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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les inégalités d'accès aux ressources urbaines dans les franges périurbaines de Lille et Belo Horizonte (Brésil) / Inequalities in access to urban amenities in the suburban of Lille and Bello Horizonte (Brazil)

Viana Cerqueira, Eugênia Dória 27 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche trouve son origine dans le constat selon lequel le périurbain devient progressivement plus complexe et que l’homogénéité présumée de ces espaces devrait être remise en question. En effet, l'étalement urbain est maintenant caractérisé par une série de processus post-suburbains multiples, inégaux et émergents, qui prennent des formes spécifiques dans des contextes spatio-temporels distincts. Dès lors, nous visons à examiner les impacts des évolutions récentes observées dans les franges périurbaines de Lille et de Belo Horizonte sur l’accès (potentiel et effectif) aux équipements urbains quotidiens (commerces, services, équipements de santé et de loisirs). Cet exercice comparatif, qui ne peut pas être réduit aux critères socioéconomiques et démographiques, propose de se concentrer sur les processus ordinaires qui contribuent à façonner les modes de vie des habitants périurbains. Dans un premier temps, les résultats montrent que, même si les grandes tendances se révèlent similaires dans les deux contextes, la métropole lilloise semble bénéficier aux groupes de classe moyenne, tandis que Belo Horizonte semble être plus polarisée. Deuxièmement, les résultats des entretiens semi-directifs menés avec les habitants des franges périurbaines montrent que leur accès aux ressources urbaines passe par une série de contraintes, stratégies et arbitrages, comme la trajectoire résidentielle des ménages, l’optimisation des déplacements, etc. L'analyse souligne à la fois la prédominance de la dépendance automobile dans les espaces de densité intermédiaire et la diversité des comportements de déplacement et des stratégies de mobilité, qui sont influencés non seulement par les caractéristiques individuelles, mais également par les structures spatiales et locales. / This research elaborates on a growing consensus in academic literature that low-density areas become gradually more complex and that their presumed homogeneity should be questioned. Undeniably, suburban sprawl is now characterized by a series of multifaceted, uneven and emergent post-suburban processes that assume specific forms across divergent spatiotemporal contexts. This thesis seeks to examine the impacts of the recent shifts observed in the suburban areas of Lille and Belo Horizonte in (potential and real) access to daily urban amenities (shops, services, health and leisure facilities). This comparative exercise that cannot be resumed in socio-economic and demographic criteria proposes to focus on ordinary processes that help shaping suburbanism(s), or suburban’s ways of life. First, results indicate that although global tendencies are shown to be similar in both contexts, the Metropolitan Area of Lille seems to benefit middle-class groups, while Belo Horizonte seems to be more polarized. Second, the results of semi-structured interviews conducted with the inhabitants of the suburban areas highlight how access to urban amenities is influenced by individual obstacles and strategies, such as residential trajectories and sequential trips. The analysis underlines, on the one hand, automobile dependency and, on the other hand, the diversity of travel behaviors and mobility strategies that are influenced not only by individual characteristics, but also spatial and local structures. / A presente pesquisa baseia-se na observação de que as áreas periurbanas vêm se tornando progressivamente mais complexas e que a suposta homogeneidade de tais espaços deve ser questionada. De fato, a expansão urbana caracteriza-se atualmente por uma série de processos póssuburbanos múltiplos, desiguais e emergentes, que assumem formas específicas em contextos espaço-temporais dist intos. Nesse sentido, pretende-se examinar os impactos das evoluções recentes observadas nas franjas periurbanas de Lille e Belo Horizonte no acesso (potencial e efetivo) às atividades urbanas diárias (lojas, serviços, equipamentos de saúde e lazer). Tal exercício comparativo, que não pode ser reduzido a critérios socioeconômicos e demográficos, propõe analisar os processos que constroem e a mobilidade dos moradores da periferia urbana. Inicialmente, os resultados mostram que, embora as principais tendências sejam semelhantes nos dois contextos, a metrópole de Lille beneficia os grupos de classe média, enquanto Belo Horizonte apresenta uma maior polarização. Em segundo lugar, os resultados de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com moradores das periferias mostram que o acesso aos equipamentos urbanos é associado a uma série de restrições, estratégias e arbitragens, como a trajetória residencial dos habitantes, a otimização dos deslocamentos etc. A análise permite destacar tanto a dependência do automóvel nas áreas periféricas, quanto a diversidade de estratégias de mobilidade, que são influenciadas não apenas pelas características individuais dos habitantes, mas também pelas configurações espaciais e locais.

Промоција нових туристичких дестинација - београдских приградских општина / Promocija novih turističkih destinacija - beogradskih prigradskih opština / Promotion of new tourist destinations on the example of Belgrade's suburban municipalities

Stojanović Radomir 04 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Докторска&nbsp; дисертација &bdquo;Промоција&nbsp; нових&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; дестинација &ndash;<br />београдских&nbsp; приградских&nbsp; општина&ldquo;&nbsp; односи&nbsp; се&nbsp; на&nbsp; седам&nbsp; суседних&nbsp; општина&nbsp; које окружују&nbsp; централне&nbsp; делове&nbsp; Београда:&nbsp; Барајево,&nbsp; Гроцку,&nbsp; Младеновац,&nbsp; Лазаревац, Обреновац, Сопот и Сурчин.<br />Промоција,&nbsp; у&nbsp; условима&nbsp; све&nbsp; израженије&nbsp; конкуренције&nbsp; на&nbsp; туристичком<br />тржишту,&nbsp; представља&nbsp; незаобилазни&nbsp; инстумент&nbsp; у&nbsp; позиционирању&nbsp; туристичких<br />дестинација&nbsp; у&nbsp; свести&nbsp; туриста.&nbsp; Ова&nbsp; констатација&nbsp; се&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; односи&nbsp; на&nbsp; нове&nbsp; и недовољно&nbsp; познате&nbsp; географске&nbsp; целине&nbsp; које&nbsp; тек&nbsp; треба&nbsp; да&nbsp; валоризују&nbsp; своје&nbsp; садржаје, као што је то случај са београдским приградским општинама(БПО).<br />Уважавајући&nbsp; значај&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције&nbsp; за&nbsp; излазак&nbsp; нових&nbsp; дестинација&nbsp; на<br />туристичко тржиште, треба јасно нагласити да промоција мора да се посматра само као&nbsp; део&nbsp; ширих&nbsp; активности,&nbsp; односно&nbsp; као&nbsp; битан&nbsp; елеменат&nbsp; управљања&nbsp; дестинацијом, најчешће кроз активности дестинацијских менаџмент организација (ДМО).<br />Применом&nbsp; одговарајућих&nbsp; метода&nbsp; и&nbsp; техника&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; за&nbsp; потребе<br />докторске&nbsp; дисертације (методе&nbsp; посматрања,&nbsp; методе&nbsp; испитивања,&nbsp; статистичка<br />метода,&nbsp; техника&nbsp; анкетирања,&nbsp; теренско&nbsp; истраживање),&nbsp; утврђено&nbsp; је&nbsp; да&nbsp; БПО<br />располажу&nbsp; са&nbsp; бројним&nbsp; и&nbsp; разноврсним&nbsp; потенцијалима&nbsp; за&nbsp; развој т уризма,&nbsp; да&nbsp; имају&nbsp;&nbsp; формиран&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; производ,&nbsp; али&nbsp; да&nbsp; ипак&nbsp; туристи&nbsp; то&nbsp; подручје&nbsp; углавном&nbsp; не доживљавају као могућа места за одмор, разоноду, рекреацију, односно још&nbsp; увек га не виде као привлачну туристичку дестинацију.<br />Даља&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; указују&nbsp; да&nbsp; је&nbsp; последњих&nbsp; година&nbsp; приметан&nbsp; одређен<br />напредак&nbsp; по&nbsp; питању&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; понуде&nbsp; и&nbsp; спровођења&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности, али&nbsp; и&nbsp; да&nbsp; истовремено&nbsp; постоји&nbsp; значајан&nbsp; простор&nbsp; за&nbsp; побољшање&nbsp; постојеће организације &bdquo;туристичке&nbsp; администрације&ldquo;,&nbsp; а&nbsp; самим &nbsp;тим&nbsp; и&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције на нивоу БПО.<br />Имајући&nbsp; у&nbsp; виду&nbsp; резултате&nbsp; истраживања,&nbsp; у&nbsp; овој&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; тези&nbsp; се&nbsp; предлаже<br />конкретан&nbsp; нови&nbsp; модел&nbsp; управљања&nbsp; Београдом&nbsp; као&nbsp; туристичком&nbsp; дестинацијом<br />(обухватајући и БПО као саставни део града&nbsp; Београда). Предложени&nbsp; модел&nbsp; уважава примере добре праксе из иностранства, али и све специфичности постојећег начина организовања&nbsp; туризма,&nbsp; спровођења&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; промоције&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; садашњег&nbsp; обима&nbsp; и квалитета&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; понуде&nbsp; посматраног&nbsp; подручја.&nbsp; Посебно&nbsp; се&nbsp; истиче&nbsp; значај&nbsp; и неопходност&nbsp; професионализације&nbsp; и&nbsp; деполитизације&nbsp; тела&nbsp; задужених&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију&nbsp; и управљање&nbsp; дестинацијама (локалне&nbsp; ТО&nbsp; и&nbsp; градска&nbsp; ДМО)&nbsp; и&nbsp; укључивање&nbsp; приватног<br />сектора&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; јавно-приватно&nbsp; партнерство,&nbsp; као&nbsp; основних&nbsp; принципа&nbsp; на&nbsp; којима&nbsp; би&nbsp; се се заснивале будуће активности.</p> / <p>Doktorska&nbsp; disertacija &bdquo;Promocija&nbsp; novih&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; destinacija &ndash;<br />beogradskih&nbsp; prigradskih&nbsp; opština&ldquo;&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; se&nbsp; na&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; susednih&nbsp; opština&nbsp; koje okružuju&nbsp; centralne&nbsp; delove&nbsp; Beograda:&nbsp; Barajevo,&nbsp; Grocku,&nbsp; Mladenovac,&nbsp; Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Sopot i Surčin.<br />Promocija,&nbsp; u&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; sve&nbsp; izraženije&nbsp; konkurencije&nbsp; na&nbsp; turističkom<br />tržištu,&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; nezaobilazni&nbsp; instument&nbsp; u&nbsp; pozicioniranju&nbsp; turističkih<br />destinacija&nbsp; u&nbsp; svesti&nbsp; turista.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; konstatacija&nbsp; se&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; na&nbsp; nove&nbsp; i nedovoljno&nbsp; poznate&nbsp; geografske&nbsp; celine&nbsp; koje&nbsp; tek&nbsp; treba&nbsp; da&nbsp; valorizuju&nbsp; svoje&nbsp; sadržaje, kao što je to slučaj sa beogradskim prigradskim opštinama(BPO).<br />Uvažavajući&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije&nbsp; za&nbsp; izlazak&nbsp; novih&nbsp; destinacija&nbsp; na<br />turističko tržište, treba jasno naglasiti da promocija mora da se posmatra samo kao&nbsp; deo&nbsp; širih&nbsp; aktivnosti,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; kao&nbsp; bitan&nbsp; elemenat&nbsp; upravljanja&nbsp; destinacijom, najčešće kroz aktivnosti destinacijskih menadžment organizacija (DMO).<br />Primenom&nbsp; odgovarajućih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; i&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; za&nbsp; potrebe<br />doktorske&nbsp; disertacije (metode&nbsp; posmatranja,&nbsp; metode&nbsp; ispitivanja,&nbsp; statistička<br />metoda,&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; anketiranja,&nbsp; terensko&nbsp; istraživanje),&nbsp; utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; BPO<br />raspolažu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; brojnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; raznovrsnim&nbsp; potencijalima&nbsp; za&nbsp; razvoj t urizma,&nbsp; da&nbsp; imaju&nbsp;&nbsp; formiran&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; proizvod,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; da&nbsp; ipak&nbsp; turisti&nbsp; to&nbsp; područje&nbsp; uglavnom&nbsp; ne doživljavaju kao moguća mesta za odmor, razonodu, rekreaciju, odnosno još&nbsp; uvek ga ne vide kao privlačnu turističku destinaciju.<br />Dalja&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; poslednjih&nbsp; godina&nbsp; primetan&nbsp; određen<br />napredak&nbsp; po&nbsp; pitanju&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; i&nbsp; sprovođenja&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti, ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; da&nbsp; istovremeno&nbsp; postoji&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; prostor&nbsp; za&nbsp; poboljšanje&nbsp; postojeće organizacije &bdquo;turističke&nbsp; administracije&ldquo;,&nbsp; a&nbsp; samim &nbsp;tim&nbsp; i&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije na nivou BPO.<br />Imajući&nbsp; u&nbsp; vidu&nbsp; rezultate&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovoj&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; tezi&nbsp; se&nbsp; predlaže<br />konkretan&nbsp; novi&nbsp; model&nbsp; upravljanja&nbsp; Beogradom&nbsp; kao&nbsp; turističkom&nbsp; destinacijom<br />(obuhvatajući i BPO kao sastavni deo grada&nbsp; Beograda). Predloženi&nbsp; model&nbsp; uvažava primere dobre prakse iz inostranstva, ali i sve specifičnosti postojećeg načina organizovanja&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; sprovođenja&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; promocije&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; sadašnjeg&nbsp; obima&nbsp; i kvaliteta&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; posmatranog&nbsp; područja.&nbsp; Posebno&nbsp; se&nbsp; ističe&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; i neophodnost&nbsp; profesionalizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; depolitizacije&nbsp; tela&nbsp; zaduženih&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju&nbsp; i upravljanje&nbsp; destinacijama (lokalne&nbsp; TO&nbsp; i&nbsp; gradska&nbsp; DMO)&nbsp; i&nbsp; uključivanje&nbsp; privatnog<br />sektora&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; javno-privatno&nbsp; partnerstvo,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; osnovnih&nbsp; principa&nbsp; na&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se se zasnivale buduće aktivnosti.</p> / <p>The doctorial dissertation &quot;The promotion of new tourist destinations - Belgrade suburban municipalities&quot; refers to the seven neighboring municipalities that surround the central parts of Belgrade: Barajevo, Grocka, Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Sopot and Surčin.</p><p>The promotion in conditions of strong competition in the tourism market, is an indispensable instrument in the positioning of tourist destinations in the minds of tourists. This statement especially applies to the new and insufficiently known geographical units which are yet to valorize their contents, as is the case with the Belgrade suburban municipalities (BSM).</p><p>Recognizing the importance of tourism promotion forthe entry of new destinations on the tourist market, it should be clear, that&nbsp; promotion must be seen only as part of broader activities or as an essential element of destination management, mainlythrough the activities of destination management organizations (DMO).</p><p>By applying appropriate research methods and techniques for the purpose of a doctoral dissertation (observation methods, test methods, statistical methods, survey techniques, field work), it has been found out, that BSM have numerous and varied potentials for tourism development, that they have formed a tourism product, but generally tourists do not see this area as possible places for rest, leisure, recreation, andstill do not see it as an attractive tourist destination.</p><p>The further researches indicate that in recent years there has been some progress, in &nbsp;terms of tourist offer and the implementation of promotional activities, but at the same&nbsp;time there is considerable scope for improving theexisting organization &quot;tourist&nbsp;administration&quot;, and therefore tourism promotion atthe level of BSM.</p><p>Having in mind the results of research, in this doctoral thesis it is proposed a&nbsp;concrete new management model Belgrade as a touristdestination (including the BSM as&nbsp;part of the City of Belgrade). The proposed model takes into account the examples of&nbsp;good &nbsp;practice from abroad, and all the peculiarities of the existing ways of organizing&nbsp;tourism, the implementation of tourism promotion aswell as the current volume and&nbsp;quality of tourist offer of the observed area. The&nbsp; importance and necessity of&nbsp;professionalisation and depolitisation of the body&nbsp; responsible for the promotion and&nbsp;destination management (local TO and urban DMO), and the involvement of the private&nbsp;sector through public-private partnerships, as wellas the basic principles on which it is&nbsp;premised future activities.</p>

Teatern blir till ens verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om orsaker till varför individer hamnar i kriminalitet, utifrån före detta kriminellas perspektiv

Yarar, Paulina, Aygün, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how five individuals ended up in a criminal lifestyle and what other factors may have had an impact on the path to a criminal lifestyle. The study is based on qualitative interviews in combination with a thematic analysis method, to find patterns around the respondents statements. As men are generally overrepresented in terms of criminal groups in crime statistics, we have chosen to limit the study to only examining men who have had a previous criminal lifestyle. The study’s theoretical framework and earlier research show that the environment and social interactions have an effect on however a person develops a criminal lifestyle. Earlier research opined that social ties to society, family, friends and school have a major impact on whether a human becomes a criminal or not. The study’s results show four prominent themes that the respondents have described in their life stories; identity, relationships, sense of community and living environment and financial vulnerability. The study concludes that all themes affect and interact with each other, which affects whether an individual develops a criminal lifestyle. The study shows that an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle due to external factors and thus does not make an active choice to become a criminal. As this study is based on a very small sample group, further research with a larger sample group is relevant in order to better understand the reasons why an individual ends up in a criminal lifestyle.


Babka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis brings a possible way of transformation of an old decaying garden centre into new residential and commercial quarter, connected with the surroundings fluently. Proposal interprets former industrial environment of the garden company and complete the nearest parts of the town by the well-structured and graded public space. Project restores the type of suburban market hall.

Best Practices for Parental Involvement in Suburban Schools

Trame, Kearsten Lorren 20 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Urban Suburb: How The Built Environment Influences Class Identity

Braden, April 18 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Retention and recruitment of research -based highly qualified teachers in suburban, urban, and rural secondary mathematics departments across northern California

Woodbeck, Raymond A. 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Title II of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is intended to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher quality and increasing the number of "highly qualified teachers" (HQTs) in the classroom. This Federal policy relies on educational research that demonstrates a connection between student achievement and teacher quality. Although NCLB considers each route that teachers may take to meet HQT requirements as equivalent, research demonstrates that some routes may foster higher student achievement than others; those teachers, who met HQT requirements through these routes, are referred to in this study as "research-based HQTs" (RB-HQTs). The quantitative phase of this mixed methodology explores how northern California secondary mathematics teachers in suburban, urban, and rural schools meet "highly qualified teacher" requirements. The subsequent qualitative phase explores the challenges and promising practices in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs used by those mathematics departments identified as having a "common" or "distinguished" profile of each respective suburban, urban, or rural sub-sample. This study identifies and reports eight strategies used by mathematics departments that have demonstrated success in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs. The eight identified strategies, when implemented individually or collectively, may increase the proportion of RB-HQTs and improve student academic achievement in each mathematics department across northern California secondary schools, be it suburban, urban, or rural.

A Phenomenological Study of the Student Achievement Gap in a Midwestern Suburb

Floyd, Robyn A. 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of the Factors that Influence Community College Instructors’ Adoption of Course Management Systems

Peters, Jeffrey D. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Marks-Richardson, Monica L. 04 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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