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Aspectos sociais e a interrelações com o processo de reabilitação de pessoas com fissura labiopalatina / Social aspects and the interrelation with the process of rehabilitation of people with cleft lip and palateMiguel, Michele Lira 22 April 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: evidenciar, os aspectos sociais e clínicos dos sujeitos com fissura labiopalatina e sua interrelação com as etapas e condutas terapêuticas para a efetivação do processo de reabilitação. Metodologia: os sujeitos foram os pacientes com fissura transforame unilateral sem síndrome associada entre 0 a 11 anos e 11meses e 29 dias, procedentes do Departamento Regional de Saúde DRS VI que corresponde a região de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaú, Lins e Bauru, num total de 52. A pesquisa foi documental baseada no prontuário dos sujeitos considerando os aspectos clínicos - incluindo o cumprimento das etapas e condutas terapêuticas - e aspectos constitutivos do estudo social, de acordo com a metodologia de Graciano (2010). Resultados: 86,6% foram matriculados com menos de 4 meses de idade, (60%) procedentes de cidades que distam até 100 km de Bauru. As etapas foram cumpridas, em sua maioria, nas idades preconizadas pelos profissionais do HRAC, desde as cirurgias primárias até as secundárias. Após essas cirurgias os sujeitos foram avaliados em idades pré-determinadas pelas áreas de comando (cirurgia plástica, ortodontia e fonoaudiologia) e/ou outras especialidades, de acordo com a necessidade de cada caso. Em sua maioria, os sujeitos foram atendidos nas avaliações ambulatoriais, no entanto, não na totalidade das áreas previstas em virtude de não agendamento demanda reprimida nas agendas falta do sujeito na data do agendamento, ausência de registro do profissional no prontuário, o que exigiu uma busca complementar no sistema de informação do HRAC. Com relação ao perfil social e a configuração dos estratos sociais 88,5% pertence aos estratos baixos (inferior e superior). Os recursos para reabilitação e serviços públicos de saúde e socioassistenciais na cidade de origem foram abordados e registrados na maioria dos casos (72,1%). O parecer e intervenção social foram registrados na totalidade dos prontuários, especificando as demandas e subsidiando as ações da equipe interdisciplinar. As ações interventivas do assistente social foram categorizadas em ações socioassistenciais, socioeducativas e articulação com a equipe, de acordo com os parâmetros para atuação de assistentes sociais na saúde. Essas ações foram desenvolvidas inter-relacionando-se nos diversos momentos do processo de reabilitação no sentido de efetivá-lo garantindo-o como direito de cidadania. Conclusão: esse estudo, baseado numa análise minuciosa dos prontuários, constatou a imprescindibilidade dos registros para compreensão do desenvolvimento do paciente e planejamento adequado do tratamento. O registro dos atendimentos no prontuário caracteriza-se como um meio de comunicação escrita entre os profissionais da equipe interdisciplinar, o que garante a visão holística preconizada no atendimento a saúde, além de subsidiar a produção e disseminação de conhecimento. / Introduction/objective: the aim of this study is to highlight social and clinical aspects of the subject with cleft lip and palate and its interrelationship with the therapeutic stages and approaches in the rehabilitation process. Methods: subjects were patients with unilateral transforame cleft, with no associated syndrome between 0 to 11 years old, and 29 days and 11 months old from the Regional Department of Health RDH VI that covers the region of Botucatu, Avaré, Jau, Lins and Bauru, in a total of 52. The research was based on documented records of subjects considering the clinical aspects including the therapeutic stages and approaches - and the corporate aspects of the social study, according to the Graciano (2010) methodology. Results: 86.6% were enrolled with less than 4 months of age, (60%) coming from cities that are up to 100 miles from Bauru. The stages were accomplished mostly in ages recommended by professionals of HRAC, from the primary to the secondary surgery. After these surgeries the subjects were evaluated at ages pre determined by control areas (plastic surgery, orthodontics and speech therapy) and/or other specialties, according to the needs of each case. For the most part the subjects went through out-patient evaluations, however, not in all of the expected areas due to the lack of scheduling - pent-up demand of agendas - absence of the subject at the time of the appointment, and no registration of a professional in the patient file, which required a complementary search in the information system of the HRAC. About the social profile and configuration of social strata, 88.5% belongs to the lower strata (inferior and superior). Resources for rehabilitation and public health services and socio-assistance ones at the patients hometown were approached and registered in most cases (72.1%). The Social Worker view and social intervention were recorded in all patient records, specifying the demands and subsidizing the actions of interdisciplinary team. The interventives actions of the social worker\'s were categorized into socio-assistance, socio-educational, besides those ones jointed with the team, in accordance with the parameters for social workers performance of in the health area. These actions were developed interrelating the various stages of the rehabilitation process in order to effect it guaranteeing the right of citizenship. Conclusion: this study, based on a thorough analysis of the patients files, found how indispensable the records are for understanding the patient\'s development and appropriate planning of treatment. The record of attendances on the file is considered as a means of written communication among professionals of the interdisciplinary team, which ensures the holistic health care recommended, in addition to subsidizing the production and dissemination of knowledge.
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A busca do dizer nos diários e relatórios do estágio supervisionado no curso de Letras / The search for the sayings in the journals and reports of supervised teaching training stages at the Languages CourseLuana Clementino Chalegre 23 November 2018 (has links)
O escopo desta pesquisa é mapear os pontos nos quais os licenciandos têm dificuldades em transmitir por escrito o que observaram em sala, nos diários de campo e relatórios de estágio, desde as práticas de ensino de Língua Portuguesa até as relações entre os agentes que compõem o cenário da sala de aula. Buscamos, desta forma, um estudo analítico e crítico dos diários e relatórios estudados, a fim de corroborar que o processo de escrita no estágio supervisionado pode resultar na produção de conhecimento, além do desenvolvimento profissional do (futuro) professor e profissional de letras; para isso, contamos com os estudos pertinentes à etnografia no contexto escolar (ANDRÉ, 2008) e à observação (LÜDKE e ANDRÉ, 1986). Enfatizamos a importância do registro do estágio supervisionado e, para isso, é preciso contarmos com o planejamento de como ocorrerá. Nesta empreitada, é de suma relevância o registro escrito, para que se organize o pensamento e, portanto, para que os acontecimentos não se percam, obtendo-se, assim, dados de maior consistência, o que possibilita um diário de campo e um relatório mais fidedignos. Como referencial teórico para as análises, mobilizamos conhecimentos acerca do Princípio da Cooperação (GRICE, 1975), da Teoria da relevância (SPERBER e WILSON, 2005) e dos Princípios da Construção Textual de Sentido (KOCH, 2015). Proporcionamos reflexões sobre a enunciação (BENVENISTE, 1988, 1989), a Análise do Discurso (PÊCHEUX, 2014 [1990]), (FOUCAULT, 2014 [1970; 1969]), (DUCROT, 1987), e a gestão do conhecimento (VALENTIN, 2008) (NONAKA e KONNO, 1998). / The scope of this study is to map the points in which the undergraduates face difficulties in transmitting in their writing what they observed in the classroom, in the journals and reports of supervised teaching training stages at the Languages Course to the relations between the participants that compose the classroom setting. In this way, an analytical and critical study of the journals and reports will be sought, in order to corroborate that the writing process in the supervised teaching training can result in the production of knowledge, besides the professional development of the (future) teacher and profesional languages; for that, we rely on the ethnographical studies pertaining to the school context (ANDRÉ, 2008) and the observation (ANDRÉ and LÜDKE, 1986). We emphasize the importance of supervised internship registration and, for this, it is necessary to count on the planning of how it will happen. In this work, the written record is held as essential to organize the thought processes and, therefore, to ascertain that the observed events are not lost, obtaining, thus, more consistent data and more trustworthy observation journals and reports. As theoretical references for the analysis, we mobilize knowledge about the Principle of Cooperation (GRICE, 1975), Relevance Theory (SPERBER and WILSON, 2005) and the Principles of Textual Construction of Meaning (Koch, 2015). Furthermore, we have brought reflections about enunciation (BENVENISTE, 1988, 1989), Discourse Analysis (PÊCHEUX, 2014 [1990]), (FOUCAULT, 2014 [1970, 1969]), (DUCROT, 1987), and generation of knowledge (VALENTIN, 2008), (NONAKA and KONNO, 1998).
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Proposição de um modelo de apoio informacional metodológico(MAIM) para auditoria interna com o uso de business intelligence (BI)Ciupak, Clébia 16 November 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 16 / Nenhuma / O objetivo dessa pesquisa é propor um modelo de apoio informacional metodológico (MAIM) que atenda as principais necessidades da auditoria interna de uma instituição privada de ensino superior, com o uso de Business Intelligence. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa que permitiu um estudo em uma instituição privada de ensino superior localizada na região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Por meio de entrevistas com o Pró-Reitor de Administração e com os Auditores Internos da instituição, foi possível estruturar Etapas Metodológicas para a configuração do modelo proposto, em consonância com as Normas de Auditoria Interna. Do estudo realizado pode-se concluir que, apoiada no modelo informacional proposto, a auditoria interna tem condições de identificar prioridades no seu programa de trabalho, à luz dos planos e metas estratégicas da instituição, de tal forma que o auditor interno pode definir procedimentos operacionais para trabalhar em prol do alcance dos objetivos da organização / The objective of this research is to consider a model of informational methodology support model (IMSM) that takes care of the main necessities of the internal auditorship of a private institution of superior education with the use of Business Intelligence. A qualitative research that permited a study in a private institution of superior education located in the region Metropolitan of Porto Alegre, where, by means of interviews with the pro-reitor of administration and with the internal auditors of the institution, it was possible to structuralize methodological stages for the construction of the considered model, according to the rules of internal auditorship. Of the carried through study it can be concluded that, supported in the considered informational model, the internal auditorship has conditions to identify priorities in its program of work, to the light of the plans and strategical goals of the institution, of such form that the internal auditor can define operational procedures to work in favor of th
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VARIACOES EM ESCALA MÉDIA DA TEMPERATURA E DA SALINIDADE DO MAR NA REGIÃO ENTRE A BAÍA DA GUANABARA E CABO FRIO (17/8 A 26/8/1971). / Temperature and salinity variations between Guanabara Bay and Cabo Frio (17/8 a 26/8/1971).Yoshimine Ikeda 24 June 1974 (has links)
Um aspecto importante a ser apontado no presente trabalho é o fato de se ter acompanhado de um modo ininterrupto, durante 10 dias, as anomalias nas distribuições das propriedades físicas da água do mar. Os resultados experimentais obtidos na região costeira a oeste de Cabo Frio durante este período mostraram a preponderância dos processos advectivos e difuzivos que alteram a distribuição da temperatura e da salinidade na superfície do mar. Essa anomalia pode ser indicada por nuvens do tipo cúmulos formada por convecção penetrante, fato verificável pela comparação dos dados térmicos de superfície com fotografias obtidas pelo satélite ERTS. / Temperature and salinity variations between Guanabara Bay and Cabo Frio (17/8 a 26/8/1971).
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Simulação numérica das etapas construtivas de pontes estaiadas através do método dos elementos finitos / Numerical simulation of construction stages of cable-stayed bridges through the finite element methodLazzari, Paula Manica January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutorado versa sobre a simulação numérica das etapas construtivas de pontes estaiadas através do método dos elementos finitos, utilizando a plataforma ANSYS, versão 14.5. A justificativa da realização deste trabalho vem da crescente utilização deste tipo de estrutura de ponte no Brasil, devido, principalmente, ao seu bom comportamento estrutural e pela possibilidade de uso de uma estrutura mais leve, esbelta e econômica. Inicialmente, foi feita uma pesquisa abrangente sobre os componentes estruturais e concepções de projetos mais utilizados. Em seguida, estudaram-se as relações constitutivas de cada material constituinte, a fim de melhor representá-los na simulação numérica. Para a representação das equações constitutivas do concreto, implementou-se um novo modelo de material visco-elastoplástico com fissuração, com a ajuda da ferramenta de customização UPF (User Programmable Features), onde foram adicionadas novas sub-rotinas ao programa principal em linguagem FORTRAN. Como o objetivo final desta tese era trabalhar com análise estrutural das etapas construtivas de pontes estaiadas, envolvendo um número muito grande de elementos finitos, a implementação deste novo modelo possibilitou a utilização de elementos tridimensionais quadráticos de 20 nós (SOLID186) com armadura incorporada (REINF264), tornando a solução do problema mais rápida e eficaz. A fim de validar as sub-rotinas acrescentadas ao sistema, foram simuladas dezesseis vigas em concreto armado, ensaiadas por Leonhardt e Walther (1962) e por Bresler e Scordelis (1963), e uma viga segmentada com protensão externa, ensaiada por Aparicio et al (2002). A comparação de resultados das análises numéricas e experimentais mostraram boa aproximação. Após a validação das sub-rotinas, foi modelada numericamente a Ponte do Saber, localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, seguindo fielmente as etapas construtivas adotadas na construção da ponte. A partir dos dados de monitoramento desta ponte, durante a fase executiva, foi possível comparar os valores obtidos no modelo numérico com as informações coletadas em campo, obtendo-se bons resultados. / This doctoral thesis presents the numerical simulation of the construction stages of cable-stayed bridges using the finite element method, through the ANSYS software, version 14.5. This work is justified by the increasing use of such structures in Brazil, mainly due to its good structural behavior and the possibility of using a lighter, slender and economic structure. Initially, it presents the results of a research about the structural components and the commonly used design concepts. Then, the constitutive relations of each constituent material were studied, in order to best represent them in the numerical simulation. For the representation of the constitutive equations of concrete, it was implemented a new model of visco-elastoplastic material with cracking. That was made with the help of the customization tool UPF (User Programmable Features), where new subroutines were added to the main program in FORTRAN language. The final goal of this thesis is to work with structural analysis of the construction stages of cable-stayed bridges, involving a very large number of finite elements. Therefore, the implementation of this new model enabled the use of three-dimensional quadratic elements of 20 nodes (SOLID186) with embedded reinforcement (REINF264), making the solution of the problem faster and more effective. In order to validate the subroutines added to the system, sixteen reinforced concrete beams tested by Leonhardt and Walther (1962) and by Bresler and Scordelis (1963), and a segmental beam with external prestressing, tested by Aparicio et al (2002) were simulated. The comparison of results of numerical and experimental analyzes showed good approximation. After validation of the subroutines, it was numerically modeled the Saber Bridge, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, following exactly the constructive steps taken in the construction of the bridge. Based on the monitoring data of the bridge during the construction phase, it was possible to compare the values obtained from the numerical model with the information collected in the field, obtaining good results.
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A dinâmica dos vínculos com as organizações empregadoras: um olhar para o contexto e trajetória do trabalhador / The dynamics of bonds with organizational employers: an approach at the worker\'s context and trajectoryPaim, Diego Silveira 21 July 2017 (has links)
Na agenda de pesquisa sobre comprometimento organizacional, predomina o modelo de pesquisa de corte transversal, quantitativa, que busca relacionar os vínculos com antecedentes e consequentes de maneira direta, considerando variáveis internas à organização. Esta abordagem tem sido foco de discussão nesta área, que começa a apontar a necessidade de estudos exploratórios buscando compreender a dinâmica dos vínculos ao longo do tempo. O presente trabalho busca contribuir com esta lacuna, e tem por objetivo compreender o papel de elementos de contexto individual na dinâmica dos vínculos do trabalhador com a organização ao longo de sua trajetória. A etapa preliminar quantitativa foi realizada por meio de uma survey que obteve 1584 respostas válidas, coletando com escalas validadas padrões dos vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento com a organização. A partir destes padrões, foram destacados 30 indivíduos com diferentes padrões de vínculos para uma etapa principal qualitativa, que ocorreu por meio de entrevistas exploratórias com estes participantes. As análises de narrativa, conteúdo e eventos foram combinadas para processar estes dados, visando compreender o papel do contexto individual nos vínculos. Estas análises buscaram compreender o papel de diferentes temas da vida do indivíduo: A fase da vida e careira, as âncoras de carreira, eventos marcantes de sua vida, elementos de seu contexto individual (família, comunidade, lazer, amizade, outros trabalhos e autodesenvolvimento) e fenômenos da literatura de vínculos organizacionais. Como resultado, foi encontrado que as fases da vida e carreira exercem papel relevante na dinâmica dos vínculos, e as fases de equacionamento e manutenção são mais propensas a registrarem alto comprometimento, e a fase de manutenção também com alto entrincheiramento. As âncoras de carreira modelam as expectativas que geram os contratos psicológicos, e atuam também na forma com que o indivíduo lida com os eventos em sua vida. Em termos dos eventos, os que se relacionam com mudança cultural e liderança/gestão tem relação com quebras de contrato psicológico, que geram diminuição ou quebra do comprometimento com a organização, se relacionando com o fenômeno da literatura de quondamcommitment. No contexto individual, ele atua como um mediador entre a dinâmica dos vínculos e os eventos vivenciados pelo indivíduo, sendo também pautados pela permeabilidade entre a vida pessoal e profissional. As dimensões de amizade, família e comunidade tem relação mais relevante com a dinâmica de vínculos. Por fim, foi elaborado um modelo teórico que organiza e sistematiza todas as áreas observadas neste estudo, apontando o papel delas na dinâmica dos vínculos. Conclui-se que os vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento são afetados indiretamente pelas fases da vida, e que a depender da âncora de carreira, o indivíduo tenderá a desenvolver maior comprometimento com diferentes focos. Ainda, o estudo explicita o papel de eventos de liderança/gestão e cultura organizacional, que estão associados à quebra de contrato psicológico e diminuição dos níveis do comprometimento. Por fim, o presente trabalho possibilita uma maior compreensão dos fenômenos contextuais na agenda de pesquisa dos vínculos organizacionais, trazendo elementos à tona que podem ser aprofundados em futuras pesquisas. / In the research agenda on organizational commitment, the cross-sectional, quantitative research model predominates, which seeks to relate the links with antecedents and consequents in a direct way, considering internal variables to the organization. This approach has been a focus of discussion in this area, which begins to point out the need for exploratory studies seeking to understand the dynamics of bonds over time. The present work has the objective to contribute to this gap, and aims to understand the role of individual context elements in the dynamics of the worker \'s bonds with the organization throughout its trajectory. The preliminary quantitative stage was accomplished by means of a survey that obtained 1584 valid answers, collecting with validated scales standard of the bonds of organizational commitment and organizational entrenchment. From these standards, 30 individuals with different patterns of bonds were selected for a qualitative main stage, which occurred through exploratory interviews with these participants. Narrative, content, and event analyzes were combined to process these data to understand the role of the individual context in the bonds. These analyzes sought to understand the role of different subjects in the individual\'s life: the life stage and career, career anchors, life events, elements of their individual context (family, community, leisure, friendship, other work and self-development) and bond´s organizational phenomena. As a result, it was found that the life stages and career stages play a relevant role in the dynamics of the bonds, and the phases of equation and maintenance are more likely to register high commitment, and the maintenance phase also with high entrenchment. Career anchors shape the expectations that generate the psychological contracts, and also act on how the individual deals with the events in his or her life. In terms of events, those related to cultural change and leadership / management are related to psychological contract breaches, which generate a decrease or decrease in commitment to the organization, related to the quondam commitment literature phenomenon. In the individual context, it acts as a mediator between the dynamics of the links and the events experienced by the individual, and are also guided by the permeability between personal and professional life. The dimensions of friendship, family and community are more relevant to the dynamics of links. Finally, a theoretical model was elaborated that organizes and systematizes all the areas observed in this study, pointing out their role in the dynamics of the links. It is concluded that the bonds of commitment and entrenchment are affected indirectly by the life cycle, and that depending on the career anchor, the individual will tend to develop greater commitment with different foci. Furthermore, the study explores the role of leadership / management events and organizational culture, which are associated with psychological contract breakdown and decreased levels of commitment. Finally, the present work contributes to a greater understanding of the contextual phenomena in the research agenda of organizational bonds, bringing elements to the fore that can be deepened in future researches.
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Empowerment e estágios evolutivos das áreas de gestão: estudo de casos em empresas manufatureiras / Empowerment and evolution stages of management area: study of cases in industrial companiesRodrigues, Claudia Heloisa Ribeiro 11 October 2002 (has links)
Empowerment é uma abordagem de projeto que objetiva a delegação de poder de decisão, autonomia e participação dos funcionários do empowerment através dos estágios evolutivos das áreas de gestão. Estudam-se as especificidades do empowerment em termos de suas dimensões, ciclo de implementação e tipologia. Analisa-se o desenvolvimento de empowerment através dos estágios evolutivos das áreas de gestão, configurações organizacionais, estratégias competitivas, gestão de recursos humanos e qualidade. Apresenta-se um estudo de casos em duas empresas manufatureiras do interior de São Paulo, a fim de analisar o grau de participação dos funcionários de acordo com o estágio evolutivo de suas áreas de gestão, configuração organizacional, estratégia competitiva, gestão de recursos humanos e gestão da qualidade da empresa. Nas conclusões, discutem-se os fatores favoráveis, as particularidades e limitações do empowerment com base nos estudos de casos. / Empowerment is an approach of work design which aims at delegating decision power, autonomy and employees\' participation in managing the company. This paper aims at analyzing the development of the empowerment through the evolution stages of management areas. The peculiarities of empowerment in terms of its dimensions, implementation cycle and typology are studied. The development of the empowerment is analyzed through the evolution stage of management area, organizational configurations, managerial strategy, human resource management and quality management. A case study in two industrial companies in the interior of São Paulo is presented in order to analyze the degree of the employees\' participation in agreement with the evolution stages of management areas, organizational configuration, competitive strategy, human resource management and quality management of each company. In the section of conclusions, the favorable aspects, peculiarities and limitations of empowerment which were found on the case study are discussed.
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Chronicle Based Alarm Management / Gestion d’alarmes basée sur des chroniquesVasquez Capacho, John William 13 October 2017 (has links)
La sécurité des installations industrielles implique une gestion intégrée de tous les facteurs pouvant causer des incidents. La gestion d’alarmes est une condition qui peut être formulée comme un problème de reconnaissance de motifs pour lequel les motifs temporels sont utilisés pour caractériser différentes situations typiques, en particulier liées au phases de démarrage et d'arrêt. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle approche de gestion des alarmes basée sur un processus de diagnostic. En considérant les alarmes et les actions des procédures d'exploitation standard comme des événements discrets, le diagnostic repose sur la reconnaissance de situation pour fournir aux opérateurs des informations pertinentes sur les défauts induisant les flux d'alarmes. La reconnaissance de situation est basée sur des chroniques qui sont apprises pour chaque situation. Nous proposons d'utiliser un modèle causal hybride du système et des simulations pour générer les séquences d'événements représentatives à partir desquelles les chroniques sont apprises automatiquement en utilisant l'algorithme « Heuristic Chronicle Discovery Algorithm Modified » (HCDAM). Une extension de cet algorithme est présentée dans cette thèse où les connaissances d'experts sont prises en compte comme des restrictions temporelles qui constituent une nouvelle entrée pour HCDAM. Deux cas d’étude illustratifs dans le domaine des procédés pétrochimiques sont présentés. / Industrial plant safety involves integrated management of all the factors that may cause incidents. Process alarm management is a requisite that can be formulated as a pattern recognition problem in which temporal patterns are used to characterize different typical situations, particularly at startup and shutdown stages. In this thesis, we propose a new approach of alarm management based on a diagnosis process. Assuming the alarms and the actions of the standard operating procedures as discrete events, diagnosis relies on situation recognition to provide the operators with relevant information about the faults inducing the alarm flows. Situation recognition is based on chronicles that are learned for every situation. We propose to use the hybrid causal model of the system and simulations to generate the representative event sequences from which the chronicles are learned using the Heuristic Chronicle Discovery Algorithm Modified (HCDAM). An extension of this algorithm is presented in this thesis where expert knowledge is included as temporal restrictions which are a new input to HCDAM. Two illustrative case studies in the field of petrochemical plants are presented.
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Nonlinear transient dynamics of on-board rotors supported by Active Magnetic Bearings / Prévision du comportement dynamique d'une turbomachine supportée par des Paliers Magnétiques Actifs durant un évènement critiqueJarroux, Clément 19 July 2017 (has links)
De manière générale, les turbomachines sont des machines tournantes permettant la conversion des différents types d’énergie. Ces dernières sont composées d’une partie mécanique en rotation, appelée rotor, interagissant avec un fluide. La rotation a donc un rôle clé pour ces machines et la liaison entre les parties fixes et les parties tournantes, appelée palier, est primordiale pour un fonctionnement fiable et optimal. Les turbomachines supportées par des paliers magnétiques actifs (PMAs) sont de plus en plus utilisées par les industriels notamment grâce à l’absence de contact direct entre parties fixes et parties tournantes, permettant un gain d’énergie et une réduction des émissions de CO2. La plupart du temps, ces machines sont « embarquées » et reposent sur des supports mobiles. Les mouvements générés par ces supports doivent être considérés dans la prévision du comportement dynamique des turbomachines afin d’améliorer les designs en conséquence. Cette thèse est une contribution à l’étude des turbomachines supportées par des PMAs sujettes à de fortes sollicitations extérieures. L’approche est numérique et expérimentale. L’utilisation d’un banc d’essais académique composé d’un système rotor-PMA, aux propriétés d’une turbomachine industrielle, a permis de tester les modèles développés pour des cas de sollicitations extérieures de type séisme et choc, générées grâce à l'excitateur 6-axes de l'equipex PHARE. Il est montré que le modèle permet la bonne prévision du comportement réel de la machine. Cet outil pourra donc être utilisé pour des designs de type industriel. / Turbomachines are rotating machines enabling the conversion of the different types of energy. The latter are composed of a rotating mechanical part, called rotor, interacting with a fluid. Therefore, rotation play a key role in these machines and the mechanical link between the fixed and the rotating parts, called bearing, is essential for reliable and optimal operations. Turbomachines supported by active magnetic bearings (AMBs) are increasingly used by industrial companies, especially thanks to the absence of direct contact between fixed and rotating parts, enabling energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions. Most of the time, these machines are "on-board" and are fixed on mobile supports. The motions generated by these supports must be considered in the prediction of the dynamic behaviour of turbomachinery in order to improve the designs accordingly. This PhD is a contribution to the study of turbomachines supported by AMBs subjected to strong external base motions. The approach is numerical and experimental. The use of an academic scale test rig comprising a rotor-AMB system, with the properties of an industrial turbomachine, allowed to test the developed models for cases of external solicitations such as earthquake and shock, thanks to the 6-axis shaker of the equipex PHARE. It is shown that the model provides good predictions of the behaviour of the machine for the tested cases. This tool can therefore be used for industrial designs.
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Etude des réponses de la moule Mytilus spp exposée à des stress métallique et thermique durant les stades embryo-larvaires / Study of responses of the mussel Mytilus spp exposed to metallic and thermal stresses during the embryo-larval stagesBoukadida Ammar, Khouloud 10 April 2017 (has links)
Les écosystèmes marins côtiers sont soumis à des pressions anthropiques et naturelles qui placent les organismes aquatiques dans des situations de multi-stress.Ce travail doctoral avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d’adaptation des premiers stades de vie de moule exposés à deux facteurs environnementaux majeurs : la pollution métallique et l’accroissement des températures des eaux marines côtières. Les effets induits par l’exposition à deux polluants métalliques modèles (Cu et Ag) et à un stress thermique modéré seuls ou en combinaison ont été évalués sur les stades précoces de développement de deux espèces de moule : Mytilus galloprovincialis et Mytilus edulis ainsi que leurs hybrides. Nos résultats montrent une augmentation significative du pourcentage de larves D ma lformées avec l’augmentation de la température. Par ailleurs, l’Ag apparaît significativement plus toxique que le Cu pour les larves. De plus,la toxicité des métaux s’accroit avec l’augmentation de la température. La coexposition aux métaux et à une température modérée augmente les activités enzymatiques antioxydantes de la catalase (CAT), de la superoxyde dismutase (SOD)et de la glutathion-S-transférase (GST) et accroît le contenu cellulaire en métallothionéines et la peroxydation lipidique. A une température plus élevée de 22 °C,une diminution significative des activités des enzymes antioxydantes est observée.Les dommages à l’ADN chez les larves-D de moule M. gallo provincialis ont été évalués à l’aide du test des comètes avec et sans traitement par la Formamidopyrimidine ADN glycosylase. L’exposition aux métaux et/ou à la température aaugmenté de manière significative les lésions de l’ADN sur les larves de moule,avec un effet plus accentué sur les dommages oxydatifs. Il a été montré également que le Cu et l’Ag sont accumulés différentiellement dans les larves en fonction de la température d’exposition. L’étude de l’expression par RT-qPCR de 18 gènes impliqués dans les défenses antioxydantes, la réparation de l’ADN, l’apoptose,la protéolyse, la transcription, les réponses au stress thermique et la détoxification métallique a été conduite chez les larves-D de moule M. galloprovincialis.En cas d’un stress thermique modéré, une tendance à la surexpression des gènes impliqués dans les défenses cellulaires est observée. Toutefois, en cas d’une coexposition métallique et thermique, les voies d’apoptose et d’altération cellulaires sont activées.Un plugin et une macro ont été développés pour le logiciel ImageJ afin d’évaluer et de caractériser le comportement de nage des larves D de M. galloprovincialis.Une augmentation significative de la vitesse maximale des larves-Davec l’augmentation de la température est observée sans que la vitesse moyenne soit affectée. En revanche, l’exposition au Cu et à l’Ag à 22 °C augmente significativement les vitesses moyenne et maximale des larves. En condition contrôle à18 °C, les larves suivent principalement des trajectoires rectilignes (88 %). Avec l’augmentation de la température et/ou l’exposition aux métaux, les trajectoires circulaires augmentent considérablement au détriment des trajectoires rectilignes.Ces modifications de comportement pourraient être liées d’une part à l’induction de malformations mais aussi à la modulation de l’activité neuronale. Ainsi, une augmentation significative de l’activité acétylcholine estérase (AChE) des larves a été observée suite à l’exposition à un gradient de températures et/ou aux métaux.Des larves D viables et normalement développées ont été obtenues par hybridation de M. galloprovincialis et M. edulis. Les larves de M. edulis apparaissent plus sensibles à la température que les larves de M. galloprovincialis. Aucune différence significative de sensibilité n’a été observée entre les moules hybrides et pures quelque soit le métal testé. (...) / Coastal marine ecosystems are subject to anthropogenic and natural pressures that place aquatic organisms in multi-stress situations. The aim of this doctoral work was to assess the impact and better understand the adaptation mechanisms of mussel early life stages exposed to two major environmental factors : metallic pollution and increasing temperatures in coastal marine waters. The effects induced by exposure to two model metal pollutants (Cu and Ag) and moderatethermal stress alone or in combination were evaluated on the early life stages of development of two mussel species : Mytilus galloprovincialis and Mytilus edulisas well as their hybrids. Our results show a significant increase in the percentageof malformed D-larvae with increasing temperature. Moreover, Ag is significantly more toxic than Cu for larvae. In addition, the toxicity of metals increases with increasing temperature. Co-exposure to metals and a moderate temperature increases the antioxidant activity of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD)and glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and increases cellular content of metallothioneinsand lipid peroxidation. At a higher temperature of 22 °C, a significant decrease in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes is observed. DNA damage in M. galloprovincialis larvae was evaluated using the comet assay with and without Formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase treatment. Co-exposure to metals and/ortemperature increase significantly increased DNA lesions on mussel larvae, witha more pronounced effect on oxidative damage. It has also been shown that Cuand Ag are accumulated differently in the larvae as a function of the exposure temperature. The study of the gene expression by RT-qPCR of 18 genes involvedin antioxidant defenses, DNA repair, apoptosis, proteolysis, transcription, thermal stress and metal detoxification was conducted in D-larvae of M. galloprovincialis.Under moderate thermal stress, a tendency of over expression of the cell defense pathways is observed. However, in the case of metallic and thermal co-expositions, the pathways of apoptosis and cellular alteration are rather induced. A pluginand macro were developed for the evaluation and characterization of behavior oflarvae of M. galloprovincialis. A significant increase in the maximum speed of D larvaewith increasing temperature is observed without affecting the mean velocity. In contrast, exposure to Cu and Ag at 22 °C significantly increases average and maximum larval speed. Under controlled conditions at 18 °C, larvae mainly follow rectilinear trajectories (88 %). With increasing temperature and/or exposure to metals, circular trajectories increase considerably at the expense of rectilinear trajectories. These changes in behavior may be related to the induction of malformations but also to the modulation of neuronal activity. Thus, a significant increase in the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the larvae is observed following exposure to a temperature gradient and/or metals. Viable and normally developed D-larvae were obtained by hybridization of M. galloprovincialis and M.edulis. Larvae of M. edulis are more sensitive to temperature than larvae of M. galloprovincialis.No significant sensitivity differences between species are observed whatever the metal used. Moreover, the hybrid larvae from female M. galloprovincialis are more tolerant to the increase of temperature compared to the hybrid larvae issues from rom female of M. edulis.
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