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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv vybraných kondičních faktorů na výkonnost ve vodním slalomu / Influence of selected conditional factors on performance in white water slalom

Vondra, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Influence of selected conditional factors on performance in white water slalom. Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship of selected specific movement abilities being examined modified test battery with the performance of athletes in the water slalom. Methods: It was used field measurements where the applied modified test battery. Using GPS module to determine the distance partial tests from batery. For measuring was used manual measurement. To determine the statistical correlation between the modified battery and performance ability of competitors was used two different coefficients of correlation and regression analysis. According to the order of the test and the race was used nonparametric correlation study - Spearman correlation coefficient. Determining the statistical significance of the relationship of measured times in tests and final time in the nomination races have used the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: For a statistically significant relationship was determined value when r ≥ 0.8. Spearman's correlation coefficient: In the test at 40 m were obtained these correlation coefficients: Nomination races rs = 0,380952, Czech cup rs = 0,595238. In the test at 80 meters they were obtained these correlation coefficients: nomination races rs = 0,857143,...

Valoració i entrenament del control neuromuscular per a la millora del rendiment esportiu

Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara 13 July 2010 (has links)
El control neuromuscular ha estat descrit com un important factor per a l'èxit en el rendiment esportiu. De la mateixa manera, també s'ha identificat com a clau en la prevenció i readaptació de les lesions esportives. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és avaluar l'eficàcia de diferents tipus d'entrenament neuromuscular en esportistes.S'ha utilitzat una mostra de 81 esportistes sans entre els diferents estudis que s'hi presenten. Les diferents avaluacions realitzades han registrat els següents ítems: dolor (escala visual analògica), incidència de lesions esportives, estabilitat postural estàtica i dinàmica (estabilometria i salt unipodal) i força explosiva de l'extremitat inferior (salt amb contramoviment). Els dos mètodes d'entrenament neuromuscular utilitzats són l'anomenat TRAL (Teràpia Reequilibradora de l'Aparell Locomotor) i les VCS (vibracions de cos sencer). La primera part d'aquesta tesi (Estudis I i II) va tenir l'objectiu de valorar l'eficàcia del mètode TRAL. Aquest va produir una reducció significant del dolor de turmell independentment del gènere registrat, mentre que en el cas del dolor de genoll només hi van haver diferències en les noies estudiades. Un dels altres efectes registrats importants a destacar va ser la reducció significant de l'àrea de desviació del centre de pressions en el cas de les noies, el que representa una millora de l'estabilitat postural. Aquesta dada també va ser positiva en una de les proves registrades en el grup de nois. La segona part d'aquest treball (Estudi III) es va centrar en donar fiabilitat a una bateria de tests d'equilibri mesurats amb un estabilòmetre, tenint com a objectiu valorar l'estabilitat estàtica i dinàmica de l'extremitat inferior. Es va obtenir una correlació de bona a excel·lent en totes les variables de la millor amplitud promig en el test unipodal d'ulls oberts i tancats. Aquests resultats suggereixen una bona fiabilitat per a la distinció entre grups de subjectes. En el cas del test més dinàmic i proper a la realitat de l'esportista, el salt unipodal, la correlació va ser baixa.Com a continuació d'aquesta segona part, l'estudi IV va comparar de forma transversal les diferències de l'estabilitat postural estàtica i dinàmica segons sexe i cama dominant. El test d'equilibri unipodal d'ulls oberts no va mostrar diferències significatives en la desviació del centre de pressions entre homes i dones. D'altra banda, el sexe femení va mostrar un major equilibri en els tests més dinàmics (UT i S) en comparació amb el sexe masculí. En relació a les diferències entre cama dominant - no dominant, només es van trobar diferències significatives en les dones en la recepció del salt unipodal, mostrant-se un millor control quan la recepció s'efectuava amb la cama dominant.La següent línia de treball es va iniciar amb l'estudi V, que va consistir en una revisió sistemàtica sobre els efectes de l'entrenament vibratori sobre el rendiment esportiu en persones físicament actives. Els resultats van mostrar una gran heterogeneïtat clínica i una baixa qualitat metodològica dels treballs analitzats fins la data cercada. Malgrat no poder extreure conclusions clares, existeix una tendència a la millora de la força explosiva. També podem establir un rang segur dels paràmetres d'aplicació de vibracions mecàniques sobre la població d'estudi. Aquest es troba entre 1,7-11mm d'amplitud i entre 20-44 Hz de freqüència, aplicant-se tant en exercicis estàtics com dinàmics i fins a un màxim de 18 minuts de durada per sessió.Per últim, es va realitzar un assaig clínic controlat aleatori (Estudi VI) amb l'objectiu de valorar l'eficàcia de l'entrenament mitjançant vibracions de cos sencer sobre la força explosiva i el control postural en joves jugadores de bàsquet. Els resultats van mostrar un increment significatiu del salt amb contramoviment, del salt unipodal i de l'equilibri amb ulls tancats a les 8 i 15 setmanes d'entrenament en el grup experimental. És destacable el fet que no es trobessin diferències significatives entre els tests realitzats a les 8 i les 15 setmanes d'entrenament en cap de les variables. D'altra banda, el grup control no va experimentar canvis respecte les valoracions preintervenció. Amb aquests resultats podem afirmar que l'entrenament vibratori possibilita la millora dels paràmetres analitzats, repercutint favorablement en el rendiment esportiu i, també, de forma indirecta, en la prevenció de lesions en esportistes d'alt risc.A forma de síntesi, els estudis d'aquesta tesi emfatitzen la importància del control neuromuscular sobre el rendiment i prevenció de lesions esportives. És necessari destacar la importància de continuar investigant sobre noves eines que mesurin els paràmetres associats al control neuromuscular, així com seguir estudiant l'eficàcia dels diferents mètodes d'entrenament neuromuscular per a la seva optimització. / El control neuromuscular ha sido descrito como un importante factor para el éxito en el rendimiento deportivo. Del mismo modo, también se ha identificado como clave en la prevención y readaptación de las lesiones deportivas. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido evaluar la eficacia de diferentes tipos de entrenamiento neuromuscular en deportistas.Se ha utilizado una muestra de 81 deportistas sanos entre los diferentes estudios que se presentan. Las diferentes evaluaciones realizadas han registrado los siguientes ítems: dolor (escala visual analógica), incidencia de lesiones deportivas, estabilidad postural estática y dinámica (estabilometría y salto unipodal) y fuerza explosiva de la extremidad inferior (salto con contramovimiento). Los métodos de entrenamiento neuromuscular utilizados fueron el llamado TRAL (Terapia reequilibradora del Aparato Locomotor) y las VCE (vibraciones de cuerpo entero).La primera parte de esta tesis (Estudios I y II) tuvo el objetivo de valorar la eficacia del método TRAL. Este produjo una reducción significativa del dolor de tobillo independientemente del género registrado, mientras que en el caso del dolor de rodilla sólo hubo diferencias en las chicas estudiadas. Otro de los efectos registrados importantes a destacar fue la reducción significativa del área de desviación del centro de presiones en el caso de las chicas, lo que representa una mejora de la estabilidad postural. Este dato también fue positivo en una de las pruebas de equilibrio registradas en el grupo de chicos. La segunda parte de este trabajo (Estudio III) se centró en dar fiabilidad a una batería de tests de equilibrio medidos con un estabilómetro, teniendo como objetivo valorar la estabilidad estática y dinámica de la extremidad inferior. Se obtuvo una correlación de buena a excelente en todas las variables de la mejor amplitud media en el test unipodal de ojos abiertos y cerrados. Estos resultados sugieren una buena fiabilidad para la distinción entre grupos de sujetos. En el caso del test más dinámico y cercano a la realidad del deportista, el salto unipodal, la correlación fue baja. Como continuación de esta segunda parte, el estudio IV comparó de forma transversal las diferencias de la estabilidad postural estática y dinámica según sexo y pierna dominante. El test de equilibrio unipodal de ojos abiertos no mostró diferencias significativas en la desviación del centro de presiones entre hombres y mujeres. Por otro lado, el sexo femenino mostró un mayor equilibrio en los tests más dinámicos (UT y S) en comparación con el sexo masculino. En relación a las diferencias entre pierna dominante - no dominante, sólo se encontraron diferencias significativas en las mujeres en la recepción del salto unipodal, mostrándose un mejor control cuando la recepción se efectuaba con la pierna dominante.La siguiente línea de trabajo se inició con el estudio V, que consistió en una revisión sistemática sobre los efectos del entrenamiento vibratorio sobre el rendimiento deportivo en personas físicamente activas. Los resultados mostraron una gran heterogeneidad clínica y una baja calidad metodológica de los trabajos analizados hasta la fecha buscada. A pesar de no poder extraer conclusiones claras, existe una tendencia a la mejora de la fuerza explosiva. También podemos establecer un rango seguro de los parámetros de aplicación de vibraciones mecánicas sobre la población de estudio. Este se encuentra entre 1,7-11mm de amplitud y entre 20-44 Hz de frecuencia, aplicándose tanto en ejercicios estáticos como dinámicos y hasta un máximo de 18 minutos de duración.Por último, se realizó un ensayo clínico controlado aleatorio (Estudio VI) con el objetivo de valorar la eficacia del entrenamiento mediante vibraciones de cuerpo entero sobre la fuerza explosiva y el control postural en jóvenes jugadoras de baloncesto. Los resultados mostraron un incremento significativo del salto con contramovimiento, del salto unipodal y del equilibrio con ojos cerrados a las 8 y 15 semanas de entrenamiento en el grupo experimental. Es destacable el hecho de que no se encontraran diferencias significativas entre los tests realizados a las 8 y las 15 semanas de entrenamiento en ninguna de las variables. Por otra parte, el grupo control no experimentó cambios respecto a las valoraciones preintervención. Con estos resultados podemos afirmar que el entrenamiento vibratorio posibilita la mejora de los parámetros analizados, repercutiendo favorablemente en el rendimiento deportivo y, también, de forma indirecta, en la prevención de lesiones en deportistas de alto riesgo.En forma de síntesis, los estudios de esta tesis enfatizan la importancia del control neuromuscular sobre el rendimiento y prevención de lesiones deportivas. Es necesario destacar la importancia de continuar investigando sobre nuevas herramientas que midan los parámetros asociados al control neuromuscular, así como seguir estudiando la eficacia de los diferentes métodos de entrenamiento neuromuscular para su optimización. / Neuromuscular control is believed to be an important factor for success in athletic performance. Similarly, it has also been identified as a key to prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of neuromuscular training in athletes.A total of 81 healthy athletes were used for the purpose of the study. The evaluations performed have resulted in the following items: pain (visual analogue scale), incidence of sports injuries, static and dynamic postural stability (stabilometry and one-leg hop test) and explosive strength of the lower extremity (countermovement jump). Neuromuscular training methods used were TRAL (Locomotive rebalancing therapy) and WBV (whole body vibration).The first part of this thesis (Studies I and II) aims to assess the efficacy of TRAL. The training period showed a significant reduction of ankle pain recorded regardless of gender, whereas in the case of knee pain only differences in the girls studied were found. Another important effect to highlight that contributes to an improvement of stability in body position in women is the significant reduction of movements of the centre of pressure, while there was only a significant reduction in one of the men tests. The aim in the second part (Study III) is to assess the static and dynamic stability of the lower extremities focusing on battery of tests reliability measured with a stabilometer. Correlation obtained in single leg stance test of open and closed eyes was found in the range between good to excellent, in all variables of t he best average amplitude. These results suggest a good reliability for the distinction between subject groups. Regarding a more dynamic and closer to athlete's reality test, the one-leg hop test, poor correlation was obtained. Continuing in the second part, study IV compares differences between static and dynamic position stability, by sex and leg dominance. The one leg stance with open eyes test showed no significant difference in the deviation of center of pressure between men and women. Moreover, females showed more balance in higher dynamics tests (UT and S) compared with males. The differences regarding dominant - non dominant leg, were found only in girls in receiving one leg jump, showing a better control where the reception took place with the dominant leg.The next topic begins with study V, which consists of a systematic review on the effects of vibration training in physically active people. The results demonstrate a high clinical --heterogeneity and low methodological quality of previous studies performed prior to the date of our study. Even if we cannot provide a specific result, there is a tendency to improve explosive strength. Also, we can certainly establish a safe range of parameters for vibration training to be applied on a physically active population. This range goes from 1.7-11mm amplitude, 20-44 Hz frequency, both in static and dynamic exercises, and up to 18 minutes working with vibration.In the last topic, we conduct a randomized controlled trial (Study VI) aimed to assess the effectiveness of whole body vibration training on explosive strength and postural control in young basketball players. The results showed a significant increase in countermovement jump, one-leg hop test and balance with closed eyes at 8 and 15 weeks of training with the experimental group. It is noteworthy that no significant differences were found between tests performed at 8 and 15 weeks of training in any of the variables. Moreover, the control group experienced no changes from pre-intervention assessments. Based on these results we can state that vibration training enables the improvement of the analyzed parameters, impacting positively on athletic performance, and indirectly prevents injuries in high-risk athletes.In conclusion, this thesis emphasizes the importance of neuromuscular control on sports performance and prevention of injuries. It is necessary to stress the importance of continuing the research on new tools to measure parameters associated with neuromuscular control, and further studying the effectiveness of different methods of neuromuscular training for its optimization.

Angst und Leistung im Rahmen der Katastrophentheorie - Untersuchungen zum optimalen Erregungsniveau bei Fallschirmspringern / Anxiety, Performance,and Catastrophe Theory - Studies on the Optimal Arousal Level of Skydivers

Schiedek, Steffen 01 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Validação do teste Brums para avaliação de humor em atletas e não atletas brasileiros / Validation of Brums test for mood evaluation in Brazilian athletes and non athletes

Rohlfs, Izabel Cristina Provenza de Miranda 22 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:07:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO BRUMS.pdf: 775019 bytes, checksum: 748b480fb903374de74c5cc307bedd03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The overtraining syndrome has relevance throughout the scope of sports, mainly in relation to elite athletes whom search to transcend their limits and to those whom submit to the practical physical activity without specialized orientation. The Brunel Mood Scale, BRUMS, was validated in 2003 for Peter Terry and collaborators in adolescent and adult athletes and non-athletes and was considered an appropriate instrument for evaluation of mood profiles eventually related to the overtraining syndrome. The use of this instrument contributes to the organization and planning of load training and in the stress control in individuals who participate in physical exercises programs. The objective of the present study was to investigate the validity of the Brazilian version of BRUMS in the detection of modified mood states in Brazilian adolescents and adults athletes and non-athletes. The population was composed of adolescent and adult students (aged >18 years) and adolescent and adult athletes (aged 12-17 years), masculine and feminine gender. The sample consisted of 298 persons from both genders (173 males - 58,6% - e 125 females - 41,9%; age: M=18,3, SD=5,1) divided into 4 groups: adult students, adult athletes, adolescent students and adolescent athletes. The instrument was submitted to the translation-back translation method. The BRUMS application was effected before and after following situations: training with moderate loads, competition, normal class, and assessment. The internal consistency of the scale was verified using Cronbach s Alpha Coefficient for each mood state in different situations. Factorial analysis was used for the confirmation of the theoretical factors. The Pearson s Linear Correlation test, controlled by age, was used for verification of the correlation between mood states before and after different situations. The data was interpreted with support to SPSS program - version 11.0. The results showed satisfactory coefficients of reliability. The EFA got 68% of total variance explained for the pretest results and 72% for the post-test results, evidencing that the dimensions in the practical confirmed the theoretical dimensions. The results found for the CFA indicated that the BRUMS is suitable for mood alteration detection. The correlations between the mood states support the conclusion that the BRUMS detects mood states in a different way. Therefore, the results of this study allow for considering that the Brazilian version of the BRUMS presents satisfactory pointers of validity as measure of mood in athletes and non athletes, adolescents and adults. / A síndrome do excesso de treinamento tem relevância no âmbito esportivo, principalmente em relação a atletas de elite que buscam superar seus limites e àqueles que se submetem à prática de atividade física sem orientação especializada. A Escala de Humor de Brunel, BRUMS, foi validada em 2003 por Peter Terry e seus colaboradores em atletas e não atletas adolescentes e adultos e foi considerada apropriada para avaliação de perfis de humor eventualmente relacionados à síndrome do excesso de treinamento. A utilização deste instrumento contribui para a organização e planificação de cargas de treinamento e no controle do estresse em indivíduos participantes de programas de exercícios físicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a validade da versão brasileira do instrumento BRUMS na detecção de estados alterados de humor em atletas e não atletas brasileiros adolescentes e adultos. A população foi composta por estudantes e atletas adultos (_ 18 anos de idade) e estudantes e atletas adolescentes (12 a 17 anos), gênero masculino e feminino. A amostra se constituiu de 298 sujeitos de ambos os sexos (173 homens - 58,6% - e 125 mulheres - 41,9%; idade média de 18,3 anos e DP=5,1) divididos em 4 grupos: estudantes adultos, atletas adultos, estudantes adolescentes e atletas adolescentes O instrumento foi submetido ao método tradução-tradução reversa. A aplicação do BRUMS foi feita antes e depois das seguintes situações: treino moderado, competição, aula normal e avaliação. A consistência interna da escala foi verificada utilizando o coeficiente Alfa de Chronbach, para cada estado de humor em diferentes situações. Para a confirmação dos fatores teóricos foi utilizada a análise fatorial. A análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC), aplicada por meio do programa EQS 5.5, averiguou a adequação do modelo encontrado na análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) à organização dos conteúdos dos estados de humor do instrumento BRUMS. Para verificar as correlações entre os estados de humor antes e após as diferentes situações foi aplicado o teste de correlação linear de Pearson, controlado pela idade. Os dados foram tratados com recurso ao programa SPSS - versão 11.0. Os resultados mostraram coeficientes de fidelidade satisfatórios. A AFE obteve 68% de variância total explicada para os resultados pré-teste e 72% para os resultados pós-teste, constatando que as dimensões na prática confirmaram as dimensões teóricas. Os resultados encontrados pela AFC indicaram que o BRUMS é adequado para detecção de alteração de humor. As correlações entre os estados de humor permitiram concluir que o BRUMS detecta os estados de humor de forma diferenciada. Portanto, os resultados deste estudo mostraram que a versão brasileira do instrumento BRUMS apresenta indicadores satisfatórios de validade como medida de humor em atletas e não atletas, adolescentes e adultos.

Physiological and performance adaptations to altitude and hypoxic training

Holliss, Ben Alaric January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: There have been few well controlled altitude and hypoxic training studies to date. This thesis investigated the effects of altitude and (sham controlled) intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) on exercise capacity, and the associated physiological adaptations. Methods: Chapter 3 investigated how living and training at 2320 m or at sea level affected total haemoglobin mass (tHb) and race performance in highly trained swimmers. Chapter 4 investigated how IHT or normoxic training affected cardiopulmonary variables and the incremental exercise limit of tolerance (T-Lim), in highly trained runners. Chapter 5 investigated how single-legged IHT or normoxic training affected phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy assessed muscle energetics. Results: In Chapter 3, tHb increased significantly more after altitude (+0.6 ± 0.4 g•kg-1, or +4.4 ± 3.2%) than after sea level (+0.03 ± 0.1 g•kg-1, or +0.3 ± 1.0%), but the changes in swimming performances were not different between groups, and there were no correlations between tHb and performance changes. In Chapter 4, submaximal heart rate in normoxia decreased significantly more after IHT than after normoxic training (-5 ± 5 vs. -1 ± 5 b∙min-1), and submaximal "V" ̇O2 in hypoxia significantly decreased, only after IHT. T-Lim in hypoxia significantly increased post-IHT, but there were no between group differences. In Chapter 5, the phosphocreatine recovery time constant was speeded significantly more in the IHT compared to the normoxic trained leg, when tested in hypoxia (-25 ± 8% vs. -13 ± 6%), but not in normoxia (-16 ± 15% vs. -9 ± 10%). Conclusions: Altitude training likely increases tHb, but this is not necessarily associated with improved athletic performance. IHT may induce other non-haematological adaptations; potentially an enhanced skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, but evidence for exercise capacity gains is lacking. The precise underlying causes for these adaptations require further investigation, as does any translation to athletic performance.

An investigation into the impact of goal-setting on productivity in a selected team sports environment

Arraia, Marco Antonio Mexia 07 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the current research was to determine whether goal-setting as motivational work theory influences productivity and the productivity measurement and enhancement system (ProMES) as a human resource intervention that provides feedback improves productivity in an Angolan female handball team after the implementation. Motivation and productivity are important to the success of a sports organisation. Goal-setting theory was formulated on the premise that conscious goals affect action. The ProMES approach offers a method for measuring action results, in other words team productivity, which takes this feature of typical team settings into account. Each participant completed a questionnaire toolkit and the results showed that when athletes are task oriented and collectivist they believe in goal-setting and productivity improves. The ProMES process itself, with its participative aspects and process of role clarifying and expectations can successfully be used within the sports industry. This research also reaffirms the relationship between motivation and productivity. / Business Management / M. Admin. (Business Management)

Die Bedeutung der emotionalen Intelligenz im Wettkampfsport

Kopp, Alexandra 30 July 2024 (has links)
Die sportpsychologische Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen der emotionalen Intelligenz (EI) und der sportlichen Leistung im Wettkampfsport ist durch eine breite Vielfalt konzeptioneller EI-Modelle sowie eine heterogene Verwendung von EI-Inventaren gekennzeichnet. Die Befunde zum Einfluss der EI auf sowohl Mannschafts- als auch individuelle Leistungsindikatoren weisen in unterschiedliche Richtungen. Dies erschwert die Ableitung eindeutiger Schlussfolgerungen und die Bewertung des konkreten Beitrags des Konzepts der EI für den Wettkampfsport. Die vorliegende Dissertation trägt dazu bei, dieses Forschungsdesiderat anzugehen und die empirische Evidenz im Bereich der sportpsychologischen Forschung zum Zusammenhang zwischen der EI und der sportlichen Leistung zu präzisieren. Ausgangspunkt ist die theoretische Auseinandersetzung über die Rolle von Emotionen im Wettkampfsport und der notwendigen Fähigkeiten, diesen zu begegnen. Dies führt zur eingehenden Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konstrukt der EI, der sich gegenüberstehenden theoretischen Perspektiven der EI und deren Methoden zur EI-Operationalisierung. Es werden allgemeine Forschungsbefunde zur EI und repräsentative Auszüge empirischer Studien in der Sportpsychologie zur EI im Sport und konkret zum Zusammenhang mit der sportlichen Leistung dargestellt. Den Kern meiner kumulativen Dissertation bilden drei wissenschaftliche Studien (eine Metaanalyse und zwei empirische Querschnittsanalysen), von denen zwei in internationalen Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren veröffentlicht und eine eingereicht wurden. Das Ergebnis der quantitativen Metaanalyse, welches auf 22 Effektgrößen basiert, zeigt eine schwache, positive Verbindung zwischen dem Gesamtwert der EI und der sportlichen Leistung, was die Bedeutung der EI als möglichen Prädiktor für die sportliche Leistung im Wettkampfsport unterstreicht. Darüber hinaus empfiehlt die gemeinsame Analyse der eigenschafts- und fähigkeitsbasierten EI in einem quantitativen Querschnittsdesign (Studie 2) die Verwendung der Eigenschafts-EI, gemessen durch den „Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire“ (TEIQue), für die Vorhersage subjektiver Leistungsparameter im Wettkampfsport. Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass weder ein erhöhtes Niveau der eigenschaftsbasierten EI noch der fähigkeitsbasierten EI ausschließlich für Spitzensportler:innen charakteristisch ist. In der dritten Studie wurden in einem ersten Schritt emotionale Herausforderungen in verschiedenen Sportarten unter der Verwendung von Bewertungstheorien der Emotionen identifiziert und daraus ein Kategorisierungssystem für Sportarten theoretisch abgeleitet. Darauf aufbauend wurde in einer quantitativen Querschnittsanalyse nachgewiesen, dass nicht der Gesamtwert der eigenschaftsbasierten EI, sondern einzelnen Dimensionen – insbesondere die Dimension Selbstkontrolle, geeignet sind, zwischen Sportartengruppen zu differenzieren. Dies legt nahe, dass eine gezielte Fokussierung auf spezifische Aspekte der EI in Bezug auf bestimmte Sportgruppen sinnvoll sein kann. Die Ergebnisse der Einzelstudien werden zum theoretischen Diskurs in Bezug gesetzt. Es erfolgt eine kritische Reflektion der methodischen Limitationen der einzelnen Studien, die im Hinblick auf die Wahl der Forschungsmethoden zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage aufgetreten sind. Gleichzeitig werden mögliche Lösungsansätze für empirische Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt. Abschließend werden die zukünftigen Forschungsansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen für die sportpsychologische Praxis präsentiert. / The field of sport psychology has explored the relation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and athletic performance in competitive sports, characterized by a diverse range of conceptual EI models and heterogeneous use of EI inventories. Findings on the influence of EI on both team and individual performance indicators have yielded varied results, complicating the derivation of definitive conclusions and the assessment of the specific contribution of the EI concept to competitive sports. This dissertation addresses this research gap by contributing to a more precise understanding of the empirical evidence in the domain of sport psychological research on the relationship between EI and athletic performance. The investigation commences with a theoretical examination of the role of emotions in competitive sports and the requisite skills to navigate them. This leads to a thorough exploration of the EI construct, the opposing theoretical perspectives of EI, and their methods of operationalization. General research findings on EI, along with representative excerpts from empirical studies in sport psychology on EI in sports, particularly in relation to athletic performance, are presented. The core of this cumulative dissertation comprises three scientific studies, a meta-analysis, and two empirical cross-sectional analyses, with two studies published in international peer-reviewed journals and one submitted. The results of the quantitative meta-analysis, based on 22 effect sizes, reveal a moderate, positive association between the overall score of EI and athletic performance, underscoring the significance of EI as a potential predictor for athletic performance. Additionally, the joint analysis of trait-based and ability-based EI in a quantitative cross-sectional design (Study 2) recommends the use of trait-based EI, measured by the "Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire" (TEIQue), for predicting subjective performance parameters in competitive sports. It was also observed that an elevated level of either trait-based EI or ability-based EI is not exclusive to elite athletes. In the third study, emotional challenges in various sports were initially identified using appraisal theories of emotions, leading to the theoretical derivation of a categorization system for sports. Subsequently, a quantitative cross-sectional analysis demonstrated that it is not the overall score of trait-based EI but individual dimensions—particularly the dimension of self-control—that are suitable for differentiating between sports groups. This suggests that a targeted focus on specific aspects of EI concerning certain sports groups may be meaningful. The results of individual studies are contextualized within the theoretical discourse, followed by a critical reflection on the methodological limitations of each study in terms of the choice of research methods to answer the research question. Simultaneously, potential solutions for empirical research projects are presented. Finally, future research avenues and recommendations for sport psychological practice are discussed.

Využití výživových suplementů v jednotlivých sportovních odvětvích / Use of Nutritional Supplements in Individual Sport Sectors

Weiser, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to determine, which nutritional supplements are selected by athletes of strength and endurance sports branches and what is the reason for their option. The theoretical part characterizes the 8 selected sports sector from point of view of the sport performance structure. There is also mentioned the issue of nutritional supplements, their division, legislation or general recommendations for the use in sport. The last chapter deals with the requirements for the use of nutritional supplements in different periods with respect to the branche of sport. Research part has specifically determined the nutritional strategy for athletes in the field of mentioned food supplements at strength and endurance-oriented sports disciplines by using the questionnaire. The research is supported by an interview with an expert nutritionist and sports through collaboration with the staff of the Centre for Sports of the Ministry of Interior

“You play like a girl” : An investigation of the gender-typing of Esports as well as the effect of gender stereotypes on player performances / "Du spelar som en tjej" : En undersökning av könsstereotypningen av Esport samt effekterna av könsstereotyper på spelarprestationer

Shaw, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this study has been to critically examine Esports through a gender perspective. The study therefore investigated the gender-typing of Esports and if these stereotypes affect players’ performance. The research questions were: Do players gender-type Esports to be a neutral, feminine, or masculine sport? Do gender stereotypes in Esports affect female players’ performance? Do gender stereotypes in Esports affect male players’ performance? Method: A quantitative research design was used, and two different surveys were sent out to respondents. Both surveys contained the exact same information and questions on the first page. These were aimed at answering questions regarding gender-typing (i.e. if the respondents perceived Esports to be a neutral, feminine or masculine activity and how appropriate they perceived Esports to be for women respectively men). The survey’s second page had identical questions on both surveys, however the respondents got to see different texts of information (stereotypes) depending on which survey they participated in. The first survey (Group 1) included two different conditions groups (women = stereotype threat; men = stereotype lift) and primed the respondents with the stereotype that “women are inferior to men in Esports”. The second survey (Group 2) also included two different condition groups (men = stereotype threat; women = stereotype boost) and primed the respondents with the alternative stereotype manipulation that “women are equally as good as men in Esports”. After participating in the surveys, the respondents played three games of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive that were then analyzed against the respondents’ three most recent matches before partaking in the study. As such, the players’ performance could be evaluated and a result could be determined (i.e. either an improvement or impairment in performance). A control group (Group 3) that did not partake in the surveys was used as a reference group and to evaluate the participants’ performances. As a total, 290 persons participated in the study, of which 50 were women and 240 men. Results: The results showed that the players perceived Esports to be more of a masculine sport. For the stereotype effects on players’ performance, an ANOVA of the results showed that stereotype threat had a statistically significant effect on female players’ performance (p = .008), whereas stereotype boost did not. For the men, the results showed that neither stereotype threat nor lift had any statistically significant effect on male players’ performance. Conclusion: The findings suggest that players gender-type different aspects of Esports in different ways. The participants perceived Esports to be more of a masculine activity but on the other hand to be almost equally as appropriate for women and men. As a whole, the respondents perceived Esports to be more of a masculine sport than neutral or feminine. The findings from this study also suggest that women in Esports are more affected by gender stereotypes than men are, and that negative gender stereotypes about women’s ability may impair female players’ performance. Finally, the findings suggest that the awareness as well as the occurrence of gender stereotypes in Esports are widespread among players. However, players in Esports consider themselves to not fully endorse these stereotypes but believe that other players do, especially the negative stereotypes about women’s ability in Esports. This finding generates an interesting area for further research and investigation. / Syfte och frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie har varit att kritiskt granska Esport ur ett genusperspektiv. Studien undersökte därmed könsstereotypningen (”gender-typing”) av Esport samt huruvida dessa stereotyper påverkar spelares prestationer. Frågeställningarna var: Könsstereotypar spelare Esport som en neutral, feminin eller maskulin sport? Påverkar könsstereotyper inom Esport kvinnliga spelares prestationer? Påverkar könsstereotyper inom Esport manliga spelares prestationer? Metod: En kvantitativ forskningsdesign användes, och två olika enkäter skickades ut till respondenter. Båda enkäterna innehöll exakt samma information och frågor på den första sidan. Dessa var ämnade att besvara frågor kring könsstereotypning (dvs. om respondenten ansåg Esport var en neutral, feminin eller maskulin aktivitet samt hur lämpligt de ansåg Esport vara för kvinnor respektive män). Enkätens andra sida hade identiska frågor på båda enkäterna men respondenterna fick ta del av olika texter av information (stereotyper) beroende på vilken enkät de deltog i. Den första enkäten (Grupp 1) inkluderade två olika tillståndsgrupper (kvinnor = stereotype threat; män = stereotype lift) och grundade respondenterna med stereotypen att ”kvinnor är sämre än män inom Esport”. Den andra enkäten (Grupp 2) inkluderade även den två olika tillståndsgrupper (män = stereotype threat; kvinnor = stereotype boost) och grundade respondenterna med den alternativa manipulationen av stereotypen att ”kvinnor är lika bra som män inom Esport”. Efter att ha deltagit i enkäterna spelade respondenterna tre matcher av Counter-Strike: Global Offensive som sedan analyserades mot respondenternas tre senaste matcher innan de deltog i studien. Som sådant, kunde spelarnas prestationer utvärderas och ett resultat kunde fastställas (dvs. antingen en förbättring eller en försämring i prestation). En kontrollgrupp (Grupp 3) som inte deltog i enkäterna användes som referensgrupp och för att utvärdera deltagarnas prestationer. Totalt deltog 290 personer i studien varav 50 var kvinnor och 240 män. Resultat: Resultatet visade att spelarna uppfattade Esport som mer av en maskulin sport. Angående stereotypeffekterna på spelarnas prestationer visade en ANOVA av resultaten att stereotype threat hade en statistisk signifikant effekt på kvinnliga spelares prestationer (p = .008), medan stereotype boost inte hade det. För männen så visade resultaten att varken stereotype threat eller lift hade någon statistisk signifikant effekt på manliga spelares prestationer. Slutsats: Resultaten tyder på att spelare könsstereotypar olika aspekter av Esport på olika sätt. Deltagarna uppfattade Esport som mer av en maskulin aktivitet men å andra sidan som lika lämpligt för kvinnor och män. Som helhet uppfattade respondenterna Esport som mer av en maskulin sport än neutral eller feminin. Resultatenfrån denna studie tyder även på att kvinnor inom Esport påverkas mer av könsstereotyper än män och att negativa könsstereotyper om kvinnors förmåga kan försämra kvinnliga spelares prestationer. Slutligen, resultaten tyder på att medvetenheten samt förekomsten av könsstereotyper inom Esport är utbredd bland spelarna.Spelarna inom Esport anser dock inte att de själva stödjer dessa stereotyper fullt ut men tror att andra spelare gör det, särskilt de negative stereotyperna om kvinnors förmågor inom Esport. Detta resultat genererar ett intressant område för vidare forskning och undersökningar.

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