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Visualizing the Transition Out of High-Demand ReligionsMyers, Summer Anne 29 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This research uses a questionnaire and a bridge drawing directive to explore the lived experience of transitioning out of a high-demand religion. Subjects include disaffiliated Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Fundamentalist Protestants who were recruited through a dedicated website via limited promotion in online communities for disaffiliates. Visual and textual responses are analyzed through qualitative coding, with additional analysis performed on the artwork using Hays and Lyons’ (1981) bridge drawing criteria. Results reveal the psychological, social, behavioral, identity, and existential effects of disaffiliation. Results also produce seven emergent themes: ambivalence; embracing uncertainty; social justice; simultaneous transitions; freedom and constraint; growth; and remaining ties. The paper then explores the subjects’ lived experiences, latent content in the artwork, and the role and value of artmaking in healing from these difficult transitions. Lastly, this paper discusses treatment considerations, limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research on religious struggles and disaffiliation.
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Cardiovascular Response to a Behavioral Restraint Challenge: Urge Magnitude Influence in Men and WomenMlynski, Christopher 05 1900 (has links)
Agtarap, Wright, Mlynski, Hammad, and Blackledge took an initial step in providing support for the predictive validity of a new conceptual analysis concerned with behavioral restraint, defined as active resistance against a behavioral impulse or urge. The current study was designed to partially replicate and extend findings from their study, employing a common film protocol and a procedure for inducing low- and high levels of fatigue. Analyses on key data indicated that the fatigue manipulation was ineffective. On the other hand, they supported the suggestion that behavioral restraint should be proportional to the strength of an urge being resisted so long as success is perceived as possible and worthwhile. Analyses also provided evidence of gender differences for this behavioral restraint task. Women showed relatively enhanced CV responses to my manipulation of urge magnitude, performed less well, rated the behavioral restraint challenge as harder, and rated success on the more difficult behavioral restraint task as more important. A broad indication is that men and women can differ in the strength of impulses they experience in response to stimulus presentations as well as in the importance they place on resisting the impulses.
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Searching for a SaviorBatch, Julia 12 1900 (has links)
This collection of essays includes a preference that investigates the role and importance of setting and character in a nonfiction narrative. The preface assesses the writings of four great authors, examining how each author use setting and characterization to further the purpose of their story. This collection focuses on four different issues that the author has wrestled with for two decades. While “Desperado” is an investigation into the problems within her own family, “Being Black Me” highlights the authors struggle against the racial inequality her hometown. “Voices In The Dark”, the author analyze how the abuse she suffered as a child has influenced her life and contributed to a drinking problem that is explored in a later essay “Alors On Danse”.
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The Behavioral Economics of EffortNord, Christina M. 12 1900 (has links)
Although response effort is considered a dimension of the cost to obtain reinforcement, little research has examined the economic impact of effort on demand for food. The goal of the present study was to explore the relationship between effort and demand. Three Sprague Dawley rats were trained to press a force transducer under a series of fixed-ratio schedules (1, 10, 18, 32, 56, 100, 180, 320, and 560) under different force requirements (5.6 g and 56 g). Thus, nominal unit price (responses / food) remained constant while minimal response force requirements varied. Using a force transducer allowed the measurement of responses failing to meet the minimal force requirement (i.e. “subcriterion responses”), an advantage over prior approaches using weighted levers to manipulate effort. Consistent with prior research, increasing the unit price decreased food consumption, and raising minimum force requirements further reduced demand for food. Additionally, increasing the force requirement produced subcriterion responses. Analysis indicated that subcriterion responses did not create incidental changes in unit price. Obtained force data revealed that including obtained forces in unit price calculations provided better predictions of consumption when compared to using criterion force requirements.
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Liderança e luta por reconhecimento: trocas da relação eu-outro / Leadership and Struggle for Recognition: exchanges of the relationship I-otherHupfer, Celson Luiz 28 April 2016 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva confrontar os fenômenos do reconhecimento e da liderança, com o propósito de investigar teoricamente se os padrões de reconhecimento identificados por Axel Honneth podem servir de base para uma definição de liderança que atenda as demandas de construção de identidade e de transformação do século XXI. O reconhecimento intersubjetivo está no centro dos debates da Filosofia e das Ciências Sociais. Ele fundamenta as construções das identidades de sujeitos e grupos e acontece através da busca ativa da intersubjetividade, ou luta por reconhecimento, conforme sistematizado por Honneth. De outra parte, a liderança é também um fenômeno da relação eu-outro e integra toda a vida social humana. Entretanto, durante muito tempo ela foi interpretada como atributos, habilidades e competências dos indivíduos. Esta interpretação foi modificada a partir da introdução do conceito de influência, em substituição a poder e autoridade. Para atender ao propósito acima, a investigação iniciou-se por uma arqueologia da liderança, incluindo as maneiras pelas quais ela foi interpretada ao longo da história e pelas diversas disciplinas, as dificuldades de compreender suas causas, mecanismos e consequências, as confusões em torno da acepção da palavra e a identificação das principais teorias de liderança, elaboradas pela Psicologia Social e pela Administração. Foram investigadas as contribuições de pesquisadores da Filosofia, como Cícero, Maquiavel e Smith, da Sociologia, como Weber e Barnard, da Psicologia Social, como Lewin e Smircich, e da Administração, como Burns e Bass. O estudo evidenciou que a liderança é um fenômeno da intersubjetividade humana e um processo importante na construção das identidades dos sujeitos. Foi deduzido que uma definição de liderança para os tempos contemporâneos integra cinco conceitos fundamentais: ela é um processo que emerge da interação eu-outro; é fruto da influência multidirecional; implica em reconhecimento e conhecimento do outro; é um processo dialético; e ela gera a transformação dos sujeitos e do social. Por sua vez, o reconhecimento, como uma das formas pelas quais acontece a intersubjetividade, também foi investigado desde as primeiras formulações feitas por Hegel, passando pelas contribuições de Mead e Ricoeur, até alcançar a sistematização de luta por reconhecimento proposta por Honneth. Desta sistematização, foram extraídos quatro conceitos fundamentais: as três esferas ou padrões de reconhecimento de Honneth, amor, direito e solidariedade e a dialética. Finalmente, concluiu-se pela possibilidade teórica de revisar a definição de liderança com base nos padrões de reconhecimento e da dialética, compreendendo que os conceitos de liderança verificados atendem a esses padrões. Foi proposta uma definição de liderança e, assim como sugestões para futuras pesquisas envolvendo este objeto de estudo / This thesis aims to confront the phenomena of recognition and leadership, in order to theoretically investigate whether the patterns of recognition identified by Axel Honneth can support a definition of leadership that meets the demands of identity construction and transformation of the XXI Century. The intersubjective recognition is at the center of debates of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Recognition is on the foundation of the construction of subjects and groups identities and it is realized through the active pursuit of intersubjectivity, or the struggle for recognition, as systematized by Honneth. On the other hand, leadership is also a phenomenon of the relationship I-other and integrates all human social life. However, for a long time it was interpreted as attributes, skills and competencies of individuals. This interpretation has been modified after the introduction of the concept of influence, replacing power and authority. To meet the above purpose, the investigation was initiated by an archeology of leadership, including the ways in which it has been interpreted throughout history and the various disciplines, the difficulties of understanding its causes, mechanisms and consequences, the confusion surrounding the sense of the word and the identification of the main theories of leadership, built in the fields of the Social Psychology and Management. Also, contributions from researchers of Philosophy were investigated, as Cicero, Machiavelli and Smith; of Sociology, as Weber and Barnard; of Social Psychology, as Lewin and Smircich; and of Administration, as Burns and Bass. The study demonstrated that leadership is a phenomenon of human intersubjectivity and an important process for the construction of the identities of the subjects. It was deduced that a definition of leadership to contemporary times integrates five key concepts: it is a process that emerges from the interaction I-other; It is the result of multidirectional influence; It implies recognition and knowledge of the other; It is a dialectical process; and it generates transformations on individuals and society. In turn, recognition, as one of the ways of intersubjectivity, was investigated from its first formulations made by Hegel, through the contributions of Mead and Ricoeur, and ending with the systematization as a struggle for recognition proposed by Honneth. From Honneths systematization were extracted four fundamental concepts: the three spheres or patterns of his proposition of recognition, love, law and solidarity and the dialectic the process of struggle. Finally, the thesis conclusions support the theoretical possibility to revise the definition of leadership based on these patterns of recognition and the dialectic process, understanding that the verified leadership concepts meet these standards. It was also proposed a definition of leadership, as well as suggestions for future research involving the study of this object
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Construire, représenter combattre la peur : la société italienne et l'Etat face à la violence politique des "années de plomb", 1969-1981 / instilling, Describing and Fighting Fear : Italian Society and the State in the face of Political Violence during the ''Years of Lead'', 1969-1981Le Quang, Gregoire 12 December 2017 (has links)
La décennie des années 1970 est caractérisée en Italie par un « cycle de protestation » et des mobilisations politiques et sociales de grande ampleur, qui s'accompagne – sans s'y limiter – d'une vague de violences politiques de natures très diverses, des attentats à la bombe mis au point par l'extrême-droite aux attentats ciblés de la lutte armée d'inspiration marxiste-léniniste, en passant par les débordements occasionnés par des manifestations ou des agressions. Ces violences s'inscrivent dans des stratégies d’intimidation qu'il s'agit de replacer précisément dans des cultures politiques qui se donnent comme objectif d'utiliser, parfois explicitement, la peur comme outil d'intervention politique, occasion de replacer les différents « terrorismes » dans la perspective de trajectoires de radicalisation. Quels sont les résultats socio-politiques de ces manœuvres visant à généraliser la guerre psychologique ? Au fil de la décennie et en comparant, sans les confondre, les différentes formes de « terrorisme » et leurs effets, se dessine une géographie et une chronologie de l'imprégnation de la peur : au-delà de l'effet de terreur qui dure peu, la violence « terroriste » installe un climat de peur durable, un sentiment de menace qui devient, à partir de 1978, un fait incontournable et que nombre de sources contemporaines permettent de saisir. Se pose alors la question de la représentation de la peur dans l'espace public et politique, son instrumentalisation éventuelle dans des stratégies propres au gouvernement ou à l'opposition, et l'absolue nécessité de rassurer, y compris au prix d'une mise en tension des mesures de sécurité avec les valeurs de l'État de droit. / The 1970s in Italy are characterized by a new “cycle of protests” and a dramatic rise in social and political mobilization. These movements were accompanied by – although not limited to – a wave of political violence of various types, from right-wing bombings to targeted attacks by armed underground Marxist-Leninist organizations, and a great number of outbursts of collective violence during demonstrations and street fights. Not all of this violent activity falls under the heading of “terrorism”, rather it should be considered within the broader context of a political climate where intimidation tactics were on the increase and fear was, sometimes explicitly, used as a political tool. The political culture facilitated the use of violence in a process of radicalisation. What are the socio-political results of such a strategy of intimidation and psychological warfare? Analysis of the different strategies and their effects reveals a propagation of fear through the decade, resulting in a sustained climate of terror and the sense of a pressing threat, particularly from 1978 onwards. This raises the question of the effects of repetitive terrorist attacks, and the representation of fear in the public and political sphere: at the same time a destabilizing factor and a tool for legitimising political activities.
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Le satellite récalcitrant : la Roumanie de Gheorghiu-Dej face à l'URSS : acteurs, vecteurs et enjeux d'une politique extérieure sous influence (1944-1965) / The recalcitrant satellite : Gheorghiu-Dej's Romania face to the USSR : actors, vectors and issues of a foreign policy under influence (1944-1965)Gridan, Irina 06 April 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche éclaire la prise de décision en politique extérieure dans la Roumanie de Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, entre 1944 et 1965. Les mécanismes en amont de la décision, les processus de sa mise en œuvre, les problématiques liées à sa réception sont analysés. La thèse étudie les relations entre acteurs impliqués - cercles dirigeants du parti et de l'État diplomates en poste à Moscou, fonctionnaires du ministère des Affaires étrangères, spécialistes des questions économiques ou conseillers soviétiques -, interroge leurs trajectoires et leurs compétences. À partir d'une influence, soviétique omniprésente, véhiculée par des canaux et des institutions multiples, il s'agit de voir comment le rapport à cette domination est renversé. Les acteurs du processus décisionnel, structurés en réseaux coopératifs ou concurrents, en cercles d'allégeances et d'intérêt, contribuent à une prise de décision diplomatique inextricablement liée à des enjeux de politique intérieure. Dans le cercle restreint du Secrétariat et du Bureau politique, la lutte interne pour le pouvoir constitue d'abord un moteur de la soviétisation, puis de la désatellisation économique et de l'émancipation de la diplomatie roumaine. À destination de la puissance tutélaire soviétique, ainsi que de l'opinion roumaine et internationale, la politique extérieure devient un outil de consolidation, pour un régime et des dirigeants qui souffrent, initialement, d'un déficit de reconnaissance. Elle alimente un discours de légitimation politique, dont l'orientation nationale prend appui sur la mobilisation des masses et de l'opinion et qui revêt parfois les apparences d'une prise en compte des aspirations populaires. / This research sheds light on the decision-making in foreign policy in Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's Romania, from 1944 to 1965. The mechanisms of the decision, its implementation and the issues related to its reception are discussed all through the analysis, as well as different categories of actors : the ruling circles of the Party and of the State, diplomats in Moscow, officials of Foreign affairs Ministry, economy specialists and Soviet advisors. The point is to study these actors' trajectories and to question their skills. Starting from a situation where the Soviet influence and interests are pervasive through multiple channels and institutions, it is shown how the relation to the Soviet domination is reversed. The actors involved in the decision-making process, organized in cooperative or competitive networks and in circles of loyalty and interest, contribute to diplomatic decisions that are inextricably linked to domestic policy issues. In the inner circle of the Secretariat and of the Politburo, the internal struggle for power is to be seen as an impulse first for Sovietization and then for economic desatellisation and for diplomatic emancipation. Foreign policy becomes a powerful tool of consolidation for a regime and for leaders who initially suffer from a serious lack of recognition, both toward Soviet power and toward Romanian and international public opinions. It supplies a discourse of political legitimization whose nationalist accents are first perceptible and then resolute. Based on mass and opinion mobilization, this discourse sometimes contrasts with totalitarian propaganda, to assume the appearance of popular aspirations consideration.
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Le traitement, dans la presse écrite, de la violence politique en Guadeloupe de 1979 à 1989 / How the written press dealt with the political violence in Guadeloupe between 1979 and 1989Canneval, Jacques 22 October 2013 (has links)
Entre 1979 et 1989, la région des Antilles et de la Guyane, et plus particulièrement la Guadeloupe, ont connu une décennie de violence. 284 attentats à la bombe ont été commis dans ces pays, soit un peu plus de 10 % des 2616 attentats perpétrés sur le territoire français de 1973 à 1980. Ces actes de violence ont été revendiqués par deux organisations “terroristes“ successives : le Groupe de libération armée (G.L.A) et l’Alliance révolutionnaire caraïbe. Cette “lutte armée“ avait pour objectif de “pousser“ le gouvernement français à accorder l’indépendance nationale à ses dernières possessions des Antilles et de l’Amérique du Sud. Cette thèse intitulée : “le traitement, dans la presse écrite, de la violence politique en Guadeloupe de 1979 à 1989“ s’attache à interroger la stratégie discursive des journaux nationaux et régionaux pour rendre compte des violences dans un pays où est à l’œuvre une théorie politique de l’assimilation. En se fondant sur le schéma actanciel, ce travail, dans sa première partie, s’emploie à dégager les grandes étapes de la formule “départementalisation“ qui s’est imposée au fil du temps comme cadre politique de régulation de la vie publique des départements d’outre-mer. Dans sa deuxième partie, il s’attarde à mettre en lumière le long processus historique qui a conduit aux événements de violence précités. Ceux-ci sont analysés, dans la troisième partie, par la technique de mise en relation contrastive du quotidien de “référence“ le “Monde“ et du journal “nationaliste“ le “Journal Guadeloupéen“, et par celle de l’analyse de contenu. Les résultats de ce travail sont de deux ordres : 1) le phénomène de la violence politique est saisi dans son fonctionnement pratique et théorique ; les premières vérités, à la suite d’une enquête approfondie, apparaissent sur cette période troublée. 2) la mise en relation contrastive, les analyses lexicale et thématique révèlent avec quel substrat les journaux construisent leurs dires. / Between 1979 and 1989, the region covering the French West Indies and Guyana, and in particular Guadeloupe, experienced a decade of violence. 284 bomb attacks were committed in these countries, i.e. slightly more than 10% of the 2,616 attacks carried out throughout French territory between 1973 and 1980. Two “terrorist” organizations successively claimed responsibility for these acts of violence: the Liberation Army Group (G.L.A.) and the Caribbean Revolutionary Alliance. The aim of this “armed struggle” was to “incite” the French government to grant national independence to its last strongholds in the West Indies and South America. This dissertation, entitled “How the written press dealt with the political violence in Guadeloupe between 1979 and 1989”, focuses on questioning the discursive strategy implemented by national and regional newspapers for reporting the violence in a country where a political theory on assimilation was brought into play. In its first part, this work, which is based on the actantial model, concentrates on highlighting the major phases in the “departmentalization” formula, which imposed itself over time as the political framework that would be used to regulate public life in overseas departments. In its second part, it emphasizes in detail the long historic process which led to the aforementioned violent events. These are analyzed in the third part through a contrastive study of the reference daily – Le Monde, with the nationalistic newspaper – the Journal Guadeloupéen and by analyzing the content. The results of this work are twofold: 1) the phenomenon of political violence is addressed in its theoretical and practical functioning; following an in-depth enquiry, the basic truths are brought to the fore for this troubled period. 2) the contrastive relationship, the lexical and thematic analysis uncovers the “substance” used by the newspapers for establishing their claims.
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Luta antimanicomial: da participação política à formação da personagem militante / Antimanicomial struggle: political participation to the training of activist personageDebora Cidro de Brito 11 September 2014 (has links)
As ações que resultaram na Reforma Psiquiátrica tiveram início no Brasil a partir da década de 1970 e, especialmente na década de 1980, favorecendo a abertura para a participação política de usuários dos serviços de saúde mental e familiares de usuários, possibilitando a formação de diversos coletivos antimanicomiais que partilham dos ideais de eliminação dos manicômios, das práticas segregadoras em relação à saúde mental e pelo reconhecimento dos direitos e das capacidades de uma pessoa portadora de sofrimento psíquico. Essas transformações que vem ocorrendo nos últimos anos colocaram o usuário e o familiar em outra relação, seja com a própria loucura, seja com a sociedade, pois, ao menos em tese, novas possibilidades de inserção no espaço público foram se mostrando. Ainda assim, reconhecemos também os interesses envolvidos na Reforma Psiquiátrica que podem esconder as práticas manicomiais ainda presentes na sociedade, podendo ser essas transportadas para espaços extra-muros. Diante disso, os usuários e familiares que participam de coletivos antimanicomiais encontram-se na encruzilhada das políticas de identidades que regulam seu modo de vida e os lugares de sua existência e, das identidades políticas que visam desconstruir naturalizações de desigualdades sociais a que alguns grupos estão submetidos. Entre esses dois polos, desejamos verificar como se dá as metamorfoses da identidade de militantes da luta antimanicomial. Para isso, utilizamos duas histórias de vida: Laura e Fernando, militantes da luta antimanicomial que vão nos contar, por meio de suas memórias da participação política, como as relações sociais se materializaram em suas individualidades. Para a análise de suas histórias, utilizamos o referencial teórico de autores que entendem a identidade pelo sintagma identidade-metamorfose-emancipação. Ao final, verificamos o potencial emancipador da luta por reconhecimento que ambos estiveram inseridos, evidenciando a busca por melhores condições de vida para outros indivíduos, assim como o reconhecimento de seu valor social. / The actions which resulted in the Psychiatric Reform began in the 1970s especially in the 1980s in Brazil and have favoured openness to the political participation for mental health service of users and their families. This fact has enabled the formation of various anti-asylum collectives which shared the ideals of eliminating not only the asylums but also the segregating practices regarding mental health and for the recognition of the rights and capacities of people with mental suffering. These transformations which have occurred in recent years have provided the users and their families the opportunity to establish a different relation with either the insanity or the society, once, at least in thesis, they were shown new possibilities of being inserted into the public space. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize to which extent the interests involved in the Psychiatric Reform can hide asylum practices still present in our society. Therefore, users and their families who participate in anti-asylum collective are at the crucial crossroads of polices of identity which rule and shape their way of life and the places they live in, and also the political identities which aim to deconstruct the naturalization of social inequalities some groups are submitted. Between these two poles, our aim is to check how the metamorphosis of anti-asylum fight activists identity is formed. For this purpose, we used two life stories: Laura and Fernando, anti-asylum fight activists who will tell us based on the memory they have of their political participation, such as social relations materialized in their individualities. For the analysis of their stories, we used the theoretical framework of authors who understand by the term identity identity-bubble-emancipation. Finally, we will analyse the emancipatory potential of the struggle for recognition both stories were inserted in and put the search for better conditions of life for others individuals in evidence, as well as the recognition of its social value.
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Ala vermelha: revolução, autocrítica e repressão judicial no Estado de São Paulo (1967-1974) / Red wing: revolution, self-criticism and judicial repression in the São Paulo state (1967-1974)Silva, Tadeu Antonio Dix 04 May 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende narrar a história da Ala Vermelha, organização que surgiu como dissidência do Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B) e se transformou em partido autônomo em 1966, momento em que se inseriu nas lutas sociais brasileiras, chegando, inclusive, a realizar ações armadas de expropriação de fundos e de propaganda revolucionária entre 1968 e 1971. A Ala Vermelha apresenta um aspecto singular, que viria a distingui-la dos demais grupos guerrilheiros que atuavam naquela época no Brasil. Na plenitude do processo de luta armada, esta organização iniciou um procedimento autocrítico com relação à própria luta armada, procedimento este que se iniciou em 1969 para culminar em 1974, quando avaliou seu equívoco ao optar pelas ações armadas de forma imediata / The purpose of this work is to tell the story of the Red Wing, an organization that appeared originally as a dissidence inside the Brazilian Communist Party (PC do B) and became an autonomous party in 1966. From 1968 to 1971, it became actively involved in the Brazilian social struggle and even carried out armed actions to expropriate funds and disseminate revolutionary propaganda. The Red Wing had an unique trait that would distinguish it from other guerrilla groups operating at that time: in the heat of the armed struggle, this organization set off a self-criticism procedure focused on the very fight it was engaged on. This procedure was started in 1969 and culminated in 1974, when the organization concluded that its option for immediate armed reaction had been a mistake
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