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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The What If Collection

Daniels, Aisha J 01 January 2019 (has links)
The What If Collection is a visual narrative that confronts white supremacy, the social, economic, and political ideology used to subjugate black civilization via colonial rule and enslavement in history and via structural racism today. Many white people have been socialized into a racial illiteracy that fosters white supremacy. This racial illiteracy fails to realize and understand the destructive effects of Western dominance on the rest of the world, particularly on past and present Africa and her diaspora. In response, utilizing discursive design, the collection constructs a counter-story that depicts a shift in the power structure in which the white oppressor is placed in the historical experience of the black oppressed. Moving forward from the past, a contemporary society is visualized where black people are the dominant force.

Rethinking smart: designing future smart charging. : Rethinking what is smart for a vehicle charging station for families.

Vasquez Crabtree, Zephyr Orlando January 2023 (has links)
There is a push by governments and industries to move towards an all-electric future. With the trajectory of an all-electric vehicle future, the development and popularity of smart chargers have increased. Smart chargers are still in the infancy stage of their lifespan. Currently, there is also a lack of social sustainability research in the HCI community. Right now, is the perfect opportunity to research smart chargers. This research has focused on discovering what makes a smart charger “smart” for a family. With the use of participatory design and speculative design approaches in a workshop setting, four themes were discovered. The themes discovered are priority, habitual assistance, local sharable economy, and home environment handler. The workshop allowed the participants to draw their ideal home in the future. In the drawings and the discussions, the families highlighted that they did not see a charging station in their ideal future home. In its place, several of the families drew a computer that could act like a charger and more. This computer would assist the inhabitants of a home with their daily routines.

Metamorfos; Den mänskliga kroppen i transformation / Metamorphosis; The Human Body in Transformation

Moreno, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Based on what body adornment has been throughout history, this project investigates what it might be in the future. The possibilities, forms and methods of body adornment has changed and will continue to change over time, along with our societal and environmental shifts as well as with developments in science and technology. Our bodies are increasingly perceived as malleable objects that we can modify, enhance and improve. I use speculation as a method to explore how the human body may develop and be modified in the future. I envision a world where we have become increasingly intertwined with technologies, where environmental changes and our lifestyle have affected our biology, and where our bodies have continued to be altered based on social norms. Through this project I have become some kind of contemporary Frankenstein scientist, although I am not in a laboratory but in a jewellery workshop. My objects, which I call potential jewellery, or maybe-jewellery, are presented in an installation in the form of a clinical setting. It is a representation of where body adornment meets medical technology, where jewellery meets prostheses and implants. This project does not have any answers or a clear message about what is right or wrong – it is based on a curiosity without having a conclusion in mind. The installation is meant to be a reminder that our bodies are always adorned, modified and in transformation – that we are in an ongoing metamorphosis from one state to another.

Solar Literacy : exploration of energy-aware digital experiences.

Anna Maria, Puchalska January 2023 (has links)
The Internet is rapidly growing in complexity, with increasing negative environmental and social impact. While heating and lighting are tangible examples of energy consumption, internet usage is not perceived as such. Therefore, it opens up opportunities for new, energy-efficient, slower, resource-saving and mindful protocols for the Internet to emerge. I propose Glow OS, an operating system that enables individuals and communities to align their online activities with intermittent solar energy. This system aims to accelerate the transition to a fossil-free internet by promoting solar literacy in the spirit of joy.

Investigating Consumer Perception and Speculative AI Labels for Creative AI Usage In Media / Undersökning av konsumentuppfattning och spekulativa AI-märkningar för kreativ AI-användning i media.

Sivakumaran, Aswath January 2023 (has links)
The growing importance of Creative AI and its uncertain impact on people necessitates more research. Current studies mainly focus on technical aspects, neglecting consumer perspectives. This study seeks to explore consumer perceptions of Creative AI in consumer media and introduces speculative labeling as a potential solution to empower consumer choice. Through Content Analysis of 32 Creative AI tools and a survey of 40 respondents, insights on AI’s value, potential job displacement, and the need for AI usage disclosure emerged. These findings informed a workshop with 7 participants using the newly proposed N-Speculation method and uncovered consumers’ bias against AI but indifference toward creators. Factors like cost, quality, and the creator (AI or Human) affect purchase decisions. Consumers favor labeling with clear pictograms and detailed AI usage information. These findings advance our understanding of consumer preferences and highlight the need for more consumer-centric Creative AI research. This research underscores the importance of education, addressing bias, and supporting the growth of Creative AI for all stakeholders / Den ökande betydelsen av Kreativ AI och dess osäkra inverkan på människor kräver ytterligare forskning. Nuvarande studier fokuserar främst på tekniska aspekter och försummar konsumentperspektivet. Denna studie syftar till att utforska konsumentens uppfattning av Kreativ AI i konsumentmedier och presenterar spekulativa märkningar som en potentiell lösning för att stärka konsumentens val. Genom innehållsanalys av 32 Kreativ AI-verktyg och en enkät bland 40 respondenter framkom insikter om Kreativ AI:s värde, potentiell arbetsdislokation och behovet av information om AI-användning. Dessa resultat utgjorde grunden för en workshop med 7 deltagare som använde den nyligen föreslagna N-Speculation-metoden och avslöjade konsumentens fördomar mot AI men likgiltighet gentemot skapare. Faktorer som kostnad, kvalitet och skapare (AI eller människa) påverkar köpbesluten. Konsumenten föredrar märkningar med tydliga piktogram och detaljerad information om AI-användningen. Dessa resultat fördjupar vår förståelse av konsumentpreferenser och understryker behovet av mer konsumentcentrerad forskning om Kreativ AI. Denna forskning betonar betydelsen av utbildning, att hantera fördomar och att stödja tillväxten av Kreativ AI för alla intressenter

Framtidens e-handel och hur den kan förbättras / The future of online shopping and how it can improve

Persson, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
E-handel är ett problem för miljön som ständigt ökar samtidigt som det öppnar upp för nya svårigheter. Det störst växande problemet är hur enkelt det är att handla online. Detta leder till andra konsekvenser, såsom underpackning. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka framtida lösningar för att minska E-handel genom att försvåra processen och minska mängden underpackning som sker.   E-handeln är ett ständigt ökande problem för miljön som bidrar med flera problemområden. De största problemen är den låga fyllnadsgrad som sker men framför allt hur man kan motverka enkelheten att handla online (Hellström & Olsson, 2017).  Studien undersöker dessa problem för att komma fram till en spekulativ lösning som är framtidsanpassad.   Projektet har förhållit sig till Ceschin & Gaziulusoy (2016) teori kring design för hållbart beteende för att bygga en förståelse hur man kan påverka individen till en förändring inom hållbar utveckling. Detta arbetades med i en spekulativ designprocess som tog utgångspunkt i en djup litteraturstudie för att hitta designöppningar.    Litteraturstudien togs sedan vidare och utvecklades till fyra scenarion som sattes mot varandra i en polarity mapping för att belysa varje scenarios problem och kunna väga dessa mot varandra (Futures Design Toolkit, 2021).   Dessa scenarion användes i en generativ idégenereringsworkshop för att se hur användare hanterar de olika framtidsscenarierna. Resultatet av detta blev ett intressant utfall där återanvändning av emballage sågs som mest intressant och passande för framtiden då det motverkar nyproduktion. Dessa idéer arbetades sedan vidare med i en skissprocess där det togs fram ett koncept som även blev en del av kunskapsbidraget.   Kunskapsbidraget till designbranschen är en ny approach som belyser dagens problem som även visar upp vägen för att kunna påbörja en positiv förändring på området som börjar i att minska E-handeln. / Online shopping is a problem for the environment that continuously gets worse and opens up for other areas of problems. The largest growing problem is the simple process in order to shop online. This leads to other problems, such as underpacking. The purpose of this study is to explore future solutions in order to reduce online shopping by making it more difficult to order and reduce the underpacking that occurs.    The project has revolved around Ceschin and Gaziulusoy´s (2016) study regarding design for sustainable behavior in order to build an understanding how to make an impact on the individual to make a change regarding online shopping. This was then used in a speculative design process that started in a deep literature study that was used to find design openings.   This study was then developed further into four scenarios that were put up against each other in a polarity mapping in order to find the problems within each scenario. The scenarios were then used in a generative idea generation workshop in order to see how different users would act in order to find a solution for each scenario.    The result of this was an interesting case where the most interesting scenario was reusable packaging. This was seen as the most interesting and best suited for the future due to it minimizing production of new packaging. The ideas were continued in a sketching process that resulted in a concept of a new packaging.

Imagining the Future of Creative AI Tools : A Cospeculative Workshop

Eriksson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Creative artificial intelligence (AI) is often explored in terms of machine intelligence on a philosophical basis. As a counter-reaction, there have been calls for user-centered creative AI. This thesis aims to make visible creative practitioners’ needs, values, and ethical perspectives that might inform us on the construction of future creative AI tools. It also discusses the need for pragmatic aesthetics as a holistic design approach. Five artists of different backgrounds were invited to a co-speculative workshop where they expressed their thoughts and imaginings regarding creativity, creative tools, and AI. The results suggest that we need to be mindful of virtue ethics, N-creativity, exploration, intuition, trust, and agency when designing creative AI tools. Furthermore, the findings were used to propose design sensitivities aimed at AI researchers and designers. Future research is needed in order to make conclusions about the practical value of the proposed design sensitivities. / Kreativ artificiell intelligens (AI) undersöks ofta i termer av maskinintelligens med filosofiska grunder. Som en motreaktion har det förordnats mer användarcentrerad kreativ AI. Denna avhandling syftar till att synliggöra kreativa utövares behov, värderingar och etiska perspektiv som kan informera oss om hur framtida kreativa AI-verktyg bör konstrueras. Den diskuterar även behovet av pragmatisk estetik som en holistisk designstrategi. Fem konstnärer av olika bakgrund deltog i en samspekulativ workshop där de uttryckte sina tankar och föreställningar om kreativitet, kreativa verktyg och AI. Resultaten pekar på att dessa verktyg bör designas med begrepp som dygdetik, N-kreativitet, utforskande, intuition, tillit och datainverkan i åtanke. Vidare användes resultaten för att föreslå designkänsligheter riktade till AI-forskare och designers. Vidare forskning krävs för att kunna dra slutsatser kring designkänsligheternas praktiska nytta.

Penser Montréal en tant que «métropole culturelle numérique durable» par le design participatif, la prospective et le design critique

Libersan, Sarah 08 1900 (has links)
Recherche par le design / Face à l'impératif de transition écologique, il est essentiel de produire des connaissances et d’imaginer des futurs préférables - écologiques et collectivement désirables - pour faciliter le passage à de nouveaux modes de vie consommant radicalement moins de ressources. Les impacts environnementaux méconnus et grandissants liés à nos activités numériques appellent à repenser cette dimension afin de la conjuguer à des futurs plus écologiques. Alors que la métropole montréalaise rayonne à l’international pour ses artistes numériques et son industrie du jeu vidéo, force est de constater que le développement de la culture numérique y est déconnecté du projet de transition écologique. Ces constats empiriques nous amènent à formuler un nouveau projet : faire de Montréal une «métropole culturelle numérique durable». La formulation de cet horizon inconnu constitue une opportunité de recherche à aborder par le design. Cette opportunité nous a incités à réaliser un projet de recherche par le design visant à explorer les futurs possibles pour faire de Montréal une métropole culturelle numérique durable en mobilisant les approches du design participatif, de la prospective et du design critique. Cette recherche a poursuivi deux objectifs principaux : explorer les futurs possibles pour Montréal en tant que métropole culturelle numérique durable en générant des idées qui enrichissent cet inconnu et étudier le croisement des approches théoriques en situation de projet. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons d’abord mené une enquête par recherche bibliographique et entretiens semi-dirigés pour définir le «numérique durable» et enrichir nos constats empiriques initiaux. Nous avons ensuite conçu un dispositif participatif et créatif en mobilisant des méthodes de prospective et de design critique, notamment pour produire des artefacts déclencheurs (des scénarios de prospectives accompagnés d’affiches) racontant les futurs possibles de la métropole culturelle numérique durable de 2035. Le dispositif a ensuite été utilisé lors de deux ateliers de codesign. Une interprétation des effets combinés de la prospective, du design critique et du design participatif sur la performance générative et les raisonnements de conception observés en atelier conclut le projet. La recherche fournit à la fois des avenues pour penser Montréal en tant que métropole culturelle numérique durable en esquissant les principes d’une nouvelle politique publique et une meilleure compréhension de l’intérêt du croisement des approches du design participatif, de la prospective et du design critique. / Given the urgent need for a sustainable transition, it is essential to generate knowledge and envision preferable futures - sustainable and collectively desirable - to facilitate the shift towards new lifestyles consuming radically fewer resources. The unrecognized and growing environmental footprint of our digital activities are calling for some rethinking in order to reconcile this dimension with greener futures. While the city of Montreal is internationally recognized for its digital artists and video game industry, it is also clear that the development of Montreal's digital culture is disconnected from the ongoing sustainable transition. These empirical observations have led us to propose a new project: to make Montreal a "sustainable digital cultural metropolis." This opportunity sparked a research-through-design project aimed at exploring possible futures to make Montreal a sustainable digital cultural metropolis, drawing on the approaches of participatory design, foresight and critical design. This research had two main objectives: to explore possible futures for Montreal as a sustainable digital cultural metropolis through the generation of insights that enrich this unknown concept, and to study the interplay of the theoretical approaches in the context of a project. To achieve these objectives, we first conducted an inquiry using desk research and semi-structured interviews to define "digital sustainability" and enrich our initial empirical observations. We then designed a participatory and creative device, mobilizing foresight and critical design methods, to produce "trigger" artifacts (foresight scenarios accompanied by posters) depicting the possible futures of the sustainable digital cultural metropolis of 2035. The device was then used in two codesign workshops. An analysis of the interplay between foresight, critical design and participatory design in relation with the generative outputs and design thinking processes observed in the workshops concludes the project. The research provides new avenues to envision Montreal as a sustainable digital cultural metropolis and drafts the principles of a new public policy as well as it provides a better understanding of the benefits stemming from the interplay of participatory design, foresight and critical design.

Separationen från natur : Spekulativ Design som uppmärksammar människans relation till natur och utmanar den ontologiska uppfattningen av andra-än-människor / The Separation from Nature : Speculative Design that brings attention to humans’ relation to nature and challenges the ontological perception of other-than-humans

Alqasem, Abdulrahman January 2024 (has links)
Människans relation till natur är problematisk och leder till en alltmer separerad tillvaro från natur och mekanisk syn på andra-än-människor. Studien befinner sig i fältet Design för framtiden i den antropocena tidsåldern och använder sig av design för att uppmärksamma människans relation till natur och sten genom Spekulativ och Posthumanist Design. Resultatet är en Provotype och utställning som belyser problematiken i människans relation till natur och sten genom att spekulera i ett framtidsscenario som tagits fram av forskare inom biologisk mångfald och relaterande forskningsområden. Genom explorativa metoder utforskas ämnet människa och natur. Teori som behandlar Posthumanist Design, Natureculture och Ontologi och människans relation till de mer-än-mänskliga leder studien i en utforskning om hur Spekulativ Design kan besvara frågeställningen om att uppmärksamma människans problematiska relation till natur. / The human relationship with nature is problematic and leads to an increasingly separated existence from nature and a mechanistic view of non-humans. The study is situated in the field of Design for the Future in the Anthropocene and utilizes design to raise awareness on the human relationship with nature and stone through Speculative and Posthumanist Design. The result is a Provtotype and exhibition highlighting the issues in the human relationship with nature and stone by speculating on a future scenario developed by researchers in biodiversity and related research areas. Through exploratory methods, the subject of human and nature is explored. Theory addressing Posthumanist Design, Natureculture, and Ontology, and the human relationship with the more-than-humans, guide the study in an exploration of how Speculative Design can address the question of raising awareness of the problematic human relationship with nature.

Revealing The Nature Of Human Characteristics Through Interaction Design

Luu, Trieu Vy January 2017 (has links)
Everyday we come up with new solutions for our existing problems. But the solutions of today are tomorrow’s problem. The products we create as designers are often bringing more complexity in our society than it is initially intended for. This thesis aims to give a new perspective on the design practice community. Instead of starting with a problem-solving scope, this thesis intent is to find what is truly meaningful for human life, meaning finding, and to propose how we can envision new ways of meaning making within interaction design. The two processes together of meaning finding and meaning making is how we can aim for concrete results that are relevant for our society. To better understand what truly matters for human life, I collected 14 stories through ethnographic research. These ethnographic stories reveal the nature of human characteristics when people face and overcome big challenges in life. Some of these ethnographic stories highlights the life of a WWII survivor, war refugee, leukaemia child-patient and a widow. Parallel, to the ethnographic work, I explored how I can evoke a deeper connection between people, by making them listen to each-other’s heartbeat.  Inevitably, by exploring the fundamental elements of human life and observing the emotions and behaviour of my interviewees and participants, the thesis find itself often on the playground between philosophy and human life. But by taking a strong interaction design perspective, these insights were manifested in the human design manifesto booklet. This booklet proposes six expressions for designers, with the intention to embrace the fundamental elements of human life when we design:  1. Design attitudes, not solutions. 2. Design the medicine of the mind. 3. Design for relationships. 4. Design for our direct senses. 5. Design for the deep human connection. 6. Design the act of kindness  Later on, for the meaning making part: one statement from the Human Design Manifesto was selected to explore in depth: Design the act of kindness. For this expression project Hidden Figures was created. Hidden Figures is a design proposal which demonstrates that a design creation can be driven by the fundamental elements of human life. In this case proposing the act of kindness as a vision on how our society could be.  In overall, this master’s thesis demonstrates how our design proposals can embody and resonate well between the three levels of design philosophy, a designer’s vision and interaction design practice: How we, as designers, can use meaning-making and meaning-finding to create more relevant impact for our society. Last, I hope this work encourages other designers to think deeply about their own creations and its impact. And help designers reflect on why they create and how they could also alternatively practice design.

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