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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetslöshet, vad gör det med oss? : - Om arbetssökandes upplevelser kring arbetslöshet och hälsa / The impact of unemployment : - About job seekers perceptions and experiences of unemployment and health

Andersson, Robin, Castlin, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Författare: Julia Castlin och Robin Andersson Titel: Arbetslöshet, vad gör det med oss? Handledare: Jan Karlsson Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur arbetssökande upplever att arbetslösheten påverkar deras hälsa. Studien hade även för avsikt att undersöka vilka utmaningar arbetssökande upplever och hur dessa hanteras i vardagen. Vidare studerades hur arbetssökande kan lära sig om sin hälsa under arbetslösheten utifrån egna samt andras erfarenheter. Metod: Denna studie grundas på sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med arbetssökande som varade i 30-40 minuter. De arbetssökande som deltog i studien hade varit utan arbete i minst två månader och var inskrivna eller på väg att skriva in sig på Arbetsförmedlingen. Teori: Teorierna som behandlar såväl hälso- som pedagogiska teorier är: känsla avsammanhang (KASAM), erfarenhetsbaserat lärande och praktikgemenskaper. Samtliga tre teorier har utgjort kärnan i en analysmatris som i studien legat till grund för att finna samband mellan empirin och teorierna, vilket var en hjälp för att besvara studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultaten som framkom i denna studie pekade på att arbetssökandes hälsa påverkas av tilltron till den egna förmågan att uppnå sina individuella mål. Krav och förväntningar från omgivningen verkar också påverka individernas hälsa. Resurser i form av ekonomisk trygghet och socialt stöd tycks kunna bidra till ett bättre subjektivt välmående. Den största utmaningen upplevdes av många arbetssökande vara att få en anställning. Orsakerna till den upplevda svårigheten var dock varierande och individuella hinder såsom brist på resurser, brist på erfarenhet/utbildning och konkurrens på arbetsmarknaden pekades ut. I intervjuerna framkom även att flera av intervjupersonerna hade utvecklat nya “idéer/teorier” som kan underlätta en hantering av liknande situationer i framtiden. Dessa nya idéer kan ha uppkommit både genom egna erfarenheter eller genom utbyte med andra. Slutsats: Hälsan under arbetslösheten tycks vara beroende av individens förmåga att hantera situationen som i enlighet med teorierna om erfarenhetsbaserat lärande och SE, beror på individens tidigare upplevelser och tilltro till sin egen förmåga. Sannolikheten för att få en anställning verkar således öka om individen innehar ett högt KASAM. / Abstract Author: Julia Castlin and Robin Andersson Title: The impact of unemployment - About job seekers perceptions and experiences of unemployment and health Supervisor: Jan Karlsson The aim of this study was to examine how unemployed experience their everyday life and how their health is affected by being unemployed. Another purpose of this study was toexamine which challenges the unemployed are experiencing and how they are handled. Furthermore, this study aspired to see how unemployed can learn about its health during unemployment by experiences from themselves and others. Method: This study included six semi-structured interviews with unemployed, which lasted for 30-40 minutes each. The unemployed, participating in this study had been without work for at least two months and were registered on, or in the process of registration with Arbetsförmedlingen (Employment Service, the largest agency providing jobs in Sweden). Theory: The theories that are addressing both health and pedagogy are: sense of coherence (SOC), experiential learning and communities of practice. All of these three theories have formed the core of an analyzing table, which facilitates findings of correlation between empirical data and theory, in order to enable answers regarding the purpose of this study. Results: The results that emerged from this study indicated that the health of unemployed is affected by the self-efficacy of achieving their individual goals. Expectations from the social environment also seem to be a factor to the health of the unemployed. Resources in terms of financial security and social support also showed indications of contributing to a better subjective well-being. The majority of the unemployed in this study perceived that receiving employment was the greatest challenge. However, the causes of the perceived difficulties were varying and the obstacles were individual, such as lack of resources, lack of experience/education and competition on the labor market. The interviews also revealed that several of the participants had developed new “ideas/theories” that can facilitate the management of similar situations in the future. These new ideas may have emerged either through own experience or through exchange with other people. Conclusion: The health status during unemployment seems to be dependent of the individual’s manageability of the situation, as in accordance with the theories of experiential learning and self-efficacy, depends on the individual’s previous experience and self-efficacy.Thus the likelihood of receiving employment seems to increase if the individual has a strong SOC.

Podmíněnosti spokojenosti se životem v Česku se zaměřením na geografické faktory / Determinants of life satisfaction in Czechia with the focus on geographical factors

Procházka, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to analyse determinants of subjective well-being in Czechia and to compare them with other empirical evidence from Czechia and abroad. Main theoretical approaches include those emphasising "psychological" factors and those emphasising factors outside of the human personality. Data from the Public Opinion Research Centre of more than 2,000 respondents from Czechia of years 2013 and 2014 were analysed statistically. Measures of so-called global and local subjective well-being were dependent variables. Independent variables include "geographical" and demographic variables and other dummies. It was confirmed that people living in more populated buildings, with a lower space mobility, older, of a lower employment status or unemployed, lower education and left-wing oriented declare usually a lower results on the subjective well-being, too. Gender and income had variable effect on the subjective well-being. Theoretical assumptions were not confirmed considering the settlement size, mode of commuting and religion.

L'économie du bonheur face à l'insécurité nutritionnelle; des Maliens ruraux, urbains et migrants évaluent leur situation alimentaire. / Happiness economics and nutritional insecurity; urban, rural and migrant people from Mali assess their food situation.

Lebrun, Mila 28 June 2013 (has links)
Les politiques de sécurité alimentaire considèrent implicitement que la satisfaction des besoins nutritionnels est un objectif suffisant et que les autres fonctions qu'assure l'alimentation – plaisir, lien social, identité – sont secondaires. La présente thèse interroge cette hypothèse. Mobilisant les avancées de l'économie du bonheur, elle propose le concept de bien-être alimentaire subjectif , défini comme la façon dont les personnes ressentent leur situation alimentaire, et construit une mesure pour en rendre compte, la satisfaction alimentaire vécue. Cette mesure est insérée dans un questionnaire soumis à trois échantillons de Maliens vivant dans des milieux différents (région de Kayes, ville de Bamako, France) et confrontés à des niveaux d'insécurité nutritionnelle variés. Des analyses statistiques et économétriques sont réalisées. Les résultats empiriques montrent que, quel que soit le niveau d'insécurité nutritionnelle, les dimensions tant biologique que sociale, hédonique ou identitaire de l'alimentation peuvent être déterminantes dans les perceptions qu'ont les personnes de leur vécu alimentaire. C'est ce qui explique que l'absence d'insécurité nutritionnelle ne soit ni une garantie, ni, surtout, un pré-requis d'une satisfaction alimentaire vécue élevée.Cette recherche suggère des implications importantes en termes d'efficacité et de définition des objectifs des politiques alimentaires. Elle va dans le sens des recommandations du Comité de la Sécurité Alimentaire mondiale d'octobre 2012 en plaidant pour compléter les approches existantes de l'insécurité alimentaire par des évaluations des perceptions individuelles des situations alimentaires vécues. / Food security programs tacitly consider that nutritional needs satisfaction is a sufficient goal and that the other functions of food-pleasure, social links, identity-are of less value. This thesis examine this assumption. Using happiness economics advances, we propose the concept of subjective food well-being, defined as the way people assess their food situation, and develop a measure to evaluate it, the experienced food satisfaction. This measure is put in a questionnaire submitted to three samples of Malian people living in different environments (Kayes region, city of Bamako, France) and facing different nutritional insecurity levels. Statistic and econometric analysis are realized. The empirical results show that, whatever the nutritional insecurity level is, every dimension of food, biological, hedonic, social or identity, can be decisive in people's perception of their food experience. It explains why lack of nutritional insecurity is not a guarantee nor a precondition of high experienced food satisfaction.This research implies important consequences for food programs efficiency and the definition of their goals. Like the last Committee of Food Security (2012) recommends, it pleads to complete existing food insecurity approaches with evaluations of individual food experience perceptions.

Trois essais sur les déterminants du bien-être subjectif dans les pays en développement / Three Essays on the Determinants of Subjective Well-Being in Developing Countries

Zeidan, Jinan 25 June 2014 (has links)
Le premier chapitre propose une revue des différents moyens de quantification du bien-être subjectif. Il s'agit des auto-évaluations globales de satisfaction, des mesures en temps réel (DRM et ESM) et de l'indice U. Dans le second chapitre, nous exploitons la base IFLS pour tester l'hypothèse de statut relatif en Indonésie. Le bien-être des indonésiens est positivement influencé par le revenu des agents dans leur entourage. Cette influence positive est clairement plus importante pour les pauvres que pour les riches. Le troisième chapitre examine l'effet de l'obésité sur la santé mentale des femmes mexicaines. Nos résultats montrent que la grosseur des femmes exerce des effets hétérogènes sur leur bien-être émotionnel, avec notamment un effet négatif observé pour les riches contrairement aux groupes de revenu inférieurs et moyens qui semblent tirer satisfaction de leur excès de poids. Les différences également observées selon d'autres dimensions (éducation et ruralité) supportent l'hypothèse liée aux différences de normes sociales. Ce constat est robuste à des estimations alternatives considérant les biais de causalité inverse et de variables omises. Le dernier chapitre étudie la présence d'une prime de la taille dans la vie adulte d'un échantillon d'hommes actifs dans un pays relativement pauvre, l'Indonésie. Les résultats montrent que chaque accroissement d'un centimètre entraîne une augmentation du revenu de 2%. Les conditions socio-économiques des individus durant leur enfance sont à l'origine du quart de cet effet. Les capacités cognitives en expliquent seulement une petite partie. Nos résultats montrent également un effet positif de la taille sur le bonheur. / Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest among economists in the measurement and analysis of subjective well-being. The present thesis consists of a survey and three empirical studies relate to the determinants of subjective well-being in developing countries. The first chapter is a summary of approaches used to measure subjective well-being. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of each approach as well as the theoretical background that lies behind them.The second investigates the presence and the sign of positional concerns in Indonesia. Estimates reveal that relative income positively affects individual well-being. This positive influence is unambiguously more important for the rich than for the poor, and is consistent to various specifications. The third chapter analyses the causal effect of obesity on the emotional well-being of Mexican women, with a special focus on the role of norms. Results point to a negative effect of obesity on emotional well-being among the rich Mexican but positive or insignificant effects among the poor. Heterogeneous effects are also observed along other dimensions such as education and rurality. This heterogeneity is attributed to contrasted body-type norms that characterize different groups. The fourth chapter tests the presence of a beneficial effect of height on different concepts of objective and subjective well-being among Indonesian men. Our analysis concludes to several height premiums. In particular, taller men receive higher wages (because they sort into more lucrative occupations), and are on average happier than their shorter peers.

Relação entre temperamento, caráter e bem-estar subjetivo: estudo em uma amostra de sujeitos saudáveis / Relationship between temperament, character, and subjective well-being: study in a sample of healthy volunteers

Henna, Elaine Aparecida Dacol 25 November 2011 (has links)
Bem-estar subjetivo (BES) é um conceito amplo que representa a satisfação com a vida e inclui a saúde física e mental. O BES é composto por dois componentes: afetivo e cognitivo. A personalidade está entre os fatores responsáveis pela promoção e manutenção de BES e tem sido avaliada por testes que abrangem apenas os aspectos afetivos do BES. Uma avaliação mais completa é representada pelo modelo psicobiológico de Cloninger, que engloba também os fatores de desenvolvimento da personalidade (caráter). Apenas dois estudos utilizaram esse modelo e em ambos caráter foi fortemente associado a bem-estar, porém não está claro se essa associação representa um padrão específico das culturas estudadas. Objetivos: 1) Avaliar quais dimensões de temperamento e caráter estão associadas aos aspectos afetivos e não afetivos do bem-estar subjetivo; 2) Avaliar como fatores sociodemográficos se associam ao bem-estar em nossa amostra; 3) Avaliar se diferenças de personalidade entre os gêneros atuam sobre BES. Método: Estudo transversal realizado em uma amostra de conveniência. Participaram 273 voluntários saudáveis que responderam ao Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter, a subescala de afetos positivos e negativos da Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo, a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e a Brasil Short Form-36 itens (BR-SF-36). As variáveis categoriais foram analisadas por teste qui-quadrado e as demais por teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney. A relação entre as variáveis de bem-estar e as variáveis explicativas (personalidade, sociodemográficas e de saúde) foi analisada por modelos de regressão linear multivariada. Resultados: Os aspectos afetivos do BES estiveram associados a saúde mental, ser casado, morar em Sorocaba, possuir objetivos, conhecer e aceitar defeitos e qualidades, e baixos escores em esquiva ao dano e autotrancendência. Satisfação com a vida foi associada a saúde mental, ser casado, morar em Sorocaba, ter afetos positivos, maiores escores em autodirecionamento e maior índice econômico. Para ambos os gêneros o principal determinante de BES foi a saúde mental, seguida por fatores socioeconômicos. Em homens, o BES esteve positivamente associado a saúde mental e índice econômico, enquanto em mulheres dependeu, além desses, de ser casada, maiores escores em autodirecionamento e menores escores em esquiva ao dano e autotranscendência. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que bem-estar subjetivo é melhor explicado por modelos integrativos que incluam tanto dimensões de personalidade quanto circunstâncias da vida e que autodirecionamento é a dimensão mais relacionada a bem-estar / Subjective well-being (SWB) is a broad concept that represents satisfaction with life and includes physical and mental health. SWB is composed by two components: affective and cognitive. Personality is one of the factors responsible to promote and maintain SWB, and has been evaluated by tests that encompass only the affective aspects of SWB. A more complete evaluation is represented by Cloningers psychobiological model, which also encompass the factors of development of personality (character). Only two studies used this model, and in both character was strongly associated with well-being, however, is not clear if this kind of association represents a specific cultural pattern present in that cultures. Objectives: 1) To evaluate which dimensions of temperament and character are associated with affective and non-affective aspects of subjective well-being; 2) Evaluate how sociodemographic factors are associated with well-being in our sample; 3) Evaluate if gender differences in personality act over SWB. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in a convenience sample. 273 healthy volunteers answered the Temperament and Character Inventory, the subscale of positive and negative affects of the Subjective Well-Being Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Brazil Short Form-36 items (SF-BR-36). The categorical variables were analyzed by chi-square, the other variables by t-test or Mann-Whitney test. The relationship between wellbeing variables and the explanatory (personality, sociodemographic and health) was analyzed by multivariate linear regression models. Results: The affective aspects of SWB were associated with mental health, being married, living in Sorocaba, having goals, to realize and accept faults and qualities, and low scores in harm-avoidance and self-transcendence. Satisfaction with life was associated with mental health, being married, living in Sorocaba, having positive affects, high scores in selfdirectedness, and high economic index. For both genders the most important determinant of SWB was mental health followed by socioeconomic factors. In men, SWB was positively associated with mental health and economic index, while inwomen, besides these, depended on being married, higher scores in self-direction and lower scores on the harm-avoidance and self-transcendence. Conclusions: The results suggest that subjective well-being is best explained by integrative models that include both dimensions of personality and life circumstances, and self-directedness is the dimension more related to well-being

Os serviços públicos e o bem-estar subjetivo da população: uma modelagem multigrupos baseada em mínimos quadrados parciais / Public services and subjective well-being of the population: a multigrupos modeling based on partial least squares

Prearo, Leandro Campi 17 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal relacionar a avaliação dos serviços públicos municipais com o bem-estar subjetivo (BES) dos indivíduos residentes na região do Grande ABC Paulista. Inicialmente foram levantados cinquenta estudos realizados nos últimos dez anos que apresentaram estudo quantitativo para entendimento dos possíveis discriminantes da felicidade, aqui operacionalizada a partir do termo bem-estar subjetivo. Esses serviram como base teórica para o entendimento sobre os possíveis determinantes do BES e para a construção do referencial teórico sobre a temática do BES. Não obstante, não foram encontrados trabalhos com proposição semelhante a este estudo, mas sim apenas pequenos fragmentos de avaliações específicas dos serviços públicos em contextos mais amplos de avaliação. Foram encontradas 114 variáveis possíveis preditoras do BES, com destaque para idade, renda familiar, gênero, estado civil, ocupação e escolaridade, relacionadas em mais de 50% dos textos e selecionadas como moderadoras do relacionamento entre a Avaliação dos Serviços Públicos Municipais (ASPM) e o Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES). O construto ASPM foi operacionalizado a partir de 22 variáveis e o construto BES a partir de 4 variáveis. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada na Região do Grande ABC Paulista, por meio de amostragem probabilística de conglomerados bifásica, considerando margem de erro de 3% e nível de confiança de 95%, resultando em uma amostra de 1.070 casos. A análise dos resultados deu-se por meio de estatísticas descritivas, bivariadas e por meio da aplicação da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais baseada em mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS). Os resultados sugerem um fraco, porém estatisticamente significante relacionamento entre o ASPM e BES, moderado por todas as cinco variáveis propostas, sugerindo que os serviços públicos influem na qualidade do bem-estar dos indivíduos, especialmente quando essa avaliação é realizada em estratos específicos. Sugere-se a realização de estudos subsequentes com o foco apenas em usuários dos serviços públicos avaliados. / This study aimed to relate the evaluation of municipal utilities with subjective wellbeing (SWB) of individuals living in the Grande ABC Paulista. Initially raised fifty studies in the last ten years presented a quantitative study for understanding the possible discriminant of happiness, here operationalized as the term subjective well-being. These served as the theoretical basis for the understanding of the possible determinants of the SWB and the construction of the theoretical framework on the subject of SWB. Nevertheless, no studies were found with similar proposition in this study, but only small fragments of specific evaluations of public services in the wider contexts of evaluation. Found 114 possible variables predictive of SWB, especially age, family income, gender, marital status, occupation and education, related in more than 50 % of the texts and selected as moderators of the relationship between the Evaluation of Municipal Utilities (ASPM) and Subjective Well - Being (SWB). The construct was operationalized ASPM from 22 variables and construct SWB from 4 variables. The field research was conducted in the Region of the Grande ABC Paulsita, by sampling a probabilistic cluster biphasic considering margin of error of 3 % and a confidence level of 95 %, resulting in a sample of 1,070 cases. The analysis was performed by using descriptive statistic, bivariate and by applying the technique of Structural Equation Modeling based on partial least squares (PLS). The results suggest a weak but statistically significant relationship between the SWB and ASPM, moderated by all five variables proposed, suggesting that public services affect the quality of the well- being of individuals, especially when evaluation is performed in specific strata. It is suggested to carry out subsequent study with focus only on users of public services evaluated.

Relações das características pessoais positivas com o bem-estar

Freitas, Clarissa Pinto Pizarro de January 2016 (has links)
A presente tese agrupa quatro estudos que objetivam investigar as relações dos recursos pessoais com os índices de bem-estar dos indivíduos. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre a iniciativa ao crescimento pessoal, a fim de compreender em profundidade o construto de iniciativa ao crescimento pessoal. Posteriormente, foram desenvolvidos três estudos empíricos. O primeiro artigo empírico refere-se ao estudo de adaptação e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da Escala de Iniciativa ao Crescimento Pessoal – II (Personal Growth Initiative Scale – II, PGI-II). Foi observado que a versão brasileira da PGI-II constitui-se como um instrumento confiável para investigar os índices de disponibilidade para mudança, planejamento, comportamento intencional e uso de recursos, apresentando uma estrutura de quatro fatores de primeira ordem. O segundo artigo empírico avaliou se as relações das dimensões da iniciativa ao crescimento pessoal com os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo eram mediadas pela presença de sentido de vida. Foi observado que a presença de sentido de vida media o impacto das dimensões planejamento e comportamento intencional sobre os níveis de satisfação com a vida, afetos positivos e negativos. As dimensões disponibilidade para mudança e uso de recursos não estiveram relacionadas aos índices de presença de sentido de vida. As dimensões disponibilidade para mudança e uso de recursos estiveram negativamente associadas aos níveis de bem-estar subjetivo. O terceiro artigo empírico avaliou se as relações entre otimismo, pessimismo e autoestima com os índices de estresse, satisfação com a vida, afetos positivos e negativos eram mediados pelos níveis de presença de sentido de vida. Os resultados demonstraram que as relações entre o otimismo e autoestima com os índices de estresse, afetos positivos e negativos foram parcialmente mediados pelos níveis de presença de sentido de vida. Entretanto, as relações dos índices de pessimismo com estresse, satisfação com a vida, afetos positivos e negativos não foram mediados pelos níveis de presença de sentido de vida. Estudos futuros devem avaliar se as relações dos recursos pessoais com bem-estar subjetivo e estresse são replicáveis a outras amostras. A principal contribuição desta tese foi disponibilizar uma escala para investigar a iniciativa ao crescimento pessoal no contexto brasileiro. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo avançam o conhecimento sobre as relações entre os recursos pessoais e as dimensões de bem-estar. / This thesis join up four studies that aims to investigate the relationship of levels of personal resources with well-being of individuals. A literature review on the personal growth initiative was carried out in order to understand in depth the construct of personal growth initiative. Later, three empirical studies were developed. The first empirical paper refers to the study of adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale - II (Personal Growth Initiative Scale - II, PGI-II). It was observed that the Brazilian version of PGI-II was established as a reliable instrument to investigate the levels of readiness for change, planfulness, intentional behavior and using resources, with a four first-order factor structure. The second empirical research evaluated if presence of meaning in life mediated the relationships of the dimensions of personal growth initiative with subjective well-being. It was observed that the presence of meaning in life measured the impact of dimensional planning and intentional behavior on levels of satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect. The dimensions readiness for change and using resources were not related to levels of presence of meaning in life. The dimensions readiness for change and using resources were negatively associated with levels of subjective well-being. The third empirical research has evaluated if presence of meaning in life mediated the relationships of optimism, pessimism and self-esteem with levels of stress, life satisfaction, positive and negative affect. The results showed that the relationship between optimism and self-esteem with levels of stress, positive affect and negative were partially mediated by levels of presence of meaning in life. However, the relations of pessimism with stress, life satisfaction, positive affect and negative were not mediated by levels of presence of meaning in life. Future studies should evaluate if the relations of personal resources with subjective well-being and stress are replicable to other samples. The main contribution of this thesis was to provide a scale to investigate the initiative to personal growth in the Brazilian context. In addition, the results of this study advance the understanding of the relationship between personal resources and well-being.

Associação entre a conexão com a natureza e os motivos para as escolhas alimentares, o bem-estar subjetivo e a saúde autorreferida estudo transversal com profissionais da Atenção Primária /

Bruno, Vânia Hercília Talarico January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Karina Pavão Patrício / Resumo: Introdução: Estudos recentes demonstram que a conexão com a natureza favorece o bem estar e a saúde humana e pode facilitar a adoção de hábitos de vida mais sustentáveis e saudáveis, entre eles a alimentação. O consumo habitual de alimentos ultraprocessados, além de associar-se à maior prevalência de doenças crônicas, favorece contaminação ambiental por meio das embalagens, em sua maioria plásticos não retornáveis e não recicláveis. Acredita-se que profissionais da saúde com boa conexão com a natureza podem ser promotores da disseminação destes hábitos. Objetivo: Investigar a associação entre conexão com a natureza e motivos para escolhas alimentares, bem-estar subjetivo e saúde autorreferida. Método: Estudo transversal com 146 profissionais da atenção primária à saúde (APS) do município de Botucatu – SP, que responderam aos seguintes instrumentos autoaplicados: 1) Questionário sociodemográfico, que incluiu questão sobre saúde autorreferida; 2) Escala de Conexão com a Natureza (ECN) - escala com 14 itens, que mede o quanto a pessoa se sente integrada ao meio ambiente em uma perspectiva subjetiva e individual e cuja pontuação varia de 14 a 70 pontos; 3) Questionário sobre “Motivos para as escolhas alimentares” (FCQ): com¬posto por 36 itens distribuídos em nove fatores que avaliam aspectos rela¬cionados às escolhas alimentares. Foram avaliadas as pontuações nos diferentes fatores e a associação da pontuação obtida dos fatores “Saúde”, “Conteúdo Natural” e “Preocupação Ética” à ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: Current studies show that connectedness to nature improves human well-being and health and can facilitate the adoption of more sustainable and healthy living habits, including eating. The habitual consumption of ultra processed foods, in addition to being associated with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases, lead to environmental contamination through the packaging, mostly non-returnable and non-recyclable plastics. It is believed that health professionals with a high connectedness can be promoters of the dissemination of this knowledge. Objective: To investigate the association between connectedness to nature and food choice motives, subjective well-being and self-reported health. Method: Cross-sectional study with 146 primary health care professionals (PHC) from Botucatu city, SP, who answered the following self-applied tools: 1) A socio-demographic questionnaire, which included a question on self-reported health; 2) Connectedness to Nature Scale (ECN) - scale with 14 items, which measures how much the person feels integrated to the environment in a subjective and individual perspective and whose score varies from 14 to 70 points; 3) Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ): compiled by 36 items distributed in nine factors that evaluate aspects related to food choices. The scores on the different factors and the association of the score obtained from the "Health", "Natural Content" and "Ethical Concern" factors to the score obtained in the ECN were evaluated; 4) Sub... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

O bem estar subjetivo em nonagenarios : um estudo qualitativo / Subjective well-being in nonagenarians : a qualitative study

Vieira, Sara Ponzini 02 October 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Dalgalarrondo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T11:41:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_SaraPonzini_M.pdf: 1302458 bytes, checksum: 64a4e82da3b76d287120db989a9c13f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Em consideração do aumento populacional de indivíduos muito idosos no Brasil, bem como da carência de estudos qualitativos com esta faixa etária, este trabalho se propõe investigar a realidade subjetiva de pessoas nonagenárias, mentalmente e cognitivamente saudáveis, e em condições de se comunicar de forma adequada. Através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, investigamos a percepção que pessoas muito idosas têm de suas histórias de vida, do processo de envelhecer, da morte e do sentido da vida, a presença de bem estar subjetivo e o processo da gerotranscendência, que prevê uma transição de uma perspectiva materialista para uma visão de vida mais cósmica e transcendente com o envelhecimento. As narrativas dos 20 sujeitos entrevistados foram subdividas em 3 níveis de Bem Estar Subjetivo. Os dados desta amostra revelaram que, na velhice avançada, podem ser encontradas condições de bem estar bastante heterogêneas, e que o maior bem estar subjetivo está associado a fatores de caráter psicológico (perceber a própria vida como significativa), afetivo (ter pessoas queridas com quem se relacionar) e espiritual (ter fé e esperança em relação à finitude), como também ao estado de saúde e a alguns fatores sociodemográficos. A dimensão da transcendência mostrou-se presente e positivamente relacionada ao maior bem estar, mas esta não mostrou estar associada ao processo de envelhecimento. / Abstract: Considering demographic increasing number of very old people in Brazil, as well as the lack of qualitative studies with this age group, this work purposes to investigate clearheaded, capable of verbal communication nonagenarians' subjective reality. Through half-structured interviews, we investigated the perception that the oldest old have on their life stories, aging process, death and meaning of life, presence of well-being and the gerotranscendent process, considered a transition from a materialistic perspective into a more cosmic and transcendent view of life, accompanying the process of aging. The narratives of the 20 individuals were divided into 3 levels of Subjective Well-being. Data of this group revealed that, in very old age, heterogenous conditions of SWB can be found, and that greater SWB is related to psychological factors (such as viewing one's life as meaningful), affective factors (having significant persons to count on), and spiritual (being faithful and hopeful about finitude), as well as the health state and some social-demografic factors. Transcendent dimension was met in some individuals and positively associated to greater well-being, but didn't show association with the aging process. / Mestrado / Mestre em Gerontologia

Relação entre temperamento, caráter e bem-estar subjetivo: estudo em uma amostra de sujeitos saudáveis / Relationship between temperament, character, and subjective well-being: study in a sample of healthy volunteers

Elaine Aparecida Dacol Henna 25 November 2011 (has links)
Bem-estar subjetivo (BES) é um conceito amplo que representa a satisfação com a vida e inclui a saúde física e mental. O BES é composto por dois componentes: afetivo e cognitivo. A personalidade está entre os fatores responsáveis pela promoção e manutenção de BES e tem sido avaliada por testes que abrangem apenas os aspectos afetivos do BES. Uma avaliação mais completa é representada pelo modelo psicobiológico de Cloninger, que engloba também os fatores de desenvolvimento da personalidade (caráter). Apenas dois estudos utilizaram esse modelo e em ambos caráter foi fortemente associado a bem-estar, porém não está claro se essa associação representa um padrão específico das culturas estudadas. Objetivos: 1) Avaliar quais dimensões de temperamento e caráter estão associadas aos aspectos afetivos e não afetivos do bem-estar subjetivo; 2) Avaliar como fatores sociodemográficos se associam ao bem-estar em nossa amostra; 3) Avaliar se diferenças de personalidade entre os gêneros atuam sobre BES. Método: Estudo transversal realizado em uma amostra de conveniência. Participaram 273 voluntários saudáveis que responderam ao Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter, a subescala de afetos positivos e negativos da Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo, a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e a Brasil Short Form-36 itens (BR-SF-36). As variáveis categoriais foram analisadas por teste qui-quadrado e as demais por teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney. A relação entre as variáveis de bem-estar e as variáveis explicativas (personalidade, sociodemográficas e de saúde) foi analisada por modelos de regressão linear multivariada. Resultados: Os aspectos afetivos do BES estiveram associados a saúde mental, ser casado, morar em Sorocaba, possuir objetivos, conhecer e aceitar defeitos e qualidades, e baixos escores em esquiva ao dano e autotrancendência. Satisfação com a vida foi associada a saúde mental, ser casado, morar em Sorocaba, ter afetos positivos, maiores escores em autodirecionamento e maior índice econômico. Para ambos os gêneros o principal determinante de BES foi a saúde mental, seguida por fatores socioeconômicos. Em homens, o BES esteve positivamente associado a saúde mental e índice econômico, enquanto em mulheres dependeu, além desses, de ser casada, maiores escores em autodirecionamento e menores escores em esquiva ao dano e autotranscendência. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que bem-estar subjetivo é melhor explicado por modelos integrativos que incluam tanto dimensões de personalidade quanto circunstâncias da vida e que autodirecionamento é a dimensão mais relacionada a bem-estar / Subjective well-being (SWB) is a broad concept that represents satisfaction with life and includes physical and mental health. SWB is composed by two components: affective and cognitive. Personality is one of the factors responsible to promote and maintain SWB, and has been evaluated by tests that encompass only the affective aspects of SWB. A more complete evaluation is represented by Cloningers psychobiological model, which also encompass the factors of development of personality (character). Only two studies used this model, and in both character was strongly associated with well-being, however, is not clear if this kind of association represents a specific cultural pattern present in that cultures. Objectives: 1) To evaluate which dimensions of temperament and character are associated with affective and non-affective aspects of subjective well-being; 2) Evaluate how sociodemographic factors are associated with well-being in our sample; 3) Evaluate if gender differences in personality act over SWB. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in a convenience sample. 273 healthy volunteers answered the Temperament and Character Inventory, the subscale of positive and negative affects of the Subjective Well-Being Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Brazil Short Form-36 items (SF-BR-36). The categorical variables were analyzed by chi-square, the other variables by t-test or Mann-Whitney test. The relationship between wellbeing variables and the explanatory (personality, sociodemographic and health) was analyzed by multivariate linear regression models. Results: The affective aspects of SWB were associated with mental health, being married, living in Sorocaba, having goals, to realize and accept faults and qualities, and low scores in harm-avoidance and self-transcendence. Satisfaction with life was associated with mental health, being married, living in Sorocaba, having positive affects, high scores in selfdirectedness, and high economic index. For both genders the most important determinant of SWB was mental health followed by socioeconomic factors. In men, SWB was positively associated with mental health and economic index, while inwomen, besides these, depended on being married, higher scores in self-direction and lower scores on the harm-avoidance and self-transcendence. Conclusions: The results suggest that subjective well-being is best explained by integrative models that include both dimensions of personality and life circumstances, and self-directedness is the dimension more related to well-being

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