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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flow: o que é isso? um estudo psicológico sobre experiências ótimas de fluxo na consciência, sob a perspectiva da psicologia positiva / Flow: What is it? A psychological study on optimal experience of flow in consciousness, from the perspective of Positive Psychology

Helder Hiroki Kamei 30 August 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa compreender o que são as experiências de flow, investigando e verificando a qualidade da experiência subjetiva durante a prática de uma determinada atividade intrinsecamente motivadora (a dança-de-salão). Flow é um conceito desenvolvido por Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, co-fundador do movimento conhecido como Psicologia Positiva, que foi idealizado em 1998 por Martin Seligman. Um dos principais campos temáticos das pesquisas em Psicologia Positiva consiste nos estudos sobre felicidade, sendo que este trabalho pretende contribuir para as pesquisas sobre felicidade e bem-estar subjetivo no Brasil. Para apreender as qualidades da experiência de flow, optou-se pelo método qualitativo e preferiu-se partir da narrativa dos próprios sujeitos, empregando a técnica da entrevista-narrativa norteada por roteiro semi-estruturado. As entrevistas foram realizadas em 6 escolas de dança-de-salão na cidade de São Paulo, sendo selecionados vinte participantes do gênero masculino e feminino, entre 20 e 40 anos de idade, dentre eles 10 alunos que praticavam a dança-de-salão como atividade de lazer e 10 profissionais, professores de dança. Para analisar os depoimentos, foi utilizado o método de derivação empírica das categorias (Csikszentmihalyi & Robinson, 1990), sendo estas apresentadas por meio de citações e quantidades. As citações são trechos de depoimentos que ilustram uma determinada categoria, enquanto as quantidades sinalizam a importância de cada tópico dentro do conjunto das narrativas. As dimensões, categorias, sub-categorias e variáveis levantadas a partir das narrativas dos sujeitos foram comparadas com as características do flow e condições para sua ocorrência conforme descritas por Csikszentmihalyi em sua teoria, para verificar a existência de possíveis concordâncias e discordâncias. Foram identificadas 4 dimensões da experiência subjetiva durante a atividade de flow: motivacional, emocional, cognitiva e perceptiva, além de uma dimensão relacionada às conseqüências da prática desta atividade. Os resultados indicaram que, durante a experiência de flow, há presença de alta motivação intrínseca, emoções e sentimentos positivos, alta concentração, atenção focada na atividade e no momento presente, percepção de controle corporal e mental, distorção da experiência temporal e um feedback positivo sobre o desempenho, o que eleva a qualidade da experiência subjetiva a níveis ótimos. Os resultados apontaram que a vivência de experiências de flow ou de outros estados subjetivos, como ansiedade, tédio ou relaxamento, dependem principalmente do nível e do equilíbrio entre, de um lado, os desafios e dificuldades demandadas pela atividade, e de outro, pelas capacidades e habilidades do indivíduo. Houve concordâncias em sete das oito dimensões do flow, conforme descritas por Csikszentmihalyi e colaboradores. Houve discordância em relação a uma dimensão: perda da autoconsciência reflexiva e transcendência das fronteiras do self. Como conseqüências da prática da atividade de flow, verificamos aumento da auto-estima após a dança e crescimento pessoal em diversos aspectos, principalmente sociais, de personalidade e emocionais / The current work aims at understanding what the experiences of flow are, investigating and verifying the quality of subjective experience during the practice of an activity intrinsically motivating (ballroom dance). Flow is a concept developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, cofounder of the movement known as Positive Psychology, which was designed in 1998 by Martin Seligman. One of the main thematic areas of research in Positive Psychology is the study of happiness, and this work aims at contributing to research on happiness and subjective well-being in Brazil. To understand the qualities of the experience of flow, the qualitative method was chosen and it was preferred to start from the subjects own narrative, employing the technique of interview-narratives conducted by a semi-structured guideline. The interviews were conducted in 6 schools of ballroom dance in the city of São Paulo, twenty participants were selected male and female, between 20 and 40 years of age, among them 10 students who practiced the ballroom dance as a leisure activity, and 10 professional dance teachers. To analyze the testimonials, we used the method of derivation of empirical categories (Csikszentmihalyi & Robinson, 1990),, which are presented through quotations and quantities. The quotations are excerpts from testimonials that illustrate a particular category, while quantities indicate the importance of each topic within the set of narratives. The dimensions, categories, sub-categories and variables raised through the narratives of the subjects were compared with the characteristics of flow and conditions for its occurrence as described by Csikszentmihalyi in his theory, to check for possible consistencies and inconsistencies. We identified four dimensions of subjective experience during the flow activity: motivational, emotional, cognitive and perceptive, and a dimension related to consequences of the activity practice. The results indicated that during the experience of flow, there is presence of high intrinsic motivation, positive emotions and feelings, high concentration, focused attention on activity at the present moment, perception of body and mental control, distortion of temporal experience and positive feedback on performance, which raises the quality of subjective experience to optimal levels. The results showed that the living experience of flow or other subjective states such as anxiety, boredom or relaxation, depends mainly on the level and balance between, on one hand, the challenges and difficulties demanded by the activity, and on the other, by the capabilities and abilities of the individual. There was agreement in seven of eight dimensions of flow, as described by Csikszentmihalyi and colleagues. There was disagreement in one dimension: loss of reflective selfconsciousness and transcendence of boundaries of self. As consequences of the practice of the flow activity, we found an increasing in self-esteem after the dance and personal growth in various aspects, mainly social, personality and emotional

A felicidade revisitada: um estudo sobre bem-estar subjetivo na visão da psicologia positiva / Happiness revisited: a study on subjective well-being according to positive psychology

Lilian Domingues Graziano 03 February 2005 (has links)
Pautada no modelo médico, a Psicologia tem direcionado seus esforços científicos muito mais para o estudo dos aspectos disfuncionais do indivíduo do que para suas potencialidades. Isso gerou um desequilíbrio no campo de estudos dessa ciência que, ao focalizar sua atenção quase que exclusivamente nos problemas humanos, acabou por deixar que temas, como a Felicidade, fossem apropriados pela chamada literatura de auto-ajuda. A partir do referencial teórico da Psicologia Positiva, este estudo busca compreender a felicidade humana a partir de uma abordagem científica, o que julgamos fundamental para a construção de um corpo teórico consistente sobre o tema e capaz de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de saúde mental de caráter preventivo. Sendo assim, investigamos a relação entre felicidade e lócus de controle numa amostra de 106 sujeitos universitários utilizando-nos, para tanto da Correlação de Spearman e do Teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados indicaram que quanto maior o lócus de controle interno dos sujeitos pesquisados, maior também seus níveis de felicidade. / Developed around the medical model, Psychology has directed its scientific efforts principally toward the study of the dysfunctional aspects of human behavior rather than toward the potential of the individual. This has created a disequilibrium in the field of study of this science which by focusing its attention almost exclusively on human problems has relegated themes such as Happiness to the so-called self-help literature. Based on the theoretical reference of Positive Psychology, this study seeks to understand Human Happiness from a scientific point of view. We judge this approach fundamental to the construction of a body of theory consistent with the theme and capable of helping in the development of preventive mental health programs. Therefore, we research the relationship between happiness and control "locus" in a sample of 106 university students, using the Spearman Correlation and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results indicate that the greater the internal control locus of the individuals studied, the greater their level of personal happiness.

Improving Elementary Teachers’ Well-Being through a Strengths-Based Intervention: A Multiple Baseline Single-Case Design

Mccullough, Mollie Marie 31 October 2015 (has links)
Teaching is considered to be one of the most highly demanding professions, and one that is associated with high levels of stress and sometimes deleterious outcomes. Although research demonstrates that burnout and attrition are often associated with specific characteristics of the occupation (e.g., challenging workload, standardized testing, merit-based salary) minimal research focuses on how to better support teachers’ well-being. The field of positive psychology affords a new perspective in how to obtain quality mental health without solely focusing on psychopathology within a deficits-based approach. This includes the implementation of interventions (i.e., positive psychology interventions [PPI]) that target constructs of well-being (e.g., character strengths, hope, optimism, gratitude, etc.) and are associated with positive changes in authentic happiness. This study examined how a strength-based, PPI entitled Utilizing Signature Strengths in a New Way (Seligman, Steen, Park, & Peterson, 2005) impacts dimensions of teacher well-being, as well as other relevant outcomes (i.e., flourishing, burnout) within the school context. Previous research has shown that strengths-based intervention to be the PPI with the most substantial impact and the longest lasting outcomes (Seligman et al., 2005). Utilizing a concurrent multiple baseline single-case design with eight teachers, the study evaluated the effects of the strengths-based PPI on teacher’s overall happiness (i.e., subjective well-being) as indicated by self-report measures of life satisfaction and positive and negative affect. The teachers exhibited significant gains in life satisfaction and reductions in negative affect from pre- to post-intervention that were also evident one month following the intervention. Although positive affect did not significantly change from pre- to post-intervention, a significant gain was apparent at one-month follow-up. Single-case analytic strategies (i.e., visual analysis, masked visual analysis, and hierarchical linear modeling) found that the intervention positively impacted teachers’ overall subjective well-being (composite of standardized life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect scores). Results for single indicators of subjective well-being found variability in basic effects among different individuals (i.e., some teachers benefited more than others) further supporting the theory of person-activity fit. Regarding the intervention’s effects on secondary outcomes that were examined only at pre, post, and one-month follow-up time points, findings indicated the teachers experienced a significant increase in work satisfaction immediately following the intervention, as well as a significant increase in feelings of flourishing at follow-up. Significant decreases in negative dimensions of teachers’ mental health including stress and burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion) were also demonstrated. Findings from the current study provide initial support for the efficacy of a teacher-focused, strengths-based intervention and its ability to improve multiple components of teacher well-being within an elementary school. Implications for school psychologists and policy, contributions to the literature, and future directions are discussed.

Osobnostní zdroje osobní pohody (well-being) u různých věkových skupin / Personality Sources of Well-being in Different Age Cohorts

Pacholíková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the personality sources, defined as personality traits by five-factor model, of well-being in the both approaches - hedonic and eudaimonic - and with all its components and dimensions. The assumptions of the research are stronger relationship of personality with the subjective well-being at younger adults than at middle-aged adults and stronger relationship of personality with the psychological well-being at middle-aged adults that at younger adults. The sample consists of 103 respondents at the younger adulthood and 149 respondents at the middle adulthood. The relationships and the comparison between the both age cohorts is analyzed by correlations and multiple linear regression. Results bring the evidence of the relationship between the personality traits with the subjective and the psychological well-being. The personality sources are the strongest at the level of all components and most of the dimensions at the middle-aged adults. The results are discussed with the limits of the research and with the topics of follow-up research.

“Digitalize or die trying” : En kvantitativ studie om digitaliseringens inverkan på anställdas välmående i svenska banker

Lindberg, Sofie, Nilsson, Elin January 2017 (has links)
De senaste åren har banksektorn genomgått betydande digitala förändringar. De digitala innovationerna inom banksektorn har resulterat i ett förändrat arbetssätt för bankmedarbetarna som i sin tur resulterat i en organisationsförändring. Tidigare forskning har kunnat påvisa att den rådande kulturen i företaget både kan ha en negativ eller en positiv effekt på individens subjektiva välmående. Därför har vi valt att undersöka hur olika organisationskulturer i banksektorn kan påverka den enskilda bankmedarbetarens subjektiva välmående. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara och beskriva hur digitaliseringen påverkar den enskilda bankmedarbetarens subjektiva välmående på arbetsplatsen, samt hur organisationskulturen inverkar på individens upplevelse av digitalisering. Studien har en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi följt av en deduktiv ansats. En kvantitativ metod genomfördes med datainsamlingsmetoden internetenkät. Resultatet från undersökningen har baserats på 144 respondenter. Studien har visat indikationer på att en kollektivistisk kultur har en positiv effekt på det subjektiva välmåendet hos bankmedarbetaren. Vi har även kunnat visa att ju mer positiv inställning bankmedarbetaren har till användning av digitala arbetsmetoder, ju bättre är deras subjektiva välmående. Vår studie är begränsad till att endast innefatta bankmedarbetare från utvalda banker runt om i Sverige. Avslutningsvis bidrar denna studie med en argumentation samt diskussion kring hur digitalisering påverkar bankmedarbetarens subjektiva välmående, samt hur organisationskulturen inverkar på individens upplevelse av digitaliseringen. / In recent years, the banking sector has undergone significant digital changes. The digital innovations in the banking sector have resulted in a changing working method for bank employees, which in turn resulted in an organizational change. Earlier research has shown that organizational culture can both have a positive and negative impact on an individual's subjective well-being. The purpose of this paper is to explain and describe how digitalization affects the individual employee's subjective well-being in the workplace, as well as how the organizational culture affects the individual's perception of digitization. The study has a positivistic research philosophy followed by a deductive approach applied in the form of hypothesis testing. The study has a quantitative research method and was completed with an internet survey. The result of the study is based on 144 respondents. In our study, we have found indications that a collectivist organizational culture has a positive impact on the bank employee's subjective well-being. We have also found that the more positive attitude bank employees have towards using digital working methods, the better their subjective well-being is. A limitation with our study is that it only includes bank employees from selected banks around Sweden. However, the limitation entails that we can contribute with new knowledge in a previously relatively unexplored context. Finally, this study contributes with a discussion about how digitalization affects the subjective well-being of the bank employees, and how different organizational culture affects the individual's perception of digitalization.

Participation in Organized Sports and Youth Adjustment: Mediating Role of Peer Support

Eliasson, Isak, Lundström, Anna January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Cross-Cultural Differences in Affect Valuation: Whites, East Asians, and Third Culture Kids

Yamada, Joey 01 January 2018 (has links)
This paper explores the cross-cultural differences in affect valuation, emotion regulation, and the relationship between affect valuation, emotion regulation and subjective well-being across White Americans, Asians, and Third Culture Kids (TCKs). Emotional experiences shape every facet of our lives, yet understanding the extent to which emotional experiences are universal is still poorly understood. This is particularly the case among individuals with diverse cultural experiences. In the current study, we look at TCK individuals, a group composed of White-identifying individuals who spent a significant time of their childhood in East Asian countries. Through a questionnaire that was distributed via email and word of mouth, participants (N = 239) were asked to complete five surveys that included a subjective well-being scale, the affect valuation index, an emotion regulation questionnaire, an interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire, and a set of scenarios that tested the individual’s tendency to feel a duty to themselves or to others. This study found that the Asian group significantly valued low arousal emotions more so than European Americans or the TCK individuals. TCKs were most likely to feel a strong sense of duty to help others.

Windows and blinds selection for enhancing subjective well-being

Jalilzadehazhari, Elaheh January 2017 (has links)
Earlier studies in the context of windows and blinds selection have mostly tried to increase the awareness regarding various effects of windows and blinds selection on subjective well-being, including their effect on visual comfort, thermal comfort, energy consumption and life cycle cost. However, the main problem is the potential conflicts between visual comfort, thermal comfort, energy consumption and life cycle cost. Increased awareness about the contradictory effect of windows and blinds selection on subjective well-being on one hand and lack of a feasible method in managing the conflicts on the other hand may bind individuals, as decision-makers, in a situation where they follow the immediate economic benefits rather than the long-term visual and thermal benefits. To solve the mentioned problem, this study analysed first the degree of the conflicts between average daylight illuminance and total energy consumption in Sweden. This decision was made due to large variation in solar elevation angle and solar intensity between summer and winter in Sweden, which has significant effects on daylight illuminance and total energy consumption. Analysing the conflicts was accomplished by developing two multivariate linear regression models for calculating average daylight illuminance and total energy consumption. Comparison and analysis of the multivariate linear regression models showed the existence of a high degree of conflicts, which makes window and blind selection a rather complex multidimensional problem. Specifying the degree of the conflicts formed a hypothesis as: “A multi criteria decision-making method increases the controllability and manages the conflicts in selecting windows and blinds”. The developed hypothesis was later tested by employing analytical hierarchy process, as widely used multi criteria decisionmaking method. The analytical hierarchy process prioritizes decision-maker’ preferences and introduces a desired trade-off solution. The results of employing analytical hierarchy process showed the capability of it in managing the conflicts among visual comfort, thermal comfort, energy consumption and life cycle cost. Finally, the application of the analytical hierarchy process was expanded by integrating it with nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, as an optimization algorithm. Through this integration, optimization algorithm combines windows’ and blinds’ design variables and analyses a large number of solutions, while analytical hierarchy process ranks the solutions based on decision-makers’ preferences and introduces a desired trade-off solution. The integration between analytical hierarchy process and the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II was presented later as a conceptual framework. The developed conceptual framework can be used for selecting windows and blinds II in both residential and commercial buildings. In selecting windows and blinds, the conceptual framework is a novel solution to the lack of a feasible method for increasing the controllability for decision-makers and obtaining a desired trade-off solution. / Tidigare studier avseende val av fönster och solskydd har främst försökt fastställa olika effekter som valet av fönster och solskydd har på det subjektiva välbefinnandet. Detta inkluderar dessa föremåls effekt på den visuella komforten, den termiska komforten, energiförbrukningen och livscykelkostnaderna. Det huvudsakliga problemet är dock de potentiella konflikterna mellan visuell komfort, termisk komfort, energiförbrukning och livscykelkostnader. Avsaknaden av en metod för att hantera denna konflikt leder till att beslutfattaren fastnar i en situation där de snarare gör sitt val utifrån omedelbara ekonomiska fördelar än de långsiktiga visuella och termiska fördelarna. För att lösa ovan nämnda problem analyserades konflikterna mellan det genomsnittliga dagsljusinsläppet och den totala energiförbrukningen i Sverige. En av huvudanledningarna till konflikterna är att solens infallsvinkel och intensitet varierar kraftigt mellan sommar och vinter i Sverige. Detta har betydande effekter på dagsljusinfallet och den totala energiförbrukningen. Konflikterna analyserades genom att utveckla två multivariata linjära regressionsmodeller för att beräkna det genomsnittliga dagsljusinfallet och den totala energiförbrukningen. En jämförelse och analys av de multivariata linjära regressionsmodellerna påvisade en hög grad av konflikter, vilket gör valet av fönster och solskydd till ett komplext och flerdimensionellt problem. Bestämningen av graden av konflikt formade följande hypotes: ” En multikriterieanalysbaserat beslutsstöd ökar kontrollerbarheten och hanterar konflikter vid valet av fönster och solskydd”. Den utvecklade hypotesen testades senare med hjälp av Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), en ofta använd multikriterieanalys metod för beslutsfattande. Metoden tar fram lösningar genom att göra prioriteringar enligt beslutsfattarens preferenser. Resultaten av att tillämpa metoden visade metodens förmåga att lösa konflikterna kring visuell komfort, termisk komfort, energiförbrukning och livscykelkostnad. Slutligen utökades metoden genom att integrera AHP med optimeringsalgoritmen Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II. Genom denna integrering kombinerar optimeringsalgoritmen fönstrens och solskyddens design variabler till ett stort antal lösningsförslag. Dessa lösningsförslag analyseras och till sist rangordnas lösningsförslagen med hjälp av AHP baserat på beslutsfattarnas preferenser. Integreringen av AHP och optimeringsalgoritmen presenterades som ett konceptuellt ramverk. I valet av fönster och solskydd är det konceptuella ramverket en ny lösning för att öka den upplevda kontrollen och därmed förstärka det subjektiva välbefinnandet. / ProWood

Effekten av emotionell intelligens på subjektivt välbefinnande bland svenskar / The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Subjective Well-being among Swedes

Engegren, Asinja, Karlsson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
De senaste årtiondena har forskning visat att det finns flera fördelar med att ha en välutvecklad emotionell intelligens. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken effekt den emotionella intelligensen har på människors subjektiva välbefinnande med samtidig kontroll för effekten av personlighet. Syftet var också att studera om den emotionella intelligensen kan påverka sambandet mellan personlighet och subjektivt välbefinnande. I en tvärsnittsstudie samlades data in via en enkät som mätte deltagarnas emotionella intelligens, personlighet samt subjektiva välbefinnande via delkomponenterna livstillfredsställelse och lycka. Totalt deltog 275 svenska respondenter i åldrarna 18-70 år. Resultatet visade att emotionell intelligens positivt förutspådde både subjektivt välbefinnande samt delkomponenterna livstillfredsställelse och lycka. Dessutom var den emotionella intelligensen en starkare prediktor än personlighet för det subjektiva välbefinnandet. Däremot modererade inte emotionell intelligens sambandet mellan respektive personlighetsdrag och subjektivt välbefinnande. Slutsatsen för studien är att en hög grad av emotionell intelligens förutspår ett högt subjektivt välbefinnande och ett lyckligt liv. / A well-developed emotional intelligence has shown to have many benefits. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on subjective well-being, while controlling for the effect of personality. The study also examined whether the association between personality and subjective well-being changes depending on the level of emotional intelligence. In a survey with a cross-sectional design, trait emotional intelligence, personality and subjective well-being, measured by its two components lifesatisfaction and happiness, were measured. 275 Swedish respondents in the age range of 18-70 years participated in the study. The results showed that emotional intelligence was a strong positive predictor of subjective well-being as well as for life satisfaction and happiness. Moreover, emotional intelligence was a stronger predictor of subjective well-being than personality was. However, emotional intelligence did not moderate the association between personality traits and subjective well-being. The conclusion is that a high level of emotional intelligence predicts high subjective well-being and a happy life.

Bienestar subjetivo en el proceso creativo en artistas plásticos de Lima Metropolitana / Subjective well-being in the creative process in plastic artists of Metropolitan Lima

Padilla Quillas, Geraldine Alessandra 15 May 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar el bienestar subjetivo en el proceso creativo en estudiantes de artes plásticas de Lima Metropolitana. El enfoque fue cualitativo y el diseño fenomenológico. Se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad en nueve participantes que cursaban alguna especialidad de artes plásticas (pintura, grabado, escultura y dibujo). Los hallazgos obtenidos se analizaron en los siguientes ejes temáticos: bienestar subjetivo, búsqueda de sí mismo, liberación emocional y compromiso social. El estudio reveló que los participantes experimentaban bienestar durante su proceso creativo, haciendo énfasis en el efecto liberador y sanador para sí mismos. Se pretende orientar futuras investigaciones en el campo de la psicología positiva respecto a la creatividad como una herramienta de expresión, crecimiento y salud mental. / The present study aims to explore the subjective well-being in the creative process of plastic arts students in Metropolitan Lima. The focus was qualitative and the design phenomenological. In-depth interviews were carried out in nine participants who were studying a specialty of plastic arts (painting, engraving, sculpture and drawing). The findings obtained were analyzed in the following thematic axes: subjective well-being, self-search, emotional liberation and social commitment. The study revealed that participants experienced wellness during their creative process, emphasizing the releasing and healing effect for themselves. It is intended to guide future research in the field of positive psychology regarding creativity as a tool for expression, growth and mental health. / Tesis

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