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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När språket inte räcker till : Framgångsmetoder i svenskämnet för andraspråkselever på lågstadiet / When the language is not enough : Success factors in the Swedish subject for second language students in the primary grades

Birgitta, Barck January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the survey was to identify which methods primary teachers are using and see as success factors in the language development. To study which factors came from a sociocultural approach to learning, in order to develop and create discussions and improvements so that second language learners reach their targets. The study is based on three teachers' teaching of second language students in the primary grades, using qualitative interviews and observations of their work. The results revealed that the organization and support resources are significant and can vary between schools in the same municipality. Furthermore it showed that two of the teachers interviewed, felt that it was difficult to teach second language students. They felt that they had insufficient knowledge, a heavy workload, a lack of time and they expressed both powerlessness and frustration. The conclusion of the study is that teachers, teaching second language students in the primary grades, did not believe in the use of just one method in their teaching, but used combined various methods. Several of these methods are based on a sociocultural approach, which reflected their vision and attitude to the learning process.


Scarano, Tiago Franquini 25 February 2013 (has links)
The socioeconomic, political and cultural changes faced in recent decades, as a result of accelerated dynamics that characterize the contemporary global scenario, come changing routines and living ways. Inserted in this scope, individuals and organizations require constant adaptation to new realities imposed by external situations. Until then, the business organizations had never the necessity to transpose this sizes. In this direction, the impression is that all corporate proposals and actions undertaken do not supply completely, or at least not for a long time, the stability of a particular organization in the current market. Thus, all methodologies, tools and systems to assist employees to organizational management are valid, however, as the study authors argue that follows, without performance measurement do not exist management. In instead, is possible affirm that the main focus of this research is the proposition of organizational performance evaluation model of the metal mechanic sector. In order to achieve the objective referred to above, as well as the specific objectives was necessary to perform a theoretical and conceptual survey, to better set the author about the analyzed sector, as well as related topics such as competitiveness, strategic management, competitive strategy, competitive advantage, organizational performance assessment and critical success factors. For test the model of organizational evaluation proposed, launched a multi study procedure where two companies, located in the Rio Grande do Sul state (Vale do Rio Pardo). In this way, the model aims to provide a tool to assist administrators of metal mechanic companies in their decision making, while academically emerges a new instrument for analysis and future studies. / As mudanças socioeconômicas, políticas e culturais enfrentadas nas últimas décadas, em decorrência das aceleradas dinâmicas que caracterizam o cenário global contemporâneo, vêm alterando rotinas e formas de viver. Inseridos neste escopo, indivíduos e organizações necessitam de constantes adaptações às novas realidades impostas pelas conjunturas externas. Até então, as organizações empresariais nunca haviam tido a necessidade de transpor por tamanhos desafios. Nesta direção, tem-se a impressão de que todas as ações coorporativas propostas e realizadas não suprem por completo, ou pelo menos não por longo prazo, a estabilidade de uma determinada organização no mercado atual. Assim, todas as metodologias, ferramentas e sistemas empregados no auxílio à gestão organizacional são válidas, porém, conforme defendem autores explorados no estudo que se segue, sem medição de desempenho não há gerenciamento. Circunscrevendo o foco de análise desta pesquisa, cabe citar o objetivo geral do estudo que se apresenta, sendo este, a proposição de uma modelagem de avaliação de desempenho organizacional do setor metal mecânico. No intuito de atingir o objetivo supracitado, bem como os objetivos específicos, mostrou-se necessário realizar um levantamento teórico e conceitual para melhor ambientar o autor acerca do setor analisado, assim como de temáticas afins, como a competitividade, a gestão estratégica, estratégia competitiva, vantagens competitivas, avaliação de desempenho organizacional e fatores críticos de sucesso. São delimitadas ainda as bases para o modelo proposto, bem como os seus instrumentos e aspectos metodológicos. A fim de testar a modelagem de avaliação de desempenho organizacional do setor metal mecânico proposto, lançou-se mão do procedimento do estudo de multi casos em duas empresas do referido setor, localizadas na região Sul do Brasil Vale do Rio Pardo-RS. Tornou-se possível assim, avaliar o desempenho organizacional das empresas partícipes a partir de seus fatores críticos de sucesso. Desta forma, a modelagem visa disponibilizar uma ferramenta para auxiliar os gestores de empresas do setor metal mecânico em suas tomadas de decisões, enquanto que academicamente emerge um novo instrumento para análise e lapidações futuras.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer i anläggningsprojekt : vad är ett lyckat anläggningsprojekt och hur utvärderas anläggningsprojekt?

Puskar Imsirovic, Aldijana January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att undersöka vad som menas med ett lyckat projekt, vilka är de kritiska framgångsfaktorer för anläggningsprojekt och hur utvärderas anläggningsprojekt i praktiken.     Detta syfte prövades genom kvalitativa intervjuundersökningar i form av inledande studie som utgörs av personliga strukturerade intervjuer med öppna/ fria svarsalternativ baserat på mina kollegor ifrån Fastighet- och serviceförvaltningen, med fokus på anläggningsprojekt där beställaren är Gislaveds kommun och dels genom telefonintervjuer med projektledare och chefer ifrån PEAB, NCC, Accent Arkitekter, Weedo Tech med mera. Empiriskt erhållna data analyseras utifrån tre analysmodeller; vad är ett lyckat projekt (fråga 1,2), kritiska framgångsfaktorer (fråga 3,4,5,6 och 9) och analysmodell för hur utvärderas projekt (7,8).   Det framkom att hälften av respondenterna definierade ett lyckat anläggningsprojekt enligt projekttriangeln. Medan hälften av svarande definierade ett lyckat anläggningsprojekt enligt en vidareutveckling av projekttriangeln med kundnöjdhet. Det framhålls att kompetens, engagemang, tydligt uppdrag, god planering, tillräcklig budget, bra förstudie och projektering, organisation och ledning är de faktorer som främjar ett lyckat projekt. Härvidlag framhålls det att det unika för denna studie, dvs det som avviker ifrån vetenskapliga teorier och analysmodellen är det har tillkommit nya faktorer såsom samsyn, partnering, bra förstudie och projektering. Gällande dem kritiska framgångsfaktorer så är det enligt respondenter förstudie, kompetens, engagemang, ekonomi, tidsplaner, tydligt uppdrag, kommunikation och ledarskap. Det framkom i denna studie att det som avviker ifrån vetenskapliga teorier och analysmodellen är utökning med andra kritiska framgångsfaktorer har såsom förstudie, tidsplaner och kommunikation. Min slutsats är att det stämmer så som flera studier tyder på att det inte går att identifiera några generella allmängiltiga framgångsfaktorer (L. Ljung 2011) utan det är fallspecifikt som i det här fallet där det fallspecifika för bygg- och anläggningsprojekt som utkristalliserats är partnering och projektering. Slutsatsen är också att framgångsfaktorer varierar beroende på projektets storlek, komplexitet och tekniska osäkerhet. Beträffande hur anläggningsprojekt utvärderas i praktiken så framhålls det att projekt utvärderas i stort sett utifrån projekttriangel men med en modifierad och utökad variant enligt analysmodellen ovan, där kundnöjdhetsindex har lagts till. Gällande den kontinuerliga utvärderingen under projektets gång så framkom det i denna studie att även funktionskrav, ÄTA (ändrings och tilläggsarbeten) och arbetsmiljöplan följs upp och utvärderas. Min slutsats är att projekttriangeln har lämnat starka avtryck även i utvärderingen av projekt med viss modifiering där det tagits hänsyn till kvalitetsarbetet. / The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate what is meant by a successful project, which are the critical success factors for construction projects and how evaluated construction projects are in practice. This purpose was tested through qualitative interview studies in the form of an initial study consisting of personal structured interviews with open / free answer options based on my colleagues from the Real Estate and Service Administration, focusing on construction projects where the client is Gislaved municipality and partly by telephone interviews with project managers and managers from PEAB, NCC, Accent Architects, Weedo Tech and more. Empirically obtained data is analyzed on the basis of three analysis models; What is a successful project (question 1.2), critical success factors (questions 3,4,5,6 and 9) and analysis model for evaluating projects (7.8). It was found that half of respondents defined a successful construction project according to the project triangle. While half of respondents defined a successful construction project according to a further development of the project triangle with customer satisfaction. It is emphasized that skills, dedication, clear assignments, good planning, adequate budget, good study and design, organization and management are the factors that promote a successful project. In this respect, it is emphasized that the unique nature of this study, ie, which differs from scientific theories and the analysis model, has brought about new factors such as consensus, partnering, good study and design. Concerning them, critical success factors, according to the respondents, are preliminary studies, skills, commitment, economics, schedules, clear assignments, communication and leadership. It was found in this study that what differs from scientific theories and the analysis model is expansion with other critical success factors such as preliminary studies, schedules and communication. My conclusion is that several studies suggest that it is not possible to identify any general all-important success factors (L. Ljung 2011), but case-specific as in this case where case-specific for construction projects that have been crystallized is partnering and design. The conclusion is also that success factors vary depending on the size, complexity and technical uncertainty of the project. In terms of how the projects are evaluated in practice, it is emphasized that projects are evaluated largely on the basis of a project triangle but with a modified and expanded variant according to the analysis model above, where customer satisfaction index has been added. Regarding the continuous evaluation during the course of the project, it was found in this study that functional requirements, ÄTA (Changes and additional work) and work environment plan are also monitored and evaluated. My conclusion is that the project triangle has given strong impression even in the evaluation of projects with some modification taking account of quality work.

Vývoj konceptu strategie "Modrých oceánů" / Development of concept Blue Ocean strategy

Chiziţcaia, Oxana January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are two terms, start-ups and strategies blue oceans. The aim is therefore to realize characteristic development of the strategy and the concept of start-up and subsequent analysis of the key success factors of start-ups, in correspondence to the strategy. Output objective is to formulate recommendations on the business segment, investors. The above primary terms are initially defined and subsequently integrated in terms of the practical analysis selected start-ups, which is also based design of this work. The work was divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part identifies and traces the development of the strategic concept at the time, according to the primary authors of publications strategy. Then I present the designation start-up and subsequent key factors. Subsequent practical part is converted, through analysis and comparison, theoretical background in practice. This section presents the start-ups Crowdholding and Emuj and subsequently evaluated their key success factors. In another part I implements assessment of the factors of their success in terms of key aspects of the Blue Ocean strategy. Outputs are recommendations for potential investors in terms of controversy over business plans. The conclusion summarizes the theoretical and practical part of the thesis.

The impact of large scale training programmes on Education Management Development in South Africa

More, David Daniel 08 September 2004 (has links)
South Africa has witnessed radical policy reforms since the advent of the new democratic dispensation in 1994. As provincial, district and local practitioners developed responses to those new national education policies, implementation issues were revealed in all their complexity. Policy implementation became one of the most difficult challenges South Africa had to contend with. It necessitated the development of the capacity of the state and its people to implement policy. The complexities of the people development environment in South Africa create a range of challenges for development. The lack of multi-level empirical data on training effects continues to exacerbate this state of affairs. This context requires that comprehensive assessment mechanisms be put in place for training programmes aimed at the realisation of policy goals. The broad purpose of this inquiry, therefore, is to determine the impact of an education management development training intervention as it passes through different levels of the education system in South Africa - national, provincial, district and local. The following key questions guided this investigation. Firstly, how do stakeholder understandings of “education management development” transfer from one level to another in a cascade model of training? And secondly, what is the operational impact of an education management development-training programme at the different levels (i.e., province, district and school) of the education system? Questionnaires, free attitude interviews and observations were used as key data collection instruments. Data was analysed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative strategies for making sense of the training information. Data was interpreted against the backdrop of the literature on the “transfer of training”, and these findings are represented in the last three chapters of this thesis. This research generated four major findings, with a variety of subsidiary findings, which deepen our insights into policy implementation as it relates to education management development in South Africa. Some of the major findings of this study are that: a) The organisers did not in the first place conduct the baseline study on training needs and secondly, they did not take into consideration the organisational requirements of the anticipated training. This anomaly could ultimately compromise the outcomes of this intervention. b) The policy deployment processes of the North West Department of Education (of ensuring that the governmental policies for quality, cost and service delivery are understood from the highest to the lowest level of the organisation) are fraught with problems that undermined basic understandings of the Education Management Development training programme which was conducted between 1998 – 2000. c) Successful policy implementation depends crucially on resource allocation and, in the case of the Education Management Development Training Programme, the nature and magnitude of allocated resources e.g., transport provision could not guarantee positive training results; and d) The overly rationalistic view adopted by the trainers of the Education Management development-training programme did not take into account the complex contexts within which change unfolds. Resultantly, the changing of the roles of facilitators could not be planned-for in advance. The significance of this study is that it identifies the barriers to learning in training events, and sheds new light on the transfer of training problem that continues to undermine organisational change and human resource development. Some of the unique findings of the study can be found in the fact that the Expert Trainers could only recall a few intentions of the EMD modular training. The District Facilitators displayed limited knowledge of the disciplinary procedures in their areas of operation and there was limited conceptualisation of the EMD by the principals of schools. / Thesis (PhD (Education Policy Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Critical Firm-based Enablers-Mediators-Outcomes (CFEMOs) : a new integrated model for product innovation performance drivers in the context of U.S. restaurants

Ali, Mohamed Farouk Shehata January 2016 (has links)
This study develops an original theoretical model of critical managerially controllable factors that have high potential for achieving significant improvements in the (intermediate and ultimate) outcome(s) of product innovation efforts. To this end, the author draws on the relevant empirical literature and integrates four complementary theoretical perspectives, namely; the critical success factors (CSFs) approach, the resource-based view (RBV), the input-process-output (IPO) model, and the system(s) approach. The model (hereafter CFEMOs) aims to explicate the simultaneous direct and indirect/mediated interrelationships among the product innovation’s critical firm-based enablers (new-product fit-to-firm’s skills and resources, internal cross-functional integration, and top-management support), process execution proficiency, and performance outcomes (operation-level performance, product-level performance, and firm-level performance). Additionally, it aims to predict the variations of the process execution proficiency and the performance outcomes. The CFEMOs model was empirically tested using an online survey that was completed by 386 U.S. restaurants owners/senior executives on their recently innovated new menu-items. By utilising a partial least squares structural equation modelling, the statistical analysis substantiated that, compared to the models of the extant relevant empirical studies, the CFEMOs model has a broader scope and a superior predictive power. It simultaneously explains 72% of the process execution proficiency, 67% of the new menu-item superiority (quality, speed-to-market, and cost-efficiency), 76% of new menu-item performance (customer satisfaction, sales, and profits), and 75% of the new menu-item contribution to the overall restaurant performance (sales, profits, and market share). Furthermore, this study established that those restaurateurs who concurrently succeed in enhancing their internal cross-functional integration, top-management support, and new-product fit-to-firm’s skills and resources, descendingly ranked, would achieve high process execution proficiency, which subsequently would grant them superior operation-level performance, product-level performance, and firm-level performance. This thesis concludes by providing several key original contributions and crucial implications to product innovation research and practice, as well as offering several promising avenues for future research.

Podnikové sociální sítě - kritické faktory úspěchu / Enterprise Social Networks - Critical Success Factors

Šlahař, Dominik January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis Enterprise Social Networks - Critical Success Factors is, as its name sug-gests, deals with the area of Enterprise Social Networks, especially implementing into the businesses informatics. Since this is a relatively new technology, terminology, nor the prin-ciples aren't stabilize. That's why I choose target of this thesis to determine what critical factors leading to the success of the implementation Enterprise Social networks into the businesses informatics. These factors I gathered from available literature and published articles by foreign authors, and therefore it was necessary to verify the validity of these factors in the Czech market. The second target of this thesis was the categorization of Crit-ical Success Factors of implementing an Enterprise Social Networks by the Methodology for Adoption and Adaptation of Social Networks. To meet the first target I have to search available works on this topic. Gained Critical Suc-cess Factors I have, by using fusion through cluster analysis, merged into a unique clusters of Critical Success Factors. For them I have found out their relevance in Czech market us-ing questionnaire or interview. To meet the second target, I used the categorization of Enterprise Social Networks, which is described in the Methodology for Adoption and Adaptation of Social Networks. Indi-vidual clusters of Critical Success Factors I have assigned into specific categories using the paired comparisons. The result of this thesis is a collection of 20 unique Critical Success Factors that are accord-ing to the survey identified as relevant in terms of their impact on the success of implemen-tation Enterprise Social Networks into the business informatics. At the same time has been extended Methodology for Adoption and Adaptation of Social Networks by the point of Critical Success Factors view. Chapters 2, 3 and Chapter 4 have interpretative character. Their goals are to identify all the important concepts that appear in this thesis and classify them into context. The second part of Chapter 4 is devoted to research of Critical Success Factors of implementing Enter-prise Social Networks into the business informatics and merging them into unique clusters. Chapter 5 is devoted to verify the relevance of these clusters in the Czech market, and Chapter 6 provides categorization of verified clusters based on Methodology for Adoption and Adaptation of Social Networks.

Implementace ERP systému MS Dynamics NAV 2013 ve funkčně řízené společnosti / Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 ERP system implementation in functionally driven organization

Rutzenstorfer, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 ERP system implementation in functionally driven organization. The goal is to identify eventual problems, which can occur during the implementation of this system, and based on the findings deliver recommendations for the future projects to eliminate or minimize these problems. The scope of the theoretical section is the analysis of ERP market, specifications of ERP implementation projects, available methodologies, ERP system implementation strategies and finally the analysis of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 implementation in specific company. During the research I managed to identify the most critical problems across the stages of ERP system Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 implementation. The results provide advice on how to choose suitable tools and procedures to minimize these problems.

Hodnocení faktorů udržitelnosti a úspěšnosti vybraných nestátních neziskových organizací / Assessment of Success and Sustainability Factors of Selected Non-Governmental Organizations

Pecháčková, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis identifies basic success factors of non-governmental organizations. Measurable indexes from individual areas of NGO management are evaluated within the selected sample of public benefit organizations. The main attention is dedicated to the areas of strategic and financial management. The thesis uses data from research project - Best practice in non-governmental organizations, in a form of survey by questionnaire together with information from annual reports of individual organizations. The thesis offers an idea on how to obtain the data from NGOs, how to work with them, analyse and evaluate them.

Strategická analýza s důrazem na klíčové faktory úspěchu pro založení nové společnosti / Strategic analysis focusing on key success factors for business start-up

Vostarková, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with strategic management. The aim of this work is to implement a strategic situational analysis of a particular company, using the methods described in the theoretical part. The thesis mainly focuses on the company's key successful factors which will be extrapolated from the strategic situational analysis. It is divided into two parts. The theoretical part presents basic concepts of strategic management, further methods used for strategic situational analysis and technique for evaluation and selection of the strategy. In practical part, described methods are applied to the selected company, in this case to the elementary school.

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