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British, American or Mid-Atlantic English : What accent do Swedish learner use and where do they get their influences from?Pettersson, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Titel: British, American or Mid-Atlantic English: What accent do Swedish learners use and where do they get their influences from?</p><p>Författare: Jessica Pettersson</p><p>Engelska C, terminsuppsats 2008</p><p>Antal sidor: 38</p><p>Abstract: The main purpose of this paper was to determine whether learners in lower secondary school used the British English accent, the American English accent, or if they perhaps mixed the two accents. I also wanted to find out from where the students got their influences. It is no longer prohibited in the Swedish curriculum to use other accents than the British one, and due to that it was interesting to see if the learners began to get their influences from somewhere else but their teacher. Teachers are also free to choose what accent they want to use. It often seems to be the case that learners take after their teacher’s pronunciation, but it is widely believed that they are also influenced by the English they hear in their spare time. Most of the learners in this investigation said in the survey that they preferred watching TV-shows and movies from the USA and therefore appeared to prefer an American accent. My informant study shows that most of the learners who took part in the test spoke with a British accent when reading single words, but when it came to reading sentences a mix of the two major varieties became noticeable. The results indicate that learners are first and foremost influenced by their teacher and what accent he or she uses and to a somewhat lesser extent by the English they come across when they are not in school.</p><p>Nyckelord: British English, American English, Mid-Atlantic English, pronunciation, accents, influences.</p>
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The Code of the Hero : in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the SeaEklöf, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>Title: The Code of the Hero in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea</p><p>Author: Tobias Eklöf</p><p>English C, 2006</p><p>Abstract: By examining the depiction of Santiago, his actions, life style and role models as well as his close relation to the author I show how he grows from an old worn out man into a true hero by following a particular stance towards life; a code. The protagonist's approach to life and being put to the supreme test of overcoming bad luck, through the struggle with the marlin, creates a hero. In addition, the depiction of Santiago in terms of undefeated nature adds to his heroic proportions. The adversity of old age and the recent bad luck force the old man to challenge and defend his claimed championship. By catching and killing the ultimate opponent he recovers his selfhood. As I will show, there are two important role models providing the old man with strength and endurance during his battles. Joe DiMaggio gives the old man courage and stands as a symbol for the right way of living, a man who defied pain to achieve greatness. The boy Manolin provides the old man with strength as he plays the role of the observer, Santiago's audience. The boy is also the inheritor of the mastership, given by the protagonist. Both Joe DiMaggio and the boy Manolin fit Santiago's code and are therefore a direct source of inspiration. The results of Santiago's actions, of living according to his code, are illustrated through the ultimate sacrifice: crucifixion. The protagonist follows his code right to the very end, and is therefore undefeated, though facing physical defeat (loosing the fish to the sharks). The parallel between the old man and Christ's passion is created as a symbol for the inevitable; we are all going to die, what matters is how we live the life we are given. Christ never abandoned his belief and he eventually was crucified. Santiago chooses to stick to his code, and confront death with grace.</p>
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Några enstaka raubär på ladingen : En uppsats om attityder till den gotländska dialektenÖhlund, Lovisa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om bruket av och attityden till dialekten gotländska. De 58 informanterna är elever som går i första ring på Richard Steffengymnasiet i Visby och de har deltagit i undersökningen genom att de har svarat på en enkät. Uppsatsen utgår främst från FUMS-rapporten ”Vi har inte lust att prata nån jäkla rikssvenska!” från 1981. I jämförelse med den visar resultatet att dagens gotländska ungdomar på det hela taget inte har samma kunskap om och är lika stolta över sin dialekt.</p>
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Vägen till självkännedom går över kunskapen om andra : en studie om det mångkulturella samhället i svenskämnets litteraturundervisningStark, Anneli, Andersson, Jan January 2006 (has links)
Under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen har vi anat en obalans i det internationella perspektiv som elever får i svenskämnets litteraturundervisning. Vi anser att om elever får läsa litteratur även från den icke västerländska kultursfären kan de få en ökad förståelse för människor med annan kulturell bakgrund. Genom att använda sig av ett balanserat mångkulturellt perspektiv i litteraturundervisningen ges elever en möjlighet att medvetandegöra den egna och andras identiteter, lära känna andras världar och på så vis komma bakom stereotypa bilder av människor. Att se om, och i så fall hur, globaliseringen av världen och det mångkulturella samhället avspeglas i svenskämnets litteraturundervisning. Vi har utgått från ett kvalitativt perspektiv i vår forskning. Vi har använt oss av såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ metod när vi intervjuat lärare och genomfört enkätundersökning med elever på grundskolans senare år och gymnasieskolan. Av globaliseringen av världen och det mångkulturella samhället ser vi inte många spår av i svenskämnets litteraturundervisning. Orsakerna till detta är bl.a. lärarnas bristande utbildning inom mångkultur och icke västerländsk litteratur. Ytterligare orsaker kan vara kurs- och läroplanernas utformning. Vi anser att de inte är tillräcklig tydliga när det gäller att föra in ett balanserat mångkulturellt perspektiv. Men den största bristen tycks ligga på samhället som inte i tillräckligt hög grad prioriterar frågan.
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Bakomliggande orsaker till matematiksvårigheter hos elever i en specifik gymnasieskola. : En empirisk studie ur ett lärarperspektivDelen, Sedat January 2011 (has links)
The aim with this study is to illustrate the underlying causes of students’ difficulties in Mathematics from a teacher perspective. The approach that has been used through this study is qualitative, method wise interviews were used. The selection for the study consists of five teachers with many years’ experience in the subject of Mathematics. The conclusion I could reach from the results is that the underlying causes of the students’ difficulties in Mathematics include the pupils’ approach to the subject, basic skills, motivation and attitude to the subject itself. Also to be added are factors such as parental background and their support. Teachers ought to respond to the pupil at his or her level and adapt the instructions given to the pupils’ needs as well as the requirements of a democratic approach.
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How to Improve Students’ Writing and Speaking SkillsElftorp, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>English is one of three core subjects in upper secondary school and it is essential that students</p><p>receive a good education in this subject. Since writing and speaking are such prominent parts</p><p>of the English language, the teacher is obliged to possess knowledge of how to improve</p><p>students’ proficiencies in an efficient way. The question is how to use this knowledge when</p><p>the teacher is supposed to compose different methods for lessons, evaluate the exercises and</p><p>give proper feedback to the students.</p><p>This investigation is based on various literary sources, interviews with teachers and</p><p>questionnaires with students and the background information is the basis for the interview</p><p>questions and the questionnaire.</p><p>There are endless possibilities for appropriate exercises to improve writing and speaking and it</p><p>is impossible to investigate every single one there is in a relatively short essay. I have,</p><p>however, found a fair number of methods, which will be described in this paper. In order to</p><p>evaluate exercises, the teacher needs to be prepared and know what to focus on in the exercise</p><p>as it is in progress, but also listen to the students’ opinions since they know if they have</p><p>learned anything or not. Correction of spoken errors should be handled cautiously by the</p><p>teacher but the students should be made aware of the written mistakes they make.</p>
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How to Tackle Translation Problems in a Text on Rugby : Translating culture and style in “Football, Identity, Place: The Emergence of Rugby Football in Brisbane” by Peter HortonJansson, Ulla January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This is a study of translation problems encountered during the translation of the article “Football, Identity, Place: The Emergence of Rugby Football in Brisbane” by Peter Horton. Focus is directed at two different types of translation problems. One of them concerns the cultural differences between the readers of Horton’s text and the translated text. Swedish readers are rather unacquainted both with the sport of rugby and with Australian geography. As a consequence, it may be problematic to translate rugby terms or geographical names. These kinds of problems were often solved by transferring the cultural word and/or adding explanations to the translated text.</p><p>The second type of translation problem concerned the stylistic level of the text. The translated text is aimed at a broad readership and therefore the stylistic level had to be lowered. Four different techniques were used to make the translation less formal than the source text. One of them was to avoid nominalizations by using a corresponding verb form instead. A second technique was to reduce the number of parenthetical insertions. Thirdly, it could be done by using fewer words before the finite verb to make sentences less left-heavy. And the forth technique involved choosing common everyday words rather than uncommon or formal words.</p>
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Flerspråkighet- en tillgång eller en börda? : En studie om elevers och lärares attityder till flerspråkighetNilsson, Maria, Karlsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammandrag</p><p>Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares och flerspråkiga elevers attityder till flerspråkighet. Studien går ut på att jämföra unga och vuxna flerspråkiga elever och lärare vid två olika skolformer i den svenska skolan. Undersökningen består av intervjuer med lärare och elever. Studien omfattar fyra elever och en lärare från grundskolans senare år och fyra elever och en lärare från den kommunala vuxenutbildningen.</p><p>Vår undersökning visar på att det inte är några större skillnader mellan attityderna hos elever i grundskolans senare år och hos elever i den kommunala vuxenutbildningen. Attityderna skiljer sig inte heller mellan de olika lärarna.</p>
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Zu einigen Entwicklungstendenzen im heutigen Deutsch : Beobachtungen anhand der PressespracheLundin, Lena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Några språkliga utvecklingstendenser inom tyska språket har belysts.</p><p>Beläggen är hämtade ur tyska tidsskrifter bl a Der Spiegel.</p><p>Följande begrepp har behandlats; Ausklammerung, Ausgliederung, Weil-Sätze - die Wortfolge samt zur Struktur der irrealen Vergleichssätze.</p>
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