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Sponsoring Literacy in the 21st Century: Understanding the Influence of Out-of-School Literacy Practices in Student LivesAltus, Jillian 01 October 2019 (has links)
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"Vi är så glada och tacksamma att Fredagspodden sponsras av..." : En analys av dold marknadskommunikation i Fredagspodden / "We are so glad and thankful that this podcast is sponsored by..." : An analysis of stealth marketing in FredagspoddenHaglund, Mikaela, Nilsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats studerar podden Fredagspodden och dess sponsorer genom att göra en kvalitativ textanalys utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. I uppsatsen undersöks huruvida det går att utläsa vilket innehåll som är sponsrat i podden. Hur diskuteras andra produkter och följer podden de lagar, regler och etiska riktlinjer som finns? Den kvalitativa textanalysen genomförs utifrån teoretiska perspektiv som dold marknadsföring, misstankens hermeneutik, parasocial interaktion och native advertising. Studiens resultat visar att det går att utläsa vilket innehåll som är sponsrat. Däremot kan detta variera i tydlighet mellan avsnitten och beroende på lyssnarens uppmärksamhet på innehållet. Vidare visar resultatet att programledarna pratar mycket om andra produkter de producerat och även produkter som deras eget produktionsbolag står bakom. I båda dessa fall visar studien att podden följer alla lagar och regler som finns men om detta överensstämmer med de etiska riktlinjerna kan diskuteras. I analysen förs en etisk diskussion som mynnar ut i en rekommendation om att lagstiftningen bör ändras och att det bör tillsättas en myndighet som granskar etiska övertramp i poddar. / This essay studies the podcast Fredagspodden and their sponsors by doing a qualitative text analysis with a hermeneutic perspective. The essay studies if it is possible to distinguish the sponsored content of the podcast, how the hosts discuss other products and if the podcast follow the laws, rules and ethical guidelines that exist. The qualitative text analysis is implemented with the theories stealth marketing, hermeneutic suspicion, parasocial interaction and native advertising. The result of the study shows that it is possible to distinguish the sponsored content of the podcast. However, the clarity varies depending on the episode and the amount of attention of the listener. The result also shows that the hosts often mention other products they have produced and also products that their own production has produced. I both if these cases the podcast follows all laws and rules but concerning whether this is ethically correct could be discussed. In the analysis an ethical discussion will be held which ends with the authors suggesting a change in the laws as well as the implementation of an authority with the mission to control ethical violations in podcasts.
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Den ideella organisationens utmaning : att värva nya och behålla befintliga donatorerHaglund, Annelie, Laine, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of the essay is to result in recommendations for how non-profit organizations work with signing new and keeping existing donors can be improved.</p><p><strong>Methology:</strong> The thesis has a hermeneutic view. It does not have the intention to lead to generalizations, although the result could lead to new knowledge, increased understanding and deepened insight based on well thought-out interpretations. Furthermore, the thesis has a deductive approach. The research method is qualitative and the objectivity has been sustained by not enter personal values and views until the discussion section. It is a case study and semi-structured interviews have been done with two non-profit organizations, two individual donors and three donating/sponsoring companies.</p><p><strong>Theoretical perspective:</strong> The essay proceed from theories in development, fundraising, communication and customer relations. The development theory focuses on five phases of fundraising which go through different cycles of fundraising. In the fundraising theory it is focused on central tools of fundraising, development, encouragement for donation and campaign theories. The value theory empathises the relationship between the non-profit organization and the donors, and the donor’s motivation for donation. In the communication theory section is the adaptation between a non-profit organization and its donors brought up.</p><p><strong>Empiric:</strong> The empiric is a condensed version of the material studied and interviews made for this thesis.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Simplicity is important when it comes to donations. According to the donors, the trustworthiness of the non-profit organizations is important. It is also important to build a relation between the donor and the non-profit organization. When both heart and mind of the donor is involved value is created and donations are motivated.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
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Den ideella organisationens utmaning : att värva nya och behålla befintliga donatorerHaglund, Annelie, Laine, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to result in recommendations for how non-profit organizations work with signing new and keeping existing donors can be improved. Methology: The thesis has a hermeneutic view. It does not have the intention to lead to generalizations, although the result could lead to new knowledge, increased understanding and deepened insight based on well thought-out interpretations. Furthermore, the thesis has a deductive approach. The research method is qualitative and the objectivity has been sustained by not enter personal values and views until the discussion section. It is a case study and semi-structured interviews have been done with two non-profit organizations, two individual donors and three donating/sponsoring companies. Theoretical perspective: The essay proceed from theories in development, fundraising, communication and customer relations. The development theory focuses on five phases of fundraising which go through different cycles of fundraising. In the fundraising theory it is focused on central tools of fundraising, development, encouragement for donation and campaign theories. The value theory empathises the relationship between the non-profit organization and the donors, and the donor’s motivation for donation. In the communication theory section is the adaptation between a non-profit organization and its donors brought up. Empiric: The empiric is a condensed version of the material studied and interviews made for this thesis. Conclusion: Simplicity is important when it comes to donations. According to the donors, the trustworthiness of the non-profit organizations is important. It is also important to build a relation between the donor and the non-profit organization. When both heart and mind of the donor is involved value is created and donations are motivated.
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Sponsring : Ur ett företags och skatterättsligt perspektivKumlin, Malin, Johansson, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Företag sponsrar idrottsföreningar, kulturevenemang, humanitära organisationer samt forskning och utveckling för att exponera sitt varumärke, synas i positiva sammanhang, bygga relationer och skapa en image kring företaget. Medan sponsring som marknadsföringsverktyg hela tiden har utvecklats har dock regelverket kring sponsring och rätten att dra av den som en kostnad i företaget inte haft samma utveckling. Stockholms Handelskammare har de senaste åren arbetat aktivt med att förändra skattereglerna på området och kom under 2006 med ett förslag om förändrade regler för sponsring. Förslaget lämnades till regeringen för vidare hantering men hade i januari 2008 ännu inte resulterat i någon åtgärd. Stockholms Handelskammares arbete och påtryckningar på området har gjort oss intresserade av hur företag i praktiken hanterar de krångliga och oklara regler som anses föreligga. Vi valde därför att intervjua företag och idrottsföreningar för att diskutera deras arbete med sponsring samt hur de hanterar och påverkas av skattereglerna på området.</p><p>Vår undersökning visar att de intervjuade företagen har relativt goda kunskaper om de skatteregler som gäller för sponsring. De intervjuade företagen anser överlag att skattereglerna är relativt tydliga och att dagens regler inte påverkar deras val av marknadsföringskanal. De problem som vi ser och som företagen också upplever vara svårigheten med sponsring är att bedöma värdet av den motprestation som erhålls. Hur noggranna företagen är vid bedömningen av motprestationens värde skiljer sig åt. Några företag uppger att de gör en generell bedöm-ning medan andra företag sätter upp mål med sina sponsringsinsatser som följs upp och utvärderas. Detta visar på ett intresse och krav från företagens sida att erhålla någonting tillbaka från sponsringsobjektet, vilket också tyder på att företagen skiljer på vad som är gåva och vad som utgör en avdragsgill kostnad i företaget.</p>
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Osobnost značky Škoda Auto a její vliv na sponzorované mezinárodní sportovní události / Brand personality Škoda Auto and its influence on sponsored international sport eventsVišněvský, Andrej January 2015 (has links)
Title: Brand personality Škoda Auto and its influence on sponsored international sport events Objective: The aim of this thesis is to measure the brand personality of Škoda Auto and to define its effect on the sponsored international sport events Ice Hockey World Championship and Tour de France. The level of concordance of the personality characteristics will be measured by comparing the results of brand personality between the brand Škoda Auto and the brands of sponsorship. High level of concordance of personality characteristics of brands is assumed in long-term sponsorship. Methods: To identify the brand personality, the standardized method of measuring brand personality by Belgian authors Geuens, Weijters, De Wulf 2009 is utilized, which allows to measure and compare brands of different product categories. The agreement rate of personality characteristics gets measured by comparison of averages of brand personality characteristics and regression and correlation analysis. Results: Škoda Auto is perceived as a stable and responsible brand. International sport events Ice Hockey World Championships and the Tour de France are perceived as active and dynamic brand. During comparison of averages of brand personality characteristics, a higher level of concordance between the brands Škoda Auto and Ice...
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Enhancing purchase intentions through sponsor entitativity : untangling the processDickenson, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Companies increasingly believe that sponsorship, and in particular sport sponsorship, can help them achieve their respective strategic objectives. Achieving sales objectives are especially important in the context of sport sponsorship, given that managers are under increasing pressure to justify their sponsorship expenditure, and that over two-thirds of all sponsorships are directed towards sports properties. However, isolating a sponsorship s contribution to a company s sales figures is difficult to accomplish, and even if this were possible, understanding the mechanisms behind consumers behavioural responses to that respective sponsorship would still constitute a challenge. Hence, understanding consumers behavioural purchase intentions, and what drives these intentions within sponsorship contexts, is of paramount importance. That said, little is known about what drives consumers purchase intentions in sponsorship settings. A greater understanding of consumers behavioural intentions within concurrent sponsorship settings is necessary. Concurrent sponsorships involve multiple brands sponsoring a property at the same time. As such, they are a more realistic and common sponsorship context than simple sponsor-sponsee dyads are. It is important to examine concurrent sponsorships because a collective is formed when multiple sponsors are involved. In turn, social psychology highlights that a collective is characterised by the degree to which its a priori members are perceived as a group. Groups are perceived qualitatively differently to dyads, and can also be perceived differently to the sum of their respective constituent parts. Moreover, the extent to which people perceive a collective as a group can impact upon their subsequent evaluations of that group and that group s actions. Consequently, consumers evaluations of a sponsee s concurrent sponsors and the sponsee itself may be affected by how concurrent sponsorships are perceived, which in turn may affect consumers behavioural intentions. Hence, it is imperative that concurrent sponsorship contexts are investigated. That said, there is scant literature investigating concurrent sponsorships, with sponsorship research historically focussing on sponsor-sponsee dyadic settings. This thesis contributes to our understanding of concurrent sponsorship settings of major sporting events by examining how people s perceptions of concurrent sponsors entitativity influence both their purchase intentions towards a focal concurrent sponsor and their sponsee equity evaluations. An online questionnaire, utilising sponsorship vignettes (scenarios) as part of a factorial survey design, was sent to respondents of a mid-sized UK-based university. Scenarios were used to manipulate respondents into perceiving two concurrent sponsorship settings: a concurrent official providers sponsorship setting and a concurrent official financers sponsorship setting. Hypotheses were tested through Lisrel 8.71 where confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were performed. The results in both sponsorship contexts (concurrent official providers and concurrent official financers ) appear to be very similar. Specifically, the results suggest that people s entitativity perceptions are positively related to their sponsee equity evaluations, which in turn are positively associated with people s purchase intentions. Entitativity is also positively associated with consumers intentions to purchase from a concurrent sponsor but only when consumers attribute high levels of sincerity towards that sponsor. The one significant difference between the two sponsorship types (official providers and official financers) in the study concerns how sincerity affects the entitativity-sponsee equity relationship. People s attributions of sincerity moderate the relationship between entitativity and sponsee equity in the official provider concurrent sponsorship context, such that the entitativity-sponsee equity relationship becomes stronger. However, people s attributions of sponsor sincerity do not affect the entitativity-sponsee equity relationship in the official financer concurrent sponsorship context. A post-hoc examination of repondents entitativity ratings also suggests people perceive official providers as being significantly more entitative than they do official financers. This study makes a number of contributions to both theory and management practice. For example, the study demonstrates how the entitativity concept, found within social psychology, can be applied to concurrent sponsorship settings, such that people s behavioural intentions towards a sponsee and a concurrent sponsor, are influenced by their concurrent sponsor entitativity perceptions. Following this, concurrent sponsors and sponsee rights holders should consider how sponsors can foster people s entitativity perceptions whilst at the same time communicate sincere motives for their respective sponsee sponsorships, as sincerity perceptions are important too. This would not only help the sponsee s rights holder by increasing sponsee equity but the results also suggest that people are more likely to purchase from a concurrent sponsor. That said, this may lead to further difficulties between sponsors and sponsees rights holders. For example, sponsees rights holders may be perceived as needing sponsorships as opposed to being able to command them, which in turn could lead to difficult sponsorship negotiations between rights holders and potential sponsors. Second, the business and marketing acumens of sponsees rights holders are generally regarded to be lower than that of sponsors . In fact, sponsors often act independently of sponsees rights holders when making sponsorship leveraging decisions and investments, and this is partly because sponsees rights holders are not proactive enough in working with the sponsors. Therefore, if sponsees rights holders do not have the capabilities to help sponsors foster entitative and sincere sponsorship contexts, sponsors may be unwilling to renew their sponsorship deals or even set up their own events.
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www.sponsringpåhemsidan.nu : En studie om hur företag kommunicerar sin sponsring på den egna hemsidanJakobsson, Ann January 2010 (has links)
<p>There are countless methods for companies to use as marketing tools and one method that has become more and more popular is sponsoring. Reasons for companies to use sponsoring as a marketing tool is to be exposed and associated in connection with the sponsored item. Companies also use sponsorship to create relationships with the company's target audience. The use of Internet and Internet marketing has also increased during the last years and this paper examines the combination of these two areas, sponsorship and Internet marketing. A survey that examines the websites owned by companies who also are sponsors, answers the following problem:</p><p>How do companies communicate their sponsorship on their own homepages?</p><p>The purpose of this study is to describe how companies use their homepage to communicate their sponsorship. This paper also has two purposes:</p><p>1. To describe how companies are using their rights to associate with the sponsored item.</p><p>2. To describe how companies utilize the opportunity of making relations with the visitor of the website.</p><p>The study used a quantitative method. By using a survey, the websites of “Sweden's 50 largest sponsors in 2008” were examined. The questions were based on the theoretical framework. All 50 sites were examined and analyzed.</p><p>The survey shows that 92 % of the companies communicate their sponsorship on the website and utilize their right to associate with the sponsored items. The most common ways to do this are by publishing the name, a description of the sponsorship, a link, an image and a logotype of the sponsored item. 30 % of the companies use the opportunity to build relationships with the visitors of the homepage through their sponsorship. Blogs, Facebook and Twitter are the most common ways to interact with the visitor and to create a long-term relationship with the visitor. Other common relationship-building activities are competitions and interactive multimedia games in connection with the sponsored items.</p><p>26 % of the companies publish their sponsorship policy on the homepage. Although the majority of the companies did publish information about their sponsorship on their homepage, the information is not easy to find. The information is often placed several clicks away from the front page, under the heading "About us".</p><p>The paper ends with a list of items designed to inspire sponsors to use their homepage when communicating with their target group. For example, it is suggested that companies should place the information about their sponsorship on a strategic place on the site and use the opportunity to sustain the dialogue with the visitor.</p>
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www.sponsringpåhemsidan.nu : En studie om hur företag kommunicerar sin sponsring på den egna hemsidanJakobsson, Ann January 2010 (has links)
There are countless methods for companies to use as marketing tools and one method that has become more and more popular is sponsoring. Reasons for companies to use sponsoring as a marketing tool is to be exposed and associated in connection with the sponsored item. Companies also use sponsorship to create relationships with the company's target audience. The use of Internet and Internet marketing has also increased during the last years and this paper examines the combination of these two areas, sponsorship and Internet marketing. A survey that examines the websites owned by companies who also are sponsors, answers the following problem: How do companies communicate their sponsorship on their own homepages? The purpose of this study is to describe how companies use their homepage to communicate their sponsorship. This paper also has two purposes: 1. To describe how companies are using their rights to associate with the sponsored item. 2. To describe how companies utilize the opportunity of making relations with the visitor of the website. The study used a quantitative method. By using a survey, the websites of “Sweden's 50 largest sponsors in 2008” were examined. The questions were based on the theoretical framework. All 50 sites were examined and analyzed. The survey shows that 92 % of the companies communicate their sponsorship on the website and utilize their right to associate with the sponsored items. The most common ways to do this are by publishing the name, a description of the sponsorship, a link, an image and a logotype of the sponsored item. 30 % of the companies use the opportunity to build relationships with the visitors of the homepage through their sponsorship. Blogs, Facebook and Twitter are the most common ways to interact with the visitor and to create a long-term relationship with the visitor. Other common relationship-building activities are competitions and interactive multimedia games in connection with the sponsored items. 26 % of the companies publish their sponsorship policy on the homepage. Although the majority of the companies did publish information about their sponsorship on their homepage, the information is not easy to find. The information is often placed several clicks away from the front page, under the heading "About us". The paper ends with a list of items designed to inspire sponsors to use their homepage when communicating with their target group. For example, it is suggested that companies should place the information about their sponsorship on a strategic place on the site and use the opportunity to sustain the dialogue with the visitor.
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Sponsring : Ur ett företags och skatterättsligt perspektivKumlin, Malin, Johansson, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
Företag sponsrar idrottsföreningar, kulturevenemang, humanitära organisationer samt forskning och utveckling för att exponera sitt varumärke, synas i positiva sammanhang, bygga relationer och skapa en image kring företaget. Medan sponsring som marknadsföringsverktyg hela tiden har utvecklats har dock regelverket kring sponsring och rätten att dra av den som en kostnad i företaget inte haft samma utveckling. Stockholms Handelskammare har de senaste åren arbetat aktivt med att förändra skattereglerna på området och kom under 2006 med ett förslag om förändrade regler för sponsring. Förslaget lämnades till regeringen för vidare hantering men hade i januari 2008 ännu inte resulterat i någon åtgärd. Stockholms Handelskammares arbete och påtryckningar på området har gjort oss intresserade av hur företag i praktiken hanterar de krångliga och oklara regler som anses föreligga. Vi valde därför att intervjua företag och idrottsföreningar för att diskutera deras arbete med sponsring samt hur de hanterar och påverkas av skattereglerna på området. Vår undersökning visar att de intervjuade företagen har relativt goda kunskaper om de skatteregler som gäller för sponsring. De intervjuade företagen anser överlag att skattereglerna är relativt tydliga och att dagens regler inte påverkar deras val av marknadsföringskanal. De problem som vi ser och som företagen också upplever vara svårigheten med sponsring är att bedöma värdet av den motprestation som erhålls. Hur noggranna företagen är vid bedömningen av motprestationens värde skiljer sig åt. Några företag uppger att de gör en generell bedöm-ning medan andra företag sätter upp mål med sina sponsringsinsatser som följs upp och utvärderas. Detta visar på ett intresse och krav från företagens sida att erhålla någonting tillbaka från sponsringsobjektet, vilket också tyder på att företagen skiljer på vad som är gåva och vad som utgör en avdragsgill kostnad i företaget.
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