet i undervisningen, hur pedagogerna arbetar med IKT för att främja elevernas lärande samt vilka påverkansfaktorer på IKT-användningen pedagogerna beskriver. Enligt våra tidigare erfarenheter används inte datorn i så stor utsträckning i tidigare åren, därför var det av stort intresse för oss att få en förståelse för tidigarelärares pedagogiska synsätt kring IKT i undervisningen. Metoden som användes bestod av kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data. Respondenterna bestod av tre klasslärare i år 1-3, en speciallärare tillika IT-resurs samt två rektorer. Studien genomfördes i två närliggande kommuner i Mellansverige. Intervjusvaren analyserades och redovisades i form av porträtt av respondenterna och utifrån de fyra teman som framträdde; fördelar med IKT, svårigheter/hinder, utbildning/fortbildning samt IKT och barn i behov av särskilt stöd.</p><p> </p><p>Studiens resultat visar att den stora fördelen som respondenterna upplever är att de lättare kan individualisera undervisningen. De respondenter som arbetar med metoden ”Skriva sig till läsning” ser de största fördelarna och minst hinder för IKT-användningen i undervisningen. De anser att problem med tekniken är det största hindret för IKT-användningen. Majoriteten av respondenterna menar att bristen på utbildning/fortbildning inom IKT är ett problem och påverkar IKT-användningen i undervisningen. Alla respondenter är överens om att IKT är ett bra verktyg för barn i behov av särskilt stöd.</p>

Betydelsen av särskilda undervisningsgrupper : tio elevers upplevelser / The importance of special education groups : ten students' experiences

Bahri Lundqvist, Iman January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to gain additional knowledge and a greater understanding of pupils experiences of joining a special teaching group.  The study focuses on pupils with special needs and the ambition has been to get a student perspective of how they perceive their education with special support. In addition, the study is concerned with<strong> </strong>how pupils perceive their special support and whether this has any relevance to their learning, development and future goals.</p><p>This study is based on Urie Bronfenbrenners theory <em>The ecology of human development.</em> The theoretical perspective highlights the interaction between the pupils and the school environment, which is important for development and learning. The study is based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews. Ten pupils from two different municipalities have been interviewed.</p><p>The results show that pupils are positive to the special form of teaching in smaller groups and consider their present situation better than their earlier experience of regular curriculum in large classes. In the special education groups the pupils are able to acquire the knowledge and skills they<strong> </strong>need in order to achieve their future goals.</p> / <p>Uppsatsens syfte har varit att få ökad kunskap och större förståelse om elevers upplevelser av att gå in en särskild undervisningsgrupp. Studien handlar om elever i behov av särskilt stöd och utgångspunkten har varit att få ett elevperspektiv på hur de upplever sin skolgång med särskilt stöd och belysa deras positiva respektive negativa upplevelser om sin särskilda undervisningsform samt i den ordinarie undervisningen i sin dåvarande klass. Uppsatsen kretsar kring hur eleverna upplever sitt särskilda stöd och huruvida den har någon betydelse för deras lärande och utveckling. Dessutom huruvida eleverna känner att skolan erbjudit tillräckligt med resurser, för att uppnå deras framtida mål.</p><p>Uppsatsens teoretiska perspektiv belyser samspelet mellan eleven och dess närmiljöer vilket är betydelsefullt för att utveckling och lärande ska ske. Undersökningen baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av intervjuer. Där tio högstadieelever från två olika kommuner har intervjuats.</p><p>Resultatet av studien visade att eleverna var mer positiva till den särskilda undervisningsformen i en mindre grupp än med den ordinarie undervisningen i stor klass. I den särskilda undervisningen kunde eleverna tillgodose sig kunskaper och färdigheter till skillnad från den ordinarie undervisningen. Den särskilda undervisningen i skolan har haft stor betydelse för deras framtida mål.</p>

"Jag skulle behöva kunna mer än vad jag gör" - : några pedagogers tankar och erfarenheter kring IKT i klassrumsundervisningen

Almberg, Nina, Hellström, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka några pedagogers tankar och erfarenheter kring IKT (informations- och kommunikationsteknik) i klassrumsundervisningen. Vi ville ta reda på pedagogernas syfte med IKT-arbetet i undervisningen, hur pedagogerna arbetar med IKT för att främja elevernas lärande samt vilka påverkansfaktorer på IKT-användningen pedagogerna beskriver. Enligt våra tidigare erfarenheter används inte datorn i så stor utsträckning i tidigare åren, därför var det av stort intresse för oss att få en förståelse för tidigarelärares pedagogiska synsätt kring IKT i undervisningen. Metoden som användes bestod av kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data. Respondenterna bestod av tre klasslärare i år 1-3, en speciallärare tillika IT-resurs samt två rektorer. Studien genomfördes i två närliggande kommuner i Mellansverige. Intervjusvaren analyserades och redovisades i form av porträtt av respondenterna och utifrån de fyra teman som framträdde; fördelar med IKT, svårigheter/hinder, utbildning/fortbildning samt IKT och barn i behov av särskilt stöd.   Studiens resultat visar att den stora fördelen som respondenterna upplever är att de lättare kan individualisera undervisningen. De respondenter som arbetar med metoden ”Skriva sig till läsning” ser de största fördelarna och minst hinder för IKT-användningen i undervisningen. De anser att problem med tekniken är det största hindret för IKT-användningen. Majoriteten av respondenterna menar att bristen på utbildning/fortbildning inom IKT är ett problem och påverkar IKT-användningen i undervisningen. Alla respondenter är överens om att IKT är ett bra verktyg för barn i behov av särskilt stöd.

Välkommen till Åtgärdsprogrammet! : Om gymnasieelevers syn på åtgärdsprogram

Hagman, Claes January 2010 (has links)
The individual educational plan (IEP) is a document used in Swedish schools. The purpose of the document is to help and support students who have difficulties in their schoolwork in various ways. In my experience, the student does not always understand the importance of establishing an IEP as a support and help at school. In this study I try to understand the students’ experience of its relevance and purpose and the impact which can be achieved by an IEP. Four students took part in the study, and below you will find a few of the questions asked in the study:   What does it feel like as a student to obtain an IEP? What experiences do students have of IEPs? As a student what are your ideas when it comes to coping with the measures described? Are they opportunities or obstacles?   In my review of surveys and literature IEPs are examined from different points of view by writers who especially bring up the situation of students and young people in the society they live in, which affects their situation in the daily schoolwork in different ways. The result of the study shows that the students expect their IEPs to help them, but they do not seem to find any strategy for the work. The students describe that it feels good that the problems are brought to light, but at the same time they realize that it will be hard work to reach the target, as they look upon their previous achievements in school as a problem. Finally the question is asked whether an IEP should really be made for students who are absolutely fed up with school and who feel that they do not have much choice when it comes to influencing their school situation on the whole?

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